Formatting Text Using MS Word Grade 5 Writing Class

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Matt Lindner

Final Lesson Plan

Formatting text using MS Word

Grade 5 Writing Class

Concept: Teach students to use the various formatting tools available to them while using
Microsoft Word to type an essay.

General Goal(s): Students will learn how to open MS Word, create a new document, type their
essay, use critical thinking when writing, and learn to use various formatting techniques within
MS Word and incorporate them into their essay.
Specific Objectives: To teach students how to use word processing and formatting techniques
such as font size, font style, bolding, italicizing, underlining, spacing, and aligning.
Required Materials: Chromebook computers for each student with MS Word installed on each
of them. A smartboard for the teacher to demonstrate the various formatting techniques.
Anticipatory Set: Teacher will do a brief question and answer session with the entire class to see
what is already known about word processing. Questions such as “Has anyone ever used MS
Word before?” and “Does anyone know what word processing means?” are a few examples.
Procedure: After question and answer session the teacher will have students open their
Chromebooks and open MS Word and will do the same using the smartboard for demonstration.
The teacher will then show students how to use some of the basic formatting techniques that
students are to use for their title page such as font size, font style, bolding, italicizing,
underlining, spacing, and aligning. Students will be asked if they have any questions using the
techniques that were explained. Students will then use this information to write an informative
essay that shows at least one example of each formatting techniques.
Independent Practice: After the teacher demonstrates how to use each of the formatting
techniques, the students will spend the remainder of the class period practicing on their own
using MS Word. If they have any questions the teacher will be there to explain any of the ideas
that weren’t fully understood by the student.
Closure: Near the end of class period teach will re-examine the students’ knowledge of MS
Word and it’s components by re-asking similar question from the start of the lesson and
evaluating if they were able to fully understand all of the concepts that were taught.
Assessment Based on Objectives: Students will be graded first on whether their essay
demonstrates critical thinking and has as few spelling and grammatical errors as possible.
Secondly, students will be graded on whether they used all of the listed formatting techniques
correctly at least one time throughout their essay.
Connections to Other Subjects: This lesson could also be taught in a STEM class.

Considerations for Special Needs: This class has a student who suffers from congenital
cataracts and has difficulty with their vision. For this lesson they will be seated in the front of
the classroom in order to be able to see the smartboard demonstration better. They will also be
using screen enlargement peripherals as well as a speech-to-text device if needed in order to type
their essay.

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