Pulmonary Hypertension in HIV
Binaya Basyal, MD,a Harish Jarrett, MD,a,b and Christopher F. Barnett, MD, MPHa,b
MedStar Heart and Vascular Institute, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, USA
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA
Human immunodeficiency viruseassociated pulmonary arterial hy- Il est important de reconnaître l’hypertension arte rielle pulmonaire
pertension (HIV-PAH) is important to recognize given its association (HTAP) associe e au virus de l’immunode ficience humaine (VIH)
with significant morbidity and mortality. With the introduction of anti- compte tenu de son lien avec une morbidite et une mortalite e leve
retroviral therapy, the focus of disease management has largely shif- e des antire
L’arrive troviraux a fait en sorte que l’attention se porte
ted from treating immunodeficiency-related opportunistic infections to desormais bien plus sur la prise en charge des complications car-
managing chronic cardiopulmonary complications. Symptoms are diopulmonaires chroniques que sur le traitement des infections
nonspecific, and a high index of clinical suspicion is needed to avoid opportunistes imputables à une immunode ficience. Les symptômes
significant delay in the diagnosis of HIV-PAH. Although several viral tant aspe
e cifiques, l’indice de suspicion clinique doit être e leve pour
proteins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of HIV-PAH, the viter des retards indus dans le diagnostic de l’HTAP associe
e e au VIH.
exact mechanism remains uncertain. Further studies are needed to Bien que plusieurs prote ines virales aient e
incrimine es dans la
elucidate precise pathogenic mechanisms, early diagnostic tools, and pathogenèse de cette affection, son me canisme exact reste ne buleux.
novel therapeutic targets to improve prognosis of this severe Il faudra re aliser de nouvelles e tudes pour e lucider les processus
complication. pathologiques en cause, pour trouver des outils permettant un diag-
nostic pre coce et de couvrir de nouvelles cibles the rapeutiques afin
d’ame liorer le pronostic de cette grave complication.
Human immunodeficiency viruseassociated pulmonary arte- from the 2018 6th World Symposium of Pulmonary
rial hypertension (HIV-PAH) was first described in 1987 by Hypertension include a revised definition of PAH; the
Kim and Factor1 in an HIV-infected patient with haemophilia concomitant presence of mPAP > 20 mm Hg, PAWP 15
and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Since then, it mm Hg, and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) of 3
has become an increasingly recognized complication of HIV Wood units.7 Implementation of this definition will result in
infection.2 With the introduction of antiretroviral therapy reclassification of HIV-PAH. Many patients who would not
(ART), survival of HIV-infected patients has markedly have previously met the diagnostic criteria will meet the
improved with less deaths from consequences of immunode- revised criteria. The effects of this new definition of PAH on
ficiency and opportunistic infections.3 HIV has gradually diagnosis and treatment of HIV-PAH will undoubtedly have
become a chronic condition, and long-term cardiopulmonary significant effects on the epidemiology and treatment of HIV-
complications including HIV-PAH have emerged as the pri- PAH that will emerge in the next decade.
mary source of morbidity and mortality.4,5 PH is classified clinically into 5 different categories based
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) has historically been defined on pathologic similarities and hemodynamic characteristics
hemodynamically by a mean pulmonary artery pressure (Table 1).7 HIV-PAH is the most common form of PH in
(mPAP) 25 mm Hg measured during right heart cathe- HIV-infected patients. However, PH associated with left heart
terization (RHC) and PAH by an mPAP 25 mm Hg and a disease and lung disease are expected to increase with the
pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) of 15 mm Hg.6 expected increase in common chronic cardiac8 and respira-
However, it is important to note that the recommendations tory9 diseases in an aging population with concurrent HIV. It
is important to note that the hemodynamics profile of group 1
PAH is identical to groups 3, 4, and in some cases 5 and even
Received for publication December 11, 2018. Accepted January 17, 2019. 2.10 It is also common that patients with PAH have comorbid
Corresponding author: Dr Christopher F. Barnett, MedStar Heart and conditions (ie, a patient with HIV-PAH who has comorbid
Vascular Institute, 110 Irving St. NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA. Tel.: smoking-related obstructive lung disease with hypoxemia) that
þ1-202-877-2339; fax: þ1-202-877-9393. may also contribute to elevated pulmonary artery pressures
See page 295 for disclosure information. (PAPs). Therefore, it is critically important that each patient
0828-282X/Ó 2019 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Basyal et al. 289
Pulmonary Hypertension in HIV
Table 1. Classification of pulmonary hypertension this study, patients with unexplained dyspnea were evaluated
Clinical classification of PH with echocardiography and, if found to have a tricuspid
