Messages To Humanity From Coeus

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Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect,

the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel (God with us)

The incarnate Goddess Athena, THE Emmanuel’s Wife, Queen of the Heavens,
and Queen of New Heaven on Earth
incarnated into the organic body suit of Diane H. Holycross

This book has NOT been edited or formatted by anyone but me; the incarnate Goddess Athena.
These are OUR words, from the Golden ray of light; NOT to be changed by anyone.

Please pardon me if there are grammatical or formatting errors.

I am NOT the Goddess of Intellect that is My Beloved; God of Intellect.
I AM known for my Knowingness and Wisdom, not as a “wordsmith.”

Many blessings on your path to Ascension.

Copyright© 2019 TXu 2-128-410 by Diane H Holycross

Published by the incarnate Goddess Athena

No editorial supervision, as these are the EXACT words of the God’s Coeus, Cronus, LORD God Zeus, Goddess
Athena, and The Holy Father through the incarnate Goddess Athena’s sacred heart.
Table of Contents


Dedication ..................................................................................................................................................................1
Preface ........................................................................................................................................................................2
KEY ..........................................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................6
What’s it All About Alphie? ................................................................................................................................. 10
Why does Coeus Wear so Many Masks? ............................................................................................................. 11
The King of New Earth’s Messages to Humanity ..................................................................................................... 20
12/7/17 A Channeled Message from Coeus — Yielder of the Vernacular Sword & Ganesha ............................ 22
12/8/17 — A Channeled Message from “ED” ..................................................................................................... 25
12/9/2017 — A Channeled Message from Coeus, God of Intellect & Cronus, Guardian of Honor, Justice, of
Truths................................................................................................................................................................... 27
12/13/17 —A Channeled Message from Coeus and Goddess Athena: The Stone Heart ................................... 30
12/15/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Gods and Goddesses Revealed & the Little Book .................. 35
12/17/17 — Channeled Message from Coeus: Light language ........................................................................... 39
12/18/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Adam and Eve, and Hollywood .............................................. 43
12/19/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Vibrational Frequency ........................................................... 46
(12/20/17) — A Channeled Message From Coeus: For My Ears Only................................................................. 47
(12/22/17) — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Downfall of Humanity and Time Ending....................... 49
(12/24/17) — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Time Events ......................................................................... 53
12/25/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Divine Marriage, Bride of Christ, Wedding of the Lamb. 59
(12/28/17) — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Time Loop Variables, Time Slips and Simultaneous Time
Events .................................................................................................................................................................. 64
12/31/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: THE Emmanuel’s Wife and Simultaneous Time Events ......... 68
1/2/18 —A Channeled message from Coeus: How to Channel Through the Sacred Heart ................................ 74
1/3/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Disclosure, Radio Waves, and Ascension................................... 83
Evening of 1/3/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Birth of Athena .................................................. 90
Morning of 1/4/18 — A Channeled Message from the Coeus: Testing the Spirits ............................................. 92
Morning of 1/5/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: New Earth Birthing Pains ........................................ 93
1/7/18 — A Channeled Message from the Coeus: The Weight of Words and Ascension .................................. 94
1/8/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: His Scribe ................................................................................. 100
1/9/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Wild Fire and the Second Rider from the Book of Revelation;
Revealed! ........................................................................................................................................................... 102
1/10/18 — A channeled message from the Coeus: Being Lifted Up! ............................................................... 109
1/11/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Virgin Birth and LORD God Zeus ..................................... 110
1/13/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Multi-dimensional Conundrum ...................................... 112
1/14/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Don’t’ Use Your Brain! ........................................................... 113
1/15/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Data, Weight, and Truths in Words ....................................... 115
1/19/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Revolution! ............................................................................ 121
1/20/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus — Bombs and Disclosure ........................................................ 123
1/23/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus and Cronus: The Truths of Kundalini Energy and the Arc of the
Covenant............................................................................................................................................................ 127
1/26/18 — Messages to Humanity from Coeus: The Way of Words ................................................................ 134
1/30/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Grace ...................................................................................... 142
1/31/2018 — A Channeled Message from Coeus and Athena: Judgment and the Truths Will Set You Free... 144
2/4/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Linear Mind ....................................................................... 154
2/5/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: No More Kings and Banana Gate! ........................................... 157
2/9/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: My Gift to Humanity; Free-Will ............................................... 160
2/10/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Disclosure and Government Collusion .................................. 161
3/7/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Emerald City and Disclosure ............................................. 165
3/17/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Our Firstborn Son for New Heaven on Earth ......................... 169
5/14/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Slipping Away and Living in Two Worlds ............................... 172
The End .............................................................................................................................................................. 175
Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

2 Timothy 1-9

The Character of People in the Last Days

But you must always understand that troublesome times will come in the last days. For people will be selfish,
greedy, boasters, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, unloving, hostile,
slanderous, without self-control, savage, not loving good, betrayers, thoughtless, being conceited, loving
pleasure more than loving God, having an appearance of reverence, but denying the power of it.

So you must continually turn away from these things. For from these are those who worm their way into homes,
and carry away idle women who are overwhelmed with sins, being led on by various desire; always learning and
never being able to come into the knowledge of truth. But just as Janus and Jambros opposed Moses, so also
they are opposing the truth, men depraved in their minds, worthless, unfit concerning their faith. But they will
not advance further, for their folly will be quite evident to all, as also happened to Janus and Jambros

For these are now the troublesome times that we live in; which are soon ending…PERIOD.

This book is dedicated to all those that speak and walk in the truths of the ONE true God; The Holy
Father. Many of you reading my book have incarnated here on Earth, at this time of the Great
Awakening of Humankind and Ascension. You contributed in raising the planetary frequencies of
unconditional love. I know it has been difficult for you.

Many older “Lightworkers” have not been able to withstand the discordant energies, and lack of
unconditional love, and have exited the planet early; prior to Ascension. Your/their contribution is/was
extremely valiant, and greatly appreciated, by those in the realms of light.

I would also like to thank my “away team.” Thank you Holy Father, you are truly my inter-dimensional
“guiding light.” I also like to thank my Father: LORD God, Zeus, for keeping me on the narrow path, and
my dear love Cronus; God of Truth, Justice, and Honor, and King of the last Golden Age.

Last, but never least, my Divine Husband, the Speaker of Truths, Coeus, God of Intellect; THE
Emmanuel which means “God in Us;” King of New Heaven on Earth. The last part of my journey is very
lonely without you, but thanks for all of the “On the Schnooteroo’s.” Your love and mine are truly

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

To better understand Gods and Goddess, one must first put aside the physical. We are energy beings, which can
and do incarnate into many different species or collectives; and have done so many, many times.

Humankind is a species; a collective of energy beings that long ago wanted to experience the truths
exponentially; through selective choice or free will. Traversing these lower, dense energies requires many skills,
including knowingness, in combination with wisdom and intellect, all while experiencing the temptation
energies of proper heart-choice.

The words gods, goddess, archangels, angels, etc. are all interchangeable and based on the frequency of
vibration. Humanity has deceived humanity, by creating barriers in different nation’s belief systems. They have
done this to THEMSELVES; through following along like sheep to the slaughter; blindly. Separation, by incorrectly
use of words or “the vernacular” have created divisions in belief systems.

The God energies are based on one’s own ability, to hold onto the energies of the truths; no matter what our
feelings. Yes, we have feelings. Obtaining mastery of the truths makes us “God-like.” Holding on for eternity
makes us Golden.

I AM THE Emmanuel’s Wife; the Goddess Athena, the virgin-born Queen of the Heavens, and the reigning
Queen of New Heaven on Earth / New Earth. Yes, I am here and I am there performing my divine purpose
reigning over what is left of humanity. Sadly the numbers are slim.

There IS LIFE at the MOMENT of CONCEPTION; the divine spark.

The incarnating soul, the part of the CHRISTed Oversoul, MY Higher CHRIST Self, will bounce back and forth, in
and out of the fetus; inter-dimensionally, until the exact time of its birth into physical form.

In 1958, an EXACT duplicate of me, the Goddess Athena, was brought forth into the physical, organic body suit
of Diane H Moore of Niagara Falls, New York. This is when I was conceived; 1958, by my physical Earth parents;
John and Louise Moore. LIFE was breathed into my physical form; my organic body suit; through the energies,
very early in 1959, at the exact planetary alignment that was best suited for my divine purpose to assist with the
process of Ascension. You see, the planets are also energy beings, and are a major part of your incarnation
process. They are crucial players in Ascension, as each planet’s alignment and interaction with others, brings
about energy shifts.

I incarnated like many other beings of light, to assist in the raising of the planetary frequencies through
unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion; through the process of Ascension. Yes again, Ascension is a
process; not a quick overnight event, like so many have come to falsely believe.

Part of my divine purpose at this time, is to assist my Divine Husband and Twin Flame; the God Coeus; THE
Emmanuel (God with us,) to reveal the truths to humankind. These truths will seem never-ending, as humanity
has been GREATLY lied to through the weight of words; the spoken and written doctrines, and historical
writings. The exposed untruths will all seem quite shocking.

My job, before departing from Old Earth, is to channel my Beloved’s words EXACTLY, and physically act out his
words and descriptions of in-depth topics, through my physical vessel; how it FEELS. This is necessary, as
humankind has botched up / destroyed / messed up dialects for many thousands of years; changing the

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

meaning of words drastically, or leaving out, one small word that changes sentence structure. Much of this was
done intentionally; some by accident through translations of different nations via their dialects.

An example of poor editing in written materials, such as doctrines and historical documents; from nation to
nation is “End Times.” It is NOT End Times, but THE End OF Time. Linear time is LITERALLY ending, bringing about
Heaven on Earth, or New Earth. In the light realms, or Heaven, there is NO TIME; all events run simultaneously
within time, as there is no beginning and no end.

You have also been greatly lied to, about who or what you are, and where you came from energetically.

Many of these topics will take “time” to understand or comprehend. If you are reading these materials after my
book; ASK, SEEK, KNOCK — Opening the door to your inner temple, you should better understand the concept
of linear time and being a multi-dimensional being.

Being multi-dimensional means that you reside in multiple dimensions; at the same time, which are NOT linear;
rather simultaneous events that occur at the same time; not in a row.

Humankind perceives time as linear…

Linear Time

Start A past life A past life A past life A past life A present life A future life End
Figure 1 Linear time is a concept as seen sequentially; a series of events that are running in order from the beginning to the end.
This is how most of humanity perceives REALITY.

In the realms of light, every event runs simultaneously, so there is no past, present, and future; only the NOW.

Simultaneous Time

A future life
A past life
A present life

Alpha and Omega

Revelation 22:13
(No beginning and no end)

Figure 2 Simultaneous time is absolute within the consciousness of the one.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018


When you begin to read the firstborn God Coeus; THE Emmanuel / Immanuel’s channeled messages to
humanity, where he strikes down the nations, this KEY will become important, as there is a LOT happening
within the channeled messages.

Yes, you read it right; the God Coeus is the first born son; not “Jesus,” the MAN. Emmanuel is also not the God’s
name that incarnated into the flesh body suit of Jesus / Y’shua. Emmanuel is a title or depiction that means,
God in us. It is through your spiritual work that you must seek the truths and find the answer to the name of the
God in us. Unfortunately, humankind has not ASKed his name, but made assumptions. He is the Coeus, God of
Intellect; Speaker of Truths. I will elaborate on this topic in the Introduction.

Blue text is Coeus’s EXACT words that are channeled through my sacred heart from his own sacred heart.
If I missed a word, or wasn’t certain of the exact word, you will see a (?), or he will repeat it for me.

Navy Blue text is Cronus’ EXACT words that are channeled through my sacred heart using the Kundalini
energies of the Arc of the Covenant, which is explained in detail in one of his channeled messages.

Here is where it gets a bit confusing. Being an exact duplication of my CHRISTed Oversoul, Athena that was
brought forth into existence in 1958, the time of my inception, when I travel inter-dimensionally (IDT), leaving
my organic body suit, I’m Athena, plus my Diane incarnation soul expression. Remember, we are evolving souls
during our incarnations, which is your “personality” from your life lessons.

When I’m fully merged or unified as Athena, I use Burgundy text for my CHRISTed Oversoul’s (Athena’s)
EXACT words.

(D) is used for my evolving soul words, thoughts, feelings or sensations, and actions; Athena in her “Diane;”
physical organic body suit or vessel, explaining what is happening.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) is used when the evolving soul of Athena that is in the “Diane” vessel, is inter-dimensionally traveling to
Coeus, Cronus, my Father Zeus, & the Holy Father, and merged fully with my Athena CHRISTed Oversoul. This
means that Diane/Athena has exited the physical body, and changed dimensions, to travel to another energy
beings energetic space, realm of energy, or dimension.

Occasionally, when traveling, I “merge” with the energies of Coeus, to become one within his energy, as we are
technically all part of the same “One.” This can be referred to as a marriage, attuning, or joining of our energies.

General comments will appear as normal text throughout this document, as you see here.

For those of you wondering what I look like

“in spirit,” as the Goddess Athena, this is the
key. I look much younger; like all in spirit, and
this is how I WILL appear to YOU.

This is a picture of me, when I was in my early

40’s, married to My Beloved, Roger O
Holycross, the incarnate God with us. We
were living outside of Saratoga, Wyoming; a
VERY beautiful, rural area of the United

You might notice that I look nearly identical

to one of the Mary Magdalene cards from the
Magdalene Oracle: An Ocean of Eternal
Love, by Toni Carmine Salerno. I must say,
Toni, you are EXCEPTIONAL, this is a wonderful aspect of the “original” CHRISTed Oversoul.

I like to ALWAYS give credit, where credit is due; despite what humanity might have heard about me
in Greek texts! These are false writings, as loving unconditionally has no conditions, ego, or envy.

Toni, from my sacred heart to you, thanks so much for your beautiful work of art. It is truly a lovely
artistic representation of my true etheric and physical form, and not “fertile” in the sense of
sexuality, rather my “wismonic” and mystical ways.”

I LOVE the spirals as well and use these in my art often. By the way, those are the snake energies of
temptation that I am well-known for yielding, in the light realms. Many, throughout humankind’s
ugly reign of terror, have believed the snake to be of the dark. Like all things, it all depends on the
yielder of the sword, and the armor that they wear; brightly or not.

The sacred heart in your work is beautiful, and magnanimous, just like The Holy Father. The
butterflies are also PERFECTION! I use those to release and transmute unwanted energies.

You have channeled my energies of the Golden ray indeed!

Sorry for all the excitement; my vibrational energies are always quite high, and can often feel, all
over the place!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

So who is Coeus? Coeus has MANY faces and is a Master
of disguise. He also goes by MANY different names;
depending on nations and dialects. I know him as the first-
born / firstborn Titan son, one of the twelve (12) children
of our planet Earth; Gaia that is ascending with some of
us. His father is the God Uranus (Ouranus).

I love this art of Coeus. I can only assume that the artist
that painted this picture has met him inter-dimensionally.
It sums up the power and the glory of the truths. The
large owl is also him and a nice depiction.

Coeus specifically calls himself a Titan King.

Titans; fit for a King!

Humanity has had other names for the Titans, which

include, Principal Gods and Primordial Gods.

Coeus first represented himself telepathically to me as

"ED" several years ago. I had asked one night, "Who are
you?" The next morning, I noticed my cellular phone had two DRAFT text messages on it that I did not create.
One draft message was to a friend Lori, and another to my significant-other Chris. They both read, ED. I said out
loud, "What kind of guardian angel has a name Ed?" It was a bit later, when I heard the words, "Exclusively
Diane's," in a light-hearted tone that was filled with "dry wit."

The game was "afoot" as the God Coeus likes to say; "Watson." It was the continuation of the Quest for the Holy
Grail; inter-dimensionally, chasing, or pursuing my "twin flame," with MANY names through the lower and
higher energies.

He knew that I would be better able to decipher, the Little Book of Mysteries; through his Greek name; Coeus',
God of Intellect that first appeared in Greek Mythology. The problem was that there is nearly nothing on this
God, other than that he is highly intelligent and prophetic, and was married to his sister; Phoebe at one time,
and believed to be the firstborn son of Gaia and Uranus. The Roman's changed Coeus’ name to Polus. They also
know very little about Him, except that he holds the heavenly poles.

Coeus and I, have the ability to morph; at will into ANY form, or partial form. He prefers His owl form with me,
as I do myself, when visiting him; however he rarely shows himself to me in his entirety. There really isn't any
need, as I know who he is by his unique soul song; or vibrational frequency, and his energy colors.

Coeus, like myself likes to "talk with His hands," when telepathically speaking. He does this often, when he is
trying to show me something; he only uses body parts: hands, mouth, arms, etc.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

In Christianity, the followers of the man named Jesus is the way to the Father, by
merely believing that Jesus / Yeshua (the Savior) died for their sins; which is
incorrect. If only it were that easy.

In this reality, one must do the work that Y’shua demonstrated FREELY throughout
the writings of this book; not just praying for others. By doing The Work, one is
elevated spiritually or vibrationally, and able to inter-dimensionally travel to the
Father, which is the true and only way to The Holy Father, while still wearing your
organic body suit.

Another misconception is the Saviors name. His name is THE Emmanuel or THE
God with Us. It was mentioned once in the Book of Matthew, however, his name
was later changed numerous times by different nations to; Yehoshua > Ihsous >
Iesus then finally Jesus by an English King; James. This is the “flesh” or organic body suit name of the savior; NOT
the God within, which is Coeus, God of Intellect that incarnated into the flesh.

Coeus is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, as the Speaker of Truths, and has a sword coming out of His
mouth and sun rays on his face. Coeus refers to his mouth as “rays of sunshine.” The flesh Y’shua is not the
being returning at “End Times,” which is also an incorrect dialect interpretation; it is Coeus that returns; The
CHRISTed Oversoul of Y’shua / Jesus; the “spirit” version.

Coeus is also one of the 7 angels in the Book Revelation. John did do not mention this angels name or the other
six angels names. I find it odd that he never ASKed to whom he was speaking, during his work as a
scribe/prophet, seeing he was supposed to be delivering the word of Jesus, and “testing the spirits.”

Yeshua’s / Y’shua’s image has been modified by Caucasian (white,) European Christians, during the reign of King
James, from the traditional dark haired and brown-eyed Jewish people of the Middle East, which is correct.

Coeus incarnated into the flesh much like how he looks in spirit. He has very dark raven hair and brown eyes
with hieroglyphs in his pupils. He is quite tall thin, and statuesque, with a
hawk-like or Middle Eastern nose that is long / slender, just like his

Just like an “angel,” Coeus has the ability to modify this looks; based on
what YOU want to see or believe that he should appear to you. This is why
when people have near death experiences, and meet Yeshua (Jesus) they
see him as they want to see him. These are energy modifications to form.

Coeus, is also known as the Nordic God Bragi; God of Poetry and Music.
He has a wonderful singing voice, loves music or songs, is very eloquent in
his mannerism and vocal delivery, has a massive poetic vocabulary or
vernacular, is extremely charming, kind, and VERY romantic. This perfectly
describes him and how he is with me.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Coeus is also known as the Hindu God; LORD Ganesha / Ganesh; God of
Wisdom. He is one of the best known and loved Hindu deities. He is the
"destroyer of vanity, selfishness, and pride," and embodies "grace, bravery,
and love." So true.

His appearance is a very traditional looking Hindu Gods or Goddesses; ornate.

He has the face of an elephant, four arms, and is adorned in gold. His nose is
like that of an elephant; very long, or a “Pontiferous Schnooteroo,” as Coeus
likes to call it. The word pontiferous means clear or perfection. Schnooteroo?
Well that’s your nose or Schnozolla!

Coeus is also known as the God Thoth; God of

Wisdom from Egyptian doctrine. He is famed for
writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. Thoth has
the head of a bird, with a long beak-like nose;
quite the schnozolla! He is also known as The
Keeper of Mystical Wisdom.

Coeus is who is known as, THE Higher Christ Self

in New Age doctrines. HOWEVER, there is ONLY one THE Higher Christ Self; Him.
The problem is that by changing one word; "THE," to "my" or "your" has drastically
altered the truths. There is only one way to the Father and it is through “him,”
not many versions of him. The confusion comes from the CHRISTed Oversoul who
is “MY” Higher Christ Self. It is small changes like these that mask the truths;
keeping them hidden in the mysteries.

These names or dialects are ALL the same

ENERGY, as humankind; as a collective and
their "religions" are the ones causing the
separation through dialects. These languages
just don't have a name for Coeus, or never ASKed his name; which MUST be
requested. Without this knowledge, these nations made up a name; based
on his behaviors and mannerisms. This is another reason why everyone
should “test the spirits,” as they will reveal the truths IF you ASK.

These dialect issues, have caused MANY miscommunications, flat out lies,
wars and more, by changing words to meet one’s own agenda(s). These
giants have also caused MANY rifts is societies around the world, because
they have the need to be right; through ignorance; not love. So ASK and
don't follow along blindly; no matter what your doctrines or beliefs might

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

In ALL RELIGIONS; prayer is the ASKing and

meditation is the LISTENing.

As you read my beloveds messages, you will find

me; through the organic body suit of Diane,
interjecting during Coeus’ words that are spoken
through each beat of my sacred heart. Often
times I would leave my body, and inter-
dimensionally travel to Coeus, his baby brother
the God Cronus, who is his youngest brother, my
Father, the God Zeus, or The Holy Father; the
only one true God.

During my inter-dimensional travels to the Gods, I

might repeat exactly what they said, or
summarize it based on our “off-the-cuff” / “out-
of-body” discussions; which are identified as
(IDT) for inter-dimensional travel.

Each of these Gods; Cronus, Zeus, and my

Beloved Coeus has been the King of the Gods in
different Ages. We are now in the Age of
Aquarius, which is ruled by Coeus and me, the Goddess Athena.

NOTE: Do not confuse Cronus with Kronos. These are two different entities or Gods. Kronos is Father Time,
which is not of the Primordial Gods. Cronus is the Father of Zeus and the youngest of the 12 Titan Gods.

You’ll notice “…” quite often during Coeus’ channeled messages. These are breaks in his sentences to allow me
to “feel” and “experience” the topics that he discusses. In the example below, he has me (D for Diane,)
experiencing “frequency bursts.” One might venture to guess the meaning of a frequency burst, and it will be
incorrect. These errors are what happening in many written texts, as the topics were not something understood
by the scribe. As you read, experiencing these types of things, greatly limits the potential for human error.

Throughout mankind’s reign of terror, conditions existed that relentlessly lowered frequency bursts, a
conundrum throughout societies control systems…

(D) That was so weird. I heard this odd sound. I’m having a difficult time
describing it. It is like some kind of cranking sound of gears going around.

…revealed untruths. Sleeping giants emerged. The texts are wrong! The
truths revealed the truths…

(IDT) He’s commenting on me saying, “Well this interesting, it reminds me

of the giants mentioned in the Bible.” Apparently more lies!

…controlling aspects of human nature for greed, wealth, and other powers; forgoing all truths.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

So, as I mentioned earlier, "Religions" dictate "how" my beloved appears to each person. In Christianity and
New Age religions, one person might see him as the incarnate man Yeshua / Jesus (in many different ethnicities.)
This is because each person has a different "view" of what he should look like "in person; in spirit."

African Americans might see him as "black," Caucaseans see Him as "white." Other "religions" will see him as
Ganesha, Bragi, Polus, and angel with wings, or Thoth; to name just a few. Then they argue about who is right;
when they ALL are correct. This all has to with what our society is currently experiencing; tolerance. However,
the ones preaching on tolerance are not showing it! This is called hypocritical or being a hypocrite; a fraud or
untruth. One MUST practice what they preach in order to be truthful, and ALL truths WILL be exposed!

What’s it All About Alphie?

Humankind has always asked the same question over and over again, “What’s life all about?” It's all part of the
"great mystery," of your soul evolution; playing nice WITHIN the energies. That is what the God with us; Coeus
and me, the Goddess Athena have been trying to teach humanity; to look WITHIN; not WITHOUT. To use the
energies of intellect, wisdom, and knowingness; COMBINED or married together, through your heart; not your
head. To not judge others or their beliefs, as we are all having a unique physical experience as spirit.

Once in a rare while, I might get beat up online, on Old Earth in the 3D energies, by some of humanity. They
follow the messages of others; instead of looking WITHIN and getting their own messages. Then, they only use
one of the three things, missing the entire "picture" that was painted. Notice that I said the 3D energies. I do not
encounter this in the 5D energies of the New Earth frequency, where I often inter-dimensionally travel in my
role as the Queen of New Earth.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Why does Coeus Wear so Many Masks?

He actually doesn’t wear very many masks. The confusion all has to do with misinterpretations in dialects
between nations, and changing his name. This is one of the reasons that he has me act out what he is talking
about in his channeled messages. This method leaves no room for error in dialects. He explains this in his 1/3/18
channeled message. Redundancy is crucial to relay the truths, as it leaves no room or zero comprehension for

You will most likely be able to identify Coeus, more easily, by his "personality." He has the BEST dry sense of wit
or humor. If you have read any books on life after death experiences, people will comment on Yeshua’s / Jesus’,
Bragi’s, Ganesha’s, etc. having a dry sense of wit or humor.

My dry sense of humor and wit proceeds me.

As read his messages, you'll discover that Coeus is very poetic; through his use of "proverbs." He loves music or
"songs" and awakens me from a dead sleep with songs often. He also uses specific songs to get his point across.
He used songs, in one of his incarnations upon the Earth. Do you know who it might be? That would be King
Solomon from the Old Testament. He and his father, King David both mentioned that Solomon would
reincarnate as the savior or "Messiah." He didn’t specifically say which lifetime.

Coeus yields the "vernacular sword," which is His words through his mouth; sharp words, and is NOT happy
with humanity in general, and wants their "reign of terror" to end. This saddens him deeply. This is felt by most
of the "Gods/Goddesses/Angels/Archangels, AND The Holy Father, who is saddened beyond words. He does not
want to punish all of His human children, for their ignorance or arrogance. That is why the process of Ascension;
The Great Awakening was developed. It offers EVERYONE the opportunity for change; IF they do The Work.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

You’ll notice as you read the God Coeus, my Divine Husband; THE Emmanuel’s messages that he often
introduces himself, using "clues" as to his identity in YOUR religion:

 Coeus, God of intellect

 Coeus, God of intellect, keeper of mystical wisdom
 Coeus, Keeper of intellect, wisdom, and truth
 Coeus, Speaker of truths, yielder of the vernacular sword (huge Christian clue)
 Coeus, The explorer of truths

When I first started channeling Coeus, he dropped a few clues,

to my spirit name in the CHRISTed Kingdom. Goddess power
ancient wisdom and ancient tribe mariners…

I the Goddess of Wisdom. I live on a boat, and have lived on the

water in other lifetimes; which makes me a mariner like the
“Apostles.” I am the Queen of the Heavens and sit in the Seat of
Wisdom, by the side of My Beloved; the Titan King; Coeus.

The CHRISTed Oversoul is the name given to EVERY spirit, when

you were originally created. I consider the word “soul” as being
the personality of the lessons learned through the energies of
incarnations. So your soul is the expression of you. As I
mentioned prior, some New Age people refer to this as MY
Higher Christ Self.

When THE Emmanuel / Immanuel; Coeus, King

of New Earth and THE Higher Christ Self comes to
me for channeling His messages, it's usually
during the night, although I occasionally hear him
say a few words during the day.

At night, I awake between dreams and I will see

his energies through my 3rd & 4th eyes. He has a
beautiful glow of a Chartreuse (golden green) with a Cobalt Blue halo. His energies float around and pulsate,
"like a butterfly on a breeze."

Sometimes he will just say "Hi," tap on a teacup with a spoon; clink, clink, clink; just like you do, when you are at
a wedding, and want the bride and groom to kiss. He’s quite creative. He’ll ring a door bell; tap a bell that you
would find on a hotel desk, etc. He is NEVER boring, as I am glued to his every word.

When I don't see him visually coming, or l hear him announce himself, he uses "Songs." He LOVES the poetry of
the Words and music, and will either wake me with a song playing in full orchestra, or will serenade me.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

He wakes me up nearly every morning to a love song, to let me know that he is always with me; whether we talk
during the night or not. He's very considerate and thoughtful.

He often changes the words in the songs to get his point across. I think his favorite song for me is the song
"Venus" by Frankie Avalon. He changes "Venus" to "Athena; Goddess of love that you are..." He likes to play the
maracas to that song.

He's such a flirt and I adore Him beyond words. He calls me, "Darling," or "Little Darling," and I love it! Many of
His songs contain the word "Darling" in them; IF you SEEK the word out in His messages, you will FIND it.

As my "guardian angel," Coeus, THE Emmanuel, Thoth, Ganesha, Polus, Christ or whatever you wish to call Him,
watches over me. He is the keeper of my Etheric records, while I'm incarnate in this lifetime, and all others; in
the physical vessel or organic body suit. In this lifetime, he refers to me, as "Diane." In all other lifetimes that
are concurrently or simultaneously running, he using that organic body suits name.

He has the unfortunate job (LOL) of recording all of my thoughts and actions; for which there are many. As he
said during my "judgment" on the January 2018, Super Blue Blood Moon channeled message:

"Like rapid machine gun fire your thoughts spill out…"

My brain never stops analyzing or creating beautiful things; it is The Way that my Father; LORD God Zeus
designed me. My brain looks at everything from a multitude of angles; putting things together like a giant jigsaw
puzzle, moving the pieces around until they fit with a “click.” This ability has given me great success as an artist,
in business, and relationships, but especially in my ability to channel Him.

