SHS Applied Subjects
SHS Applied Subjects
SHS Applied Subjects
Table of Contents
Entrepreneurship pp. 10 – 11
Filipino pp. 12 – 16
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Exemplar/ develope online) (provide a
Period Learning r link if online)
compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms,
sites, and content to best achieve specific class objectives or
address situational challenges
apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and
practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific
professional tracks
Weeks 1-4 use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information
gathering to best achieve specific class objectives or address
uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing
advanced application techniques
creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively
communicate or present data or information related to specific
professional tracks
evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the
principles of layout, graphic, and visual message design.
use image manipulation techniques on existing images to
change or enhance their current state to communicate a
message for a specific purpose
create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively
communicate a visual message in an online environment related
to specific professional tracks
evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and
applications in developing ICT content for specific professional
Weeks 5-6 tracks
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Exemplar/ develope online) (provide a
Period Learning r link if online)
apply web design principles and elements using online creation
tools, platforms, and applications to communicate a message
for a specific purpose in specific professional tracks
create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation
tools, platforms, and applications to effectively communicate
messages related to specific professional track
evaluate the quality, value, and appropriateness of peer’s
existing or previously developed ICT content in relation to the
Weeks 7-8 theme or intended audience/ viewer of an ICT project
share and showcase existing or previously developed material in
the form of a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site
intended for a specific audience or viewer
explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the
Week 1 context of Web 2.0 and the participation of the user in the
online experience
share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to be part of a
social movement, change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital
identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change
related to specific professional tracks that can be addressed or
tackled using an ICT Project for Social Change
analyze how target or intended users and audiences are
Weeks 2-4 expected to respond to the proposed ICT Project for Social
Change on the basis of content, value, and user experience
integrate rich multimedia content in design and development to
best enhance the user experience and deliver content of an ICT
Project for Social Change
develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Exemplar/ develope online) (provide a
Period Learning r link if online)
demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are
uploaded, managed, and promoted for maximum audience
Weeks 5-6 impact
generate a technical report interpreting data analytics, e.g.
Google, Facebook, or similar traffic data on the general aspects
of search visibility, reach, and virality
Week 7 generate a report on the performance of their ICT Project for
Social Change on the basis of data gathered from available
monitoring tools and evaluating techniques
Week 8 create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or
application of choice on the learning experience undergone
during the semester
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Period Exemplar/ developer online) (provide a link
Learning if online)
Q1/3 Differentiates language used in academic texts from various disciplines
Q1/3 Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she
Q1/3 Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
Q1/3 States the thesis statement of an academic text
Q1/3 Outlines reading texts in various disciplines
Q1/3 Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism, feminism,
Q1/3 Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an
event or a program
Q1/3 Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition,
explication and clarification
Q1/3 Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers: Home
Economics; Agri. Fishery; I.A; ICT
Q1/3 Presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/ graphic
Q2/4 Gathers manifestoes and analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s
Q2/4 Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments
supported by properly cited factual evidences
Q2/4 Writes various kinds of position papers
Q2/4 Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports
Q2/4 Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires*
Q2/4 Conducts surveys, experiments or observations*
Q2/4 Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or observations*
Q2/4 Summarizes findings and executes the report through narrative and
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Period Exemplar/ developer online) (provide a link
Learning if online)
visual/graphic forms
Q2/4 Writes various reports
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources developer available (provide a link if
Period available online) online)
Weeks 1-4
1.1 Implement the business plan;
1.2 Operate the business;
1.3 Sell the product/service to potential customers;
Weeks 5-6
1.6 Interpret financial statements (balance sheet,
income statement, cash flow projections, and
summary of sales and cash receipts);
1.7 Prepare an income statement and a balance sheet;
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if
developer available Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources
Period available online) (provide a link if
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment (provide
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources developer available a link if online)
Period available online)
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment (provide
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources developer available a link if online)
Period available online)
Q1/Wk 7-8 presents written review of literature
Q2/Wk 1-2 chooses appropriate qualitative research
Q2/Wk 1-2 describes sampling procedure and sample
Q2/Wk 3-4 plans data collection, data gathering
instrument, and analysis procedures
Q2/Wk 3-4 presents written research methodology
Q2/Wk 5-6 collects data through observation and
Q2/Wk 5-6 infers and explain patterns and themes from
Q2/Wk 5-6 related the findings with pertinent literature
Q2/ Wk 7-8 draws conclusions from patterns and themes
Q2/ Wk 7-8 formulates recommendations based on
Q2/ Wk 7-8 lists references
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources developer available (provide a link if
Period available online) online)
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources developer available (provide a link if
Period available online) online)