Composites With Tuned Effective Magnetic Permeability
Composites With Tuned Effective Magnetic Permeability
Composites With Tuned Effective Magnetic Permeability
FIG. 2. Split-ring resonators. 共left兲 Schematics of a split-ring resonator with the wave polarization that can excite it. 共right兲 A typical dispersion curve for
effective magnetic permeability normalized with respect to 0. Note that the real permeability becomes negative but the imaginary part is always positive as
expected for a passive medium. 共Drawing and graph courtesy of D. R. Smith.10兲
ranged to constitute the two surfaces of a capacitor. As rameters can be calculated based on the geometry of the unit
shown by Starr et al.,3 one may achieve a similar result using cell and the material properties; for details, see Ref. 2.
single split rings that are modified to have sufficient capaci- The index of refraction, n = 冑, becomes imaginary in
tance to suitably reduce the effective magnetic permeability the negative magnetic permeability frequency band in which
of the composite. there are no propagating modes within the composite, the
only possible modes being the evanescent waves. All the
II. SPLIT-RING RESONATORS energy of a wave in this frequency regime will be either
reflected or absorbed within a thin layer of the composite.
The first structure that was extensively studied and Smith et al.2 verified the existence of this stop band using a
showed a considerable effect on the overall magnetic re- scalar network analyzer and measuring the transmitted power
sponse of the medium consisted of split-ring resonators. It in a waveguide filled with a split-ring resonator array.
was introduced and analytically studied by Pendry et al.1 and
later fabricated and tested by Smith et al.2 Its basic elements
and a typical dispersion curve for its normalized overall III. ORIGINAL FOLDED-DOUBLED RESONATORS
magnetic permeability are shown in Fig. 2. As is seen, the The split-ring resonator design is easily tunable and
real part of the magnetic permeability becomes negative but demonstrates a relatively wide band with negative effective
its imaginary part is always positive, as expected from a permeability. Consequently, the corresponding permeability,
passive medium. 共兲, varies slowly with frequency within this band. It per-
Pendry et al.1 gave an analytical prediction for the effec- mits tuning within a wide-band frequency. However, the
tive magnetic permeability based on the line and surface in- split-ring resonators cannot be easily integrated into a real
tegral averaging method.5,6 A somewhat modified formula, structural composite of limited thickness, since the plane on
used by Smith et al.,2 is which the split-rings rest must be perpendicular to the plane
共兲 20F of the composite panel, parallel to the wave vector, to inter-
=1− 2 . 共1兲 act with the incident waves that are normal to the composite
0 − 20 + i⌫
panel. Ideally, one would like to be able to stack layers of
Here, F is a geometric quantity that can be interpreted as the magnetic resonators between prepreg layers or fiber bundles.
filling factor; ⌫ is a loss parameter that depends on the con- Therefore, it is important from the manufacturing point of
ductivity of the rings; and 0 is the resonance frequency view, to create unit cells that can be embedded in a fiber
which depends on the capacitance of the element. These pa- reinforced composite, compatible with its layered structure
and amenable to common fabrication methods. One such de-
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014901-3 A. V. Amirkhizi and S. Nemat-Nasser J. Appl. Phys. 102, 014901 共2007兲
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014901-4 A. V. Amirkhizi and S. Nemat-Nasser J. Appl. Phys. 102, 014901 共2007兲
directions were selected based on the available material for tromagnetic 共EM兲 properties, it was sufficient to hold the
printed circuit board 共PCB兲 fabrication. The choice of other layers together mechanically. In this manner, we were able to
geometrical parameters was ad hoc; however, the dimensions change the arrangement and the number of layers easily to
were adjusted after a few preliminary numerical simulations. examine the effect on the properties. The resulting structure
The plates of the inner resonator have a rectangular form, was tested using a focused beam setup for electromagnetic
while the outer plates are square. characterization of composites, developed at UCSD’s
In this method, the inside resonator is made out of a CEAM; see Fig. 7. The transmitted wave through the sample
single board of FR-4 material that is plated on both sides by is measured using an Agilent 8510C vector network analyzer.