1. PAH regurgitant velocity (TRV) greater than 2.5 m/s, subsequent
1.1 Idiopathic RHC was performed. A total of 18 patients underwent RHC,
1.2 Heritable
1.3 Drug and toxin induced
and PAH was confirmed in 5. When added to the 30 patients
1.4 Associated with in the cohort previously diagnosed with HIV-PAH, this led to
1.4.1 Connective tissue disease a prevalence of 0.46% (95% confidence interval, 0.32-0.64).
1.4.2 HIV infection Of note, this well-designed study was performed from 2004 to
1.4.3 Portal hypertension 2005 after introduction of ART. The estimate of 0.5% is
1.4.4 Congenital heart disease
1.4.5 Schistosomiasis unchanged from the initial Swiss cohort supporting a
1.5 Long-term responders to calcium channel blockers conclusion that treatment of HIV-infected patients with ART
1.6 With overt features of venous/capillary (pulmonary veno-occlusive did not change the prevalence of HIV-PAH. Also, patients in
disease or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis) involvement this study underwent RHC and met the rigorous invasive
1.7 Persistent PH of the newborn
2. PH due to left heart disease
hemodynamic criteria for a diagnosis of PAH, so the estimate
2.1 Heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction of 0.5% does not include patients with elevated PAP sec-
2.2 Heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction ondary to other non-PAH processes.
2.3 Valvular disease At the end of 2016, there were approximately 36.7 million
2.4 Congenital/acquired cardiovascular conditions leading to people living with HIV and acquired immunodeficiency
postcapillary PH
3. PH due to lung disease or hypoxia syndrome worldwide. By using the estimated prevalence of
3.1 Obstructive lung disease 0.5%, there may be as many as 183,500 patients with HIV-
3.2 Restrictive lung disease PAH worldwide.
3.3 Other lung diseases with mixed restrictive/obstructive pattern Other studies using echocardiography to estimate the
3.4 Hypoxia without lung disease
3.5 Developmental lung disease
prevalence of HIV-PAH have reported rates of HIV-PAH as
4. Chronic thromboembolic PH high as 2.6% to 14%.15-18 However, echocardiographic esti-
4.1 Chronic thromboembolic PH mates of PAP are known to be inaccurate when compared
4.2 Other pulmonary artery obstructions with RHC-measured PAP, so it is possible that echocardio-
5. PH with unclear or multifactorial mechanisms graphic studies overestimate the prevalence of HIV-PAH. For
5.1 Hematologic disorders
5.2 Systemic disorders and metabolic disorders example, in the French study described,14 of 18 patients with
5.3 Others elevated PAP on the echocardiogram, PAH was confirmed
5.4 Complex congenital heart disease during RHC in only 5 (28%). However, it is also possible that
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PAH, pulmonary arterial hyper- differences in prevalence in the studies described next are
tension; PH, pulmonary hypertension. related to differences in population studies, genetic suscepti-
bilities, use of stimulants, or mode of HIV transmission.
A study of 196 HIV-infected patients in San Francisco
undergoing evaluation for possible HIV-PAH undergo a found a pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) > 30 mm
complete diagnostic evaluation to identify all causes of Hg in 35.2% of patients compared with 7.7% of controls.
