Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 8

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education

Industrial Arts
Grade VIII


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

Cognitive: Know how to take dimensions of lumber materials.

Psychomotor: Demonstrate how to take dimensions of lumber materials.

Affective: Appreciate the importance of taking dimensions of lumber

materials correctly.


References: Taking Dimension

Cesar P. Suratos, 2013, Technology and Livelihood
Education- Grade VIII, pp.338-339

Values: Sense of Responsibility (taking dimensions correctly to make or

provide a high-quality project).

Materials: Laptop
Overhead Projector
Chalk/Whiteboard marker
Lumber materials
Manila Paper, Cartolina, and Scotch tape

(The teacher uses inductive method, demonstration method and
cooperative learning.)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Checking the physical appearance
of the classroom
3. Greetings
4. Checking of attendance

Good morning class!

Good morning Ma’am!

Before we start our lesson for today,

please stand everyone for our prayer.
Please lead the prayer student A.
Yes Ma’am. (Sign of the Cross and say a
short prayer). Amen.
Okay, before you take your seat please
pick-up all the pieces of dirt and arrange
your chairs.
(The students pick-up the pieces of dirt
and arrange their chairs.)

You may now take your seats.

(Students will all be seated.)

Who are absent today?

None Ma’am.

How are you today class?

We are fine Ma’am.

It is good to hear that from you.

B. Review

Before we start our new lesson, who can

recap our topic yesterday?
(Many students will raise their hands)

Yes, student B?
Yesterday we have tackled about
conversion of units.

Good student B! Okay, yesterday we have

discussed about conversion of units. Okay,
let us see if you still remember. Convert 12
inches to foot.

Yes, student C. (Many students will raise their hands)

12 inches is equivalent to 1 foot Ma’am.

Very good student C.

Now, I can say that you have learned from

our discussion yesterday.

B. Developmental

So, let us proceed now to our new lesson.

What is this this class? (The teacher will

show up a piece of wood/lumber)

(Students will raise their hands)

Yes, student D.
It is a piece of lumber Ma’am.

Can you see things inside this classroom

that were made of woods/lumber?

(Students will raise their hands)

Yes, student E.

Ma’am the door is made of lumber.

Correct, student E. What else? Yes,
student F.
The chairs, tables, and cabinets are also
made of lumber materials.
Very good student F.

What have you noticed to the sizes of the

lumber used in making chairs, tables,
doors, etc.?
(Students will raise their hands)

Okay, what you have noticed student G?

The lumber used in making chairs, tables,

and door are different. Some lumber are
small, some are wide, some are medium-
sized, some are long and some are short.

Very good observation student G. Since

you have mentioned about small, wide,
medium-sized, long and short lumber. Do
you have any idea on how to take the
dimensions of the lumber used in this
table’s legs?
No Ma’am.

Okay, taking dimensions of a lumber is our

lesson for today.

(The teacher will show again the lumber)

In this lumber, which do you think is the

thickness? Yes, student H. Please come in
front and paste this word “Thickness” on
the area you are referring to.
Here Ma’am. (Pointing the area and paste
the word “Thickness”

Okay, very good student H. How about the

width of the lumber?
(Students will raise their hands)

Okay, student A please come here in front

and paste the word “Width” on the area
you are referring to.
Here Ma’am. (Pointing the area and paste
the word “Width”

You are right student A. How about the

(Students will raise their hands)

Yes student C please come forward and

paste the word “Length” on the area you
are referring to.
Here Ma’am. (Pointing the area and paste
the word “Length”


So again, which is the thickness, the width

and the length of this lumber?
(The students will recite in chorus and
pointing each area respectively.)

Do you think it is important to identify the

thickness, the width and the length of the
lumber materials in taking dimensions?
Okay, Student J. Yes Ma’am. Because if we know the
thickness, the width and the length part of
the lumber materials we can take the
dimensions correctly.

Very good, student J. Okay, let us start

taking the dimensions of this sample
lumber material. What are we going to use
in measuring it?
(Students will say: Push-pull rule)

Yes, it is correct. We are going to use

push-pull rule. And in taking the
dimensions of the lumber material we
need to use inch in both the thickness and
the width while the length is the foot/feet.
Okay,and take note of this, a lumber
materials have its two classification of
sizes the first is the Nominal size and the
second one is the Actual size. Later, we
will see the difference between the two.
Can I ask for a representative to measure
its thickness using inch/inches. Yes, (Student F will measure the thickness and
student F please do the honor. will say: The thickness of this lumber is
1.40 inches)

You’re right student F. But as what I have

said a while ago there are two
classification of size. Instead of writing the
with width as 1.40”, you are going to
consider it as 2”. Which do you think is the
nominal size the 2” or the 1.40”?
(The teacher will write it on the board and
will appear like this: 2”.) Yes, student A.
The nominal size Ma’am is the 2” while the
actual size is the 1.40”.

Correct, student A.

Who can measure the width of this lumber

material? Okay please come in front
student K.
(Student K will measure the width and will
say: The width of this lumber is 3 inches)

Correct. The width is 3 inches.(The

teacher will write it on the board and will
appear like this: 2” x 3”)

How about the length, who can measure

it? (Students will raise their hands)

Okay, student L. (Student L will come in front and measure

the length and will say: The length of this
lumber is 1 foot)

Correct. The length is 1 foot. (The teacher

will write it on the board and will appear
like this: 2” x 3” x 1’)

Okay, what do we call this writing on the

board now? Yes, student M. It is the dimension of our sample lumber
material Ma’am. Its dimension is 2 inches
in thickness, 3 inches in width and 1 foot in

Correct. Thank you student M. What can

you notice on the symbols used
inch/inches and the foot/feet? Yes, student
D. The symbol of inch is (“) while the symbol
of foot is (‘) it is like the apostrophe in

You are correct student D. In writing the

dimensions of the lumber materials it is
important to consider the symbols in order
to avoid writing lengthy words and of
course to understand clearly the size or
the measurement of the lumber.

