新店高中高一上二段 PDF
新店高中高一上二段 PDF
新店高中高一上二段 PDF
(C) I’m a plastic bag. After I was born, I was sent from the factory to a shop. I V. Passage Completion: 10% (1% x10)
waited for a long time until some kids took me to a beach. When it was __34__ dark (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
they left, but they forgot me! Then the wind __35__ blew me into the sea. I floated dollar signs wealthy is similar to few taking advantage of
around, but I wasn’t alone. I had many plastic friends there! Then I went down a dark (AB) (AC) (AD) (AE) (BC)
tunnel into a chamber. A fork next to me told me that we were inside a fish. This fish appeal to invented underground little on a large scale
swallowed more and more plastic things __36__ it died. After its body decomposed, I
was back in the ocean. One day, a wave threw me up onto the shore. Later, a student In the past 100 years, Monopoly has become one of the most famous board
picked me up with __37__ tongs. Before I knew it, I was inside a bigger plastic bag. I games in the world. The idea of becoming a __45__ person, buying up real estate, and
heard a teacher say that plastic products often __38__ in the ocean. The toxic putting your friends in the poorhouse seems to __46__ everyone. But __47__
substances released by them can even harm people. __39__ the plastic bottle nearby, people know that the story behind Monopoly __48__the mad scramble for cash in the
they are going to take us to a recycling factory. How strange! These humans produce game. It began in 1904, when a Quaker woman named Lizzie Magie created The
us in order to __40__ their lives better, and then misuse us. I hope that my next owner Landlord’s Game. Magie wasn’t interested in making money. She wanted to show
knows how to use me in a correct way! how apartment owners made money by__49__ the poor. Since many people found
economics boring, she turned it into a board game. The game became an 50 hit.
34. (A) leaving (B) making (C) keeping (D) getting When Charles Darrow first played it in 1933, he saw __51__. Darrow began making
35. (A) wonderfully (B) suddenly (C) actually (D) amazingly his own copies and claimed that he had __52__Monopoly. But with __53__ money to
36. (A) after (B) while (C) when (D) until his name, he was unable to produce it __54__. So, he sold the rights to Parker
37. (A) a slice of (B) a piece of (C) a pair of (D) a herd of Brothers. Since 1935, Parker Brothers has sold nearly 500 million copies of
38. (A) end up (B) turn into (C) turn out (D) pass out Monopoly worldwide.
第 3 頁(共 7 頁)
VI. Reading Comprehension: 12% (2% x 6)
In 2001, about 350 dogs worked at the In 2001, the dog was chasing the suspect
World Trade Center site. One rescue that the officers were trying to catch.
There are many kinds of service dogs. Some dogs guide people who are deaf or
worker said, "If these dogs only knew However, the police officers thought he
blind. The dogs act as people's eyes and ears. Other dogs do police work. There are
the difference they make. Certainly,
about 15,000 police dogs in the United States. The dogs search for missing people was vicious, so they killed him. Weeks
there's nothing that can replace... a dog's
and hunt down criminals. Many dogs are also used to search for drugs and bombs. before the dog was killed, he had acted as
nose. And absolutely nothing that can
Service dogs often work long hours. Meanwhile, pet dogs have the freedom to sleep a search-and-rescue dog when the World
replace a dog's heart."
and play whenever they want to. Is it fair that some dogs should have to work? Trade Center was attacked in New York
Read the debate and then decide.
第 5 頁(共 7 頁)
II. Guided Translation: 12% (2% x 6) (請將答案填入答案卷)
73. 因為選舉快到了,在街上遇到候選人是很常見的事。
D______ _______ the coming of election season, it’s common to _______
_______ a candidate out on the street.
74. 這對新人收拾他們的行李,對於他們自己去蜜月旅行感到興奮。
The newlyweds _______ _______ their things, and they were excited about
going on a honeymoon _______ their _______.
75. 儘管 Helen 剛搬進宿舍時不喜歡她的室友,隨著時間過去,她們成為好
_______ _______Helen didn’t like her roommate when she first moved into
the dorm, they have become good friends _______ _______ .
第 6 頁(共 7 頁)
新北市新店高中 108 學年第一學期高一英文第二次段考答案卷
Class: ______ No.: ____ Name: ______________(請務必寫上班級、座號、姓名)
64 65 66
67 68 69
70 71 72
74-1 74-2
75-1 75-2
第 7 頁(共 7 頁)
新北市新店高中 108 學年第一學期高一英文第二次段考解答
Class: ______ No.: ____ Name: ______________(請務必寫上班級、座號、姓名)
67 68 69
consume eagerly crowded
70 71 72
behavior symbolizes independence
77. 越來越多人厭倦住在城市裡,那裏有很多環境問題。
More and more people are tired of living in the city where there are many environmental
第 8 頁(共 7 頁)