Automation of 11KV Substation Using Raspberry Pi
Automation of 11KV Substation Using Raspberry Pi
Automation of 11KV Substation Using Raspberry Pi
(Recognized by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
An ISO 9001:2015 & 14001:2015 certified institution
14/5, Chikkasandra, Hesaraghatta Main Road, Bengaluru – 560 057.
Certified that the Technical seminar entitled “Automation of 11KV substation using
Raspberry Pi ” is presented by Ms. Kavya B P (1SG16EE042),a bonafide student of 8th
semester in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering ofVisvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the
academic year 2019-20.It is certified that the seminar report satisfies the academic requirements
of seminar work prescribed for the bachelor of engineering degree.
I consider myself privileged to express my gratitude and respect towards all those who have
helped me throughout the course of my Technical seminar. I am thankful to them for their
aspiring guidance, friendly advice and for sharing with me their illuminating views.
Firstly, I would like to be grateful towards Mr.G.Dayanada, Chairman, Mr. Manoj, Executive
director,Sapthagiri College of engineering, Bangalore for providing all the necessary facilities
and for grooming me to become a good engineer.
I extend my warm thanks to Dr.K N Ravi, Professor and HOD, Dept of EEE, Sapthagiri
College of engineering, Bangalore, for his constant encouragement, motivation and guidance.
I would also like to thank the Seminar Guide Dr. G Raghavendra, Associate Professor,Dept.
of EEE, SCE, Bangalore,for his timely advice, constructive suggestions and regular assistance in
the seminar work.
Whole heartedly, I would like to thank the entire staff of the Department of EEE, SCE, for their
valuable time and exposure.
Last, but not the least, I would hereby acknowledge and thank my parents who have been a
source of inspiration and also instrumental in the successful completion of the seminar work.
Kavya B P
Electricity plays an inevitable role in the development of the nation. In the conventional
methodology, substation automation is done by using PLCs and SCADA systems, but for a small
substation automation, this system is considerably expensive. This project adopts low cost
automation solutions based on recent IOT technology using embedded processors like raspberry
pi for automation of a small 11 kV substation. This gives the advantage of cost reduction plus a
plethora of connectivity options. In this paper, Codesys IEC 61131-3 software is used to convert
a Raspberry pi as a soft PLC. Analog and digital parameters from field are monitored and
controlled using GPIOs pins, interfacing relays and communication ports available in raspberry
pi. The automation sequences for control monitoring and protection of the system is defined
using ladder diagram programming in IEC 61131-3 Codesys development platform. User
interface and HMI screens are developed using Codesys web visualization segment which can be
accessed both locally as well as over a wired or wireless network. Electricity plays an inevitable
role in the development of the nation. In the conventional methodology, substation automation is
done by using PLCs and SCADA systems, but for a small substation automation, this system is
considerably expensive. This project adopts low cost automation solutions based on recent IOT
technology using embedded processors like raspberry pi for automation of a small 11 kV
substation. This gives the advantage of cost reduction plus a plethora of connectivity options. In
this paper, Codesys IEC 61131-3 software is used to convert a Raspberry pi as a soft PLC.
Analog and digital parameters from field are monitored and controlled using GPIOs pins,
interfacing relays and communication ports available in raspberry pi. The automation sequences
for control monitoring and protection of the system is defined using ladder diagram
programming in IEC 61131-3 Codesys development platform. User interface and HMI screens
are developed using Codesys web visualization segment which can be accessed both locally as
well as over a wired or wireless network.
Substations plays a very important role in the transmission and the distribution of electrical
power system. The main function of substation is to receive energy transmitted at high voltage
from the generating station to a value appropriate for local distribution and provide facilities for
switching. (1)
Electricity is an extremely handy and useful form of energy. A power system consists of
components such as generators, lines, transformers, loads, switches and compensators. The main
process of a transmission system is to transfer electric power from electric generators to
customer area, whereas a distribution system provides an ultimate link between high voltage
transmission systems and consumer services. In other words, the power is distributed to different
customers from the distribution system through feeders, distributors and service mains.
Supplying electricity to consumers necessitates power generation, transmission, and distribution.
Power departs from the generator and enters into a transmission substation, where huge
transformers convert the generator's voltage to extremely high voltages (155kV to 765 kV) for
long-distance (up to about 300 miles) transmission. Then, the voltage level is reduced using
transformers and power is transferred to customers through electric power distribution systems.