elevated PAP and that the hemodynamic profile of the patient After adjustment for injection drug use, stimulant use,
be considered in this context to determine the correct diag- smoking, age, and gender, HIV-infected patients had a 7.0-
nosis and the appropriate course of treatment.11 fold greater odds of having a PASP > 30 mm Hg (P <
0.001).19 Another echocardiography study of 656 patients
with HIV from Rhode Island, Colorado, Minnesota, and
Epidemiology Missouri showed that 23% had PASP > 30 mm Hg. How-
The generally accepted prevalence of HIV-PAH is 0.5% of ever, there was also a high rate of left heart abnormalities
HIV-infected individuals. The initial prevalence estimate of including systolic and diastolic dysfunction and left atrial
0.5% came from a large Swiss cohort of 1200 untreated patients enlargement, all of which suggest a diagnosis of group 2 PH
with HIV who were evaluated with transthoracic echocardi- from left heart disease might be contributing to elevated PASP
ography for unexplained respiratory symptoms.12 This was a in this cohort.20 Two cohort studies of HIV-infected patients
hypothesis-generative prospective cohort study of consecutive in Spain reported a echocardiographically estimated PASP >
patients with HIV infection who presented with respiratory 35 mm Hg in 9.9%16 and 9.8%15 of subjects. A retrospective
symptoms over a 9-month period. Of the 74 patients with study in patients attending an HIV clinic at the National
respiratory symptoms, echocardiography was performed in 12 Institutes of Health Clinical Center found that 9.3% patients
patients, and 6 were found to have right ventricular systolic had TRV 2.5 m/s or higher (PASP 30 mm Hg) and 0.4% had
pressure of between 49 and 64 mm Hg plus right atrial pressure, a TRV of at least 3 m/s (PASP 41 mm Hg).2 It has been
as well as other echocardiography findings of right heart failure. hypothesized that HIV-PAH may be particularly important in
RHC was not performed in this cohort. Despite the significant Africa, where there may be a growing population of HIV
limitations of this study design, the estimated 0.5% prevalence infection at risk for cardiovascular complications of HIV. A
of HIV-PAH was remarkably high in comparison with the meta-analysis of 3 studies performed in South Africa,
prevalence of PAH in the general population, which has been Tanzania, and Cameroon found a prevalence of
estimated to be 5 to 25 cases per million.13 echocardiography-estimated PASP > 35 mm Hg of 14%
The 0.5% prevalence estimate was later confirmed in a (95% confidence interval, 6-23) in a pooled sample of 664
prospective study of 7648 patients with HIV in France.14 In individuals.18
290 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 35 2019
Figure 1. Pathologic appearance of a normal pulmonary arteriole compared with a pulmonary arteriole in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). (A)
Normal pulmonary arteriole. (B) Pulmonary arteriole from a patient with PAH demonstrating vascular endothelial cell proliferation and smooth
muscle cell hypertrophy and a plexiform lesion. Reproduced from Barnett and De Marco10 with permission from Elsevier.
associated with PAH in 2 different HIV cohorts.33 Further, a ART.48 Eight biomarkers were evaluated in a cluster analysis
recent analysis of SHIV Nef-infected macaques showed of 332 HIV-infected patients, which showed that serum
findings that included cardiac hypertrophy, increased inter- biomarkers can be used to classify patients with HIV into
leukin (IL)-2 and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating separate clusters that can predict structural and functional
factor, and inhibition of bone morphogenic protein receptor-2 abnormalities and mortality.49
(BMPR2).34 A role for other viruses in the pathogenesis of HIV-PAH
Bone morphogenic proteins signal through BMPR2 to has been hypothesized. Evidence of human herpesvirus 8
regulate cellular differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. plexiform lesions of patients with PAH initially suggested a
Mutations leading to loss of function or reduction in BMPR2 possible role for human herpesvirus 8 in the pathogenesis of
expression are known to cause PAH.35 HIV viral proteins alter PAH;50 however, this finding was not recapitulated in other
the BMPR signalling pathway leading to PAH. Transactivator populations.51 Upregulation of human endogenous retrovirus
of transcription (Tat) is an HIV viral protein that has been K could induce and perpetuate chronic immune dysfunction
shown to repress transcription of BMPR2 in macrophages and endothelial dysfunction, leading to adverse remodelling
with downstream decreased phosphorylation of receptor- related to PAH, and HIV could be a potential activator of
associated SMAD causing overall repression of BMPR2- human endogenous retroviruses.52
SMAD signalling cascade.36 Tat is also implicated in
significantly increasing levels of the proinflammatory cyto-
