Histo - Respiratory System - Theory
Histo - Respiratory System - Theory
Histo - Respiratory System - Theory
The Respiratory System
Lecture 11th (11th-15th February 2018)
The respiratory is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used
for the process of respiration. It is involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen (O2)
and carbon dioxide (CO2) between body and the environment. Respiration, takes place
in the respiratory organs called lungs. The passage of air into the lungs to supply the
body with O2 is known as inhalation, and the passage of air out of the lungs to expel
carbon dioxide (CO2) is known as exhalation; this process is collectively
called breathing or ventilation. The anatomical features of the respiratory system
include: (1). trachea; (2). bronchi; (3). bronchioles; (4). lungs, and (5). diaphragm.
Molecules of O2 and CO2 are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous
external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in the alveoli (air
sacs) in the lung via the process of osmosis.
(Fig. 2a & 2b): (a). The Anatomy of upper and lower respiratory tract; (b).
Parts of conducting portions (respiratory tree) of the respiratory system.
(Fig. 3a & 3b): (a). Schematic drawing as CS of trachea to demonstrate its main
components. (b). The respiratory tree: (1). Trachea; (2). Mainstem bronchus; (3). Lobar
bronchus; (4). Segmental bronchus; (5). Bronchiole; (6). Alveolar duct and (7). Alveolus.
The trachea is the largest tube in the respiratory tract and consists of tracheal
rings of hyaline cartilage. The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is
kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage.
The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle- a bundle of
smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue (Figs. 1 and 3). Together these hold the lumen
of the trachea open, but allow flexibility during inspiration and expiration. The
respiratory mucosa and submucosa are adapted to warm and moisten the air, and to
trap particles in mucous. The trachea branches off into two bronchial tubes, a left and
a right main or primary bronchus. The bronchi branch off into smaller sections
inside the lungs, called bronchioles. These bronchioles give rise to the air sacs in the
lungs called the alveoli. The respiratory tree or trachea-bronchial tree is a term
also used to refer to the branching structure of airways supplying air to the lungs and
includes the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. In the tertiary bronchii, there is less
cartilage, and it does not completely encircle the lumen, as shown diagramatically
beloow [Fig. 5]. Note also how the mucosa is folded, and think about how this might
change as you breathe in and out.
Mucosa and sub-mucosa of Trachea:
The respiratory mucosa is made up of the epithelium and supporting lamina
propria) (Fig. 4a & 4b). The epithelium is tall columnar pseudostratified with
cilia and goblet cells. The supporting lamina propria underneath the epithelium
contains elastin, that plays a role in the elastic recoil of the trachea during
inspiration and expiration, together with blood vessels that warm the air.
The sub-mucosa contains glands which are mixed sero-mucous glands. The
watery secretions from the serous glands humidify the inspired air. The mucous,
together with mucous from the goblet cells traps particles from the air which are
transported upwards towards the pharynx by the cilia on the epithlium. This helps
to keep the lungs free of particles and bacteria.
(Fig -4 a&b): (a). A CS through the trachea, shows the major layers. (b). A higher power
image of the trachea showing the glands and epithelium in more detail. Note the
numerous sero-mucous glands in the submucosa layer. The layer of cartilage is not seen
here, but instead there is a layer of fibro-elastic Co.T. which runs between the rings of
(Fig-5 a&b): (a). A CS of a tertiary bronchus. Compare this picture with that of the
trachea: Can you identify the circular layer of smooth muscle, and the cartilage, and
some glands in the submucosa? The smooth muscle is used to control the diameter and
length of the bronchii which contracts during expiration to help expel the air. There is
also lots of elastin present in the submucosa, as in the trachea. The epithelium is now tall
columnar, not pseudostratified (difficult to see at this magnification) and has very few
goblet cells.
The tertiary bronchii branch into bronchioles, which have a diameter of 1mm or less,
and the wall structure changes. The epithelium is made up of ciliated columnar cells
in larger bronchioles, or non-ciliated in smaller bronchioles (difficult to see at low
magnification). There are no goblet cells, but there are cells called Clara cells. These
cells are secretory - they secrete one of the components of surfactant.
Bronchial anatomy:
A typical pair of human lungs contain about 700 million alveoli, producing 70-75
m2 of surface area. Each alveolus is wrapped in a fine mesh of capillaries covering
about 70% of its area. An adult alveolus has an average diameter of 200
micrometres, with an increase in diameter during inhalation.
(Fig -6 a&b): (a). A CS of a bronchiole where there is neither cartilage nor glands. Can
you identify the ring of smooth muscle, which is arranged in discrete bundles with a
variety of organizations.
Terminal Bronchiole:
The final branches of the bronchioles are called terminal bronchioles. These have a
layer smooth muscle surrounding their lumens [Fig.6a & 6b]. Stimulation of the vagus
nerve (parasympathetic) causes the smooth muscle to contract, and reduce the
diameter of the terminal bronchioles.
