Proxidrive: IP66/Nema 4X Variable Speed Drive

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3739 en - 06.


ADI1 0-10V analog reference RL1C

Fault relay

e giv
4-20mA analog reference
b SDO1

s to
0V 0-10V motor speed image output Secure contact

a l i ADIO3

m a nu d us er DIO1 Zero speed output

This o the en
DI2 Run FWD/Stop DI4 Selection

t DI3
Run REV/Stop
0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
4-20mA analog reference (ADI2)

DI4 Selection of ADI1/ADI2

Nota : SDI2 input must be closed before giving
SDI1 Run command.
Secure input

IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
Installation and commissioning manual

IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive


LEROY-SOMER reserves the right to modify the characteristics of its products at any time in order to incorporate the latest
technological developments. The information contained in this document may therefore be changed without notice.


For the user's own safety, this variable speed drive must be connected to an approved earth ( terminal).

If accidentally starting the installation is likely to cause a risk to personnel or the machines being driven, it is essential to comply
with the power connection diagrams recommended in this manual.

The variable speed drive is fitted with safety devices which, in the event of a fault, control stopping and thus stop the motor.
The motor itself can become jammed for mechanical reasons. Voltage fluctuations, and in particular power cuts, may also cause
the motor to stop. The removal of the causes of the shutdown can lead to restarting, which may be dangerous for certain
machines or installations.
In such cases, it is essential that the user takes appropriate precautions against the motor restarting after an unscheduled stop.

The variable speed drive is designed to be able to supply a motor and the driven machine above its rated speed.
If the motor or the machine are not mechanically designed to withstand such speeds, the user may be exposed to serious danger
resulting from their mechanical deterioration.
Before programming a high speed, it is important that the user checks that the installation can withstand it.

The variable speed drive which is the subject of this manual is designed to be integrated in an installation or an electrical
machine, and can under no circumstances be considered to be a safety device. It is therefore the responsibility of the machine
manufacturer, the designer of the installation or the user to take all necessary precautions to ensure that the system complies
with current standards, and to provide any devices required to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel.

LEROY-SOMER declines all responsibility in the event of the above recommendations not being observed.


Manual corresponding to software versions higher than or equal to 3.10

This generation of drives requires the use of PROXISOFT parameter-setting software version higher than or equal to
V3.00, or the KEYPAD-LCD version higher than or equal to V3.10


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive


(In accordance with the low voltage directive 73/23/EEC modified by 93/68/EEC)
• Throughout the manual, this symbol warns of 4 - Installation
consequences which may arise from inappropriate The installation and cooling of equipment must comply with
use of the drive, since electrical risks may lead to the specifications in the manual supplied with the product.
material or physical damage as well as constituting a fire The variable speed drives must be protected against any
hazard. excessive stress. In particular, there must be no damage to
parts and/or modification of the clearance between
1 - General components during transportation and handling. Avoid
Depending on their degree of protection, the variable speed touching the electronic components and contact parts.
drives may contain unprotected live parts, which may be The variable speed drives contain parts which are sensitive
moving or rotating, as well as hot surfaces, during operation. to electrostatic stresses and may be easily damaged if
Unjustified removal of protection devices, incorrect use, faulty handled incorrectly. Electrical components must not be
installation or inappropriate operation could represent a exposed to mechanical damage or destruction (risks to
serious risk to personnel and equipment. health!).
For further information, consult the manual.
All work relating to transportation, installation, commissioning 5 - Electrical connection
and maintenance must be performed by experienced, When work is performed on variable speed drives which are
qualified personnel (see IEC 364 or CENELEC HD 384, or powered up, the national accident prevention regulations
DIN VDE 0100 and national specifications for installation and must be respected.
accident prevention). The electrical installation must comply with the relevant
In these basic safety instructions, qualified personnel means specifications (for example conductor cross-sections,
persons competent to install, mount, commission and operate protection via fused circuit-breaker, connection of protective
the product and possessing the relevant qualifications. conductor). More detailed information is given in the manual.
Instructions for an installation which meets the requirements
2 - Use for electromagnetic compatibility, such as screening,
Variable speed drives are components designed for earthing, presence of filters and correct insertion of cables
integration in installations or electrical machines. and conductors, are given in the documentation supplied with
When integrated in a machine, commissioning must not take the variable speed drives. These instructions must be
place until it has been verified that the machine conforms followed in all cases, even if the variable speed drive carries
with directive 89/392/EEC (Machinery Directive). It is also the CE mark. Adherence to the limits given in the EMC
necessary to comply with standard EN 60204, which legislation is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the
stipulates in particular that electrical actuators (which include installation or the machine.
variable speed drives) cannot be considered as circuit-
breaking devices and certainly not as isolating switches. 6 - Operation
Commissioning can take place only if the requirements of the Installations in which variable speed drives are to be
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC, integrated must be fitted with additional protection and
modified by 92/31/EEC) are met. monitoring devices as laid down in the current relevant safety
The variable speed drives meet the requirements of the Low regulations, such as the law on technical equipment, accident
Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, modified by 93/68/EEC. The prevention regulations, etc. Modifications to the variable
harmonised standards of the DIN VDE 0160 series in speed drives using control software are permitted.
connection with standard VDE 0660, part 500 and EN 60146/ Active parts of the device and the live power connections
VDE 0558 are also applicable. must not be touched immediately after the variable speed
The technical characteristics and instructions concerning the drive is powered down, as the capacitors may still be
connection conditions specified on the nameplate and in the charged. In view of this, the warnings fixed to the variable
documentation provided must be observed without fail. speed drives must be observed.
During operation, all doors and protective covers must be
3 - Transportation, storage kept closed.
All instructions concerning transportation, storage and correct
handling must be observed. 7 - Servicing and maintenance
The climatic conditions specified in the technical manual must Refer to the manufacturer's documentation.
be observed.

This manual is to be given to the end user.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive


This manual describes the installation and commissioning of IP66/Nema 4X PROXIDRIVE variable speed drives. It also gives
details of all its options and extensions which the user may choose to suit his requirements.


Display only Local controls Braking resistors RFI FS filter
via potentiometer PX-Brake resistor
with these two variants, parameter setting
is only possible using the KEYPAD-LCD Communication
or a PC
Parameter setting SM-DeviceNet
I/O extension Speed feedback
12 additional I/O

Parameter-setting software Brake contactor Secure input

Copy parameters • PX-Brake contactor PX-Secure

(Brake contactor)
• PX-Brake contactor secure
XPressKey (Brake contactor and
safety input remote
Gearboxes Induction motors Motor options


• Axial output
- Helical gears
LS motors Encoder

• Right-angle output Brake

- Helical bevel gears

LS-MV motors
• Right-angle output
- Worm gearbox


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

1 - GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 - General information ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 - Product designation ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 - Environmental characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.4 - Electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.1 - General characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 - Electrical characteristics at 40°C ........................................................................................................ 8
1.4.3 - Derating according to the temperature and switching frequency........................................................ 8
1.5 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ............................................................................................................. 9
1.6 - UL conformity............................................................................................................................................... 10

2 - MECHANICAL INSTALLATION......................................................................................................... 11
2.1 - Checks on receipt ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 - Installation recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 - Dimensions and weight................................................................................................................................ 11

3 - CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 - Access to the terminal blocks ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 - Wiring........................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 - Location of terminal blocks .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 - Connection of the power .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.4.1 - Secure disable input ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 - AC 3-phase power supply, in accordance with safety standard EN954-1 - category 1 .................... 14
3.4.3 - AC 3-phase power supply, in accordance with safety standard EN954-1 - category 2 or 3............. 15
3.4.4 - Cables and fuses .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.5 - UL conformity.................................................................................................................................... 16
3.5 - Connection of the control ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 - Terminal characteristics.................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.2 - Connection of a PROXIDRIVE CP control terminal block ................................................................ 19
3.5.3 - Preset configurations for the control terminal block.......................................................................... 20
3.6 - EMC recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.6.1 - Using EMC cable glands .................................................................................................................. 27
3.6.2 - Immunity to overvoltages.................................................................................................................. 27

4 - COMMISSIONING .............................................................................................................................. 28
4.1 - Presentation of the Operator display ........................................................................................................... 28
4.2 - Commissioning the PROXIDRIVE CP ......................................................................................................... 29
4.3 - Commissioning the PROXIDRIVE SET ....................................................................................................... 30
4.3.1 - Parameter setting ............................................................................................................................. 30
4.3.2 - Selection and modification of a parameter ....................................................................................... 30
4.3.3 - Selection of the parameter access level ........................................................................................... 31
4.3.4 - Storing .............................................................................................................................................. 31
4.3.5 - Return to factory settings.................................................................................................................. 31
4.3.6 - Security code .................................................................................................................................... 31
4.3.7 - Commissioning using a preset configuration .................................................................................... 32
4.3.8 - Commissioning (continued) .............................................................................................................. 46
4.4 - Detailed explanation of parameters ............................................................................................................. 49
4.5 - Commissioning for brake control ................................................................................................................. 61
4.5.1 - Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 61
4.5.2 - Parameter settings to be made......................................................................................................... 61

5 - TRIPS - DIAGNOSTICS...................................................................................................................... 62
5.1 - Information relating to operation .................................................................................................................. 62
5.2 - Trip............................................................................................................................................................... 62


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6 - OPERATING EXTENSIONS............................................................................................................... 65
6.1 - Add-on options............................................................................................................................................. 65
6.1.1 - Access to slots.................................................................................................................................. 65
6.1.2 - XPressKey ........................................................................................................................................ 65
6.1.3 - PX-Encoder ...................................................................................................................................... 66
6.1.4 - PX-Brake Contactor.......................................................................................................................... 67
6.1.5 - PX-Secure ........................................................................................................................................ 67
6.1.6 - PX-Brake Contactor Secure ............................................................................................................. 67
6.1.7 - SM-PROFIBUS DP module .............................................................................................................. 68
6.1.8 - SM-DeviceNet module...................................................................................................................... 68
6.1.9 - SM-CANopen module....................................................................................................................... 69
6.1.10 - SM-INTERBUS module .................................................................................................................. 69
6.1.11 - SM-Ethernet module....................................................................................................................... 69
6.1.12 - Modbus RTU module...................................................................................................................... 69
6.2 - Parameter-setting options........................................................................................................................... 70
6.2.1 - KEYPAD-LCD keypad ...................................................................................................................... 70
6.2.2 - PROXISOFT ..................................................................................................................................... 70
6.3 - Braking resistors .......................................................................................................................................... 70
6.3.1 - General information .......................................................................................................................... 70
6.3.2 - Connection........................................................................................................................................ 70
6.3.3 - Electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................... 71
6.3.4 - Mechanical characteristics................................................................................................................ 72
6.4 - RFI filter ....................................................................................................................................................... 73
6.4.1 - Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................... 73
6.4.2 - Installation......................................................................................................................................... 73
6.4.3 - Connection........................................................................................................................................ 73
6.5 - PX-Cabling kit .............................................................................................................................................. 74
6.6 - PX-Disconnect ............................................................................................................................................. 74

7 - MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................. 75
7.1 - Care ............................................................................................................................................................. 75
7.2 - Voltage, current and power measurements ................................................................................................. 75
7.2.1 - Measuring the voltage at the drive output......................................................................................... 75
7.2.2 - Measuring the motor current............................................................................................................. 75
7.2.3 - Measuring the drive input and output power..................................................................................... 75
7.3 - List of spare parts ........................................................................................................................................ 75
7.4 - Exchanging products ................................................................................................................................... 75


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

1 - GENERAL INFORMATION 1.2 - Product designation

PX 2,5 T - SET
1.1 - General
The PROXIDRIVE is an IP66/Nema 4X electronic drive for Rating in kVA
supplying 3-phase induction motors.
230 V 3-phase power supply (TL)
In the standard version, the PROXIDRIVE is an open loop 400 V 3-phase power supply (T)
( ) flux vector drive with very high performance levels
(maintaining the rated torque over a speed range from N to N/ PROXIDRIVE : IP66 flux vector
variable speed drive for induction
10), and is therefore suitable for the majority of applications. motors
With the speed feedback option (closed loop flux
vector mode ), the PROXIDRIVE controls a motor fitted N : Display only. Access to parameters via LCD keypad
or PC
with an incremental encoder or a Hall effect sensor. This CP : Local controls via buttons and potentiometer.
makes it possible to control the torque and speed over a wider Access to parameters via LCD keypad or PC.
speed range (including zero speed), with increased dynamic SET : Local controls and access to the basic parameters via
the operator display.
The performance of the PROXIDRIVE is compatible with use
in all 4 quadrants of the torque/speed plane. Nameplate
Its IP66/Nema 4X protection means that the drive can be
installed close to the motor, without a cabinet. PX 1,5 T - SET
PX 1,5T - SET
Its flexibility enables the user to adapt the drive to his Made in EU SX13400075PBSTD
application in the majority of cases. US LISTED IP66/NEMA Type 4X
Ind. Cont. Eq. 540N S/N : 12345678978 SX13400075PBSTD
Diagram 158F Hot surface Ph V Hz I(A) V Hz I(A) Kw
Risk of burn
3 380 - 480 50 - 60 2,5 / 2 0 - 480 0 - 400 2,5 0,75
micro- 1.3 - Environmental characteristics
controller Inverter
display interface • Inexperienced personnel must not have access to
control Internal Internal the drive.
interface interface
Characteristics Level
Control board Protection IP66/Nema 4X.
Storage and -40°C to +60°C.
Power board transport Conforming to standard IEC 60068-2-1.
Switching mode temperature
power supply
Operating -10°C to 50°C.
temperature The drive characteristics are given for
Mains M +40°C. Above 40°C, see the derating
table in section 1.4.3.
Braking Relative humidity - Use of cable glands IP66/Nema 4X or
resistor higher, correctly installed (section 3.2):
- Use of cable bushes: < 95%
non condensing
Altitude < 1000 m without derating.
The maximum authorised altitude is
4000 m, but above 1000 m, the
continuous output current should be
derated by 1% per additional 100 m over
1000 m (e.g. for an altitude of 3000 m,
derate by 20%).
Vibrations • Non-packaged product: 0.01 g2/Hz 1
in accordance with standard IEC 68-2
hr 34.
• Sinusoidal vibration (packaged
2-9 Hz 3.5 ms-2
9-200 Hz 10 ms-2
200-500 Hz 15 ms-2
in accordance with IEC 68-2-6.
Shocks Packaged product: 15 g, 6 ms, 500
times/direction in all 6 directions in
accordance with standard
IEC 60068-2-29.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

1.4 - Electrical characteristics 3-phase mains, 208V -10% to 240V +10%

PROXIDRIVE Power Current
1.4.1 - General characteristics Pout Pout Ico
Characteristics Level Size Rating at 230V at 230V at 4.5 kHz
Phase voltage imbalance 3% (kW) (HP) (A)
Maximum number of 1TL 0.37 0.50 2.5
< 100 1 1.2TL 0.55 0.75 3.2
power-ups per hour
1.5TL 0.75 1 4.5
2% around the rated frequency
Input frequency 2TL 1.1 1.5 6
(50 or 60 Hz) 2 2.5TL 1.5 2 8
0 to 400 Hz (please consult us 3.5TL 2.2 3 10
Output frequency range for applications requiring an 4.5TL 3 4 13.5
output frequency > 150 Hz) 3
5.5TL 4 5 16.5
208V -10% to 240V +10% (TL)
Supply voltage
380V -10% to 480V +10% (T) 3-phase mains, 380V -10% to 480V +10%
Maximum overload for 60 PROXIDRIVE Power Current
150% Ico
seconds Pout Pout Ico
Size Rating at 400V at 460V at 4.5 kHz
1.4.2 - Electrical characteristics at 40°C (kW) (HP) (A)
WARNING: 1.5T 0.75 1 2.5
1 2T 1.1 1.5 3.2
In its factory setting, the drive operates with a switching
frequency of 4.5 kHz at an ambient temperature of 40°C. 2.5T 1.5 2 4.5
If a higher switching frequency has been selected, the 3.5T 2.2 3 6
continuous output current (Ico) may need to be derated. 2 4.5T 3 4 8
See table in section 1.4.3. 5.5T 4 5 10
8T 5.5 7.5 13.5
Ico: Continuous output current. 11T 7.5 10 16.5
Pout: Output power.

1.4.3 - Derating according to the temperature and switching frequency

PROXIDRIVE Continuous output current Ico
3-phase supply Temp. depending on the switching frequency
Size 208V - 10% to 380V - 10% to 3 kHz 4.5 kHz 5.5 kHz 6 kHz 9 kHz 11 kHz
240V +10% 480V +10%
40°C 2.5 2.5 2 1.9 1.7 1.3
1TL 1.5T
50°C 2.3 2.3 1.7 1.6 1.4 1
40°C 3.2 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.4 1.8
1 1.2TL 2T
50°C 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.3 2 1.5
40°C 4.5 4.5 4 3.8 3.4 2.5
1.5TL 2.5T
50°C 4 3.7 3.4 3.3 2.9 2.1
40°C 6 6 5.4 5.3 4.6 3.5
2TL 3.5T
50°C 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.5 4 3
40°C 8 8 7.2 6.8 6.1 4.6
2 2.5TL 4.5T
50°C 6.9 6.5 6.1 5.8 5.2 3.9
40°C 10 10 9 8.5 7.6 5.7
3.5TL 5.5T
50°C 8.4 8 7.3 7.2 6.5 4.8
40°C 13.5 13.5 12.4 11.6 10.3 7.7
4.5TL 8T
50°C 11.6 11 10.5 9.9 8.8 6.6
40°C 16.9 16.5 15.2 14.5 12.9 9.7
5.5TL 11T
50°C 14.4 13.7 12.8 12.3 11 8.2


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

1.5 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Conformity of the drive is only assured when the mechanical and electrical installation instructions described in this
manual are adhered to.
Standard Description Application Conformity
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharges Product casing Level 3 (industrial)
EN 61000-4-2
IEC 61000-4-3 Immunity standards for radiated Product casing Level 3 (industrial)
EN 61000-4-3 radio-frequency
IEC 61000-4-4 Control cable Level 4 (industrially hardened)
Bursts of fast transients
EN 61000-4-4 Power cable Level 3 (industrial)
IEC 61000-4-5 Power supply cables
Level 4
EN 61000-4-5 phase and earth
Shock waves Power supply cables Level 3
between phases
Earth signal circuits (refer to Level 2
section 3.6.2)
IEC 61000-4-6 Generic immunity standards for
Control and power cables Level 3 (industrial)
EN 61000-4-6 conducted radio-frequency
EN 50082-1 Generic immunity standards for
IEC 61000-6-1 residential, commercial and light - Up to the required standard
EN 61000-6-1 industrial environments
EN 50082-2
Generic immunity standards for
IEC 61000-6-2 the industrial environment - Up to the required standard
EN 61000-6-2
EN 61800-3
IEC 61800-3 Variable speed drive standards Conforms to the first and second environment
EN 61000-3
Conformity conditions according to the
switching frequency
With RFI filter
Standard Description Application Length of Internal
drive/ (standard)
External (optional)
cables Sizes 1 Sizes 1
Size 3
and 2 and 2
Second environment with ≤4m ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 11 kHz
unrestricted distribution
(DENR) ≤ 20 m ≤ 4.5 kHz ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 4.5 kHz
Second environment with ≤ 20 m ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 4.5 kHz
EN 61800-3 Variable speed drive standards restricted distribution (DER)
IEC 61800-3 First environment with ≤4m - ≤ 4.5 kHz -
unrestricted distribution (R)
First environment with ≤4m ≤ 4.5 kHz ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 4.5 kHz
restricted distribution (I) ≤ 20 m - ≤ 4.5 kHz ≤ 4.5 kHz
(EN 50081-1) Generic emission standards for
EN 61000-6-3 residential, commercial and light AC supply ≤4m - ≤ 4.5 kHz −
IEC 61000-6-3 industrial environments
(EN 50081-2) ≤4m ≤ 4.5 kHz ≤ 11 kHz ≤ 4.5 kHz
Generic emission standards for
EN 61000-6-4 the industrial environment AC supply
≤ 20 m - ≤ 4.5 kHz ≤ 4.5 kHz
IEC 61000-6-4

• The second environment includes industrial networks supplied with low voltage but which do not serve buildings
for domestic use. Operation of a drive without an RFI filter in this type of environment may result in interference on
certain electronic appliances located near the drive whose immunity level might not be compatible with industrial
conditions. If it proves impossible to filter the disturbed element, add an external RFI filter.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

1.6 - UL conformity
• For UL conformity, the operating temperature must not
exceed 40 °C.

