WW2 Colours
WW2 Colours
WW2 Colours
Colour name Comment Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
FS:35042 Sea blue Hu:181 Dark Sea Blue gloss
FS:35042 Flat sea blue Hu:182
FS:35044 Insignia blue Hu:189 GS:H326
FS:35045 Dark blue Hu:HD 3 GS:H35
FS:35050 Blue Angels blue Hu:190 T:X-03 GS:H328
FS:35056 T:X-04
FS:35109 Blue
FS:35164 Intermediate Blue Hu:144 GS:H42
FS:35177 Medium blue T:XF-18
FS:35183 Bright blue T:XF-08
FS:35200 T:X-14
FS:35237 Dk blue/grey Hu:145 GS:H337
FS:35258 Hu:HU17 Green deleted)
FS:35414 Blue T:XF-23
FS:35450 Air Superiority Blue P:PCA800 19*Hu:47 + 1*Hu:147
FS:35526 Aircraft Blue Hu:65 T:XF-23 GS:H67
FS:35526 Light blue GS:H323
FS:35622 Israeli Light Blue Hu:122 GS:H314
Colour name Comment Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
FS:36076 Engine grey T:XF-63
FS:36081 Gunship Dk. grey Hu:32 T:XF-63? GS:H301
FS:36118 Gunship Lt. Grey Hu:125 T:XF-24 GS:H305
FS:36152 Blue-grey Hu:HN 2
FS:36165 RLM 02 T:XF-22
FS:36173 Dark Grey Hu:156 T:XF-53 GS:H82
FS:36176 Dk grey F-15
FS:36231 Dk Gull Grey Hu:140 T:XF-54 GS:H57
FS:36251 Medium grey 8*Hu:64 + 3*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:106
FS:36270 Neutral grey 1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34 T:XF-53
FS:36270 RAF OceanGrey 1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34 T:XF-20 GS:H306
FS:36293 7*Hu:28 + 2*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34
FS:36300 14*Hu:34 + 7*Hu:176 + 1*Hu:110
FS:36307 Light Sea Grey Hu:141 GS:H324
FS:36314 Flint grey 6*Hu:167 + 4*Hu:87 T:XF-25
FS:36320 Dark compass grey Hu:128 GS:H307
FS:36329 Light sea grey 7*Hu:87 + 3*Hu:34 T:XF-66
FS:36357 6*Hu:162 + 2*Hu:28
FS:36373 5*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:64 T:XF-25?
FS:36375 Light compass grey Hu:127 GS:H308
FS:36386 1*Hu:162 + 1*Hu:34
FS:36400 Light Stone 1*Hu:121 + 1*Hu:90
FS:36408 2*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:162
FS:36415 6*Hu:121 + 4*Hu:84
FS:36424 Medium grey T:XF-20
FS:36440 Lt Gull Grey Hu:183 (129) 1*T:XF-20 + 1*T:XF-2 GS:H51?
FS:36440 Hu:129 (183) GS:H325/H315
FS:36463 3*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:126
FS:36473 ADC Grey Hu:146 T:XF-66? GS:H61
FS:36473 Light Grey 1*Hu:87 + 1*Hu:34 (64) T:XF-12?/XF-19
FS:36492 Light Grey 8*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:28
FS:36493 9*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:156
FS:36495 Light Grey Hu:147 GS:H338
FS:36496 T:XF-12
FS:36515 Canadian Voodoo grey
FS:36521 T:XF-55
FS:36555 6*Hu:103 + 1*Hu:64 + 1*Hu:28
FS:36559 Surface Grey 2*Hu:162 + 1*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:34 (162)
FS:36595 1*Hu:162 + 1*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:34
FS:36622 Light Grey Hu:28 (97) T:XF-19 GS:H311
FS:36628 9*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:64
Miscellaneous (Blacks, Whites, Metallics)
Colour name Comment Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
FS:37030 9*Hu:33 + 2*Hu:189 + 1*Hu:112
FS:37031 9*Hu:33 + 8*Hu:189 + 2*Hu:112
FS:17038 Gloss Black Hu:21 T:X-1 GS:H2
FS:27038 Coal Black Hu:85 T:X-18 GS:H2
FS:37038 Black Hu:33 T:XF-1 GS:H12/343
FS:37040 Dark Bluish Black Hu:85? T:X-18?
