LP Ia Final

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Technology and Livelihood Education Department

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 7/8
INDUSTRIAL ARTS- Carpentry (Exploratory)
A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of Systems of measurement and Reading of
measuring instrument/tools.
B. Performance Standard Accurate measurements are obtained according to job requirements.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO 2. Perform Calculation and Mensuration (TLE_IACP7/8MC0d-e-2)
Objectives 2.1 Measure given materials
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. differentiate between metric system and English system of
2. perform proper use of measuring tools;
3. explain the importance of applying accurate measurement in
building construction and other carpentry activities.

II. CONTENT Systems of Measurement


a. References CBLM II Building Construction. Module III. 2008. pp. 22-24,
b. Other learning resources https://dokument.tips/education/ carpentry-tools.html?page=1
c. Materials PowerPoint presentation, printed materials

Teacher’s Activities Students’ activity
Preliminaries  Greetings Good morning sir.
-Good morning class!

 Prayer (They all stand)

-Everyone, kindly stand up for the -Let us bow down our head and let us pray.
Thank you Lord for this day…..Amen
 Class Setting
- before you take your seat please (The students arranged their chairs properly
arrange your chairs properly and and picked up the scattered dirts under their
pick up all scattered dirts under chairs).
your chairs.

 Checking of attendance
-Let’s have a snappy attendance
checking by telling your number
assigned to you in proper order. The
number which is not mentioned
means’ the one who has that number
is absent. As you tell your number,
you stand and do an action.
Let’s start! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ………………

- What number was not mentioned? None sir.

-Therefore, no one is absent today.
Very Good! Please maintain your
good attendance class.

 Setting of standards
-Before we proceed with our
discussion, what must you observe in
order for you to gain much
understanding of our lesson?
State them using these pictures.

Raise your hands if you wish to recite.

No use of cellphone while class is going on.

Participate actively in class/group activities

Listen attentively
Respect and listen to your classmates and

Everything is well said. Can I expect Yes sir.

these from you class?

A, Reviewing Before we will proceed farther, may

Previous Lesson/ we recall first our lesson yesterday.
Presenting New What are the different classifications (Students will be called to tell different
Lesson of carpentry tools class? classifications of tools and equipment)
The different classifications of tools are:
- Measuring tools
- Cutting tools
- Driving tools
- Holding tools
- Power tools
- Marking tools
Let me see if you can still identify
tools that belong to each
classification. I will group you into
3. Each group will be assigned two
classifications of tools and
equipment to identify. On the board
are pasted cutouts of different tools
and equipment. In a form of contest,
you will get the tools that belong to
their corresponding classification.
Get only the tools assigned to your

I will give you a board where you

could paste the cut outs. Be sure to
post your output on the board.
Whoever will finish first will be the Yes sir.
winner. Is it clear class?
(Each group will paste the tools in their
Let’s start the activity in 5… 4… 3… classification and they will name the tools)
2….1 Go!
1,2,3….1,2,3 pok pok pok
Ok. Group 2 won in the activity.
Let’s give them the hammer clap.
A house was formed sir. For me, we can
What was formed after posting your only construct a house when we make use
output? What is your insight about it. the different tools properly.

Yes, that’s an awesome idea.

Group 1
May I ask now representative from Measuring tools
each group to name the tools that you a. Pull-Push Rule
posted. b. Caliper
c. Try Square
Cutting tools
a. Chisel
b. Cross cut saw
c. Hack saw

Group 2
Driving tools
a. Claw hammer
b. Rubber mallet
c. Screw driver
Holding tools
a. C- clamp
b. Vise grip
c. Bench vise

Group 3
Power tools
a. Circular saw
b. Jig saw
c. Electric drills
Marking tools
a. Pencil
b. Chalk line
c. Marking gauge
B. Establishing the
purpose for the
lesson. This time class, I will show you
something in the slide. Tell your
observation on what is shown.

Anna please stand. What can you see

in the slide? I can see pictures of doors sir.

What can you say with the doors? The first door is not perfectly fitted with the
door frame while the other is perfectly

If you were to select a door for your The first door because it is attached properly
room? Which one should you choose? with its frame.

What do you think will happen if It may cause harm because anytime it can
your door is like the second one? fall down.
It can be a passage for birds, rats and

Yes, all your answers will be possible It will be easier for thieves to get inside
to happen.

(The teacher will Show other picture)

How about this picture class? What
do you notice? The boy is problematic because the sofa
does not fit with the area it is supposed to be
Yes. What might be the reason why placed.
the sofa does not fit with corner.
It might not be properly measured.
Ok. It can be, class. If that’s the case
what should have been done by him
before making or buying the sofa?
He should have properly measured the area.
That’s right! May we have another
clap for your commendable answers.
Let’s do the saw clap with feeling.
C. Presenting 1,2,3… 1,2,3 clap clap clap
examples/instances of Based from what was shown, what
the new lesson do you think is our lesson for today
class? Yes, Bernadette?
About taking measurement sir.
You’re right.