• Motor overload protection

The drive has motor overload protection.
The overload level is 150% of the drive full-load current.
It is therefore necessary to set the current correctly in
parameter 06 to ensure that the protection is effective (the
protection level can be set below 150% if required).

• Motor thermal protection

The drive has built-in motor thermal protection.

• UL certification no. 211799


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

2 - MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 2.1 - Checks on receipt

• It is the responsibility of the owner or user to Before installing the PROXIDRIVE, check that:
ensure that the installation, operation and - The drive has not been damaged during transport.
maintenance of the drive and its options comply with - The information on the nameplate is compatible with the
legislation relating to the safety of equipment and power supply.
personnel and with current regulations in the country of
use. 2.2 - Installation recommendations
The drive must not be installed in hazardous areas
unless it is in an appropriate enclosure. In this case the - Mount the PROXIDRIVE vertically, allowing a space of
installation must be approved. 100 mm above and below to ensure that air can flow freely
around the heatsink.
- Do not place the PROXIDRIVE above a heat source.

2.3 - Dimensions and weight

Sizes 1 and 2 Size 3
L1 D1 (PX-CP) L1
= = = =
D (PX-N and PX-SET)

Ø 6.5 Ø 6.5
Ø 16 Ø 16


H1 H1
H2 H2

PROXIDRIVE Dimensions (mm) Weight

Size Rating L L1 H H1 H2 D D1 (kg)
1 1TL to 1.5TL 180 125 380 350 330 189 204 M6 4.7
1.5T to 2.5T
2TL to 3.5TL
2 180 125 380 350 330 223 238 M6 6.7
3.5T to 5.5T
4.5TL and 5.5TL
3 281 125 380 350 330 233 248 M6 8.8
8T and 11T


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3 - CONNECTIONS • The drive stop function does not protect against

high voltages on the terminal blocks.
• All connection work must be performed in • Check that the DC bus voltage is below 40V
accordance with the laws in force in the country before carrying out any work.
in which the drive is installed. This includes earthing to • Check that the voltage and current of the drive,
ensure that no directly accessible part of the drive can the motor and the mains supply are compatible.
be at the mains voltage or any other voltage which may • After the drive has been operating, the heatsink
be dangerous. may be very hot, therefore avoid touching it (70°C).
• The voltages on the cables or connections of the • Take special care with a drive installed in a device
mains supply, the motor, the braking resistor or the filter connected to the mains via fast-on connectors. The drive
may cause fatal electric shocks. Contact must be supply terminals are connected to internal capacitors via
avoided in all circumstances. a diode bridge, which does not provide adequate
• The drive must be supplied via a circuit-breaking insulation in this instance. It is therefore necessary to
device so that it can be powered down safely. add an automatic insulation system for the fast-on
• The drive power supply must be protected connectors when they are not connected together.
against overloads and short-circuits.

3.1 - Access to the terminal blocks

- Unscrew the 4 screws (1 to 4) on the cover using a flat or
torx 25 screwdriver.
- Lift the cover.
To maintain the PROXIDRIVE IP66/Nema 4X protection
2 3 index, it is essential to:
- Avoid damaging the seal while removing the cover.
- Reposition the cover correctly when reassembling and
tighten each of the 4 screws to a tightening torque of
2 Nm.


3.2 - Cable runs - Unscrew the 5 screws (5 to 9) on the cable gland plate
using a flat or torx 25 screwdriver.
- Unscrew the grounding strip.
- Remove the cable gland plate.
- Replace the plugs fitted on the holes which should be used,
5 with IP66/Nema 4X cable glands (or higher), as specified in
6 the table below.
7 Cable glands
Connection with nut
Type Dimensions
Mains supply input Standard M 20
Motor output EMC M 20
Digital I/O Standard M 16 or M 20
Analog I/O EMC M 16 or M 20
• The PROXIDRIVE is supplied with IP66/Nema 4X
protection. Only the use of IP66/Nema 4X or higher cable
glands, correctly installed, ensures that this protection
index is maintained. The optional PX-Cabling kit includes
all the cable glands needed for connection of the
standard product. See section 6.5
• The plugs fitted as standard on the plate can be used as
cable bushes if the PROXIDRIVE is installed in an
enclosure which is not subject to condensation (damp
enclosure and/or enclosure subject to significant
temperature variations) or if the environment permits a
protection index limited to IP 54/Nema 12.
UL conformity: The cable bushes are deemed to be
transportation plugs and must be replaced by cable glands or
UL approved cable bushes.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.3 - Terminal block locations

Control terminal blocks

SDI1 (+24V)








Analog I/O Digital I/O
Secure disable Relay outputs
Removable screw terminal block: tightening torque = 0.3 N.m/0.22 Ib ft
cross-section = 1.5 mm2
screwdriver = flat 2 mm
Power terminal block

L1 L2 L3 BR1 BR2 U V W
Fixed screw terminal block: tightening torque = 1.5 N.m/1,1 Ib ft
cross-section = 2.5 mm2 (12 AWG)
Earth terminals
P3 P4 P5

Fixed screw terminal block : tightening torque = 0.8 N.m/0.59 Ib ft

M4 screw
Leakage current : Size 1 : 2 mA
Size 2 : 3,8 mA
Size 3 : 5 mA
(8.2 mA max)
• The earth connection must be permanently installed.

3.4 - Connection of the power • The secure disable input is a safety component
which must be incorporated into the complete
3.4.1 - Secure disable input system dedicated to machine safety. As for any
This input, when opened, causes the drive to lock. installation, the complete machine must be the subject of
Independent of the microprocessor, it acts on several levels a risk analysis by the integrator which will determine the
of control from the output bridge. It is designed in such a way safety category with which the installation must comply.
that even if one or more circuit components were to fail, the • The secure disable input, when open, locks the drive,
absence of torque on the motor shaft is guaranteed with a meaning the dynamic braking function is no longer
very high level of integrity. available. If a braking function is required before the
This input is used to create a safety function using the drive secure disable lock is applied, a time-delayed
principles of category 1 or 3 of standard EN954-1, depending safety relay should be installed to activate locking
on the application diagram. automatically after the end of braking.
The design of the "freewheel stop" function using input SDI2
If braking needs to be a machine safety function, it
has been evaluated by CETIM.
The results of this examination are recorded in report no. should be provided by an electromechanical solution
732773/502/47A (declaration of conformity since the dynamic braking by the drive function is not
no. D526 0104 1602). considered to be a safety function.
This built-in functionality enables the drive to act as substitute • The secure disable input does not provide the electrical
for a contactor in order to stop the motor in freewheel mode. isolation function. Before any work is carried out, the
By using this secure disable input redundantly with another power supply must be cut by an approved isolating
drive digital input, a diagram can be used which is capable of device (isolator, switch, etc).
resisting a single fault. The drive will stop the motor in • The secure disable function is not enabled when the
freewheel mode using two different control channels. drive is controlled via the keypad or via a fieldbus.
For correct use, the power connection diagrams described in
the following paragraphs must be adhered to.
To unlock the drive and provide the secure disable function,
secure disable input SDI2 must be connected to the +24V
source SDI1.
This +24V source should be reserved exclusively for the
secure disable input function.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.4.2 - 3-phase AC power supply, in accordance with safety standard EN 954-1 - category 1
Using secure disable input SDI2 to stop safely
Stop AU

Optional 24V DI2 SDI1 SDI2

L1 L2 L3 BR1 BR2 U V W

P3 P4 P5

braking U V W

QS : Fused isolator: QS must be opened before any intervention on the electrical parts of the drive or motor.
AU : Emergency stop button
(1) Optional RFI filter. For conformity with the generic standard EN 61000-6-4 (EN 50081-2) for size 3 drives and in certain
conditions for sizes 1 and 2, it is necessary to add an external RFI filter. See section 6.4
(2) Optional braking resistor. Used to dissipate the active power returned by the motor onto the drive DC bus in the case of a
driving machine. See section 6.3

Using the secure disable input means the motor can be stopped in freewheel mode without using a line contactor. The drive's
internal principles are sufficiently safe to perform a stop using the secure disable input directly (category 1 of EN 954-1).

The special way in which the secure disable input is managed is not compatible with the Run/Stop commands being
controlled by the PROXIDRIVE CP and SET keypads. When control via a keypad is required, input SDI2 should be viewed
as a simple unlocking input. In this case, the power diagram must comply with the usual safety regulations.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.4.3 - 3-phase AC power supply, in accordance with safety standard EN 954-1 - category 2 or 3
Using secure disable input SDI2 redundantly with digital input DI2

Optional PX-Secure (3)




Optional Fault Safety
RFI filter relay relay
L1 L2 L3 BR1 BR2 U V W

P3 P4 P5

braking U V W

QS : Fused isolator: QS must be opened before any intervention on the electrical parts of the drive or motor.
AU : Emergency stop button
KA : Remote control relay.
(1) Optional RFI filter. For conformity with the generic standard EN 61000-6-4 (EN 50081-2) for size 3 drives and in certain
conditions for sizes 1 and 2, it is necessary to add an external RFI filter. See section 6.4.
(2) Optional braking resistor. Used to dissipate the active power returned by the motor onto the drive DC bus in the case of a
driving machine. See section 6.3.
(3) Optional remote control, categories 2 or 3, with secure disable input. See section 6.1.5.

Using the secure disable input means the motor can be stopped in freewheel mode without using a line contactor. The drive's
internal principles are sufficiently safe to perform a stop using the secure disable input directly (category 1 of EN 954-1).
Duplication of the stop command on a digital input enables use of the internal drive redundancy to perform a freewheel stop
(application of category 3 principles in accordance with EN 954 for the part relating to the drive).

The special way in which the secure disable input is managed is not compatible with the Run/Stop commands being
controlled by the PROXIDRIVE CP and SET keypads. When control via a keypad is required, input SDI2 should be viewed
as a simple unlocking input. In this case, the power diagram must comply with the usual safety regulations.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.4.4 - Cables and fuses

• It is the responsibility of the user to connect and provide protection for the PROXIDRIVE in accordance with
current legislation and regulations in the country of use. This is particularly important as regards the size of the
cables, the type and rating of fuses, the earth or ground connection, powering down, acknowledging faults, insulation
and protection against overcurrents.
• These tables are given for information only, and must under no circumstances be used in place of the current
Mains supply Motor
Fuses Cable cross-section (2) Cable cross-section (1) (3)
PROXIDRIVE Input I at 380V I co (1)
IEC (gG) USA EN60204 UL508C EN60204 UL508C
(A) (A) (A) (mm2) (AWG) (A) (mm2) (AWG)
1TL 2.5 6 1 18 2.5 1 22
1.2TL 3.5 6 1 18 3.2 1 20
1.5TL 4.5 10 1.5 14 4.5 1 18
2TL 5.6 12 15 1.5 14 6 1 16
2.5TL 8 16 1.5 12 8 1.5 14
3.5TL 10.5 20 1.5 12 10 1.5 14
4.5TL 13.5 20 2.5 12 13.5 2.5 14
5.5TL 16.5 20 2.5 12 16.5 2.5 12
1.5T 2.5 6 1 18 2.5 1 22
2T 3.5 6 1 18 3.2 1 20
2.5T 4.5 10 1 14 4.5 1 18
3.5T 5.6 12 15 1.5 14 6 1.5 16
4.5T 8 12 15 1.5 12 8 1.5 14
5.5T 10.5 16 15 1.5 12 10 1.5 14
8T 13.5 16 2.5 12 13.5 2.5 14
11T 16.5 20 2.5 12 16.5 2.5 12

Maximum length of motor cables: 20 m.

(1) The value of the rated current and the motor cable cross-sections is given for information only. Since the motor rated current
permitted by the drive varies according to the switching frequency and the temperature, see paragraph 1.4.
(2) The recommended cross-sections are given for a single-wire cable with a maximum length of 30 m, beyond this, take the line
drops due to the length into account.
(3) The recommended cross-sections are given for a single-wire cable with a maximum length of 10 m, beyond this, take the line
drops due to the length into account.

• The mains current value is a typical value which depends on the source impedance. The higher the impedance, the lower the
• In factory-set configuration, the switching frequency is 4.5 kHz.
• To determine the cross-section of the earth cables (in accordance with standard EN 60204): if the phase cable cross-section is
≤ 16 mm2, use an earth cable with the same cross-section.

To reduce leakage currents, we recommend the use of cables with a capacity of 260 pF/m or less. If it is necessary to use
cables with a higher capacity, reduce by half the maximum motor cable length given in the above table.

3.4.5 - UL conformity - Fuses

UL conformity is adhered to if the fuses used are fast-blow - Specified mains supply
fuses (class CC up to 25 A) and the short-circuit symmetrical
The drive can be incorporated in an installation which can
current does not exceed 5 kA.
deliver 5000 rms symmetrical Amps maximum at a voltage of
Example of fast-blow fuses 5 (sized as indicated above) :
480 VAC maximum, protected by a UL approved R/C
- GBH from Bussman
- Amp - trap ATM from Gould - Cables
Only class 1 copper cables 60/75 °C (140/167 °F) should be


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.5 - Connection of the control 4 ADI2 Analog or digital input 2

Analog voltage (common
• The PROXIDRIVE has a positive logic Characteristics
mode) or unipolar current
configuration. Using a drive with a control system
Resolution 10 bits
which has a different control logic may cause unwanted
Sampling 6 ms
starting of the motor. Voltage input
• The control circuits in the drive are isolated from Full scale voltage range 10V ± 2%
the power circuits by single insulation
Maximum voltage 33V
(IEC 664-1). The installer must ensure that the external
Input impedance 95 kΩ
control circuits are isolated against any human contact.
Current input
• If the control circuits need to be connected to
Current range 0 to 20 mA ±5%
circuits conforming to SELV safety requirements,
Maximum voltage 33V/0V
additional insulation must be inserted to maintain the
Maximum current 33 mA
SELV classification.
Input impedance 500 Ω
Digital input (if connected to the +24V)
3.5.1 - Terminal characteristics 0: < 5V
1 10V +10V internal analog source 1: > 10V
Accuracy ± 2% Voltage range 0 to +24V
Maximum output current 20 mA Maximum voltage 33V/0V
Protection Threshold at 15V Load 95 kΩ
Input threshold 7.5V
2 ADI1 Analog or digital input 1 Motor sensor input
Analog voltage (common Internal voltage 5V
mode) or unipolar current Trip threshold ≥ 3.3 kΩ
Resolution 10 bits
Sampling 6 ms Reset threshold < 1.8 kΩ
Voltage input
Full scale voltage range 10V ± 2% 6 ADIO3 Analog or digital input or analog output 3
Maximum voltage 33V Analog voltage (common
Input impedance 95 kΩ Characteristics
mode) or unipolar current
Current input Resolution 10 bits
Current range 0 to 20 mA ±5%
Maximum voltage 33V/0V Sampling 6 ms
Maximum current 33 mA Voltage input
Input impedance 500 Ω
Full scale voltage range 10V ± 2%
Digital input (if connected to the +24V)
Thresholds 0: < 5V Maximum voltage 33V
1: > 10V Input impedance 95 kΩ
Voltage range 0 to +24V Current input
Maximum voltage 33V/0V Current range 0 to 20 mA ±5%
Load 95 kΩ Maximum voltage 33V
Input threshold 7.5V Maximum current 33 mA
Input impedance 500 Ω
3 0V 0V common Digital input (if connected to the +24V)
Thresholds 0: < 5V
1: > 10V
Voltage range 0 to +24V
Maximum voltage 33V/0V
Load 95 kΩ
Input threshold 7.5V
Voltage output
Voltage range 0 to 10V
Load resistor 2 KΩ
Protection Short-circuit (40 mA max)
Maximum current 10 mA
Current output
Current range 0 to 20 mA
Maximum voltage 10V
Maximum load resistor 1 kΩ


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

7 DIO1 Digital input or output 1 18 SDO1 Safety contact

Digital input or output 19 SDO2
(positive logic) Characteristics 250 VAC
Thresholds 0: < 5V • 2A, resistive load
1: > 10V Maximum contact current
• 1A, inductive load
Voltage range 0 to +24V
Sampling/refreshment 2 ms 3.5.2 - Connection of a PROXIDRIVE CP
Digital input control terminal block
Absolute maximum voltage 0V to +35V
range As standard, the PROXIDRIVE CP cannot be used to access
Load 15 kΩ parameter setting.
Input threshold 7.5V Follow the connection diagram below for commissioning
Digital output using the factory configuration.
Maximum output current 50 mA
Overload current 50 mA
8 +24V +24V internal source 0V
Output current 100 mA in total ADI2 PTC sensor *
Overload current 150 mA 0V
Accuracy ± 5% 0-10V motor speed
ADIO3 image output
Current limiting and setting
to trip mode DIO1 Zero speed output
9 DI2 Digital input 2 +24V
10 DI3 Digital input 3 DI2
12 DI4 Digital input 4 DI3
Characteristics Digital input (positive logic) +24V
Enable REV key
Thresholds 0: < 5V DI4
1: > 10V
Voltage range 0 to +24V SDI1
Drive enable
Sampling/refreshment 2 ms SDI2
Absolute maximum voltage
0V to +35V COM
Load 15 kΩ RL1C
Fault relay
Input threshold 7.5V RL1O
13 SDI1 +24V dedicated to the secure disable input SDO1
14 SDI2 Secure disable/drive unlocking input Safety contact
Characteristics Digital input (positive logic)
0: < 5V In this configuration, Run/Stop commands and the speed
Thresholds reference come from the keypad.
1: > 18V
* If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place a shunt
Voltage range (relay power
9V to 33V between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.
Impedance 820 Ω
15 COM Input SDI2 is configured as a simple unlocking input.
16 RL1C Fault relay output
17 RL1O
NO_NC single-pole
Characteristics changeover contact
• 2A, resistive load
Maximum contact current
• 2A, inductive load


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.5.3 - Preset configurations for the control terminal block

These configurations can be accessed from a PROXIDRIVE SET or from a PROXIDRIVE N combined with an LCD keypad
or the PROXISOFT software.