FS:37100 Purple T:X-16
FS:37178 Chrome Silver Hu:191 T:XF-16
FS:37722 16*Hu:34 + 3*Hu:72 + 1*Hu:28
FS:37788 10*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:121
FS:17875 Gloss White Hu:22 T:X-2 GS:H21
FS:37875 Matt White Hu:130 (34) T:XF-2 GS:H11
FS:37880 6*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:41
FS:37886 White 3*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:41
Colour name Comment Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
FS:38915 Blaze (orangeish red, almost dayglo) Hu:192
RAAF, 1941-1945
Colour name Comment FS
Dark Earth Topside camouflage FS:20099
K3 178 Foliage Green Topside camouflage FS:24092
Light Green Topside camouflage FS:24151
K3 189 Dark Slate Grey Topside camouflage FS:24159
K5 Light Green Topside camouflage FS:24159
K3 187 Extra Dark Sea Grey Topside camouflage FS:25045
K3 183 Medium Sea Grey Lower surfaces FS:26270
Humbrol Tamiya Gunze
8*Hu:110 + 2*Hu:113 + 1*Hu:33
6*Hu:78 + 1*Hu:161
6*Hu:78 + 1*Hu:161
2*Hu:189 + 2*Hu:190 + 1*Hu:149
1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34
1935-1945, RLM Standard
Colour name Comment FS
RLM 01 Silber
RLM 02 Grau Interior colour, alos used as overall colour on prototypes FS:34159 (36165, 24226)
RLM 04 Gelb Identification markings FS:33538
RLM 05 Elfenbein FS:33798 (33618)
RLM 09 Gelbgrün
RLM 21 Weiss Markings / winter camouflage FS:37886 (37880, 37875)
RLM 22 Schwarz Markings / night camouflage FS:37038
RLM 23 Rot Markings FS:31304 (31302)
RLM 24 Dunkelblau Markings FS:35053
RLM 25 Hellgrün FS:34090 (34241)
RLM 26 Braun FS:30109
RLM 27 Gelb Markings FS:33637 (33655, 33591)
RLM 61 Dunkelbraun Pre-war splinter scheme FS:30040 (30109, 30117)
RLM 62 Grün Pre-war splinter scheme FS:34159 (34128)
Pre-war splinter scheme. Also used for overall shcemes. Some sources claim that
RLM 63 Hellgrau FS:36375 (36373, 36314)
this and RLM 02 are the same colour
RLM 65 Hellblau Lower surfaces FS:35352 (35414, 25526)
RLM 66 Schwartzgrau Cockpit interiors from mid-war onwards FS:37030 (36081)
RLM 70 Schwartzgrun Wartime splinter scheme FS:34052 (34050)
RLM 71 Dunkelgrun Wartime splinter scheme FS:34083 (34079, 34102)
RLM 72 Grun Wartime splinter scheme on sea aircraft FS:37030 (34056)
RLM 73 Grun Wartime splinter scheme on sea aircraft FS:36081 (34092)
RLM 74 Graugrün Top camouflage on fighter aircraft from 1941. Also referred to as Dunkelgrau. FS:36081 (36086)
RLM 75 Grauviolett Top camouflage on fighter aircraft from 1941. Also referred to as Mittelgrau. FS:26132 (26122)
RLM 76 Lichtblau Lower surfaces on fighter a/c. Also used extensively for night fighters FS:36473, (35622, 35414)
RLM 77 Lichtgrau FS:36493
RLM 78 Himmelblau Lower surfaces of mediterranean schem. FS:35352 (35414)
RLM 79 Sandbraun Mediterranean scheme FS:33448 (33434)
RLM 79a Sandgelb Another variant of RLM 79 FS:30219 (30215)
RLM 80 Olivegrün Blotches in mediterranean scheme FS:34079 (34052)
RLM 81 Braunviolett Late-war topside camouflage FS:30045 (34087, 30118, 34088)
RLM 82 Lichtgrün Late-war topside camouflage. Often confused with 83 FS:34096
RLM 83 Dunkelgrün Late-war topside camouflage. Often confused with 82 FS:34138, 34083
