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Question Paper Title : WCOG_Paper4

Date of Exam : 31-01-2019 02:30 PM

Reference ID:(1402) When pipes are in series ____

A. Discharge is constant

B. Head loss is constant

C. Velocity is constant

D. Both Head loss is constant and Velocity is constant

Answer: A. Discharge is constant

Reference ID:(1934) Which one of the following method is adopted for mass production of pre-tensioned

A.Hoyer's long line system of pre-tensioning

B.Freyssinet system

C.Gifford – Udall-CCL system

D.All the other options

Answer: A.Hoyer's long line system of pre-tensioning

Reference ID:(2682) चार िवधाने (P,Q,R,S ) िदलेली आहे . िदले ा पयायाम े जर पिह ा दोन िवधानां चा तकिन ष
ितसरे िवधान आहे , तर कोणता पयाय बरोबर आहे .
(P) काही रे िडओ इले ॉिनक आहे त.
(Q) सव रोबोट इले ॉिनक आहे त.
(R) काही रोबोट रे िडओ आहे त.
(S) सव रे िडओ रोबोट आहे त.

4 statements (P, Q, R and S) are given. Choose the option in which the third
statement is a logical conclusion of the first two statements.
(P) Some radios are electronic.
(Q) All robots are electronic.
(R) Some robots are radios.
(S) All radios are robots.





Answer: C.QRP

Reference ID:(1654) For maximum discharge through trapezoidal section, a semi circle drawn from the
mid point of the top width with radius equal to depth of flow will touch _________
sides of the channel.

A. One

B. Two

C. Three
D. Four

Answer: C. Three

Reference ID:(2194) Which one of the following method is used for calculation of stress distribution in soil
mass due to loaded areas of irregular shape?

A. boussinesq method

B. westergard method

C. newmarks influence chart

D. none of the above

Answer: C. newmarks influence chart

Reference ID:(1942) In which one of the following condition skidding of vehicles takes place?

A.Wheel revolves more than the corresponding longitudinal of movement along the

B.Wheel revolves less than the corresponding longitudinal of movement along the

C.Wheel revolves equal to the corresponding longitudinal movement along the


D.None of the above

Answer: B.Wheel revolves less than the corresponding longitudinal of movement along the

Reference ID:(1902) The correct relationship between void ratio (e)& porosity (ƞ) of soil mass is ____
A.e = ƞ / (1- ƞ)

B.e = (1- ƞ) / ƞ

C.e = ƞ × (1 - ƞ)

D.e = ƞ × (2 + ƞ)

Answer: A.e = ƞ / (1- ƞ)

Reference ID:(2686) चार िवधाने (P,Q,R,S ) िदलेली आहे . िदले ा पयायाम े जर पिह ा दोन िवधानां चा तकिन ष
ितसरे िवधान आहे , तर कोणता पयाय बरोबर आहे .
(P) काही कु े काळा रं गाचे आहे त.
(Q) सव लां डगे काळा रं गाचे आहे त.
(R) काही लां डगे कु े आहे त.
(S) सव कु े लां डगे आहे त.

4 statements (P, Q, R and S) are given. Choose the option in which the third
statement is a logical conclusion of the first two statements.
(P) Some dogs are black.
(Q) All wolves are black.
(R) Some wolves are dogs.
(S) All dogs are wolves.





Answer: C.QRP
Reference ID:(1190) What is the viscosity of water at 20 degree celsius?

A. 0.01 poise

B. 0.1 poise

C. 1 poise

D. 10 poise

Answer: A. 0.01 poise

Reference ID:(1182) Which of the following water distribution system is known as “Tree system”?

A. Dead – end system

B. Grid – iron System

C. Ring system

D. Radial system

Answer: A. Dead – end system

Reference ID:(1662) For maximum discharge through a circular channel, the depth of flow is equal to
how much times its diameter?