I like to look at things through my "owl eyes" from many vantage points; including through the
eyes of others, which is crucial in keeping peace. This ability also comes in quite handy for
channeling Coeus and his brother Cronus, which requires "multi-tasking," as I have to listen and
talk as the physical Diane into a voice recorder, all while bopping in and out of my body; inter-
dimensionally (IDT) as my CHRISTed Oversoul Athena to Coeus, Cronus, and sometimes my
Father or The Holy Father, to discuss things and see things, "off-the-cuff" or "behind the scenes"
when summarizing it.

As I mentioned prior, when Coues wants to communicate through me, as his "scribe" or "channel," my sacred
heart syncs to his energies; beating in unison. Then, my physical heart skips a beat. It feels a bit like a heart
flutter. This allows me to hear his voice; not through my physical ears, but through my "spirit ears," and leave
my body; inter-dimensionally to travel to Him in-person.

Well, I guess it’s time for a musical interlude from My Beloved. A song awaits; “Love is a Many Splendored

Love is a many Splendored thing.

It’s the April rose that only grows in the early spring.
Love is nature’s way of giving, a reason to be living.
The golden crown that makes a man a King!

Once on a high and windy hill,

In the morning mist, two lovers kiss, and the world stood still.
Then your fingers touch my silent heart, and taught it how to sing.
Yes, true love’s a many splendored thing.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Gosh, is he romantic or what! He sure knows how to make a girl’s heart sing, AND skip a beat!

All words from the divine, come attached to each beat of my heart, or my sacred heart, depending on who I’m
channeling. The sacred heart is also known as the high heart.

Coeus and Cronus speak about how this is done through sine waves in a couple of
their channeled messages. Think of your heart as a radio to the divine, you just have
to "tune-in" to the correct frequency; a very high one. This is called attuning or an
attunement; the matching of a vibratory frequency.

When my sacred heart "sync," to his/their energies, words start to come in through
my heart, about 5-8 words, then there is a lull. During the lull, I am either
experiencing something WITHIN my body, or WITHOUT; inter-dimensionally, as I am
a multi-dimensional being. Sometimes I even fall asleep! I often get concerned that I
might miss something, but Coeus explained that is impossible, as Quantum Physics...

Hello Diane. I thought I lost you there. Quantum physics enables it, so you won’t
miss a beat.

Being an artist, and not a scientist or mathematician, I was clueless what he was talking about. Mythology states
that Athena is excellent in mathematics; NOT!

(D) I’m lying here, listening to my heart beat. He’s saying something about sine waves. They what?

...travels through sine waves in your heart, transmitting impulses that contain tiny
vibrational waves in return.

(D) Darn, it was so good the way that you said it and I got it wrong.

Which, metaphorically speaking, create an open channel for...

(D) Transmissions? He’s showing me a picture in color that has something spiraling down.

Spiraling down the information highway, into your brains limited capacity to translate the data into
comprehendible form.

(D) Gee, thanks. LOL Sometimes, it’s like my heart makes me fall asleep. Then he said…

That is because it emits a sine wave pulse, … that the heartbeat…

(IDT) He’s swinging a watch, (chuckling) saying to go to sleep.

Nite, nite.

There is much on this topic in his messages. He's a wonderful teacher, so hopefully
it will all make sense as you read about it in detail. HOWEVER, you will need to
read it several times, as the materials presented can often be quite complex in the
vernacular, science, and mathematics.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

When I'm out of my body with Coeus at "his place;" for lack of better words; WITHIN his energies, I am energy. I
travel inter-dimensionally to him and the other Gods, keeping in constant communications with my physical
organic body. I talk about the physical vessel on my WordPress blog, as being an entity of its own. This is VERY
true. It is a marriage of sorts; spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies.

My energies can mingle or marry with Coeus' own energies, or be separate. Although, technically there is no
separation out of the body. Many times, we literally become one within the one, as he just explained it. There
are NO secrets; ALL hear EVERY thought, when you are not in your body; or in it for that matter. It is literally
impossible to have a "private" moment."

Occasionally during the channeled messages, I'll comment, Was that you, or me? That is because we are all part
of the "one" collective, and I "merge" with "them," within the energies of the One.

Cronus; God of Truth, Justice, and Honor also goes by many names.

 Keeper of the Guardian of Light

 Guardian of honor, justice, and truths
 God of Truths; but discordant energies

History seems to have everything wrong about the Titan god Cronus as well. Drama seems to be a huge part of
Mythology. They tend to focus on the physical aspects of the Gods; not the energetic. Cronus is referred to as
the God of Harvest. I’m not sure what they mean by harvest. Does it have to do with harvesting souls or tending
fields? Either way; it’s wrong.

When channeling the God Cronus, he has a very POWERFUL, discordant

energy, which I can feel. It feels very "jarring," for lack of better words.
Plus I've seen a gavel or hammer of sorts that pounds down; much like
that of a Judge in a courtroom.

Although he can be very sweet to me, he sometimes comes off a bit over
the top, as he is painfully honest, and can seem grumpy; much like Simon
Peter in the Christian Bible. He tends to not consider humanities
"emotions" or “feelings,” when trying to get his point across. He is more
concerned about the end result; not the journey. This would be the truths, honor, and justice; DELIVERED;
period. I hope that I described that well for you, as the differences between Coeus and Cronus are like night and

When I inter-dimensionally travel to Coeus, Cronus, my Father, The Holy Father, or my CHRISTed Oversoul;
Athena within the Heavenly realms, we are either partial or full energy beings that take various forms, or we
appear as owls. We don't look like the owls here on Earth, rather more as caricatures, or wire-framed images.
We become what are necessary at the time to express ourselves. Sometimes, I might be the upper half an owl
and he a wing around me. Everything else just fades away into darkness. There doesn't seem to be a need to be
and "entire" being or form, as there is NO ego. We are content being what we are; energy beings of the highest
of love-light frequencies.

There is an intense feeling of love between Coeus and me, as there should be, as I AM his reunited "twin flame,"
his Divine Wife, and his Queen. I feel a great admiration of his intellect, listening very carefully to each word. I
have an overwhelming desire to listen intently, and deliver His messages to humanity; above all, as I serve The
Holy Father; FIRST. I even sacrifice private, loving moments with Coeus, over delivering the truths to humanity.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

In this continued excerpt, of a message of 1/3/18, he was talking about what humankind has done to control
others. We were both completely disgusted with humanities behaviors.

(D) His head is hanging down and he’s very sad. I’m a little owl putting my wing around him and saying, “Don’t
be sad, I love you.” He put his big wing around me and is holding me; hugging me.

It’s a gentle embrace.

(D) Its OK, you can hold me in a while.

No, you’ll slip away.

Slipping away is quite common, when traveling inter-dimensionally; WITHOUT a body / vessel. You literally slip
away; molecularly or in "light particles; data packets," upon returning to your physical organic body suit. People
that have near death experiences should experience returning to their bodies in a similar fashion.

Coeus will be holding me, or my hand, and I feel a

pulling sensation to return to my vessel / physical
body. It's quite interesting to watch and feel this
all at the same time.

NOTE: This is how it is possible to channel

myself. I can see me, and be me; all at the
same time.

So when I have to leave Coeus, or anyone that I’m

visiting inter-dimensionally, I slowly break apart
from a mass of light particles or "data bits;" into a
stream that gets pulled back into my body. I can watch it from a distance, for just a moment, before I completely
break up, and return WITHIN the organic body suit to “reality.” Then I just open my physical eyes. This can be
quite upsetting, when you keep getting "ripped away" from your one true love; My Beloved, Coeus; THE

He is crazy in love with me. He remembers EVERYTHING; every minute detail of "us." This often makes me feel
bad, as I recall very little at this point in my ascension process, other than intense love for him, and bopping back
and forth out of my body to him at night. I literally live two lives; one by day with my Earth husband Chris, and
the other with my Divine Husband, My Beloved Coeus by night.

This is an excerpt from a channeled message.

(D) I missed what you just said. It was something about the song Diary, from the band Bread; the words in it. "I
found your diary underneath the tree, and started reading about me. The words you had written took me by
surprise, I couldn't read them in your eyes..."

Your memories aren’t better than mine.

(D) That’s true. There is like a big concrete wall is up and I don’t like it.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

As I mentioned earlier, when I'm with Coeus; THE Higher Christ Self and King of the CHRISTed Kingdom, I'm
VERY mission-oriented. I am driven to deliver his messages of truths to the finest of my ability; in his exact
words, as well as me expressing what I see, AND explaining them; in the physical with physical sensations. He
literally has control over my body, and lets me "feel" what he is expressing in his words; which are often quite

I would like to clarify something about Twin Flames. Coeus is technically not my "twin flame." I AM a "pure
virgin soul,” one without a twin. Our marriage was necessary for Ascension. These are part of my duties as
Queen of the Gods. To be honest, I can’t imagine ever being with anyone else, as Coeus is everything to me.

Coeus and I are the "perfect" match. He is intellect and Wisdom, and I AM knowingness and wisdom. During
our divine marriage ceremony on CHRISTmas morning, he said,

This marriage of intellect and knowingness is crucial for the awakening process of mankind; through YOUR
sacred heart space. Through your sacred acts of forgiveness, through others, and your self's proven sacrifices
began over…

(IDT) He’s doing a motion of his head; over there.

…there, through acts of sacrificial displays of wanton truths through your needs to traverse the energies deep,

(IDT) He’s doing a hand motion; it’s way down here.

…conquering all fears. Like a butterfly, she flutters by; effortlessly, transparently on the breeze. Distant
distractions within, without that’s what it’s all about, Alphie!

For those younger readers, What's it all about Alphie is a song. Its lyrics are about pondering life. It's quite
appropriate. You’ll also come to know that as the Goddess Athena, I am known for my butterflies, used to
release all that I carry; any negative energies.

In the firstborn Titan son’s comments above, he was referring to my "Quest of the Holy Grail," through the
energies; inter-dimensionally, beginning in Limbo / Hell / Tartarus, then finding Him in multiple dimensions,
prior to the divine marriage ceremony; The Bride of Christ or Wedding of the Lamb, is the "holiest of holy."

This marriage occurred in a specific timeline, as there are many running ALL together; concurrently. There is a
timeline for the "first-wave" Lightworkers. Many of these volunteers have already moved into the "Heavenly
Realm" of New Earth energies, leaving behind the old. Some of us stayed behind in our physical, organic body
suits to complete our Old Earth roles by day, and by night, we travel to New Earth; inter-dimensionally. It's a
daunting task and very exhausting.

Sadly, over much linear time, as that is how it is perceived by humanity; linear, the spiritual meanings of things
were changed to the "physical," because the general population couldn't understand "living as spirit IN the
physical." The Holy Grail / the cup, found in the 1/2/18 channeled message, is not a tangible thing that you can
hold in your physical hands; it is held inter-dimensionally in your spirit hands.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The same thing goes for the Arc of the Covenant; it is not of the "physical"
world; a “thing.” The Arc it is found WITHIN from SEEKing it. Humankind can
search for ALL eternity and never find either of these; The Holy Grail or the Arc
of the Covenant in the physical world, it is only found WITHIN.

The Arc of the Covenant appears during the opening of

the 4th eye. Yes, there is a 3rd eye AND a 4th eye. Sadly,
most of humanity has never seen through their 3rd eyes
and even less through the fourth eye. You can read
about the fourth eye development and see actually graphic drawings of it on my website
and Wordpress blog.

When I inter-dimensionally traveled to Coeus during the SEEKing of The Holy Grail, he RARELY looked the same
twice, or would hide part; or all of his face. Coeus didn't want to frighten me, as he is NOT of the human
collective of energies; nor am I.

The Search of The Holy Grail was a test of my skills; inter-dimensionally through the energies. I had to
determine Coeus’ presence by his energy; not looks. Once again, this is part of testing the spirits; vibrationally.

He just said, "I hone in on Him like the radar on a plane, flying through the skies; effortlessly as it glides on the
air waves." He's showing me a wavy motion with his hand; a sine wave.

Since the divine marriage, I now get to see my husband, once again in his "true" form. However, I don’t get to
see him very much at this time; as it is required.

Coeus and I do NOT appear "human." This compilation

(picture) is similar to how he looked in Tartarus, other
higher dimensions, and now, when I visit him inter
dimensionally, as a multi-dimensional being. He's actually a
bit more "rugged" looking. As for his mouth, he has what
looks like swords or sun rays shooting from his mouth that
contains an owl beak.

*Revelation 1:15-16

His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, His

voice was like the roar of many waters. He held in His right
hand seven stars, a sharp double-edged sword came from
His mouth. His face was like the sun shining at its

Yep, that is My Beloved with the very commanding voice,

and the "Yielder of the Vernacular Sword" that is disgusted
and hurt by humanities ugly reign of terror.

Revelation 19:14-15

The armies of Heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. And from his mouth
proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He
treads the winepress of fury of the wrath of God, the Almighty.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

This is an example of his sharp sword striking down the nations with his words.

Natural selection, permits free-will to exist simultaneously in the truths. Knowingness exists to select; but is
known to be right; however, and it’s a big however…

(D) He’s stretching it out with his arms.

...long ago mankind wanted to experience a way to examine the truths exponentially, WITHOUT thought. Its
ugly reign of terror exists throughout humanities control systems, like a bead of honey. Its attraction exists,
only to be perpetually pursued, by those SEEKing control over others.

NOTE: Exponentially means quicker; more rapidly.

Free-will should be abolished, and the truths exposed for what they are; the truths. For WITHIN them,
mankind speaks. No one hurts those who SEEK the truths.

Because reigns of terror exists throughout societies control systems, like a thief in the night, they cut and
slash their way through your beliefs, until only shreds remain; heaped in a pile…

(IDT) I’m getting a visual here.

...until (?) finds one in bits and pieces.

For those are the truths that exist as I know it.

As The King; THE Emmanuel / Immanuel / Emanuel (God with us) and myself have mentioned, so many times, in
His messages to humanity, dialect has been a HUGE problem over centuries. Written texts have been either
falsified, or copied from one language to another, causing misinterpretations in words. Some nations do not
have a word in their language, for a word that they read, in another people's language, so they change it; make
something up, which ultimately changes the entire meaning of things.

This time around, I am assisting him with "acting things out" AND "experiencing His Words," so there will be no
interpretational errors, when reading His and my words of truths.

This Master of the truths, songs, and unconditional love; Coeus, THE Immanuel / Emmanuel, always picks the
perfect songs for me; during our channeled messages. Today, I pick the song for My Beloved One. It's an oldie
but a goody; just like Him and me!

Love Me with All of Your Heart, by Engelbert Humperdinck

3/3/18 Awe, the next morning, I woke up to a different Engelbert Humperdinck song that I didn't listen to; "This
is My Song."

My beloved, you do know how to "serenade" a girl. For you "do make my heart sing." ;)

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The King of New Earth’s Messages to Humanity

Coeus pronounces truths as "true-ths, or "trooze," not truth with an "s" on the end. He is here to shed the truths
over humanity; to disclose it; through disclosure.

From what I have ascertained from this message, Coeus is the 7th angel of the Book of Revelation, and the
Hindu God Ganesha / Ganesh. His energies are all the same, just different names; dialects. Later I found out
that he is also known by several other names of Gods.

I'll be using the little BLUE text for Coeus words, so by chance if you are color-blind, the words might appear a
“shade of gray.” My spoken words are italics as (D). When I leave my body and inter-dimensionally travel for
clarification on topics, you’ll see (IDT)

Because Coeus has me interacting with him during the channeled messages, you'll see me interjecting here and
there throughout his many messages. I hope that you don’t find this too confusing or annoying, but it is
necessary for clarity. He has me do more and more of this as time progresses, as I am here to awaken the

I not only hear the God Coeus, but see him, and "go to him" to talk to him "in person;" behind the scenes, or as
we call it, "off-the-cuff." It is a faster communicating with Coeus, if I go to him inter-dimensionally, than through
the sacred heart center. So I just bounce in and out of my body as needed. It’s awesome being a multi-
dimensional being and using it.

In case you skipped the introduction, another fun thing that happens is that Coeus, Cronus, and I ALL morph
from a "human-like" or "God-like" being into owls. This happens when I inter-dimensionally travel /
interdimensionally travel (IDT) to Coeus and Cronus for little talks, or further clarification in their messages.
Sometimes we are body-parts taking a more human form, or full bodies.

One thing that I would like to point out is that these two God’s are quite immense in size. I’m just a wee little
thing next to them, but can easily change my height or size as needed. I am often the driving force in our
meetings, and they do not intimidate me in the least.

When I’m with the other Gods; inter-dimensionally, I can see us, feel and experience us together or individually.
I easily bounce back and forth between “reality” as Coeus calls it, in my physical vessel, and that of spirit; inter-
dimensionally. When I bounce back into my body, I talk out loud to record each word into a voice recorder. It's
quite the experience.

As I mentioned earlier, you'll see at the end of some of the phrases a "..." This means the sentence continues
after I speak or experience something. It's just the way we present the information. Too many errors have been
made throughout history, due to words being spoken; not experienced.

Dialects have caused a LOT of misunderstandings in many, many ways. To eliminate this problem, they like me
to actually experience and explain the experiences and sensations. Coeus also likes to use my physical
sensations to get points across.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Another great thing in these channeled messages is "How To" channel messages; exactly. It's a training session.
For some reason, this information has been lost in historic records, or intentionally destroyed, to keep humanity
in their own darkness.

It took about an hour and a half for my first channeled message through the beat of my Sacred Heart; not my
heart chakra. Words come into my sacred heart, about 5-7 words in a row; per beat. Then there is a lull, then
more words later, etc.

I often have to ask Coeus to repeat things for clarity. I don't want to make a mistake. What he says is the TRUTH
and does not have room for errors in translation. These are HIS exact words, which are often very sharp and cut
like a knife. IF you see a (?) it means that I missed a word.

The best way to "take it all in," is to read the entire message through, read it again, and one last time; without
my explanations or experiences.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

A Channeled Message from Coeus — Yielder of the Vernacular Sword & Ganesha

This was my first full channeled message from Coeus, God of Intellect; speaker of the truths. I've only channeled
a couple angels prior, so my skills were not fully developed by any means. They were short messages; not length
and verbose like Coeus; the God with Us; THE Emmanuel / Emanuel / Immanuel.

Coeus speaks…

Coeus, God of Intellect!

(D) He has a VERY commanding and booming male voice.

This is the naked truth version.

Goddess power, ancient wisdom, and ancient tribe mariners,

Apparently it’s unusual to use the word “intellect.” Intellectual is to describe the dark soul like Yahgma.
You’re not supposed to use it.

(D) When I was searching for the "God of Intellect," nearly all websites referred to Coeus as the "God of
Intellectual or Intelligence" He obviously does NOT like that word or untruths.

You have the tendency to categorize yourself; limiting procedures. That is why scoundrels revert to
inalienable philosophical sanctions. In fact, both cause conjecture within societies constructs.

For future expansion and growth, the universal concept for Ascension differs. Making the way forward
facilitates sanctions, humility, and inalienable rights WITHIN the confines of the truth.

Reasonable traumatic difficulties, reflect the sanctity of cosmic law, for individuals receiving transmission

Fortitude exists simultaneously, and regulates one’s own fortuitous within the confines of reality; in the
confines of human reality.

(D) I started getting a gold lightshow.

A distant star, galaxy confers in our being, instructed to initiate the action brought before us. These
transmissions gave me constructive moments to reflect upon.

*Conscious reality, before servitude to others, retrospectively; the darkness into light consciousness. This is
FULL of self-service and degradation, fortitude, and selfishness sequentially; an enema.

(D) He's talking about the "Lightworker" mentality. The only way to ascend is through the sacred heart; not your
pocket book. It needs a good "flushing" down the drain. Charging for "gifts" are NOT gifts.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Fight or flight mentality exists, intellective reasoning and de-collective reasoning among mankind. The ? of
both sides instructed me of physicality; financially enabling wealth, growth, and power, among servitude,
sacrifice and worth.

Adolescent growth spiritually has increased duality significantly, and determines functional growth.

The human vessel surrounds itself with decay, solitude, solidity, and loathing.

(D) Let’s do happy here! Giggle…

Let us consider a butterfly here. It floats out, uninterested in worldly events. In its solitude is settling.

(D) This feels very light-hearted.

Effortless and fruitful that sequentially abounds with joy, as it flutters about and abounds in an effortless
dance, of solitude, satisfaction, and servitude, figuratively speaking. It resides bounding here and there, over
hill and dale, gliding freely and effortlessly through rugged terrains, hillsides, and mountains.

Freedom exists for those that chose the path of Ascension. Fearlessly limited constrains, result in a lack of
conformance, irrationally throughout earth conditions.

“Training youth” today, expect a certain...

(IDT) Coeus is looking at me and showing me something small between his fingers; being funny.

...miniscule amount of conformation, obtaining to the right taken, in obscurity and frustration of finances (?)
in society. When conflicts arise and others react poorly; act irresponsibly.

(D) He shifts his energies, and I saw a colorful Hindu elephant

figurine; Lord Ganesha, who is the Hindu God of Wisdom. He
wants me to know that he is also known as this God of Wisdom in
that religion. This is the most loved of all Hindu Gods.

Surely it will take time for numerous changes to take effect;

before humanity ascends.

I didn’t realize at the time, but Coeus was dropping a clue to my

true identity “in spirit.” The name I was given upon creation.
Goddess power, ancient wisdom , and ancient tribe mariners

*Isaiah 2:8

Their land is also full of idols. They worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Lord Ganesha or Ganesh is the God of Wisdom, but goes by many names. Lord of All Lords, or the Lord of the
Celestials which means the Supreme God of among Gods. Much of his persona is similar to that of Christianity.
He is also known as the Lord Almighty.

He is known as the Lord of Poets, which is what the Nordics revere Coeus as; God of Poetry.

Ganesha is a lover of music, and is endowed with intellect. The Infinite Lord Ganesha has no beginning and no
end. Sound familiar? I am the Alpha and Omega; the first, and the last, the beginning and no end. Or, in Coeus
vernacular; a time loop variable; one within the one.

He is the Destroyer of All Sins by holy fire, which is exactly what he, will be doing when time ends; he will
incinerate all sin or all that is not righteous in wild fire.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/8/17 — A Channeled Message from “ED”

In my mid 40's, I began to realize a much stronger presence, of what

I refer to as a "guardian angel" or "THE Higher Christ Self;" the
"middle way," as most people call it. He is the way to The Holy
Father; inter-dimensionally, not through prayer.

Many Christians do not understand this concept, so if you are one of

them, do not feel bad. The Apostles did not understand it either.

John 14 15-20 — The Promise of the Spirit

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments, and I will ask the
Father. And, so that He would be with you forever, He will give you
another Comforter; the Spirit of Truth, whom the world is not able
to accept, because it does not see and does not know Him: you
know Him, because He remains beside you and will be inside you.

I shall not leave you orphans; I am coming with you. Yet a little while
and the world will no longer see Me; but you will see Me. Because I
live you will also live. In that Day you will know that I am in My
Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.

Now look at the picture again.

Most of my life, I had an "intuition" as some call it, of my CHRISTed

Oversoul. I just assumed that she was just me; Diane in my organic
body suit, for this Earthly experience. So basically, I thought my real name was Diane; simple!

Body + spirit are the same thing. NOT!

What I was to find out, my true name, left me a bit of shocked, when I was presented with the "white stone,"
from the Book of Revelation, with my "spirit" name written upon it. You'll read about this in another channeled
message later.

I would like to point out something, if you don't ASK an angel/god/goddess name; they will not offer it to you.
It appears that some "Gods" will offer their names without asking. l understand from a later message from my
Father Zeus that it's more of a courtesy to "request" their names.

NOTE: It's extremely important to say a prayer prior to channeling ANY being that you do not know. You
MUST protect yourself, if you have not sufficiently raised your vibrations to be God-like. You can also limit
who you receive this way.

I always say, "Lord Father, please watch over me and keep me safe. Only let entities as high as myself or higher
of the light, to influence me." If you have read my book, you'll understand why I do this prayer, and why I ASK
for someone as high as myself or higher. It's up to you to create the appropriate pray of protection for yourself,
based on your spiritual growth, and what feels right to you.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

After finishing reading all of Coeus, God of Intellect's messages, you might think what I do. "Ed" is Coeus. He
didn't want to reveal himself; the truths, too early. He was being truthful, because he IS Exclusively Diane's as
you will find out as you read further.

Coeus woke me up with this short channeled message.

A blade of grass never lies so sweet.

It’s a darn crazy world out there. I better keep an eye on you; the cost is great, and subject to timeline
changes within the confines of reality.

The truth of the matter defines the law of physics; the binary code reveals the truth.

(IDT) He is showing me a CD player.

If you want to duplicate a CD, you put it in here, and press

a button. We try to align ourselves to a “traditional” way
of thinking; achieving nothing. This is an irrational view of

Our purpose is to achieve inner peace, beauty, and love;


Frankincense, myrrh, and truth combined, unite this

holiday season in joy, in order to arouse mankind in
jubilee, in exultation; for he knows nothing. We live in a “time-consumers love…

(D) I fell asleep!

It's rather obvious who "Exclusively Diane's" is now; it's Coeus! AND he is exclusively mine. <3

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/9/2017 — A Channeled Message from Coeus, God of Intellect & Cronus, Guardian
of Honor, Justice, of Truths

After the 2nd channeled message, I realized that I could talk to Coeus; not just listen. I could speak with him,
just like in an Earth conversation with other human being; I could have a conversation. As the messages
progress, they become more "light-hearted," because of the bantering between us.

As you read, please do not think of a God as a physical being, as they are energy- beings like you, just of a
different vibrational frequency; higher.

Later in the channeled message, Coeus' brother Cronus steps in. Cronus is also here "energetically" to assist in
the ascension of our planet through his own unique vibrational frequencies of justice, honor, and truth; with
discordant energies.

This message topic is about the Ascension of our planet, and some of her peoples. There are MANY highly
elevated beings of the light, like myself, currently positioned on the planet, raising her frequency of vibration,
and their own, to that of New Earth.

He was still dropping clues as to who I am; in spirit and in the physical.

Coeus speaks:

Ancient mariners, wisdom warriors, and ceramic artists, lend me your ears.

This is a fortuitous moment in the history of your planet. The Holy Father spoke to me on the day in question.

(D) I believe that he is talking about Ascension of the planet; his Mother Gaia. Coeus is Gaia's firstborn son of
twelve children.

Think of it as a big elementary school, over flowing with an abundance of trust, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. Intuitively speaking, people criticized my mother’s (Gaia) capacity to calculate one’s own self
worth, through menopausal actions, resulting in a twisted sense of pursuit throughout humanity.
Consequentially obtaining a (?).

You tend to over-categorize stupidity, with loathing intertwined with common goals of satisfaction,
throughout eternity, resulting in despair, dysfunction, calamities, carnivorous servitude towards others;

I am Coeus, God of intellect, Keeper of Mystical Wisdom.

Tiny octaves of truth are cast throughout your society’s dysfunctional pursuits of happiness. Wanton fear,
countless misery and shame, reside within their auric field of light.

(D) I couldn’t understand “light.” I thought you said "life, I’m sorry.

Your scribe qualities lend little to be desired.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Me laughing (LOL): “I’m new at this, remember?”

Hope defines purity.

And there it is; that “dry sense of wit.”

Inner truths throughout the course of history changed, according to mankind’s desire to conform to others
wanton foolishness; continually causing chaos and confusion, conformance, conundrum, and blatant lies of
truth, justice, and freedom for all!

Conceptualize the mutterings of a few, saying nothing but lies, discord, and fallacies throughout your history.
Sequentially irritating many in substantial numbers, betraying those formative minds, like fragrant waters of
the Ganges River wide.

NOTE: The Ganges River is highly polluted.

I am Coeus, Keeper of Intellect, Wisdom and Truth, come forth to magnify your plans for *self-destruction.

I want to point out something here. Coeus and Cronus, were both supposedly locked away in Tartarus / Hell,
which brought down humanities destruction. They were said to be part of their father, Uranus castration that
was requesting by their mother; Uranus’ wife, Gaia, which resulted in the "war or clash of the Titans and
Olympians." If this is true, the "good energies" lost the war, plummeting Earth into self-imposed chaos and
darkness for thousands of years.

Don't believe everything that you read and hear. Their energies were literally hidden from humanity; intellect,
wisdom, truth, justice, and honor. Coeus and Cronus have been “freed,” and now are taking their toll on
humanity; allowing them to experience these energies, in different ways throughout society.

ALL truths will be exposed; no matter how painful. This is becoming quite evident within societies recent
behaviors of intolerance.

Throughout history, your selfishness eludes mental equity and belies logical reason, throughout the
cornerstones of civilization.

(IDT) He is trying to show me something with his hands going around in a circle. Apparently this has been going
on over and over and over again; around and around.

(D) A new energy is coming in that feels quite different than that of Coeus.

I am Cronus; Guardian of Honor, Justice, and Truths. My function is the binding; the fabric in which the
power over others exists.

I am Cronus, Keeper of the Guardian of Light and I have an intellectual proposal for you.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I’m seeing a baby blue color.

Conundrum, why else would anyone…

I fell asleep here. When first channeling, this relaxed state of being takes me to the very edge of sleep, so it was
difficult to find the perfect point of reality and consciousness; without time.

