Gehman Mennonite Church: February 4, 2018
Gehman Mennonite Church: February 4, 2018
Gehman Mennonite Church: February 4, 2018
Physical Address: 127 Witmer Road Reinholds, PA 17569 Feb. 7, Wed.- Youth Bible Study will meet at 7 p.m. at the church.
Mailing Address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501 Feb. 11, Sun.- 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. -Piercing Word Presents: Favorites: Philippians, James,
717-484-4548 Jonah & Romans 8 at Calvary Church Lower Auditorium. Seating is limited. Details and
FREE tickets at http://www.piercingword. org/presents. Feb. 14, Wed.- 7:30 p.m. -Community Lenten Services - Series (Ash Wednesday) (Pastor Jeff
Ministry Team Hain speaking @ Peace United Church of Christ - 37 East Swartzville Road, Denver). This is
Phil Horning – Lead Pastor – (church: 717-484-4548) (Home: 717-208-4424) the first of six consecutive Wed. evening services that our church participates in, each held at a
Travis Sauder – Associate Pastor (717-271-1811) different church with participating pastors sharing various roles in leading worship. Worship
Todd Carvell – Associate Pastor (717-572-8622) services are followed by snacks & fellowship.
Steve McCosby – Deacon – 717-336-8275 Feb. 17, Sat.-Valentine Supper at Gehman Mennonite, everyone age 15+ is invited. Cost is
$8.50 per person. This will be an evening of fun, with games and fellowship. The meal will be
Let's walk with Jesus...personally, locally, and globally. served at 5:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex by Jan. 28.
Feb. 21, Wed.- Bowmansville District Sewing Circle will meet at the Bowmansville
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, Mennonite in the morning and afternoon. Please bring a hot or cold dish to share with the
so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having group. Ladies of all ages are welcome to come for the entire time, or just a few hours as it suits
escaped the corruption in the you. The project is Hygiene Kits. Keeping clean is an important part of remaining healthy, but
world caused by evil desires. families who have fled their homes because of disaster or war often struggle to afford these
necessary supplies. MCC distributes these kits around the world, where needed. A kit includes
2 Peter 1:4
the following new items in their packaging: 1 adult-size toothbrush, 1 large bar bath soap, 1
fingernail clipper, 1 hand towel (dark color). Kits can be brought to the church and Sewing
Prayer 8:15 AM
Circle will see they are taken to MCC for distribution
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Feb. 23 & 24, Fri. & Sat.-Hinkletown Mennonite School Performing Arts presents Anne of
Worship Service 10:00 AM
Green Gables on Fri. (5:30 p.m. dinner theater) & Sat.(2 p.m. & 7 p.m.). Reservations
recommended by February 20 for dinner theater ($15 adults/$10 age 4-grade 8). Sat. tickets
February 4, 2018 available at the door-$6. For tickets or more info: or call 354-7100.
Mar. 3, Sat.- Stewardship University, a ministry partnership between Everence and our local
Hymn of Praise James Martin
faith community is coming to Lancaster. Leonard Dow, Stewardship and Development
Mission Minute Darrell Gockley
Specialist with Everence, will deliver our keynote message this year. His topic is, 'How is it
Offering Darlene McCosby
With Your Soul?' For registration info, contact Lynette Morales at 717-394-0796,
Worship in Song Worship Team or visit
Message: Revelation 4-7 "The Throne of Heaven" Phil Horning April 20-22 – Save the date- Ladies Retreat at Belleville. Rediscover the joys of being created
Hymn of Response James Martin in God’s image and nurture your own creative spirit!
Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Phil Horning -The Craft Stand coordinators want to remind crafters to create for the 62nd annual PA
Benediction Relief Sale which will be held the first full weekend of April, Friday and Saturday, April 6 & 7,
2018, at the Farm Show Building in Harrisburg, PA. We are seeking crafters who work with
Today: fabric, wood, paper, yarn, thread, or jewelry to make and donate quality crafts. Yes, the sale is
Greeters Darrell & Loretta Gockley still three months ay, but well-made crafts take lots of time! Please see the Craft Stand poster
Sunday School Nursery Heidi & Carolyn (on bulletin board) for additional details. Drop offs: anytime at Ephrata MCC Material
Church Nursery Michelle & Moriah Resources Center or bring to the Craft Stand during the sale. Feel free to call or email us with
Fellowship Meal today, all are welcome! your questions or comments. All proceeds benefit MCC. Janet Runion Patton: 717-272-1708,
Next Week:; Ruth Runion Slear:717-533-9423,
Greeters Tony & Ruthie Kulp Happy Birthday!
Song Leader Sylvia Eberly January 2018 Offering Report:Total offerings: $15,159.03
Offertory Lester & Dakota Designated building fund 450.00
Message Travis Sauder Bethany Horning-designated 525.00
Sunday School Nursery Cindy & Michelle Mary Gehman -designated 100.00
Church Nursery Darla & Cheyanne First fruits giving 1,408.41 (District Bishop Fund/Lanc Menn Conf)
The offering for February will be for Home Ministries: Reading Churches and Missionary Budgeted funds 8,461.28 (Insurance, Ministers, Operating, Gehman Missions, Building Fund, Youth)
Retirement Fund and budgeted items. Monthly offering: EMM $ 4,214.34
Last week Offering: $
Find more church and ministry related info at under the "Resources" tab and
labeled "Online Church Bulletin Board"