The PROXIDRIVE enables the user to configure the terminal block very easily by selecting one of the different preset
configurations from a single parameter (05).
These configurations have been designed to meet the needs of the most common applications. - Preset configuration A1.A2: voltage (0-10V) or - Configuration A1.Pr: voltage reference (0-10V) or
current (4-20mA) reference 3 preset references

(PROXIDRIVE SET factory setting (Before modifying 05, the drive must be
05 = A1.A2 Before modifying 05, the drive must be 05 = A1.Pr disabled, SDI2 open).
disabled, SDI2 open)
10V Analog reference
0-10V analog reference ADI1 0-10V
0V 4-20mA analog reference ADI2 Reference select
0V 0-10V motor speed 0-10V motor speed
image output ADIO3 image output
DIO1 Zero speed output
DIO1 Zero speed output
DI2 Run FWD/Stop
DI2 Run FWD/Stop
DI3 Run REV/Stop
DI3 Run REV/Stop
DI4 Reference select
DI4 ADI1/ADI2 select
SDI1 Secure disable/ Secure disable/
SDI2 Drive enable input
SDI2 Drive enable input
RL1C Fault relay
Fault relay RL1O
SDO1 Safety contact
Safety contact SDO2

DI4 Selection DI4 ADI2 Selection

0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1) 0 0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
1 4-20mA analog reference (ADI2) 1 0 Preset reference 2
Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run 0 1 Preset reference 3
command. 1 1 Preset reference 4

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
CONNECTIONS - Configuration A2.Pr: current reference (4-20mA) - Configuration 4Pr: 4 preset references
or 3 preset references

05 = A2.Pr (Before modifying 05, the drive must be 05 = 4Pr

(Before modifying 05, the drive must be
disabled, SDI2 open). disabled, SDI2 open).
10V 10V
ADI1 Analog reference ADI1 Reference select
0V 4-20 mA 0V
PTC sensor *
ADI2 Reference select ADI2
0V 0V
0-10V motor speed 0-10V motor speed
ADIO3 image output ADIO3 image output
DIO1 Zero speed output DIO1 Zero speed output
+24V +24V
DI2 Run FWD/Stop DI2 Run FWD/Stop
DI3 Run REV/Stop DI3 Run REV/Stop
+24V +24V
DI4 Reference select DI4 Reference select
SDI1 SDI1 Secure disable/
Secure disable/
SDI2 Drive enable input SDI2 Drive enable input

Fault relay Fault relay

Safety contact Safety contact

DI4 ADI2 Selection DI4 ADI1 Selection

0 0 4-20mA analog reference (ADI1) 0 0 Preset reference 1
1 0 Preset reference 2 1 0 Preset reference 2
0 1 Preset reference 3 0 1 Preset reference 3
1 1 Preset reference 4 1 1 Preset reference 4

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run * If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place a shunt
command. between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
CONNECTIONS - Configuration 8Pr: 8 preset references - Configuration E.Pot: motorised potentiometer

(Before modifying 05, the drive must be (Before modifying 05, the drive must be
05 = 8Pr 05 = E.Pot
disabled, SDI2 open). disabled, SDI2 open).
10V 10V
ADI1 Reference select ADI1 Main reference
0-10V (if necessary)
0V 0V
ADI2 Reference select ADI2 Up
0V 0V
0-10V motor speed 0-10V motor speed
ADIO3 image output ADIO3 image output

DIO1 Zero speed output DIO1 Zero speed output

+24V +24V
DI2 Run FWD/Stop DI2 Run FWD/Stop
DI3 Run REV/Stop DI3 Run REV/Stop
+24V +24V
DI4 Reference select DI4 Down
SDI1 SDI1 Secure disable/
Secure disable/
SDI2 Drive enable input SDI2 Drive enable input

Fault relay Fault relay

Safety contact Safety contact

DI4 ADI1 ADI2 Selection Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run
0 0 0 Preset reference 1
1 0 0 Preset reference 2
0 1 0 Preset reference 3
1 1 0 Preset reference 4
0 0 1 Preset reference 5
1 0 1 Preset reference 6
0 1 1 Preset reference 7
1 1 1 Preset reference 8

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
CONNECTIONS - Configuration Torq: Speed or torque control - Configuration PID: PID control

05 = Torq (Before modifying 05, the drive must be 05 = PID

(Before modifying 05, the drive must be
disabled, SDI2 open disabled, SDI2 open
10V 10V
ADI1 0-10V speed reference ADI1 PID reference
0V 0V
ADI2 0-10V torque reference ADI2 PID feedback
0V 0V
0-10V motor speed Main reference
image output (if necessary)
DIO1 Zero speed output DIO1 Zero speed output
+24V +24V
DI2 Run FWD/Stop DI2 Run FWD/Stop
DI3 Run REV/Stop DI3 Run REV/Stop
+24V +24V
DI4 Torque/speed select DI4 Validation PID
SDI1 Secure disable/ SDI1 Secure disable/
SDI2 Drive enable input SDI2 Drive enable input

Fault relay Fault relay

Safety contact Safety contact

DI4 Selection Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run
0 Speed control - reference via ADI1 command.
Torque control - reference via ADI2 and speed
limiting via parameter 02

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
CONNECTIONS - Configuration PUMP: pump control - Configuration A.CtP: voltage or current input
and PTC sensor management

(Before modifying 05, the drive must be

05 = PUMP (Before modifying 05, the drive must be 05 = A.CtP
disabled, SDI2 open disabled, SDI2 open
10V Pressure reference (PID control) 10V
ADI1 or speed reference (manual mode) ADI1 Analog reference
(0-10V) (0-10V or 4-20mA)
0V 0V
Pressure sensor feedback PTC sensor *
ADI2 (4-20 mA) ADI2
0V 0V
Operating status indication Motor speed image
ADIO3 (0-10V) ADIO3 output (0-10V)
DIO1 DIO1 Zero speed output
External trip ("tr02")
+24V +24V
DI2 Run FWD/Stop Run FWD/Stop
DI3 Reference select DI3 Run REV/Stop
+24V +24V
PID control/
DI4 manual mode DI4 Reference select
SDI1 Secure disable/ SDI1 Secure disable/
SDI2 Drive enable input
SDI2 Drive enable input
Fault relay RL1C
RL1O Fault relay
Safety contact SDO1
SDO2 Safety contact

DI3 Reference selection DI4 Selection

0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1) 0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
1 Digital reference 0-100% defined by 18 1 4-20mA analog reference (ADI1)

DI4 PID control/manual mode * If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place a shunt
0 Manual mode (speed) between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.
1 PID control
Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run
Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run command.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
CONNECTIONS - Configuration HoiS: control of travelling crane - Configuration Pad: control via keypad
or hoist (PROXIDRIVE CP factory setting, invalid for the
(Before modifying 05, the drive must be
05 = HoiS
disabled, SDI2 open).
05 = Pad (Before modifying 05, the drive must be
disabled, SDI2 open).
10V Setting the speed reference
ADI1 to the max 10V
PTC sensor *
0V ADI2 PTC sensor *
Preset reference select
ADIO3 0V 0-10V motor speed
Electrical brake release ADIO3 image output
+24V DIO1 Zero speed output
DI2 Run FWD/Stop +24V
DI3 Run REV/Stop DI2
+24V DI3
DI4 Acceleration input +24V
Enable REV key
SDI1 Secure disable/ DI4
SDI2 Drive enable input SDI1
Drive enable
Fault relay RL1C
RL1O Fault relay
Safety contact
Safety contact

ADIO3 Selection
0 Max. speed (02) * If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place a shunt
1 Pr2 (12)
between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.

Input SDI2 is configured as a simple unlocking input.
Min. speed
DI2 or DI3 input
1 Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run
DI4 input 0

* If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place a shunt

between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
CONNECTIONS - Configuration HuAC: auto-manual mode

(invalid for the PROXIDRIVE N)

(Before modifying 05, the drive must be

05 = HuAC
disabled, SDI2 open).

0V 4-20mA auto speed
Drive active
Auto Active drive
+24V OFF
DI2 Manual Run REV/Stop
DI3 Run FWD/Stop
SDI1 Secure disable/
SDI2 Drive enable input

Fault relay

Safety contact

OFF No run command or reference is taken into account.

Run/Stop commands and the reference come from
the terminals.
Run/Stop commands and the reference come from
the PROXIDRIVE SET keypad.

Note: Input SDI2 must be closed before executing the run



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

3.6 - EMC recommendations 3.6.2 - Immunity to overvoltages

3.6.1 - Using EMC cable glands (Immunity to overvoltages in control circuits or in long cables
connected to the outside of a building.)
In order to comply with the PROXIDRIVE emission and
immunity levels, both the motor output cable and the cables The various drive input and output circuits conform to
used to connect the analog I/O should be shielded. The standard EN61000-6-2 (1kV) relating to overvoltages.
shielding should then be connected to the PROXIDRIVE There are some exceptions, where the installation may be
exposed to overvoltage peaks which exceed the levels
determined by the standard. This may be the case in the
Given that the PROXIDRIVE cable gland plate is made of event of lightning strikes or earth faults associated with long
metal, and connected to the general earth, the use of EMC cable lengths (>30 m). To limit the risks of damage to the
cable glands simplifies connection and ensures excellent drive, the following precautions could be taken:
shielding quality. - Galvanic isolation of the I/O.
- Back up the cable shielding with an earth wire of 10mm2
Step 1: strip the cable minimum. The cable shielding and the earth wire must be
linked at both ends and connected to earth with the shortest
possible connection. This stratagem enables high currents to
pass into the earth wire, rather than into the shielding.
- Reinforcement of the digital and analog I/O protection by
adding a zener diode or a peak limiter.

Step 2: insert the cable Elimination of unipolar digital and analog I/O
Signal to the drive

30V Zener diode

0V 0V

This circuit is available in a module (DIN rail mounting), e.g.

from Phoenix Contact (unipolar: TT UKK5 D/24 DC).
This type of circuit is not suitable for encoder signals or for
Step 3: tighten the gland high-speed logic data networks, because the diodes may
affect the signal. The majority of encoders have galvanic
isolation between the motor casing and the encoder circuit,
and in this case, no precautions are necessary. For data
networks, follow the specific network recommendations.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

• The drives use an algorithm which is adjusted by parameters. The performance levels obtained depend on the
parameter setting. Inappropriate settings may have serious consequences for personnel and machinery.
• The drive parameters should only be set by appropriately qualified and experienced personnel.
• Before powering up the drive, check that the power connections (mains supply and motor) are correct, and that
any moving parts are mechanically protected.
• Users of the drive should take particular care to avoid starting it accidentally.
• If braking resistors are being used, check that they are connected correctly between the
terminals BR1 and BR2.

4.1 - Presentation of the Operator Ref. Function

display Display comprising 4 x 7-segment digits for
The PROXIDRIVE SET operator panel consists of a display, indicating:
three control buttons and three parameter-setting keys. - the drive operating status
The PROXIDRIVE CP operator panel consists of a display, - certain operating data
three control buttons and a potentiometer button. - the adjustment parameters (01 to 80) and their
LED providing a sign for the data
(the lit LED corresponds to the " - " sign)
Keys which can be used to scroll up and down
C through the parameters or their value
M C Mode button which can be used to switch from
standard mode to parameter-setting mode.
D In parameter-setting mode, the parameter number
and value are displayed alternately on the display.
In keypad mode, these buttons are used for the
following commands:
F -Stop, trip reset

G - Forward
Potentiometer button which can be used to vary the
H motor speed (PROXIDRIVE-CP only).



IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

4.2 - Commissioning the PROXIDRIVE • As standard, the PROXIDRIVE CP cannot be used

to access parameter setting. Before
CP commissioning, check that the factory settings are
• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder) suitable for the application.

10V • PROXIDRIVE CP factory settings:

- Minimum reference clamp: 0 min-1.
- Maximum reference clamp: 1500 min-1.
0V - Acceleration rate: 3 seconds/1000 min-1.
ADI2 PTC sensor * - Deceleration rate: 5 seconds/1000 min-1.
0V - Motor rated current and rated speed:
0-10V motor speed
ADIO3 image output PROXIDRIVE CP Current (A) Speed (min-1)
1TL 1.7 1400
DIO1 Zero speed output
1.2TL 2.7 1429
1.5TL 3.4 1428
DI2 2TL 4.2 1436
DI3 2.5TL 6.0 1437
+24V 3.5TL 8.0 1438
Enable REV key
DI4 4.5TL 10.8 1447
SDI1 5.5TL 13.8 1451
Drive enable
SDI2 1.5T 2.0 1400
2T 2.5 1429
2.5T 3.5 1428
Fault relay 3.5T 5.1 1436
4.5T 7.2 1437
SDO1 5.5T 9.1 1438
Safety contact
SDO2 8T 11.9 1447
11T 15.2 1451
* If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place a shunt
• Operation:
between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.
- Power up the drive. The display indicates "inh".
- Turn the potentiometer button to minimum (0%).
- Enable the drive with terminal SDI2. The display indicates
Input SDI2 is configured as a simple unlocking input.
- Press the Run Forward button .
- Vary the speed with the potentiometer button to obtain the
required speed.
- To stop the system, reduce the speed with the potentiometer
button until the motor stops.
- Press the Stop key .
- Disable the drive with terminal SDI2.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

4.3 - Commissioning the PROXIDRIVE 4.3.2 - Selection and modification of a

SET parameter
4.3.1 - Parameter setting WARNING:
The PROXIDRIVE factory configuration can be modified in • This procedure has been drawn up for initial
order to meet the requirements of the application. commissioning.
The parameter-setting keys are used to select and modify a • If the drive is already powered up, the first parameter
list of parameters known as the "simplified" menu displayed may not be 01. Simply select the parameter to
(parameters 01 to 80). be displayed or modified using the or keys.
This menu consists of numerical or binary parameters (value
0 or 1) which can be accessed: Switching from parameter-setting mode to read mode:
- either in read-only mode (RO): they provide information • To switch from parameter-setting mode to read mode,
concerning the drive operation
press the M button for 3 seconds.
- or in read-write mode (R-W): they can be read and/or
modified in order to refine the drive settings to meet the • In parameter-setting mode, if there is no operator action
application requirements as closely as possible. for 4 minutes, the display stops flashing and returns
automatically to the initial drive status.
01 Main parameters, common Level
to to all applications
Action Comment
10 (10 = L1) Power-up
Drive disabled (SDI2 input open).

Access to Display in "Read" mode (initial

10 = L1 status).
level 2
(10 = L2) 1: Access to parameter-setting
mode. Press the M key. Parameter
01 is displayed, flashing alternately
oui 1 with its value.
11 Parameters associated with
M 2 2: The and keys are used to
to the preset configuration
access the parameter to be
24 selected in 05 (1)
For example, press to select
Selection of the control
parameter 04.
3: Access to parameter modification.
3 Press the M key. The parameter
26 Parameters associated with
to the control mode selected
value flashes.
35 in 25 (1) Level 4: Press and hold down the or
2 key, to quickly scroll through the
(10 = L2) parameter value.
36 Selection of brake control
M 4 The final setting is made by short
presses on the same key.
5: Press the M key. The new value
36 = dis control enabled
5 of 04 is stored, and the parameter
36 = COnt, rEI or
flashes alternately with its value.

Press the and keys to select
a new parameter to be modified.
37 Parameters associated with
to brake control 6
6: Return to the initial drive status.
M 3 seconds

Additional parameters (2)

66 User security code

67 Parameters associated with

to the drive operating status

(1) These parameters depend on a previous selection.

As a result, they change from one configuration to the next.
The number of associated parameters may also vary. In this case,
the PROXIDRIVE will not offer unused parameters.
(2) These parameter functions are common to all applications, except
for the Pump configuration (05 = PUMP).


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

4.3.3 - Selection of the parameter access level 4.3.6 - Security code

• Selection of level 2 In some cases, it is necessary to prevent modification of the
drive parameters, while still allowing them to be read.
Select the Enter the Action Storing
parameter: value:
• Locking the settings with a security code
Access to
10 parameters 01 to Presskey
the M
L2 Select the Enter the Action Confirm
80 parameter: value:
10 L2 Access
• Return to level 1 parameter 66
Press the
Select the Enter the any number M key
Action Storing Choose the
parameter: value: 66 between 1 security code
Limited access to and 9999
10 parameters 01 to Presskey
the M
L1 Activate the - Press the
10 10 Loc
security code Stop key
Parameter 10 automatically returns to the value
4.3.4 - Storing
"L1": all the user menu parameters are visible but cannot be
All modifications to parameters are stored automatically. modified.
To revert to the initial drive configuration, follow the procedure The value of 66 returns automatically to 0.
for returning to factory settings.
Note: Do not use 0 as a security code.
4.3.5 - Return to factory settings • Access to parameter setting with a security code
•Before starting this procedure, check that the Select the parameter to be modified.
motor is stopped, that the drive is disabled, and Press the M key, the display indicates "CodE".
that the safety of the system and personnel is not Using the and arrows, enter the security code, then
compromised. press M again.
- Correct code: the parameter is in parameter-setting mode,
ready to be modified.
• Return to European factory settings (50 Hz supply)
- Incorrect code: the parameter stays in read-only mode, as
Select the Enter the do all the other parameters.
Action Storing
parameter: value: To return to read-only mode, select 10 and enter the value
10 L2 Access parameter "Loc", then press the Stop key .
65 The security code is active again.
Configure the drive Press the M
with European key
65 Eur • Deleting a security code
factory settings Select a parameter.
(50 Hz) Press the M key, the display indicates "CodE".
Using the and arrows, enter the security code, then
• Return to North American factory settings (60 Hz press M again.
supply) Select 66, enter the value 0 and press M again.
Select the Enter the Action Storing
parameter: value: • Finding a security code
Should the user forget the security code (drive locked in read-
10 L2 Access parameter
65 only mode), get in touch with your usual LEROY-SOMER
Configure the drive Press the M contact.
with North key
65 USA American factory
settings (60 Hz)


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
4.3.7 - Commissioning from a preset configuration
• The parameter values affect the motor protection and the safety of the system.
• Parameters concerning the motor must be set using the information given on the nameplate of the motor used.
The change from one configuration to another does not affect any motor parameters already set.
Selection of a preset configuration via parameter 05 results in automatic configuration of the terminal block and the creation of the
list of associated parameters. It is therefore advisable to select the configuration corresponding to the application and follow the
associated commissioning procedure.
Before selecting the configuration preset by 05, the drive must be disabled (terminal SDI2 open).

