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新北市新店高中 108 學年度第一學期高一英文第二次期中考 3. (A) Then you had better see a doctor.

(B) Then you should talk to your teacher.

Exam Coverage: 1. Lung Teng Book 1: L4~L6 (C) Me too. Let’s go to the supermarket.
2. English 4U: Nov 2019 Issue (D) Sorry. I don’t know much about history.
3. Reading Highlight: Unit 7~12 4. (A) Yes, he loves his father very much.
(B) Yes, his father often shouts at him.
Part A: 選擇題(請依題號在答案卡上作答) (C) Yes, he’s been taking care of him.
(D) Yes, his father died last year.
I. Listening Section: 10% (1% x 10)
5. (A) Sure, we can ask someone to help us.
Picture: 2% (B) Sure, we can stay at a hotel there.
Part A (C) I agree. We should take a train instead.
Look at the pictures below. For each, you will hear one question and four possible (D) Sure, I’ll drive when you take a nap.
answers, A to D. Write down the letter of the best answer (A, B, C, or D). Short Conversation: 3%
Part C
Question 1
In part C, you will hear one or more conversations between a man and a woman, and
then a question following each conversation. Choose the best answer to that question.

6. (A) The food always tastes like this.

(B) The food isn’t usually this poor.
1. _______
(C) She is really enjoying her meal.
(D) She doesn’t believe the man.
7. (A) They drive safely and slowly.
Question 2 (B) They like to travel by bus or train.
(C) Their style of driving is strange.
(D) They drive in a dangerous way.
8. (A) She’s looking for work.
(B) She just got married.
2. _______ (C) She is still in school.
(D) She works in a school.
Short Talk: 2%
Part D
In part D, you will hear one passage and then some questions about it. Choose the
Best Response: 3% best answers to those questions.
Part B
In part B, you will hear several questions or statements. Choose the best response or
reply. 9. (A) It ordered people not to eat dogs.
(B) It opened up many animal centers.
第 1 頁(共 7 頁)
(C) It put down lots of homeless dogs. III. Cloze Test: 20% (1% x 20)
(D) It passed a law to protect dogs. (A) Tokyo subways are always busy, and they can be especially crowded during
10. (A) Look after dogs that need homes. rush hour. People are pressed close together, and some use this situation to touch
(B) Stop buying expensive pet dogs other passengers __21__. These passengers, usually women, are upset by this.
(C) Feed homeless dogs on the street.
However, they are afraid they will __22__ if they call for help. What can they do
(D) Give their dogs to an animal center.
about an assault?
A smartphone app called Digi Police is here to help. When the button is
II. Vocabulary: 10% (1% x 10)
pressed, the app can yell “Stop it!” in a loud voice. If this makes the woman too
11. If you want to ________ something, you need to practice as much as you can. uncomfortable, she has another choice. She can make the app __23__ a message
(A) carry on (B) be skilled at (C) get rid of (D) be linked with
requesting help from people nearby. Digi Police was originally designed to give
12. The reporter announced some ________ news about the war; the enemy had safety tips to __24__. The anti-harassment functions were added later, and users say
taken over the country.
they feel safer because of them.
(A) shocking (B) minor (C) freezing (D) entertaining
Japan is starting to find more solutions to the problem of harassment on public
13. The company ________ its products by having a sale over the weekend.
(A) promised (B) produced (C) prevented (D) promoted transport. Laws are changing to allow stricter punishments. Groups are working on
changing the culture that keeps people silent when they are harmed by a __25__
14. Vera is the ________ choice for this job because she has more experience than
anyone else. action. Perhaps someday, the Digi Police app will no longer be needed.
(A) various (B) racial (C) obvious (D) rough
15. Helen has always been ________ of her older sister, who not only is beautiful but 21. (A) sensibly (B) normally (C) sexually (D) naturally
also has many talents. 22. (A) think twice (B) make sense (C) play a role (D) make a scene
(A) familiar (B) jealous (C) capable (D) successful 23. (A) prove (B) display (C) avoid (D) manage
16. Being a police man has made Jim alert and ________ of his surroundings at all 24. (A) the elderly (B) the olderly (C) the elder (D) the older
times. 25. (A) political (B) criminal (C) practical (D) chemical
(A) aware (B) invisible (C) creative (D) innocent
17. The soldier’s ________ was to break into the enemy base and steal the secret (B) Dogs are special animals. They are more than just pets. Their excellent
documents. __26__ of smell also makes them wonderful at detecting just about anything. __27__
(A) privacy (B) mission (C) ingredient (D) exhibition this reason, they are often kept as sniffer dogs. These super smellers help police or
18. One of the ________ discussed in the meeting was how to reduce plastic waste. airport staff find items like drugs or weapons. If they pick up any strange smell
(A)brakes (B)vehicle (C) image (D) issues coming from someone’s suitcase, they simply sit down __28__ it. They’re so well
19. The prisoner managed to ________ from the jail by digging a tunnel in his cell. trained that they__29__ move __29__ their trainer or owner allows them to. Sniffer
(A) replace (B) process (C) escape (D) reveal dogs have even been used to also detect disease in plants. By sniffing out trees
20. He arrived home just in time to ________ his brother being taken away by the __30__ brown root rot disease, they are helping to save forests and parks across
police. Taiwan. In certain cases, man’s best friend’s nose can even save lives. A __31__
(A) witness (B) remove (C) research (D) develop woman, Maria Tello, for example, suffers from diabetes. One night, her dog Malachi
noticed that the __32__ of her blood sugar was too low. __33__ he picked up
第 2 頁(共 7 頁)
chemical changes in her body, he knew she was in danger. He woke her up right away 39. (A) That is (B) In addition to (C) According to (D) Even though
and even fetched her medicine! There are many ways dogs can benefit humans. In the 40. (A) make (B) lead (C) get (D) trust
future we may find even more.
IV. Grammar: 8% (2% x 4)
26. (A) feeling (B) conscience (C) authority (D) sense 41. The fans clapped their hands, _______ to the music while the singer was singing.
27. (A) For (B) On (C) With (D) To (A) danced (B) to dance (C) dance (D) dancing
28. (A) besides (B) next (C) beside (D) close 42. Rita went out onto the balcony, _______ by the beautiful city view.
29. (A) will; until (B) will; since (C) won’t; until (D)won’t; since (A) attract (B) attracting (C) attracted (D)having attracted
30. (A) in (B) from (C) to (D) with 43. It _______ in this coffee shop that I first met your father.
31. (A) 58-years-old (B) 58-old-year (C) 58-year-old (D) 58-old-years (A) is (B) were (C) was (D)are
32. (A) number (B) level (C) format (D) quality 44. On the top of the mountain _______ a castle..
33. (A) Unless (B) Although (C) Once (D) Whether (A) stand (B)stands (C) has standing (D)to stand