Answer: D.0.95

Reference ID:(1910) Which one of the following index is used to indicate the consistency of undisturbed

A.Plasticity index

B.Liquidity index

C.Flow index

D.Shrinkage index

Answer: B.Liquidity index

Reference ID:(1674) Which one of the following is correct formula for the calculation of angularity number
of aggregates?

A.67% – percent solid volume

B.33% – percent solid volume

C.50% – percent solid volume

D.30% – percent solid volume

Answer: A.67% – percent solid volume

Reference ID:(2698) A हे B चे आजोबा आहे त. B िह C ची बिहण आहे . C ही D ची मुलगी आहे . D हा E चा पती आहे . B
चे E बरोबर काय नाते आहे ?

A is grandfather of B. B is sister of C. C is daughter of D. D is husband of E. How is

B related to E?





Answer: C.मुलगी

Reference ID:(1694) When the declination of magnetic bearing is towards west then, ____

A. When the declination of magnetic bearing is towards west then, ____

B. True bearing = magnetic bearing – declination

C. True bearing + magnetic bearing = declination

D. None of the above

Answer: B. True bearing = magnetic bearing – declination

Reference ID:(1198) The co-efficient of discharge for orifice meter compared to that for a venturimeter is
A. Higher

B. Much smaller

C. Much higher

D. Can’t be compared

Answer: B. Much smaller

Reference ID:(1926) Fill in the blank:

A shear stress in a given direction cannot exist without a balancing shear stress of
__________ intensity in a direction at right angles to it.




D.May be lesser or greater

Answer: A.Equal

Reference ID:(1442) In case of Sink flow, fluid moves _______ towards a point where it disappears at a
constant rate.

A. Out radially

B. Inwards radially

C. Both Out radially and Inwards radially

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Inwards radially

Reference ID:(1922) Consider the following statementsregarding proportionality limit of stress – strain
diagram of mild steel
(i) : Stress at which stress- strain curve ceases to be a straight line
(ii) : Stress at which extension ceases to be proportional to strain

A.Only statement (i) is correct

B.Only statement (ii) is correct

C.Both statement (i) & (ii) are correct

D.Both statement (i) & (ii) are incorrect

Answer: C.Both statement (i) & (ii) are correct

Reference ID:(1162) As per IS 800:2007, the maximum width of the covered building section should
preferably be restricted to ________ beyond which suitable provisions for the
expansion joint may be made.

A. 125m

B. 150m

C. 175m

D. 200m

Answer: B. 150m
Reference ID:(2198) What is maximum value of clear spacing of intermittent fillet weld in the case of
compression member?

A.12 t but in no case be more than 200mm

B.16 t but in no case be more than 200mm

C.20 t but in no case be more than 100mm

D.24 t but in no case be more than 100mm

Answer: A.12 t but in no case be more than 200mm

Reference ID:(2670) Select the words that best fit the blank: I decided to drop out of college, but that
didn't ____________me from establishing my own company .





Answer: C.Stop

Reference ID:(2414) Which one of the following type of conflict can occur at an intersection?

A.Crossing conflict

B.Merging conflict

C.Diverging conflict
D.All the other options

Answer: D.All the other options

Reference ID:(1686) Which of the following indicates the rate of loss in shearing of soil mass upon
increase in water content?

A. Plasticity index

B. Shrinkage index

C. Toughness index

D. Flow index

Answer: D. Flow index

Reference ID:(2446) ाखाली िदले ा पयायातून ातील णींचा यो अथ िनवडा.

गाढवां चा गोंधळ, लाथां चा सुकाळ

A.मूख लोक एक आ ावर मूखपणाचेच कृ करतात.

B.एक आलेली गाढवे एकमेकां ना लाथा मारायला सु वात करतात कारण ते चेकाळलेले असतात.

C.मूख लोक एक आ ावर एकेमेकां ना लाथा मारायला सु वात करतात कारण ते चेकाळलेले

D.मूख लोक एक आ ावर एकेमेकां ना लाथा मारणे बंद करतात कारण ते सगळे च मूख असतात.