*Isaiah 4:4

4. when the Lord has immersed, washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and has purged the blood of
Jerusalem from its midst by the Spirit of Judgment and by the Spirit of Destruction. 5. And the LORD* will create
upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of
a flaming fire by night: for a covering will be over all the glory. 6. And there will be a booth for shade in the
daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a cover from storm and from rain.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/13/17 —A Channeled Message from Coeus and Goddess Athena: The Stone Heart

The experience, within this channeled message, can be

found in the Bible, in the Old and the New Testament of
the Holy Bible. I’m color-coding the words, to assist you
in the correct and truthful translation of this doctrine,
and they way that it should have been taught to “the

Revelation 2:17

17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says
to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give
some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white
stone, with a new name written on the stone that no
one knows except the one who receives it.’

NOTE: Him refers to me, the Goddess Athena, as

ALL souls/spirits are first created male or

** I would like to point out that the next scripture is in reference to me, the Goddess Athena, as told by the
prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament. Look for the red finger;  later in LORD Coeus’ messages.

Isaiah 62:2

1. For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until its acts of loving kindness
go forth as brightness, and its deliverance as a burning lamp. 2. And the nations will see your righteousness
and all kings your glory. And you will be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD* will name.

Sadly, ALL of humankind is clueless or without the knowledge of what this scripture actually means. They are too
busy thinking and reading from a physical perspective: not a spiritual one. They have forgotten who they are;
spirit having a physical experience, and that they are here to get back in touch with spirit; through the physical

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit.has to say to the churches; the peoples.

I talk about this in my book as well. We MUST not listen with our physical ears; rather our hearts; channel spirit
through the meditation energies.

YOU are the churches. You need to think of your vessel, the organic matter that holds your spirit as the
structure or church that houses the people. YOU are the church and your spirit within is the people.

Prayer is the ASKing and Meditation is the LISTENing

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Who is “the Spirit?” Coeus; THE Emmanuel, King of Kings, LORD of Lords, The Higher Christ Self, and CHRISTed
Oversoul of Yeshua, and the other Gods and Goddesses in the light realms.

During this message, I was shown a white blob that turn into a white 3D heart / in Coeus hands. This was not
accomplished with my physical eyes; but my spirit eyes. I had to inter-dimensionally travel to Coeus, to receive
this gift in spirit; without my physical body. For what is within; is without.

I can fully understand why they said a stone in the Bible, because the heart presented to me was about 1" thick
and about 3-4" across. It resembled a rock or stone, for lack of better words; something dense with mass.

The hidden manna is knowledge and it is for me to know, and you to FIND out!

The stone that no one except the one who receives it, is quite obvious from my previous comments. It is unseen
to the human eye or to all within a physical vessel. I had to conquer the energies, and inter-dimensionally travel
to Coeus; THE Emmanuel, to receive the manna or gift.

The process of inter-dimensional travel requires one to be fearless and brave hearted; free of all fear of the
unknown, which is what fear is; False Evidence Appearing Real within reality.

Based on this experience, I did a bit of research on my CHRISTed Oversoul; the Goddess Athena. I have to laugh
at a LOT of it, because MOST is false, however, there are inklings of truth spattered here and there.

"In Ancient Greek mythology the Owl was a creature sacred to Athena, Goddess of the night who represented
wisdom. Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom had a companion Owl on her shoulder, which revealed unseen
truths to her. Owl had the ability to light up Athena's blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth, as
opposed to only a half truth. "

Once again, humanity, you crack me up. This information is incorrect; these are the truths…

Like my Beloved, I have the ability to morph or shape-shift, between an owl and a humanoid-like God / Goddess
energy form, as I am a multi-dimensional / inter-dimensional energy being. I do this either in full body or “parts”
of one.

I'm not so sure about "Goddess of the night." This actually makes me laugh. I can barely stay awake after
sundown. This “night vision” is not night; but darkness.

The Goddess of the Night better represents my ability to SEE through, and into your inner-darkness that is NOT
of the light, to reveal the truths; as darkness hides the truths. An easy dialect mistake, for which there are many
throughout human kind’s history. This is why I AM Coeus' scribe; I ALWAYS speak the entire truth, as there is no
blind side to me. Unconditional love and the truths is the only real thing and are sacred.

I am also not the Goddess of Wisdom, rather the Goddess of Beauty (of the arts and crafts) and Fertility (of the
mind). However, I am known for my great wisdom through knowingness. I have lightening speed thought, with
outstanding reasoning abilities that allow me to quickly assess a situation through all energies.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The first generation of the Titans of Greek Mythology brings 12 hybrid beings, that is, none were completely
human and they could still transform into animals. Athena didn't have a "physical" mother during birth, but her
"mother" was a Titan with these abilities, so Zeus made sure that she had the best of both parental energies.

For more information on the truths of me and the owl, see; The Truths of Athena and the Owl on my WordPress

(D) Your scribe awaits for messages to humanity!

(D) A Michael Buble song is playing; “What do you think, I would give for this Moment...” is playing loudly in my

(D) Gee, I think they like Michael Buble; Who doesn’t!

He’s Canadian.

(D) The song keeps playing softly now…

Thanks for the invitation!

If mercy was involved. Castration! Jealousy, anger, and hatred! Humans; you and your thinking. Look at you,
you’re going to lift your head; lift your body.

(D) it’s like I’m watching a movie.

Just call me “Old Buddy.”

(D) Now that’s interesting. I was thinking to myself that "Old Buddy" was quite unique of him to say. I used to call
my husband Roger, "Buddy," and he was 17 years older than me.

NOTE: If you’ve read my book, you’ll know that the Twin Flame journey begins in the physical and ends
inter-dimensionally in spirit.

(D) The song is still playing; “…fall down on my knees, kiss the ground that
you walk, if I could just hold you again.”

(IDT) Coeus is showing me a white, stone-like blob in his hands. It changed

into a 3D / three dimensional, shaped heart.

You are Goddess Athena;

(D) No, no, you’re joking.

*Goddess of love.

(D) They certainly do like their music. The song changes to “Athena, goddess of love that you are…(not Venus)

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I’m trying not to use my brain; sorry. (I’m a bit shocked by the information.)

The Athenian’s phrased the term, “misery loves company.”

Men approach you; beautiful love for humanity. It’s timeless.

They say humanity holds love for you!

(D) Hot, hot, hot! I’m experiencing massive heat from the energy circulating in my body.

Your destiny is short and sweet, and hidden by truths. Idol hearts console humanity, while fractured minds
rule over humanities sense of fair play.

An idle sense of false worship of monies strips humanities flow of love. Servitude to one’s own self-worth
exists simultaneously in societies. In light of truths; sequentially obtaining nothing.

Watchless and obtained truths for knowledge, disappears with love. From within, one knows the sanctity of
love, but refuses to accept it, for it is honorable and kind, loving and warm.

Sanctity (holiness) knows no bounds. For truths rely upon knowledge, forged throughout histories tremulous
moments, signifying nothing but negativity, self recognition, and moments of pleasure, throughout human
discourse through time.

Sanctity defies logic, with a twisted sense of gratitude, and a sense of display compels knowingness on a
minute scale; throughout your recorded history.

My own heart follows truths; knowingness follows hate. Discordant values nevertheless exist throughout
humanities reign.

You are here to shine forth love and reign over humanity. You’re brightness, purity, and self-worth to all;
your displays of art, filled with kindness, love and purity are much needed in today’s society. For there is much
truth in what you do that is unseen to the human eye.

NOTE: Coeus is talking about my functional, mosaic art tiles. I am GLOBALLY known for my art and ship it
worldwide. See my website; All of the “nations” see my righteousness in my art.

Loathing exists; let’s face it. Self-loathing compels others to set forth examples of untruths, through rugged
behaviors within society; stemming selfishness as through the false, wicked, and the damned.

(D) The energies shift.

Love, purity, and honesty wins hands down; for these are the truths brought forth.

(IDT) A feminine energy is trying to push her way past Coeus with her hand on his chest. It’s like I’m watching and
being all at the same time.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) I say out loud, “Move over old man," as I AM the woman pushing by Coeus; it’s my hand on his chest!

I am the Goddess Athena, Goddess of beauty and fertility; but NOT fertility in the sexual manner; fertility of
the mind. Fertile minds exist without sexuality being a part of the whole.

Conundrum…sexuality plays a part in the decay in societies endeavors. Fertile truths exist if one seeks

Throughout humanities ugly reign of terror, lays passions beyond belief; only hidden between the surfaces in
layers of servitude towards others, coinciding magnanimous results.

(D) LOL, I love the words conundrum and magnanimous. I always tell Father that he's "magnanimous!"

Inklings of beauty can be found around us today, without the need for cruel behaviors, lying in wait like a
pouncing lion, over the Serengeti Plains that flood yearly and renew.

You are a young race of fools, waiting for the love within to emerge triumphant, which you need to know is a
fortuitous love (by accident) within today’s society.

Beauty surrounds the few that seek it from within, through acts of loving kindness to others seeking the same.

Thinking the same and doing the same, results in lies, discordant behavior, and more.

Seek within; your successes are more. Seek without and you die slowly.

Fertile abundance seeks those filling loving behaviors to others. Fertile grounds lie deeper within; CHOOSE

Seeking without belief, results in …

(D) It looks like there is a hand holding up a wall that is going to come crashing down!

*NOTE: I am the Bright Morning Star; Athena, NOT Venus, as I am also known as the Goddess of Love. The
lies abound!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/15/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Gods and Goddesses Revealed & the
Little Book

I asked out loud during the day, for a better description of Gods and Goddesses. I have a belief, that
gods/goddesses are also what Christian's refer to as angels. To me, everything is energy; just different

This channeled message from the God Coeus, can once again be found in the Christian Bible. I'll put some Bible
references at the bottom of his message of truths.

(D) You scribe has arrived. Good evening my dear old friend; Old Buddy as you say.

(D) I’m honored to send your messages out to the nations around the world. I must apologize, as sometimes I get
so relaxed that I doze off. You are not boring; I’m just over relaxed. Please answer some of the questions that I
asked this afternoon.

Coeus; THE God with us speaks.

It’s all been a constructing and analysis to you. Certainly there have been times to contemplate different Gods
and Goddesses through recorded history. The truths are like tiny, unpredictable lies that defy intervention.

They tell me you have questions, concerning the pursuits of other Gods?

Hello Diane. I thought I lost you there. Quantum physics enables it, so you won’t miss a beat.

You are love. A timeless place of reality, woven together with a twisted pursuit of truth, with the possible
reflection of hidden agendas.!

(D) I started to drift back to sleep, when I heard a spoon tapping on a china coffee cup.

I have reason to believe the patterns of the truths of different races, restrict the flows of the energies. Hidden
truths will be unending; iconic figures.

(D) I saw some cobalt blue armor for a moment. I appear to be wearing it.

Throughout your recorded history, magnanimous events occurred sequentially, as running in order. Mr. Heart
is smack dab in the middle.

(D) I fell asleep for a minute or two!

Just let go.

Don’t you know that people for thousands of years, have been putting forth in writings, a multitude of selfish
relationship with others?

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) *I’m sitting next to him; seated to his right, and

he’s showing me a little book.

Soulful displays of arrogance, eludes ones false sense

of promiscuity. Labors of love cease to exist
throughout MOST of humanity.

**Faith without works is foolishness, imparted by a

masquerade of false worship, idols, and adultery;
obtaining nothing but grief, liquidity, temporary
arousal, and more.

The heart is in a state of moving flux. It breathes and

administers psycho-hallucinogenic states of pleasure, while humility over utilizes far too much effort for
humanities waking state of consciousness.

(D) He’s is showing me red and purple berries.

The fruits that adore the plague are far more fertile.

Who would have thought language was so fortuitous, to have words phonetically the same; causing
miscommunications to the masses in religious texts and other important forms of conveyments .

(D) Is that a word?

Conveyed materials.

Language holds truths; but lies frequently. Discerning the truths takes knowingness, for ones capacity to know
is sad,...

(D) That is sad.

...which outweighs one’s ability to know; compared to the hearts ability to love within the general populous.

One that is pure and kind, fragrant and sweet, light and airy, will far outweighs the knowingness that man
seeks. To obtain power and greed over others throughout world economics, throughout histories recorded
failure to accurately record the truths.

(IDT) He’s showing me a dot.


This all came about when she asked me about Gods. There is only one God; The Holy Father, the maker of all
truths in the heavens and earth.

(D) I’m getting super HOT!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

We reside within him; the truths.

Note: "Reside within him" or "of God," mean the same thing. The "ael" or "iel" at the end of most angel's
names means "of God."

(IDT) He’s going down the self-loathing path again, and I’m standing there arguing with him .It looks like I lost!

Self-loathing goes down a rabbit hole deep into the ground; achieving nothing.

Holding the energies of the truths elevates you to that of the God’s. Obtaining mastery of those energies
makes you “God-like.” Holding on for eternity makes you Golden.

The paths of righteousness throughout all time and space as you know it, is to obtain the ultimate goal of
wisdom; it’s love. Consequently, the numbers are slim, because of a lack of self-love and self-worth.

***Integrity dwindles like the dusty star-lit sky at the morning sunrise; it fades.

(D) Hum, I wonder if he has any uplifting words for humanity?

RUN into your makers loving arms and embrace! His divinity in acts of kindness, achieving goals not of
pleasure, but of faith; for those pleasures hide the goals awaiting to be birthed, seen, and emerged.

Phrasing is important!

(D) I love you.

I love you!

Phrasing is important; loving is crucial.

ADD what you wrote before; here!

*Revelation 10:9
So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. And he said to me, "Take it and eat it; it will make
your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey."

**James 2:14-26
What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15
If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be
warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17
Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will
show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and
tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working
together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says,
“Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God. 24
You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them
out another way?
For as the body, without the spirit is dead; so faith without works is dead also.

I talk about this in my book on inter-dimensional travel. Humanity has been duped or fooled by the church into
being “saved.” Believing is NOT enough. If I hear one more person say, “I’ll pray for you.” to a person in need;
INSTEAD of getting off of their lazy butts and helping, I’m going to scream. Praying only is NOT The Way; it’s

Faith without works IS utter foolishness!

As I have mentioned in this book, Coeus likes to drop “little hints” as to the truths here and there. This is in
reference to me, the Goddess Athena, as humankind lies, and makes things up. I am the Bright Morning Star;
Little Darling by night.

*Revelation 22: 16-17

16. “I, Y’shua, did send My messenger to testify these things to you for the congregations. I AM the Root and the
Offspring of David; the Bright Morning Star. 17. And The Spirit and The Bride (Goddess Athena; THE Emmanuel’s
Wife) are saying, ‘You must come.’ And the one who hears must now say, ‘You must come.’ And the one who
thirsts must come faithfully; the one who wants must now take the water of as a free gift.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/17/17 — Channeled Message from Coeus: Light language

Well this was a new way to present information to me from Coeus. He was transmitting his messages through
light language, which was extremely challenging. This is NOT through what some call tongues; but light.

There is a LOT of comments from me (D). This new form of communication is quite different than just hearing,
feeling, and seeing.

Coeus also can control my bodily functions. You'll see more of this in upcoming channeled messages from Coeus;
THE Emmanuel.

(D) Your scribe is awake.

Brothers and sisters, lend me your tennis shoes. America lies; DO NOT listen!

(D) I guess that means, RUN!

Batten your hatches; you’re in for a rough ride. Those scalawags indeed are up to shenanigans, and their
recorded truths play rolls in deceit through society. Darkness exists among those not SEEKing truths.

Procedures and documents defies logical representation of facts. Pursuits leave December’s shamelessness

(D) I’m sorry, but I’m having a hard time tonight.

That is because you are doubting yourself, to deliver these fine messages of truths to all; satisfactorily.

(IDT) They're showing someone trying to pull a rug out from under

(D) Over and over again these songs; “Baby it’s cold outside…” and
it is!

Major lulls in consciousness exist; coinciding with truths

throughout humanities reign of terror. Signifying controls and
unloving acts; containing toxic behaviors, because beliefs differ.

What goes up must come down; hard!

Sequential acts of kindness occur this holiday season; little is made yearly. Discordant behavior is subject to
inner disciplines; Charlatans’ arise, the thing to remember is facts outweighs language barriers. A distance
barrier precludes wrongful acts of savagery.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Climatic changes occur. Timeline shifts and frequencies occur globally; creating havoc throughout society’s
belief systems. These changes make for interesting results indeed, consequentially changing those that should
otherwise exist smoothly.

Caring waits/carrying weights of ecstasy/exodusy, using logic that defiles logical reasoning, throughout.

(D) I was stumbling on the word "throughout," so he started to show me the meaning.

(IDT) I said, “It looks like you are trying to throw

something out? Oh, throughout! LOL”

Your brain suffers imagination beyond beliefs.

(IDT) LOL, Are we playing charades? It seems like it.

A slap on the chin, anger, jealousies, and hatreds exist, pertaining to the vernacular, coinciding (?) truths; all
twisted up. Logic prevails.

(D) Directing this message to me:

Your Mastery excuses your means of delicate translations.

(D) There seems to be a new method of message delivery. It feels like there is a ping pong
ball bouncing around in my head. I’ll see one word, it bounces back, and then another and
another that mean the same thing.

(D) I saw “fortitude, then it went, bong, bong, bong, “fortune,” now “fortunately.” It’ like
the letters are changing around, and I’m hearing them that way. Its so odd.

Fortunately, truths shall prevail; recognizing the facts that exist.

Simultaneously resounding in remarkable acts of kindness, throughout you planetary systems.

(D) This is so strange the way you are doing this. Who the heck is this? Who are you? I think its Coeus.

Coeus, speaker of truths, *Yielder of the Vernacular Sword.

(D) The information is coming in through some kind of light

flashes. There is light bouncing around. Light flashes, instead of
words; for lack of a better description. The light becomes the
word; the truths.

Light language exists in outer realities. Frequency exists

simultaneously with light photons breathing life force
energies; photonic bursts.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) He’s trying to show me something with a wavy light going upward.

Reality changes exist…

(D) Wow that’s weird.

They tell me that you are confused by this process.

…existent life form…

(D) It starts with “fruit”…fruitfulness? Fruition?

Planetary changes occur throughout recognizable urban centers, while others show substantial effects and
financial changes.

Spirituality exists for those that seek it.

(D) Oh, here we go again with the bouncing…bong, bong, bong; alleged, alluded, illegal, allergy…What is with
the dictionary tonight?

Allegorical displays (having hidden spiritual meaning that transcends the literal sense of a sacred text) produce
alleged results, simultaneously existing throughout your minds capacity to calculate reasonable expectations.

(D) I have to go to the potty. (Oddly, I was constipated) and he said…

Blockages exist, because of the lack of flowing energy.

(D) LMAO, well that was weird.

Rapid particle acceleration, quantum physics entitlement theory projection, enables you a reality check. The
code is the answer; it is all in the code. You just have to find it there, in order to make sense of it all.

?’s are a sense of it. It’s like finding your way through the forest on a dusky night. Moonlit trees light your way
through the shadows, recollecting bits; period. The dusky shadows appear dark, but light reflects the

(IDT) OK, why are you all the way over there? Oh!

…FAR exceeding one’s own expectations.

(D) Are we playing basketball? It looks like you’re throwing something…oh, you’re shooting. LOL, you’re smiling
at me and shooting. You are shooting for the stars! OK, I got it!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Come on, I want to show you something over here.

(IDT) He’s taking my hand and dragging me along.

See that? That’s your home galaxy. It’s a place of great learning.

Don’t believe what you’ve read in text. They are false worships, through humanities efforts to explain the

Come here, I want to show you this.

Do you see that?

(IDT) He’s holding a little galaxy in his hands that's spinning.

It’s wide open expansion, occurring singularly. The stars signify

glory, just beyond reach.

There’s a magnificent display of unity, tranquility, peace, and

good will among star nations. Star nations respond in “like.”

(D) Zzzzzzz

*In reference to his introduction, "Coeus, God of Truths; Yielder of the Vernacular Sword."

Revelation 19:15
Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron
scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

He truly is the "yielder of sharp words" and is striking or cutting humanity down with his mouth! It astonishes
me, how words over 2000 years ago, were spoken and perceived by the prophet John. I'm thankful that I hear /
feel / see / and inter-dimensionally travel to my twin flame, the God Coeus; THE Emmanuel, to hear and repeat
his EXACT words.

Oh, and there is a reference to me, the Goddess Athena; "He

will rule them WITH an iron scepter." That is what I carry.

You are here to shine forth love and reign over humanity.

Cool, I just experienced time-slippage, as I was typing this


Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/18/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Adam and Eve, and Hollywood

Before going to bed this night, I asked Coeus; THE Emmanuel, THE Higher Christ Self about the story of Adam
and Eve that was incorrectly transcribed in the Bible. Whenever there is a topic that greatly differs, I often have
difficulty accepting the truths. As time went on, it became easier to take, as the truths lie very deep within.

This message contains a small amount on the topic Adam and Eve, a bit of dry wit, and the CHRISTmas holiday
season of 2017. AND of course a bit more “slashing” and striking down of humankind, because of their poor free
will choices.

Coeus speaks:

Adam and Eve from the Bible, called forth the knowledge the tree of knowledge, and used it unwisely.
Consequentially resulting in the binding…

(D) It seems like I often fall asleep during the good parts. My guess is that it is information for only me. He talks
about how it doesn't matter if I'm awake or asleep in another channeled message.

I have a conundrum for you. What do you get when

you cross an immaculate conception with a black hole?


(D) Hum, I think that was a dirty joke!

(D) LOL The big bang!

(D) A song is playing in my head by the 1970’s group

America, “Don’t cross the river if you can’t swim the tide. Don’t try denying living on the other side all your life.
You’ve been on your own…”

Imagine a haircut. It might sound crazy to you, but the truths seek out those with goodness and kindness.

Throughout histories recorded consciousness, mans failure-to (love?) precludes me to recognize one’s own
self worth. The definition of stupidity is doing the same wrong thing over and over again.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) So Coeus just gave me a bunch of words flying around in nothingness, and I had to put them together to
create his sentence; make clear, shed light on, throw light on, elucidate, clear up, sort out, etc.

Moments of clarity throughout mans sense of knowingness in time, reveals the truths. Lies achieve

(D) I’m trying here.

(IDT) He’s taking his hands and stretching it out; big, huge, massive…


(D) Pointing to his nose; On the nose!

(D) Why don’t I ever get to see your entire face?


(D) He’s showing me my houseboat on the water. The wind caught it and pushed it from it intended course.

Sometimes, it’s hard to follow a straight path and stay on course. Your “wide-bodies...”

(D) That’s what I have, a wide-body houseboat.

...persist in following the flow recklessly disregarding…

(D) I'm getting, hindsight/insight/hindsight/insight…

(D) Hey, my light came on in the bathroom and nobody is in there. Ah, I get it; the light!

Back to Hollywood…

(IDT) Coeus has his hands up to his face, over his eyes, using his fists to make it
look like he’s weeping or crying.

(IDT)Then he points to me like “you got it.”

…doesn’t fool anybody, except for those who have seemed to be caught in its spider web...

(D) showing me a big semi-colon;

... glued to it like a lion and its prey.

Plentitude, wonderment, a lot of wonder; it’s a wonder mankind exists at all.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Which brings me to my question asked, recently, which was unanswered. “Is this a failed Petri-dish

Yes and no. Presensitized, parenthesized …

”Yes” and “No”

(D) He’s showing me a guy standing up against a wall. He has a round

face and looks a bit spacey, silly, goof, almost clown-like, but not a
clown. He is oblivious to what is going around him. It's in full color.
This being is clueless.

(IDT) I got a wink and a finger-point.

Note: A few days after I channeled this message from Coeus,

my friend Jeremy sent me this picture of a cloud.(12/23/17).
The little round image at the base of the wall of clouds resembles the
guy that was up against the wall.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/19/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Vibrational Frequency

This was a short channeling from this morning with a bit of his dry sense of humor that he is known for in the
light realms. I asked Coeus to explain vibrational frequency, as everything consists of matter vibrating at a
specific frequency; including you. This vibration determines your “soul song,” and to which level of light (or not)
that you may travel inter-dimensionally, or end up in, after you depart your organic body suit.

Coeus speaks:

(D) How does vibrational frequency work?

I can explain to you how vibrational frequency works. So let’s say you’re a ball of twine. Your frequency
vibrates at that of, metaphorically speaking; string theory.

(D) String theory! Seriously? LOL

I love when you laugh.

It works in simultaneous frequencies, recorded through histories evolutionary process. It filters out
unnecessary stimuli frequency, meaning; what you see is what you get.

(D) Chuckling. I love you. You make me so happy.

Record that for posterity sake. <3

(D) Because I'm not the most "brilliant" or “intellectual” person in the world, I needed to look up much of what
Coeus talks about in his channeled messages. I always had D's in math and science wasn't much better C's. It was
odd, because I would study and study, but this information just wouldn't stick at all. I had A's in everything else,
which allowed me to make Honor Role; but not Honor Society in high school.

You MUST be able to laugh at your little imperfections.

(D) Indeed.

Now that I reflect back, I believe it was part of my divine purpose; poor in math and science. Who better than to
channel this kind of information? It makes it MUCH more reputable when revealing the truths for My Beloved
twin flame and divine husband Coeus. Plus it and he makes me laugh.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(12/20/17) — A Channeled Message From Coeus: For My Ears Only

Argh, sometimes I'm sleeping, when I hear him starting to talk, so I "awaken" and come into the "reality" of the
conversation late. The rest is buried WITHIN my subconscious. It is all there, waiting to be exposed at the proper
time through my writings on my blog or in my FREE book on inter-dimensional travel on my/our website. Then,
as I'm typing it, it's like gee, "I remember hearing this before."

Within the confines of one’s own reality, exists the need to rationalize.

(D) Darn, he hears my every word and thought.

(D) Your scribe awaits.

(D) Please reiterate about Adam and Eve. Tell me the story about you and your brother Cronus being sent to
Tartarus, which I believe is all messed up as well. I believe it had to do with the energies of the truths, honor, and
justice being removed or hidden from Earth. I only caught parts of it prior to waking up.

(D) You aren’t a “physical” being; rather an energetic being. People tend to think of castration as a physical
thing, where the word means, “To remove or to render impotent or deprive of vitality especially by psychological
means; to deprive of the testes.”


(D) Once again, it’s a bunch of words flying around that need to be made into a sentence; a grab-bag.

(IDT) Now he’s showing me the light wave spiral thing again. What was that about again? I don’t want to go
back to that dream where people were getting smashed into the side of train cars by a giant buffalo.

(IDT) Coeus reached out to me with an envelope.

(D) More songs. It’s that song, “Baby it’s cold outside” again. “Baby I really can’t stay…”

(D) I’m seeing my grid now that I’ve been seeing for several years; each time I would wake up and still have my
eyes closed. It has some color around; cobalt blue and a yellow/green. That’s interesting.

(D) I want to know the stories about you in Tartarus / Limbo / Hell / Purgatory.

(IDT) It’s like someone’s saying things and showing me a bunch of drama!

(IDT) Now he's showing me light language again with songs and color. It seems to help me better translate;
pulling everything together. I feel like I’m part of it; in a musical.

It’s a state of knowingness. It comes from WITHIN. It flows UP and throughout.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) This is interesting. I’d describe this similar to inter-dimensional travel. It’s a little ray of light between awake
and asleep; a tiny little ray of light. This is like light shooting all over the place; like the ping pong ball that I
mentioned bouncing around in a previous channeled message.

There’s ? truths.

Note: This is interesting… When I got out of bed

in the morning, to listen to the lengthy messages
that I received on Adam and Eve, and the Tartarus
topic, the On/Off switch on my new recorder was
turned to the OFF position, and I didn’t do it! It
appears this information is not meant for the general
population at this time.

You can see from the picture, that this recorder

requires a manual or physical manipulation. One
would have to slide the button to the right Coeus is
quite adapt at altering anything vibrationally;
including my own bodily functions, which you will
notice, if you are paying attention to these writings.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(12/22/17) — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Downfall of Humanity and

Time Ending

I love this message, because when I'm relaxed and laughing, the information just flows effortlessly. The banter
between us is quite humorous as well. Another thing you might notice is that this is a complete message. He
knows when it's necessary to stop me channeling him, for my own health.

In this message, THE God with us: Coeus discusses more of humanities downfall through several topics; greed,
healthcare, a rogue economy, and time slips or slippage that are deteriorating “time,” as time is literally ending
for humankind; it is running out.

(D) Ouch! What’s up with my knee? ….

Holiday merchants truths exist, but far-off acts of benevolent actions occur simultaneously; with the benignly.

(D) Benignly? Isn’t that a medical term? Not cancerous? Oh, the lack thereof or not harmful.

Transmute, transmute, transmute!

(D) Silently saying the Violet Flame prayers…

(D) It almost feels like a weird growing pain. I’m trying to stretch this out. Now the song, “Kumbaya my Lord,
Kumbaya, Kubaya my Lord, Kumbay…” is playing loudly in my head.

(D) My sacred heart is open and it aches.

What if I say, how much was given to you, through the acts of others indeed.

(D) Words are flying all around again. Hey, let’s play that mixed up word game; where I have to rearrange them
and put them all together into a sentence. Ahhhh, they are everywhere!

The road exists in chaos and numbers far beyond your control; humanity exists otherwise. Retaliation in
harmony; our hands are clean.

(IDT) *Coeus is rubbing his hands together and shaking it off.

Note: there is a Biblical reference to this at the end of this channeled message and many others.

A reevaluation of rogue economies, controlled throughout your economic structure eludes detection. Like a
bandit; a thief in the night.

Lies play a role in the decay of your societies as a whole. For without monies, control vanishes and the
peoples flourish.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Some people will probably argue with you. They cannot comprehend how to flourish without monies. Most
cannot function without money. They have become lazy and rely on others to “produce” all of their goods that
they consume or require for daily function.