How can you x in this writing? Do you

have any idea? Okay, student F.
It can be read as “by”.

Correct. The x can be read as “by”. Okay

we already identified the thickness, the
width, the length, even the symbols and
the letter x. Who can now read completely
the dimension of our sample lumber
material? Yes, student A. The dimension of our sample lumber
material is 2 inches by 3 inches by 1 foot)

Very good student A. Can we say it in

Yes, Ma’am.

Okay. The dimension of our sample The dimension of our sample lumber
lumber material is 2 inches by 3 inches by material is 2 inches by 3 inches by 1 foot.
1 foot.

Okay, I have here several pieces of lumber

materials. Let us see have an exercise in
order for you to master taking dimension. I
will call four representatives to measure
these four lumber materials. After you
have measured it, you are going to write
its dimension on the board and read it in
front of the class. Is the instruction clear

Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, who wants to try?

(The students will raise their hands)
Please come in front Student C, Student
E, Student F, and Student G. (The teacher
will give the different sizes of lumber
materials) (The students will measure the dimensions
, write it on the board and read it one by
Okay let us check their work one by one.
(The teacher will measure the lumber used
by student C while asking for the approval
of the class. Afterwards, the teacher will
ask if student C is correct or not). Okay, is
student C correct?
Yes, Ma’am. Student C is correct.

Then, let us check the work of student E.

(The teacher will measure the lumber used
by student E while asking for the approval
of the class. Afterwards, the teacher will
ask if student E is correct or not). Okay, is
student E correct?
Yes, Ma’am. Student E is correct.

Let us check the work of student F.

(The teacher will measure the lumber used
by student F while asking for the approval
of the class. Afterwards, the teacher will
ask if student F is correct or not). Okay, is
student F correct?
Yes, Ma’am. Student F is correct.

Let’s proceed to the work of student G.

(The teacher will measure the lumber used
by student G while asking for the approval
of the class. Afterwards, the teacher will
ask if student G is correct or not). Okay, is
student G correct?
Yes, Ma’am. Student F is correct.

Very good student C, E, F and G. You are

already good in taking dimensions. You
may now take your seats.

C. Creative Activities (Assessment)

So now let us see how far you have

learned today. I will group you into two and
then, you are going to look around this
classroom and look for something that is
made of lumber materials and it is possible
to take its dimensions. I will provide each (Students will go to their respective
group a push-pull rule. You only have to groups)
provide at least three (3). I will give you 10
minutes to do this activity and write on the
board the specific lumber you had
measure and the measurement of its
dimensions. After 10 minutes your work
will be checked. Your activity will be
graded base from the given criteria below:

Cooperation -10%
(in taking dimensions) -50%
(reading and writing
of dimensions) -40%
TOTAL: 100%

Good luck and you may start now.

(The two groups will look for anything that
is made of lumber materials and take its

(The teacher will approach each group)

-after 10 minutes-

Okay, time is up. You may now you’re your

respective seats and let us check the work
of group 1. (The teacher will check the
measurements of the three lumber
materials that the group 1 measured while
asking for the approval of the class.
Afterwards, the teacher will ask if group 1
is correct or not). Okay, is group 1 correct?

Yes, Ma’am.
Let us give the group 1 a Wow clap. (clap)
1, 2, 3
(Stomp the foot) 1, 2, 3 WOW.

(Students will do the WOW clap)

Thank you group 1. Now, group 2 it is you
turn . (The teacher will check the
measurements of the three lumber
materials that the group 2 measured while
asking for the approval of the class.
Afterwards, the teacher will ask if group 1
is correct or not). Okay, is group 2 correct?

Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, they are correct. Let us give them a

congratulations clap. (clap) 1,2,3
(stomp the foot)1, 2, 3

(The students will do the

D. Valuing

Job well done class. You can now take the

dimensions of lumber materials correctly.
Why do you think it is important to know
how take the dimensions of the lumber
materials in a correct manner? (The students will raise their hands)

Yes student F.
It is important to know how to take the
dimensions correctly in order to know if
what specific size you really needed when
you are going to make a chair, a table, or
anything. It would also a big help for you to
estimate the number of lumber materials
needed and thus, you can avoid buying
Very good student F. It is important to excess lumber.
know how to take the dimensions of
lumber materials so that you will know
exactly the sizes needed if you are going
to make a project (like chair, table, cabinet,
door, window, etc.). It will also a big help
for you to estimate the number of those
needed lumber materials and can help you
to save. (Site an example: If a carpenter
knows what dimension to be used in the 4
legs of a table then-e.g. 2” x 3” 2.5’ then
he can buy one piece of 2” x3” x10’.

In taking the dimensions of a lumber

material we need to know which is the
thickness, the width, and the length of it.
Then, we can now start measuring it so
that we can know the size of the lumber
material. The thickness and the width is
being measured in inch while the length is
being measured in foot. The symbol used
for inch is (“) and the foot is (‘). The x can
be read as “by”.

I hope you have learned something today.

(Yes we did Ma’am.)

IV. Assignment

1. Bring a piece of lumber material tomorrow and identify its size inside the class.
(e.g. 1” x 2” x2’, 2” x2” x1’, etc.)
2. Read the topic about Computing the Board Foot on page 340 in you book.

Prepared by:

Cervantes, Vevian J.

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