Answer: A.मूख लोक एक आ ावर मूखपणाचेच कृ करतात.

Reference ID:(2418) Which one of the following is /are type of traffic island?
A.Divisional island

B.Channelizing island

C.Pedestrian loading island & rotary

D.All the other options

Answer: D.All the other options

Reference ID:(1950) Which one of the following is correct sequence of the total reaction time taken by
the driver?

A.Perception → intellection → volition → emotion

B.Perception → intellection → emotion → volition

C.intellection→Perception →emotion →volition

D.volition→ intellection→emotion→Perception

Answer: B.Perception → intellection → emotion → volition

Reference ID:(1166) Which of the following is the chemical technique directed towards the destabilisation
of the charged colloidal particles?

A. Coagulation

B. Flocculation

C. Filtration

D. Sedimentation

Answer: A. Coagulation
Reference ID:(1698) Which one of the following is characteristics of bacterial concrete ?

A. auto crack healing capacity

B. useful in polluted environment

C. affected in polluted environment

D. None of the above

Answer: A. auto crack healing capacity

Reference ID:(2678) Since the ancient Greeks maintained that the earth was round and great navigators
like Columbus and Magellan demonstrated that this assertion was true, no
geographical discovery has been more important than, what we all are beginning to
understand today, that our planet has exceedingly restricted dimensions.
The author is most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

A.The space enveloping the earth is vast and limitless.

B.There is a limit to all resources.

C.That we exist in a progressively shrinking universe.

D.Mankind, in the limited space allotted, can lead a happy life.

Answer: B.There is a limit to all resources.

Reference ID:(1682) If the void ratio of a soil sample is 0.8, then the value of (0.5 x porosity) will be ____

A. 0.22

B. 0.44

C. 0.33
D. 0.66

Answer: A. 0.22

Reference ID:(1410) Flow-mass curve is an integral of which of the following?

A. The hydrograph

B. The S-curve

C. The hyetograph

D. The flow duration curve

Answer: A. The hydrograph

Reference ID:(1906) What shall be the classification of soil if the relative density of sandy soil lies in
between 50-70%?

A. very loose

B. medium dense

C. loose

D. Highly dense

Answer: B. medium dense

Reference ID:(2154) A fluid , in which shear stress is more than the yield value and shear stress is
proportional to the rate of shear strain is called ____

A.Ideal fluid

B.Real fluid

C.Newtonian fluid

D.Ideal plastic fluid

Answer: D.Ideal plastic fluid

Reference ID:(2942) दरवष मराठी भाषा िदवस _____ ला साजरा केला जातो.

Marathi Language Day is celebrated on _____every year.

A.27 फे ुवारी
A.February 27

B.27 माच
B.March 27

C.1 मे
C.May 1

D.27 मे
D.May 27

Answer: A.27 फे ुवारी

A.February 27

Reference ID:(1678) Which of the following relation between Fore Bearing (FB) and Back Bearing (BB) is

A. BB = FB ± 1800

B. BB = FB + 3600
C. BB = FB - 3600

D. BB – FB = 00

Answer: A. BB = FB ± 1800

Reference ID:(1914) If the permissible value of stress in tension on section through throat of butt weld
(done in shop) is 150 N/mm2 then , the permissible stress in tension on same
section when the same welding is done in the field is ______ N/mm2





Answer: B.120

Reference ID:(1422) The free mean speed on a roadway is found to be 80 kmph. Under stopped
condition the average spacing between vehicles is 8 m. The capacity flow (per lane)
will be ____

A. 2500 vehicles/hour

B. 5000 vehicles/hour

C. 7500 vehilces/hour

D. 10000 vehicles/hour
Answer: A. 2500 vehicles/hour

Reference ID:(1446) The radius of 20 curve in design of tracks will be ____

A. 573 m

B. 860 m

C. 1719 m

D. 2292 m

Answer: B. 860 m

Reference ID:(2166) For reinforced concrete of M20 grade, the minimum value of cement content
(Kg/m3) & maximum value of free water cement ratio, respectively are ____