RLM ”84” (?) Yellow-Green Used towards end of the war. Designation RLM 84 is speculatory. FS:34554
Light Green-Grey Used towards end of the war on lower surfaces of fighter a/c FS:34583 (34672)
Red Primer Primer colour FS:31310
Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
34*Hu:29 + 13*Hu:25 + 12*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:82 (4*Hu:168 + 1*Hu:75 + 1*Hu:92 + 1*Hu:10, Hu:92) 1*T:XF-22 + 1*T:XF-49 (T:XF-22) GS:H70
Hu:154 GS:H413
6*Hu:34 + 4*Hu:41
T:XF-21 GS:H74
Colour name Comment FS
Dark Earth Standard RAF camouflage until 1941, and mediterranean camouflage FS:30095 (30118)
Dark Green Standard RAF camouflage until 1941 FS:34079 (34096,34064)
Sky Often reffered to as Sky Type S. Lower surfaces of RAF aircraft until 1941 FS:34583 (34504, 34672, 34424)
Ocean Grey Standard RAF fighter camouflage from 1941 FS:36152 (36176, 36187)
Medium Sea Grey Standard RAF fighter camouflage from 1941, lower surfaces FS:36270 (36440)
Mid Stone Mediterranean camouflage FS:30266
Azure Blue Mediterranean camouflage, lower surfaces FS:35231
Dark Mediterranean Blue Seen on some Beaufort bombers in the Mediterranean FS:35050 (35109)
Light Mediterranean Blue Seen on some Beaufort bombers in the Mediterranean FS:35177
Extra Dark Sea Green FS:34092
Extra Dark Sea Grey Temperate Sea Scheme (FAA) FS:36118 (36099)
Dark Slate Grey Temperate Sea Scheme (FAA) FS:34096
PRU Mauve Early photo-recce. comouflage
PRU Pink Early photo-recce. comouflage
PRU Blue Standard recce camouflage from mid-war FS:35164 (35190, 35189)
Sky Blue FS:35622 (35550)
Light Earth Overside lower wings on biplanes ”Shadow shading” scheme, RAF FS:30257
Light Green Overside, lower wings, ”shadow shading”, RAF FS:34096(34172)
Light Slate Grey Overside, lower wings, ”shadow shading”, FAA aircraft FS:34159
Dark Sea Grey Overside, lower wings, ”shadow shading”, FAA aircraft FS:36173 (36099)
Grimmy white Lower surfaces on FAA aircraft, 1943 onwards
Sky Grey FAA aircraft between 1938-1939 FS:36463
Night Black Lower surfaces of night aircraft FS:37038
White Lower surfaces of Coastal Command aircraft FS:37778
Trainer yellow Trainer and experimental aircraft. Also referred to as Identification Yellow (used in insignia) FS:33538
Interior Grey-Green Interior finish FS:34226 (34128, 34373, 34227)
Dull Blue Insignia FS:35044
Dull Red Insignia FS:30109
Identification White Insignia FS:37875 (37778)
Aluminium FS:37178
Humbrol Tamiya Gunze
Hu:29 (Hu:142) T:XF-52 GS:H72
21*Hu:80 + 6*Hu:33 + 2*Hu:99 + 1*Hu:34 (Hu:116) T:XF-61 GS:H73?/309
160*Hu:34 + 5*Hu:101 + 4*Hu:99 + 1*Hu:60 (5*Hu:90 + 4*Hu:65 , Hu:23, Hu:90) T:XF-21 GS:H74?
Hu:106 (Hu:165, 4*Hu:156 + 3*Hu:106 + 1*Hu:112 + 1*Hu:34) T:XF-54 GS:H335
30*Hu:140 + 16*Hu:34 + 3*Hu:27 + 1*Hu:109(1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34) T:XF-53 GS:H335/306
51*Hu:24 + 17*Hu:186 + 9*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:101 (Hu:84, 3*Hu:81 + 2*Hu:26) T:XF-60 GS:H71
49*Hu:34 + 10*Hu:25 + 1*Hu:33 (14*Hu:34 + 13*Hu:25 + 1*Hu:68 + 1*Hu:109) T:XF-18 + X-14?
Hu:190 T:X-03 GS:H328
6*Hu:109 + 3*Hu:157 + 2*Hu:34
Hu:149 (30) T:XF-27 GS:H302
16*Hu:25 + 7*Hu:70 + 6*Hu:150 + 5*Hu:34 (Hu:125) T:XF-63 (24) GS:H305
Hu:102 (6*Hu:116 + 6*Hu:117 + 1*Hu:163) T:XF-11 + 63?
