Q1 Part B

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Q1 part b

The least squares method is a statistical procedure to find the best fit for a set of data
points by minimizing the sum of the offsets or residuals of points from the plotted curve.
Least squares regression is used to predict the behavior of dependent variables.

The least-squares method (LSM) is widely used to find or estimate the numerical values of the
parameters to fit a function to a set of data and to characterize the statistical properties of
estimates. It is probably the most popular technique in statistics for several reasons. First, most
common estimators can be cast within this framework.

For example, the mean of a distribution is the value that minimizes the sum of squared deviations of
the scores. Second, using squares makes LSM mathematically very tractable because the
Pythagorean theorem indicates that, when the error is independent of an estimated quantity, one
can add the squared error and the squared estimated quantity. Third, the mathematical tools and
algorithms involved in LSM (derivatives, eigendecomposition, and singular value decomposition).
When the shapes of engineering objects are examined, very often there is a need for changing the point
set of data acquired during survey and converting it to a mathematical, continuous model representing
the specific object.

The splines, as compared to classical methods of LSM approximation, e.g. with the use of second-degree
surfaces, are characteristic of several very important advantages The most essential of them is the
possibility of acquiring a continuous description of the structure shape, containing its local
deformations, unlike in classical methods where the ideal object (sphere, cylinder, plane) is obtained as
a result of approximation, and information regarding deformations may be acquired only through
comparison of the point set obtained from the survey with this object. Such an approach significantly
hinders performing analyses in the course of periodical observations and inspections of building
structures, particularity when surveys are performed each time in different places of this building

Currently, the use of a laser scanner not only for measuring the structure/object selected, but also for
the general survey of the infrastructure found in a specific area has become common practice. In the
case of performing such measurements in the areas of industrial plants, where there are lots of smaller
inter-connected structures in the form of cubicoids, cylinders, spheres, etc., there is usually no need to
determine their local deformations, but the inter-location of these components is of great importance.

In the mathematical field of numerical analysis, spline interpolation is a form
of interpolation where the interpolant is a special type of piecewise polynomial called a spline.
With spline interpolation, we approximate the interpolation function y(x) over the interval [a,
b] by dividing the interval into subregions with the requirement that there be continuity of
the function at the joints. We can define a spline function, y(x), of degree N with values at the

Cubic splines play an important role in felds where smooth interpolation is essential, in modeling, for
example, animation and image scaling. In computer graphics interpolating cubic splines are often used
to defne smooth motion of objects and cameras passing through user-specifed positions in a key frame
animation system. In image processing splines prove useful in implementing high-quality image

using spline interpolation methods for modelling one-dimensional environmental

data. Based on the measurement data acquired from the automatic air
monitoring station in Warsaw (Poland), simulation of different variants of
interpolation of the 1 h average values of air temperature and SO2 concentration
can be performed .The interpolation was done by a cubic spline. program.
Spline interpolation has been widely and commonly used in many studies of
environmental engineering to create surface data based on a set of sampled
points, such as soil properties, temperature, and precipitation. Currently,
there are many commercial Geographic Information System (GIS) or
statistics software offering spline interpolation functions, such as inverse
distance weighted (IDW), kriging, spline, and others. Many studies rely on
quantitative assessment to determine the performance of interpolation
techniques. Most quantitative assessment methods provide a numeric index
for the overall performance of an interpolated surface. Although it is
objective and convenient, there are many facts or trends not captured by
quantitative assessments. This study used 2D visualization and 3D
visualization to identify trends not evident in quantitative assessment. This
study also presented a special case, a closed system in which all interpolated
surfaces should sum up to 100%, to demonstrate the interaction between
interpolated surfaces that were created separately and independently.

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