Power starts from the transmission grid at distribution substations where the voltage is stepped
down (typically to less than 10kV) and carried by smaller distribution lines to supply
commercial, residential, and industrial users. Electric utility substations are used in both the
transmission and distribution system and operate independently to generate the electricity. The
following discussion highlights on different capability limits of transformer 1.over load, 2. Over
Temperature, 3. Over Excitation, 4 Oil Level Fault, This System will help us to identify
problems before any fault occurs in transformer, resulting in a long life service for transformer.
This system is based on Raspberry pi.. (1)
The objective of the project is to develop low cost solution for monitoring health condition of
remotely located distribution transformers. The performance of prototype model developed is
tested at laboratory for monitoring various parameters like transformer over load, voltage
fluctuations, over temperature, oil quality and level etc. It continuously monitors the load
conditions of the substation. It is designed to protect the electrical circuitry by operating an
Electromagnetic Relay. This Relay gets activated whenever the electrical parameters exceed the
predefined values. The Relay can be used to operate a Circuit Breaker to switch off the main
electrical supply. The proposed project uses Raspberry pi as the heart of the project to control all
the work involved.
Automation is the process of automatically controlling the process parameters in the plant with
the help of automation devices. Automation of substation operation reduces human interventions,
reduces operation time, enables better protection and stability to the system and avoids chances
of any erroneous operations. Hence automation needs to be adopted for every substation. In the
beginning, The objective of the project is to develop low cost solution for monitoring health
condition of remotely located distribution transformers. The performance of prototype model
developed is tested at laboratory for monitoring various parameters like transformer over load,
voltage fluctuations, over temperature, oil quality and level etc. It continuously monitors the load
conditions of the substation. It is designed to protect the electrical circuitry by operating an
Electromagnetic Relay. This Relay gets activated whenever the electrical parameters exceed the
predefined values. The Relay can be used to operate a Circuit Breaker to switch off the main
electrical supply. The proposed project uses Raspberry pi as the heart of the project to control all
the work involved. process at the plants was supervised manually based on the instrument
installed in fields. So the plant supervisor to be placed in plant at all time. But the automation has
helped to overcome this problem. The process in the substation includes the data acquisition,
supervision of power system, and control of power system equipment’s. All these processes
work collectively in a coordinated automatic mode. The signals or the message is produced
automatically and then delivered in the same manner as the field supervisor provided commands.
Conventionally, automation at the substation is done by the use of programmable logic controller
(PLC) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) instead of electromechanical
devices. With the advancement of technology, the human involvement become less with
corresponding increase in the degree of automation. With the implement of technologies like
IOT, the automation technologies have become cheaper and accessible even for applications like
home automation. If these technologies can be adopted for industrial level applications, the cost
of the present industrial automation systems can be considerably reduced. While considering the
case of small substations in remote areas, the cost incurred to setup the automation system using
PLC’s and SCADA is disproportionately larger compared to the throughput of the station. Hence
a novel approach was devised where the mini PLC was replaced by a low-cost single board
computer (Raspberry Pi) configured to function as a soft PLC, by using a Unified Modelling
Language CODESYS which provides a single tool for programming, configuration and
visualization. International Conference on circuits Power and Computing Technologies
[ICCPCT] This system was developed keeping in mind the primary objective of cost reduction.
Currently used substation automation systems employ Mini PLC’s incorporated with SCADA
software for high reliability control of substation activities. However, these systems lack
general connectivity options due to the absence of basic inbuilt communication ports hence
calling for additional setup of wireless modules. Hence the system as a whole incurs a large
setup as well as maintenance cost. Replacing it with Raspberry Pi not only reduces the cost of
setting up an automation system but also provides for a wide range of connectivity options due to
the built in USB, Ethernet, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi adapters.. (1)
The objective of the project is to develop low cost solution for monitoring health condition of
remotely located distribution transformers. The performance of prototype model developed is
tested at laboratory for monitoring various parameters like transformer over load, voltage
fluctuations, over temperature, oil quality and level etc. It continuously monitors the load
conditions of the substation. It is designed to protect the electrical circuitry by operating an
Electromagnetic Relay. This Relay gets activated whenever the electrical parameters exceed
the predefined values. The Relay can be used to operate a Circuit Breaker to switch off the
main electrical supply. The proposed project uses Raspberry pi as the heart of the project to
control all the work involved. (4)
Automation or automatic control, is the use of various control systems for operating
equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens, switching
on telephone networks, steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and other applications and
vehicles with minimal or reduced human involvement. Some processes have been completely
The biggest benefit of automation is that it saves labour. However, it is also used to save
energy and materials and to improve quality, accuracy and precision.