Key: RO = read-only parameter - R-W = read-write parameter. - Configuration A1.A2: selection of a voltage (0-10V) or current (4-20mA) reference via digital input
• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
ADI1 0-10V analog reference 0-10V RL1C
Fault relay
4-20mA analog reference
0V Safety contact
0-10V motor speed image output SDO2

DIO1 Zero speed output

DI2 Run FWD/Stop DI4 Selection
DI3 Run REV/Stop 0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
+24V 1 4-20mA analog reference (ADI2)
DI4 ADI1/ADI2 select
SDI1 Operation: The speed reference comes from a
Secure disable/Unlocking input voltage or current analog signal selected via
SDI2 a logic input
• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "A1.A2", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), select the speed reference (terminal DI4), then give
a Run command (terminal DI2 or DI3).
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W A1.A2 A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W Motor rated speed
0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
11 ADI1 mode 7.06 R-W volt (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
12 ADI2 input mode 7.11 R-W 4-.20 (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input; CtP: motor sensor
13 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration A1.Pr: selection of a voltage reference (0-10V) or 3 preset references via 2 digital inputs
• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)

ADI1 0-10V analog reference RL1C
Fault relay
ADI2 Reference select
0V Safety contact
0-10V motor speed image output SDO2

DIO1 Zero speed output

DI4 ADI2 Selection
0 0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
DI2 Run FWD/Stop
1 0 Preset reference 2
DI3 Run REV/Stop
0 1 Preset reference 3
+24V 1 1 Preset reference 4
DI4 Reference select
Operation: The speed reference comes from a
SDI1 voltage analog signal or a preset reference,
Secure disable/Unlocking input
SDI2 selected via 2 logic inputs

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "A1.Pr", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), select the speed reference (terminal DI4 and ADI2),
then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3).
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1
(Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W A1.Pr
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
Motor rated current
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W (A)
0 to Ico (A)
Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
11 ADI1 mode 7.06 R-W volt (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input
12 Preset reference 2 (Pr2) 1.22
to to to R-W 0 ± Maximum reference clamp (parameter 02) min-1
14 Preset reference 4 (Pr4) 1.24
15 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration A2.Pr: selection of a current reference (4-20mA) or 3 preset references via 2 digital inputs
• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)

ADI1 RL1C Fault relay
4-20 mA analog reference
ADI2 Reference select
SDO1 Safety contact
0-10V motor speed image output SDO2

DIO1 Zero speed output

DI4 ADI2 Selection
Run FWD/Stop 0 0 4-20mA analog reference (ADI1)
Run REV/Stop 1 0 Preset reference 2
0 1 Preset reference 3
1 1 Preset reference 4
DI4 Reference select
Operation: The speed reference comes from a
SDI1 current analog signal or a preset reference, selected
SDI2 Secure disable/Drive enable input via 2 digital inputs

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "A2.Pr", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), select the speed reference (terminal DI4 and ADI2),
then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3).
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W A2.Pr A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-WMotor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
11 ADI1 mode 7.06 R-W 4-.20 (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input
12 Preset reference 2 (Pr2) 1.22
to to to R-W 0 ± Maximum reference clamp (parameter 02) min-1
14 Preset reference 4 (Pr4) 1.24
15 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration 4Pr: selection of 4 preset references via 2 digital inputs

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)

ADI1 Reference select RL1C
Fault relay
PTC sensor *
0V Safety contact
0-10V motor speed image output SDO2
DI4 ADI1 Selection
DIO1 Zero speed output
0 0 Preset reference 1
1 0 Preset reference 2
DI2 Run FWD/Stop
0 1 Preset reference 3
DI3 Run REV/Stop
1 1 Preset reference 4
DI4 Reference select * If the motor does not have a thermal sensor, place
SDI1 a shunt between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.
Secure disable/Drive enable input Operation: The speed reference comes from a preset
SDI2 reference, selected via 2 digital inputs. The motor
thermal sensor is managed by the drive

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "4Pr", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), select the speed reference (terminal DI4 and ADI1),
then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3).
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W 4Pr
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
Motor rated current
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W (A)
0 to Ico (A)
Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
11 Preset reference 1 (Pr1) 1.21
to to to R-W 0 ± Maximum reference clamp (parameter 02) min-1
14 Preset reference 4 (Pr4) 1.24
15 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration 8Pr: selection of 8 preset references via 3 digital inputs

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)

ADI1 Reference select RL1C
Fault relay
ADI2 Reference select
0V Safety contact
0-10V motor speed image output SDO2
DI4 ADI1 ADI2 Sélection
DIO1 Zero speed output
0 0 0 Preset reference 1
1 0 0 Preset reference 2
DI2 Run FWD/Stop
0 1 0 Preset reference 3
DI3 Run REV/Stop
1 1 0 Preset reference 4
+24V 0 0 1 Preset reference 5
DI4 Reference select 1 0 1 Preset reference 6
SDI1 0 1 1 Preset reference 7
Secure disable input/
SDI2 Drive enable 1 1 1 Preset reference 8
Operation: The speed reference comes from a preset
reference, selected via 3 digital inputs

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "8Pr", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), select the speed reference (terminal DI4, ADI1 and
ADI2), then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3).
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W 8Pr
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Parameter-setting level 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
11 Preset reference 1 (Pr1) 1.21
to to to R-W 0 ± Maximum reference clamp (parameter 02) min-1
18 Preset reference 8 (Pr8) 1.28
19 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration E.Pot: motorised potentiometer

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
ADI1 Main reference 0-10V RL1C
(if necessary) Fault relay
0V Safety contact
0-10V motor speed image output SDO2

DIO1 Zero speed output

+24V Operation: Speed reference = 0-10V
main reference + reference from the up/down inputs
DI2 Run FWD/Stop (motorised potentiometer function).
DI3 Run REV/Stop
DI4 Down
Secure disable input/
SDI2 Drive enable
• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "E.Pot", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3).
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W E.Pot
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current (A) 0 to Ico (A)

07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W Motor rated speed 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
11 ADI1 mode 7.06 R-W volt (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input
12 Motorised pot reset 9.28 R-W no no, RSEt
Rst.e: Reset on each power-up, Pre.e: On power-
up, the reference is at the level of the last power-
down, Rst.d: Reset on each power-up. Up/down
13 Auto reset of motorised pot 9.21 R-W Rst.d (*) inputs active when drive output active, Pre.d: On
power-up, the reference is at the level of the last
power-down. Up/down inputs active when drive
output active.
14 Motorised pot bipolar select 9.22 R-W Pos Pos, biPo.
15 Motorised pot rate 9.23 R-W 20 s 0 to 250 s
16 Motorised pot scale factor 9.24 R-W 1.00 0 to 2.50
17 Motorised pot output 9.03 RO - ±100.0%
18 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration TorQ: selection of speed control or torque control with speed limiting via digital input
• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
ADI1 0-10V speed reference RL1C
Fault relay
ADI2 0-10V torque reference
0V Safety contact
ADIO3 0-10V motor speed image output

DIO1 Zero speed output DI4 Selection

+24V 0 Speed control, reference via ADI1
Run FWD/Stop Torque control, reference via ADI2 and
DI2 1
Run REV/Stop speed limiting via 02
+24V Operation: The drive may be in either speed or
Torque/speed select torque control mode. The speed reference and the
DI4 torque reference come from 2 voltage analog signals,
SDI1 selected via a digital input.
Secure disable/Drive enable input

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "TorQ", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), select the speed or torque reference via DI4, then
give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3). To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

• Do not change from speed regulation to torque regulation when there is an active run command.
Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1
(Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W TorQ
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
Motor rated current
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W (A)
0 to Ico (A)
Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
11 ADI1 mode 7.06 R-W volt (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
12 ADI2 input mode 7.11 R-W 4-.20 (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input; CtP: motor sensor
13 to 18 Not used
19 ADI2 scaling 7.12 R-W 1.00 0 to 2.50
20 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration PID: PID control

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
ADI1 PID reference
0V Fault relay
ADI2 PID feedback
0V Safety contact
Main reference SDO2
(if necessary)
DIO1 Min. speed output Operation:
This function is used to control an analog reference
from the "PID reference" in relation to a "PID feedback"
DI2 Run FWD/Stop measurement (temperature, pressure, flow rate, level,
DI3 Run REV/Stop replica master). In this case, the PID controller only
covers the speed range. When the PID does not
+24V control the whole of a signal (partial correction), the
DI4 Enable PID " PID main reference" can be used as a main signal
SDI1 to improve the stability of the PID for example.
Secure disable/Drive enable input

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "Pid", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2). Enable PID control (close DI4), then give a Run
command (close terminal DI2 or DI3).
If the controller performance is not optimal, adjust the proportional 13, integral 14 and derivative 15 gains.
To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur)
Maximum reference clamp 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W Pid
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W Motor rated speed
0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
7.06 R-W 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
11 ADI1 mode volt (*)
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
7.11 R-W 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
12 ADI2 input mode 4-.20 (*)
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input; CtP: motor sensor
13 PID proportional gain 14.10 R-W 10.00 0 to 320.00
14 PID integral gain 14.11 R-W 5.00 0 to 320.00
15 PID derivative gain 14.12 R-W 0 0 to 2.50
16 PID upper limit 14.13 R-W 100.0% 0 to 100.0%
17 PID lower limit 14.14 R-W - 100.0% ± 100.0%
18 PID scaling 14.15 R-W 1.00 0 to 2.50
19 ADI2 input scaling 7.12 R-W 1.00 0 to 2.50
20 ADIO3 input scaling 7.16 R-W 1.00 0 to 2.50
21 PID reference 14.20 RO - ± 100%
22 PID feedback 14.21 RO - ± 100%
23 PID main reference 14.19 RO - ± 100%
24 PID output 14.01 RO - ± 100%
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration PUMP: pump regulation

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)

10V Pressure reference (PID control) COM

ADI1 or speed reference (manual mode) RL1C
(0-10V) Fault relay
ADI2 Pressure sensor feedback (4-20 mA) SDO1
0V Safety contact
ADIO3 Operating status indication (0-10V)
DIO1 External trip DI3 Reference selection
+24V 0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
DI2 Run FWD/Stop 1 Digital reference 0-100% defined by 18
DI3 Reference selection
+24V DI4 PID control
DI4 PID control/manual mode 0 Manual mode (speed)
SDI1 Secure disable/ 1 PID control
SDI2 Drive enable input

• Operation:
ADI1 is configured as 0-10V (11) and receives a reference produced by a potentiometer or an external signal.
ADI2 is configured as 4-20mA (12) and receives the analog pressure sensor (max. consumption: 60 mA).
ADIO3 indicates the drive operating status: 0V corresponds to normal operation, 10V indicates that the drive has tripped, 6 and
10V alternately indicate that the drive is in current limiting mode.
DIO1 is used to initiate a customer trip "tr02" (terminal open).

The PUMP configuration requires the use of the KEYPAD-LCD or the PROXISOFT software.

• Parameters to be set:
- Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open - Set the maximum speed in parameter 02 by referring to the
and terminal DIO1 closed) before setting the drive pump characteristics. For optimum regulation dynamics, set
parameters. Next, select the configuration by setting the acceleration rate to 0.1 s in parameter 03 and the
parameter 05 = PUMP. Then, using the KEYPAD-LCD deceleration rate in parameter 04 of the reference.
keypad or PROXISOFT software, set 8.14 = Yes. Parameter - Close terminal SDI2 to enable the drive, then close DI4.
05 then changes to the value "Open". Read the value of parameter 20, and adjust the pressure
- Return to menu 0, and set motor parameters 06 to 09. reference if necessary. Give a run command by closing DI2;
- Determining the direction of rotation: open DI4 to select the value of the pressure feedback is given in parameter 21.
manual mode. Close SDI2 and apply a speed reference to - In the event of rapid variation of the reference or flow rate,
ADI1 or set parameter 18, and select the corresponding optimize the setting of the proportional (13) and integral (14)
reference type with DI3. Close DI2 for a moment. If the pump gains if inadequate, select the menu 2 using the LCD keypad
direction of rotation is incorrect, power down the drive and or PROXISOFT, and set 2.04 to 0 (fixed ramp).
swap two phases at the drive output. Open SDI2. - The stop on minimum speed function is active as standard
- Set the reference pressure on ADI1 or in parameter 18. (15 = Yes). When the speed is at minimum for a period of 25
Example of setting: sensor 0-10 bars, regulation at 7 bars, s, the drive automatically stops the motor. To adjust this
reference on 0-10V on ADI1; the value to be set on ADI1 will minimum speed, read the motor speed in parameter 22 when
be 7V. the flow rate is low or zero (close a pump pressure valve, then
- Scale the reading of the reference (20) and sensor feedback set the value read in 22 + 300 min-1 in parameter 01.
(21) using parameter 19. Restarting occurs when the pressure falls below the
E.g. sensor 0-10 bars, set 10 in 19, for a reading in mbars. reference pressure set by the user x 1.05 (coefficient
- To adjust the draining function, set the draining threshold in adjustable in parameter 48).
parameter 16 (as a percentage of the sensor pressure) and - If the pump is overloaded, the speed will automatically be
the time delay in parameter 17 (in seconds). In pressure reduced so as to avoid the drive tripping.
regulation mode, if the pressure does not reach the threshold - To stop the motor, open DI2.
set in 16 after a period set in 17, the drive trips due to
draining "tr01". This protection is active on starting and while
regulation is in progress.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 58

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W PUMP Pid, PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
07 Motor rated speed 5.08 R-W Motor rated speed
0 to 9999 min-1

08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 400V 0 to 480V

09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00

10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L2 L1, L2, Loc
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
11 ADI1 mode 7.06 R-W volt (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of
signal loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to
10V); d-In: digital input
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
12 ADI2 input mode 7.11 R-W 4-20 (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of
signal loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to
10V); d-In: digital input; CtP: motor sensor
13 PID proportional gain 14.10 R-W 150.00 0 to 320.00
14 PID integral gain 14.11 R-W 20.00 0 to 320.00
15 Stop on Vmin enable 14.56 R-W Yes No - Yes
16 Draining threshold 12.04 R-W 20.0% 0 to 20.0%
17 Draining time delay 16.05 R-W 10.0s 0 to 10.0 s
18 Digital reference 14.51 R-W 0.00 0 to 100.00%
19 Customer unit coefficient 14.53 R-W 1 0 to 30
20 Customer reference value 14.54 RO - ±32000
21 Customer feedback value 14.55 RO - ±32000
22 Motor speed 5.04 RO - ± 2 x 1.06 min-1
23 and 24 Not used
25 to 45 See section Selection of control mode and section Selection of brake control and setting its
parameters, if necessary
46 Run time: years.days 6.22 RO 0 to 9.364
47 Run time: hours.minutes 6.23 RO 0 to 23.59
48 Automatic restart threshold 7.62 R-W 1.05 0 to 2.50
49 Trip -1 (most recent) 10.20 RO - 0 to 50
50 Trip -2 10.21 RO - 0 to 50
51 Trip -3 10.22 RO - 0 to 50
52 Trip -4 10.23 RO - 0 to 50
53 Trip -5 10.24 RO - 0 to 50
54 Trip -6 10.25 RO - 0 to 50
55 Trip -7 10.26 RO - 0 to 50
56 Trip -8 10.27 RO - 0 to 50
57 Trip -9 10.28 RO - 0 to 50
58 Trip -10 10.29 RO - 0 to 50
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 59 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration A.CtP: Voltage or current input and PTC sensor management
• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
ADI1 Analog reference RL1C
(0-10V or 4-20mA) Fault relay
ADI2 PTC sensor *
0V Safety contact
ADIO3 Motor speed image output (0-10V)

DIO1 Zero speed output DI4 Selection

+24V 0 0-10V analog reference (ADI1)
DI2 Run FWD/Stop 1 4-20mA analog reference (ADI1)
DI3 Run REV/Stop
* If the motor does not have a thermal sensor,
+24V place a shunt between terminals ADI2 and 0V.
DI4 Reference select
Operation: The speed reference comes from a
SDI1 voltage or current analog signal selected via a
Secure disable/Drive enable input digital input. The motor thermal sensor is
SDI2 managed by the drive.

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "A.CtP", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2). Select the reference type chosen for ADI1 (terminal
DI4), then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3). To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W A.CtP
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current (A) 0 to Ico (A)

07 5.08 R-W Motor rated speed

Motor rated speed (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
11 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration HoiS: Control of travelling crane or hoist

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
10V Setting the speed reference COM
ADI1 to the max RL1C
Fault relay
PTC sensor *
0V Safety contact
Preset reference select SDO2

DIO1 Electrical brake release If the motor does not have a thermal
sensor, place a shunt between terminals
+24V ADI2 and the 0V.
DI2 Run FWD/Stop
DI3 Run REV/Stop
DI4 Acceleration input
Secure disable/Drive enable input

• Operating diagram
ADIO3 Selection
0 Max. speed (02) Speed
1 Pr2 (12)

Min. speed
DI2 or DI3 input
DI4 input

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "HoiS", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2). Select the maximum speed value (terminal ADIO3),
then give a Run command (close terminal DI2 or DI3). To stop the motor, open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.
If the load is driving with a braking resistor, set 55 to Fst.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur)
Maximum reference clamp 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
WARNING: In the case of a driving load, set
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1
parameter 55 = Fst and an external braking
resistor will often be needed.
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
5.08 R-W Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
11 Not used
12 Preset reference 2 (Pr2) 1.22 R-W 0 ± Maximum reference clamp (parameter 02) min-1
13 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration Pad: control via keypad

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)
Fault relay
ADI2 PTC sensor *
0V Safety contact
0-10V motor speed SDO2
ADIO3 image output
DIO1 Zero speed output DI4 Selection
+24V 0 The REV key is disabled
DI2 1 The REV key is enabled
Operation: Run/Stop commands and the speed
+24V reference come from the optional keypad on
Enable REV key CP or SET type drives.
SDI1 * If the motor does not have a thermal sensor,
Drive enable place a shunt between terminals ADI2 and the 0V.
Input SDI2 is configured as a simple unlocking input.
• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "Pad", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), then give a Run command (press the Run key).
Increase the speed by using the keypad arrows. To stop the motor, press the Stop button.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W Pad
PUMP, A.CtP, HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
5.08 R-W Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
Power-up keypad control rSEt: at zero; Prec: identical to the reference at
11 1.51 R-W rSEt
mode reference the time of powering down; Pr1: identical to Pr1
12 Reference on power-up (Pr1) 1.21 R-W 0 ± Maximum reference clamp (parameter 02) min-1

13 Enable keypad FWD key 6.11 R-W On (*) OFF, On

14 Enable keypad Stop key 6.12 R-W On (*) OFF, On
15 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive
COMMISSIONING - Configuration HuAC: Auto/manual mode

• Connection of the control terminal block (reminder)

Fault relay
0V 4-20mA auto speed reference RL1O
0V Motor speed image output Safety contact
ADIO3 (0-10V)
Auto Active
DIO1 Fonctionnement :
drive output
+24V OFF
No run command or reference is taken into
DI2 Manual Run REV/Stop OFF
DI3 Run FWD/Stop
Run/Stop commands and the reference come
+24V Auto
from the terminals
Manual Run/Stop commands and the reference come
SDI1 Secure disable/ from the PROXIDRIVE SET keypad
SDI2 Drive enable input

• Parameters to be set
Check that the drive has been disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Set parameter 05 to "HuAC", then set the drive parameters. Set
parameter 10 to "L2" to access parameters higher than 10 if necessary.
When parameter setting is complete, enable the drive (close terminal SDI2), then select the control mode (terminals or keypad)
with the auto/manual switch. Give a Run command (press the Run key or close terminal DI2 or DI3). Increase the speed by using
the keypad arrows for a "SET" drive version or via the potentiometer for a "CP" drive version. To stop the motor, press the Stop
key or open terminal DI2 or DI3 closed previously.