kine, IL-6, which causes deleterious smooth muscle prolifer- Clinical Presentation
ation and adverse remodelling of the pulmonary vascular HIV-PAH presentation is clinically indistinguishable from
architecture. idiopathic PAH and presents with nonspecific and often
Injection drug use has been implicated in the pathogenesis insidious symptoms. As a result, diagnosis is often delayed
of HIV-PAH.37 Rhesus macaques infected with SIV that were because these nonspecific symptoms are often attributed to
concurrently treated with intramuscular morphine developed HIV infection or other common complications of HIV
adverse vascular remodelling, including plexiform lesions that infection. The time from symptoms onset to diagnosis in
typify PAH. Control animals that received morphine or were HIV-PAH is only approximately 6 months, which is shorter
infected with SIV did not demonstrate pathologic endothelial than 2.5 years in patients with idiopathic PAH53 and could be
proliferation or vascular obliteration.38 related to closer follow-up or more rapid clinical deterioration
Cocaine synergizes with HIV-Tat to promote proliferation and symptom development in HIV-PAH.54 However, a
of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells.39 The BMPR2 axis recent study of patients with HIV discharged from hospitals in
appears to be the target of stimulant drugs as significant the United States between 2001 and 2010 found that the
downregulation of BMPR expression has also been shown in reported prevalence of HIV-PAH in hospitalized HIV-
the lung tissue of HIV-infected injection drug users compared infected patients was 0.04% to 0.015%, much lower than
with HIV-infected non-drug users or uninfected intravenous the expected prevalence of 0.5%.55 This may indicate that the
drug users.40 diagnosis of HIV-PAH is being missed and reinforces the
HIV infection induces a state of chronic inflammation importance of careful history taking to identify patients with
characterized by persistent immune activation and dysregu- dyspnea or exercise intolerance that is unexplained, as well as
lation,41 which likely indirectly induces release of proin- appropriate follow-up evaluation.
flammatory cytokines and growth factors that could produce A meta-analysis of published cases of HIV-PAH performed
PAH.42 Chronic inflammation persists even with effectively in 2000 found that the most common presenting symptom in
treated HIV infection and is independently associated with HIV-PAH was progressive shortness of breath (85%) followed
increased cardiovascular risk.43 Asymmetric dimethyl arginine, by pedal edema (30%), nonproductive cough (19%), fatigue
a marker of nitric oxideemediated endothelial dysfunction, (13%), syncope or near syncope (12%), and chest pain (7%).
accumulates with chronic inflammation and independently Findings on examination may include signs of PH and right
predicts HIV-PAH.44,45 Various growth factors have been heart failure, including a loud P2 component of the second
implicated in the development of HIV-PAH: Hypoxia heart sound, a right sided S3 gallop, murmurs of tricuspid and
inducible factor 1 alpha appears to mediate the response to pulmonic regurgitation, increased jugular venous pressure,
viral proteins gp120 and Tat,26 platelet-derived growth factor and peripheral edema.22 Abnormal findings on lung exami-
is a potent stimulus of smooth muscle cell and fibroblast nation may suggest an alternative diagnosis because lung ex-
growth and migration,46 and vascular endothelial growth amination results are usually normal in patients with PAH.
factor A induces vascular permeability and endothelial cell The chest radiograph may show supportive, but nonspecific
proliferation.47 In addition, Tat protein causes increased findings such as cardiomegaly and prominence of the pul-
endothelial cell permeability and injury via production of IL-6 monary arteries. Likewise, the electrocardiogram may show
shown to be present in lungs of patients with severe PH. right ventricular hypertrophy, right axis deviation, right atrial
Biomarkers of fibrosis (ST-2), inflammation (high-sensi- abnormality, or sinus tachycardia.
tivity C-reactive protein), thrombosis (D-dimer), apoptosis
(growth and differentiation factor [GDF]-15), and myocardial
injury (high-sensitivity troponin I and N-terminal proe Diagnosis
B-type natriuretic peptide) are elevated in patients with HIV. Until recently, it was recommended that HIV-infected
In particular, ST-2, GDF-15, high-sensitivity C-reactive patients without a clinical suspicion of PAH undergo
protein, and D-dimer appear to independently predict all- echocardiographic screening for PAH because it is not cost-
cause mortality irrespective of whether patients are on effective.56 However, this recommendation was updated
292 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 35 2019
Resng PA Pressure
Resng Cardiac Output
Figure 4. Schematic representation of changes in haemodynamic parameters over the course of PAH.