Corporation welfare structures, mix pleasures with results; complicating matters of the ones in pain. Cease
mobility from illness. Otherwise, your downfall to your health structure systems decay happens. A lack of
truths exists throughout you otherwise; like dripped discards or bodily supplication.

One’s own dissoluteness (unrestrained, glutinous, addictions), self-gratitude, without regard for the worship of
one’s own vessel (body). Truths exist for those who seek it with and without the need for supplication (the
action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly).

Flowers are fragrant; yet they smell. But what’s their sense of purpose, for bees that pollinate them? Then,
they take their sweet nectar back to the hives for production of honey.

Brick-like gold exists for those who find it in nature. It’s here, it’s there; it’s everywhere.

Without effort it floats in the waters like an uncle-eased low warble it, rumbles and ungulates its passionate
dance for fortuitous exploration, throughout hidden dale; yet explored.

“They” say, we said, “Who are you?” Coeus, the Explorer of Truths.

(?) mother; the energies yet to be explored. Truths lie deep within, yet to be brought to the surface for
examination, for no man examines truths as closely as I. For…

(D) Gratitude’s exist? That doesn’t make sense. Latitudes? Hum, hum…what is that? Wait, hum, hum, it’s like
latitudes, it’s….oh….I’m trying!

(IDT) He’s going “come on” with his hands over there. It’s not longitudes, something “tudes.” It’s not
multitudes…argh! I’ll get it…

It’s likely that I might go away!

(D) LOL, you're funny. Ah platitudes, we’ll go with that. I wonder what that means?

… platitudes exist for those of weak character.

(D) I’m still not sure about that word. What’s the word mean?

Note: plat-i-tude — a remark of statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too
often to be interesting or thoughtful.

Your vocabulary lacks little to be desired.

(D) Laughing, Hey, what can I say? I’m an artist.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

And not in the vernacular sense.

(D) Apparently! I’m still not sure why you picked me for your scribe? I think it is because it’s who you told me I
am; the Goddess Athena. It’s certainly not for who I is!

I love you.

(D) I love you too.

**Oh, you’re breaking out into a song…

"You're better than the best. I'm lucky just to linger in your light. Cooler then the flip side of my pillow; that's
right. Completely unaware, nothing can compare to where you send me, lets me know that it's OK, yeah it's
OK...You make me smile…"

(D) What is that song? It’s a peppy song. I’m humming trying to figure it out. Oh, what song is that?

(D) Ah. I’ll listen to it later. I’m lying here with a grin on my face and it feels like you’re hugging me from behind. I
love when you hug me from behind. The song is still playing. “You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing
like a bird dizzy in my head, spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night. You make me dance like a fool, forget
how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a bee. Just the thought of you can drive me wild; Oh, you make me

They say you want to know about catastrophes? They exist.

(D) Laughing…OK.

Earth changes; around the earth, are climatic events that will occur simultaneously with other climatic

No travel for you at this time; for times are a changing.

(D) Oh oh, I hear a song coming on. “Time is on my side; Yes it is!

Fortuitous time-slips are occurring in your time structure. The fabrics that weave time will cease to exist.
Walls will come down, making you able to co-exist, simultaneously WITHIN realities in existence.

(D) You like these nature metaphors…

Floating effortlessly on the breeze like a butterfly within existence.

(D) He keeps telling me...

“Nite nite.” Your body says, nite nite, but your mind says, go go!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Caressing, peaceful…

You’re getting very tired!

(D) I’m lying here, listening to my heart beat. He’s saying something about sine waves.

...travels through sine waves in your heart, transmitting impulses that contain tiny
vibrational waves in return.

(D) Darn, it was so good the way that you said it and I think that got it wrong.

Which, metaphorically speaking, create an open channel for (light?) transmissions…

(IDT) He’s showing me a picture in color that has something spiraling down.

Spiraling down the information highway into your brains limited capacity, to translate the data;
into comprehendible form.

(D) Gee, thanks. LOL Sometimes, it’s like my heart makes me fall asleep. Then he said,

That is because it emits a sine wave pulse, … that the heartbeat…

(IDT) He’s swinging a watch, (chuckling) saying…’

Go to sleep.

Nite, nite.

* Matthew 27:24

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and
washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"

**The song was, "You make me smile," by Uncle Kracker.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(12/24/17) — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Time Events

This is just one of MANY channeled messages from Coeus, God of Intellect, also known as THE Emmanuel /
Emanuel / Immanuel / Thoth / Ganesha / Polus / Bragi, and many more names.

Before going to bed on the night of the 23rd of

December 2017, I asked Coeus, God of Intellect, to
elaborate on the different kinds of time. I’ve been
hearing, reading, and experiencing unusual time
events. They include; time slips / time slippage, splits,
time shifts, time loops, and simultaneous time events.

Some of you might be feeling these time-related

events as dizziness, confusion, déjà vu, delirium, etc.
Depending on your timeline, time might be speeding
up or slowing down. Things will be appearing and
disappearing. This is all part of time ending, rolling up
all past, present, and future lifetimes into one unified field of light, where you will exist in your lightbody.

As I was channeling this information, I almost deleted the message, prior to listening and transcribing it into a
written form. It felt like everything was disjointed and useless. I was literally delirious. Thankfully, I decided to
listen to it; because it's an amazing channeled message from the God Coeus; THE Emmanuel / Emanuel from the
Book of Revelation; the Hebrew versions, as all English versions of the Bible took the word “Emanuel” out of it.
Check it out for yourself!

As you read this channeled message, it’s important to read my comments and relate them to the different forms
of “time events.” He’s letting me “feel and see” time, so his truths get across more graphically. So basically, he's
having me act them out, all while receiving his words of truths. It's actually pretty funny.

I’d like to point something out here. It’ is important to remember that I am his THE Emmanuel’s Wife. Husbands
and wives talk differently among themselves; more openly and flirtatious; flirtatious diction as he just said.
Many “channels” are quite serious sounding, and these materials couldn’t be more serious, BUT, they must be
presented in a “light-hearted” fashion.

(D) We were talking about time.

It is there.

Time hurries no one, for indeed it is a fortuitous foe within the constructs of the human mind.

Ego’s play in the fabric of time; consequently, leave it alone.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

For time eludes me. Exactly that; there is no time.

(D) LOL, I don’t know if I’m in a time loop or what.

Mans fickle attempt at freedom should be discarded.

In your weakened state, you can’t stay awake, for time waits for no one.

(D) I was starting to doze off. That was strange.

Apparently your ability to reside in a space…

(D) It’s all garbled. That was weird.

...that doesn’t exist for time, waits for no man or WOman.

“They” say you want to know about time slippage.

(D) I hope that I have this right, I keep forgetting what you are saying. (That is time slippage.)

Your arrogant species believes that time exists in a space; which is so small.
Quantum physics entanglement theory states time is linear;…

(D) I’m not sure what that was, but I’m getting bombarded with those little
light balls again. I don’t know what that is.

...consequentially time’s companion.

(D) I started to get that pain in my knee again and heard “transmute.”

” I am the violet flame, in action in me now, I am the violet flame, to light alone I bow. I am the violet flame in
might cosmic power, I am the light of God, shining every hour…

Why would they use time in a prayer? That seems odd.

Flowers exist, but they know no time. Bees exist, but they know no flowers; but they are there. It’s a
fortuitous foe.

(D) I’m confused, because I’ve heard things before about time.

Time exists for those who make it, just like you create tiles; he creates servitude to a non-existent maker.

(D) OK, now I’m confused and lost.

You are experiencing time shifts.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Coeus wants me explain what I was experiencing.

(D) I was delirious. It was like there is stuff all over the place, like you’re searching for something all over; but you
can’t find it!

(D) He showed me a, “you’re on the nose” by acting it out.

Time just doesn’t matter. It exists in the hearts of those to find a space in the future
without recompense.

(D) Obviously, I don’t know what that means; recompense? Sorry!

Time slippage occurs within the confines of humankinds need, to hold onto something that is not there; or

Let me further explain. Time and quantum

physics is needed to get from point A to point
B, without futile attempts to control
something out there in a space that doesn’t
exist without time.

You asked.

(D) I asked him earlier to talk about all the

time stuff that people are talking about online;
time shifts, merges, and slips.

The truths are hidden and waiting to be


(D) He’s showing me having déjà vu yesterday; which really wasn’t what it was; rather time slippage. So time
does run concurrently?

Time runs concurrently, in a state of flux energetically; so don’t second guess me.

(D) I think that was a joke? Oh boy, this is very confusing.

This is for nature to take hold of.

(D) Sorry, I started thinking. Must not slip back to “reality.”

It exists in the NOW; not the moment.

?, all there is the truths.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Experiments with time reveal hidden agendas to control the truths; for time will be around long…

(IDT) Coeus is making his finger go around; long. I have to stop thinking.

...IF hidden agendas exist simultaneously for long.

(D) I need a break, I think. My brain is trying to override my heart or control what you’re telling me.

(D) Well that wasn’t much of a break.

Truths exist; point taken.

(D) LOL He’s grabbing me by my forehead where my 3rd eye is located. I can feel this pulsing.

Truths coincide with time…

(D) Did he say shifts or splits? LMAO

Let them in on the joke.

(D) LOL, I’m a bit embarrassed, I thought he said, "shits."

(D) I don’t know if this is another example, but I’m having a difficult “time” staying in my meditative space.

There you go, you returned to reality. Time splits occur when you least expect it; expect it!

The m(?)na occurring in your reality will legitimately be receiving m(?)na.

(D) Huh? (I have no idea what he said here; I was slurring my words on the recording.)

Conditions exist to make you think that time exists. It’s like a trunk in a car, eventually, you’ll have to open it,
and expose all the junk; the truths. It’s an inevitable fact of existence.

There, now you see how it comes in through the heart; one beat at a time.

(D) You-are-correct-sir. I-see. OK. (I was saying each word to the beat of my heart.)

Otherwise your messages will be incorrectly received by the brains need to control.

(D) Why am I hungry all of the sudden?

Hunger, thirst, and other bodily enjoyments, to which it controls, lack at the present moment. Only patience
goes the mind, to hear the heartbeat pulse out to the cosmos for answers, coinciding with a (?) set forth with
cosmic rules/laws.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I was telling Coeus, “off the cuff” that the less verbose is better for me. But then he said,..

(D) What did you say?

We need to transcribe delicate information, for only those who otherwise don’t know the truths that exist
simultaneously. For things so small and unbeknownst to them, grammar is everything; except for the truths,
those reign supreme.

Superfluous information is smaller than the point on a pin. (?) exists on a pin, mankind’s need effectively
throughout your current economic systems; restructuring system.

Seeking a method to find something within the confines of one’s self; "Self management skills."

How’s that?

(D) LOL, you’re giving me brain trauma here.

And this is why you must listen closely to my words of truths. Flirtation
diction shows The Way, but the heart follows the truths…

(IDT) He’s showing me a winding path.

...through the winding sense of knowing it all.

Your heart is pounding in your head. That

will help you confine the truths in your

Relentless pursuits, plague mankind’s ability

to perceive what is known before it occurs.

(D) Hot, hot, hot! (I'm having massive hot flashing, with often happens in

Natural selection, permits free-will to exist simultaneously in the truths.

Knowingness exists to select; but is known to be right; however, and it’s a big however…

(IDT) He’s stretching it out with his arms.

...long ago mankind wanted to experience a way to examine the truths exponentially, WITHOUT thought.

Its ugly reign of terror exists throughout humanities control systems, like a bead of honey. Its attraction
exists, only to be perpetually pursued, by those seeking control over others.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Free will should be abolished and the truths exposed for what they are; the truths. For within them, mankind
speaks. No one hurts those who seek the truths.

Because reigns of terror exists throughout societies control

systems, like a thief in the night, they cut and slash their way
through your beliefs, until only shreds remain; heaped in a

(D) I’m getting a visual here.

...until one finds one in bits and pieces. For those are the
truths that exist as I know it.

You are showing signs of sleep deprivation.

(D) Big yawn.

Too much of these nonsense’s to explain, without being detrimental to your health.

It’s time to, (singing) “Go to bed sleepy head…

(D) He’s singing me a lullaby. He’s so sweet!

...close your eyes…

(D) I was just thinking that my heart is pulsing through my head. You were saying it opens a clear channel. I can’t
remember exactly…without the interference of the brain.

…go to bed, sleepy head, you’ll be up before you know it. Slumbers fine, throughout time; as you know it.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/25/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Divine Marriage, Bride of Christ,
Wedding of the Lamb

The Divine Marriage — the Wedding of the Lamb, or the Bride of

Christ is the most amazing channeled message ever. I've included
some Biblical references at the bottom of the channeling. This is
the result of the successful completion of the Twin Flame journey
through ALL energies; both low and high to My Beloved Coeus,
THE Emmanuel (God with us).

As I understand from My Beloved Coeus, this is the "greatest love

story of all time." It is an inter-dimensional journey through many
dimensional energies, or realms of energy; during or on, the Quest
of the Holy Grail. It's the ultimate journey of forgiveness,
unconditional love, and bravery. It is also a crucial part of the
awakening process for humanity; through the process of
Ascension, also known as The Great Awakening. You can "read all
about it in my FREE book on inter-dimensional / interdimensional
travel through the energies on my website.

I would like to clarify the word “wedding,” as most of humanity thinks from the physical. The word wedding
means the following; a merging or the act or instance of blending or joining of energies; not of the flesh.

I was having a difficult time repeating "Coeus'" message about the true meaning of the Bride of Christ or
Wedding of the Lamb. It's nothing like our written texts, so it was apparently shocking to my sub-conscious
mind. I, like all of you, have been lied to and brainwashed by clergy; all of my life about what it means to be A
Bride of Christ, which by the way isn't even mentioned anywhere in the Holy Bible. We have been told that we
are all Brides of Christ and that Jesus is Christ, and Emmanuel / Emanuel / Immanuel is Jesus. All of this
information is incorrect.

There are "brides" of Christ. But CHRIST is the kingdom; NOT a being.
Emmanuel is the spirit or “God in us,” and Jesus was the man made flesh
(by Emmanuel the God) that housed Emanuel's spirit or His God-like
being. When looking at my own organic bodysuit; Diane, it works the
same way. Diane is the flesh that was made whole by me; Athena the
spirit, and I am A Bride of Christ; in the CHRISTed kingdom and the Queen
of New Earth.

What you see in the mirror each day as your reflection, is your own
organic body suit for your Earthly experience as your CHRISTed Oversoul;
who you need to seek out. Some people call this “their” or “MY” Higher
Christ Self or THE Middle Way. Look past your reflection which is part of

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

the game, and find the real you.

If you can, please play the song, "Marry Me" by Train, while reading this message. It's such a beautiful
channeled message of love.

(D) I was awakened at 12:00 am on Christmas morning, to a beautiful message from Coeus, while in my bedroom
at the farm. I didn’t have a voice recorder handy, because it was in the living room, and not charged. I ended up
using my cell phone recorder instead.

You never thought that you’d be doing this did you?

(D) No, nothing like this; this is awesome. You woke me up tonight with the most beautiful message. Something
about, "the hearts need for love."

(D) Did you say, “You are like a mud saw?”

During heightened states of awareness.

(D) Or are you implying that I snore? LOL Oh wait, that’s a buzz saw.

(D) The song, “Marry Me’ by Train is playing. I like the song Marry Me, it’s making my heart actually (physically)
skip a beat. Beat, beat, (nothing), beat, beat (nothing)…

(D) The words are so romantic, “Forever could never be long enough for me; to feel like I've had long enough with
you. Forget the world; now we won't let them see. But there is just one thing left to do...

I would marry you in a heartbeat.

(D in a sweet, soft spoken voice) You make me smile, you know that?

You need to smile.

(D )That’s interesting, because you woke me up at mid-night. You are quite the “romantic intellect.” I’d be happy
to be your bride.

You do certainly make my heart sing.

(D) He changed the song “Let it be Christmas" everywhere...”

It should be CHRISTmas every day.

(D) He puts the emphasis on “CHRISTmas” or "CHRISTmass"

(D) We’re back to the song, Marry Me. “If I ever get the nerve to say Hello in this cafe. Say you will. Mm-hmm.
Say you will. Mm-hmm...

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Say, You Will.

(D In the sweetest voice I say, “I will; each and every day.”

You are A Bride of Christ now.

(D) Can you elaborate on that for me? I’ve heard of it before, but I don’t remember or know the truth of it.

(D) I see a bright beam of light shining down from above.

Once upon a time, in a land far off, there was a king; a CHRISTed king. His land fell into a state of amnesia.
Their knowingness by a state of grace, unbeknownst to them, they fell from their heavenly state of being.

(D) I’m concerned once again that I’ll deliver the message wrong. I felt like this a couple days ago.

It’s a delicate topic.

(D) Yes.

Your state of receptivity is shocked, by your lack of knowledge and proclivities (predisposition toward a
particular thing) of the stated truths. Your knowingness is inhibited of falsities of previously written texts and

(D) Maybe if I snooze for a while I can back in my zone. Well that was short!

**They fell from a heavenly state of being, into an abyss; a darkened state of receptivity, known as “the holy
castration of mankind.”

Darkness fell on his peoples…

(D) Argh, something about the lack of the truths hemorrhaging.

Your ability to transcribe…

(D) ***He’s holding up a simple wedding dress; very simple, white, with no embellishments. It has a square-ish
neckline and long sleeves. I can only see the upper part of it; not the lower half of the dress from the waist down.

…with the written words effectively, so the story goes.

NOTE: I’m not sure what happened here, but it’s very muffled sounding and even with audio enhancing
software, I was unable to accurately report Coeus truths. This might sound disjointed. 

What seemed to them that the signs (?) to receive those that seek the fairer qualities in question that (?) the
human process of relative researching them in the created space… (?)(?)(?)(?) (me yawning) throughout their

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) For some reason he’s showing me preparing my Gnocchi several a different ways. It appears that I have many
choices in how to make these little dumplings.

(D) ****What is that? I’m hearing thunder or a rumbling of some kind. It sort of sounds like thunder or the earth

What foundations would make a beautiful, lovely woman, regulates(?) their ability for understanding precious
moments such as these.

(D) For some reason, I started singing, “I love, I love, I love, my calendar girl, my sweet calendar girl, every day of
the year”. It's the chorus from the song, "Calendar Girl" by Neil Sedaka. It names all the months of the year and
the reasons he loves her in the song.

This might be coming in from a scientific viewpoint to each.

(D) I fell asleep, but he woke me up to the song again, “Let it be CHRISTmas everywhere, let heavenly music fill
the air…” (again.)

(D) OK, let’s continue. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

(D) I fell asleep, but then I saw myself packing some luggage with clothes for a trip; like we were going
someplace together. Perhaps a honeymoon?

NOTES: *A mud saw is a hinged frame with a wide-toothed saw blade that the “Sawyer “pulls down to
clean a dirty log at a saw mill.

**The first time that I channeled Coeus, God of Intellect, I could barely find any information. He is the son of
Uranus (Saturn) and Gaia (Earth). It was said in historic records; myths that Coeus held down his father Uranus,
while his brother Cronus castrated his father with his mother's sickle.

God's do not have physical bodies, so castration would have implied to render impotent by threatening a
person's masculinity or femininity, or to deprive one of strength, power, or efficiency; to weaken.

Humankind never ceases to amazing me thinking from the physical. If they would read doctrine and historical
information as spirit having a physical experience; not “of the physical,” things would appear quite different.
Most appear to be quite lazy, like a lamb following along to the slaughter.

Living next to a sheep farm, here in Tennessee, I fully understand this parable. I see it every day, as I drive by in
my vehicle past the farm.

My neighbors Leslie and her husband Chris raise herding dogs, Anatolian Shepherds. There are usually about six
in one field; plus one sheep. The sheep isn’t always the same one, because Leslie changes it out with another
sheep once in awhile. The interesting thing is that the sheep thinks it’s a dog. When the dogs hear my truck or

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Jeep coming, they start to chase it as I drive slowly down the road by the field. The sheep does “like;” it joins the
pack as one of its own, and trots down the field with the dogs.

*** Revelation 19:7

Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and HIS bride has made
herself ready.8 Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.”

Please note the word “HIS.” This is singular; not plural. There is ONLY ONE bride for Him; but there are others IN
the CHRISTed Kingdom. You’ll see it again in Revelation 21:9 shown below.

****Revelation 19:6
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder,
shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.

Revelation 21:9
One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I
will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”

Note: it clearly states "bride" NOT the plural "brides." There is ONLY one bride of THE Emmanuel, in the
Kingdom of CHRIST and it is NOT Israel. The Goddess Athena is also known as the Queen of the Heavens
and THE Emmanuel’s Wife.

It's interesting that nobody has ever questioned, “Who the Queen is to the King of the God? or who the Queen of
the God's Kingdom is, in the light realms.” These are the ONLY King and Queen mentioned in any doctrines, so it
is quite obvious, yet the lies hide the truths of our great love; so sad indeed.

Once again; SHEEP that just follow the lies along that meandering path of life.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(12/28/17) — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Time Loop Variables, Time Slips
and Simultaneous Time Events

Just when I thought communicating through light language was interesting, now the God with us; Emmanuel is
throwing time loop variables, time slips or slippage, and simultaneous time events at me, and I had no idea
what they were, or even existed for that matter.

Once again, this was another message that I was about to scrap, prior to transcription. My brain felt so
scrambled that I wasn't sure anything even made sense. I'm glad that I listened to it and recorded it in writing
and acting out these difficult topics for humanity, as they will need it, when "time literally stops."

But before we proceed, I'd like you to read this scripture from the Bible, just in case you didn't read the
12/24/17 channeled message from My Beloved; Coeus, God of Intellect.

Revelation 10:6

And he swore by him who lives to the eternity of eternities, him who created Heaven and that which is in it, and
The Earth, and that which is in it: “Time shall be no more.”

Sadly, these words have been changed in nearly every version of the Holy Bible, to other words and meanings.
These are the correct words; TIME IS ENDING; IT SHALL BE NO MORE.

Time, as humankind’s collective knows it, literally holds ALL of humanities linear way of thinking, and behaving
through the energies, together; including all technologies. This means when time ends, ALL phones, computers,
electricity, etc will no longer function. Most of humankind will not be able to function within these confines.

No time, is NOT something that humankind is familiar operating within. Their sacred heart’s hardened, and they
have been unable to exit their physical organic body suits to traverse multiple energies or dimensions. Their
physical being has literally become a prison of their own making.

Exiting the organic body suit or vessel, is where the term, “inter-dimensional” or “inter,” the crossing over, or
into another border or area, or space is derived. You leave one dimension and go into another via attuning your
vibrational frequency to match a different dimension.

All dimensions vibrate at different frequencies and there is a purpose for this anomaly, which confines you to
this “realm” of energy.

NOTE: The definition of confine means to enclose within bounds; limit or restrict. To shut or keep in;
prevent from leaving a place because of imprisonment, illness, discipline, etc

You can read a LOT about vibrational frequency and traversing different dimensions; inter dimensionally in my
FREE book on inter-dimensional travel.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

And the message begins…

(D) I’m sorry, I thought that I was dreaming, but then I realized it was you talking.

Fortunately for you, within the confines of reality, you cease to know or understand the significance of the
events that are occurring simultaneously throughout your society’s structures.

(D) This seems redundant, like you just said it again. This is weird.

(D) Sorry, there it goes again. Something about time slippage occurring.

Time slipping is occurring during your dream AND waking states. That is why you must adhere to strict
timelines resulting in your…

(D) This is really coming in quick and duplicating.

...ability to relay accurate…ability to relay accurate…

(D) It is like a pulsing sensation; in two times in a row.

Two mints, two mints, in one.

(D) Isn’t that an old gum commercial? Certs gum.

(D) OMG, this is going so fast!

(D) My heart is beating in my head again.

That’s your epicenter for you to comprehend these fine messages and truths. This knowingness often takes
time to bring together your abilities to accurately receive time loop variables,...

(D) This is fascinating.

…occurring within your; to receive these messages without your brains capacity to dissect, and receive; to
convey the information accurately.

(D) The information is coming in extremely fast and pulsing, and duplicating. It might be coming in the beginning
of the heart beat and the end of the heart beat. For example, if I press my hand down on the bed, then release it,
it duplicates.

(D) Blood in the heart; blood out of the heart. Two distinct instance; within the one.

What an interesting day this is going to prove or be.

(D) Hum, now that was interesting. At first I thought I was dreaming, but then I realized it was you talking, yet it
seemed like a dream, but I’m not asleep yet.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

This all came about today, when you asked about your friend Cindy’s ability, to effectively communicate the
changes, of both your scheduled performances. You should explain to them.

(D) So anyway, the water was shut off to the houseboat last week ,and I was upset, because I was not notified. I
live all year around on my houseboat and I need water. If I knew that the water was going to be turned off, I
would have filled my water tank up.

(D) Cindy insisted that she notified me via a text and the phone. I told her that I sent her an email and called her,
but neither of us received anything. I thought it was strange that she would do that as she can be efficient when
she applies herself.

(D) When I talked to Cindy, I told her that I thought this was a shift in dimensions or a time slippage. She said
that she believes we’re in end times and that doesn’t seem that strange. Her daughter speaks to the angels.

Before you get too ahead of yourself, perhaps we should look at time events occurring simultaneously.

Throughout your societies delicate needs for discerning truths, those(?) can be cancerous for stating the
truths within the confines of ? in the ? systems decay…

(D) OK, it’s like some of the words are “sling-shoting” or shooting around. He wants me to explain what’s

It’s important to relay the details accurately.

(D) Oh boy, I'm going to have to look up what the heck a "time loop variable" is, because I'm clueless!

(D) When time starts decaying, the people’s from around the world are going to become unstable and VERY

Time loop variable defined.

The first part, initialization, is a piece of code that's run once when the loop starts. In this case, you're creating a
new variable i, and giving it the value 0, so you can keep track of how many times the loop has been run.

The second part, the condition, is checked each time the loop starts; if it's true, the loop code (In this case,
doSomething();) gets run. If it's false, then the for loop is over, and the program continues past it.

The last part, the afterthought, is a piece of code that's run each time the loop runs. It's usually used to
increment our counter variable; in this case it adds 1 to the i variable.

If we put this together, then this particular for loop says:

• Make a variable called i; give it the value 0.
• Is i less than exponent? If so, run the code doSomething();.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

If not, stop.
• If we ran the code, also add 1 to i.
• Then go back to step 2, until we encounter an iteration where iis not less than 23.

There's a couple of important things to note here.

Firstly, any variable created in the initialization stays in the loop. When you create the variable i, it exists only
within this particular for loop. This concept is called "scope", and you'll see it a lot.

Secondly, you don't have to use the initialization to create a variable. You could increment some unrelated
variable instead, or you could run a function, or you could even do nothing at all. Same goes for the condition
and afterthought; you could check the time of day via a system function in the condition, and you could increase
a variable a which you made outside this for loop or run a function in the afterthought.

In fact, you need not even fill in all three parts. For example, I could write the following:

for ( ; ; ) {
That's just saying:
• Don't do anything special on the first run.
• There's nothing to check for when you should stop (a blank condition is considered to be always true).
• Don't do anything when each iteration of the loop finishes.

Basically, an infinite loop.

Lastly, the ; marks the end of a statement. Each complete

statement must end in a semicolon. A statement is just one
action in code. An entire for loop is one statement, for example,
and so is an entire if/else statement (including the code to run
in each case).

This is a drawing that I created for “our” readers. The semi

colon or ; at the top of the drawing is the beginning and the
end, the Alpha and the Omega. It exists without time.

Once a thought, word, or action is created, it stays within the

loop; for all eternity. It keeps repeating itself, within the time
loop, where time does not exist; eternity. A timeless state of

NOTE: Interestingly enough, Eternity defined is infinite time; duration without beginning or end.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

12/31/17 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: THE Emmanuel’s Wife and

Simultaneous Time Events

Oh my beloved, you know that I want to dance and hold your hand! And yes, you are my "lover man!" And I
would dance with you under the moonlight, and hold you ALL through the night. You are my one and only for all
eternity. You are my Alpha and my Omega.

(D) Song playing, “Do you want to Dance?” Do you want to dance and hold my hand? Tell me baby that I’m your
lover man…” Beach Boys — Do you want to Dance

(D) Do you, do you, do you, do you want to dance?

In case of, *the path to least resistance. Exactly 100 years ago…

(D) This seems very disjointed again.

(D) Who is this?

I couldn’t resist the temptation to contact you.

(D) He's talking in an Irish brogue.

(D) Here we go again…he sounds like Shawn Connery…

On a seedless, arduous of the extreme…

(D) This has to be Coeus. I’m waiting to hear your name…

My sunny disposition indicates that you lack the inability to decipher the truths.

(D) LOL, I know it’s you; I just want to hear you say your name. You’re just being goofy.

If you can hear anything, stand back.

**You are The Emmanuel’s Wife!

NOTE: Coeus did NOTE say, “Emmanuel’s Wife, but THE Emmanuel’s Wife.

(D) What does that mean? You called me a Bride of Christ (the kingdom), during the wedding ceremony on

(D) If I am The Emmanuel's Wife. That would make you, my beloved Coeus, The Emmanue?.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) I saw you look at something in your hand. You are sad. You have a very BIG hand by the way. You took your
fist and pushed it into the ground.

(D) Now I’m getting a headache in my physical body. Oh, all the lies are what make you so sad...

