Single Mode 155 MBD Atm Transceiver 2X9: View Z

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Single Mode 155 MBd ATM Transceiver 2x9

Dimensions in (mm) inches (11.5 max)

.453 max.
View Z PC board
(Lead cross section thickness Optical (7.42–0.15)
and standoff size) (2) .080 Centerline .292–.006
(0.73±0.1) (1.5±0.1)
.028±.004 (0.75±0.1) 6.375
(4±0.2) .158±.008
.030±.004 .251
PC board
∅0.3 M A
∅0.2 M ∅.012 M A
(∅0.45±0.1) ∅.008 M
∅.0175±.004 (16–0.05)
Z .063–.002
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

∅0.3 M A

(25.4±0.1) ●
∅.012 M A ●

1±.004 ●
DUPLEX (20 –1)


8x 2.54=20.32 .500 .787 –.040

8x .100=.800

20.32 7.62 (15.88±0.5) (12.6±0.3)

.800 .300 .625±.020 .496±.012
.100 (48.35±0.1)

PIN Description Maximum Ratings (Absolute maximum stress)

Pin# Name Pin# Name Pin# Name Exceeding any one of these values may destroy the device immediately.
1 Rx VEE 8 Tx D 14 Pwr Mon However, the electro-optical characteristics described in the following ta-
2 Rx D 9 Tx VEE 15 NC bles are only valid for use under the recommended operating conditions.
3 Rx Dn 10 NC 16 NC Package Power Dissipation (1) .......................................................... Tbd W
4 SD 11 Tx Alm 17 NC Supply Voltage (VCC–VEE) ...................................................................... 6 V
5 Rx VCC 11 Tx Alm 18 NC Data Input Levels ............................................................. VEE to VCC+0.5 V
Differential Data Input Voltage .................................................–2.5 to 2.5 V
6 Tx VCC 12 Tx En S1, S2 VEE (GND)
Operating Case Temperature .......................................................0 to 70°C
7 Tx Dn 13 Bias Mon
Storage Ambient temperature ...............................................–40°C to 85°C
Soldering Conditions Temp/Time
(MIL-STD 883C, Method 2003)..............................................250/5.5°C/s
• Compliant with existing standards
• Compact integrated transceiver unit with Notes
– MQW laser diode transmitter 1. For Vcc–VEE (min, max). 50% duty cycle. The supply current does not include
the load drive current of the receiver output. Add max. 45 mA for the three out-
– InGaAs PIN-photo diode receiver
puts. Load is 50 Ω to Vcc–2 V.
– Duplex SC receptacle
• Class 1 FDA and IEC laser safety compliant
• Single power supply (5V)
• Loss of optical signal indicator
• Integrated clock recovery module (PLL)
• PECL differential inputs and outputs
• Wave solderable and washable with included
process plug

DESCRIPTION pin diode (mechanically built in the laser coupling unit) for the controlling
This data sheet describes the Siemens single mode function to prevent the laser power from exceeding the operating limits.
ATM transceiver, which complies with the ATM Forum's The laser can be switched on with a logical high signal on the Laser
Network Compatible ATM for Local Network Applica- Enable Pin (LEN). The PWRMON Pin shows a voltage reflecting the
tions document and ANSI's Broadband ISDN—Cus- optical power output. The bias current is monitored on the BIASMON
tomer Installation Interfaces, Physical Media Dependent Pin. Both signals can be used to supervise the function of the module.
Specification, T1.646-1995. The signal TXALM indicates an increasing of the optical output power
ATM is being developed to facilitate solutions in multi- of more than 2dB. Aging control is possible using the bias monitor
media applications and real time transmission. The data output (BIASMON).
rate is scalable, and the ATM protocol is the basis of the To build a laser Class 1 system it is necessary to use an application cir-
broadband public networks being standardized in the cuit to switch off the laser if a fault occurs.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the
former International Telegraph and Telephone Consulta- Recommended Operating Conditions
tive Committee (CCITT). ATM can also be used in local
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units
private applications.
Case Temperature Tc 0 70 ˚C
This Siemens single mode ATM transceiver is a single
unit comprised of a transmitter, a receiver, and an SC Power Supply Voltage VCC–VEE 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
receptacle. It thereby frees the customer from many
Supply Current(1) ICC 150 250 mA
alignment and PC board layout concerns. The module is
designed for low cost WAN applications. It can be used Transmitter
as the network end device interface in workstations,
servers, and storage devices, and in a broad range of Data Input High Voltage VIH–VCC –1165 –880 mV
network devices such as bridges, routers, intelligent Data Input Low Voltage VIL–VCC –1810 –1475
hubs, and wide area ATM switches.
Input Data Rise/Fall, 10–90% t ,t 0.4 1.3 ns
The transceiver operates at 622.080 Mbits per second R F
from a single power supply (+5 Volt). The full differential TxEN Input High Voltage VTIH 2 V
data inputs and data and clock outputs are PECL com- TxEN Input Low Voltage VTIL 0.8
TxEN Input High Current VTIH 0.8 mA
Functional Description of 2x9 Pin Row Transceiver
TxEN Input Low Current VTIL –1
This transceiver is designed to transmit serial data via
single mode cable. TxALM Output High Voltage VTOH 3.2 V
TxALM Output Low Voltage VTOL 0.7
Figure 1. Functional diagram
TxALM Output High Current ITOH –3 mA
TxEN Laser Coupling Unit
BIAS MON TxALM Output Low Current ITOL 3
Laser e/o
Driver Laser Receiver

