One-Way Tamm Plasmon-Polaritons On The Interface of Magnetophotonic Crystals and Conducting Metal Oxides
One-Way Tamm Plasmon-Polaritons On The Interface of Magnetophotonic Crystals and Conducting Metal Oxides
One-Way Tamm Plasmon-Polaritons On The Interface of Magnetophotonic Crystals and Conducting Metal Oxides
plasmon-polaritons (SPPs), Tamm plasmon-polariton (TPPs) occur at frequencies above the bulk
plasma frequency of the conducting materials, provided that the dispersion curves of such surface
modes lie outside the light cone for the conducting oxides and simultaneously fall into the photonic
band gap of the magnetophotonic crystal. The nonreciprocal properties of TPPs are caused by
violation of the periodicity and time reversal symmetry in the structure. Calculations on the field
distribution and transmission spectra through the structure are employed to confirm the theoretical
results, which could potentially impact on a broad range of SPP-related phenomena in applications.
band gap (PBG) of MPCs on the other. Furthermore, TM behavior in this configuration. The use of isotropic
the dispersion curves of TPPs modes lie in part inside dielectric layer, such as SiO2 glass (also characterized by
the light cone for free space, and such TPPs can be ex- the dielectric and magneto-optical parameters ǫa and ∆a ,
cited under direct illumination of a plane wave. We fur- respectively), provides good index contrast with BIG to
ther calculate the field pattern and transmission spectra create the band gap.
through the structure to support the spectral splitting in To show the one-way TPPs property, we find the dis-
the dispersion of wave propagating in the opposite direc- persion of TPPs by using the standard transfer matrix
tions. approach20,21 . First, we consider an infinite periodic
structure of MPCs, the transfer matrix associated with
it is
T11 T12
T̂ = = P̂a M̂ba P̂b M̂ab . (3)
Let us begin for the structure shown in Fig. 1, with a
semi-infinite conducting region on the left (z < 0) and a
The P̂i are the usual propagation matrices,
two-component MPCs on the right (z > 0). The unit cell
of MPCs consists of one isotropic dielectric and one mag-
ik l
e zi i 0
netooptical layer, with thickness la and lb , respectively. P̂i = , (4)
0 e−ikzi li
The relative permittivity of the conducting material is
taken to be of the Drude form where
ωp2 2π
ǫc (ω) = 1 − , (1) kzi = ( ni )2 − kx2 , (5)
ω(ω + iγ) λ0
where γ is the electronic collision frequency. For initial with λ0 the wavelength in vacuum, kx the component
calculations, we take γ = 0, but subsequently we con- of the wave vector in the plane of surface, and ni =
sider the effect of losses by assuming γ 6= 0. For the (ǫ2i − ∆2i )/ǫi the refractive index. The M̂ij are the in-
bulk plasma frequency of the conducting material, we terface matrices,
just choose ~ωp = 1 eV19 , which can occur in materials ǫ2j − ∆2j Fj∗ + Fi Fj∗ − Fi∗
such as indium tin oxide. M̂ij = , (6)
2ǫj kzj Fj − Fi Fj + Fi∗
of a plane wave. As an example, we respectively take the
1.9 in-plane wave vector kx+ = 0.3 ∗ 2π/Λ for forward illumi-
1.8 nation, and kx− = −0.3∗2π/Λ for backward illumination,
within the light line of free space for energies considered.
1.7 For both of such in-plane wave vectors, the PBG of the
infinite MPCs in Fig. 2 is between 1.899 and 2.128 eV
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
for the TM polarization. The corresponding energies for
Èk x ÈL2Π TPPs at kx+ , kx− are E+ = 2.054 and E− = 2.034 eV,
respectively, and we thus expect to see the wave perfectly
FIG. 2: (color online) Dispersion of TPPs at the interface of
propagating through the structure near the energy E+
conducting metal oxides and semi-infinite MPCs. Red and
blue lines correspond to the forward and backward propagat-
when the light is incident from front at an angle 75.60◦,
ing TPPs, respectively. Yellow and white regions correspond or near E− when light from back at an incident angle,
to bands and gaps of an infinite MPCs. Light curves for con- 77.97◦.
ducting metal oxides (dashed line) and free space (dotted line) The steady-state field patterns at the energy E+ are
are also shown. shown in Fig. 3. Counter-propagating plane waves are
incident from air upon either end of the MPCs. For the
We show in Fig. 2 the dispersion of the forward case of forward incidence, the field amplitude is remark-
(kx > 0) and backward (kx < 0) TPPs in the first pho- ably high at the interface between conducting metal ox-
tonic bandgap by red and blue lines, respectively. The ides and MPCs, and falls exponentially away from the in-
key result is that there exist asymmetric TPPs solutions, terface. Such a distribution confirms the formation of the
ω(kx ) 6= ω(−kx ), which lie above the bulk plasma fre- TPPs, providing complete transparency of the structure
quency of the metal (here given by ~ωp = 1 eV). The seen in Fig. 3(a). In contrast, for backward incidence
spectral splitting of the dispersion of waves propagating in Fig. 3(b), such excitation of TPPs is almost com-
in the opposite direction then gives rise to the nonrecip- pletely suppressed, resulting in low transmission through
rocal TPPs. Physically, such reciprocity develops from the structure. Thus such a structure demonstrates the
the magnetization as well as the violation of the peri- one-way total transmission.
odicity in MPCs, which is directly related to the matrix To support the above results, we have performed stan-
elements T11 and T12 of the transfer matrix and Bloch dard transfer matrix calculation of transmittance for the
wave vector K in Eq. (8). For the range of result shown, finite structure same as in Fig. 4. The results for the
the dispersion curves lie outside the light line for con- transmittance as a function of the conducting overlayer
ducting oxides, and in part within the light line for free with finite thickness d are shown in Fig. 4 under the light
space, indicating the associated modes are bounded at illumination of a plane wave. For larger conducting layer
the surface of conducting metal oxides, and also accessi- thickness of d = 4Λ, almost full transmission is obtained
ble to direct excitation by incident radiation without the along the forward direction at an energy near E+ , while
need for prism or grating coupling. complete reflection is obtained in the opposite direction
In order to give one a simple and instructive expla- at the same energy. Instead, the transmission peak along
nation of the discovered one-way character of TPPs, we the backward direction appears at near E− . Therefore
plot the out-of-plane magnetic field profile in Fig. 3 for strong nonreciprocity (given by T (kx+ ) − T (kx− )) at en-
a finite structure consisting of a conducting layer on the ergies E+ and E− is then achieved. These results are
surface of a 12 period MPCs, under the light illumination in excellent agreement with the infinite conducting over-
nonreciprocity in absorptance.
(a) d=4
12 -1
0.5 0.0
13 -1
(b) =10 rad s
1.0 0.5
(c) d=2
0.5 0.0
14 -1
(c) =10 rad s
Energy (eV)
FIG. 4: (color online) Transmission spectra for a set of struc- Energy (eV)
front and back illumination, which agrees well with the 60990320, 60990324, 61138001, and 60921063, the 111
dispersion curves we have obtained. When the loss in Project under Grant No. 111-2-05, and by the Cam-
conducting materials is considered, the behavior of non- pus Funding No. NY210050 from Nanjing University of
reciprocal TPPs can still be observable in the absorption Posts and Telecommunications. We thank Prof. Kin
spectra. The results can be extended to more general Hung Fung for useful discussions.
systems provided that the required conditions are satis-
Electronic address: Lett. 35, 4112 (2010).
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