Colour name Comment FS Humbrol Tamiya Gunze
Zinc Chromate Primer Hu:81
ANA 601 Insignia White Standard lower colour of USN aircraft, and aircraft operating over the Atlantic. FS:37880 6*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:41
ANA 603 Sea Grey (neutral) FS:36118 4*Hu:77 + 3*Hu:70 + 2*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:25 (Hu:125) T:XF-24 GS:H305
ANA 606 Semi-Gloss Sea Blue Top wing surfaces of USN aircraft after 1942 FS:25042 12*Hu:21 + 10*Hu:15 + 4*Hu:68 + 3*Hu:22 (Hu:134)
ANA 607 Non-Specular Sea Blue Top fuselage surfaces of USN aircraft after 1942 FS:35042 (35045) 12*Hu:21 + 10*Hu:15 + 4*Hu:68 + 3*Hu:22 (Hu:181, 1*Hu:189 + 1*Hu:182) T:X-03 GS:H35
ANA 608 Intermediate Blue Fuselage sides of USN aircraft after 1942 FS:35164 Hu:144 GS:H42
ANA 609 Azure Blue Lower surfaces of aicraft from African campaign FS:35231 39*Hu:34 + 12*Hu:25 + 1*Hu:60 (14*Hu:34 + 13*Hu:25 + 1*Hu:68 + 1*Hu:109) T:X-14?
ANA 611 Interior Green FS:24151 T:XF-04?
ANA 613 Olive Drab Topside of USAAF aircraft after 1943 FS:34084 3*Hu:163 + 4*Hu:108 + 3*Hu:33 T:XF-62?
ANA 616 Sand Upper surfaces of aicraft from African campaign FS:30279 Hu:250 (4*Hu:121 + 2*Hu:118 + 1*Hu:110) T:XF-59? GS:346
ANA 621 Dark Gull Grey Topside of aircraft operating over the Atlantic FS:36231 Hu:140 T:XF-54 GS:H57
ANA 622 Jet Overall colour of night aircraft FS:17038 Hu:21
ANA 623 Glossy Sea Blue Overall colour of USN aircraft after 1943 FS:15042 12*Hu:21 + 10*Hu:15 + 4*Hu:68 + 3*Hu:22 (Hu:181)
41 Olive Drab Topside of USAAF aircraft until 1943 FS:23070 Hu:66 (Hu:155) T:XF-58?
42 Medium Green Used for blotches on Olive Drab background until 1942 FS:34092 31*Hu:80 + 14*Hu:33 + 11*Hu:25 + 10*Hu:34 (Hu:149)
43 Neutral Gray Lower surfaces in Olive Drab schemes FS:36173 (50*Hu:94 + 30*Hu:25 + 4*Hu:60 + 2*Hu:34) 5*Hu:34 + 4*Hu:27 + 1*Hu:106
47 Orange Yellow FS:33538 Hu:154
M-485 Blue Gray Topside of USN aircraft until 1942 FS:35189 6*Hu:115 + 4*Hu:25 + 1*Hu:87 + 1*Hu:34
M-495 Light Gray Lower surfaces of USN aircraft until 1942 FS:36440 21*Hu:34 + 5*Hu:27 + 2*Hu:29 (Hu:129)
Sea green FS:34058 T:XF-17
World War II VVS colours
Colour name Comment FS Humbrol Tamiya Gunze
Brilliant Medium Blue Underside standard colour used throughout the war period 1937-1945. FS:25466
Olive Green Upper surface overall colour, used throughout the war. Also used together with Dark Green inFS:14257
two-tone green scheme.
The paint
+ 2*Hu:80
+ 3*Hu:34
with age
+ 1*Hu:99
to to FS:34151.
Factory-applied overall top colour, typical for Petlyakov, Tupolev and MiG aircraft
Medium Forest Green FS:34058 7*Hu:88 + 3*Hu:190 + 2*Hu:32 + 2*Hu:34 T:XF-17
between 1940-1942
”Tractor” Bright Green Used together with Camouflage Black in the oft-publicised ”tractor” scheme. 1941-1943 FS:14524
Used together with ”Tractor” Bright Green in the oft-publicised ”tractor” scheme. 1941-
Camouflage Black FS:27038 Hu:85 (33) T:X-18 GS:H2
Alternate colour to ”Tractor” bright green in the green-and-black scheme. Also used
Dark Green FS:24062 (24524) 4*Hu:3 + 1*Hu:131 (3) T:X-05
together with Olive Green in two-tone green schemetroughout the war.