But before we continue class, let me

present to you the objectives of
today’s topic for you to be guided
throughout our lesson. May I ask Lesson’s Objectives
Lory to read. 1. differentiate between metric system
and English system of measurement;
2. perform proper use of measuring
3. explain the importance of applying
accurate measurement in building
construction and other carpentry
D. Discussing new activities.
concepts and In front class are actual measuring
practicing new skills tools used in carpentry. I will give Each group will show the tool and tell the
#1 each group one tool each to be used use
in the next activity. Again, kindly a. push pull rule - is a measuring tape
name the tool given to you and tell that coils into a compact case. It is
its use? used for measuring long, short,
straight lengths.
b. ruler – it is used to measure length
and draw straight lines.
c. Tri-square - a woodworking tool
used for marking and checking 90°
angles on pieces of wood.
d. Caliper- It provides an accurate
measurement of an object's inside &
outside dimensions, depth, and
Very good class. You all deserve an
“excellent clap.” 1.2.3….. 1,2,3 excellent!

What can you see in your measuring

devise class? Yes, CJ. In the ruler, I can see calibration in both
What are the two unit of
measurements that you can see? Are
they the same? Both sides have different measurement. One
side is measured in centimeter and the other
Ok. And what do you call those side is measured in inches.
system of measurements? Yes,
Karla. The side of the ruler that indicates inches
and foot is the English system and the other
side that has cm is the metric system side of
the ruler
Very good class. Can you point out
where is the English and metric
system side of your ruler? Yes sir.

Who will come and show us?

Yes, Jona. (Using the ruler, a student will show the
metric and English measurement)
Yes, very good. What other
measurements that belong to metric Aside from centimeter, other measurements
system? under metric system are meter, kilometer,
millimeter etc….
That’s right! How about the English
system? In the English system, other unit of
measurements aside from inches are
That’s right. foot/feet, yard, miles etc….
E. Discussing new
concepts and Do you want to do actual
practicing new measurement using these tools class?
skills#2 yes sir
Ok. Let us practice actual use of the
different measuring tools.

I will give each group something to

measure. Afterwards, you select one
representative from your group to Each group will demonstrate measuring
present in front proper way of using the different measuring tools)
May I call group 1
Group 1 will measure length of the board
Very good! Group 2 give a clap to using pull push rule.
group 1
Clap clap clap
May I call on the representative of
Group 2
Group 2 will measure the corners of the table
That’s perfectly done. May I call using the L Square
group 3 to give clap for group 2.
Clap clap clap
And last but not the least, may we
see the demonstration of group 3.
Group 3 will measure a tumbler using a
Job well done! Group 1, give a clap caliper
for group 2
F. Developing Clap clap clap
mastery Using all the given measuring tools,
each group will measure the

1. Measuring a pen holder using

2. Measuring the edge of a box
using L square
3. Measuring the height width Rubric for the activity
and length of an organizer
using pull push rule.

G. Finding practical As future educators, do you think Yes, because proper measurement is
applications of proper measurement is a must not essential to ensure quality, efficiency, safety,
concepts and skills in only in carpentry but also in our and problem solving. Proper measurements
daily living daily life? Why? can help us develop critical skills that are
applicable in many scenarios.

Will you state some instances? A house or building will not be properly
built without the use of measuring tools.
Yes. Very well said.

Aside from carpentry works, what

other activities can we apply proper Measurement is likewise very necessary in
measurement? food preparation; in garment construction; in
measuring the area of lands and a lot more.

H. Generalizing and Let’s sum up!

abstractions about Now that we have finished our
the lesson discussion for this afternoon, let’s
sum up everything what you have
learned from our lesson.

Sentence Completion: To get accurate measurement of objects,

I have learned that____________ there’s a need to use standard measuring
device and we must know how to use them
I am happy because___________ I have learned correct way of measuring
using English and metric system.

I have realized that____________ Exact measurement is needed to provide

perfection in carpentry works.
Part I. Matching Type
I. Evaluating Directions: Match column A with
learning column B . Select from column B
the measuring tool described in
column A. Place your answer in ½
sheet of paper
1. The side of the ruler that indicates A. Pull-Push Rule
inches and foot B. Ruler
2. On-foot rule and it is used to C. Tri Square
take/make simple measurements D. English system
3. Flexible tape that slides into a E. Caliper
material case and it is used to F. Metric system
measure irregular and regular shapes
4. It provides an accurate
measurement of an object's inside &
outside dimensions, depth, and
5. Squaring, measuring and testing
tool used to check adjacent surfaces
for squareness.

II. Essay
1. Differentiate English and
metric system and give

1. How to convert measurements to

its equivalent unit/system?
J. Assignment

Prepared by:


Demonstration Teacher

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