The lies and truths are very deep WITHIN man’s ability to comprehend the facts as they exist. The truths exist
for those who SEEK it. Fertile truths exist for those that show the willingness to follow at least their chosen
path accurately within the game.

(D) This is kind of weird. First, I thought that I heard a motor or

speed boat on the water. Then I saw a big yellow rubber ducky
going through a finish line. Ah, slow and steady wins the race!

(D) Hum, the, I saw the White Cliffs of Dover.

But I was wondering why there were not any
trees on it. Then I thought that there isn’t
enough dirt there to root any trees. The soil
was nearly non-existent and nutrient poor...

Fertile grounds exist for those on the path to Ascension.

(D) I’m hot again. This feels like that “mixed up word game" where all the words are flying around and I have to
pull them together to form sentences.

(D) So, I was telling Coeus; THE Emanuel / Emmanuel that sometimes I doubt myself when I hear his words of
truths, because they feel like my words. And he said,

Parlavous France’

(D) Do I speak French? No.

Don’t fight it; you’re fighting.

(D) I’m trying not to.

So many stupid, erroneous…

(IDT) What is that word? I’m trying. He’s standing there doing a face and hand gesture like, “just spit the word

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018


(IDT) Well that’s cool. You look like a huge owl now. You’ve got a puffed up chest and are so “perdy.“

Positively gentleness.

(IDT) Sorry, I’m just amazed how your little your feet are and that they can support that huge body; they are so
tiny. With that big chest, you would think that you would topple over. You look beautiful and well balanced.

(IDT) Now he’s showing me an old wooden top that spins; like the ones we had when we
were kids. It was pointy at the bottom and bulbous at the top, yet it would spin and stay

(IDT) Oops, sorry, I got side tracked. Your colors are beautiful! You remind me of my old
Bantam rooster, Sam. You’re not as reddish though; more rust color.

(IDT) Sorry I was laughing; your center of gravity was much lower; you have a much higher
one. And I loved Sam too. He was my little buddy; you’re my “Old Buddy.”

Enough of drifting down memories lane, for time is a fortuitous foe indeed.

(D) So, last "time," you were talking about simultaneous time events? I can’t remember. Oh, about existing in the

Simultaneous time events occur when one’s ability to…

(D) Something like a ball came out from you to me. I was going to catch
it, but it went back around from where it started.

(D) My heart just felt like the beat was looping; for lack of better words.

(D) I saw a woman rushing in and out of someplace, with a cape on, and
something with a lantern saying, “You got to do something!”

Basically that’s a time loop.

What’s the best way to fly an organic pillow?

(D) What? Let’s go with it…

Seeds in the wind will change…

(D) This is strange; I thought that I saw the words in the lower left corner.

…you just have to open up…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) He’s showing me a cupboard door opening.

…and let them in.

(D) I kind of like this method; pictures, words, pictures words. I think it helps distract my brain.

And on that note, time is on my side.

(D) Song…”Time is on my side; yes it is...” “You’ll come running back, you’ll come running back, and you’ll come
running back to me.”

(D) Oh, I thought that I lost you for a while. That’s scary.

NOTE: This was another example of a time loop using a song this time.

I've got to believe in you and your ? and one’s own abilities to transcend...

(D) I felt like I was riding a bike down a winding road in Italy, down a hillside. I could see the ocean down below.
It's quite lovely there.

(D) I probably should make a note of that....when I started to see the picture, I felt a small electronic jolt in my
heart for a split second; the beginning of the time loop;

(D) I think that picture finished his sentence. "I've got to believe in you and your ? and ones own abilities to
transcend down a winding road

Time is on my side.

(D) Yes it is!

(D) Wow, I have to get up and go to work!

*I didn’t understand Coeus comment on, “the path to least resistance,” until I looked it up in Wikipedia. I urge
you to read the description, but I will attempt to summarize it here.

In physics, the “path of least resistance” is a practical method

of problem solving that is not necessarily rational, but can be
the quickest method to achieve a result. It might or might not
be the easiest or shortest route.

The path of least resistance is the physical or metaphorical

pathway that provides the least resistance to forward motion
by a given object or entity, among a set of alternative paths.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The concept is often used to describe why an object or entity takes a given path.

This is interesting, because in the physical, it reminds me of the Biblical story of Moses. He took the path of least
resistance. Moses wandered AROUND a mountain for 40 years on the flat ground. He didn’t attempt going over,
or traverse the mountain. Instead he avoided it and any confrontation of any kind.

I have always been a person to venture off of a path, into the wilderness, conquering all fears; both spiritually
and physically.

**Isaiah 7:18-25

Prior to 7:18, it discussed King David’s lineage; who begat whom.

. ...And Y’shua Messiah was born in this manner. While His mother; Miriam was betrothed to Joseph, before
they came together, she was found to have been made pregnant by the Holy Spirit. 19. And Joseph her husband,
being righteous and not wanting to expose her publicly, wanted to secretly divorce her.
. And when he was considering these things, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying,
“Joseph, son of David, you must not be afraid to take Miriam to yourself for your wife: for the One being formed
in her is by the Holy Spirit. 21. And she will give birth to a Son, and you will call his name Y’shua: 6 for He will save
His people from their sins.”
And all this had happened, so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled,
saying, 23. “Behold the virgin will be pregnant and will bear a son, and they will call His name Emanuel,” (Isa. 7:
14) which is translated, “God with us.”
. And after Joseph rose from his sleep he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and he took his wife, 25.
but he did not know her until she gave birth to a son: and he called His name Y’shua.

So why did the Joseph change Immanuel / Emmanuel to Y’shua? Well first, one needs to know that Y’shua is
NOT a name, but a description which means The Savior or The Messiah.

Matthew and Isaiah both knew that Emmanuel was the spirit within, or CHRISTed Oversoul and God, from the
land of CHRIST, because Emanuel is a title or designation; not a name.

The Messiah; no matter his “name” was the flesh, or "organic body suit" that contained the spirit of THE God
with us; Coeus, Speaker of Truths, who is the firstborn son of Gaia and Uranus. He incarnated into the flesh
Y’eshua, for his incarnation on Earth.

They understood; through knowingness that they were more than physical beings, but “spirit having a physical

This is the same for me, the Goddess Athena. "Diane" is the organic body suit” name for this incarnation, and I
am the CHRISTed Oversoul of Diane; the Goddess Athena in the “flesh;” 100%

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Little translation changes mean big differences worldwide. In Hebrew Y’shua, Jeshua, or Joshua, or again
Jehoshua, means "Jehovah is salvation;" the Savior. Just like Messiah means Anointed One or Chosen One. This is
why he is referred to as Messiah Y’shua; the Chosen One the Savior.

Still, this is all quite interesting, as there is no "J" in the Hebrew alphabet. So the correct spelling would be
Yeshua or Y’eshua; not Joshua or Jehoshua.

Greeks named the Chosen One the Savior; Iesous. Then King James put his twist on the name Iesous and called
the savior Jesus Christ, where Christ is not his name, but a realm within the kingdom.

The Virgin Goddess who incarnated into the flesh as the Virgin Mother is said to be Myriam in Hebrew, and in
Arabic Maryam. The Greeks called her Maria. Later, The Virgin Mother in the flesh was changed to Mary by
King James, to name her after his own Mother; Mary Queen of Scotts. Mary actually means “Beloved.”

The origin of butterfly in Spanish is mariposa, or Maria posa. The butterfly does not represent praying hands,
but is a clue to the true identity of the Virgin Mother; the CHRISTed Oversoul.

Now if you look at the name Mary, you find out that it means BELOVED. It was never intended to be used as a
NAME, just like Emmanuel is NOT a name; but the energy, THE God with Us, his My Beloved in-spirit.

The battle of how to spell between the nations has greatly dishonored the truths. Look within for the truths
as humankind has hidden them VERY deep. Get your head out-of-the-box humanity and SEEK
through knowingness, and you will FIND the truths.

NOTE: The Hebrew word ‘almah’ in ancient times means maiden, marriageable young woman, and in
modern Hebrew, virgin. An unmarried woman in Bible times had to be a virgin; or she would be stoned.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/2/18 —A Channeled message from Coeus: How to Channel Through the Sacred

This message from “The Yielder of the Vernacular Sword,” from the Book of Revelation is a long one. Today is my
"Earth Birthday," in my organic body suit called, Diane. Coeus, or should I say; THE Emmanuel / Immanuel
explains how I channel his messages from a scientific viewpoint. This is all done while I explain the scientific
viewpoint more “graphically;” in the physical vessel.

My dear God Cronus speaks of the upcoming energies that will affect our planet.

People say to adjust (?) we use a hammer and nails.

(D) I was...zzzzz

Why don’t you start.

(D) Sorry, I’m so relaxed that I can’t get my mouth to work. You’re talking, but I’m not repeating it.

(D) You’re still using your Irish brogue.

You ain’t hurt Lassie.

(D) I thought at first you were talking about a dog; Lassie. I'm not hurt; I am just tired and I miss you.

Flip your heart this way.

(D) (I’m rolling over on my right side and yawning.)

The purest of heart, indeed learns, to take the time to dictate accurate (?) of the truths.

(D) Rats! I missed the word after “dictate.” Was it…

Your core being is relaxed; your wits are cantankerously controlled by your willingness to report truths within
the confines of human logic.

Tell them that you wanted to see my face. Tell them the rest.

(D) It is kind of a long story. When he showed me his face, it reminded me of Harry, who was an earthbound
entity; it's all in my book. I visited Harry on the Astral Plane and also found him in several other dimensions. He
felt like my husband. There was such an intense love.

(D) I tried to touch Coeus’ face, and he grasped my hand, rolled it up into a fist within his own, and sweetly held it
to his face. What a beautiful birthday gift. I couldn't have asked for a better one. What a beautiful love story…he
was Harry in an incarnation.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

There is a lot of love there; within the confines of the human heart.

(D) I’m getting hot all of the sudden.

You’re supposed to be relaxing, without the human need to resist the temptation to report the truths with
your mind; not your heart, which needs time to synchronize with these fine messages.

Your realities exist in two parts. They contain logic and truths; concurrently.

(D) I thought that you said something about free will?

It’s your choice to determine which road or path to follow; down that rocky road to conquest realities that
need to control project (?) outcomes.

(D) I got stuck on the word “pro-ject.”

(D) I find it fascinating how you can control my bodily functions. All the sudden I got constipated. He’s trying to
point out that my brain is constipated. LOL

Project! ...project the truths!

(D) Laughter/joy seems to help open up my heart. It gets my blood flowing through my heart and it beats harder;
so I can more clearly hear your words with each beat. I seem to have to yawn a lot too and roll around in the bed.
Then my heart beats harder, making it easier to hear, see, and feel you. I'm always concerned that if I move, it
will be more difficult to hear you and leave, and come back again; but it actually helps.

That defines a space, to which you can confine the words.

(D) As your scribe, it would be helpful if we could talk more about channeling messages.

It’s an electronic stimuli, to which certain conditions exist; simultaneously-within the walls of your central
nervous systems ability to…pulses and waves; sine waves.

(D) I have no idea what those are by the way.

The synapses in which your heart regulates.

(D) I listen to the beat of the heart and I hear a word or two, then I pause. Sometimes it is a long pause; other
times a short one.

You’re perplexed by your ability to think, talk, and listen to every little phrase confining your own wants and
needs to record both my words; simultaneously, with transcribing messages.

Don’t think!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) He has a point there. I kind of have to repeat his words sometimes, because when I pause to listen, I have to
listen to the heart beat to hear a word on the beat. So I probably shouldn’t be thinking so hard. Oh, never mind,
you already said that! OK, so I’m just rambling again aren’t I?

The truths exist in your minds ability to comprehend what’s being said currently; with your need to exist in
the moments solitary...

(D) You said “moments” not moment.

(IDT) He’s giving me a hand gesture, like a wavy sign. Oh a sine wave. Up and down; a smooth flowing wave.

(D) So, I had to make a trip to the “potty” in the bathroom. As I was sitting on the potty, he was showing me two
waves. I was worried about getting back into the groove of receiving, once I got to bed. But he explained that it’s
not my head; but my heart, and yawning brings more oxygen to the heart.

It’s a confidence and willingness through knowingness; to receive these words accurately. NOT; use “CAP's,”
NOT your brains CAPacity.

(D) Oh, that’s cute. LMAO. He’s making a joke.

CapASSity; not your brains capacity.

(D) That’s hysterical. You make me laugh. You’re making me snort. That’s so funny.

*My dry sense of humor and wit precedes me.

I love your ability for you see my words of truths for humanity sake.

(D) I’m still laughing.

You don’t fail to recognize truths as they exist. Come on, it wasn’t that funny.

(D) Yes it was, it was really good! OMG, you’re making me snort. LOL No pun intended!

Your sense of humor precedes your willingness to record the words within the world’s linguistic receptive
states of pleasure.

(D) LOL, stop it!

(D) Oh, you wanted me to ask a question earlier. I was talking to Chris about the Bible and about
dialect; how they talked 2000 years ago. I wanted to know what would happen in 2000 years, when

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

people listen to my words as your scribe? When they hear my words, they will probably be
misinterpreted because of my dialect.

(D) Would you like to elaborate on that?

Tell them what you’re feeling.

(D) I’m getting really hot again and I’m feeling something here in the center of my chest.

Don’t point at it; tell them where it is; the sternum.

(D) It is the point in-between the breasts on the big bone in the
middle of your ribcage; where the ribs meet. It doesn’t hurt, it
feels like a tightness; it's a pretty good size, about 6-8 inches. It’s
almost up to my throat area and radiates outward

(D) OK, I'm getting there! It’s the Sacred Heart as we call it.

(D) It is almost throbbing like a heartbeat; a pulsing sensation.

The reason it feels tight is it's like an electronic thing or a pulsing
sensation; similar to the physical heart. I probably shouldn’t use
the word “thing,” as people won't know what I mean.

It’s an electronic stimulus that pulses out, like a radio wave or sine
wave, and it receives. This is your centralized core for synchronizing...

(D) Wow that was wild!

...massive amounts of data.

(D) All of the sudden, my head was flooded with a pulsing sensation.

It was like a bowl of jello; giggling.

(D) Yes, it was; just for a moment.

(IDT) He’s trying to explain by showing me. He says that it’s happening here; pointing to his head, but it’s within
the sacred space.

(D) OK, I see.

It’s within the minds ability to perceive the information.

(D) So the words are up there in the brain, but not in the heart. Wow, this is going to be so hard to tell people.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) So it’s like, oh man. It’s not like the brain and heart have to work together, but…if you need to do it again, go

(IDT) There are all these little "side notes." I’m sorry; I’m going to confuse everybody.

(IDT) I said, “oh man,” and he doesn’t like it and says, “oh WOman,” because in the future someone might think
that there were only men on this planet. He has a valid point.

…back to the core message.

You get a little side-tracked with my exuberance to report the truths.

(D) Imagine that.

(D) So the heart space responds…

…to the stimuli’s sent.

Pulsing cosmic waves are bombarding your hearts synapses.

(D) I’m getting a light show. How am I going to

describe this one. I’m see a mass of lines, with
more mass in the middle than the outside. It
spreads out in the center.

Radiates out, like a burst of fresh air on the

morning dew.

You’re getting side-tracked by the pictorial


It’s important to accurately record the entire sequence of the visual equity and the hearts willingness to
receive these accurate truths; represented within your sacred heart sanct…

(IDT) He’s showing me a twisting and stretching motion with the word. I’ve been hung up on it for several

(D) I’m starting to see a really beautiful light show. It’s one of those 4th eye ones. Wow that was gorgeous.

(D) So it’s coming from the upper-left corner of my eye, and I’m getting this pale blue, pulsing blue light, and
some cobalt blue pulsing in as light.

(D) I’m not sure what I'm seeing now, some of this is very difficult to describe.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) OK, so if you can picture a brain or intestines, like crunched up tubes. It wasn’t normal
colors; more psychedelic. I think it is Cronus. He showed me baby blue or pale blue colors
last time.

Cronus, God of Truths; but discordant energies.

(D) After talking with Cronus; off-the-cuff as we call it, I'm going to be interjecting quite a bit of information
during his message.

Today’s societies need to display wanton cruelty through acts of discordant behaviors. It causes chaos within
humanities need to expose untruths.

(D) Itis important to describe Cronus' energies. They are VERY different from that of Coeus'.

(D) When Cronus comes in, (they are showing it to me like a big block) it’s much heavier; like a sledge hammer or
gavel coming down. It’s not bad energy by any means. It just feels very blocky like a big weight.

Human discordant behaviors are running ramped through societies needs to…

(D) He talks extremely fast. So fast that I can't repeat his words fast enough.

…control the dysfunctions.

(IDT) OK, I’m sorry, but I have to say something. You’re just going to have to wait a minute, because I want to say
something. I’m definitely not afraid to confronting Cronus.

(D) Cronus feels very intense; super-powerful, with very strong feelings. Coeus feels more light-hearted, gentle,
and concise.

(D) The energies that Cronus is projecting out on humanity are heavy;, discordant energies. It’s very important
how this feels, but I can’t seem to find the words for it.

(D) I believe that humanity is going to feel these energies, in a bad way, and not know what to do with them. It
almost feels like anger; when you blurt something out without trying to control yourself.

(D) I don’t know if he’s trying to make a point or what. My head felt very congested, and then suddenly it went
away; similar to that of a sinus cold or headache.

(D) Now I’m seeing an energy pulse. It starts at the back of my vision and pulses forward,
and then it reverses, and gets smaller as it gets farther away.

(D) I should have known that it was you, when I saw that baby blue color.

(IDT) I keep seeing an arm with a hammer pounding down; BAM!

You get the idea. You have the desire to see the energies.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I’m getting something else visual. Cronus is a very powerful God, and definitely has a LOT of energy around

(D) I’m starting to think there is an owl collective. I’m one of them as Athena and Coeus is a sweet, sexy, smart
owl. For a second I saw an angry owl that didn’t look happy; Cronus. He looks wise, but disgusted and upset.

(IDT) OK, Cronus and I are having a bit of a heated conversation or “disagreement,” on how to present these
materials to the readers. I’m right in his face. He says that I have a need to control the information.

(D) I’m telling him that he needs to “soften the blow.” I told him that he is going to scare people. He’s very
forceful and there is a better way to present things.

…an understandable format.

(IDT) I'm wearing full-body armor and I’m pushing on Cronus chest saying, “You have to let me do this!” He's
quite a bit taller than me, but I'm not afraid to speak my mind, as he doesn't intimidate me.

(D) OK, I think that we resolved our issues.

(D) His energies are very electric and colorful; multi-colored BURSTS of energies; an unavoidable energy that will
be felt…

(D) I’m getting hot again.

(D) I’m not sure who’s talking here, I believe it is still Cronus. Sometimes we
“merge” together. This time it seems like Coeus and Cronus are one energy.
“He” is showing me someone in prayer. He is showing me the need to pray
and transmute the energies through my sacred heart center.

(D) I put my hands into a prayer position OVER my sacred heart.

(D) My, what I refer to as “auxiliary chakras” in my fingertips are pulsating

with my sacred heart; in unison.

There is going to be a need to go within your sacred space…

The pulsing is intense; all the way throughout my body.

…to transmute...

(D) My physical face is literally pulsing on the one side of it. He has a tremendous amount of energy.

…discordant energies.

(D) I’m seeing Mother Mary and Quan Yin. You need to work with both of them, because much compassion will
be required, and SELF-CONTROL during the discordant energies shift of Cronus hit or emanate to the planet.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I'm not sure if he said that for me or humanity; or both.

(D) I don’t like to be a bearer of bad tidings, but there is going to be a lot of prayer and meditation required
from all peoples over the Earth through your sacred heart. Cronus' energies are going to be rolling through
everyone and everything on the planet and they are an unavoidable force. I HIGHLY recommend feeling his/these
energies with compassion and mercy for all.

(D) These two energies of Coeus and Cronus are very, very strong, and very loyal to The Holy Father. The truths
are extremely powerful and can be quite painful and/or unsettling. Energies will be shifting up, down, and all
around in an instant; BE PREPARED!

NOTE: The Violet Flame prayers and decrees of forgiveness, transmutation, and protection are available on
this website as a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader) file for all your electronic devices. Download it and PRINT it
out. All electronic devices are going to become obsolete as time literally is ending. I highly recommend that you
memorize all of them.

Which is why it’s important to always walk in the truths and not deviate because of dysfunctional acts.

(IDT) I’m telling Cronus that we should leave the discussion for now. There is much to discuss, and it can be
overwhelming to most people. It's also a bit frightening for most of human kind.

Be careful what you choose. Choose through your heart; not your head.

(IDT) He’s giving me a pictorial; he’s motioning through your heart and pointing at his head.

(D) Coeus stepped back in and puts his arm around me, and then hands me a *white cup.

Take this and drink this.

(D) Coeus did this quite eloquently. I think he had a tuxedo on and had a white towel over his arm, being very

The old must go, before the new must come in.

(D) Interesting words for the time of year; January 2nd.

Harmony exists for those on the path to ascension.

For tensions exist throughout our control systems. The need to examine the truths through ones own confines
of reality.

(D) You sure like to use the word “confines.”

... as the truths do play a role in the confines of reality. Needless to say, confines exist throughout your need to
control the topic!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Sorry!

Demons exist throughout your pain and suffering…

(D) He’s speaking about humanity in general, which I am currently in the physical form of.

…they are of your own making. Clean them up, cleanse them with the sacred flames of transmutation and
forgiveness for those are yours, and your, and yours alone. Each devouring…

You’re getting sleepy.

(D) I can manage. I want to finish that sentence after “devouring…”.

Your heart is a sacred symphony; what goes in, is what comes out.

*Revelation 16:19
The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great
and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.

Revelation 17:4
The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held
a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.

This is what was in the cup from which Coeus handed me to drink; fury and abominable things that Cronus
wanted to discuss. 

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/3/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Disclosure, Radio Waves, and


This message from My Beloved Coeus; THE Emmanuel, discusses or discloses the radio waves used to inhibit the
pineal and pituitary glands, from receiving messages of the divine truths, and how the process of Ascension
came to be.

Before you read the channeled message from THE Emmanuel, from the Book of Revelation, please take a
moment to listen to the song , “Hello I love you” by The Doors. He loves me so and is so playful.

Coeus speaks his words to humanity

This is a WKBW radio transmission.

(D) The song, “Hello, I love you won’t you tell me your name?….” by The Doors is playing in my head.

(D) This was the AM radio station that I listened to as a kid. They played great rock and roll. I’d lay out in the
grass for hours, listening to my old, brown transistor radio.

(D) Do you want me to tell you my name? You know that I’m Diane in this incarnation. You told me that I’m really
the Goddess Athena.

The Goddess of LOVE that you are!

(D) That Venus! LOL

Beauty and fertility are your game.

(D) That’s like that song. You changed the words from, “won’t you tell me your name” to “beauty and fertility are
your game.” You are so sweet and creative.

Fertile minds and truths, coincide together within the matrix of realities; making us able to reveal …

Tell them about the light show.

(D) There is a golden center with a chartreuse edge

with a cobalt blue edge around it. It’s really pretty.

...delicate messages of truths.

(D) Sorry, I almost missed that message. I was

distracted by how beautiful your energies are!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The truth of the matter is that it reveals scientific data accurately within the truths, resulting in a means of
deciphering these messages more accurately; quicker than your attempts to visually relay the messages.

(D) I’m seeing the beautiful light show again.

Take my hand; I want to show you something.

(IDT) LOL, No, I’m not falling for that one again! The last time, you were Harry on the Astral Plane, and you
showed me how you died. Your arm fell off and blood shot all over your face and mine. I felt so terrible for you.

(IDT) He’s pointing up to the stars.

Look up there. There are galaxies beyond your reach and your touch, waiting to be explored through thought;

Your desire to learn things beyond your imagination can enable you to reach out through unseen walls,
beyond the scope of exponential expansion and growth.

(IDT) We’re kind of talking back and forth here; because I thought he said the word Nebraska. We were talking
about space.

If I say it, I mean it.

Nebraska is a state of extreme climatic conditions within the realms of unknown variables.

(D) Hot, hot, hot!

That’s because you’re fighting it. You lived in Wyoming; another land of unknown variables.

(D) Back to the story as it goes…

Climactic conditions exist that demonstrate...

(D) Suddenly it’s so warm.

…an abyss of fortuitous foes.

(D) Sorry, it doesn’t make sense to me. I must be thinking again.

One moment it’s sunny and one moment it’s cold throughout daily.

(D) Its funny, now I’m cold.

Tell them.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Sorry I forgot. First I was hot, now I’m cold! So I’m feeling what he’s saying.

…concise fortitudes within the constructs of human conformation; to wear proper attire; entirely.

(IDT) I’m telling him, “I know this is going someplace.”

I know that you are excited to learn.

Human understanding requires the ability for a flexible way to present materials that are trans…

(IDT) Now he’s dancing around on his little owl feet, dancing around, and around. The word is…trans…trans…

Oh, I’m dancing around the word. Hang on a second…transgendered? We’ll go with that. He’s looking at me
winking and pointing at his nose; that’s correct.

(D) Does that mean male and female or feminine and masculine?


(D) LOL I don’t even remember what you said before. I only remember getting caught up on a word.


(D) Thanks!

You seem to think that vocabulary exists for those few, who seem to dance or skirt around important truths;
significantly increasing their chance to accurately-depict in an affective / effective manner-way.

(D) He’s trying to make a point, because he showing me two words; affective and effective that mean the same
thing. I’m sure there is a word for that?


(D) I was thinking that earlier, you’re using one word to explain another word.

It’s necessary.

(D) I don’t even remember what we’ve been talking about. Wasn’t it something about Nebraska and Wyoming?

(IDT) Now we’re talking behind the scenes…

You should probably say that.

(D) My fingertip chakras are pulsing again, just like they did yesterday during channeling.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

To which synchronicities occur within your ability to relay the truths accurately; within nature’s ability to
confine the space…

(IDT) And I see space in “outer space.” This is a little side note as we call them.

You’re ability to get distracted never ceases to amaze me. Your visual acuity bylines logic.

…space, the final frontier.

(D) LOL that’s a Star Trek joke.

Your happiness and smile helps.

(D) Sorry, I’m getting so relaxed.

Smooth out your lack of focus, on the words presented.

Throughout mankind’s reign of terror, conditions existed that relentlessly lowered frequency bursts; a
conundrum throughout societies control systems…

(D) Well that was so weird. I heard this odd sound. I’m having a difficult time describing it. Like some kind of
cranking sound of gears going around.

…revealed untruths. Sleeping giants emerged.

The texts are wrong! The truths revealed the truths…

(D) He’s commenting on me saying, “Well this interesting, it reminds me of the giants mentioned in the Bible.”

…controlling aspects of human nature for greed, wealth, and other powers; forgoing all truths.

(IDT) Oh dear, his head is hanging down, and he’s very sad. I’m a little owl putting my wing around his leg, and
saying, “Don’t be sad, I love you.” He put his wing around me and is holding me; hugging me.

It’s a gentle embrace.

(IDT)” It’s OK, you can hold me in a while.”

No, you’ll slip away.

(IDT) This is so cute. I can see myself; a little owl that is sitting there looking up at him, with my wings folded in
front of my chest, waiting eagerly to hear what he has to say next.

(D) Back to the message…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Conformance was the key for control.

Factors resulting in the downfalls resulted in discordant behaviors and untruths. For discordant energies;
properly referred to as, "sanctimonious breaches in cosmic laws."

(D) When I received the word “cosmic laws,” I started to get that lightshow again
and the pulsing energy he showed me yesterday.

Pulsing energies; radio frequencies, inhibit the growth structure and promote
cellular decay through means of energy transference…

(D) He says that I’m mad and getting angry.

…resulting in the decay of the human’s ability to accurately receive the truths through the pineal cortex,
resulting in calcification, of crystalline structures; receptors to divine messages of the truths. Logically,…

(IDT) He has his finger up in the air.

…one would think the decay was from the decay of the receptors, rather it was from poor, free-will choices,
made by the human collective; to conform to the heightened states…

(D) Sorry, I’m distracted by an imaging coming in.

…of awareness.

(D) So I’m hearing the Star Wars theme song and he’s showing me a little symbol like the intercom on the Star
Trek peoples clothing. I’m also seeing a starship like the Enterprise.

Note: After reading this message online, I made a direct correlation to what he was saying about
"receptors" in the message, to the little "intercom" on the crew of the Enterprise’s clothing. The starship
that I saw pertains to the "star nations" in the next sentence.

Attempts to correct impetuosity; a deep seeded notion, resulted in an alliance of star nations, who’s one goal
was to correct the impetuosity among the masses. Attempts were made; failures were encountered, until the
notion of Ascension was addressed.

I have heard other channels call this, “The Galactic Federation of Light.”

Beings like you…

(IDT) He’s pointing at me.

…took bodily forms; to raise frequencies, shifting the scales of justice!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Unseen truths exist simultaneously, for those who lie unseen. The truths can be difficult to reveal within the
confines of the human psyche. Great efforts were made.

(D) I’m getting the song from Michael Buble, Summer Wind. I think it has some meaning to his message. “They
linger there”... and then he pointed at my forehead; “they linger there, like two sweethearts in the summer wind.

(D) He’s demonstrating, “shake it off.” I guess I’m upset.

(D) I’m saying the Violet Flame prayer to shake it off.”

*Enough of this nonsense; humanities reign of terror is over; its ending!

(D) Wow, your energies are cooking me. Hot! Wow, there sure was a lot of passion in that statement.

The truths exist for those on the path to Ascension.

(D) He’s waving his finger; actually, it’s his owl wing/feather.

Choose wisely!