Basyal et al. 293
Pulmonary Hypertension in HIV
(clinical right heart failure, NYHA functional class IV, and ART on HIV-PAH is redundant given that ART remains
cardiac index < 2.8 L/min/m2) were associated with poor central in standalone HIV management.
survival on univariate analysis. A low cardiac index and low
CD4 count were independently related to poor survival on
multivariate analysis. A recent report from the REVEAL General measures
registry showed that survival in HIV-PAH may be better than
that of other forms of PAH. In this large U.S. registry of PAH, General principles of management of PH apply to patients
patients’ survival in HIV-PAH was 93%, 75%, and 64% with HIV-PAH. Diuretics should be used for volume overload
compared with idiopathic PAH survival of 88%, 74%, and with adjustment to maintain right-sided filling pressures as
64% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively.74 There have also been near to normal as possible. Supplemental oxygen should be
several published reports of patients with HIV-PAH who had used to correct hypoxemia because hypoxemia can exacerbate
persistently normal hemodynamics even after cessation of pulmonary vasoconstriction and worsen PH. A favourable
PAH therapy.75 response to vasoreactivity testing in patients with HIV-PAH is
rare, and calcium channel blockers should be used only in
carefully selected patients with close monitoring for worsening
Treatment symptoms and hemodynamics.79
The approach to treatment of HIV-PAH is extrapolated
from larger studies of mixed group 1 patients with PAH
because there are few studies evaluating patients with HIV- PAH-specific therapy
PAH alone.
Although patients with HIV are under-represented in
Antiretroviral treatment studies of PAH-specific therapy, a systematic review of HIV-
PAH treatment suggested a significant benefit to PAH-specific
Current guidelines recommend that all patients with HIV therapy.77 In fact, normalization of hemodynamics with
should be offered ART regardless of their CD4 cell count or PAH-specific therapy, which is rare in PAH from other cau-
viral load.76 Therefore, all patients with HIV-PAH should be ses, has been reported.80 The approach to using PAH-specific
treated with ART. Whether or not ART confers any hemo- therapies in HIV-PAH is largely extrapolated from studies of
dynamic or outcomes benefits for those with HIV and PAH PAH-specific therapies in other causes of group 1 PAH. PAH-
remains controversial.77 specific therapies should be used in patients with HIV-PAH
In a retrospective analysis of 1042 HIV-infected patients, according to current PAH treatment guidelines.80 Because
PAH was significantly more frequent in patients treated with the prognosis of HIV-PAH is poor, aggressive early treatment
ART than in those treated only with nucleoside reverse with parenteral prostanoids as well as upfront double or triple
transcriptase analogs.78 However, this difference may be due combination therapy may be appropriate. In patients who do
to better knowledge of PAH as a complication of HIV not respond to PAH-specific therapies, lung transplantation
infection. Indeed, other retrospective studies have shown that may be considered.81 Current guidelines recommend that
antiretroviral treatment is beneficial with reduced incidence of patients with PAH be managed at or in collaboration with a
PAH in patients treated with ART.71,78 A review of 509 cases PAH expert referral center.80 This may be particularly
of HIV-PAH reported in the literature from January 1987 to important in patients with HIV-PAH given the potential for
January 2009 showed that survival rates were higher for pa- important drug interactions between ART and PAH-specific
tients treated with ART (55% vs 22%, P < 0.01), patients therapies.
treated with PAH-specific therapy (76% vs 32%), and pa-
tients treated with ART and PAH-specific therapy (69% vs
38%, P < 0.01).77
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
The effects of ART on functional and hemodynamic pa-
rameters in HIV-PAH are controversial. A retrospective Experience with phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in
analysis of 47 patients in the Swiss HIV cohort study showed HIV-PAH comes from case reports and case series that report
significant beneficial effects on the PASP and improvement in improvements in dyspnea, NYHA functional class, exercise
NYHA functional class in patients with HIV-PAH treated capacity, and mean PAP.82 Possible interactions with ART
with ART.71 Another study reported that ART improved must be kept in mind when prescribing phosphodiesterase
right ventricular systolic pressureeright atrial pressure type 5 inhibitors. The metabolism of sildenafil and tadalafil is
gradient measured by echocardiography.73 The lack of mediated by cytochrome P450 CYP 3A4 and CYP 2C9,
confirmatory diagnosis using RHC was a significant limitation which are inhibited by protease inhibitors including ritonavir.