Output Current Io 25 mA
Power o/e
TXALM Control
PWRMON Single Mode Input Center Wavelength λC 1260 1360 nm
RX Coupling Unit Transmitter Electro-Optical Characteristics
RxD o/e
RxD Receiver Transmitter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units
Output Power (Average) Po –15 –11 –8 dBm

The receiver component converts the optical serial data Center Wavelength λC 1260 1360 nm
into PECL compatible electrical data (RD and RDnot). Spectral Width (FWHM), rms ∆λ 7.7
The Signal Detect (SD, active high) shows whether an
optical signal is present. If no optical input signal is Output Rise time tR 2.5 ns
present the receiver data outputs are switched to static Output Fall time tF 3
low level (RD=low, Rdnot=high).
Extinction Ratio (dynamic) ER 8.2 dB
The transmitter converts electrical PECL compatible
serial data (TD and TDnot) into optical serial data. It con- Eye Diagram(1)
tains a laser driver circuit which drives the modulation
and bias current of the laser diode. The currents are
controlled by a power control circuit to guarantee a con-
stant output power of the laser over temperature and
aging. The power control uses the output of the monitor

V23806-A84-C1, Single Mode 155 MBd ATM Transceiver 2x9

Receiver Electro-Optical Characteristics Notes
Receiver Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units 1. Minimum average optical power at which the BER is less than
1x10E–10. Measured with a 223–1 NRZ PRBS as recommended
Sensitivity (Ave. Power)(1) PIN -33 –29.0 dBm by ANSI T1E1.2, SONET OC-3, and ITU G.957
2. An increase in optical power above the specified level will switch
Saturation (Ave. Power) PSAT –8 –7
the SIGNAL DETECT from a LO state to a HI state.
Signal Detect Assert PSDA –36 –33 3. A decrease in optical signal below the specified level will switch
Level(2) the SIGNAL DETECT from a HI state to a LO state.
Signal Detect Deassert PSDD –42 37.5 4. PECL 10K compatible. Load is 50 Ω into VCC –2V. Measured
Level(3) under DC conditions at 25°C. For dynamic measurements a toler-
ance of 50 mV should be added, VCC=5V.
Signal Detect Hysteresis PSDA– 1.5 dB 5. PECL compatible. A high level on this output shows that an opti-
PSDD cal signal is applied to the optical input.
Signal Detect Assert Time tASS 1 ms
Reliability (Qualification Results)
Signal Detect Deassert tDAS 5
Time Test Temperature (HTB) 85°C/358 K

Output LO Voltage(4) VOL-VCC –1950 –1630 mV Reference Temperature 25°C/298 K

Output HI Voltage(4) VOH-VCC –1025 –735 Duration of HTB Test >4000 hrs

Output Data Rise /Fall t ,t 1.3ns ns Activation Energy 0,85 eV

Time, 10–90% Confidencel Level 90%
Output SD Rise/Fall Time(5) 40ns Number of Tested Modules > 30
Average Failure λ≤ 74dpm/khrs
Lifetime ti > 10 years