• List of corresponding parameters 01 to 24

Parameter Name Address Type Configuration setting Adjustment range
01 Minimum reference clamp 1.07 R-W 0 0 to (parameter 02) min-1
02 Maximum reference clamp 1.06 R-W 1500 min-1 (Eur) 0 to 32000 min-1
1800 min-1 (USA)
03 Acceleration rate 2.11 R-W 3.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
04 Deceleration rate 2.21 R-W 5.0 s/1000 min-1 0.1 to 600.0 s/1000 min-1
A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr,
05 Preset configuration select 11.46 R-W HuAC E.Pot, TorQ, Pid, PUMP, A.CtP,
HoiS, Pad, HuAC, OPEn
06 Motor rated current 5.07 R-W Motor rated current 0 to Ico (A)
5.08 R-W Motor rated speed
07 Motor rated speed (min-1) 0 to 9999 min-1
Eur: 200V (TL)
USA: 230V (TL)
08 Motor rated voltage 5.09 R-W 0 to 480V
Eur: 400V (T)
USA: 460V (T)
09 Rated power factor (cos ϕ) 5.10 R-W 0.85 0 to 1.00
10 Quick setup menu access 11.44 R-W L1 L1, L2, Loc
11 Not used
0-20, 20-0, 4-20, 20-4: current input (mA);
12 ADI2 input mode 7.11 R-W 4-.20 (*) 4-.20, 20-.4: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA); volt: voltage input (0 to 10V);
d-In: digital input; CtP: motor sensor
13 to 24 Not used
• For additional drive parameter settings (parameters 25 to 80), see section 4.3.8 page 46.
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in the value of this parameter causes parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result
in modification of the wiring diagram.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

4.3.8 - Commissioning (continued)

Key: RO = read-only parameter; R-W = read-write parameter.
= Open loop flux vector control; = Closed loop flux vector control. - Selection of the control mode

Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
oP.LP: open loop mode select
25 Operating mode 11.31 R-W oP.LP cL.LP: closed loop mode select
SruO: servo motor control
• If 25 = oP.LP: Open loop
Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range stator resistance measurement and voltage
offset at each run command; no measurement
26 Open loop mode select 5.14 R-W r-FSt UtoF: U/F mode; r.FSt: equivalent to mode;
r.On: equivalent to after the first start;
SqrE: square law characteristic.
27 and 28 Not used
• If 26 = UtoF
29 Boost 5.15 R-W 0 0 to 25.0% of (08)
Lin: fixed U/F ratio
30 Dynamic V to F 5.13 R-W Lin dyn: dynamic U/F ratio (varies with the load)
31 to 35 Not used
• If 26 =,, r.FSt, r.On or SqrE
29 and 30 Not used
31 Current loop proportional gain 4.13 R-W 20 0 to 999

32 Current loop integral gain 4.14 R-W 40 0 to 250

33 to 35 Not used
• If 25 = cL.LP: closed loop or SruO: servo
Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
• If 25 = oP.LP Incr.: quadrature incremental encoder
or cL.LP: Incr. Fd: F/D incremental encoder
Fr: FWD/REV incremental encoder
26 Sensor type 3.38 R-W CoMM: incremental encoder with commutation
• If 25 = SruO: channels
CoMM haLL: hall effect sensor
tyP1 to tyP4 : sensorless mode 1 to 4.
27 Encoder lines per revolution 3.34 R-W 1024 lines 0 to 32000 lines
28 Drive encoder filter 3.42 R-W 3.0 0 to 10.0
Speed loop proportional gain
29 3.10 R-W 200 0 to 32000
Speed loop integral gain
30 3.11 R-W 100 0 to 32000
31 Current loop proportional gain 4.13 R-W 20 0 to 999
32 Current loop integral gain 4.14 R-W 40 0 to 250
33 Ramp bypass 2.02 R-W raMP raMP or no
34 and 35 Not used - Selection of brake control and setting its parameters

Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
dis: brake control disabled;
36 Brake controller enable 12.41 R-W dis (*) COnt: brake control enabled on Px-Brake Contactor;
rEI: brake control enabled on the relay; USEr: brake
control enabled and any assignment.

• For help with commissioning, see section 4.5 page 61.

• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Setting parameter 36 to rEI will cause parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result in modification
of the wiring diagram for the selected preset configuration.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

• If 36 = COnt, rEI, USEr:

Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
37 Upper current threshold 12.42 R-W 10% 0 to 200%
38 Lower current threshold 12.43 R-W 10% 0 to 200%
39 Brake release frequency 12.44 R-W 1.0 Hz 0 to 20.0 Hz
Brake apply frequency 2.0 Hz 0 to 20.0 Hz
40 12.45 R-W
Brake apply speed 5 min-1 0 to 100 min-1
Magnetisation time delay 0.10 s
41 12.46 R-W 0 to 25.00 s
Pre-brake release delay 0.30 s
42 Post-brake release delay 12.47 R-W 0.10 s 0 to 25.00 s
43 Brake apply delay 12.48 R-W 0 0 to 25.00 s
44 and 45Not used
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49. - Additional parameter settings
Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
Lchd: FWD/Stop (DI2) and REV/Stop (DI3) latched;
Puls: FWD (DI2), Stop (DI3) and REV (DIO1) jog
46 # Start/stop logic select 6.04 R-W Lchd (*) operation;
r.InP: Run/Stop (DI2) and direction of rotation (DI3)
Enab: locking input only (SDI);
47 # SDI select 8.10 R-W Secu (*) SEcu: locking and secure disable (SDI) input
(disabled, if 05 = Pad).
0.20i, 20.0i, 4.20i, 20.4i: current input (mA);
4.20i., 20.4i.: current input without detection of signal
loss (mA);
48 # ADIO3 mode 7.15 R-W 0 - 10 o (*) 0.10i: 0 to 10V voltage input; d-In: digital input;
0.20o, 4.20o: current output (mA);
0.10o: 0 to 10V voltage output.
SPd: motor speed; Ld: motor load;
49 # ADIO3 feature 7.33 R-W SPd (*) A: motor current; Puur: motor power;
Adv: any assignment.
n = 0: zero speed output; At.SP: reference reached
output; Lo.SP: Minimum speed output;
At.Ld: 100% load reached output; act: drive output
50 # DIO1 feature 8.41 R-W n = 0 (*) active; alar: drive general alarm output;
I.Lt: current limiting output; JoG: jogging input; rESE:
reset input;
Adv: any assignment.
51 # Jog reference 1.05 R-W 45 min-1 0 to 16000 min-1
PoS: negative references equal zero
52 # Bipolar reference enable 1.10 R-W PoS nEg: change direction of rotation via reference
53 # Skip (critical speed) 1.29 R-W 0 0 to 02 min-1
54 # Skip reference band 1.30 R-W 15 min-1 0 to 300 min-1
Fst: deceleration ramp imposed;
Std: automatic extension
55 # Deceleration ramp mode select 2.04 R-W Std
StdH: automatic extension with Un + 20%
FstH: deceleration imposed with Un + 20%
56 # Ramp type 2.06 R-W Lin Lin: linear ramp; S-rP: S ramp enabled
For the PUMP configuration, this parameter has a different function. See section
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.
* Any change in this parameter will cause parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result in
modification of the wiring diagram for the selected preset configuration.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range

FrEE: freewheel stop; rAMP: stop on ramp;
rP.dC: stop on ramp with DC injection;
57 # Stop mode 6.01 R-W rAMP dC-o: stop by braking (DC injection) until zero speed;
dC-t: stop by braking (DC injection) with an imposed
diS: continues to operate on a mains supply break if
there is enough DC bus voltage;
StOP: controlled deceleration on a mains supply
58 # Mains loss mode 6.03 R-W diS break until the motor stops; controlled deceleration on a mains supply
break, then acceleration on return of the mains
no: disabled; On.2d: in both directions;
59 Catch a spinning motor 6.09 R-W no On.Fd: clockwise; On.rS: Counter-clockwise
60 Switching frequency 5.18 R-W 4.5 kHz 3 kHz, 4.5 kHz, 5.5 kHz, 6 kHz, 9 kHz, 11 kHz.
50.0 Hz (Eur)
61 Motor rated frequency 5.06 R-W 0 to 400.0 Hz
60.0 Hz (USA)
62 Number of motor poles 5.11 R-W Auto Auto, 2 poles, 4 poles, 6 poles, 8 poles.
no: no autotune;
StoP: measurement of motor characteristics when
63 Autotune 5.12 R-W no rot: measurement of motor characteristics with
• Motor uncoupled.
• Must not present a risk to safety.
no: no action; rEAd: transfer XPressKey to drive;
2 (Prog): transfer from drive to XPressKey; Auto:
64 Parameter cloning 11.42 R-W no automatic transfer of parameter modifications into
65 Factory settings 11.43 R-W no no, Eur, USA
For the PUMP configuration, this parameter has a different function. See section - Security code

Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
66 User security code 11.30 R-W 0 0 to 9999
When using a security code, follow the procedure in section 4.3.6. - Parameters associated with the drive operating status

Parameter Name Address Type Factory setting Adjustment range
Spd: speed display; Load: load display
SP.Ld: intermittent display of speed or load/current;
67 Unit displayed on power-up 11.22 R-W Spd USER, SP.US and Ld.US: functions only accessible
with the advanced menus. (See manual ref. 3756).
68 Selection of load display 4.21 R-W Ld Ld: load level
A: total motor current
Fr: output frequency (Hz)
69 Unit for displaying the speed 5.34 R-W SP SP: motor speed (min-1)
Cd: customer unit = 79 x 70
70 Parameter scaling 11.21 R-W 1.00 0 to 9.999
71 Last trip 10.20 RO - 0 to 54
72 Penultimate trip 10.21 RO - 0 to 54
73 ADI1 input level 7.01 RO - 0 to 100.0%
74 ADI2 input level 7.02 RO - 0 to 100.0%
75 ADIO3 input or output level 7.03 RO - 0 to 100.0%
76 Pre-offset reference 1.60 RO - ± 02 min-1
77 Pre-ramp reference 1.03 RO - ± 02 or (01 to 02)
78 Current magnitude 4.01 RO - 0 to drive Imax (A)
79 Motor speed 5.04 RO - ± 2 x 02 min-1
0 to 420 V (TL)
80 DC bus voltage 5.05 RO -
0 to 860 V (T)
• For detailed explanations of all parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

4.4 - Detailed explanation of the 05 : Selection of preset configuration

A1.A2 : One 0-10V voltage reference input and one 4-
parameters 20mA current reference input selectable via digital input.
A1.Pr : One voltage reference input and 3 preset
Key: RO = read-only parameter
references selectable via 2 digital inputs.
R-W = read-write parameter A2.Pr : One 4-20mA current reference input and 3 preset
= open loop flux vector control references, selectable via 2 digital inputs.
= closed loop flux vector control 4Pr : 4 preset references selectable via 2 digital inputs.
8Pr : 8 preset references selectable via 3 digital inputs.
01 :Minimum reference clamp E.Pot : Motorised potentiometer (up, down).
In unipolar mode, this parameter defines the minimum speed. TorQ : selection of speed control or torque control via
WARNING: digital input (with speed limiting).
• This parameter is inactive during jog operation. Pid : PID control.
• If the value of 02 is lower than that of 01, the value of PUMP : Pump regulation.
01 is automatically changed to the new value of 02. A.CtP : One voltage or current reference input and one
PTC sensor input.
02 : Maximum reference clamp HoiS : Control of travelling crane.
Pad : Local control via the keypad.
• Before setting a high maximum reference clamp,
HuAC : Auto/manual mode.
check that the motor and the machine can
OPEn : Parameter-setting mode is open.
withstand it.
This parameter defines the maximum speed in both directions
of rotation. Note: Modification of certain parameters in menu 0
automatically causes 05 to change to "OPEn" (open
03 : Acceleration rate parameter setting). This may result in modification of the
Sets the time to accelerate from 0 to 1000 min-1. wiring diagram for the selected preset configuration.
t (s) x 1000 min-1 06
03 = : Motor rated current
(N2-N1) min-1 This is the value of the motor rated current indicated on the
N (rpm) nameplate. The overload is calculated from this value.
07 : Motor rated speed
N2 This is the on-load speed of the motor indicated on the

08 : Motor rated voltage

This is the rated voltage indicated on the motor nameplate.

0 t (s) 09 : Rated power factor (Cos ϕ)

The power factor is measured automatically during a level 2
Value 03 autotune phase (see 63) and set in this parameter.
If it is not possible to carry out autotuning with rotation, enter
the Cos ϕ value indicated on the motor nameplate.
04 : Deceleration rate
Sets the time to decelerate from 1000 min-1 to 0.
10 : Quick setup menu access
04 =
t (s) x 1000 min-1 L1: Level 1 access. Only parameters 01 to 10 can be
(N2-N1) min-1 accessed via the keypad.
L2: Level 2 access. Parameters 01 to 80 can be accessed
N (rpm)
via the keypad.
Loc: Used to store or reactivate a security code (see
procedure in section 4.3.7).


0 t (s)

Value 04


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

11 : 12 :
• Configurations A1.A2, A1.Pr, A2.Pr, E.Pot, TorQ, Pid • Configurations A1.A2, TorQ, Pid, PUMP and HuAC: ADI2
and PUMP: ADI1 mode mode
Used to define the type of signal on the ADI1 input. Used to define the type of signal on the ADI2 input.
Any setting other than the preset configuration causes Any setting other than the preset configuration causes
parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting).
This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the
selected configuration. selected configuration.
Possible settings: Possible settings:
11 Description 12 Description
0-20 mA current signal, 0 mA corresponds to 0-20 mA current signal, 0 mA corresponds to
0-20 0-20
the minimum reference the minimum reference
20-0 mA current signal, 20 mA corresponds 20-0 mA current signal, 20 mA corresponds
20-0 20-0
the minimum reference the minimum reference
4-20 mA current signal with detection of 4-20 mA current signal with detection of
4-20 signal loss. 4 mA corresponds to the 4-20 signal loss. 4 mA corresponds to the
minimum reference minimum reference
20-4 mA current signal with detection of 20-4 mA current signal with detection of
20-4 signal loss. 20 mA corresponds to the 20-4 signal loss. 20 mA corresponds to the
minimum reference minimum reference
4-20 mA current signal without detection of 4-20 mA current signal without detection
4-.20 signal loss. 4 mA corresponds to the 4-.20 signal loss. 4 mA corresponds to the
minimum reference minimum reference
20-4 mA current signal without detection of 20-4 mA current signal without detection of
20-.4 signal loss. 20 mA corresponds to the 20-.4 signal loss. 20 mA corresponds to the
minimum reference minimum reference
voIt 0-10V voltage signal voIt 0-10V voltage signal
d-In The input is configured as a digital input d-In The input is configured as a digital input
The input is configured to manage the motor
• Configuration 4Pr and 8Pr: Preset reference 1 PTC sensors
Used to define preset reference Pr1.
• Configurations A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr, 8Pr and HoiS: Preset
• Configuration Pad: Power-up keypad control mode reference 2
reference Used to define preset reference Pr2.
rSEt: On power-up, the keypad reference is reset to zero.
Prec:On power-up, the keypad reference retains the value it • Configuration E.Pot: Motorised pot reset
had before power-down.
Pr1: On power-up, the keypad reference takes the value of When this parameter is at RSEt, the up/down command
preset reference 1 (12). reference is reset to zero.

• Configuration Pad: Power-up keypad reference Preset 1

Used to define the reference on power-up when 11 is set to


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

13 : 14 :
• Configurations A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr and 8Pr: Preset • Configurations A1.Pr, A2.Pr, 4Pr and 8Pr: Preset
reference 3 reference 4
Used to define preset reference Pr3. Used to define preset reference Pr4.

• Configuration of E.Pot: Motorised pot reset mode • Configuration E.Pot: Motorised pot bipolar select
Used to select the type of automatic reset. Pos: The up/down command reference is limited to
Any setting other than the preset configuration causes positive values (0 to 100.0%).
parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). biPo. : The up/down command reference can change from -100%
This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the to +100%.
selected configuration.
Possible settings: • Configuration Pid and PUMP: PID integral gain
Rst.e: The reference is reset to 0 on each power-up. The up/ This is the gain applied to the PID error before integration.
down and reset inputs are active at all times. Note: The gain values configured for a version V2.20 drive
Pre.e: On power-up, the reference is at the level it was on must not be kept for a version V3.10 drive (modified
power-down. The up/down and reset inputs are active at all adjustment range).
Rst.d: The reference is reset to 0 on each power-up. The • Configuration Pad: Enable keypad Stop key
up/down inputs are active only when the drive output is Used to enable the keypad stop key.
active. The reset input is active at all times. Any setting other than the preset configuration causes
Pre.d: On power-up, the reference is at the level it was on parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting).
power-down. The up/down inputs are active only when the This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the
drive output is active. The reset input is active at all times. selected configuration.
Possible settings:
• Configuration Pid and PUMP: PID proportional gain OFF: keypad Stop key disabled.
This is the proportional gain applied to the PID error. On: keypad Stop key enabled.
Note: The gain values configured for a version V2.20 drive
must not be kept for a version V3.10 drive (modified 15 :
adjustment range). • Configuration 8Pr: Preset reference 5
Used to define preset reference Pr5.
• Configuration Pad: Enable keypad FWD key
Used to enable or disable the keypad forward key. • Configuration E.Pot: Motorised pot rate
Any setting other than the preset configuration causes This parameter defines the time it takes for the up/down pot
parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). reference to change from 0 to 100.0%.
This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the It will take twice as long to change from -100.0% to +100.0%.
selected configuration. Defines the sensitivity of the command.
Possible settings:
OFF: keypad FWD key disabled. • Configuration Pid: PID derivative gain
On: keypad FWD key enabled. This is the gain applied to the PID error before derivation.

• Configuration PUMP: Stop on Vmin enable

This parameter is used to enable the run/stop on minimum
speed function. During operation, if 15 = Yes, and the flow
rate is at minimum (min. speed) for a period of 25 seconds,
the drive automatically disables PID control and stops the
motor. Restarting occurs when the pressure falls below the
pressure set by the user (reference pressure x 48).