A.300 & 0.55

B.300 & 0.6

C.320 & 0.55

D.340 & 0.45

Answer: A.300 & 0.55

Reference ID:(1406) A line joining points is called an isohyets when the points are having ____

A. Equal height above MSL

B. Equal barometric pressure

C. Equal rainfall depth in a given duration

D. Equal evaporation value

Answer: C. Equal rainfall depth in a given duration

Reference ID:(2922) खालीलपैकी कोणता पयाय यो आहे ?

Which of the following is correct?

A.जर A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, तर {S + U + B} = {C + A + T}
A.If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, then {S + U + B} = {C + A + T}

B.जर A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, तर {M + A + C + E} > {E + G + G}

B.If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, then {M + A + C + E} > {E + G + G}

C.जर A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, तर {T + A + P} = {S + U + B}
C.If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, then {T + A + P} = {S + U + B}

D.जर A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, तर {D + U + N + E} < {F + L + Y}

D.If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, then {D + U + N + E} < {F + L + Y}

Answer: B.जर A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, तर {M + A + C + E} > {E + G + G}

B.If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …. Z = 26, then {M + A + C + E} > {E + G + G}

Reference ID:(1154) The value of Possion’s ratio in the formula of calculation of radius of relative
stiffness for design of rigid pavement is taken as




Answer: A.0.15

Reference ID:(1186) To control air pollution, ______ has the capacity to remove least size of particles.

A. Wet Scrubbers

B. Electrostatic precipitator

C. Fabric filters

D. Gravitational Settling chambers

Answer: C. Fabric filters

Reference ID:(1450) For maximum power transmission through nozzle , diameter of nozzle, d should be
equal to _______. Where, d = diameter of the pipe, L = Length of the pipe, f = co-
efficient of friction for pipe.

A. (D5/2fl)1/4

B. (D5/4fl)1/4

C. (D5/8fl)1/4

D. (D5/16fl)1/4

Answer: C. (D5/8fl)1/4
Reference ID:(2182) The maximum diameter of reinforcing bar of slab should be limited to ____

A.1/8th of the total thickness of the slab

B.1/4th of the total thickness of the slab

C.2/5th of the total thickness of the slab

D.None of the above

Answer: A.1/8th of the total thickness of the slab

Reference ID:(1194) The relationship between kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity is ____

A. Kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity x density

B. Kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity/density

C. Kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity x specific gravity

D. Kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity / specific gravity

Answer: B. Kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity/density

Reference ID:(1170) Primarily, Bangalore method of Composting is

A. aerobic in nature

B. anaerobic in nature

C. Both Aerobic and anaerobic in nature

D. Neither aerobic nor anaerobic in nature

Answer: B. anaerobic in nature

Reference ID:(2410) Which one of the following factors affects the road user characteristics?



C.Psychological & Environment

D.All of the above

Answer: D.All of the above

Reference ID:(2902) 5 लोक 1, 2, 3, 4 आिण 5 ा थानी रां गेत उभे आहे त. िकमान 2 लोक D आिण E ा समोर उभे
आहे त. A हा C ा पुढेच उभा आहे . C आिण B दर ान दोन लोक उभे आहे त. E हा 5 ा थानी
उभा नाही. चौ ा मां कावर कोण उभा आहे ?

5 people are standing in a queue in positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. There are atleast 2

people standing in front of D and E. A stands immediately ahead of C. There are
two people standing between C and B. E is not standing in the 5th position. Who
stands in 4th position?