A variation of Olive Green used in Black-and-olive scheme on on early Il-2s etc. 1940-
Olive Green 2 1943. Also part of 3-tone scheme with Ochre Brown and Light Sand-Brown, alternatively FS:14257 6*Hu:83 + 2*Hu:80 + 3*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:99
Dark Earth Grey-Brown.
Used with Olive Green 2 in standard Il-2 factory camouflage from 1943. Also part of the
Ochre Brown FS:30111 Hu:70 T:X-09
later Southern Front standard scheme.
Dark Earth Grey-Brown Used with Olive Green 2 in alternate Il-2 factory camouflage from 1943 FS:20099 8*Hu:110 + 2*Hu:113 + 1*Hu:33
Used together with Camouflage Black in standard scheme for the Southern Front 1941-
Light Sand-Brown 44. Later (1943-45) also used together with Ochre Brown, or in 3-tone scheme with FS:30480
Ochre Brown and Olive Green 2.
Medium Grey Part of standard topside scheme for all single-seat fighters from 1944 onwards. FS:26493 9*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:156
Part of standard topside scheme for all single-seat fighters from 1944 onwards. Also used
Dark Sea Grey for single-colour winter schemes on fighters from late 1943 onwards. Also used as primer FS:26270 1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34 T:XF-53
Winter White Standard winter upper colour throughout the War FS:20000 Hu:34
Medium Blue-Green
Standard metal primer colour used from the 30’s until mid-50’s. FS:24585 (24664)
Imperial Japanese Army aircraft
Colour name Comment FS Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
A.1 Dark Green Upper camouflage, together with A.2 FS:34094 (34092) Hu:149
A.2 Olive Green Upper camouflage overall colour, or together with A.1 FS:34088 1*Hu:155 + 1*Hu:159 T:XF-13/51? GS:H60
A.5 Light Grey Green Upper & lower surfaces FS:35414 5*Hu:34 + 3*Hu:115 + 3*Hu:65 T:XF-14 GS:H62
A.6 Dark Grey Upper surfaces FS:36152 4*Hu:156 + 3*Hu:106 + 1*Hu:112 + 1*Hu:34
A.7 Medium Grey Upper surfaces FS:36293 7*Hu:28 + 2*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:34
A.9 Light Grey Upper surfaces FS:37722 16*Hu:34 + 3*Hu:72 + 1*Hu:28
A.11 Dark Brown Upper surfaces FS:30059 (34049) 8*Hu:107 + 1*Hu:33
A.12 Medium Brown Upper surfaces, spinners FS:30109 (30111) 6*Hu:178 + 4*Hu:70 + 3*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:107
A.14 Light Earth Upper surfaces FS:30400 3*Hu:63 + 3*Hu:118 + 3*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:121
A.15 Ivory Yellow Upper surfaces FS:30371 Hu:93
A.22 Deep Blue Upper surfaces FS:35050 Hu:190
Army Silver Hu:11 T:XF-16
Light Green Used togehter with A.1 and A.2 in three-tone schemes FS:34172
Light Green-Grey Factory undersurface finish of Ki-43 Mod. III onwards FS:36357
Dark Brown-Green One of factory Top surface finishes of Ki-43 Mod. III onwards FS:30118
Miscellaneous colours
Colour name Comment FS Humbrol Tamiya Gunze Sangyo
Aodake Iro (Interior metallic blue) Interior colour. Actually a transparent blue-green lacquer on natural metal background 1*Hu:52 + 1*Hu:50 T:X-13 GS:H63
Cockpit Green-Olive FS:34255
Cockpit Grey-Green FS:34226
Cockpit Khaki-Brown FS:33448
Hinomaru Red Initially bright red, faded in time to rusty-pinkish brown (FS:31328) FS:31086
Identification yellow Used from 1943 for quick-recognition bands on leading edges of fighter a/c FS:33538
Light Green-Grey fabric primer FS:36314
Army/Navy Lt. Olive (greyish) (A./N.21?) T:XF-22?