(C) I’m a plastic bag. After I was born, I was sent from the factory to a shop. I V. Passage Completion: 10% (1% x10)
waited for a long time until some kids took me to a beach. When it was __34__ dark (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
they left, but they forgot me! Then the wind __35__ blew me into the sea. I floated dollar signs wealthy is similar to few taking advantage of
around, but I wasn’t alone. I had many plastic friends there! Then I went down a dark (AB) (AC) (AD) (AE) (BC)
tunnel into a chamber. A fork next to me told me that we were inside a fish. This fish appeal to invented underground little on a large scale
swallowed more and more plastic things __36__ it died. After its body decomposed, I
was back in the ocean. One day, a wave threw me up onto the shore. Later, a student In the past 100 years, Monopoly has become one of the most famous board
picked me up with __37__ tongs. Before I knew it, I was inside a bigger plastic bag. I games in the world. The idea of becoming a __45__ person, buying up real estate, and
heard a teacher say that plastic products often __38__ in the ocean. The toxic putting your friends in the poorhouse seems to __46__ everyone. But __47__
substances released by them can even harm people. __39__ the plastic bottle nearby, people know that the story behind Monopoly __48__the mad scramble for cash in the
they are going to take us to a recycling factory. How strange! These humans produce game. It began in 1904, when a Quaker woman named Lizzie Magie created The
us in order to __40__ their lives better, and then misuse us. I hope that my next owner Landlord’s Game. Magie wasn’t interested in making money. She wanted to show
knows how to use me in a correct way! how apartment owners made money by__49__ the poor. Since many people found
economics boring, she turned it into a board game. The game became an 50 hit.
34. (A) leaving (B) making (C) keeping (D) getting When Charles Darrow first played it in 1933, he saw __51__. Darrow began making
35. (A) wonderfully (B) suddenly (C) actually (D) amazingly his own copies and claimed that he had __52__Monopoly. But with __53__ money to
36. (A) after (B) while (C) when (D) until his name, he was unable to produce it __54__. So, he sold the rights to Parker
37. (A) a slice of (B) a piece of (C) a pair of (D) a herd of Brothers. Since 1935, Parker Brothers has sold nearly 500 million copies of
38. (A) end up (B) turn into (C) turn out (D) pass out Monopoly worldwide.