copper. The copper is etched away into 2.6 mm by 1.9 mm The results are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The curves shown
rectangles to produce the inside resonators. Then, two vias, represent the magnitude and phase of the transmitted wave
160 m nominal diameter, are drilled on one edge of the through a five-layer slab of FDRs. The difference between
copper rectangles. The inside of the vias are plated with cop- the experimental curves is in the polarization of incident
per to provide electrical connection between the top and the wave. For the solid curve the incident magnetic fields are
bottom parts. The outside resonator is made out of two FR-4 polarized such that it creates a magnetic resonance in the
boards that have copper on one face only. The outer resona- FDRs; see Fig. 1. The dashed curve shows the transmission
tor’s platelets are 2.6 mm by 2.6 mm copper squares and are when the sample is rotated by 90 deg, that is when the inci-
created similarly to the inner resonators. The finished inner dent wave is in inactive polarization, i.e., when the incident
board is sandwiched between the outer boards and treated magnetic field does not excite resonance in the FDRs.
under elevated pressure and temperature to make a single
monolithic board. Finally, two vias are drilled and plated
with copper to provide electrical connection between the out- V. NUMERICAL SIMULATION AND PROPERTIES
side copper squares. The average measured thickness of the EVALUATION
final board is 775 m. A more precise arrangement and
spacing of the FDRs is ensured by this fabrication method. The results of the transmission measurement were also
To test this structure, a layered composite was created by modeled numerically. We simulated two structures; see Figs.
stacking the printed FDR boards with 0.8 mm thick blanks in 8 and 9. First, we assumed that all the material in the com-
between to produce the unit cell with the designed dimen- posite, except for the copper resonators, has a uniform di-
sions. The resulting composite may be processed into a electric constant of 3.6. Second, since the material of the
monolithic sample by elevated temperature and pressure spacing boards has different amount of resin and a process-
treatment, but, for the purposes of the evaluation of its elec- ing history, we estimated and used a dielectric constant of 4.4
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014901-5 A. V. Amirkhizi and S. Nemat-Nasser J. Appl. Phys. 102, 014901 共2007兲
for the boards that were sandwiched between the FDR layers. measurement setup. Therefore, its measurement may be un-
We simulated the structure shown in Fig. 10 and calculated reliable for most cases. The transmission measurement alone
the scattering parameters, Sij, is not enough to yield the two complex-valued material pa-
S11 S12
S21 S22
册冋 册
. 共6兲
rameters, n and z. This requires four real quantities, i.e., the
magnitude and phase of both transmission and reflection co-
efficients. Therefore, we used both transmission and reflec-
Here V+i and V−i denote the voltage of the incident and scat- tion data from simulation for this purpose. For a slab of
tered signals at the ith port, respectively. The results of the thickness d, refractive index n, and impedance z, we have
simulations are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. 1
冋 册
To extract the overall material properties of the compos- t= , 共7兲
i 1
ite, we substitute the results of the simulation for S11 and S21 cos共nkd兲 + z+ sin共nkd兲
in the expected reflected and transmitted waves off of a slab 2 z
冋 册
of homogeneous material; see Fig. 11. Note that we chose to
use the results of the numerical simulation with uniform di- i 1
z− sin共nkd兲
electric constant 3.6, since it agrees with the experimental 2 z
冋 册
r= , 共8兲
data very closely. Use of the simulated values has two ad- i 1
vantages. First, we can avoid the noise of the measured data cos共nkd兲 + z+ sin共nkd兲
2 z
in a systematic way. The simulation results follow the experi-
mental data closely but do not include various noise sources. except for a phase factor e±ikd. Here k = / c is the wave
Second, the reflection measurement, S11, involves many in- number for free space, t is the transmission coefficient, and r
ternal reflections in the experimental setup. The value of the is the reflection coefficient; see Fig. 11. The inversion of
coefficient of reflection off of the sample, though not neces- these equations gives the overall material properties of the
sarily small, is dominated by the internal reflections in the FDR composite. Here we followed the method of Smith
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014901-6 A. V. Amirkhizi and S. Nemat-Nasser J. Appl. Phys. 102, 014901 共2007兲
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:44:49
014901-7 A. V. Amirkhizi and S. Nemat-Nasser J. Appl. Phys. 102, 014901 共2007兲
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