LP Ia Final
LP Ia Final
LP Ia Final
Teacher’s Activities Students’ activity
Preliminaries Greetings Good morning sir.
-Good morning class!
Checking of attendance
-Let’s have a snappy attendance
checking by telling your number
assigned to you in proper order. The
number which is not mentioned
means’ the one who has that number
is absent. As you tell your number,
you stand and do an action.
Let’s start! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ………………
Setting of standards
-Before we proceed with our
discussion, what must you observe in
order for you to gain much
understanding of our lesson?
State them using these pictures.
Listen attentively
Respect and listen to your classmates and
Group 2
Driving tools
a. Claw hammer
b. Rubber mallet
c. Screw driver
Holding tools
a. C- clamp
b. Vise grip
c. Bench vise
Group 3
Power tools
a. Circular saw
b. Jig saw
c. Electric drills
Marking tools
a. Pencil
b. Chalk line
c. Marking gauge
B. Establishing the
purpose for the
lesson. This time class, I will show you
something in the slide. Tell your
observation on what is shown.
What can you say with the doors? The first door is not perfectly fitted with the
door frame while the other is perfectly
If you were to select a door for your The first door because it is attached properly
room? Which one should you choose? with its frame.
What do you think will happen if It may cause harm because anytime it can
your door is like the second one? fall down.
It can be a passage for birds, rats and
Yes, all your answers will be possible It will be easier for thieves to get inside
to happen.
G. Finding practical As future educators, do you think Yes, because proper measurement is
applications of proper measurement is a must not essential to ensure quality, efficiency, safety,
concepts and skills in only in carpentry but also in our and problem solving. Proper measurements
daily living daily life? Why? can help us develop critical skills that are
applicable in many scenarios.
Will you state some instances? A house or building will not be properly
built without the use of measuring tools.
Yes. Very well said.
II. Essay
1. Differentiate English and
metric system and give
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