第 3 頁(共 7 頁)
VI. Reading Comprehension: 12% (2% x 6)
In 2001, about 350 dogs worked at the In 2001, the dog was chasing the suspect
World Trade Center site. One rescue that the officers were trying to catch.
There are many kinds of service dogs. Some dogs guide people who are deaf or
worker said, "If these dogs only knew However, the police officers thought he
blind. The dogs act as people's eyes and ears. Other dogs do police work. There are
the difference they make. Certainly,
about 15,000 police dogs in the United States. The dogs search for missing people was vicious, so they killed him. Weeks
there's nothing that can replace... a dog's
and hunt down criminals. Many dogs are also used to search for drugs and bombs. before the dog was killed, he had acted as
nose. And absolutely nothing that can
Service dogs often work long hours. Meanwhile, pet dogs have the freedom to sleep a search-and-rescue dog when the World
replace a dog's heart."
and play whenever they want to. Is it fair that some dogs should have to work? Trade Center was attacked in New York
Read the debate and then decide.

Debate Topic : Should Dogs Work?

55. What specific dog task is NOT mentioned in the article?
. (A) Dogs hunt criminals and other dangerous objects.
Service dogs are workers and pets. Dogs are meant to be companions, not (B) Dogs protect sites like the World Trade Center.
Usually, they get more attention than workers. They live short lives compared to (C) Dogs guide people who are deaf and blind.
pets get. Service dogs often work for humans. They should be allowed to enjoy
(D) Dogs help people who struggle to move their wheelchairs.
their owners, so the dogs spend a lot of all of their days. Service dogs are put
time with the people who care for them. under too much stress. Their jobs are not
. 56. The article presents both arguments for and against
Their owners give the dogs lots of love fun. Some service dogs are servants. They
and praise for their work. That makes do things like opening dresser drawers and (A) putting dogs to work.
the dogs feel good about the work they pulling their owners' wheelchairs. Servant (B) using animals in the police force.
do. dogs, such as guide dogs for people who (C) allowing pet dogs to sleep and play.
are blind, are not put in danger. But police (D) making dogs work long hours.
Police work can be dangerous for dogs. dogs are not as lucky. They face
However, dogs are brave to do this kind life-and-death situations. While people
of work. They are willing to face danger 57. What word could best replace the word “vicious” ?
can choose to put their lives on the line,
when they work. (A) violent
dogs don't have that choice.
(B) weak
Dogs should work because they need to They are pets and need to be taken care of. (C) energetic
stay healthy. They can't just sit around They should not work because there are (D) friendly
all day long eating. They need to stay very few jobs that dogs are physically able
healthy and work. They should really to do. 58. According to the article, which is NOT the reason that dogs should work?
exercise more because many dogs that
(A) Service dogs are willing to face danger.
don't exercise become unhealthy and People are just jealous that dogs don't do
could possibly die. work but humans do. Also, it is a (B) Service dogs are given lots of love and praise.
misconception that dogs are lazy. (C) Service dogs need to work in order to stay healthy.
(D) Service dogs need to be taken care of..
第 4 頁(共 7 頁)
(B) 59. What is one solution that the author suggests to solve the problem?
Plastic doesn’t exist in nature. It’s created from chemicals. Mass production of (A) to throw away plastic water and soft-drink bottles.
plastic started in the 1940s. Since then, it has become supremely popular—and for (B) to reduce the amount of plastic you use.
good reason. Plastic is lightweight, cheap, and convenient. It also lasts for a very long (C) to create new garbage dumps in the ocean.
time. Natural products such as food, paper, and wood are biodegradable; they’re (D) to recycle plastic water and soft-drink bottles.
broken down by bacteria and are absorbed by the environment. Plastic, on the other 60. What is the main idea of this text about?
hand, is photodegradable. Light from the sun causes it to break into smaller pieces. It (A) The size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
never degrades completely, however. It often winds up littering the land and the (B) The decomposition of natural products.
ocean. (C) The beginning of plastic production.
In the Pacific Ocean, plastic waste has collected in a swirling “soup” of trash (D) The problems of plastic waste and its solutions.
called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It’s huge—four times as big as Texas! It’s just
one example of an ocean garbage patch. Plastic pollutes all the world’s seas. The Part B: 非選擇題(請依題號在答案卷上作答)
United Nations Environment Programme estimates that plastic kills 100,000 marine I. Vocabulary: 12% (1% x 12)
mammals and turtles and 1 million seabirds every year. Some become tangled in 61. The virus has i______ted many people in the office. To our relief, it is only a
plastic debris, while others die after eating plastic trash that they can’t digest. mild sickness.
Now the good news is you can help by tossing plastic into the recycling bin
62. The typhoon is p______ted to reach the coast tomorrow morning.
instead of the trash. About 28 percent of plastic bottles were recycled in 2009,
63. Don’t e______e yourself to the sun as it is bad for your skin.
according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. You can help drive that
number up. 64. You should give yourself a specific date to a______h your goal.
Still, recycling won’t solve our plastic predicament by itself. Not all types of 65. As a reporter, Lily has come to Hong Kong on a t in order to report
plastic can be recycled. And those that may not be recycled in the way you’d expect. the protests.
Plastic water and soft-drink bottles—some of the most commonly used plastics in the 66. Don’t pick mushrooms at will because some of them contain deadly p ns.
United States—are hardly ever turned into new bottles.
67. Tina is trying to c e less. She stops buying items that she doesn’t need.
So what can you do? One of the best ways to tackle the problem is to reduce the
68. Rick and Tracy are e y waiting for their wedding day to come. They are
amount of plastic you use. Carry reusable water containers instead of single-use
really looking forward to spending the rest of their life together.
plastic bottles. Bring your lunch in recyclable aluminum foil instead of a plastic
sandwich bag. Ask your family to carry reusable tote bags to the grocery store. Every 69. Every December 31, Taipei 101 is c ded with people who are ready to
little bit helps. welcome the New Year.
Plastic will probably always be part of our lives. But by making smart choices, 70. The children need to learn proper b r so they can live and work well in
we can keep it from burying us. society when they grow up.
71. The fall of the Berlin Wall s es the end of the Cold War.
72. Yvonne gained her i e from her parents by getting her own apartment.