The term automation is referred to and, inspired by the earlier word automatic (coming
from automaton), was not widely used before 1947, when Ford established an automation
department. It was during this time that industry was rapidly adopting feedback controllers,
which were introduced in the 1930’s.
Automation has been achieved by various means including mechanical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, electrical, electronic devices and computers, usually in combination. Complicated
systems, such as modern factories, airplanes and ships typically use all these combined
techniques. (4)
3.2 Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom
by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote teaching of basic computer science in schools and in
developing countries. The original model became far more popular than anticipated, selling
outside its target market for uses such as robotics. It does not include peripherals (such as
keyboards and mice). (5)
Its offers privacy on both sides since its being viewed by only one person
It is a simple circuit.
It is simple to implement, small size portable standalone device with its own power
source energy capable with instantaneous alert, truly cheap for residential and personal
established itself firmly in industrial automation .Ladder diagram are used in CODESYS to
implement pi as PLC. CODESYS has webvisitation segment which enables the user to create
user friendly HMI display .Raspberry pi downloads the programs from CODESYS platform
.When pi is connected to a network its acts as a server, devices connected to the same network
can access the web visualization using the IP address of pi .these devices acts as remote terminal
unit (RTU) could monitor the substation activates from mobile devices connects to the network.
The raspberry pi board comprises a program memory (RAM), processor and graphics
chip, CPU, GPU, Ethernet port, GPIO pins, Xbee socket, UART, power source connector. And
various interfaces for other external devices. It also requires mass storage, for that we use an SD
flash memory card. So that raspberry pi board will boot from this SD card similarly as a PC
boots up into windows from its hard disk.
Raspberry Pi Technology
The raspberry pi comes in two models, they are model A and model B. The main
difference between model A and model B is USB port. Model A board will consume less power
and that does not include an Ethernet port. But, the model B board includes an Ethernet port and
designed in china. The raspberry pi comes with a set of open source technologies, i.e.
communication and multimedia web technologies. In the year 2014, the foundation of the
raspberry pi board launched the computer module that packages a model B raspberry pi board
into module for use as a part of embedded systems, to encourage their use.
The raspberry pi model aboard is designed with 256MB of SDRAM and model B is designed
with 51MB.Raspberry pi is a small size PC compare with other PCs. The normal PCs RAM
memory is available in gigabytes. But in raspberry pi board, the RAM memory is available more
than 256MB or 512MB
The Central processing unit is the brain of the raspberry pi board and that is responsible for
carrying out the instructions of the computer through logical and mathematical operations.
The raspberry pi uses ARM11 series processor, which has joined the ranks of the Samsung
galaxy phone.
The GPU is a specialized chip in the raspberry pi board and that is designed to speed up the
operation of image calculations. This board designed with a Broadcom video core IV and it
supports OpenGL
Ethernet Port
The Ethernet port of the raspberry pi is the main gateway for communicating with additional
devices. The raspberry pi Ethernet port is used to plug your home router to access the internet.
The general purpose input & output pins are used in the raspberry pi to associate with the other
electronic boards. These pins can accept input & output commands based on programming
raspberry pi. The raspberry pi affords digital GPIO pins. These pins are used to connect other
electronic components. For example, you can connect it to the temperature sensor to transmit
digital data.
XBee Socket
The XBee socket is used in raspberry pi board for the wireless communication purpose.
The power source cable is a small switch, which is placed on side of the shield. The main
purpose of the power source connector is to enable an external power source.
The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter is a serial input & output port. That can be
used to transfer the serial data in the form of text and it is useful for converting the debugging
The connection options of the raspberry pi board are two types such as HDMI and
Composite.Many LCD and HD TV monitors can be attached using an HDMI male cable and
with a low-cost adaptor. The versions of HDMI are 1.3 and 1.4 are supported and 1.4 version
cable is recommended. The O/Ps of the Raspberry Pi audio and video through HMDI, but does
not support HDMI I/p. Older TVs can be connected using composite video. When using a
composite video connection, audio is available from the 3.5mm jack socket and can be sent to
your TV. To send audio to your TV, you need a cable which adjusts from 3.5mm to double RCA
connectors. (5)
The Raspberry Pi board is a Broadcom (BCM2835) SOC (system on chip) board. It comes
equipped with an ARM1176JZF-S core CPU, 256 MB of SDRAM and 700 MHz,. The raspberry
pi USB 2.0 ports use only external data connectivity options. The board draws its power from a
micro USB adapter, with min range of 2. Watts (500 MA). The graphics, specialized chip is
designed to speed up the operation of image calculations. This is in built with Broadcom video
core IV cable that is useful if you want to run a game and video through your raspberry pi.