A.A िकंवा C
A.A or C



D.D िकंवा E
D.D or E
Answer: D.D िकंवा E
D.D or E

Reference ID:(2694) एक माणूस आप ा घरापासून चाल ास सु करतो आिण 6 िक.मी. दि ण िदशेला चालतो. मग तो
डावीकडे वळू न आिण 4 िक.मी. चालतो. मग तो उजवीकडे वळतो आिण 1 िक.मी. चालतो. मग तो
उजवीकडे वळतो आिण 3 िक.मी. चालतो. मग तो उजवीकडे वळतो आिण 4 िक.मी. चालतो. मग तो
डावीकडे वळतो आिण 1 िक.मी. चालतो. ा ा घरापासून तो िकती िक.मी. दू र आहे ?

A man starts from his house and walks 6 k.m. in South direction. He then turns left
and walks 4 k.m. He then turns right and walks 1 k.m. He then right and walks 3
k.m. He then turns right and walks 4 k.m. He then turns left and walks 1 k.m. How
far is he from his house?

A.3 िक.मी.
A.3 k.m.

B.2.414 िक.मी.
B.2.414 k.m.

C.2.732 िक.मी.
C.2.732 k.m.

D.3.5 िक.मी.
D.3.5 k.m.

Answer: A.3 िक.मी.

A.3 k.m.

Reference ID:(2930) धानमं ी फसल बीमा योजना (पीएमएफबीवाय) भारत सरकार ारे _______ वषात सु कर ात

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) was launched by Government of India
in year ____




Answer: C.2016

Reference ID:(2690) X चे दि ण िदशेला तोंड आहे . तो 45 अंश उजवीकडे वळतो. मग तो 90 अंश डावीकडे वळतो. मग
तो 180 अंश वळतो. शेवटी तो डावीकडे 45 अंश वळतो. मग तो परत 180 अंश वळतो. आता तो
कोण ा िदशेला तोंड क न उभा आहे ?

X is facing South. He turns 45 degree right. Then he turns 90 degree left. He then
turns 180 degree. He then turns 45 degree left. He then again turns 180 degree.
Which direction is he now facing?


B.पि म

C.उ र पि म
C.North West

D.दि ण पूव
D.South East

Answer: A.पूव

Reference ID:(2186) The strength of compression member with helical reinforcement ___________ the
strength of similar member with lateral ties.

A.1.05 times

B.1.1 times

C.1.15 times
D.1.2 times

Answer: A.1.05 times

Reference ID:(1658) Which of the following type of loss is NOT categorized as minor losses in pipe?

A. Loss due to friction

B. Loss due to sudden expansion of pipe

C. Loss due to bend in pipe

D. Loss due to obstruction in pipe

Answer: A. Loss due to friction

Reference ID:(2910) िच ा ा जागी मां क शोधा:: 1, 5, 4, 10, 9, 15, 16, ?, 25, 25

Find the missing term: 1, 5, 4, 10, 9, 15, 16, ?, 25, 25





Answer: C.20
Reference ID:(2442) पुढीलपैकी कोणते ि यापद िवशेषण सािधत आहे ?





Answer: A.िपसाटणे

Reference ID:(1938) Indian Road Congress (IRC) was formed in ____





Answer: B.1934

Reference ID:(2906) िच ा ा जागी मां क शोधा:: 10, 100, 200, 310, ?

Find the missing term: 10, 100, 200, 310, ?




Answer: D.430

Reference ID:(1426) In a rigid pavement, let the load stress, warping stress and frictional stresses are
210 MPa, 250 MPa and 10 MPa respectively. The critical combination of stresses at
edge region during Summer is ____

A. 450 MPa

B. 460 MPa

C. 440 MPa

D. 470 MPa

Answer: A. 450 MPa

Reference ID:(1438) ______ is the most suitable water distribution system for localities which expand
irregularly and where the water pipes have to be laid at random due to the absence
of any planned full fledged road network?