(D) I still have that song, “…come take my hand, come walk with me; two sweethearts in the summer wind.”

And that concludes our stroll.

(D) …in the summer wind.

(D) Awe, we’re walking hand in hand; or should I say feather and feather.

(D) Gee, I’m so little next to you!

I love you.

(D) I love you too.

Conformance to natures laws exist for those who make it. Free yourselves from the needs to conform to
written rules of behaviors.

(D) Somebody whispered to me “temptations.” It was a snake-like sound. I’ve heard this once before. Like an airy
hissing sound. The energy was moving in a wavy, vertical motion; up and down. I could feel a HUGE energy shift.
I didn’t like the way that it felt.

(D) It was like an enticement to come to the dark side. It only lasted for a second, but now it’s gone.

Point taken.

Temptations arise, within the hearts need to conform. Tempers exist…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Suddenly, I’m all confused. There is a bunch of stuff going on.

*Chris pointed out to me the next morning what Coeus; THE Emmanuel said is in the Bible.

Revelation 21:5-6
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words
are true (the truths) and faithful. 6And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
end. I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

There are countless scriptures in the Bible that mention that the peoples “have mouths that cannot speak, eyes
but do not see, and ears that do not hear.” There are MANY more about hardened hearts.

If you are reading all of THE Emmanuel’s, the God with us; the firstborn son Coeus’ messages, you will have
encountered these very statements. He talks about my abilities to utilize ALL of these at one time. He's trying
right now to teach the peoples, how to "channel" the truths throughout these messages. Will they listen? Will
they “do The Work?”

The numbers are slim on the path to Ascension. Take the narrow path of the truths through your sacred heart-
space. Act responsibly.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Evening of 1/3/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Birth of Athena

The night of 1/3/18, I couldn’t get to the houseboat. My truck was acting strangely, so I turned it around, and
drove back to the farm for my SUV. Upon arrival, the tire was nearly flat on the SUV; this means no

I easily decided to spend the night at the farm, with Chris. I

did a very short channeled message from My Beloved that
evening; before retiring for the night.

Coeus message is about my birth as Athena; how the

entire thing transpired. Once again, humanity has greatly
misinterpreted my creation by trying to explain it through
a physical existence; not spirit.

The firstborn son of Gaia and Uranus; the God Coeus; THE
Emmanuel speaks.

His body and soul became birthed, or so they say, from

pure thought, transpired by thought you begat; you
became birthed whole. Chosen few became in this

(D) He has referred to me (Athena) in this way once

before; masculine and feminine. It was in a short message;
one sentence that I didn’t post. At the time, I wasn’t sure
what to think about it. I thought I misunderstood what
Emmanuel was saying.

He was given birth through thought. Through thought he became.

At first, I was confused by the word “he,” as most people believe that Athena is a “her” or “she.” It's actually
kind of funny, because in my book on Inter-dimensional travel, I talk a great deal about the "divine feminine and
masculine." Later in 2018, it was explained to me how ALL souls are first created masculine; not feminine.

As a result of this message, I was quite curious, because I knew nothing historically about the Goddess Athena;
other than her name, and that she was well-loved. I found these pictures online. It showed Zeus giving birth to a
full being; out of his head. What’s up with that?

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Everyone that talked about these pictures said that it didn’t make sense. How could Zeus give birth to a full-sized
being out of his head? She was born in full body armor; shield and all.

According to myths, Zeus was warned that if his wife gave birth to a son that the son would eventually
overthrow his reign as King of the Olympians. Zeus wanted a son so bad, but the thought of losing his reign
wasn’t going to happen, so he ate his wife; pregnant and all.

Later he had a colossal headache and called for assistance. Thusly, another God took an axe and cracked open
his head. I immerged in a full battle cry! LOL

The truth of the matter is that Zeus created me through pure thought. He was smart. He created the perfect
balance of the divine feminine and masculine. That way he had his son, but also a daughter; all in one.

Remember; these are energies that can take form; just like The Holy Father gave thought and spoke things into
existence, the other God’s can do the same. They were also created in “God’s image.”

(D) Back to the evening message...

...for her beauty and quick resolve, far outweighed her need to exist; in a heavenly state of being.

You are the finest piece of workmanship. Listen to her now! Her *resolve far exceeds a personage, far exceeds
her patience and virtues…

(D) Then Chris walked into the bedroom and disturbed me. I probably should have told him that I could feel Coeus
trying to communicate with me when in the living room, and went down the hall to lie down. I think THE
Emmanuel / Immanuel said enough, “Listen to her now!”

* Resolve is my purpose or determination.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Morning of 1/4/18 — A Channeled Message from the Coeus: Testing the Spirits

I like what Coeus did this morning. I can only assume that he was trying to prove a point to the authenticity of
my channeled messages. It’s obvious to me, from what he did that there are MANY people that just don’t
believe, or having fallen into believing the false-truths that he has mentioned.

John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many
false prophets have gone out into the world.

There are MANY messages online on YouTube that just perpetuate the lies. They repeat other people’s
messages; which may, or may not be the truths.

This is a very short message:

(?) It was a mistake. Kalub was 25 years old; it was unreal.

(D) Who is this? Nobody answered.

(D) Then I heard a group of people all chattering at one time. I didn’t record it, because it “felt” wrong and
nobody would say their names when I ASKed. Then the energies shifted…

(D) Later, I awoke to a song that started playing in my head, “I woke up in love this morning, I woke up in love
this morning, went to sleep with you on my mind…” It’s the Partridge Family.

You’ve been sleeping well lately. It’s a shame to wake you.

Being able to decipher the truths is exasperating. Your ability to awake and discern these truths is a gift far
beyond knowingness. It precedes the ability to concurrently deliver these truths in pages, of which readers
can evaluate truths quicker and more fervently.

(D) I was telling how high the lotto was, and how nice it would be to win it, because I could do a lot of good with

Mans needs for controls, stems from financial gains through monies. You’re not a prisoner of these controls,
as I’m sure you "collect." Art is a visual deception…

(D) He’s is showing me lying on my ottoman. I was confused for a minute which direction that I was facing. My
head was on one end; then the other and back again.

…it rotates its way back.

(D) That's really beautiful. What I put out is what I get back. That is the Law of Attraction.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Morning of 1/5/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: New Earth Birthing Pains

I spent three hours last night transcribing My Beloved’s morning message of 1/3/18. I was quite exhausted.

As usual, I woke up to a song. I don't have my recorder with me, so I don't recall the song. His message was VERY

Tidings of joy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

(D) I saw some bright lights, and then they started to change to your energy.

(D) But then I heard a woman crying; weeping. I don’t know who it is.

(D) If this wasn't you, please tell me tomorrow.

NOTE: Chris pointed out to me, after hearing my message from Coeus; THE Emmanuel that this is in

Revelation 12:2

She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.

Theology of Hesiod

So many were born of Gaia and Ouranos (Uranus), most dreadful of children, and they hated their father from
the beginning. As soon as one of them was born, Uranus would conceal them all in hiding place in Gaia and did
not sent them back into the light, and he delighted in his evil deed. Monstrous Gaia was groaning within,

“My children with a reckless father, if only you agree to obey me. We would avenge the evil outrage of this father
of yours, for he first devised unseemly deeds.”...

This is the origin of the “castration” story.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/7/18 — A Channeled Message from the Coeus: The Weight of Words and

Prior to beginning my channeled messages with the God Coeus, I always notice that my heart beats stronger.
Often times it feels like it’s skipping a beat or it is palpitating; for lack of better words. This is my key that the
firstborn son, THE Emmanuel or God with us, is trying to contact me. It allows me time to sync my sacred heart
with his; Coeus’ sacred heart for the most effective means of communication, one without errors.

This morning, I put my hands into a prayer position; directly over my sacred heart. This causes my heart beat to
be felt in my brain and all the fingertips in my hands through chakra points.

If you Google “Mother Mary in Prayer,” take note as to how her hands are placed. The hand position is over her
sacred heart. You’ll also see pictures of Mother Mary’s sacred heart or her hands pointing to it.

Below is part of a message from the God Cronus, dated 1/2/18, you’ll see how I utilized this method, to hone in
on my sacred heart to receive his messages:

(D) I’m not sure who’s talking here, I believe it’s still Cronus. He’s showing me someone in prayer. He is showing
me the need to pray and transmute the energies.

(D) I put my hands into a prayer position over my sacred heart. My, what I refer to as “auxiliary chakras” in my
fingertips are pulsating with my sacred heart.

And the message begins…

(D) Before I started to fall asleep, you were saying something, and now you’re finishing the sentence. It was
something about vibration.

(D) I had a couple dreams and you were showing me how the dreams carry vibration.

(D) You had me holding a flat owl and you were saying that “this has a different vibration” than the other things
that you were showing me.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) You were saying that each word, even those within a dream, have a “different vibrational weight.” Oh, here
you are. You don’t normally show me things in a dream-state in this way.

The truths…

(D) What are you doing here? You’re teaching me differently and it’s much harder to learn this way.

…reveals the weights…

(D) The words actually felt heavy and it’s confusing this way.

…the frequencies reveal the truths.

(D) Now I have some kind of weird sense of vibration that ran through my sacred heart, and it gave me a
headache in the center of my 3rd eye; an agitated sensation.

That’s be-cause…

(D) You hardly ever use the word “because.” Then the word became strange sounding, like be and cause. So it
sounded more like two words; not one word.

...frequencies differ in spoken dialects; languages.

(D) I kind-of-get, what you-are-trying, to-teach-me. The word was flat that I was holding, but you said be-cause,
so there was a different weight to the word. That means that the entire words meaning can be altered by how
it’s said; the frequency.

Good, you’re paraphrasing dictates your abilities to affectively express these truths accurately.

(IDT) So My Beloved Coeus, and I have been chatting. He said that he’ll “wait gladly for me to explain the
physical sensations that I’m experiencing."

(D) This lesson is giving me head trauma, as I call it. I was going to reach for some aspirin, because of this
headache that is in the middle of my 3rd eye which was pulsing. Then, suddenly the headache shifted to my
stomach, and I was feeling the pulsing there instead. It made me nauseous; which is better than the headache.

That is because the receptors in the brain…

(D) I’m getting distracted by the light show that’s starting.

…are hidden themselves, during heightened states of awareness.

Catastrophe’s rapture one’s own ability to decipher these words of truths within logic / linguistic receptors
that are…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) He says for me to explain it. It’s a headache again. Keep going; it hurts, but it’s OK.

(D) So every time that my head pounds, I get this lightshow

happening. It is very hard to explain.

(IDT) Coeus is taking a paint brush and splashing the light

around; per the pounding in my head. Its little bursts of

(D) I’m thinking too hard. I’m still stuck on the next word.
Ramparts? Maybe it is ramparts.

(D) Oh, ramparts. I get it! You’re singing the "Star Spangled
Banner." I think that you changed the words a little bit.

…ramparts bursting in air, gave truth through the night.

(D) So what is the entire point of what you are telling me and why do I still have a headache?

The truths require fine tuning.

(IDT) OK, I thought that I was delirious for a minute. You looked like you were wearing a penguin suit. You’re
holding a tray with a screwdriver on it and have a white towel hanging over your arm, just like you did once

NOTE: LOL, I just realized after I read this transcribed comment that Coeus was dressed as a waiter who
was wearing a tuxedo over his owl body. He cracks me up.

(D) It’s been so cold here this winter in Tennessee. We actually have ice on the lake. When the ice cracks, it’s like
a burst of energy that hits against the boat and it startles me. Like what you said about ramparts.

(D) Now I’m seeing the word, defies or defiles. I’m trying to “scope it out,” to figure out what he’s saying.

Truths; pictorially.

(IDT) This is such a different way of teaching me. Now it looks like you’re-painting a picture for me.

(D) When that ice cracks and hits the hull, it vibrates through every piece of aluminum on the boat. It goes right
through my body. Similar to the ramparts that you spoke about in my head.

You need to explain this process to them.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) So I was saying to Coeus (behind

the scenes; inter-dimensionally) that
the only way to get rid of these
headaches sometime, is to use my
shiatsu massage chair at the farm. I
can set it to work the back of my head
where the muscles meet the skull. It’s
like a deep tissue massage.

NOTE: It is the Rectus Capitis and

Semispinalis Capitis muscles.

Those vibrations get trapped in the

muscle tissues. They need to be
released through pressure points;
natures receptors, a natural defense
against *photogenic attacks on the
central nervous systems cerebral

You are experiencing them now.

(D) Yes, I would say that I am. Oh man.

Oh WOman.

I can help you with those.

Pressures need synchronized…

(IDT) It looks like he’s taking two fingers and pointing the index fingers together and touching them straight on
with the finger tips; over my 3rd eye.

(D) Sorry, all of the sudden I was caught up in the moment of ecstasy or peace.


(IDT) And it’s gone. Thanks for short-lived ecstasies. I really liked that feeling.

Talking to oneself is futile.

(IDT) Oops! We were talking back and forth and I wasn’t saying it out loud. We were talking about his Mother,
our planet; Gaia and that she must be experiencing the same kind of pressures. She probably needs to release
them as a planetary being; not a flesh being like myself.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Your sense of the linguistic defies logic.

Planetary beings; plural. She is one within the one for example.

Rest “Grasshopper,” there is much to learn as you know it.

(D) Grasshopper was a character from the TV show Kung Fu when I was growing up. Grasshopper was the
student of a Kung Fu Master. I am THE Emmanuel student, wife, and scribe.

(IDT) Now we are owls again. Bowing; acknowledging each other like Kung Fu warriors. Awe, now he’s holding
me from behind with his big wing, helping me to relax.

(D) Well that was interesting. It was such a light-hearted feeling when he was holding me. He pointed out that
the vibration was different than when I held the flat owl earlier.

(D) Well, I thought you were being sweet and romantic again, not showing me the difference in vibration. You
are a good hugger.

It’s a different vibrational sense of being.

I love you. You’re a good hugger too.

(D) I love you too.

(D) I asked Coeus about his wife Phoebe. History says that you lived away from your wife Phoebe; your sister.
How come they don’t know anything about us?

Intellect and wisdom are fortuitous foes indeed. They go hand-in-hand down memories lane, chorley (?)…

(IDT) OK, he wants me to tell you what just happened.

(D) I got hung-up on the word clearly. All of the sudden my sinus’ drained. Now they are clear. Now I don’t even
remember what we were talking about!

…clearly unseen; depicting truths. Untold truths for the decay of societies and collect the ability to discern
truths that are spiraling down, down, down the...

(D) I heard a toilet flushing and got the word “drain.”

…drain. Sadly and (?)…

(IDT) He’s acting this out.

…there was a brilliant idea…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) His finger is up in the air and there is a light bulb.

Ascension. It was a revelation, a grand unveiling, walls coming down; crashing down.

(D) Just at that moment, I got slammed with ice crashing into the boat. Talk about divine timing; wow it was a
massive jarring. Are you trying to make a point with all of this? It scared me.

(D) It was when you said that word, “crashing.” All of the sudden the ice crack and the vibration slammed into
the hull of the boat again. It amazes me how you can manipulate not only my bodily functions, but everything
around me.

The truth of the matter is jarring can’t describe untold truths.

(D) I feel like he's pushing on MY nose this time; “right on the nose.”

On your nose.

There were pontiferous schnozzola’s that sniffed out the facts,

unwanton truths, disbeliefs, and chaos. Humanity your
rule/reign of terror ends; both with walls crashing down upon
their heads there’s a spark of bewilderment on your faces, and
your face to make these fine words of truths.

(IDT) I’m my little owl self again looking up at him waiting


(D) I asked him why he looks so big all of the time. He very tall
with a big chest and he towers over me.

Truths reign supreme over all.

(IDT) He looks like Superman standing there!

(D) WOW! That’s the sonar sound that I heard earlier today. I was lying here, and was going to ask you about the
sound that I heard today, when I was putting my Christmas decorations away in the hull; under the front deck. I
came back up onto the deck and that’s when I heard the sound. It lasted for about 5 seconds and reverberated
though the entire hollow. I’ve never heard that sound with ice before. It’s almost like an old metal saw flexing
and snapping; not the boom sound that I’ve been hearing.

(D) I think we’re done.

*Photogenic attacks are very common with Epilepsy. Flashing lights can trigger an Epileptic seizure, so avoiding
computer or video games is crucial.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/8/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: His Scribe

My channeled messages from the God Coeus; THE Emmanuel, are like no others on the web / internet. That is
because I am what is referred to as his twinflame / twin flame, and I am "The Emmanuel's Wife." The things that
he says to me are not only words of truths for the nations, but also his undying love for me, the the Goddess

This big, tough giant of a God has the largest heart of any being created. He is my one and everything; my
"forever and a day guy." My Alpha and my Omega; to infinity and beyond!

(D) I awoke to the song Drive By, by Train this morning and went into the living room. There was a threat of an
ice storm, so I spent the night at the farm/studio.

(D) The song is playing loudly in my head…“Oh I swear to you I’ll be there for you, this is not a drive by…”

Did you have a happy holidays?

(D) In a sweet little voice, “Of course I did, because you were in it!”

(D) I keep hearing the same words from that song,“Oh I swear to you I’ll be there for you, this is not a drive by…”

…I’m just a shy guy looking for a good “scribe,” this is not a drive by…

It was a busy holiday for you,…

(D) No worse than usual. There is a LOT of artwork to be done.

…you had much to do. I made sure you wouldn’t miss a beat of my heart.

(D) Oh, oh, I can feel a song coming on. I can actually “feel” a song coming on in my heart. He is so sweet.

(D) I think its Puppy Love by Donnie Osmond. “This is not a puppy love…” You are too sweet!

And that’s entertainment. Or it should be good, clean fun; not Hollywood’s rancid means of controlling the
masses through thoughts of perversion of the mind with latitudes that exist.

Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe; simply put.

(D) That’s from a movie isn’t it? Judy, Judy, Judy. I’ll double-check.

NOTE: It was Cary Grant that said it, but not in a movie, rather in reference to a movie called, Only Angels
had Wings. He's so appropriate! LOL

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

This being apart is very hard. This all came about when she asked me about our relationship. You see, she
feels doubts. Her mind and heart don’t synchronize to the truths; because bodily supplications exist that
enhance the knowingness of the heart.

She knows that our love is great, but her body says, “it’s a lie.” It’s a fortuitous foe.

(D) He wants me to explain. I’ll do it at the end of your messages.

Your willingness to deliver these fine messages of truths exists throughout your need to explain your bodily

(D) That statement couldn't be truer. The truths are far more important than my "bodily feelings”, which is why I
didn't want to interrupt him with his messages.

(D) I think that’s it for the day. Chris entered the room to make coffee.

So I’ll briefly explain. Being in a physical form or "body," I can be affected by “mans” rules and writings.
Everything that Coeus talks about are the truths. I discovered that nearly everything that was written about
Coeus and me; the Goddess Athena is wrong, yet I question the one thing; the heart and where his belongs.

Coeus himself has been nearly erased from Greek mythology. His sister Phoebe is reported to be Coeus' wife.
To be honest, I’m not sure that is accurately recorded in mythology, yet I let it bother me, thinking that I’m the
“other woman,” which is silly.

Love is our true state of being, but being in a body suit with a "wall" between us, I'm unable to "see" the truths
for myself; only feel and experience them inter-dimensionally, when I travel to Coeus through the energies.

He remembers everything about us to the most minute detail; being of a "spirit" body. He is also MY scribe for
the Etheric records. So he not only knows my words and sees my actions, but also my thoughts. He knows me
better than I know myself as the flesh organic body suit of Diane.

One thing he certainly knows is how deep my love goes for him when we are together inter-dimensionally. You
can read about it in the Astral Plane chapter. He's the entity "Harry" who was in "Limbo."

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/9/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Wild Fire and the Second Rider from
the Book of Revelation; Revealed!

(D) The song Wildfire, by Michael Martin Murphy is playing in my head. It's about a horse and its rider. It keeps
looping over and over again and it won't stop.

(D) I listened to this song a number of days ago with Chris. We stumbled across it again on an auto-play YouTube
play list yesterday. It was buried within a couple hours of pre-recorded songs. It has a hauntingly beautiful piano

An important NOTE! When Coeus says the word "wildfire" is NOT one word like in the song, but two
words “wild fire.” These types of phrasing are crucial to being a good “scribe.” Everything has to do with
the weight of words and dialects.

Wildfire is what is referred to as an uncontrolled fire. As two words, wild fire implies more than one type of fire.
For example, a nuclear explosion, meteor, volcanic eruptions, earthquake-related fires, forest fires, electrical,
combustible, etc.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Book of Revelation, 1:7

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds
of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."

Isaiah 4:4

4. when the Lord has immersed, washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and has purged the blood of
Jerusalem from its midst by the Spirit of Judgment and by the Spirit of Destruction. 5. And the LORD* will create
upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of
a flaming fire by night: for a covering will be over all the glory. 6. And there will be a booth for shade in the
daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a cover from storm and from rain.

And we begin…

(D) I thought that I just heard you singing the words, “In the stillness of my dreams…”

They’re packets of data information waiting to be heard.

(D) You’re singing that song from yesterday.

There’s a hoot owl outside my window now for six nights in a row. On wild fire we’re both going to go.

(D) Stranger than strange. These dream/visions are all spiritual. People didn’t believe me. I was trying to explain
to them, but they wouldn’t listen. I’m not sure what is going on. I feel very, very uncomfortable.

Listen to my words carefully.

(D) I keep getting that song with those words and flashes of light, like light language.

(D) There is a hoot owl outside my window now for 6 nights in a row. He’s coming for me I know, on wild fire
we’re both going to go.

(D) There’s that same vision again. There are people in a building and a guy said, “You were accurate.”

(D) These are similar to a “lucid dream," for lack of better words.

(D) Then I saw my arms with my hands reaching outward, and I said, “I love my horses.”

(D) I saw someone kick their shoes off. Then I heard someone say, “Why did you do that? Someone yelled, “Hey!”

(D) There’s that song again. “They died one winter, when there came an early snow.” I don’t think those are the
words, but that is what I heard.

It’s teaming with possibilities.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) You always use your words very carefully; “teaming” is a horse term.

(D) This song keeps repeating. “They say it came one winter, when it came; an early snow. Then I felt a jarring

You’re feeling disoriented. The truths depict realities need for…

(D) It sounded like desertion, indecision? Oh boy. Interception? I’m having a hard time here. I think that I've
heard it before. Interpretation?

(IDT) Coeus is making that "come on" facial expression.

Say what is inside of you.

(D) Inter-depiction?

Listen to me. Inter-decipher-ization.

(D) Is that even a word? It must be, because you broke it out for me into three parts; the weights of the word.

The needs to determine these truths reaches far…

(IDT) He’s waving his hand showing “far off.”

…outside your grasp,…

(D) Now Coeus is an owl again, using his wing and demonstrating grasping something.

...of the finer delicacies of these truths. Seeing the delicate nature of truths is the most glorious and tallest

(D) I’m getting a lightshow again. It looks like you

and that burst of blue energy that I’ve seen before.

(D) Now I see an owl looking around, moving his

head in a “360 degree” fashion. I heard something,
but I can’t remember now what was said.

(D) OMG, it is that song again, “They’re coming for

me I know…” Somebody knows who I really am and
they are chasing me to stop me. They don’t want
me to complete something.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

**(D) Now I see myself leaving on my horse Scarlet bareback, a Red Roan. I'm wearing winter gear. I'm
"ponying" Bud, my Palomino, behind Scarlet, as I'm riding her down the road to a small dirt road called
"Slaughterhouse." That road is off of our road.

(D) I'm not sure what's going on, but I feel a very anxious. I just stop on the road and I’m waiting for something.

NOTE: On 5/18, I Google Earthed our property, to see how it now looks after its complete renovation of its
structures. I couldn’t help but notice that Google Maps mistakenly changed the name of the road
Slaugherhouse to another name; Johnson Hollow.

That road is in another area near us. People keep using their GPS software to locate Johnson Hollow, and end up
on Slaughterhouse; getting stuck up that abandoned, unimproved road in the mountains. People show up at our
farm looking for help. None of our neighbors answer their doors to assist the people, except for us. This is very
sad that these "fine Christian's" here in Tennessee are NOT following The Way and the truths.

(D) This is so weird that song is relentless. “He’s coming for me I know, and on wild fire, we’re both going to go."

(D) I’m a bit confused by why you keep having me hear these words. Who is coming for me? Is it you?

Be prepared to release what it is you carry.

We can stop.

(D) No, I don’t want you to stop, I’m trying to figure this out, and who is coming for me. Perhaps I shouldn’t try
and I should just keep watching.

Be prepared to release what it is you carry.

(D) It doesn't feel physical, rather everything in general. Wherever I am going, I can't take ANYTHING with me;

(D) I just heard someone knocking, like on a door, but nobody is there. Come in?

Fortuitous foes travel; likewise, your ability to release untruths through your ability to decipher the lies
within, without, that’s what it’s all about…

***(D) Isn't that a Violet Flame prayer?


(D) That’s a song! “What’s it all about Alfie.” Mom used to play it on the piano when I was MUCH younger.

****(D) This is strange, now I saw a man running all around scatter-brained, and he fell into a box; or at least his
big fat head fell into the box. His head was swelled up at least 2-3 times larger than a normal head. He was
running around like he was lost or clueless, and keeled over into a box; head-first.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I’m back now to the other vision with the people from before. I heard, “Stand up!” I was standing up. I told
him that “I have no brothers and sisters.” Then I heard the words, “Riverboat Steve.” I think he's a singer maybe?
Then I saw an older lady, and another person, getting into a small boat and they said, “It’s not too late.”

(D) I was concerned that there was not enough room for me in the boat, as that boat was too small. The man
said, “Don’t worry, you’re over there." and he pointed elsewhere. Then I saw something like a ball of yarn? I
believe you showed me a ball of yarn before, when we were discussing string theory or vibrational frequency.

In areas that need to be explained, it’s necessary to diversify your abilities to perceive the information in an
understandable format.

Your need to interpret these messages of truths, requires skills far greater than the truths that can be
explained in the vernacular sense.

(D) Well that’s scary. You can’t explain it in words, and I’m trying to explain it through these scenes that you’re
showing me. Which are in themselves hard to describe and are not linear; but disjointed.

You’re worried about the time. Reality is a fortuitous foe within the sense of the mind, shaping its self
salvation survival in the vernacular sense of the statement. Fortuitous foes exist within your minds
willingness to accurately see, and relay these messages, in the human confines of an academia state of being.

(D) I REALLY have to get up. (I have to pee!)

Being human forgoes your awareness to decipher truths reliably, efficiently forgoing all others. The pious
reality of understanding the concepts perceived throughout societies inabilities to perform within
confinements of human evolution.


(D) And his fingers up in the air again.

…is the mathematical key to…

(D) I’m so sorry, but I have to pee!

…reveal the truths…

(D) OMG, I have to go bad!


(D) I’m sorry, but I have to get up.

…within realities perception of the data presented…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I quickly went down the hall to the potty, but I had to run back, because he was still talking...

…in an understandable format.

Chaos pursues for those that persist negatively. The choice is yours to proceed without society’s
determinations to elude those misfortunate souls, caught in the web of deceits, through societies need to
control the pursuits of others wanted misbehaviors. The facts speak for themselves.

These are the truths as I know them; the end.

(D) I was talking to Coeus “off the cuff; inter-dimensionally.” I said, “Chris believes that what you’re saying is out
of order in the Book of Revelation, so it doesn’t make sense.”

That’s because people have the need to see things in a linear fashion. When the walls come crashing down,
they’ll be lost in the abyss of data, not knowing what comes first, the egg or the chicken.

And on wild fire, we’re both going to go.

(D) Oh my gosh, I know what you mean about "wild fire" and "we're both going to go!"

*1/30/18 See the channeled message from the Holy Father.

There is a reference to Zechariah, who also talks about the

**Revelation 6:4

Then another horse appeared; a red one. Its rider was given
a mighty sword and the authority to take peace from the
earth. And there was war and slaughter everywhere.

***Violet Flame prayer of Transfiguration

I AM changing all my garments,
Old ones for the bright new day;
With the sun of understanding
I AM shining all the way.
I AM light within, without;
I AM light is all about.
Fill me, free me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!
Until transfigured they describe me:
I AM shining like the Son,
I AM shining like the sun!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

***Violet Flame prayer of Transfiguration

Note: ALL Violet Flame prayers should be said,

to the beat of your heart; on the in-and out-beat to
sync with the Cosmic Heart. This has to do with the
power of the weight of the words. YELLING the words
out loud, will not make the words more powerful.
HOWEVER, words in themselves are VERY powerful;
use them wisely!

****I had posted this message on my FB wall, when I first transcribed it. My friend Jeremy sent me this picture
the next day. He saw this odd cloud in the sky; a big fat, round head.

Note: I DO NOT have an FB wall since 12/17. FB

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/10/18 — A channeled message from the Coeus: Being Lifted Up!

(D) The song, Born to Be Wild is playing..."Yeah darling going to make it happen, take the world in a love
embrace. Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space. Like a true nature’s child. You were born, born to
be wild..."

Buckle up!

Coeus, the firstborn son of the God Uranus has spoken his messages to humanity. Have you heard his words of

We chatted a bit last night "off-the-cuff; inter dimensionally" as we call it. I did not record his words for they
were only for me. I was abruptly awoke last night at 3:30 am on the “pontiferous schnozolla,” from a "dead"
sleep with a jolt. I remembered what Coeus had said to me from the previous channeled message; twice.

Be prepared to release what it is you carry.