HDMI (rev 1.3 & 1.4) Composite RCA (PAL and NTSC) Video Out
3.5 MM Jack, HDMI, Audio Out
SD, MMC, SDIO Card slot on board storage
Linux Operating system
Broadcom BCM2835 Soc full HD multimedia processor
8.6cm*5.4cm*1.5cm dimensions
The Raspberry Pi is a Broadcom BCM2835 SOC (system on chip board). It comes equipped with
a 700 MHz, 512 MB of SDRAM and ARM1176JZF-S core CPU. The USB 2.0 port of the
raspberry pi boars uses only external data connectivity options. The Ethernet in the raspberry pi
is the main gateway to interconnect with other devices and the internet in model B. This draws
its power from a micro USB adapter, with a minimum range of 2.5 watts(500 MA). The
graphics, specialized chip is designed to speed up the manipulation of image calculations. This is
in built with Broadcom video core IV cable, that is useful if you want to run a game and video
through your raspberry pi.
Applications of Raspberry Pi
The raspberry pi boards are used in many applications like Media streamer, Arcade machine,
Tablet computer, Home automation, Carputer, Internet radio, Controlling robots, Cosmic
Computer, Hunting for meteorites, Coffee and also in raspberry pi based projects.. (1)
Two 5V pins and two 3V3 pins are present on the board, as well as a number of ground pins
(0V), which are unconfigurable. The remaining pins are all general purpose 3V3 pins, meaning
outputs are set to 3V3 and inputs are 3V3-tolerant.
A GPIO pin designated as an output pin can be set to high (3V3) or low (0V).
A GPIO pin designated as an input pin can be read as high (3V3) or low (0V). This is made
easier with the use of internal pull-up or pull-down resistors. Pins GPIO2 and GPIO3 have fixed
pull-up resistors, but for other pins this can be configured in software.
As well as simple input and output devices, the GPIO pins can be used with a variety of
alternative functions, some are available on all pins, others on specific pins.
In recent times the automation at the substation is done by the use of programmable logic
controller and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitioninstead of electromechanical devices
.But these are quite expensive. The Prime aim of this project is cost reduction, this can be
achieved by replacing PLC with Raspberry Pi.
The Raspberry Pi can be a good substitute for PLC which is cheap and is more user
friendly. This Methodology mainly focus on automation of 11kV substation operations, metering
and data management thus to create a user friendly environment between user and machines. For
this Raspberry pi is used as the main processing unit.Substation automation is done by using
Codey’s IEC 61131-3 software. CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL contains a CODESYS
Control application for Raspberry with all necessary drivers. Using this software Raspberry Pi
can be used as substitute for PLC in substation
The IEC 61131-3 automation software has established itself firmly in Industrial
Automation. The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single board computers. Ladder
diagram is used in Codey’s to implement Pi as PLC. Codey’s has WebVisuation segment which
enables the user to create User friendly HMI display. Raspberry pi downloads the program from
the CODESYS platform. When pi is connected to a network it acts as a server, devices connected
to the same network can access the web visualization using the IP address of pi. These devices
acts as Remote Terminal Unit, could monitor the substation activities from Mobile devices
connected to the network
From the block diagram, it can be seen that an embedded processor Raspberry Pi is used
to achieve industrial automation by converting it to a soft PLC by using a unifiedmodelling
language CODESYS IEC 61131-3. For the metering purpose the analogy data’s are received
from the meter. A connection between Raspberry Pi and the meter is established via RS 485 to
USB converter. Here Modbus protocol has been used for transmission. The meter readings are
observed by using a multipurpose serving local HMI unit. The current status of the circuit
breaker, protection relay and the condition of the associated springs (whether charged or
discharged) can be obtained as digital values from a contact multiplier relay unit to which the
values are fed via auxiliary connections. The output of the Raspberry Pi is used to control the
tripping as well as closing coil in the circuit breaker. A touch screen display module is used to
visualize the states(whether ON or OFF) of various parameters like Breaker closed, Spring
charged, protection relay active, Trip switch, Close switch and Incomer from the adjacent feeder
that have been considered as inputs. The states of Tripping coil and closing coil are the outputs.
Among the inputs the Trip switch and the Close switch can be controlled manually by the touch
screen display. The display module comprises of a local HMI unit as well as a remote HMI unit.
The local HMI unit is the one which is placed in the base substation and the remote HMI unit is
the one that can be realized on any devices providing connectivity options to the network which
connects the Raspberry Pi and the other modules of the automation system. Local HMI provides
for local operations i.e. workers in the base substation only can monitor and control the entire
operations whereas remote HMI provides options for remote control.