A. Tree system

B. Interlaced system

C. Circular system

D. Radial system
Answer: A. Tree system

Reference ID:(2426) A soil specimen has a water content of 10% and a wet unit weight of 20 kN/m3, the
dry unit weight will be ____

A. 16.16 kN/m3

B. 17.17 kN/m3

C. 18.18 kN/m3

D. 19.19 kN/m3

Answer: C. 18.18 kN/m3

Reference ID:(2674) What is the meaning of the idiom: Hit the sack

A.To endure a painful or unpleasant situation that is unavoidable

B.Euphemism for dying or death

C.To delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant

D.To go to bed

Answer: D.To go to bed

Reference ID:(2190) The group index value of soil mass & quality of soil are ____

A. directly proportional

B. indirectly proportional
C. not related to each other

D. none of the above

Answer: B. indirectly proportional

Reference ID:(1178) For water, 10 mg/l = ____

A. 1 ppm

B. 10 ppm

C. 100 ppm

D. 1000 ppm

Answer: B. 10 ppm

Reference ID:(2162) Bourdon tube pressure gauge is an example of ____


B.U-tube manometer

C.Differential manometers

D.Mechanical gauge

Answer: D.Mechanical gauge

Reference ID:(2178) What is upper limit of maximum area of tension reinforcement for beams?
Where, b = breadth of beam
D = Overall depth of beam

A.0.04 bD

B.0.03 bD

C.0.02 bD

D.0.01 bD

Answer: A.0.04 bD

Reference ID:(2950) राजमाची िक ा _____ जवळ आहे

Rajmachi Fort is near _____


B.महाबळे र



Answer: A.लोणावळा

Reference ID:(2174) The value of design bond stress in limit state method for deformed bars shall be
increased by ______ percent of design bond stress for plain bar in tension?




Answer: A.60

Reference ID:(1930) If the value of minor tensile stress is 10 N/mm2 & radius of mohr circle is 20 N/mm2 ,
then what will be the magnitude of major principle stress?




D.50 N/mm2

Answer: D.50 N/mm2

Reference ID:(2926) जर $ णजे गुणाकार आिण % णजे बेरीज असेल, तर खालीलपैकी कोणता पयाय सवात मोठा
आहे ?

If $ stands for multiplication and % stands for addition, which of the following is the

A.12 $ 8 % 11
A.12 $ 8 % 11

B.12 % 9 $ 17
B.12 % 9 $ 17

C.11 $ 7 % 29
C.11 $ 7 % 29

D.14 % 11 $ 15
D.14 % 11 $ 15

Answer: D.14 % 11 $ 15
D.14 % 11 $ 15
Reference ID:(2438) समानाथ श ओळखा: अवषण

A. िति या

B.पारे षण

C.दु ाळ


Answer: C.दु ाळ

Reference ID:(1414) The surveying is conducted in order to determine the boundaries of fields, estates,
houses is ____

A. Topographical surveying

B. Cadastral surveying

C. City surveying

D. Engineering surveying

Answer: B. Cadastral surveying

Reference ID:(2658) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word: Susceptible




Answer: A.Vulnerable

Reference ID:(2170) The value of maximum shear stress in strength of material subject is given by

A.Average value of principle stresses

B.Differences of principle stresses

C.One –half the differences of principle stresses

D.Summations of principle stresses

Answer: C.One –half the differences of principle stresses

Reference ID:(1158) In Brick work, each course is comprised of alternate headers and stretchers in

A. Stretcher bond

B. Header bond

C. Flemish bond

D. English bond

Answer: C. Flemish bond

Reference ID:(2430) When the fluid is at rest, the shear stress is ____

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. Varying from positive to negative

Answer: C. Zero

Reference ID:(1946) The height of mountable type kerbs , semi barriers type kerbs, barriers type kerbs
above the pavement edge, respectively are ____

A.10cms, 15cms & 20cms

B.15cms, 20cms & 25cms

C.20cms , 15cms& 10cms

D.20cms , 25cms & 15cms

Answer: A.10cms, 15cms & 20cms

Reference ID:(1418) The point where Contour lines are meeting, indicates a ____

A. Depression

B. Vertical cliff

C. Summit
D. Saddle

Answer: B. Vertical cliff

Reference ID:(2934) खालीलपैकी कोणाचा संबंध "ई.पी.एफ.ओ" शी आहे ?