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

16 : 20 :
• Configuration 8Pr: Preset reference 6 • Configuration Pid: ADIO3 input scaling
Used to define preset reference Pr6. Used if necessary to scale the analog input. However, this
rarely proves necessary since the maximum value of the
• Configuration E.Pot: Motorised pot scale factor analog input automatically corresponds to the maximum
value of the parameter which has been assigned.
The maximum value of the up/down pot reference
automatically takes the maximum value 02. 20 :
This parameter is used to correct the action of the up/down
pot reference, in cases where the main PID reference is used. • Configuration PUMP: Customer reference value
For a maximum up/down pot reference, at 1000 min-1: This parameter indicates the value of the PID reference in
customer units (scaled using 19).
16 = 1000

• Configuration Pid: PID upper limit 21 :

Used to limit the maximum value of the PID output.
• Configuration Pid: PID reference
• Configuration PUMP: Draining threshold Indicates the value of the PID reference.
This parameter is used to set the threshold (as a percentage
of the sensor pressure) of the drive draining trip "tr01", when • Configuration PUMP: Customer feedback value
the back pressure is not reached. This parameter indicates the value of the sensor feedback in
customer units (scaled using 19).
17 :
• Configuration 8Pr: Preset reference 7 22 :
Used to define preset reference Pr7.

• Configuration E.Pot: Motorised pot output • Configuration Pid: PID feedback

Indicates the level of the reference before scaling (expressed Indicates the PID feedback value.
as a percentage).
• Configuration PUMP: Motor speed
• Configuration Pid: PID lower limit This parameter indicates the motor speed of rotation.
Used to limit the maximum negative value or the minimum
positive value of the PID output.
23 :
• Configuration PUMP: Draining time delay
Used to set the period before the drive draining trip "tr01", • Configuration Pid: PID main reference
when the back pressure is not reached. Indicates the value of the PID main reference.
18 :
• Configuration 8Pr: Preset reference 8 24 :
Used to define preset reference Pr8.
• Configuration Pid: PID output
• Configuration Pid: PID output scaling Indicates the level of the PID controller output before scaling.
Used to scale the PID output before it is added to the main
reference. 25 : Operating mode
The sum of both references is automatically scaled according
This parameter is used to select the control mode.
to the adjustment range of the parameter to which it is A return to factory settings procedure does not modify the
addressed. operating mode.
The operating mode can only be selected when the drive is
• Configuration PUMP: Digital reference stopped.
If the regulation reference is digital (terminal DI3 closed), 18 oP.LP: The drive is controlled in open loop mode. Open
is used to define the value of this reference (as a percentage loop control mode is defined by parameter 26.
of the pressure, see example in section cL.LP: The drive controls an induction motor in closed loop
flux vector control mode. The encoder type or control mode
are defined by parameter 26.
19 :
SruO: The drive controls a servo motor. The encoder type or
• Configuration TorQ and Pid: ADI2 input scaling control mode are defined by parameter 26.
Used if necessary to scale analog input ADI2. However, this Note: The change from open loop mode (25 = oP.LP) to
rarely proves necessary since the maximum input level closed loop mode (25 = cL.LP or SruO), or vice-versa,
(100%) automatically corresponds to the max. value of the initiates a return to factory settings of parameters 40 (brake
destination parameter.
apply frequency or brake apply speed) and 41
(magnetisation delay/pre-brake release delay).
• Configuration PUMP: Customer unit coefficient
This parameter is a multiplication coefficient allowing the PID
reference and PID feedback to be displayed as a customer
value (20 and 21).


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

26 : 28 :
• If 25 = oP.LP: Open loop mode select ( ) • If 25 = cL.LP or Srvo: Drive encoder filter ( )
Determines the open loop control mode. Modes,, This parameter is used to insert a filter in the encoder speed
r.FSt or r.On are used in flux vector control. The difference feedback, such that:
between these modes is the method used to identify the time constant = 228 ms.
motor parameters, particularly the stator resistance. As these This is particularly useful for attenuating the current demand
parameters vary with temperature and are essential for when the load has high inertia and high gain is necessary on
obtaining optimum performance, the machine cycle must be
taken into account for selecting the most appropriate mode. the speed loop. If the filter is not enabled under these
Modes UtoF and SqrE correspond to a U/F ratio control conditions, it is possible for the speed loop output to change
mode. This ratio is linear in UtoF mode and square in SqrE continuously from one current limit to another, disabling the
mode. integral function of the speed loop.
The filter is inactive if 28 = 0. The stator resistance and voltage offset are measured
each time the drive receives a run command. 29 :
These measurements are only valid if the machine is
stopped, and totally defluxed. The measurement is not taken • If 25 = oP.LP and 26 = UtoF: Boost
when the run command is given less than 2 seconds after the For operation in V/F mode, parameter 29 is used to overflux
previous stop. This is the most effective flux vector control the motor at low speed so that it delivers more torque on
mode. However, the operating cycle must be compatible with starting. It is a percentage of the motor rated voltage (08).
the 2 seconds required between a stop command and a new
run command. • If 25 = cL.LP or Srvo: Speed loop proportional gain Kp1 The stator resistance and voltage offset are not ( )
This mode is of course the least effective. It should only be Adjusts the stability of the motor speed in the event of sudden
used when mode is incompatible with the operating variations in the reference.
cycle. Increase the proportional gain until vibrations occur in the
UtoF: Voltage-frequency ratio with fixed boost adjustable via motor, then reduce the value by 20 to 30%, checking that the
parameters 29 and 08. motor remains stable in the event of sudden variations in
Motor voltage
08 speed, both at no load and on load.

30 :
• If 25 = oP.LP and 26 = UtoF: Dynamic V to F
08/2 Lin: The V/F ratio is fixed and set by the base frequency
dyn: Dynamic V/F ratio. Generates a voltage/frequency
characteristic which varies with the load. It is for use in
29 quadratic torque applications (pumps/fans/compressors). It
61/2 61 Motor frequency can be used in constant torque applications with low
WARNING: dynamics to reduce motor noise.
Use this mode to control several motors.
• If 25 = cL.LP or Srvo: Speed loop integral gain Ki1 ( )
r.FSt: Operation equivalent to mode. Adjusts the stability of the motor speed on load impact.
r.On: Operation equivalent to mode after the first start. Increase the integral gain so that the same speed is obtained
• In r.On mode, a voltage is briefly on load and at no load in the event of load impact.
applied to the motor. For safety reasons, no WARNING:
electrical circuit should be accessible once the drive is Do not configure a zero value in this parameter (may
powered up. cause difficulties when the motor stops).

SqrE: Square voltage/frequency law.

• If 25 = cL.LP or Sruo: Sensor type

Incr.: Quadrature incremental encoder
Fd: Incremental encoder with Frequency/Direction output
Fr: Incremental encoder with FWD/REV outputs
CoMM: Incremental encoder with commutation channels
haLL: Hall effect sensor
tyP1 to tyP4: Sensorless mode 1 to mode 4 (specific modes,
requiring the use of advanced menus, see manual ref. 3756).

27 :
• If 25 = cL.LP or Srvo: Encoder lines per revolution
Used to configure the number of lines per encoder revolution.
Converts the encoder input into a speed.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

31 : Current loop proportional gain 39 :

• If 36 ≠ dis: Brake release frequency
32 : Current loop integral gain Used to set the frequency threshold at which the brake will be
• If 25 = oP.LP and 26 ≠ UtoF or if 25 = cL.LP or Srvo: controlled. This frequency level should ensure sufficient
Due to a certain number of internal drive factors, oscillations torque is provided to drive the load in the right direction when
may occur in the following cases: the brake is released. This threshold is usually set at a value
- Frequency control with current limiting around the rated slightly above the frequency corresponding to the motor slip
frequency and on load impacts. at full load.
- Torque control on machines with a low load and around the Example:
rated speed. - 1500 min-1 = 50 Hz
- On a mains supply break or on a controlled deceleration - Rated on-load speed = 1470 min-1
ramp when control via the DC bus is requested. - Slip = 1500 - 1470 = 30 min-1
- Slip frequency = 30/1500 x 50 = 1 Hz
To reduce these oscillations, we recommend that you first:
- increase the proportional gain 31
- then reduce the integral gain 32. 40 :
• If 36 ≠ dis:Brake apply frequency or speed
33 : threshold
• If 25 = cL.LP or Srvo: Ramp bypass ( ) Used to set the frequency or speed threshold at which brake
raMP: Active ramps. control will be disabled. This threshold enables the brake to
be applied before zero speed so as to avoid load veering
no: Ramps short-circuited. while the brake is being applied.
If the frequency or speed drops below this threshold when no
34 and 35 : Not used stop request has been made (change of direction of rotation),
brake control will remain activated. This exception can be
36 : Brake controller enable used to avoid the brake being applied as the motor passes
Used to enable brake control and to select to which digital through zero speed.
output it will be assigned.
41 :
dis: Brake control is not enabled.
COnt: Brake control is enabled and routed to the PX-Brake • If 36 ≠ dis: Magnetisation delay ( )
Contactor (or PX-Brake Contactor Secure) option. Pre-brake release delay ( )
rEI: Brake control is enabled and directed towards the relay. : This time delay is triggered when all the conditions for
In this case, the function initially assigned to the drive relay brake release have been met. It allows enough time to
(fault relay) is rerouted to digital output DIO1. establish an adequate level of reactive current in the motor
USEr: Brake control is enabled. The output is not assigned and to ensure that the slip compensation function is fully
automatically; it is up to the user to make the selection. See activated. When this time delay has elapsed, brake control is
the extended functions manual ref. 3756. enabled. For the full duration of this time delay, the ramp
WARNING: applied to the reference is held constant.
• The secure disable function overrides brake control: if
: This time delay is used to delay the brake apply
47 = SEcu then 36 = rEI, brake control is indeed enabled command in relation to the passage below the minimum
but the relay keeps its fault relay function and 36 speed threshold (40). It is useful for avoiding repeated
switches automatically to USEr. oscillation of the brake when it is being applied around zero
Consequently, disable the safety function by speed.
47 = Enab before setting 36 = rEI.
Note: Setting 36 to rEI will cause parameter 05 to change to 42 :
"OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result in • If 36 ≠ dis: Post-brake release delay
modification of the wiring diagram for the selected preset This time delay is triggered when brake control is enabled. It
configuration. is used to allow time for the brake to release before unlocking
the ramp.
37 :
43 :
• If 36 ≠ dis: Upper current threshold
• If 36 ≠ dis: Brake apply delay ( )
Used to set the current threshold at which the brake will be
controlled. This current level should provide sufficient torque This time delay is used to maintain the torque at standstill
while the brake is applied. When this time delay has elapsed,
at the time the brake is released. the drive output is deactivated.
38 : 44 and 45 :Not used
• If 36 ≠ dis: Lower current threshold
Used to set the current threshold below which brake control
will be disabled (brake applied). It should be set so that loss
of the motor power supply is detected.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

46 : 47 :
• All configurations except PUMP configuration:
Start/stop logic select • Configuration PUMP: Run time: hours.minutes
Used to choose one of 3 Run/Stop command and Direction of This parameter records the number of hours and minutes of
rotation management modes. operation since the drive was first commissioned. After 23.59,
Any setting other than the preset configuration causes 47 returns to 0 and 46 is incremented by one day.
parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting).
This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the 48 :
selected configuration. • All configurations except configuration PUMP: ADIO3
Possible settings: mode
Lchd : DI2 terminal used as FWD/Stop Used to define whether ADIO3 is used as an input or output
DI3 terminal used as REV/Stop and the type of signal used.
Commands given via latched contacts. Any setting other than the preset configuration causes
Puls : DI2 terminal used as FWD parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting).
DI3 terminal used as Stop This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the
DIO1 terminal used as REV selected configuration.
Commands given via pulsed contacts. Possible settings:
To change from FWD to REV or vice versa, go via a stop
command. 48 Description
r.InP : DI2 terminal used as Run/Stop 0-20 mA current input, 0 mA corresponds to
DI3 terminal used to select the direction of 0.20i
the minimum reference
20.0i 20-0 mA current input, 20 mA corresponds
Commands given via latched contacts.
These three configurations result in automatic assignment of to the minimum reference
the digital inputs. 4-20 mA current input with detection of
Note: Modifications to 46 must be made with the drive 4.20i signal loss. 4 mA corresponds to the
disabled. minimum reference
20-4 mA current input with detection of
• With "3-wire" control (jog Run/Stop) 20.4i
46 = Puls : signal loss. 20 mA corresponds to the
minimum reference
DIO1 Run reverse
4-20 mA current input without detection of
+24V 4.20i. signal loss. 4 mA corresponds to the
DI2 Run forward minimum reference
Stop 20-4 mA current input without detection of
DI3 20.4i. signal loss. 20 mA corresponds to the
• With reverse direction, 46 = r.InP: minimum reference
+24V 0.10i 0-10V voltage input
Run/Stop d-In The input is configured as a digital input
0-20 mA current output, where 20 mA
DI3 Reverse 0.20o corresponds to the maximum value of the
4-20 mA current output, where 20 mA
46 : corresponds to the maximum value of the
0-10V voltage output, where 10V
• Configuration PUMP: Run time: years.days 0.10o corresponds to the maximum value of the
This parameter records the number of years and days of assigned parameter
operation since the drive was first commissioned. • Configuration PUMP: Automatic restart threshold
After a stop on minimum speed, the motor restarts when the
47 : pressure falls below the pressure set by the user, i.e.
• All configurations except configuration PUMP: SDI reference pressure x 48.
Used to define the SDI input type. Any setting other than the
preset configuration causes parameter 05 to switch to
"OPEn" (open parameter setting). This may result in
modification of the wiring diagram for the selected
Possible settings:
Enab: The SDI input is used as a simple unlocking input.
SEcu: The SDI input is used as a secure disable input. In
order to conform to safety standard EN 954-1 category 3,
the drive must be wired in accordance with the
recommended diagram in the manual (section 3.4).
Note: Modifications to 47 must be made with the drive
The factory setting of 47 is Enab for the Pad
configuration. The same applies if the drive is controlled
by a fieldbus or an LCD keypad.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

49 : 51 :
• All configurations except configuration PUMP: ADIO3 • All configurations except configuration PUMP: Jog
feature reference
This parameter is used to assign the ADIO3 function quickly Operating speed when the jog input has been selected (see
when it is being used as an output. 50).
Any setting other than the preset configuration causes
parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting). 51 :
This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the
selected configuration. • Configuration PUMP: Trip -3
Possible settings: Reads trip -3.
49 ADIO3 function
52 :
SPd Motor speed • All configurations except configuration PUMP: Bipolar
Ld Motor load reference select
A Motor current PoS: All negative references are treated as zero.
Puur Output power nEg: Used to change the direction of rotation by the reference
polarity. May come from preset references.
Adv Any assignment
Note: The analog inputs are unipolar.
If ADIO3 is used as an input, 49 in forced to Adv.
When 49 = Adv, assignment is at the user's discretion. Refer 52 :
to the "extended functions" manual ref. 3756.
• Configuration PUMP: Trip -4
49 : Reads trip -4.

• Configuration PUMP: Trip -1 (most recent) 53 :

Used to find out the last drive trip.
• All configurations except configuration PUMP: Skip
50 : (critical speed)
A skip is available to avoid a machine running at a critical
• All configurations except configuration PUMP: DIO1 speed. When the parameter is at 0, the function is
feature deactivated.
This parameter is used to assign the DIO1 function quickly.
Any setting other than the preset configuration causes
53 :
parameter 05 to switch to "OPEn" (open parameter setting).
This may result in modification of the wiring diagram for the
selected configuration. • Configuration PUMP: Trip -5
Possible settings: Reads trip -5.

50 DIO1 function 54 :
n=0 Zero speed output • All configurations except configuration PUMP: Skip
At.SP At speed output reference band
Lo.SP Minimum speed output Defines the skip reference band around the avoided speed.
At.Ld At rated load output The total skip will therefore equal the threshold set ± skip
reference band. When the reference is within the window
act Drive output active
determined in this way, the drive will prevent operation in this
alar Drive general alarm output zone.
I.Lt Current limit output
JoG Jogging input 54 :
rESE Reset input
Adv Any assignment • Configuration PUMP: Trip -6
Reads trip -6.

50 :

• Configuration PUMP: Trip -2

Reads trip -2.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

55 :
• All configurations except configuration PUMP:
Deceleration ramp mode select
Fst: Deceleration ramp imposed. If the deceleration ramp
which has been set is too fast in relation to the inertia of the
load, the DC bus voltage exceeds its maximum value and the
drive switches to overvoltage trip "OU".
Select mode 55 = FSt when a braking resistor is used or
in the case of a driving load (especially in the case of
preset configuration HoiS).
Std: Standard deceleration ramp with automatic
extension of the ramp time in order to avoid causing a DC
bus overvoltage trip on the drive.
StdH: The drive allows the motor voltage to be increased to
as much as 1.2 times the rated voltage set in 08 (motor rated
voltage), to avoid reaching the maximum DC bus voltage
threshold. However, if this is not sufficient, the standard
deceleration ramp time is extended, to avoid causing a DC
bus overvoltage trip on the drive.
For the same amount of energy, mode StdH enables faster
deceleration than mode Std.
FstH: Same as mode StdH, but the ramp is imposed. If the
configured ramp is too fast, the drive goes into OU trip state.
In modes StdH and FstH, the motor must be able to
tolerate the additional losses related to the increase in
voltage at its terminals.

55 :

• Configuration PUMP: Trip -7

Reads trip -7.

56 :
• All configurations except configuration PUMP: Ramp
Lin: The ramp is linear.
S-rP: A curved part at the start and end of the ramp avoids
load swinging (S ramp).
The S ramp is deactivated during controlled
decelerations, 55 = Std or StdH.

56 :

• Configuration PUMP: Trip -8

Reads trip -8.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

57 : dC-O ( ): Stop by DC injection braking, and elimination at

• All configurations except configuration PUMP: Stop zero speed.
mode The drive decelerates the motor by setting a low frequency
FrEE: freewheel stop. current until it reaches almost zero speed, which the drive
The power bridge is deactivated as soon as the stop detects automatically.
command is given. The drive then injects DC current for 1 second. The drive then
The drive cannot receive another run command for 2 s, the displays rdY. No run command can be taken into account until
time required for motor demagnetisation. rdY is displayed.
The display indicates rdY, 2 seconds after the stop command. Motor
The machine stopping time depends on its inertia.

Braked stop
t current
Freewheel stop time Time

rAMP: Stop on deceleration ramp.

The drive decelerates the motor according to the
deceleration mode chosen in parameter 55. rdY
One second after the stop, the display indicates rdY. Motor Injection of low DC
Motor current frequency current injection
dC-t ( ): Stop on DC injection with an imposed period of
The drive decelerates the motor by imposing DC current for
one second, then the drive displays rdY. No run command
can be taken into account until rdY is displayed.