Small sacs are found extending from the walls of the terminal bronchii called
respiratory bronchioles (R), that are lined by a ciliated cuboidal epithelium, and some
non-ciliated cells called clara cells (Fig. 7).
Asthma: because the diameter of the bronchioles is reliant on smooth muscle tone,
these airways can almost completely shut if the smooth muscles contract strongly,
which can happen in an asthmatic attack.
The lungs:
The lungs are the largest organs in the lower respiratory tract. They are suspended
within the pleural cavity of the thorax. The pleurae are two thin membranes, one cell
layer thick, which surround the lungs. The inner (visceral pleura) covers the lungs
and the outer (parietal pleura) lines the inner surface of the chest wall. This
membrane secretes a small amount of fluid, allowing the lungs to move freely within
the pleural cavity while expanding and contracting during breathing. The lungs are
divided into different lobes. The right lung is larger in size than the left, because of
the heart's being situated to the left of the midline. The right lung has three lobes i.e.
upper, middle, and lower (or superior, middle and inferior), and the left lung has two
i.e. upper and lower (or superior and inferior), plus a small tongue-shaped portion of
the upper lobe known as the lingula. Each lobe is further divided up into segments
called bronchopulmonary segments. Each lung has a costal surface, which is
adjacent to the ribcage; a diaphragmatic surface, which faces downward toward the
diaphragm; and a mediastinal surface, which faces toward the center of the chest, and
lies against the heart, great vessels, and the carina where the two mainstem bronchi
branch off from the base of the trachea. The lungs are made up of 13 different kinds
of cells, 11 types of epithelial cell and 2 types of mesenchymal cell. The epithelial
cells form the lining of the tracheal, and bronchial tubes, while the mesenchymal cells
line the lungs. The respiratory tract is covered in epithelium, which varies down the
tract. There are glands and mucus produced by goblet cells in parts, as well
as smooth muscle, elastin or cartilage.
smallest diameter of all (< 1mm). There is no cartilage, or glands, some smooth muscle is
still present, there are no goblet cells. The epithelium is either columnar or cuboidal.
(AD) means alveolar duct; (BV) blood vessels.
Alveolus (little cavity):
Alveolus is a hollow cavity found in the lung parenchyma, and is the basic unit of
respiration. Lung alveoli are the ends of the respiratory tree, branching from
either alveolar sacs or alveolar ducts (AD), which like alveoli are both sites of gas
exchange with the blood as well. Alveoli are particular to mammalian lungs. Different
structures are involved in gas exchange in other vertebrates. The alveolar membrane
is the gas-exchange surface. Carbon dioxide CO2 rich blood is pumped from the rest
of the body into the alveolar blood vessels where, through diffusion, it releases its
carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen (O2). The alveoli are located in the respiratory
zone of the lungs, at the ends of the alveolar ducts and alveolar sac, representing the
smallest units in the respiratory tract. The alveoli are tiny air sacs in the lungs where
gas exchange takes place. There are “about 150 million per lung”. When the
diaphragm contracts, a negative pressure is generated in the thorax and air rushes in
to fill the cavity. When that happens, these sacs fill with air, making the lung expand.
The alveoli are rich with capillaries, called alveolor capillaries (Fig 7b). Here the red
blood cells absorb oxygen from the air and then carry it back in the form of
oxyhaemaglobin, to nourish the cells. The red blood cells also carry carbon dioxide
(CO2) away from the cells in the form of carboxy-hemoglobin and releases it into the
alveoli through the alveolar capillaries. When the diaphragm relaxes, a positive
pressure is generated in the thorax and air rushes out of the alveoli expelling the
carbon dioxide (CO2).
The alveoli consist of an epithelial layer and an extracellular matrix surrounded by
small blood vessels called capillaries. In some alveolar walls there are pores between
alveoli called Pores of Kohn. The alveoli contain some collagen and elastic fibres.
The elastic fibres allow the alveoli to stretch as they are filled with air during
inhalation. They then spring back during exhalation in order to expel the carbon
dioxide-rich air. Alveolar cells, or pneumocytes, are cells lining the alveoli of
the lungs. Two types of alveolar cell exist: type I alveolar cells and type II alveolar
There are three major types of cell in the alveolar wall–two types of alveolar cell and
a phagocyte.
Type-I cells (pneumocyte-I) are thin and flat and form the structure of the
Type-II (pneumocyte-II) cells secrete surfactant to lower the surface tension
of water and allows the membrane to separate, therefore increasing its capability
to exchange gases. Surfactant is continuously released by exocytosis. It forms an
underlying aqueous protein-containing hypophase and an overlying phospholipid
film composed primarily of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine.
The phagocytes are macrophages, that destroy foreign material, such
as bacteria.
The surfactant is produced by great alveolar cells (granular pneumonocytes,
a cuboidal epithelia), which are the most numerous cells in the alveoli, yet do not
cover as much surface area as the squamous alveolar cells (a squamous
Important notes:
Most of the epithelium (from the nose to the bronchi) is covered in ciliated pseudo-
stratified columnar epithelium, commonly called respiratory epithelium. The cilia beat
in one direction, moving mucus towards the throat where it is swallowed. Moving
down the bronchioles, the cells get more cuboidal in shape but are still ciliated.