Which one of the following is related to “EPFO” ?

A.कमचा यां ना वै कीय सुिवधा पुरिवणे.

A.Providing Medical Facilities to Employees.

B.कमचा यां ना िनवृ ी वेतन आिण भिव िनवाह िनधी सुिवधा पुरिवणे.
B.Providing Pensions and Provident Fund facilities to Employees

C.कमचा यां ना गृहिनमाण सुिवधा पुरिवणे

C.Providing Housing Facilities to Employees

D.कमचा यां ना वाहतूक सुिवधा पुरिवणे

D.Providing Transport Facilities to Employees

Answer: B.कमचा यां ना िनवृ ी वेतन आिण भिव िनवाह िनधी सुिवधा पुरिवणे.
B.Providing Pensions and Provident Fund facilities to Employees

Reference ID:(2662) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word: Triumphant





Answer: B.Victorious
Reference ID:(1174) In case of stable equilibrium of a floating body, ______( B = Centre of buoyancy, M
= meta-centre, G = Centre of gravity)

A. M should be above G

B. M should be below G

C. B should be above G

D. B should be below G

Answer: A. M should be above G

Reference ID:(2402) Which one of the following post- tensioning systems are based on wedge – action?


B.Gifford – Udall

C.Hoyer`s long line system

D.Both Freyssinet and Gifford – Udall

Answer: D.Both Freyssinet and Gifford – Udall

Reference ID:(2158) The pressure which is measured with the help of a pressure measuring instrument,
in which the atmospheric pressure is taken as datum is called ____

A. Absolute pressure

B. Gauge pressure
C. Vacuum pressure

D. Atmospheric pressure

Answer: B. Gauge pressure

Reference ID:(2938) इं िडयास ने जेनेरेशन हाय ुपुट क ुिनकेशन उप ह, जीएसएटी -11 िडसबर 5, 2018 रोजी
यश ी र ा .............. येथे लॉ कर ात आला.

India’s next generation high throughput communication satellite, GSAT-11 was

successfully launched on December 05, 2018 from ………………..

A.सतीश धवन ेस सटर शार, ीह रकोटा.

A.Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota.

B.को लॉ बेस, च गुएना

B.Kourou launch base, French Guiana

C.िव म साराभाई ेस सटर, केरळ

C.Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Kerala

D.केप केनवरल एयर फोस े शन, ो रडा

D.Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

Answer: B.को लॉ बेस, च गुएना

B.Kourou launch base, French Guiana

Reference ID:(2654) िव दाथ श ओळखा: ारं भ


B.सु वात


D.प रचय
Answer: A.अ

Reference ID:(2406) Which one of the following is minimum standardized value of transverse skid
resistance for design purpose?





Answer: A.0.15

Reference ID:(2666) Which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word: Conceal





Answer: C.Expose

Reference ID:(2946) पुढीलपैकी कोणते िठकाण मुंबई ा सवात जवळ आहे ? (र ाने)

Which of the following is closest (road distance) to Mumbai?


B.औरं गाबाद


Answer: D.अिलबाग

Reference ID:(2918) अिमत, बाला, िचंटू, डॅ नी, गणेश आिण लोकेश हे एका ओळीत अिमत पासून लोकेश पयत माने
उभे राहतात. ां ा म े असणारे अंतर खाली िदले आहे त.
अिमत ते िचंटू - 50 मी
बाला ते डॅ नी - 75 मी
अिमत ते गणेश - 150 मी
बाला ते लोकेश - 190 मी
डॅ नी ते गणेश - 45 मी
कोण ा दोन लोकां मधील अंतर सवात कमी आहे ?

