Let's Walk With Jesus... Personally, Locally, and Globally.: July 13, Mon.
Let's Walk With Jesus... Personally, Locally, and Globally.: July 13, Mon.
Let's Walk With Jesus... Personally, Locally, and Globally.: July 13, Mon.
Physical Address: 127 Witmer Road Reinholds, PA 17569 July 13, Mon.- Ministry Team Meeting at 6 p.m. and Board of Elders at 7 p.m. T hanks for your
Mailing Address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501 prayers for these meetings. If you have questions, encouragement, suggestions, etc. for our
church, please share them with the ministry team. Your input is welcomed.
July 15, Wed. - Youth Group Bible Study will meet at the church at 7 p.m.
July 15, Wed.- Bowmansville District Sewing Circle will begin meeting again in the morning
Ministry Team
and afternoon. You are welcome to come for the entire time (approximately 8:30 - 2:30), or just a
Phil Horning – Lead Pastor – (church: 717-484-4548) (Home: 717-208-4424) few hours as it suits you. We will do what we can to allow you to work and fellowship together
Travis Sauder – Associate Pastor (717-271-1811) without putting anyone at risk for picking up any illness, but we certainly understand if you are
Todd Carvell – Associate Pastor (717-572-8622) uncomfortable with joining us at this time.
Steve McCosby – Deacon – (717-336-8275) July 19, Sun.-Everence celebrates 75 years - Join Everence virtually at 3 p.m. (EDT) as we
Let's walk with Jesus...personally, locally, and globally. celebrate 75 years of Christian stewardship and mutual aid. Learn more everence.com/75years.
July 19, Sun.-You are invited to attend the annual Outdoor Historical and Inspirational Service at
Prayer 8:15 AM the 1855 Alleghany Mennonite Meetinghouse, 39 Horning Road, Mohnton, PA (near
Sunday School 9:00 AM Alleghenyville) at 6:30 p.m. John L. Ruth, a leading historian, author and speaker who has
Worship Service 10:00 AM contributed significantly to the understanding of Mennonite history, faith and culture over several
decades, will speak on “Good News from Old Amsterdam”. He will talk about a large, carefully
July 12, 2020 catalogued deposit of correspondence from the years of 1616-1784 that relates to the experience
Prelude of the Mennonites from Switzerland and Germany who founded the Lancaster Mennonite
Worship in Song Worship Team community. Please bring a lawn chair and a Church and Sunday School Hymnal. For
Hymn of Praise Darlene McCosby confirmation of the event, more information, or directions, contact Grace at
Offering/Prayer William Horning jgsen@windstream.net or 717-278-8459.
Message: “Miracles” Luke 8:40-9:1-17 Todd Carvell July 26, Sun.- Annual Woodcrest service in Oak shade pavilion. The service will start at 9:30
Hymn of Response Darlene McCosby a.m. Following the service from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. there will be a chicken Bar-B-Q meal, donations
Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Todd Carvell will be accepted to benefit Dean and Emily Hoover. We will then have the pool rented from 12-1
Benediction p.m.
Today: -Some of you may remember Gene and Shirley Troxelle who attended Gehman Church for a
Greeters while. Gene died recently and Shirley and her son are living at Keystone Villa at Douglassville.
Sunday School Nursery Cindy & Carolyn She likes it there but admits to feeling lonely. We think a card shower for her birthday on July 21
Church Nursery Cheyanne might help to reassure her that she is not forgotten. Her address is:Mrs. Shirley Troxelle,
Keystone Villa, 1152 Ben Franklin Highway, Douglassville,PA 19518.
Next Week: -Everence to host webinars on financial resilience and more - Everence will host a series of
Greeters Lamar & Michelle Gockley webinars focusing on topics like financial resilience, planning for Medicare and more presented
Song Leader Doug Musselman
by your local Everence team. For more information, or to register, visit
Offering Darlene McCosby
Message Phil Horning www.everence.com/centralpenn or contact Lynette Morales at 717-394-0769 or
Sunday School Nursery Chrystle & Karen lynette.morales@everence.com.
Church Nursery Cindy & Rebecca
Happy Birthday! Warren Martin on Tues. and Esther Gehman on Fri.
The offering for July is for Home Ministries: Reading Churches and Missionary Retirement
Fund and budgeted items. Find more church and ministry related info at www.gehmanmennonitechurch.org under the "Resources" tab and
Last Week Offering: $2,048.90 labeled "Online Church Bulletin Board"