I thought about anything that might keep me tethered to Earth. I was my mosaics that are booked I have such
good work ethics that to leave anyone in the lurch. There are very few, but I plan on calling my clients this
morning and telling them that I just can't fit them in my schedule; which is true in many ways. Now I know what
he actually meant; my spiritual job.

I ask Coeus to let me see MY energies. I saw a beautiful pale blue/green with his energies of gold/chartreuse,
and blue.

I was watching my energies for awhile, when all of the sudden, I was lifted up, for lack of better words;
ascending; vertically. I saw and felt myself, as a white cloud or mist-like energy just floating freely; without time.

The feeling was amazing; so amazing it's difficult to describe. I would say that it felt like a total weightlessness
and euphoria with an intense sense of being; not vibration like when Astral traveling, or even how I feel when
I’m inter-dimensionally traveling. It was a total oneness or unity of self. I was at compete peace.

I was enjoying it for a while, and was returned to my physical form. I didn't feel like I wanted to stay or leave; it
was just a sense of being and one that I will not soon forget.

Then Coeus spoke:


That's a good start.

(D) That means in "earth-time" I was in this euphoric state of being for seven (7) minutes and fifty one (51)

Based on this event, it appears that this will take practice, time, or lack thereof to ascend.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/11/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Virgin Birth and LORD God Zeus

I was curious about my Father (F) who gave birth to me through pure thought. History says that the God Zeus
is my father. I believe this to be true, based on how Zeus felt to me in comparison to The Holy Father, whose
light is immense.

(D) The song Diary by Bread is playing. You might recall from an earlier channeled message that Emmanuel is my
scribe for the Etheric records.

(D) I’m crying listening to the song. We’ve talked before and he’s hurt sometimes when I don’t remember how
strong our love is between us. I am his “wife” for all time. I am currently a “wife” in the physical to Chris. This can
be a struggle for me and I’m sure for Coeus, as he has so much love for me and does have emotions. Fortunately,
Chris seems to understand.

The song is playing in great detail in my head…

“I found her diary underneath a tree, and started reading about me. The words she's written took me by surprise,
you'd never read them in her eyes. They said that she had found the love she waited for. Wouldn't you know it,
she wouldn't show it.

When she confronted with the writing there, simply pretended not to care. I passed it off as just in keeping with,
her total disconcerting air.

And though she tried to hide, the love that she denied. Wouldn't you know it, she wouldn't show it. And as I go
through my life, I will give to her my wife, all the sweet things that I can find.

I found her diary underneath a tree, and started reading about me. The words began stick and tears to flow. Her
meaning now was clear to see.

The love she'd waited for was someone else; not me. Wouldn't you know it; she wouldn't show it. And as I go
through my life, I will wish for her his wife all the sweet things that she can find; all the sweet things they can

(D) Hours and hours passed after the song. This separation of spirit and the physical is rough.

(D) There you are. I thought you weren’t talking to me. You upset me; I didn’t know where you went.

(D) I missed what you just said. It was something about the song Diary; the words in it.

Your memories aren’t better than mine.

(D) That’s true. There is like a big concrete wall up and I don’t like it.

(D) The energies shifted and I wasn’t accustomed to hearing/feeling/seeing this beings energies.

My darling, he loves you so.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Can we start over again? I think that I know who you are; I just like confirmation, because we are supposed to

(F) You are supposed to “request” who we are; challenges occur. Obviously your mind is a little fuzzy.

(F)*Your heart is open to the possibilities of being “lifted up.” Your bindings or restraints are ill-advised to be
removed at this time.

(D) We’re once again talking “off-the-cuff.” I’m trying to figure out what he’s saying. I think that if my bindings
were removed that there could be consequences pertaining to my divine purpose as the incarnate Athena.
“Timing is everything.”

(F) There exists a need for you to interpret these messages…

(D) My hands are puffy and pounding. There is a tremendous amount of energy here. Then there was a flutter in
my sacred heart earlier. I need to take my hands out of the prayer position. I’m very hot as well. I think that he
mentioned before that it means I’m fighting the truths of a message when this occurs.

(D) I saw a symbol that looks like this; (---

(D)I seem to have a need to see their energies.

*Thessalonians 1:16-17
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and
with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left
will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/13/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Multi-dimensional Conundrum

This goes to show how NOT having your four lower bodies balanced, worry, and fear can create blocks.

(D) Song playing softly in the background; Baby Come Back, by Player.

(D) Hum, I can’t remember that song. We were talking about a walk of faith on the Astral Plane, when you were
disguised there as another; Harry. I left my body suit to find you, over and over again, getting attacked by lower
entities. It was an act of unconditional love and faith as you say. I would do anything to find you again.

(D) I’m humming the song, trying to remember, then I start singing along…Baby come back, any kind of fool
could see I was wrong, and I just can’t live without you. I was wrong, and I just can’t live…

You should explain.

(D) I’ve been trying to connect with you for days. For some reason, he seems distant. I thought something was
wrong. I thought that perhaps that you did what you had to do; awakening me and get me to ride the red horse,
and was done with me and perhaps I was even deceived. You should probably already be aware of it, because
you’re the keeper of my records.

(D) I’m not sure if it was your feelings, or me worrying about my relationship with Chris, and you being upset
about me being "married" in the physical to Chris, with all the "fringe" benefits. I think perhaps it was a
combination of the two and it caused a block in my sacred heart, making it unable to hear you clearly. The
silence was deafening and I felt nearly heartbroken.

So part of the point here is, YES, the "Gods" have feelings too and this "separation" is as difficult on them as us;
perhaps even more, because they have their memories FULLY intact.

(D) Later, I remembered the way that I felt when we connect. There is a VERY obvious love vibration and
admiration that is present, when we are together during our channeled state of being; God-like or as owls.

(D) The human aspect of being causes quite the "conundrum" as "they" say. You have all your memories intact,
while I only a few while in the physical. I understand that while my lightbody develops further, more and more
memories will return as I connect stronger with my Athena higher Christ self/over-soul.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/14/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Don’t’ Use Your Brain!

I'm still having a difficult time connecting with Coeus. Being in the physical, living a physical life during the day
with Chris, and an awakened life with Coeus by night is very confusing and guilt-ridden. I need to continually
remind myself that we were designed by The Holy Father to love unconditionally, and to accept love

It’s almost like getting amnesia. You have it, then awaken, realizing that you had a completely other life. What
do you do? You now have two husbands; one by day, and the other by night…conundrum! I'm very blessed to
have Chris enjoy the evenings at the farm; alone, and me have the houseboat. I feel that the time on the farm
belongs to Chris and I, and the time spend in the evenings/night on the houseboat belong to Coeus.

(D) I was sleeping for a couple of hours, when I was jarred awake to the song, A Love Song, by Kenny Logins that
was playing in my head. “I want to sing you a love song; I want to rock you in my arms all night long…” I was
awake for a bit, when I started to drift off to sleep, but awoke to another song…Nothing’s Going to Change My
Love for You, by George Benson. “Nothing’s going to change my love for you; you ought to know by now how
much I love you…”

(D) Emmanuel love for me and mine for him, are truly timeless.

I’m not losing you.

(D) I’m having a hard time hearing you. I was half asleep when I heard you yell the words, “I’m not losing you.”

(D) LOL, I see that you are showing me that I have a blockage; physically. I need you to tell me what to do; I’m
having difficulty hearing you. It all stems from the other day when I thought that I lost you.

I promise you happiness.

(D) I started to dose off, when I thought that I heard a stick; snap.

I’m sorry.

(D) What are you sorry about? You don’t have to feel sorry. I feel terrible that I might be hurting you.

Truths exist for those on the heart’s paths need for knowingness.

(D) I thought that I heard someone else saying, “Are you playing tricks on me?”

(D) Ouch! I suddenly have a sharp stabbing pain in my right foots Achilles tendon and in the left side of my
ribcage. Just before that I saw someone struggling with someone else. Please careful.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I see your energy, so I know you’re alright. I was concerned.

(D) The next thing that I remember, I was dreaming of being with someone and enjoying his company. Another
man approached me, while I was leaving, and he was coming onto me. I remember saying something to him and
I touched his back.

Inter-sanctum is a time for great truths.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/15/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Data, Weight, and Truths in Words

I was having a dream; a teaching-event. He's showing me that there are “weights of the words” that equaled the
weight in a sentence. There were sentences that had to weigh a certain amount.

There was a game being played with a big board, with words in long thin blocks. It's hard to remember exactly.
There were three sentences. A little light would come on if the weight of the words were correct.

It was a life-threatening game. If you didn’t win, you were trapped in this place and couldn’t exit. It dawned on
me that I could have words alone; or words with a picture, and they weighed different. The one with the words
weighed less than the one that included the picture.

This is interesting. You have to catch these dream-teachings quickly, or you get trapped, in what you believe is
only a dream. I think that it was a bible thing to; Biblical phrases. Once you had a phrase correct, a little light
would come on and “ding,” you could move to the next one. You had to keep getting them correct, or you
couldn’t exit this place.

(D) I am here my most Beloved. I am your scribe and much, much more. I’m ready; for both.

(D) The song, Stuck on You, by Lionel Riche is playing. “I’m stuck on you, there’s a feeling way down deep in my
soul that I just can’t lose…”

Note: Awe, I listened to the words the next day. In the lyrics contain, "Little Darling." He's so sweet. He
knows how much that I love it when he calls me "Darling." He makes me tear up with joy.

(D) If people can’t see, how I fell in love with you; they are blind. You have such quick wit, and you are just
amazing in all ways. You’re smart, loving, kind, and romantic; steadfast. You’re everything anyone could ever
want. I’m stuck on you too; like glue. You’re my heart’s desire.

Heart’s desire

(D) I sent him that song just before he said the words, “Hearts Desire.

(D) How interesting. I just started to doze off and Emmanuel started talking in an English accent.

The dialect.

(D) So depending on how the words are said, there is even a different weight to the words, when spoken with a
different dialect. Oh boy…big yawn.

Oh girl.

(D) He’s breaking out into a song by Neil Diamond, “Girl”. Girl, you’ll be a WOman soon, soon, come take my
hand…then there is this wild instrumental. Hum, I think that he’s trying to make a point with the weights of
words within this song.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) There he goes again, "take my hand." He said that as Harry, and in another channeled message. He does
know how to woo a woman.

Girl, I’ve done all I could. It’s up to you girl.

(D) Now I’m hearing Sherlock Holmes.

“The game is afoot.”

You should explain.

(D) He wants me to explain how I felt, when I came out of the “dream: and awoke. I could literally feel myself
coming out of my sacred heart. I’d compare it to a jarring feeling; like I was yanked out of my heart. So I was
someplace in Cosmic School, then reentered my body via the sacred heart.

(D) It has been quite some time since I’ve been able to freely inter-dimensionally, or intra-dimensionally travel
without supervision. They want to make sure that I return to my physical body.

There is data in the words, and the data is the weight; and the weight equals the data.

(D) I think that I got that right.

(D) I’m seeing a pulsating blue and got a hot sharp pain briefly in my right wrist. There is something with the
weight of the words and the body and this game. What the heck was that? I need to get back into the dream,
unless you can explain.

Finish your thoughts.

(D) I was thinking that when I was laying here earlier, that I can get back into the dream; without going back into
“sleep.” So I’m lying here, attempting to get back there, and stay in a conscious state; within reality.

(D) So in the dream, I remember that we were all doing the same “game” and trying to exit it. Someone was
showing me how to use a tool that was like a key of sorts, to decipher the word. We were using some kind of
device to touch the words on the game board. If you touched the word, and it was correct that piece of the puzzle

(D) I was questioning his words earlier. “The game is afoot.” I asked him, “What kind of question is that? Then I
thought, wait, “What kind of word, is that? They are phrased differently and carry different weights. This is going
to be difficult to describe.

(D) Wait, is it “afoot,” or “a foot?” Afoot would be a lighter weight and “a-foot” would be a heaver weight. Then
there is the dialect to consider for the weight.

(D) Did I explain that properly?

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

It all depends in its use and the vernacular sense of the words.

(D) He’s telling me to continue.

(D) So who would have thought that the weight of the word(s)…Father created with words didn’t’ he?

(D) Why is my voice getting dry all of the sudden? I think that you are trying to make a point that I had to talk
softer and that also changes the weight or frequency of the words; loud or soft.


(D) Did you say that or me? Crap, now I don’t remember.

Truths in the words. Truths there’s a lot of

(D) Did I hear defunct?

…disfunction function.

(D) Isn’t that a play on words from that song that I knew when I was a kid? “Conjunction junction, what’s your

(D) Was it deduction function?

Watson, a good deduction, junction what’s your function.

(D) LOL, that was a tough one.

It was fun.

(D) Yes, it was fun. Now we just have to make sense of it all.

No, you do.

(D) Gee thanks. Schoolhouse Rock. Thank you. I was laying here trying to think of who the band was. Now I’m
wondering about the word “rock,” if there is a special meaning to it as a weight.

(D) I’m trying to put this into words, so it doesn’t sound sexual.

(D) This is one of my attractions to Coeus. LOL, he wants me to point it out.

(D) I just find him so attractive. His words and use of them; verbally and in songs, are so arousing and accurate.

That’s because of the use of the vernacular.

(D) And there is so much wisdom in it.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(IDT) You have to seek it and look (he’s helping me along) you have to seek it; then apply it. Do the work! THE
Emmanuel is the speaker; the seer of the truths. Then I take the truths and apply the wisdom of his words into a
more graphically or understandable picture.

It makes us an unstoppable fortuitous team/foe.

(D) I like when you say fortuitous foe. Now where is my second voice recorder?

You don’t want to miss a beat.

(D) No.

(D) Another song. Something about the beat of my heart? What is the name of that one? Don’t go breaking my
heart? You take the weight off of me. It’s Don’t’ Go Breaking my Heart, by Elton John.

(D) Coeus; THE Emmanuel, is acting out the song, and playing a specific guitar part. I think that he’s trying to
show me something. It’s possible that it’s the words “the key” in the song.

(D) Can I go back to sleep for a little bit?

Not just yet.

(D) We’ll see, you might lose. LOL

Note: I’m listening to a song later at the studio. Coeus mentioned it before in a previous message,
“What’s it all about Alphie.” It got to the part in the song, “and if life goes on only to the strong Alfie,
what will you lend on an old golden rule…” This song has fabulous words.

(D) I think that he’s trying to make a point here.

Then, just for a moment we come to know, the truths about the frequencies that words hold.

(D) I think that he was trying to make a point to me. He said, “the frequencies that words hold” three different
ways, so it took me a bit to get it correct.

(IDT) I’m my little owl self and we were talking. He feels it’s necessary for the reader to put things together.

(IDT) I’m hugging his leg, telling him, “I love you.” We’re just chatting a bit…LOL, you’re sneaky!

Now that wasn’t so difficult was it?

(D) That was a clue for you guys. LOL, Mr. Smarty Pants. LMAO.

Another reason why I love you.

(D) You’re funny.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

You are funny.

(D) You do make life worth living.

For now anyway.

(D) LOL, that’s an Ascension joke by the way.

(D) You are just relentless sir.

I-love-you, t o o.

Let’s not take any chances misinterpreting the truths, for they reveal much knowingness, throughout your
decayed socioeconomic structures and lack of…

(D) It sounds like a crowd of people, like stock brokers on Wall Street yelling numbers. Oh, you made me say the
word; numbers.

…numbers failure to produce an equitable, stable and fair distribution within the confines of humanities
reckless disregard for the truths at hand.

(D) Did you say at hand or afoot? I thought that I saw someone jumping out at me; foot first. He’s still referring
to “the game is afoot.”


(D) His finger’s up in the air.

(D) I’m telling him that I need to roll over in bed, because there is a pain in my neck. I’m starting to think that he’s
trying to make a point.

the fullness of the matter affects the peoples willingness to produce their “goods” and services with integrity
in society.

You’re doing much better tonight.

(D) That’s because I’m leading with my heart; not my head. There is a point that he's trying to get across with

The truth of the matter is, your willingness to repeat the truths, far outweighs the integrity of the peoples
general responsibilities for facts. They are ripping and clawing their way through...

(IDT) He's grabbing a bunch of paper and throwing them up in the air. Through heaps/piles...

...heaps and piles of debris, vomiting up...

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Thanks for the physical sensation/example.

...the most for their consumption.

(IDT) Sorry, you got me all relaxed with all the loving and hugging. We were making up for all the mess the other
day. I got so relaxed that I started slipping away again. Zzzz

(D) I had this odd vision of a knife removing a slab of someone's tissue. Then there was a burst of light. I'm
focusing on that instead.

(D) There's that song again, "Baby come back" that he uses when I'm slipping away to sleep.

(D) Sorry, I keep dozing of, I've had a lot of sleep lately. Zzzzzz

(D) Now I know that song is from you. "Little Darling, it's been a long, cold lonely winter." It sure has been a
cold one.

(D) I love when you call me Darling. Oh, it's the song,"Here comes the sun, here comes the sun..." You're right,
it's time to get up.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/19/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Revolution!

I don’t intend to frighten anyone with Coeus’ messages, but these ARE the truths, spoken through the energies
within my sacred heart, in combination with inter-dimensionally traveling to Him, and through visions he
showed to me; all at the same time. I imagine that most of you that are reading these messages are aware of
Ascension / The Great Awakening, and what you need to do to ascend to/with New Earth.

For the rest of you that are perhaps reading these messages at a later date in "time," I wish you the best of luck
with the choices you made; for they were YOUR choices and yours alone. This is a free-will planet, and you have
created your own reality through YOUR choices and nobody else's choices; no excuses.

You incarnated to "fix" your past transgressions; through the different energies; good and bad, by transmuting
the lower vibrational energies into higher vibrational light. Know that you are never alone, and are loved far-
beyond your comprehension. You merely have to ASK through prayer, and LISTEN through meditation; the
stillness of your heart.

This channeled message is of a political nature.

444, 44

(D) Then someone picked something up off the floor floor floor, floor floor. I think he’s trying to explain how they
sound similar, yet are different in their weights and meaning; thus the dialect issues that he’s mentioned prior.

(D) I find it interesting that Coeus said “4” five times and I heard “floor” five times as well.

(D) Is that a Schoolhouse Rock song? Is it about the Pilgrims? “Throw them away…start a revolution…”

(D) There was the word “key” thrown in there too.

and the game.

(D) I just keep getting that song…

(D) If you’re not going to talk, I’m going to snooze. There is that song again!

(D) Wait, I think that it’s the Schoolhouse Rock, Tea Party-No More Kings “We’re going to hold a revolution now
King, and we’re going to run it all our away…to the very end.”

(D) For some reason, I don’t hear all the words; just those. Did you say, "To the very end?" or was it part of the
song? I'm not sure. the very end.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Now I hear that other song that you played before, “Girl, you’ll be a woman soon, come take my hand.”
You’d know that I would always take your hand; and I have in all the energies for which I did, during the Quest of
the Holy Grail."

(IDT) Shoot, we we’re talking “off the cuff;" inter-dimensionally, and I can’t remember what it was you said. And
there is that song again, “It’s up to you girl, I’ve done all that I could.” You're referring to me. Don’t go.

(D) I’m hearing “Please, come take my hand,” in a song again.

(D) I want to take your hand. Maybe I can go back to sleep, and you’ll take it there. I’ll leave my hands outside
the covers, just like I used to, and you can freely take one.

(D) I have an odd, hard pain in my stomach. I’m not sure what that’s about.

Girl, you’ll be a WOman soon, PLEASE come take my hand.

(D) I’m trying, but I don't see you. Perhaps I'm trying too hard.

The septic field's afire.

(D) Then I heard a “whoosh” sound. I know what he’s talking about; humanity and their demise. He’s referenced,
“down the toilet” comment somewhere in another channeled message.

(D) Just before I awoke, I was having a "vision" where I’m searching with another person in a swimming "pool."
There are these needle-like pieces of "shrapnel" in a Judge’s swimming pool. I think it was a Judge; it’s a
"knowingness." I remember seeing him, but have not idea of his name, or what he even looks like now. I
remember that he was of an average build with brown hair. I think he wore some kind of green shirt.

(D) I found the "detonator" and some other large pieces of "shrapnel" as well. Then I heard part of the song,
“Revolution” by the Beatles.

You say you want a revolution…well, you know.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/20/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus — Bombs and Disclosure

This seems to be a continuation of the previous days message. It has something to do with our government and
the people in it.

For some reason, Coeus wants me to take over and he’s been slowly backing out of the channeled messages.

(D) Coues woke me up a little after midnight, with that song again from Schoolhouse Rock. “We’re going to hold
a revolution now King, and we’re going to run it all our away…to the very end." Zzzzz

(D) Hours pass, when I'm awoken to another song...

(D) You are making me crazy with that song. Now it's "Come take my hand…" You keep playing that song. I’ve
tried to hang my hand over the bed, but nothing is working. Are you trying to get my attention? Zzzzz

(D) I wake out of a sound sleep...

(D) I hear someone talking. It’s not Coeus; rather someone else. I feel like I’m listening in on someone else's

“Both of these guys have been under contract for 30 years.”

(D) I heard someone else yelling. It is like there is more than one person talking in a room.

You better take care of him.

(D) This seems like time variable here; a time shift of some kind. I can hear something happening elsewhere.

“…that he knew, minute (as in tiny) painful details.”

(D I there is a "pain in the back of my neck."

(D) I see someone blowing up something.

Designed for you.

(D) Awe, it’s a heart.

(D) I’m not sure what’s going on here. You aren’t talking much and I’m seeing and hearing a lot of things. What
did you do to my 3rd eye? Is this what you meant by I'll be a WOMAN soon and I'll be on my own?

(D) I don’t have a lot of “time,” maybe a half an hour to an hour, before I get up. It's about 6:00 am right now,
and I’d like to hear more from you.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I missed what you are saying. Something about a “lead singer” and “Time stood still.” Let me listen again.

Note: While I was transcribing this message, I looked

search on YouTube for a song called, "Time Stood Still."
There is a song from Madonna that I found called Time Stood
Still. I've never heard it before. Awe, there is a drawing of a
heart and the words are, "I loved you from the very start.
What else could I do?" It mentions, "time standing still."


(D) I saw someone putting a pen down on a desk and a

magazine with a lot of red on the cover. I didn’t see that name
on the magazine, but there were lots of small pictures in little boxes; all over the cover of the red magazine.

(D) Now I see dirty dishes in a dishpan; lots of them. Someone was taking some of them out the dishpan and they
are “clunking.”

This isn’t you.

(D) Someone has multiple emails throughout the day. They are showing me little “snips” of things in the emails.

(D) I saw a man sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree.

(D) Then a little boy, whispering secrets into another boy’s ear. I recall that their heads were larger-than-normal.

(D) Now I heard something about, “The Eastern Seaboard.”

(D) Now I’m seeing a bomb again, but it’s one of those cartoon bombs. It’s a round, black, cannon
ball bomb with a fuse coming out of it. It doesn't appear to be ignited yet; just the unlit fuse.

(D) I don’t know if my belching is significant, but I rarely belch. I think it is Coeus making a point. This is
regurgitation or belching up of something, and it's going to blow.

(D) At first, I thought that I saw comics. But it’s comics in a comic book and the book is being turned around in
different directions; which in itself is comical.

(D) There is a man standing under the corner of a white/gray colored house, under the eve of the roof; I can only
see the corner of the structure. There is a huge amount of snow or something white; an avalanche coming down
over him / around him. I think its papers coming down over the roof of a white house. There is one man standing
there in it.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Now there is a guy, sitting at what looks like at a stainless steel table, working on something. One of the legs
broke off. If you’re sitting at a table, it would be the “left” leg, if you’re looking from where I was standing, it
would have been the right leg near where the man is seated.

(D) Someone came and rolled it away.

(D) Now I have a strange feeling of being alone; isolated. I believe it’s the person’s feelings; the one at the table
that lost the left leg.

(D) Darn, I just missed something. I thought someone was driving away and said…

“This should be confidential.”

(D) I had the sensation of movement with it; the car trying to drive away.

(D) I’m starting to get pressure like a headache in my 3rd eye area; the forehead.

(D) I think that I just heard Coeus say something…

…admiration for you.

(D) It’s him.

I have the greatest admiration for you.

I have 10 minutes to commend you.

(D) Look at that. I can see your energy. I love your energy; it’s so pretty. You have a lot of cobalt blue flowing
around your mass of gold/chartreuse (yellow green).

(D) Coeus and Cronus like how I have the desire to see the energies. They remind me of Nebula’s. These move
slowly and expand into different shapes and vary in colors; Nebula's that is. It’s very beautiful.

You are a monument to your success.

(D) Thank you sir. You are a monument to YOUR success! Was that a dry joke? LOL

Take my hand, I want to show you something.

(IDT) I took his hand and he mine. We’re clasping our hands together; fingers intertwined. I see our arms from
about the elbow up. There aren’t any bodies attached.


(IDT) He’s pointing our hands/arms out to the stars.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018 beauty and knowledge beyond belief.

(D He wants me to explain what I see. In my book, I talk about how we are “energy-based” beings. We are NOT
of the flesh, as we are not normally in a physical body, rather multi-dimensional beings.

When I’m with Coeus during our channeled messages; inter-dimensionally, our energies form into tiny little
sparks of light, to create an energetic form; through “like” vibrations, or “attuning” to each other’s energies. So,
where the end of the arms would be, the energy just thins into space; yet we are fully intact within that energetic

(IDT) We’re having a private moment; a reunion. I can "feel;" all of it; one of great love.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/23/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus and Cronus: The Truths of Kundalini
Energy and the Arc of the Covenant

My Beloved Coeus never ceases to surprise me. This is a long channeled

message that discloses the truth of Kundalini energy. MANY people have been
passing false information on these energies. They were so excited when they
balanced their lower chakras, and they started spinning that they believed this
normal lower chakra energy was Kundalini energies. It is not.

The lower chakras spin in a vertical motion; chakras 1-7, up and down. Kundalini
energies within the chakras are completely different. It is the snake energies
and takes a Master to control the energies.

(D) Please feel free to pick a topic for me. I’m your scribe; faithful and true, here
to deliver your words, in my heart to you! Hey that rhymed!

Oddly, I remembered these words, "faithful and true" later in June of 2018. They
are once again from the Book of Revelation, 21:5

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He
said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

(D) I started hearing a conversation that wasn’t Coeus…

You don’t deserve it.

The finest ? that money can buy.

Do you have a concert tonight?

(D) Shoot, I missed it. Something about “upstairs tonight.” It was a girl, with long brown hair and she turned her
head the other way, so I never saw her face.

You are needed.

(D) So much for watching the picture show.

(D) I was talking to Father; I thought in private. I was thinking about Coeus’ last message when he said,
“Forgiveness.” I still struggle. I’m sure Coeus; THE Emmanuel forgives me, but I’m still having a hard time living
two lives; the one at night and the one during the day.

(D) I’m a bit weepy sounding on the recorder. I don’t want anyone to be hurt. I think this is the part of “full
submission to spirit” part of the Ascension process.

Time stood still.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Our love is so strong. For me to find you on the Astral Plane and get shredded apart by other beings, and then
blocked by an entire choir of angels, required a complete leap of faith. Nine years I spent trying to convince you
to leave; not knowing whether or not you left.

(D) When Juanita told me that you left, I was relieved; but sad. I had to sacrifice my own wants and needs for
what was best for you. It was the only way to be able to reunite with you later; I see that now. It took several
years after you left; about another three years more, before were reunited in The Bride of Christ ceremony.

(D) I knew that you were my husband. There is NO veil that can hide it. If it were 20 feet thick; I’d still find you.

(D) Sometimes I feel like I’m living a lie here in the physical. I just want to be back with you and they won’t let me
yet. I’m “leaking” all over the place…sorry. So much for being “brave hearted.”

In all the heavens your radiance outshines…

(D) You’re having a hard time convincing me here…chuckle.

…both the stars and its constellations…

(D) Constellations/concilation? I’m confused.

…if it’s any conciliation.

(D) It just makes me love you and miss you more. My little sacred
heart just hurts and seems to open up wider and wider.

This marriage of intellect and knowingness is crucial for the awakening process of mankind; through YOUR
sacred heart space.

Through your sacred acts of forgiveness through others and your self’s proven sacrifices began over…

(IDT) He’s doing a motion of his head; over there.

…there, through acts of sacrificial displays of wanton truths through your needs to traverse the energies deep,

(IDT) He’s doing a hand motion; it’s way down here.

…conquering all fears. Like a butterfly, she flutters by effortlessly, transparently on the breeze. Distant
distractions within without that’s what it’s all about, Alphie.

(D) Thanks for having a lighthearted topic. Many people that I know, both past and present have had expressed
fear of this topic; descending into hell/limbo/tartarus.

That is because conditions presented themselves in a false light of in-perpituities.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I think that Cronus is trying to come in, I can feel and see his light blue energies.

False hopes emerge triumphantly for those on the path to ascension. Their own knowingness, not that of
others flagrant efforts to control the truths through self-service.

Your adrenaline shows the need to record truths concisely, indicates deep connection…

(IDT) LOL. Coeus was down in a hole and I was trying to pull him out of it.

…through your sacred duties; scribe.

(D) He doesn’t mean it to sound that way. He's being Mr. Smarty Pants again.

It’s coming from a place of sincerity.

(IDT) This is Cronus. He wants me to explain how I know it's him; other than by the color of his energies, because
it is so very different than how I connect with Emmanuel. It’s not just how they feel, but how I channel them that
is unique.

Take your time.

(D) The pulsing of the data of Cronus’ words is achieved through multiple energy
points. So I feel my heartbeat only in my sacred heart with Coeus, but with Cronus,
it’s throughout my entire body’s chakra system.