Principle of Differential Protection scheme is one simple conceptual technique. The differential
relay actually compares between primary current and secondary current of power transformer, if
any unbalance found in between primary and secondary currents the relay will actuate and inter
trip both the primary and secondary circuit breaker of the transformer. An automation system is
proposed for the operators to monitor and control substation equipment with high mobility and
security. A set of switches will be controlled by networking with the use of a Raspberry pi board.
A Raspberry pi board obtains operator input from an operator friendly window that is accessed
through a user name and password. The customized user friendly window has several buttons to
control the equipment. A Raspberry pi will be located near field instruments and will be
connected to all equipment in the substation with the help of electromagnetic relays. The
Raspberry pi can be controlled from any remote place with the help of weaved cloud service.
WebTop framework gives us a platform to interact with Raspberry pi's General Purpose Input
and Output pins. The Raspberry pi then either passes or stops current through an electromagnetic
relay connected to the intended switch and thisCloses/opens the circuit allowing the equipment
to run or get switched off. Thus globally accessible automation of substation equipment can be
made possible with the use of a Raspberry Pi board, an internet connection and relay switches in
a user friendly.
In this block diagram the transformer differential protection will be applied. This transformer
current will be sensed by the two ends of the transformer. The sensor output will be given to the
Raspberry Pi. The raspberry pi will be compile the current signal.
If it is any fault will be occurs the circuit breaker will be Trip. This system is capable of sensing
internal and external faults In this system the transformers internal and external current will be
sensed. The Raspberry Pi will be compile the current signal. If any fault occurs the Raspberry Pi
will be pass the signal to the Micro controller. If controller get's the signal it will be trip the
Ladder diagram
Ladder diagram is used to convert raspberry pi as soft PLC. Ladder logic was originally a
written method to document the design and construction of relay racks as used in manufacturing
and process control .Ladder diagrams are specialized schematics commonly used to document
industrial control logic systems. They are called “ladder” diagrams because they resemble a
ladder, with two vertical rails (supply power) and as many “rungs” (horizontal lines) as there are
control circuits to represent.
In an electric power system, switch gear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches,
fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is
used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream.
This type of equipment is directly linked to their liability of the electricity supply. A relay is a
low- are used to trigger circuit breakers and other switches in substations and transmission and
distribution systems.
Input from the field should be taken without disturbing the system. For this, Contact
multiplier are used. Contact multiplication relay are used for increasing contact. If there were so
many on off switch, alarm are to be activated but main relay contacts are very less so to increase
contact we use contact multiplication relay. Thus we can take input from the field and work
parallel without disturbing the system. These inputs are taken by the GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi.
In CODESYS inputs are processed with ladder diagram programming done in the software. The
processed output is given to the closing coil and Tripping coil.
It is primarily utilized for data acquisition, in which sensor signals must be normalized and
filtered to levels suitable for analogy-to-digital conversion so they can be read by computerized
devices. Other uses include pre-processing signals in order to reduce computing time, converting
ranged data to Boolean values, for example when knowing when a sensor has reached certain
values Types of devices that use signal conditioning include signal filters, instrument amplifiers,
sample-and hold amplifiers, isolation amplifiers, signal isolators, multiplexers, bridge
conditioners, analogy-to-digital converters, digital-to-analogy converters, frequency converters
or translators, voltage converters or inverters and charge converters.
Transformers being the essential part of power transmission system are expensive, as is the cost
of power interruptions. Because of the cost of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance,
especially at remote sites, the utility industry has begun investing in instrumentation and
monitoring of transformer. This project is developed low cost solution for monitoring health
condition of remotely located distribution transformers. The performance are monitored of
prototype model developed is tested at laboratory for monitoring various parameters like
transformer over load, voltage fluctuations, over temperature, oil quality and level etc. It
continuously monitors the load conditions of the substation. It is designed to protect the electrical
circuitry by operating an Electromagnetic Relay. This Relay gets activated whenever the
electrical parameters exceed the predefined values. We used Raspberry pi as the heart of the
project to control all the work involved.
The substation automation approach is very reliable, user friendly using Raspberry Pi.
The traditional approach towards this concept posed various problems and it requires the
substation supervisor to be placed in the closed vicinity of the substation and substation
automation using SCADA and PLC is very expensive. The automatic control overcomes these also provide connectivity options, Remote access of data, More user friendly HMI
and speed of the operation of the equipment are also increases.
5. Abdur rehman,Raspberry Pi