Deceleration rdY Time
ramp 1sec

rP.dC: Stop on deceleration ramp with DC injection for an

imposed period of time. t
The drive decelerates the motor according to the deceleration Stop
mode chosen in parameter 55. Braked stop
When zero frequency is reached, the drive injects DC current Motor
for 1 second. current
The drive then displays rdY.

Injection of low rdY

frequency current

57 :
Stop • Configuration PUMP: Trip -9
Deceleration Time
Reads trip -9.

DC injection

Motor current


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

58 : 61 : Motor rated frequency

• All configurations except configuration PUMP: Mains This is the point at which motor operation changes from
loss mode constant torque to constant power.
diS: The drive does not take account of mains supply In standard operation, it is the frequency indicated on the
breaks and continues to operate while there is sufficient motor nameplate.
voltage on the DC bus.
StOP: In the event of a mains supply break, the drive will 62 : Number of motor poles
decelerate on a ramp, automatically calculated by the drive, When this parameter is at Auto, the drive automatically
so that the motor feeds back energy to the drive's DC bus and
therefore continues to power its control electronics. Upon calculates the number of poles according to the rated speed
return to normal conditions, deceleration continues until the (07) and the rated frequency (61). However, the value can
motor stops, but according to the deceleration mode be entered directly in accordance with the table below:
configured in 55. Motor rated speed min-1 62 In the event of a mains supply break, the drive will
decelerate on a ramp, automatically calculated by the drive, 3000 2P
so that the motor feeds back energy to the drive's DC bus and 1500 4P
therefore continues to power its control electronics. Upon
return to normal conditions, the motor re-accelerates up to the 1000 6P
reference speed. 750 8P

58 : 63 : Autotune
• The measurement taken when 63 = rot should be
• Configuration PUMP: Trip -10 taken with the motor uncoupled since the variable
Reads trip -10. speed drive drives the motor at 2/3 of its rated speed.
Check that this operation does not present any risk to
59 : Catch a spinning motor safety, and ensure that the motor is stopped before the
If this parameter is enabled by 59 = On.2d, On.Fd or On.rS, autotune procedure.
when there is a run command or after a mains supply break, • If brake control is enabled, the autotune
the drive executes a procedure to calculate the motor procedure may cause the brake to be released. If there is
frequency and direction of rotation. It will automatically any danger, disable brake control before initiating
recalibrate the output frequency to the measured value and autotuning (36 = dis).
re-accelerate the motor up to the reference frequency. • After modifying the motor parameters, repeat
59 Functions
no Disable catch a spinning motor function
no: No autotune
On.2d Enable catching of a spinning motor rotating
clockwise or counter-clockwise StoP: Measurement of motor characteristics when stopped.
On.Fd Enable catching of a spinning motor which is The stator resistance and voltage offset are stored.
rotating clockwise only Procedure:
On.rS Enable catching of a spinning motor which is - Ensure that the motor parameters have been configured and
rotating counter-clockwise only that the motor is stopped.
- Enable the drive.
• If the load is stationary at the time of the run - Give a run command. The display indicates "Auto" and "tunE"
command or when the mains supply returns, this alternately. Wait for the display to stabilise at "0.0".
operation may cause the machine to rotate in both - Disable the drive and remove the run command.
directions before the motor accelerates. The motor is then ready to operate normally.
• Before enabling this function, check that there is Parameter 63 returns to "no" as soon as autotuning is
no danger to equipment and personnel. complete.
60 : Switching frequency This autotune is performed automatically even though
Sets the PWM switching frequency. 63 = 0, in the following cases:
- initial drive commissioning
60 Frequency - return to factory settings, after the drive has been
3 hH 3 kHz enabled and a run command given
4.5 hH 4.5 kHz
rot: Measurement of motor characteristics with rotation.
5.5 hH 5.5 kHz The stator resistance and the voltage offset are stored, and
6 hH 6 kHz the magnetising current and the leakage inductance are used
9 hH 9 kHz to calculate the power factor 09. This mode is used to obtain
optimum performance.
11 hH 11 kHz Procedure:
WARNING: - Ensure that the motor parameters have been configured and
A high switching frequency reduces the magnetic noise, that the motor is stopped.
but it increases the motor temperature rise and the level - Enable the drive.
of radio-frequency interference emission, and reduces - Give a run command. The motor accelerates up to 2/3 of
the starting torque. rated speed, then performs a freewheel stop. During
If the temperature becomes too high, the drive can autotuning, the display indicates "Auto" and "tunE"
reduce the switching frequency selected by the user. alternately. Wait for the display to stabilise at "0.0".
- Disable the drive and remove the run command.
The motor is then ready to operate normally.
Parameter 63 returns to no as soon as autotuning is


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

64 : Parameter cloning 68 : Selection of load display

Disable the drive (terminal SDI2 open). This parameter is used to obtain an indication of the load or
Connect XPressKey to the drive's serial link. the total current on the display.
no: No action. 68 Functions
rEad:When this parameter is stored at rEad, the display
alternates between "rEad" and "hEY?" Confirm the transfer of Ld Display of the drive load level.
parameters into the drive by pressing the KeY button. When A Display of the total motor current.
the transfer is complete, the parameter reverts to 0. The rEad
function can also be activated via the pushbutton located on 69 : Unit for displaying the speed
the copy key. The first press on the button corresponds to
parameter 64 changing to rEad, and the second press 69 Function
confirms this. Press the button on the key within 10 seconds Fr Output frequency expressed in Hz.
after selecting rEad in 64. SP Motor speed expressed in min-1.
Prog: When this parameter is stored at Prog, the display Customer unit defined using a coefficient
alternates between "Prog" and "hEY?" Confirm the transfer of
parameters into XPressKey by pressing the Key button on the Cd determined in parameter 70 as follows:
XPressKey. When the transfer is complete, the parameter Cd = 79 motor speed in min-1 x
reverts to 0. Press the button on the key within 10 seconds parameter 70
after selecting Prog in 64.
Auto: Any modification of a parameter is automatically saved
to the copy key. The action is confirmed at the time of storing 70 : Parameter scaling
(M key). No data is written to the copy key on a return to This is a multiplication coefficient applied to the motor speed
factory settings. for expressing the speed in a unit defined by the user (see
• The copy key contains parameters relating to the drive Example: To obtain a reading in m/min for an application
rating. If the parameters are copied into a drive with a where the product is moving 200 mm for each motor
different rating, the parameters relating to the drive and revolution ==> 70 = 0.2.
the motor characteristics will not be copied and the drive
will go into alarm mode "C.rtg".
71 and 72 : Storing of the last 2
If the user confirms the transfer by pressing the Key trips
button on the XPressKey, the parameters are transferred Contains the last 2 drive trips.
into the drive, apart from the "motor" parameters (06, 07, 71: Indicates the most recent trip.
08, 31 and 32).
• Do not transfer parameters with the XPressKey between
two drives with different voltage/frequency ("T" drive to 73 and 74 : ADI1 and ADI2 input levels
a "TL" or vice versa, and "TL-50Hz" drive to "TL-60Hz"
and vice versa for example). Used to read the value of the analog input or the state of the
corresponding digital input.
65 : Factory settings
WARNING: 75 : ADIO3 input or output level
Disable the drive before changing 65.
no: Return to factory settings is not performed. Used to read the corresponding analog input or output.
Eur: Configures the drive to factory settings for 50 Hz mains
USA: Configures the drive to factory settings for 60 Hz mains 76 : Pre-offset reference
Note: After a return to factory settings, the drive automatically Indicates the reference value without a run command.
performs autotuning of the motor at standstill (see 63).
77 : Pre-ramp reference
66 : User security code
If this parameter is other than 0 and 10 is set to Loc, no Indicates the reference after the speed skip (53 and 54) but
parameter modification can take place. before the acceleration or deceleration ramp.
To modify a parameter, the user must enter the code
equivalent to the value of 66 (see procedure described in
section 4.3.6). 78 : Current magnitude

67 : Unit displayed on power-up Reading of the rms current in each drive output phase.
Spd: On power-up, the speed is displayed. This is the result of the vectorial sum of the magnetising
The unit depends on the setting of 69 (frequency in Hz, current and the active current.
speed in min-1 or a unit defined by the user).
79 : Motor speed
Load: On power-up, the load is displayed.
The unit displayed depends on the setting of 68 (motor load
as a % or output current in A). Indicates the calculated motor speed.

SP.Ld: Alternately displays the speed and load, or the 80 : DC bus voltage
USER, SP.US and Ld.US: Functions only accessible with the Indicates the DC bus voltage measurement.
advanced menus. See manual ref. 3756.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

4.5 - Commissioning for brake control

4.5.1 - Introduction
To control an electromechanical brake from an AC single-phase source, use the optional PX-Brake Contactor (or PX-Brake
Contactor Secure if the secure disable input function is also used for the application).
In the case of an application with driving load, use the optional PX-Brake Resistor or an RF external resistor.
Connect the brake and the optional PX-Brake Contactor as indicated on the installation sheet ref. 3809 (or ref. 3811 for the optional
PX-Brake Contactor Secure). Then if necessary, connect the braking resistor to the power terminals BR1 and BR2, as indicated
in section 6.3.2.

When using an external braking resistor, the drive internal braking resistor must be disconnected. To do this, follow the
instructions described in section 6.3.3.

4.5.2 - Parameter settings to be made

Parameter setting must be carried out with the drive disabled (terminal SDI2 open). Then, enable the drive before giving
the run command.
Parameter Name Setting OBSERVATIONS
cL.LP Enables operation in closed loop flux vector mode
25 Operating mode or or
oP.LP Enables operation in open loop mode.
26 Sensor type 26 and 27 at minimum depending on the characteristics of
depending on Setthe sensor used (for more precise parameter setting of the speed
27 Encoder lines per revolution the sensor feedback, set 28 to 33 as well, see section
Enables brake control. Brake control controls the solid state
36 Brake controller enable Cont relay for the optional PX-Brake Contactor (or PX-Brake
Contactor Secure)
After enabling the run command via DI2 or DI3, when the motor
current is greater than 10%, brake contactor closing is permitted
37 Upper current threshold 10% (release).
Note: If load veering occurs when the brake is released,
increase the value of this parameter.
This setting is a safety mechanism in the event of loss of motor
current during operation (e.g. motor power supply cable cut,
38 Lower current threshold 10% winding fault). If the current is less than
10%, the brake contactor is opened (applied).
After enabling the run command via DI2 or DI3, when the
frequency is greater than 1 Hz, brake contactor closing is
39 Brake release frequency 1.0 Hz permitted (release).
Note: If load veering occurs when the brake is released,
increase the value of this parameter.
Brake apply frequency 2.0Hz If a stop command is given by opening DI2 or DI3, when the
speed is less than 2.0 Hz or 5 min-1 , the brake contactor
is opened (applied). The drive remains active for 1 s after the
Brake apply speed 5 min-1 brake contactor opens.
Note: When the deceleration ramp is short, if load veering
occurs, increase the value of this parameter.
Magnetisation delay 0. 10s After enabling the run command via DI2 or DI3, automatic
Pre-brake release delay 0.30 s installation of the magnetising current for 0.10 seconds.
After enabling the run command via DI2 or DI3, the acceleration
ramp is "frozen" for 0.1 s, even though the brake is released.
42 Post-brake release delay 0. 10s Reduce this time to 0 s, if you wish the motor to turn immediately
after the brake is released.
If a stop command is given by opening DI2 or DI3, with the brake
43 Brake apply delay 1.00 s applied, the torque is held for the whole period set by this
This parameter must always be set to "FSt" during hoisting or if
55 Deceleration ramp mode select FSt an external braking resistor is used. The deceleration ramp is in
proportion to the time set in 04

For a detailed explanation of these parameters, see section 4.4 page 49.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

• The user must not attempt to repair the drive himself, nor perform diagnostics other than those listed in this
section. If the drive malfunctions, it should be returned to LEROY-SOMER via your usual contact.

The PROXIDRIVE display gives a certain amount of information which simplifies the diagnostic process.
This information is broken down into 2 categories:
- Information concerning operation on the display
- Drive tripping with display of a code

5.1 - Information concerning operation

This information tells the user the drive status when stopped or running.

Auto/tunE • Auto and tunE are displayed alternately

• Autotuning phase in progress
dEC Deceleration in progress after a stop command
• The drive is disabled, and cannot start the motor
inh • Freewheel stop
• The drive is enabled, and is waiting for a command
rdY • The motor is ready to run
StoP The drive is holding the motor torque at zero speed ( )
• The drive has tripped
triP • Alternate display of triP and the trip code (to find out what the code means, see section 5.2)
Alar./USrx • enabled
Alar. and USrx are displayed alternately, where x is the user trip number (1 to 4). Alarms
by 10.54 to 10.57 (see the extended functions manual ref. 3756).
• The drive rating does not correspond to that of the XPressKey
Err/C.rtg • The drive alternately displays "Err" and "Crtg". If the user confirms the transfer by pressing the
Key button on the XPressKey, the parameters are transferred into the drive, apart from the "motor" parameters
(4.13, 4.14, 5.07 (06), 5.08 (07), 5.09 (08), 10.31, 21.07, 21.08 and 21.09)
no Parameter transfer via XPressKey is not possible. Disable the drive and repeat the procedure
Copy/ohI.I. The copy by XPressKey has successfully been completed

5.2 - Trips
If the drive trips, the drive output bridge is inactive, and the drive no longer controls the motor.
The display indicates "triP" and the trip code alternately.
All the trips indicated by the display are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Trip code No. Reason for trip Solution
cL1 27 Loss of the current reference on analog
input ADI1 • Check that the reference is > 3mA
cL2 28 Loss of the current reference on analog • If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
input ADI2 tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
cL3 29 Loss of the current reference on analog
input ADIO3
EEF 31 • EEPROM trip • Perform a return to factory settings (see 65)
• Transfer of a set of parameters from a • If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
software version > V2.00 to a drive tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
version V2.00 (via XPressKey) • Switch off and then on again. Transfer
of the XPressKey has still taken place.
EnC1 36 Loss of channel U • Check the speed feedback
• Replace the encoder
EnC2 37 Loss of channel V • Check the encoder voltage and connections
EnC3 38 Loss of channel W • Check the encoder voltage and connections
Fbus 34 • Disconnection of the fieldbus during • If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
operation tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
• Error detected by the optional bus • Check the connection of the optional bus to the drive.
• Read the error code in parameter 15.50 and refer to the
manual for the corresponding optional bus for explanations.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

Trip code No. Reason for trip Solution

It.AC 20 Motor overload i x t • Read the battery value in 4.19
• Check that the motor is not overloaded
• Adjust the rated speed ( )
• Check that the motor rated current is correctly set (06)
• Speed feedback: check the coupling, and check that the
signal is not disturbed
• Check the number of motor poles in 62
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tripping (see manual ref. 3756). 19 Braking resistor overload I x t • Read the battery value in 10.39
• Increase the resistor ohmic value
• Check that 10.30 and 10.31 are set correctly
(braking cycle too long)
• Check the resistor wiring
• Check the built-in transistor
Oht1 21 IGBT overheating (sensor) • Reduce the motor load, the cycle, the switching frequency
and the acceleration and deceleration ramps
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
• If using an external braking resistor, disconnect the internal
resistor (see procedure in section 6.3).
Oht2 22 Internal resistor overheating (sensor) • Disconnect the internal resistor, if you have connected an
external resistor
• Reduce the switching frequency
• Reduce the cycle and the motor load
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
OI.AC 3 Overcurrent at drive output • Check the motor insulation and connection
• Increase the acceleration and deceleration ramps
• Check the wiring, the coupling and the signals (interference)
of the speed feedback
• Check that the motor cables are not too long
• Reduce the speed loop gains 29 (3.10),
30 (3.11) and 3.12 and
• If it has not already been done, perform autotuning 63 = 2
• Reduce the current loop gains 31 (4.13) and
32 (4.14) and
OIbr 4 IGBT braking overcurrent • Check the resistor insulation
• Correct the short-circuit at the resistor output
• Set a higher resistor ohmic value
Old1 26 Overload on +24V source or digital output • Check the total current consumption
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
OSP 7 Overspeed • The speed is higher than 1.2 times the value of 02
• Check that the load is not driving
• Check that the overspeed threshold has been set correctly
• Adjust the speed loop gains
• Set a longer deceleration time
OU 2 DC bus overvoltage • Provide a braking resistor (optional)
If a resistor is already connected, reduce its
value (within permitted limits)
• Check that the mains supply is not disturbed
• Check the motor insulation
• Set a longer deceleration time in 04
• Check the deceleration mode (55)
Ph.AC 6 Loss of a motor phase with brake enabled • Lower the parameter 37
rS 33 Trip during measurement of stator resistance • Adapt the drive power to that of the motor
• Check the connection of the motor cables
SCL 30 Serial link trip • Check that the serial link cable is not damaged, or wrongly
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
• Check that 11.63 = 0.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

Trip code No. Reason for trip Solution

Secd 35 Secure disable input trip • Give a stop command before enabling the drive
Motor sensor trip • Check the motor load
• Reduce the overload level
• Check the motor cooling and the ambient temperature
th 24 • Check the wiring of terminal ADI2 on the control terminal block
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
tr01 41 User trip 1 via digital input
tr02 42 User trip 2 via digital input
tr03 43 User trip 3 via digital input
• If 10.37 = Ctld, the drive decelerates the motor before
tr04 44 User trip 4 via digital input tripping (see manual ref. 3756).
tr05 45
to to User 5 trip to User 100 trip via serial link
tr100 100
UU 1 DC bus undervoltage Check the mains supply


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6 - OPERATING EXTENSIONS 6.1.2 - XPressKey - General
6.1 - Add-on options The XPressKey option is used to save a copy of all the
• It is imperative that these options (apart from PROXIDRIVE parameters so that they can be duplicated very
XPressKey and KEYPAD-LCD) are installed or simply in another drive.
removed with the drive powered down.

These options can be integrated in the product, without the

need for special tools and without affecting the overall
If a number of add-on options are being used, all
combinations are possible except for the association of
two communication interfaces or of one communication
interface and one I/O extension module (only one slot

6.1.1 - Access to slots

- Unscrew the 4 screws (1 to 4) on the cover using a flat or - Saving parameters in XPressKey
torx 25 screwdriver. • Connect XPressKey to the PROXIDRIVE's serial link.
- Lift the cover. • Drive disabled "Inh", set 64 to "Prog", then press the M key.
WARNING: The display alternates between "Prog" and "hEY?". Confirm
To maintain the PROXIDRIVE IP66/Nema 4X protection, it the transfer of parameters into XPressKey by pressing the
is essential to: KeY button on the XPressKey.
- Avoid damaging the seal while removing the cover. WARNING:
- Reposition the cover correctly when reassembling and If confirmation is not received within 10 seconds, the
tighten each of the 4 screws to a tightening torque of procedure is cancelled.
2 N.m. • When the display reverts to "COPY OK" then "Inh", the
transfer is complete and XPressKey can be disconnected and
replaced in its slot. - Setting the parameters of a drive with the same

rating using XPressKey
• Connect XPressKey to the serial link.
• With the drive disabled "Inh", press the "Key" button for a
first time. The display alternates between "rEad" and "hEY?".
Confirm the transfer of parameters into the drive by pressing
the "Key" button a second time.
If confirmation is not received within 10 seconds, the
procedure is cancelled.
• When the display reverts to "COPY OK" then "Inh", the
transfer is complete and XPressKey can be disconnected and
replaced in its slot.
If the drive rating is different and the user wishes to transfer
the XPressKey to the drive, the drive goes into alarm mode
"C.rtg". If the user confirms the transfer by pressing the Key
Speed feedback module button on the XPressKey, the parameters are transferred into
the drive, apart from the "motor" parameters (06, 07, 08, 31
and 32).
Communication module
or I/O extension
Do not transfer the XPressKey parameters between two
Brake contactor
drives with different voltage/frequency ("T" drive to a
PX-Brake Contactor or "TL" or vice versa, and "TL-50Hz" drive to "TL-60Hz" and
PX-Brake Contactor Secure
vice versa for example).