第 5 頁(共 7 頁)
II. Guided Translation: 12% (2% x 6) (請將答案填入答案卷)
73. 因為選舉快到了,在街上遇到候選人是很常見的事。
D______ _______ the coming of election season, it’s common to _______
_______ a candidate out on the street.
74. 這對新人收拾他們的行李,對於他們自己去蜜月旅行感到興奮。
The newlyweds _______ _______ their things, and they were excited about
going on a honeymoon _______ their _______.
75. 儘管 Helen 剛搬進宿舍時不喜歡她的室友,隨著時間過去,她們成為好
_______ _______Helen didn’t like her roommate when she first moved into
the dorm, they have become good friends _______ _______ .

III. Translation: 6% (題目在答案卷上,請依提示作答。)

第 6 頁(共 7 頁)
新北市新店高中 108 學年第一學期高一英文第二次段考答案卷
Class: ______ No.: ____ Name: ______________(請務必寫上班級、座號、姓名)

I. Vocabulary: 12% (1% x 12) *注意單複數、時態

61 62 63

64 65 66

67 68 69

70 71 72

II. Guided Translation: 12% (2% x 6) (每格 2 字)*注意大小寫、時態

73-1 73-2

74-1 74-2

75-1 75-2

III. Translation: 6% (3% x 2)

※錯1字扣 0.5 分,扣完為止。
76.妥善使用時間的學生能夠得到好成績。(…N+who(m) /which /that…)


第 7 頁(共 7 頁)
新北市新店高中 108 學年第一學期高一英文第二次段考解答
Class: ______ No.: ____ Name: ______________(請務必寫上班級、座號、姓名)


45 B/ AB/D/C/E 50AD/A/AC/AE/BC 55.BAAD 59.BD

I.Vocabulary: 12% (1% x 12)

61 62 63
infected predicted expose
64 65 66
accomplish assignment poisons

67 68 69
consume eagerly crowded

70 71 72
behavior symbolizes independence

II. Guided Translation: 12% (2% x 6)

73-1 73-2
Due to come across
74-1 74-2
packed up on, own
75-1 75-2
Even though over time

IV. Translation: 6% (3% x 2)

※錯1字扣 0.5 分,扣完為止。
76. 妥善使用時間的學生能夠得到好成績。
Students who use their time properly can get good grades.

77. 越來越多人厭倦住在城市裡,那裏有很多環境問題。
More and more people are tired of living in the city where there are many environmental

第 8 頁(共 7 頁)

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