PIN Description 2x9 Pin Row

Pin Name Level Pin # Description
TxEn Tx Enable TTL-Input 12 High level on this input switches the Laser on.
active high High > 2.0 ; Low < 0.8
SD RX Signal PECL-Output 4 High level on this output shows an optical signal is applied to the optical
Detect active high input.
Tx Alm Tx+2dB Alarm TTL Output 11 High level on this output indicates an increase of optical operating power
active high output of+2 dB.
Pwr Mon* Power Monitor Analog 14 Shows an analog voltage which is proportional to the light output and can
Voltage be used for Laser safety functions.
Output Voltage Vmon=2.0± 0.2 V, Source Resistance. Rs=100 kW
Bias Mon Bias Monitor Analog 13 Shows an analog voltage which is proportional to the laser bias current. Use
Voltage to check proper laser operation and for end of life indications.
Limit: Bias Current Ibias <60mA
Output Voltage VO=VCC–Ibias * 42 W, Source Resistance Rs=500 Ohm
RxD Rx Output Data PECL Output 2 Receiver output data
RxDn Rx Output Data 3 Inverted receiver output data
TxD Tx Input Data PECL Input 8 Transmitter input data
TxDn 7 Inverted transmitter input data
RxVee Rx Ground Power Supply 1 Negative power supply, normally ground
TxVee Tx Ground 9
RxVcc Rx +5 V 5 Positive power supply, +5 V
TxVcc Tx +5 V 6
NC 10, 15–18 Pins not connected
* For Laser fault supervision: Check this output for 1.5 V< Vout < 2.5 V; if it is not, switch off laser via TX En pin.

V23806-A84-C1, Single Mode 155 MBd ATM Transceiver 2x9

This single mode ATM transceiver is a Class 1 laser prod- Proposal for Automatic Laser Shutdown
uct. It complies with IEC 825-1 and FDA 21 CFR 1040.10
and 1040.11. The transceiver must be operated under rec-
ommended operating conditions.
Caution VC
The use of optical instruments with this product will
increase eye hazard! 2,5 k 1/2 LM
500 500

General Restrictions 1k & &

Classification is only valid if the module is operated within
the specified temperature and voltage limits. The system 1,5 k 1/2 LM

using the module must provide power supply protection 4,7 k

that guarantees that the system power source will cease to TXAL
provide power if the maximum recommended operation I BIAS

limit or more is detected on the +5V at the power source.

The temperature of the module case must be in the tem- VCC-Tx VCC-Tx
perature range given in the recommended operating lim-
3 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 18
its. These limits guarantee the laser safety. MAX 809 82 82 ●●●●●●●●●
82 82
Usage Restrictions MAX TxD not Rx D
811 130 SD
The optical ports of the modules shall be terminated with see Notes
an optical connector or with a dust plug. GNDGND 200 130 130
Note Autom.
Power RESET Test Transceiver
Failure to adhere to the above restrictions could result in a modifi-
cation that is considered an act of “manufacturing,” and will Notes
require, under law, recertification of the modified product with the
1. Minimum length of RESET pulse is 3 ms.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (ref. 21 CFR 1040.10 (i)).
2. After switch on (Vcc) manual RESET necessary or automatic RESET with
IC (e. g. MAX 809).
Figure 2. Required labels
RESET Function C Laser TDIS

Laser Emission low Norm high ON high

Class 1 Laser Product (IEC)
Fail low
high Norm high high*
Complies with 21 CFR
(FDA) Fail low OFF low
1040.10 and 1040.11
* Depends on previous flip-flop state.
The shut down circuit checks the monitor voltage (PWRMON). A devi-
Additional Information ation of ± 0.5 V shuts down the laser in the circuit shown above. The
transceiver can be reenabled using the reset circuit.
Laser Data The power supply filtering is required for good EMI performance.
Wavelength 1300 nm Use short tracks from the inductor L1/L2 to the module VCC-RX/
Total output power (in accordance with IEC: 1mW
50mm aperture at 10cm distance) A GND plane under the module is required for good EMI and sensi-
tivity performance. Studs must be connected this GND plane.
Total output power (in accordance with FDA: 180µW
7mm aperture at 20cm distance) VCC–TX
Beam divergence 4° C2 GND C4 GND
C1/3=4700 nF (optional)
C2/4=4700 nF
L1 L2
C1 GND C3 GND L1/2=15000 nH (L2 optional) **


** Recommended choke is Siemens Matsushita B78108-S1153-K or B78148

S1153-K (Qmin=60, max. DC resistance=0.6 Ohm).

V23806-A84-C1, Single Mode 155 MBd ATM Transceiver 2x9


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