50 The Gas Exchange System

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#50 The gas exchange system


All organisms take in gases from their

environment and release gases to the
environment. Animals take in O2 for aerobic
respiration and release CO2. Plants also
respire, but during daylight hours they
photosynthesise at a greater rate than they
respire, and so take in CO2 and release O2.

The body surface across which these gases

diffuse into and out of the body is called the gas exchange surface. In mammals,
including humans, the gas exchange surface is the surface of the alveoli in the lungs.

The human gas exchange system

The gas exchange surface in the lungs is extensive, very thin, well supplied with blood
and well ventilated. The trachea and bronchi provide little resistance to the movement
of air to and from the alveoli.

- The gross structure of the human gas exchange system

- Plan diagrams of the structure of the walls of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles

Cartilage in the walls of the trachea and
bronchi provides support and prevents the
tubes collapsing when the air pressure
inside them is low.

Cillated epithelium is found lining the

trachea, bronchi and some bronchioles. It
is a single layer of cells whose outer surfaces
are covered with many thin extensions
(cilia) which are able to move. They sweep
mucus upwards towards the mouth,
helping to prevent dust particles and
bacteria reaching the lungs.

Goblet cells are also found in the ciliated

epithelium. They secrete mucus, which
traps dust particles and bacteria.

Smooth muscle cells are found in the walls of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles.
This type of muscle can contract slowly but for long periods without tiring. When it
contracts, it reduces the diameter of the tubes. During exercise it relaxes, widening
the tubes so more air can reach the lungs.

Elasticc fibres are found in the walls of all tubes and between the alveoli. When
breathing in, these fibres stretch to allow the alveoli and airways to expand. When
breathing out, they recoil, helping to reduce the volume of alveoli and expel air out
of the lungs.

Gas exchange at the alveolar surface

The air inside an alveolus contains a higher concentration of O2, and a lower
concentration of CO2, than the blood in the capillaries. This blood has been brought to
the lungs in the pulmonary artery, which carries deoxygenated blood from the heart. O2
therefore diffuses from the alveolus into the blood capillary, through the thin walls of
the alveolus and the capillary. CO2 diffuses from the capillary into the blood.

The diffusion gradients for these gases are
maintained by:

• breathing movements, which draw air

from outside the body into the lungs, and
then push it out again; this maintains a
relatively high concentration of O2 and low
concentration of CO2 in the alveoli;
• blood flow past the alveolus, which brings
deoxygenated blood and carries away
oxygenated blood.

Tidal volume and vital capacity

Air moves by mass flow into and out of the lungs during breathing. This is caused by the
contraction and relaxation of external intercostal muscles and muscles in the
diaphragm. When these contract, they increase the volume of the thoracic cavity and
draw air down through the trachea and into the bronchi and bronchioles. When they
relax, the thoracic volume decreases and air flows out, down a pressure gradient. The
volume of air that is moved into or out of the lungs during one breath is called the tidal
volume. It is generally about 0,5 dm 3. The maximum amount of air that can be moved
in or out during the deepest possible breath is called the vital capacity. It is generally
somewhere between 3 dm3 and 5 dm3.

Syllabus 2015

(a) [PA] describe the structure of the human gas exchange system, including the
microscopic structure of the walls of the trachea, bronchioles and alveoli with their
associated blood vessels;

(b) [PA] describe the distribution of cartilage, ciliated epithelium, goblet cells and
smooth muscle in the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles;

(c) describe the functions of cartilage, cilia, goblet cells, mucous glands, smooth
muscle and elastic fibres in the gas exchange system;

(d) describe the process of gas exchange between air in the alveoli and the blood;

Syllabus 2016 - 2018

The gas exchange system is responsible for the uptake of oxygen into the blood and
excreting carbon dioxide. An understanding of this system shows how cells, tissues
and organs function together to exchange these gases between the blood and the
environment. The health of this system and of the cardiovascular system is put at
risk by smoking.

9.1 The gas exchange system

The gas exchange surface in the lungs is extensive, very thin, well supplied with
blood and well ventilated. The trachea and bronchi provide little resistance to the
movement of air to and from the alveoli.

a) describe the gross structure of the human gas exchange system

b) observe and draw plan diagrams of the structure of the walls of the trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli indicating the distribution of cartilage, ciliated
epithelium, goblet cells, smooth muscle, squamous epithelium and blood vessels

c) describe the functions of cartilage, cilia, goblet cells, mucous glands, smooth
muscle and elastic fibres and recognise these cells and tissues in prepared slides,
photomicrographs and electron micrographs of the gas exchange system

d) describe the process of gas exchange between air in the alveoli and the blood


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