Cartilage is present until the small bronchi. In the trachea they are C-shaped rings of
hyaline cartilage, whereas in the bronchi the cartilage takes the form of interspersed
Glands are abundant in the upper respiratory tract, but there are fewer lower down and
they are absent starting at the bronchioles. The same goes for goblet cells, although
there are scattered ones in the first bronchioles.
Smooth muscle starts in the trachea, where it joins the C-shaped rings of cartilage. It
continues down the bronchi and bronchioles, which it completely encircles. Instead of
hard cartilage, the bronchi and bronchioles are composed of elastic tissue.
Most of the respiratory tract exists merely as a piping system for air to travel in the
lungs, and alveoli are the only part of the lung that exchanges O2 and CO2 with
the blood.
When a human being inhales, air travels down the trachea, through the bronchial
tubes, and into the lungs. The entire tract is protected by the rib cage, spinal cord, and
sternum bone. In the lungs, oxygen from the inhaled air is transferred into the blood
and circulated throughout the body. CO2 is transferred from returning blood back into
gaseous form in the lungs and exhaled through the lower respiratory tract and then the
upper, to complete the process of breathing. The diaphragm is the primary muscle
that allows for lung expansion and contraction. Smaller muscles between the ribs
(costal muscles) assist with this process.
The human trachea has a membrane lining that produces a layer of mucus that helps
filter waste that an organism breathes in through the air. There is also a small lining of
tiny hairs in our lungs called cilia. These tiny hairs act as a filter in our lungs and
control the amount of mucus that enters our lungs. The reason why we cough is
because the cilia push up the mucus, so not too much enters our lungs. If these
hairs are not functioning properly, an organism is at risk of a lower respiratory tract
The cilia of the respiratory epithelium beat in concert cranially, effectively moving
secreted mucus containing trapped foreign particles toward the laryngopharynx, for
either expectoration or swallowing to the stomach where the acidic pH helps to
neutralize foreign material and micro-organisms. This system is collectively known as
the mucociliary escalator and serves two functions: to keep the lower respiratory tract
sterile, and to prevent mucus accumulation in the lungs.
The mucocilliary escalator is vital for the movement of mucus up the respiratory tract
to the pharynx. The mucus layer is biphasic with a serous, sol layer in which the cilia
beat and, above this, a viscoelastic or gel layer. Due to the viscous properties of this
upper mucous layer, the tips of the cilia catch in the layer, which may contain
particulate matter, and drag it cranially toward the laryngopharynx.
Upper respiratory tract infections (URI or URTI):
They are illnesses caused by an acute infection which involves the upper respiratory
tract including the nose, sinuses, pharynx or larynx. This commonly includes (1).
Nasal obstruction; (2). Sore throat; (3). Tonsillitis; (4). Pharyngitis; (5). Laryngitis;
(6). Sinusitis; (7). Otitis media and (8). the common cold. Most infections are viral in
nature and in other instances the cause is bacterial. Upper respiratory tract infections
can also be fungal or helminth in origin, but these are rare.
The surface tension of a watery surface tends to make that surface shrink. When that
surface is curved as it is in the alveoli of the lungs, the shrinkage of the surface
decreases the diameter of the alveoli. The more acute the curvature of the water-air
interface the greater the tendency for the alveolus to collapse. This has three effects.
(1). The surface tension inside the alveoli resists expansion of the alveoli during
inhalation. Surfactant reduces the surface tension and therefore makes the lungs
more compliant, or less stiff, than if it were not there; (2). the diameters of the alveoli
increase and decrease during the breathing cycle. This means that the alveoli have
a greater tendency to collapse at the end of exhalation that at the end of inhalation.
Since surfactant floats on the watery surface, its molecules are more tightly packed
together when the alveoli shrink during exhalation. This causes them to have a greater
surface tension-lowering effect when the alveoli are small than when they are large
(as at the end of inhalation, when the surfactant molecules are more widely spaced).
The tendency for the alveoli to collapse is therefore almost the same at the end of
exhalation as at the end of inhalation and (3). The surface tension of the curved
watery layer lining the alveoli tends to draw water from the lung tissues into the
alveoli. Surfactant reduces this danger to negligible levels, and keeps the alveoli dry.
Pre-term babies who are unable to manufacture surfactant have lungs that tend to
collapse each time they breathe out. Unless treated, this condition, called respiratory
distress syndrome, is fatal. Basic scientific experiments, carried out using cells from
chicken lungs, support the potential for using steroids as a means of furthering
development of type II alveolar cells. In fact, once a premature birth is threatened,
every effort is made to delay the birth, and a series of steroid injections is frequently
administered to the mother during this delay in an effort to promote lung maturation.
Functions of each parts of the respiratory system.
larynx the voice box, where vocal chords are located