Single Mode 155 MBD Atm Transceiver 2X9: View Z
Single Mode 155 MBD Atm Transceiver 2X9: View Z
Single Mode 155 MBD Atm Transceiver 2X9: View Z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
∅0.3 M A
(25.4±0.1) ●
∅.012 M A ●
1±.004 ●
DUPLEX (20 –1)
8x .100=.800
DESCRIPTION pin diode (mechanically built in the laser coupling unit) for the controlling
This data sheet describes the Siemens single mode function to prevent the laser power from exceeding the operating limits.
ATM transceiver, which complies with the ATM Forum's The laser can be switched on with a logical high signal on the Laser
Network Compatible ATM for Local Network Applica- Enable Pin (LEN). The PWRMON Pin shows a voltage reflecting the
tions document and ANSI's Broadband ISDN—Cus- optical power output. The bias current is monitored on the BIASMON
tomer Installation Interfaces, Physical Media Dependent Pin. Both signals can be used to supervise the function of the module.
Specification, T1.646-1995. The signal TXALM indicates an increasing of the optical output power
ATM is being developed to facilitate solutions in multi- of more than 2dB. Aging control is possible using the bias monitor
media applications and real time transmission. The data output (BIASMON).
rate is scalable, and the ATM protocol is the basis of the To build a laser Class 1 system it is necessary to use an application cir-
broadband public networks being standardized in the cuit to switch off the laser if a fault occurs.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the
former International Telegraph and Telephone Consulta- Recommended Operating Conditions
tive Committee (CCITT). ATM can also be used in local
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units
private applications.
Case Temperature Tc 0 70 ˚C
This Siemens single mode ATM transceiver is a single
unit comprised of a transmitter, a receiver, and an SC Power Supply Voltage VCC–VEE 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
receptacle. It thereby frees the customer from many
Supply Current(1) ICC 150 250 mA
alignment and PC board layout concerns. The module is
designed for low cost WAN applications. It can be used Transmitter
as the network end device interface in workstations,
servers, and storage devices, and in a broad range of Data Input High Voltage VIH–VCC –1165 –880 mV
network devices such as bridges, routers, intelligent Data Input Low Voltage VIL–VCC –1810 –1475
hubs, and wide area ATM switches.
Input Data Rise/Fall, 10–90% t ,t 0.4 1.3 ns
The transceiver operates at 622.080 Mbits per second R F
from a single power supply (+5 Volt). The full differential TxEN Input High Voltage VTIH 2 V
data inputs and data and clock outputs are PECL com- TxEN Input Low Voltage VTIL 0.8
TxEN Input High Current VTIH 0.8 mA
Functional Description of 2x9 Pin Row Transceiver
TxEN Input Low Current VTIL –1
This transceiver is designed to transmit serial data via
single mode cable. TxALM Output High Voltage VTOH 3.2 V
TxALM Output Low Voltage VTOL 0.7
Figure 1. Functional diagram
TxALM Output High Current ITOH –3 mA
TxEN Laser Coupling Unit
BIAS MON TxALM Output Low Current ITOL 3
Laser e/o
Driver Laser Receiver
Output Current Io 25 mA
Power o/e
TXALM Control
PWRMON Single Mode Input Center Wavelength λC 1260 1360 nm
RX Coupling Unit Transmitter Electro-Optical Characteristics
RxD o/e
RxD Receiver Transmitter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units
Output Power (Average) Po –15 –11 –8 dBm
The receiver component converts the optical serial data Center Wavelength λC 1260 1360 nm
into PECL compatible electrical data (RD and RDnot). Spectral Width (FWHM), rms ∆λ 7.7
The Signal Detect (SD, active high) shows whether an
optical signal is present. If no optical input signal is Output Rise time tR 2.5 ns
present the receiver data outputs are switched to static Output Fall time tF 3
low level (RD=low, Rdnot=high).
Extinction Ratio (dynamic) ER 8.2 dB
The transmitter converts electrical PECL compatible
serial data (TD and TDnot) into optical serial data. It con- Eye Diagram(1)
tains a laser driver circuit which drives the modulation
and bias current of the laser diode. The currents are
controlled by a power control circuit to guarantee a con-
stant output power of the laser over temperature and
aging. The power control uses the output of the monitor
Output HI Voltage(4) VOH-VCC –1025 –735 Duration of HTB Test >4000 hrs