Amit, Bala, Chintu, Danny, Ganesh and Lokesh stand in a line, in the order from
Amit to Lokesh. Distances between them are given below.
Amit to Chintu - 50 mts.
Bala to Danny - 75 mts.
Amit to Ganesh - 150 mts.
Bala to Lokesh - 190 mts.
Danny to Ganesh - 45 mts.

Between which two people is the distance minimum?

A.अिमत बाला
A.Amit Bala

B.गणेश लोकेश
B.Ganesh Lokesh

C.बाला िचंटू
C.Bala Chintu

D.डॅ नी गणेश
D.Danny Ganesh

Answer: C.बाला िचंटू

C.Bala Chintu
Reference ID:(2914) राम जवळ ाम पे ा 25 पये जा आहे त. ाम जवळ आकाश पे ा 50 पये कमी आहे त.
आिण आकाश जवळ िवमल पे ा 20 पये जा आहे त. तर पुढीलपैकी कोणते िवधान बरोबर
आहे ?
(A) राम कडे िवमल पे ा 15 पये कमी आहे त.
(B) िवमल कडे ाम पे ा 50 पये कमी आहे .

Ram has 25 rupees more than Shyam; Shyam has 50 rupees less than Akash and
Akash has 20 rupees more than Vimal. Which of the following statement is true?
(A) Ram has 15 rupees less than Vimal
(B) Vimal has 50 rupees less than Shyam

A.फ A
A.A only

B.फ B
B.B only

C.दो ी A आिण B नाही

C.neither A nor B

D.सां गू शकत नाही

D.Cant say

Answer: C.दो ी A आिण B नाही

C.neither A nor B

Reference ID:(2450) दररोज क के ावरच जेवण िमळते. ा अथाचा खालीलपैकी कोणता वाक चार आहे .

A.मनात मां डे खाणे

B.हातावर पोट असणे

C.हातचा मळ असणे

D.हात पसरणे

Answer: B.हातावर पोट असणे

Reference ID:(2434) खाली िदले ा पयायातून यो श लेखन असलेला पयाय िनवडा.

A. ेशदायक

B.कले दायक

C. ेशदायाक


Answer: A. ेशदायक

Reference ID:(1666) The delta for a crop having a base period of 120 days when its duty is 864
hectares/cumec on the field will be ____

A. 1 m

B. 1 cm

C. 1.2 m

D. 1.2 cm

Answer: C. 1.2 m

Reference ID:(1690) Which of the following type of support restrains complete movement of the beam
both in position as well as direction?

A. Roller support

B. Pinned support

C. Hinged support
D. Fixed support

Answer: D. Fixed support

Reference ID:(2422) As per Westergaard's concept , which one of the following is/are type (s) of stress
produced due to temperature in a concrete pavement ?
(i) Warping stress
(ii) Frictional stress

A.Only (i)

B.Only (ii)

C.Both (i) & (ii)

D.Neither (i) nor (ii)

Answer: C.Both (i) & (ii)

Reference ID:(1670) The cross drainage structure reverse of aqueduct is ____

A. Syphon

B. Aqueduct

C. Superpassage

D. Aqueduct siphon
Answer: C. Superpassage

Reference ID:(1918) Maximum size of a fillet weld in the case of weld applied to the round toe of steel
sections is equals to ____

A. 3/4th of the thickness of the section at the toe

B. 4/5th of the thickness of the section at the toe

C. 1/2th of the thickness of the section at the toe

D. 7/8th of the thickness of the section at the toe

Answer: A. 3/4th of the thickness of the section at the toe

Reference ID:(1434) Regarding fire demand, for cities having population of 64,000 , the Kilo litre of water
required will be ____

A. 64

B. 80

C. 640

D. 800

Answer: D. 800

Reference ID:(1430) Which one of the following apparatus is used to conduct the flash & fire point test ?

A.Pensky Marten closed cup apparatus


C.Orifice type viscometer

D.None of the above

Answer: A.Pensky Marten closed cup apparatus

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