Note: For the installation instructions, see the manuals for the
corresponding options.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.1.3 - PX-Encoder - Connection of an incremental encoder

The PX-Encoder option can be used to manage the motor - 0V for the encoder power supply
speed feedback. PX-Encoder manages incremental Encoder power supply depending on the position of
encoders with or without commutation channels and Hall the selector switch (slider) 5V or 15V
effect sensors. A - Terminal block installation and locations A\
Connection of encoder channels
0 Do not connect. 0 marker not managed
V Connection of commutation channels (Servo)
0\ Do not connect. 0 marker not managed
Check the position of the power supply selector switch
Sensor inputs carefully.
5V 15V - + A A B B 0 - Connection of a Hall effect sensor
Slider - 0V for the sensor power supply
U U V V W W 0 Sensor power supply according to position of selector
to be positioned on 15V
U\ • Sensor signal 1
V\ • Sensor signal 2
W\ • Sensor signal 3
Check the switch position carefully: 15V for the Hall
effect sensor power supply.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.1.4 - PX-Brake Contactor 6.1.5 - PX-Secure

Digital output
connection - General
The PX-Secure option allows terminal SDI2 to be used as a - General secure disable input in accordance with safety standard
The PX-Brake Contactor option is used to control an EN 954-1 category 2 or 3 (line contactor not required).
electromechanical brake directly from an AC single-phase
source. - Connection
It is connected to a dedicated digital output, managed by PX-Secure
brake control (parameters 36 to 43).
Note: The option is protected by a fuse (rated FA 660 V,
1.25 A) labelled "F1" on the card. KA KA KA
QS - Connection

control by
the drive Run/

Opto PX-Brake
Triac contactor


Fault Safety
relay relay
Opto Triac
15 A
6.1.6 - PX-Brake Contactor Secure

1.25 A

Power supply
(48 to 480 VAC AC brake

The PX-Brake Contactor Secure option includes the brake

control PX-Brake Contactor option and the PX-Secure option
for the secure disable input function on the same card.
For information on these options, refer to sections 6.1.4 and


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.1.7 - SM-PROFIBUS DP module 6.1.8 - SM-DeviceNet module

• General • General
The SM-PROFIBUS DP module is used to communicate with The SM-DeviceNet module is used to communicate with a
a PROFIBUS-DP network. DeviceNet network.
It integrates a 16-bit microprocessor, and its transmission It integrates a 16-bit microprocessor, and its transmission
speed can be as high as 12 Mbps. speed can be as high as 500 Kbps.
The PROXIDRIVE powers the module internally. The module should be powered by the DeviceNet power
• Connection
• Connection
5 1
1 5 1 2 3 4 5

9 6
6 9

Functions Description 5-terminal 9-pin
terminals Functions Description
1 Shielding Connection for the cable shielding term. blk SUB-D
1 6 0V 0V for the external power
3 RxD/TxD-P Positive data line (B)
4 CNTR-P RTS line 2 2 CAN-L Negative data line
Isolated 0V, used only for termination Connection for the cable
5 0V ISO 3 3, 5 Shielding
resistors shielding
Isolated 5V power supply, used only for 4 7 CAN-H Positive data line
6 +5V ISO 5 9 +24V External power supply
termination resistors
8 RxD/TxD-N Negative data line (A)
Note: The PROXISOFT parameter-setting software or the
KEYPAD-LCD must be used to set the DeviceNet module
We strongly recommend the use of Profibus certified
These connectors take 2 Profibus cables and have a terminal WARNING:
block with 4 screws, one for each data connection. They also We recommend using the screw terminal block rather
have a shielding connection holder, which ensures continuity than the SUB-D connector for connection to the
of the shielding for good immunity to interference on the DeviceNet network, because SUB-D connectors are not
Profibus network. recognised for DeviceNet conformity.

Note: The PROXISOFT parameter-setting software or the

KEYPAD-LCD must be used to set the PROFIBUS-DP
module parameters.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.1.9 - SM-CANopen module 6.1.11 - SM-Ethernet module

• General • General
The SM-CANopen module is used to communicate with a The SM-Ethernet module is used to communicate with an
CANopen network. It integrates a 16-bit microprocessor and Ethernet network.
its transmission speed can be as high as 1 Mbps. The PROXIDRIVE powers the module internally (current
The PROXIDRIVE powers the module internally. consumption 280 mA).

• Connection • Connection

1 5 1 2 3 4 5 Link/ Module
Activity status
6 9 Speed Flash
(On = 100 Mbps) access

5-terminal 9-pin Internal crossover Internal crossover

Functions Description RJ45
term. blk SUB-D disabled (#mm.43 = 0) enabled (#mm.43 = 1)
1 6 0V 0V for the external power 1 Transmission +Ve Reception +Ve
2 2 CAN-L Negative data line 2 Transmission -Ve Reception -Ve
Connection for the cable 3 Reception +Ve Transmission +Ve
3 3, 5 Shielding
shielding 4 - -
4 7 CAN-H Positive data line 5 - -
5 9 +24V External power supply 6 Reception -Ve Transmission -Ve
7 - -
Note: The PROXISOFT parameter-setting software or the 8 - -
KEYPAD-LCD must be used to set the CANopen module Note: The PROXISOFT parameter-setting software or the
parameters. KEYPAD-LCD must be used to set the Ethernet module
6.1.10 - SM-INTERBUS module
• General
The SM-INTERBUS module is used to communicate with an 6.1.12 - Modbus RTU module
INTERBUS network. It integrates a 16-bit microprocessor, As standard, the PROXIDRIVE incorporates a non-isolated
and its transmission speed can be as high as 500 Kbps. 2-wire RS485 serial link port accessible via the RJ45
The PROXIDRIVE powers the module internally. connector. When the user wishes to keep the KEYPAD-LCD
permanently connected, it is necessary to add the Modbus
• Connection RTU option with an isolated serial link port, either 2 or 4-wire.

5 1 1 2 3 4 5

9 6


9-pin SUB-D 5-terminal term. blk

Terminals Functions Description
IN1 DO1 Positive data IN line Pin Description Terminal Description
IN6 /DO1 Negative data IN line 1 0V "com" 1 0V "com"
IN2 DI1 Positive data OUT line 2 TX\ 2 RX\
IN7 /DI1 Negative data OUT line 3 RX\ 3 RX
IN3 0V ISO IN Isolated 0V for IN Bus 4 not connected 4 TX\
IN shielding Shielding IN Bus cable shielding 5 not connected 5 TX
OUT1 DO2 Positive data IN line 6 TX
OUT6 /DO2 Negative data IN line 7 RX
OUT2 DI2 Positive data OUT line
8 not connected
OUT7 /DI2 Negative data OUT line
OUT3 0V ISO OUT Isolated 0V for OUT Bus 9 not connected
OUT5 +5V ISO OUT Isolated +5V for OUT Bus Shielding: 0V "com"
OUT9 RBST Enable OUT Bus
Shielding IN Bus cable shielding Note: The PROXISOFT parameter-setting software or the
Earth Earth KEYPAD-LCD must be used to set the Modbus RTU module
Note: The PROXISOFT parameter-setting software or the parameters.
KEYPAD-LCD must be used to set the INTERBUS module


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.2 - Parameter-setting options 6.3 - Braking resistors

6.2.1 - KEYPAD-LCD keypad 6.3.1 - General - General Three types of resistor can be used with the PROXIDRIVE:
This keypad makes it much easier to set the PROXIDRIVE • The internal braking resistor in drive sizes 1 and 2
parameters and access all parameters. Its LCD display, • The optional PX-Brake Resistor braking resistors (IP66/
consisting of one line of 12 characters and 2 lines of 16 Nema 4X and fixed to the back of the drive)
characters, offers text which can be displayed in 5 languages
• The optional RF braking resistors (IP20 or IP55)
(English, French, German, Italian and Spanish).
This keypad has 3 main functions:
- A read mode for PROXIDRIVE supervision and diagnostics. Braking occurs when the drive slows the motor or when the
- An interactive parameter-setting wizard which makes it very drive resists an increase in the motor speed, due to the
simple to configure the PROXIDRIVE. mechanical environment (driving load for example).
- Access to all the PROXIDRIVE parameters in order to During braking, the energy is returned to the drive which
optimise settings or configure special applications. cannot absorb equivalent energy to its own losses. When the
energy to be dissipated is higher, the DC bus voltage - Read mode increases. In factory-set configuration, the drive automatically
- From the time it is switched on, the keypad display is increases the deceleration time in order to avoid causing a
positioned in read mode. By pressing the or keys, the DC bus overvoltage fault. If the drive needs to decelerate
user can scroll through all the parameters required for
quickly or retain a load, an optional braking resistor must be
supervision and diagnostics:
- motor current connected.
- motor frequency
- motor voltage • Special care must be taken when carrying out any
- analog I/O levels work near the resistor, as there is high voltage
- digital I/O states present and heat is given off.
- logic function states • The surface temperature of the PX-Brake Resistor
- timer can reach 120°C (248°F). The spacers supplied with the
- most recent trips option are used to ensure that there is a distance of
10 mm between the resistor and the support on which the - Interactive parameter-setting wizard
drive is fixed. Ensure that the materials forming the
The parameters are set in successive steps. The parameters
support can withstand heat radiation.
offered at each step by the KEYPAD-LCD depend on
parameters set in the previous steps. The user will therefore • The RF braking resistor must be installed in such
only be offered those parameters required by the application. a way that it does not damage neighbouring components
by its heat dissipation (resistor temperature higher than - Access to all parameters 70°C). This braking resistor must be wired in series with
All the parameters, organised by menus, can be accessed via a thermal relay calibrated to the rms current of the
the KEYPAD-LCD. resistor to prevent the risk of fire which may result from
a braking resistor malfunction or a short-circuit.
6.2.2 - PROXISOFT • If an optional braking resistor is connected,
PROXISOFT enables very user-friendly parameter setting or parameter 55 must be set to Fst.
supervision of the PROXIDRIVE from a PC and offers
numerous functions: 6.3.2 - Connection
- fast commissioning
- LEROY-SOMER motor database BR1 BR2
- file saving
- online help
- comparison of 2 files or one file with the factory setting or
one file with the drive
- printing of a complete file or differences compared to the
factory setting
- supervision
- representation of parameters in table or graphic form. Optional
To connect the PC to the PROXIDRIVE, use the CT Comms


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.3.3 - Electrical characteristics When using an optional braking resistor, the internal resistor
must be disconnected. This can easily be done by removing
• Minimum resistance compatible with the drive a jumper, whose location is indicated below (for size 1 and 2
PROXIDRIVE Minimum ohmic value drives only).
Sizes 1 and 2 150
Size 3 50
• Internal braking resistor
Average power at Factory Factory
power for nominal setting setting
value Drive rating
60 s resistance 10.30 10.31
for 5 s
(Ω) (W) (W) (s) (min)
1TL to 1.5TL
3.0 1.0
1.5T to 2.5T
1000 10 150
2TL to 3.5TL
4.0 1.0
3.5T to 5.5T

Note: Size 3 drives do not contain this internal resistor.

• IP66 braking resistors, optional PX-Brake resistor

Thermal Peak power at nominal
PX-Brake Ohmic value Associated drive
power resistance for 5 s
reference 1TL to 1.5TL 2TL to 3.5TL 4.5TL and
(Ω) (W) (W)
1.5T to 2.5T 3.5T to 5.5T 8T and 11T
300-200 200 300 3000 X X
600-200 (1) 200 600 6000 X X
300-50 50 300 3000 X
600-50 (2) 50 600 6000 X
(1) : Connect both 400Ω resistors in parallel
(2) : Connect both 100Ω resistors in parallel

• IP20 or IP55 braking resistors, optional RF

Ohmic value Thermal power rms current* Thermal power Peak power Associated drive
RF reference 4.5TL and 5.5TL
(Ω) (W) (A) (W) (W) 8T and 11T
SIR-1100-50 50 1100 3.8 1100 10368 X
MD-2000-75 75 2000 5.7 2000 6912 X
* : Setting current of the thermal relay in series in the resistor.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.3.4 - Mechanical characteristics •RF-MD-2000-75 resistors

• PX-Brake Resistors D A

D2 Weight: 5kg/Protection: IP20

Fixings (mm)
Dimensions (mm)
Type Ø 11
W2 W D H A B
RF-MD-2000-75 182 140 450 160 310

Weight: 2.5 kg max/Protection: IP66/Nema 4X

Proxidrive (PX-N and PX-SET)
Dimensions (mm)
+ PX-Brake Resistor
Size Rating W2 D2
1TL to 1.5TL
1 220 209
1.5T to 2.5T
2TL to 3.5TL
2 220 243
3.5T to 5.5T
4.5TL and 5.5TL
3 281 253
8T and 11T

• RF-SIR-1100-50 resistors
Ø 6,2 W2 W D

H1 H2 H


Weight: 1.3 kg/Protection: IP55

Dimensions (mm)
W W1 W2 H H1 H2 D
RF-SIR-1100-50 320 240 300 95 82 ±2 71 30


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.4 - RFI filter 6.4.3 - Connection

L1 L2 L3
Size 1 and 2 drives conform to the drive standard EN 61800-
3 since they have an RFI filter integrated internally.
For conformity of size 3 drives and in certain conditions for
sizes 1 and 2 (see section 1.5), an external RFI filter must be
added (FS 6376-17-07).
• Use one RFI filter for each drive.
• The drive leakage current with the filter connected is
9.6 mA maximum (leakage current for the filter only :
1.4 mA). Mains

6.4.1 - Dimensions The filter is connected to the mains supply, without any
special tools, on an IP66/Nema 4X dust and damp proof
insulation displacement connector.

To connect the filter to the power supply, follow the

instructions below:
- Pass the mains cable through the cable gland and its plug.
- Then pass the mains cable into the black sub-base.
- Crimp or weld phases L1, L2, L3 and the earth with care.
- Insert the cables in the grey sub-base (L1 in 1, L2 in 2, L3 in
3 and the earth in 4).
- Screw the grey sub-base to the black sub-base with the 2
plastic screws.

6.4.2 - Installation
For sizes 1 and 2, the filter should be mounted on the left as
close as possible to the drive.
For size 3, it can be mounted on the heatsink.


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

6.5 - PX-Cabling kit 6.6 - PX-Disconnect

The PX-Cabling Kit option consists of the elements
- 2 x M20 EMC cable glands (metal)
- 1 x M20 cable gland (Polyamide)
- 2 x M16 EMC cable glands (metal)
- 1 x M16 cable gland (Polyamide)
- Nuts
This kit ensures that the drive dust and damp proof protection
(IP66/Nema 4X) and the shielding quality are both maintained.
See section 3.2 and 3.6.1.

The PX-Disconnect option is an IP66/Nema 4X 3-pole

padlockable 16A switch, with NO-NC auxiliary contacts.
PX-Disconnect is supplied fitted on a plate ready to be fixed
on the side of the drive.

Possible cable gland location :

Cable Cable gland Cable Ø (mm)
ref. type min max
M20 Mains power supply input:
A 7.5 13
standard L1 L2 L3
B M20 EMC 6 13 Motor output: U V W
C - - - Brake control if necessary *
D M16 EMC 4.5 10 Analog I/O or encoder
E M20 EMC 6 13 Analog I/O
F M16 EMC 4.5 10 Digital I/O or Modbus link
G 3 8 Digital I/O or brake control

* The kit includes 6 cable glands. If required by the number of

cables, hole "C" can if necessary be used with a plastic cable
gland (standard M16).


IP66/Nema 4X variable speed drive

7 - MAINTENANCE 7.2 - Voltage, current and power

• All work relating to installation, commissioning measurements
and maintenance must be carried out by
experienced, qualified personnel. 7.2.1 - Measuring the voltage at the drive
• When a drive trip causes it to switch off, fatal output
residual voltages remain at the output terminals and in
the drive. The harmonics generated by the drive mean that it is not
• Before carrying out any work, disconnect and lock possible to take a correct measurement of the voltage at the
the drive power supply and wait 1 minute to ensure that motor input using a conventional type of voltmeter.
the capacitors have discharged. However it is possible to obtain an approximate value of the
• Check that the DC bus voltage is below 40 V rms voltage of the fundamental wave (that which affects the
before carrying out any work. torque) using a conventional voltmeter connected as shown
• During maintenance operations performed with in the diagram below.
the drive switched on, the operator must stand on an
insulated surface which is not connected to earth. L1 U
• During work on a motor or its power supply
cables, check that the power supply of the L2 PROXIDRIVE V 3
corresponding drive is disconnected and locked.
• All protective covers must remain in place during L3 W
tests. C : capacitor 0,1μF
400 VAC (1000V peak).
C R : resistor 1 k Ω, 5W.
There are very few maintenance and repair operations on R V : AC voltmeter
PROXIDRIVE drives to be performed by the user. Regular impedance > 1000 Ω/V.
servicing operations and simple methods for checking that
the drive is operating correctly are described below.
7.2.2 - Measuring the motor current
7.1 - Care
The current drawn by the motor and the drive input current
Printed circuits and the drive components do not normally can be measured approximately using a conventional moving
require any maintenance. Contact your vendor or the nearest coil ammeter.
approved repair company in the event of a problem.
7.2.3 - Measuring the drive input and output
WARNING: power
Do not dismantle the printed circuits while the drive is
still under warranty, as this would then immediately The drive input and output power can be measured using an
become null and void. electrodynamic instrument.

Do not touch the integrated circuits or the microprocessor 7.3 - Spare parts list
either with your fingers or with materials which are charged or
live. Earth yourself, as well as the workbench or the soldering Please consult LEROY-SOMER.
iron, when performing any work on the circuits.

From time to time, check that the power connections are

7.4 - Exchanging products
correctly tightened. WARNING:
Products must be returned in their original packaging or,
If the drive has been stored for more than 12 months, it is if this is not possible, in similar packaging, to prevent
essential to switch on the drive for 24 hours, and repeat this their being damaged. Otherwise, replacement under
operation every 6 months. warranty could be refused.


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