of these studies. When RHC was used for evaluation, ART Marked increases in sildenafil levels have been observed dur-
was associated with improved exercise tolerance assessed by 6- ing co-administration with indinavir, saquinavir, and ritonavir
minute walk distance without change in hemodynamic leading to the recommendation against co-administration with
parameters.70 sildenafil. However, this finding is of uncertain clinical sig-
The best evidence for the effects of ART on HIV-PAH nificance because it has not been associated with hypotension
comes from the large prospective French cohort study of or adverse effects in pharmacokinetic studies.83 Successful co-
HIV-PAH prevalence after treatment with ART became administration of ritonavir and sildenafil in patients with
routine. The finding that the prevalence was unchanged HIV-PAH have been reported.84 Tadalafil levels are less
supports a conclusion that ART does not affect the develop- affected by ritonavir, and guidelines suggest only close
ment of HIV-PAH.14 The equipoise surrounding the effect of monitoring if tadalafil therapy is initiated.85
Basyal et al. 295
Pulmonary Hypertension in HIV
Endothelin receptor antagonists beneficial. However, screening for HIV-PAH is currently not
recommended, and treatment of patients with HIV who have
Bosentan, ambrisentan, and macitentan are endothelin
mPAP < 25 mm Hg is not recommended given the uncertain
receptor antagonists used in the management of PAH.
significance of mild elevations of PASP and uncertain benefits
Endothelin receptor antagonists improve hemodynamics and
of treatment in these patients.
exercise tolerance, and prevent worsening of PH. A prospec-
New diagnostic tools may better identify patients with
tive study of 16 patients with severely symptomatic (NYHA
HIV-PAH or those at risk of developing HIV-PAH. A single-
class III-IV) HIV-PAH showed that 16 weeks of treatment
center prospective observational study aims to use exercise
with bosentan improved clinical and hemodynamic parame-
magnetic resonance imaging in conjunction with cardiopul-
ters, including improvement in 6-minute walk distance by 91
monary testing to identify HIV-positive patients with elevated
60 m (P < 0.001), NYHA functional class by at least
PASP on echocardiography who will undergo rest and exercise
1 class in 14 patients, increase in cardiac index by 39%,
magnetic resonance imaging evaluation over 24 months to
decrease in mPAP by 21%, decrease in PVR by 43%, and
define longitudinal progression of disease.96 Novel biomarkers
improved quality of life.86 An open-label study of bosentan
also may aid in the identification of patients with HIV-PAH
with ART compared with ART alone also showed improve-
who are at risk of a poor outcome. HIV-positive patients with
ment in exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary hemodynamic
elevated levels, the biomarker ST2, N-terminal proeB-type
parameters at 24 weeks.87 These short-term improvements
natriuretic peptide, and GDF-15 were shown to have a 67%
were found to be sustained long term in a study of bosentan in
increased risk of elevated PASP on echocardiography and 3.1-
HIV-PAH that followed 59 patients over 29 months and
fold higher mortality compared with patients with HIV
showed long-term improvement in symptoms, exercise toler-
without elevations in these markers.49 Further study is needed
ance, and hemodynamic parameters.88 In addition, it showed
to determine if these approaches to diagnosis result in better
improved survival with survival rates of 93%, 86%, and 66%
outcomes for patients.
at 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively, with normalization of he-
modynamic parameters in 10 of 59 patients. In all these
studies, bosentan was observed to be safe and overall well Conclusion
tolerated in conjunction with ART with no adverse effects on HIV-PAH is an important complication of HIV that re-
control of HIV infection. sults in significant mortality and mortality. Although incom-
Large studies of ambrisentan and macitentan that resulted pletely understood, HIV proteins and chronic immune
in Food and Drug Administration approval in PAH included activation seem to play a significant role. Incorporating
only small numbers of patients with HIV.89,90 However, use advanced imaging modalities and biomarkers may help us
of bosentan has largely been supplanted by ambrisentan and promptly detect and treat cases of HIV-PAH earlier. PAH-
macitentan because of the lower frequency of liver function specific therapy remains the cornerstone of management,
test abnormalities and fewer drug interactions with ART.91 and potential for drug interactions must be kept in mind.
Further studies are needed to understand the pathogenesis of
Prostacyclin analogues HIV-PAH to find optimal targets for treatment.
Prostacyclin analogues can be administered through
various routes, including intravenous, subcutaneous, inhaled,
or oral. Use of short-term epoprostenol infusions was shown Disclosures
to reduce total PVR by 20% in a study of 19 patients with The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
HIV-PAH.72 Other smaller case series of 2 patients92 and 6
patients93 showed improvements in PAP, PVR, and cardiac References
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