HW 1
HW 1
HW 1
Place answers to any questions that don’t require programs in a file called hw1.txt.
If you are working at home using your own installation (as opposed to using the instruc-
tional machines remotely), you’ll need a Python installation. See the Python link from the
class home page if you need one.
2. [From Aho, Sethi, Ullman] Give as simple a description as possible of the languages
denoted by the following regular expressions. For example, it is better to describe the language
denoted by ((a*b*)*(b*a*)*)* as “The set of all strings from the alphabet {a, b}” rather
than “A sequence of 0 or more a’s followed by 0 or more b’s, all repeated 0 or more times
and then followed by etc.” The latter might be correct, but shows no thought.
a. 0(0|1)*0
b. ((ǫ|0)1*)*
c. (0|1)*0(0|1)(0|1)
d. 0*10*10*10*
e. (00|11)*((01|10)(00|11)*(01|10)(00|11)*)*
More problems on next page.
Homework #1 2
3. [Adapted from Aho, Sethi, Ullman] Write the simplest regular expression you can for each
of the following languages, using basic regular expressions from Python. Turn in files called
P3a.py, P3b.py, etc., each containing that contain solutions to these problems, using the
templates for these files provided in ˜cs164/hw/hw1 on the instructional machines. Python
“regular expressions” are considerably more powerful than the “classical” basic expressions
we want here. For this problem, restrict yourself to using just ordinary characters (that stand
for themselves), plus the special characters
[ ] ( ) * + | . $ ^ ?
In the following, “letters” mean lower-case letters. Each pattern that you write must match
the entire input string (an entire line with the frameworks provided) for a match to succeed,
not just an initial segment.
a. Strings of letters that contain all five vowels in order (but not necessarily continguously),
each one exactly once.
b. Strings composed of letters a–f in which the letters are in alphabetical order (not all
letters have to appear in a string, but those that do must be in order).
c. Comments consisting of a string starting with /* and ending with */ without any */ in
between unless it occurs inside balancing quotes " and ". Quotes must be balanced, so
that /*"*/ is illegal, and only balancing pairs of quotes “deactivate” the */ symbol, so
that /*""*/""*/ is illegal (the */ occurs between quotes, but they don’t balance each
d. All strings of 0’s and 1’s with an even number of 0’s and an odd number of 1’s.
e. All strings of 0’s and 1’s that do not contain the substring ‘011’.
f. All strings of 0’s and 1’s that do not contain the subsequence ‘011’.
4. This ends the homework to be handed in. Follow the directions for submitting your
homework. The rest of the exercises here are intended to get you familiar with Subversion,
or at least the command-line client program svn. Handed in or not, it’s really important that
this tool works for you. Be prepared to RTFM (specifically, the Using Subversion link on the
home page and possibly the Subversion Manual as well). Do not just accept error messages
as if they were Acts of Nature beyond your control; whatever it takes, make it work!
5. You can list files that the repository has stored in it with the command
$ svn ls $MYREPOS
You should see hw1 and tags. If you don’t, find out why not!
Homework #1 3
6. Now create a new version of hw1 from your old one, giving it a new name with
$ cd ~/mywork
$ svn copy $MYREPOS/hw1 hwx
and try svn ls $MYREPOS again. Why isn’t hwx included in this listing? Didn’t you just svn
copy into it? Like the rest of the questions in this assignment, this is a “thought question.”
Just make sure you know the answer.
$ cd ~/mywork
$ svn status
You should see an indication the hwx is not yet committed. Create a new empty file in hwx
$ touch hwx/hwx.txt
and again execute svn status. This time, you should see hwx.txt marked with a ‘?’ to tell
you that you haven’t told svn what to do with it. Use the command
8. Try svn status again. You should see that hwx.txt is still listed as ‘?’. Use svn
add to inform svn about hwx.txt. Now the status will have it marked ‘A’, but svn ls
$MYREPOS/hwx will not list it. Commit hwx, and make sure that hwx/hwx.txt is properly
part of the repository.
$ rm ~/mywork/hwx/hw1.txt
and see what svn status and svn ls $MYREPOS/hwx show. In the documentation we’ve
provided for Subversion, you will find a command for recovering hw1.txt. Find it and use
Why is /mywork/hwx still around? Why doesn’t svn status show it as deleted? Execute
$ cd ~/mywork
$ svn update
11. Assuming that you submitted your hw1 solution as directed, the svn update from the
last problem will have fetched all your tags/hw1-N submission tags. This is rather annoying,
because in general, you won’t need working copies of these tags (except temporarily to check
them after submission, perhaps). You can tell svn that in the future svn update should not
fetch working copies of these tags with the command
$ cd ~/mywork
$ svn update --set-depth empty tags
12. Wait: you mean you actually deleted hwx from the repository? Disaster! You’d better
bring it back. First, look for where this happened, using
This will show you all your commits, and let you find out the revision in which you deleted
hwx. Now restore it from the revision before this happened. If svn log tells you that you
deleted hwx in version 1000, then execute
$ cd ~/mywork
$ svn copy $MYREPOS/hwx@999 .
$ svn commit