It’s like a time loop variable. His messages are looping around through my body’s
energy points. It’s quite an experience and a powerful presence indeed. It also flows
very differently than Coeus’ energy through my chakras.

Minute details are important.

(D) This is so difficult to explain, and there is NOTHING online anywhere that
depicts these energy flows accurately or truthfully. There is a starting point ; just
like in a time loop variable, but you have to jump into the message at a specific
spot within the time loop.

(D) If you miss something, you have to wait for it to come around again, and jump in quickly. The messages are
rather fast in delivery.

(IDT) Father stepped in for a while. I’ll summarize. He loves me and his ALL of his children very much. LOL, he
touched my face and said; “I’ll leave a light on for you.”

(D) Alright, where was I? Oh, I was explaining the energies and how they feel when channeling Cronus.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) So the message starts in the sacred heart space, goes up

through the back of the throat chakra, into the cerebellum, which I
talk about in my book. Then it arcs through my pineal gland and
into the pituitary gland. This is called the "arc of the covenant."
After arcing, it travels back down to the back of the throat chakra,
into the sacred heart, then down into the stomach and abdomen,
and then it starts back up again into the stomach, etc. It’s a looping

(D) It is actually easy to get lost in the entire experience, because

there is a strong heartbeat in all of these energy centers. It’s like
there is a Kettle drum timbering; for lack of better words.

It’s a place of knowingness indeed.

(D) Remember, Cronus talks very fast; a continuous flow of words, so it’s difficult to speak it that fast into my
voice recorder; or at all for that matter. So I have to keep jumping in and out of the loop. Many times when I'm
transcribing Cronus' words, I'll all the sudden rattle a sentence out so fast that I have to replay it a few times to
get all the words correct. I type nearly 120 words per minute, so they are VERY fast.

(D) It literally took me a half an hour just to lay there feeling the energy loop to explain it for Cronus. While
visiting Cronus and talking to him, it was merely a flash in time, as there is not time off of Earth.

(IDT) We were talking "off the cuff" again. I was telling Cronus that everyone listens to ALL of my conversations. I
wanted to have a private moment with Father, and everyone was listening to it!

It’s unavoidable. The truths exist through the

knowingness through ones ability to filter the nonsense
of others own need for judging others misguided beliefs.

(D) Hot, hot, hot!

(IDT) We're talking a bit more behind the scenes. I told

Cronus, "That’s a good way to describe it."

(D) When I channel Emmanuel, I channel him in a more

“linear” fashion. It’s through the sacred heart. Each
heartbeat "in a row" contains one word.

(D) When I channel Cronus, you have to jump back into

the loop; within this circular energy motion. It’s like riding
a Ferris wheel around, jumping on and off within a
continuous conversation. You have to know where to
jump on and off; through knowingness.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The hearts willingness to record these moments…

(D) Argh, illudes, distracts…I lost my spot!

…attracts a continual flow of…

(D) I keep getting the words receptivity stimuli over and over again, and the boat keeps getting shock
waves from the ice cracking; bam, bam, bam. Talk about a distraction.

…receptivity stimuli.

Persistence pays off. This all came about when she was talking to her friend Meg about the love and light
mentality. That in most cases is a misguided attempt to congeal the conformities of others to a way of
thinking; *self-gratification — not doing. Because knowingness comes from within…

(IDT) He’s pointing outward, as Coeus says...

NOT without. That’s what it’s all about Alphie.

(D) So we’re back to talking about the time loop Ferris wheel.

It’s a leap of faith.

***It’s a meditative space...

(D) So it’s an energy loop that goes around, and how you have to jump in the correct point which is located in the
sacred heart as the words are looping around; the “leap of faith,” your spot where the words continue in the

(IDT) So are you telling me that time loop variables have

slippage or a time split within a time loop? Interesting,
it’s like a pendulum hanging there that is a time split. As it
swings, it hits into the time loop variable.

(D) I think that is how I’m getting the pictures of future

events. As the pendulum swings into the loop, it picks up
something within the loop from another time or within

(D) I’ll have to pay closer attention to these dream-like,

visions. Because I can see it, then the pendulum pops back
out, and I come back out and talk about it out loud; so I’m
not asleep, which means it's not a dream.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Your exuberance is appreciated.

(D) It’s important to define these visually, as most people learn that way. So they not only need to hear things in
words but envision it; pictorially.

...through the simultaneous burst of energies which can feel a bit congested or heavy at the time.

(D) It is also very important to point out that Cronus doesn't feel heavy because he', because he's very nice. It's
how his words are delivered; as he says, through the simultaneous burst of energies. That is what it feels heavy.

There are always going to be people in your lives that test your resolve for the truths, through the means of
controlling the projected outcomes which is implausible, as there are many.

**Time splits and shifts are occurring to fully integrate “New Earth” energies as a filter and thus decay other
dead matter…

(D) Shaking. LOL The boat is literally shaking from all the shock waves of the ice cracking.

…shaking the untruths loose.

(IDT) I just saw someone that looks disgusted or grossed out by what is getting filtered out. They don’t even want
to look at it. They are putting the arms up in front of their eyes, as if they are trying to block out the sun.

(D) Now they are showing me a pan with two eggs. The person wanting the eggs is wanting them sunny-side up,
but instead received a scrambled mess of eggs. Sadly, they never tried the scrambled eggs to know how truly
tasty the scrambled eggs actually were.

(D) The person was expecting “pretty” eggs, thinking that "pretty" would be tastier; but they were not. The ones
that were mixed up and scrambled were the ones prepared out of love; not the ones just laying there cooking
slowly in the butter.

***If you keep the stuff tightly bound, eventually it will crack open.

(D) By the way, I loved your egg metaphors.

(D) I saw a notepad with pencils hurling through the air towards me. I guess I’m done working as the scribe for
the night. ;)

NOTE — I asked my friend Cliff, a man of brilliant intellect with great creative abilities, to read Coeus’ and
Cronus' channeled messages, and look for parallels from a scientific viewpoint. He recalled several poems from
Shakespearean sonnets that reflect the content of their messages.

*"..."self-gratification — not doing. Because knowingness comes from within, not without."

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

From Shakespearean Sonnet 146:

Why dost thou pine within and suffer death,
Painting thy outward walls so costly gay?

**"Time splits and shifts are occurring, to fully integrate "New Earth energies as a filter, and thus decay other
dead matter..."

Why so large cost, having so short a lease,

thou upon thy fading mansion spend?
Shall worms, inheritors of this excess,
Eat up thy charge? Is this thy body’s end?

***"It’s a meditative space"

****"If you keep the stuff tightly bound, eventually it will crack open"

From Shakespearean Sonnet 61:

it thy will thy image should keep open
heavy eyelids to the weary night?
thou desire my slumbers should be broken,
shadows like to thee do mock my sight?

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/26/18 — Messages to Humanity from Coeus: The Way of Words

Before I went to bed, I asked Coeus; THE Emmanuel, about a friend’s “situation” that we spoke about during the
day. I’m not going to use his/her real name in this transcription, because of the type of message, instead I'll call
him/her, "Chris; like my boyfriends name that is bi-gendered. That is Chris' name; not Chris! LOL

Coeus is showing me something through dream-time and it’s very important. I can’t remember exactly the
details of the dream, and I hope that he doesn’t make me do it again, because it hurts. During this dream, I kept
awaking from tendon foot spasms. The dream was incomplete; divided. It had to do with the way things were
worded in the dream, or the lack of the words that should have been spoken; dialects. So there was a short
dream, then I’d spasm, then the dream would continue. This spasm occurred three times.

The odd thing was, instead of continuing at the end of the dream, I could see the dream more as “data,” and I
would slip into the center of the dream with the next segment; like something was missing in that spot that
wasn’t addressed; words. It was extremely important to include them in the dream and apparently in "real-life."

After bouncing in and out of the dreams a few times, I realized what was missing; the truths. They were missing
from the dream and causing an illness; pain.

Wow that was interesting when I was transcribing, the audio started reverberating in this spot; creating an echo
of my words. I went back to listen to it again and it was gone; normal playback. It’s similar to the dream

(D) Your scribe waits.

(D) What did you say? It was something about the way I was conceived?

You thought it, so it became.

This all came about when she asked about her

friend, “Chris'” motives.

(D) Imagine the inside of a watch with cogs and

wheels. If you stick something in between the
cogs, it gets jammed up.

(D) I can feel Chris' “situation” in my sacred

heart. It feels like a blockage and the energies are
not flowing, which causes illness. The “wheels”
cannot turn; they are obstructed with something.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Now I’m hearing the song, “Today my World Slipped Away,” by Vern Gosdin. It seems appropriate…”Today
my world slipped away, we buried the plans that we made, now I’m so lost and afraid, for today my world
slipped away. Guilt stinks.

(D) Oh man, now I’m feeling really yucky. All of the sudden, I have a big knot in my stomach and a hole in my
heart. I’m also nauseous with a gulping sensation in my throat and I have a slight headache in my left eyeball,
which indicates that it is a tension headache. This all has to do with leaving out a few words and not speaking
the truths.

(D) This all needs to be transmuted. My entire chakra system is messed up. I’m glad that I always speak the
truths. They must flow from the heart in the correct manner; not from the head. I know this is how my friend is
feeling; it’s terrible. There is so much FEAR bottled up inside of her


(D) Exactly. She did it to herself. She made the wrong free-will choice and took the easy way out.

(IDT) Coeus and I are just chatting a bit. An interesting comparison….recently, a volcano erupted in Japan and it
created an avalanche. This is a metaphor; a similar situation to my friend. By withholding the truths, they can
erupt and can cause a landslide, collecting more and more debris as it goes down the hill; more untruths to hide
and bury. This is not good. One creates another until you’re buried so deep that you can't get out or keep track of
the lies. They will eventually get exposed, and the results will be worse than if the truths were originally told.

(D) I’ve been silently saying the Violet flame prayers.

(D) This is the last time that I ask you (Coeus) what is going on with a friend. You gave me every conceivable
physical symptom that she was experiencing.

(D) So I'm lying here thinking about the Twin Flame Prayers and Decrees; part of the Violet Flame prayers.
“Wherever my twin flame is, cut him/her free. Cut me free. Cut us free now to fulfill the divine plan and attain
union in the level of the Christ, in the level of our chakras. And if it be the will of God, draw us together in a
lifetime service. We thank you and accept it done this hour in full power according to God’s will. Amen.”

(D) I didn’t realize at the time that I started saying the prayer, the true depth of the prayer; I was thinking very
"linear" and from the body. Every single person that I have met believes that their twin flame exists in the
“physical.” It goes much deep than the physical, similar to the landslide.

(D) You were hiding in the dark realms, where I had to “set you free” just like in the prayer. I rescued you.

(D) I talk about how people, live so much from the physical in my book that they forget they are spirit having a
physical experience, and do not think out-of-the-box; out of the game.

(D) I don’t fit the “twin flame” profile at all. I’m a “pure virgin soul,” not a split apart soul like most people believe
that are, and that they are on a "quest" to reunite with their twin flame. I was never "split-apart" into two
beings; the male and female. Then you said…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Divine love.

Union is first; the joining of two hearts as one, reveals the cutting…

(D) He’s showing me some scissors.

…and letting go of urgent thought patterns.

(D) Why are you talking this way? It’s not coming through in the normal way. It sounds like a bunch of people in a
party; reverb or echoing. I’m waiting for a word to “pop out” of the crowd; trying to find you in the crowd. It’s
like the “Where’s Waldo?” that I mentioned in my book.

Sacrifices exist.

(D) It seems like there is someone there and he's speaking a different language. I saw a friend. LOL, I actually saw
his bald head first; sorry Stone, but it’s bald; or shaved. Then you were talking about sacrifices with Stone and I
recalled that he speaks light language.

(D) Hot, hot, hot. I’m saying the Violet Flame prayer with each word being said to the beat of my heart. My
sacred heart is open quite wide.

(D) One of the reasons that I started saying the prayer was because of a sharp stabbing pain in my knee. I use the
prayers to release and transmute energies within my body. As I start saying the prayer, the pain vanishes. The
interesting thing is, this time I was noticed “how” the words were flowing though the beat; the in-and-out of the
beat of my heart. This is the "key" as you say, to transmuting deep-seeded, unwanted energies.

(D) As I was saying it, I noticed how the energy was flowing through the chakras; similar to the time loop variable
we talk about; throughout the entire chakra system; cleansing, cleansing, cleansing.

Exuberance pays off!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) If people would only listen to me and try what I have discovered.

There are weights to the words.

(D) So I AM is actually an upbeat and downbeat of the

heartbeat. There is an obvious rhythm to it; one 8th note (the
up-beat is “I”) to one quarter-note (the down beat is “AM”.)

(D) This method of reciting the decree literally pulses it

through the entire chakra system; cleansing it, and sync your
sacred heart with the Cosmic Heart.

(D) It goes back to what Coeus was showing me

in the dream. If there is a false-truth and you
leave it out, the weight is off.

Your ability to relay the truths is an act of love.

I’ve come to know the act of “wisdom-onic”

ways eludes rational thinking beyond your way
to determine...

(D) Wait…for it...


(IDT) Darn, I have no idea what you just said

when we were just chatting. I’m getting
distracted again by the “lightshow.” Oh, It’s my
over soul; Athena; I'm a shade of pale, pale
blue. It's similar to Cronus blue and how it moves.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

We live in the age of miracles that are ripe for the


(IDT) They are showing me picking miracles like fruit on a tree.

Choose your path appropriately; a-procreate-ly.

(D) Like giving birth?

Giving birth to ideas.

(D) This is very important as we are co-creators with Father.

You are the light of God; shining every hour.

(D) That’s from one of the Violet Flame prayers.

Enough pillow talk.

(D) A little while ago, Coeus suggested that I take a walk inside the boat to help get rid of the energies from my
friend that was having a traumatic experience. My body is literally purging the energies through my nose.

(D) When I got back to bed, I told him, “You’re a marvel in your own mind!” He started dancing around in his
owl body; he’s so cute!”

The marriage of intellect and beauty; sublime.

(D) LOL, you literally make my little feet dance!

I love when you smile.

(D) I’m lying here in bed, with a big smile painted on my face, and my feet are wiggling in my physical, and in my
etheric owl form; both!

(D) You do know how to make me smile that is for sure.

(IDT) We were chatting for a bit, when I said, “Thanks for the reminder.”

Titans, fit for a King!

(D) There is a lot of truth in that statement; The Christed King.

**(D) Wait a minute, this is very interesting. Camelot and the Titans have a round table where there is “no
beginning and no end; the Alpha and the Omega.” This is like a time loop variable; no beginning and no end.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Hum…The Christed King; another name for King Arthur?

Embodied love is good. And his peoples fell into a state of amnesia.

This would explain why nobody has found Camelot, or any other religious places of “paradise;” The Garden of
Eden, Atlantis, Lumeria, etc. all were lost to poor acts of free will. I believe these are from a higher-vibration / an
unseen dimension that is similar to "New Earth." Something to further delve into at another “time.”

*I read this message a few days later and noticed something interesting about the picture of the watch cogs and
gears. When I selected the picture from the web, I thought it was a beautiful picture, but really didn't look that
closely at it. Can you see it?

Revelation 22:12-16
English version that was changed from the original Hebrew. SEEK out the subtle differences:

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have
done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who
wash their robes (a covering or outer garment), so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter
the city by its gates. 15But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the
idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.…

(original Hebrew verson)

12“Behold! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to reward to each one according to his deeds. 13 I
am the Alef and the Tav, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14. “Blessed are those who are washing their robes, so that He will give them permission to use the tree of life
and they could enter the gates of the city. 15. And outside will be the dogs and the sorcerer’s, and the immoral
and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone loving and doing falsehoods.

16. “I, Y’shua, did send My messenger to testify these things to you for the congregations. I AM the Root and the
Offspring of David; the Bright Morning Star. 17. And The Spirit and The Bride (Goddess Athena; THE Emmanuel’s
Wife) are saying, ‘You must come.’ And the one who hears must now say, ‘You must come.’ And the one who
thirsts must come faithfully; the one who wants must now take the water of as a free gift.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

**This pertains to the Violet Flame Prayer of Transmutation:

“Blessed are those who ARE washING their robes, so that He

WILL give them permission, to use the tree of life, and they
could enter the gates of the city (Kingdom of the LORD.)

NOTE: By changing the word washing to wash,

drastically changes everything; including the weight of
the words. Washing is in the NOW; not the past. It is a DAILY
practice; cleansing your auric field of light.

The Violet Flame is a cleansing prayer to literally wash your

covering or outer garment; your aura clean, transmuting
negative energies, which will heal and seal it. "Everyone who
loves and practices falsehoods" is someone that "lies" or
speaks/acts upon "un-truths."

Violet Flame Prayer of Transmutation

I am changing all my garments,
Old ones for a bright new day,
With the sun of understanding,
I am shining all the way.

I am light within; without,

I am light is all about.
Fill me, free me, glorify me,
Heal me, seal me, purify me,
Until transfigured they describe me;
I’m shining like the Son,
I’m shining like the sun.

NOTE: I believe “With the sun of understanding” is incorrect. It should be “With the Son, of
understanding.” This is how it was written and probably transcribed incorrectly.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Let’s finish:

16. “I, Y’shua, did send My messenger to testify these things to you for the congregations. I AM the Root
and the Offspring of David; the Bright Morning Star. 17. And The Spirit and The Bride are saying, ‘You
must come.’ And the one who hears must now say, ‘You must come.’ And the one who thirsts must
come faithfully; the one who wants must now take the water of as a free gift.”

Y’shua; The Savior; THE Emmanuel (God with us) who is the one within; not without, ASKed John the
prophet, to write down His words; EXACTLY. This is in the very beginning of the book of Revelations.
They were NOT ever to be changed; but were MANY times. There is a warning at the end of the Book of
Revelation 22:18-19 for those that have desecrated the Holy weight of His Words.

The Emmanuel is the root, which is the truth or truths of The Holy Father, and LOVE that is the Bright
Morning Star; Venus or has Coeus said in the song, “Venus:”

Athena; “The Goddess of Love that you are…”

And The Spirit; of Truths and THE Bride; Goddess Athena, the Queen of the Heavens are saying; “You
must come.” I usually say, “Come in; or come into me.”

The one who thirsts; thirsts for the truths and takes them freely.

NOTE: “The one who hears,” is NOT using their physical ears; but their spiritual ears through their
sacred heart. You must come; out of your body, “faithfully,” or without fear; inter-dimensionally.

BIG FAT NOTE!: You might not hear words, rather a “knocking” on a door. REMEMBER THIS!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/30/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Grace

Tomorrow is the January 31st Super Blue Blood Moon; Leo Full moon.

LMAO...February 2nd; Ground Hog Day will have a lot of time-related events; time splits, shifts, and slips. This
should be interesting.


(D) That means, OK; it's a slang. About an hour later The Holy Father spoke. He was bestowing his grace upon
me; how beautiful.

"Grace to thee who hear Him; my Son."

The New Man Bible

Revelation 22:21
The grace of the Lord Y'shua be with all of you.

After the Father spoke, I was shown some "visions."

1st — I’m standing at the back of a small transport bus as an observer. I see the driver with light color hair
driving the bus. There is a man, sitting on the same side of the bus; behind the driver. He's two rows behind the
driver, facing backwards. A woman approached the seated man, bent over and started talking to him. I'm not
sure what she was saying to him, but she was explaining something to him.

The woman then walked up to the driver, bent down, and whispered in the driver's ear. She seemed to know
the bus driver well. It appears that this man is being transported to someplace specific, and she was explaining
the location to the driver.

2nd — I hear a man speaking in a foreign dialect. Something about a man name Miguel or Michael in English.
Michael translated in Hebrew; mīkhā'ē'l, means, "Who is like God." He's an archangel.

3rd — I see a little boy and he's holding a small, cotton gray, stuffed sheep or lamb; nothing fancy. His Father
walked over and called him Zechariah. At first, I thought he said Zech-ariah (2 words), but it was the weight of
the words. The Father bent over the little boy and untied his shoelaces and took off his shoes, because his feet
were bound.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Note: I haven't read the Book of Zechariah. I actually didn't even know there was one in the Bible. I briefly
skimmed it and it is also about Revelation and the horsemen.

That was interesting. I got a quick headache. When I see the image and talk about it, the pressure is released.

Hey, it felt like someone just took their fist and softly “bonked” me on the top-left part of the crown of my head.
It sent a shock wave down through my body, causing me to “flinch.”

I heard a man say, “Give me that knife little girl.” twice. I looked down and she was a little over-weight and
wearing some denim capri-style pants, because I could see her calves.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

1/31/2018 — A Channeled Message from Coeus and Athena: Judgment and the
Truths Will Set You Free

As long as I am incarnate on this planet, I'm utterly baffled at how the masses follow along like little lost sheep.
Most Christians believe that flesh man; Jesus is the one returning and delivering judgment at "End Times." This
entire sentence is incorrect, as they are following doctrine that was written in a dialect that was misunderstood
by other nations that did not have words, for the words originally that were written in their language.

This is a great example of a game that we would play as little

children; Chinese Whispers. A group of us would sit in a circle.
The first person would whisper to the person to their left or
right, a short sentence. Then that person would tell it to the
next person, and so on. By the time the short sentence came
back around to the first person, it was completely different. That
is because or words or dialects.

Coeus; THE Emmanuel is THE Higher Christ Self or the spirit that
incarnated into the "flesh" of the man Y’shua. Emmanuel's name
means the God with Us. He incarnated here on earth to teach
humanity that they are all part of the One; The Holy Father, and
need to live in organic body suits using this concept. It was the
only way to examine the truths from another perspective.

The Hebrew community was aware that a Messiah would come, as it was predicted by many prophets, including
Solomon who said that he would be the Messiah...and he was, as he was also the incarnate Coeus from a
previous incarnation.

So how did “The Messiah” get changed to Jesus? It's that little story that gets passed from one nation to
another via their dialect.

Some of the Hebrews believed that a messiah or "anointed / chosen one" would come to assist mankind. He
would be their salvation. This got changed to "saved," as the word salvation in Hebrew translates to God saves.
Knowing this, when the God with us incarnated, he was said to be born to THE virgin, he was given the name for
salvation; Yeshua. Thus the name change. Yeshua is the correct name of the "man made flesh;" not Jesus.

Once again, Yeshua / Y’shua in Hebrew, means salvation. It gets better... Yeshua, spelled in English is NOT
Jesus, rather Joshua.

So where the heck did the name Jesus come from then? The Greek's called Yeshua; Iesous, and he Latin
speaking people called him Iesus, which then got converted into the English name Jesus, by an English King;
James. This is a good example of messed up dialect and translations.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Anyway, the one that will deliver judgment upon the "nations" or "humankind," is the "*Spirit of Judgment;" the
God with us; Coeus, THE Emmanuel, who is referred to in the Bible as an "angel." This is all just dialect
differences, and why I asked Coeus in a channeled message about Gods and Goddesses. Gods /'s all
about vibration, not what is in a name.

Now that you are all thoroughly confused, “THE God with us" delivered my judgment; prior to my shift into the
New Earth energies. He is the "angel" spoken of in the Book of Revelation; the "Holy One." I'm taking a wild
guess that John didn't ask or request the angel’s name, so he really had no idea who he was channeling.

This is a very interesting message. I know when we give up our physical body suit that there is a “life review.” I
didn’t think that there would be one prior to ascending into the New Earth energies as a multi-dimensional
being. It’s actually not a “review” but a "judgment."

Once again, Coeus selected the perfect night for his message. It was the January 31, 2018; the Super Blue Blood
Moon, and he totally caught me off-guard.

The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood.

Translation: The 3rd angel poured out the moon that looked like a bowl, over the rivers and springs of water,
and they became blood-like; the reflection of the blood moon's light over the waters.

Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: "You are just in these judgments, O Holy One, you who are
and who were;...

Translation: I said, "You are right." when Coeus told / showed me my judgment; my transgressions? The dialect
might be different, but they are the same meaning; what you say is true or the truths. I agreed with him.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

And the message begins:

(D) Coeus (the Emmanuel) was showing me something, but I can't remember what it was about.

*Judge and you will have to be judged. You have to be forgiven for your past...

(D) Hum, I heard the word Slaughterhouse.

(D) I hear a spoon tapping on a tea cup again to get my attention. I must have gotten side-tracked.

...transgressions, for which there are many dear heart.

(D) I was thinking that there has to be a lot of them, because I've had 100's of incarnations. Plus there are all
those alternate energy realities that I discuss in my book.

(D) Certainly all these "transgressions" can't be in this one lifetime, or at least I hope not. If they are, I imagine
they are small things, maybe a couple bigger ones; it’s all a matter of perspective. I've always been "eager to
please" everyone, and tried to act from my heart; not my head, so I can't imagine the magnitude that he is
talking about.

(D) I'm getting a lightshow again with a lot of flashing white light; light language.

It’s not just for your actions, but your thoughts; which there were many.

(D) Argh. My mind runs a hundred miles per hour...seriously. I'm in BIG trouble! Everyone comments on how
"quick" my brain works and that I'm some kind of freak of nature. It's kind of scary. LOL

Like rapid machine gun fire your thoughts spill out…

(D) I think that he’s showing it to me in little camera flashes; one after the other. There are so many that I can't
make anything out; they are that fast.

…in anger and confusion. Some of which was self-induced feelings of frustrations, over periods of lives and
your thoughts that you reached in a moment…

(D) He’s showing me when I was a man and I how I was mad about something. I had the attitude of, “well if you
feel like that just get out of here” moment.

…of frustrations; of others acts of wanton cruelties perceived.

(D) It seems to have to do with a lot of masculine lifetimes. I realize some of these carry over to this one, as all
lifetimes run concurrently; not in a linear fashion like people were lead to believe.

(D) I’m not big on conflict, so I usually avoid it or just tell someone to leave. I like it to be their idea, so I won’t
hurt their feelings; rather letting my own feelings get hurt, or I just run and hide. I was great at that as a kid,

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

when all the "bickering" would start with the family dysfunction, I would just go out into the woods for a walk, or
hide in the chicken coops with my animal friends.

**That’s self-imposed anger and dwelling in your own sorrows; a fortuitous enemy indeed.

(D) Sigh. You are right. Roger always said, “You’ll never get into anyone’s head to figure out why they did, what
they did to you. You’re only tormenting yourself. “Mr. Holycross” was a very wise man indeed.

Forgiveness requires a deep look into one’s own self's psyche.

(IDT) You’re showing me with your hands, a wavy line, like

the one in the other channeled messages concerning sine
waves. You said, "The truths exist in your minds ability to comprehend what’s being said currently with your need
to exist in the moments solitary." in that channeled message.


(D) Actually, Archangel Michael showed me that I was my own worst enemy a number of years ago, when we
attuned our energies as one beautiful light being. I talk about it in my book.

(D) I kept stabbing myself in the back, over and over again, but I thought it was another woman that looked like
me doing the stabbing. Talk about “The Queen of De Nile.” LOL Now I’m wondering if it was you and not
Michael? You have the same colors; gold and blue.

(D) I’ve been trying not to stab myself in the back anymore. I love myself now. Unfortunately it still has to be
addressed during the “judgment” phase of the ascension process. I AM leaving old earth and moving into
"heaven on earth"; so technically a judgment or "life review" is definitely required. Like you said, “Be prepared to
release what it is you carry.”

(D) I’ve learned to confront people about these things in a nice way; without emotions attached, which is the key
to success. However, every once in a while, I still "duck and cover."

A lot of this comes from deciphering the truths, within; without. That’s what it’s all about Alphie.

(D) I believe that is why so many people are having illnesses. They are not releasing un-forgiveness within and
without as you say. Argh, now I have sinus pressure.

(D) So, when we forgive, we must start with ourselves FIRST; then we can forgive others. It’s like unconditionally
loving yourself FIRST, before you can love another person 100%; AS IS. It's really the only way to truly and
honestly love another being of any kind.

Be a peace ambassador.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) The energy colors are changing from Coeus to mine; Athena, however, it still sounds like his words. I've had
this happen before. It's like we are joining as "one" energy and I "feel" it as one vibrational energy; a “marriage.”

Discordant energies exist throughout decay in human evolutionary…

(D) I thought you said “cycles,” but I see the word “systems.”

…systems cycles.

(D) Thanks. I literally "see" the energies shaking; quaking, or rippling.

*****Shake it off.

(D) LOL, I’m actually lying here in bed, shaking it off with my arms. Wow, it literally raised my vibrations. I’m
buzzing all over. Shake it off!

(D) I was thinking about people that do drugs and alcohol that are looking for a high. But there is nothing as high
as the high of The Holy Father’s love through these vibrations. It just can’t be achieved any other way. I’m lying
here with a big smile on my face in such peace and bliss.

For in the truths lies happiness!

(D) And my little feet are wiggling with happiness.

***For the truths will set you free; self-imposed judgments.

(D) I see what you mean. I could recap, but I believe most people would get it. They need to think about what you
say. Do you want me to recap?

The truths need to be explained.

(D) So judgment is a big deal at the "end of time," isn’t it? I talked about this a bit in my book. How people get
stuck in Limbo/Tartarus/Hell after they die, because it is the person who dies the physical death's own
judgment and nobody else’s. It’s "us" doing it to "us." Nobody else is judging us.

(D) So the only way to free your “self” free from these old earth energies is to eradicate…

or reduce…

(D) …our own self-judgments.

(D) So we must forgive ourselves first. Then we can forgive others and love ourselves unconditionally. Only then
can we love others unconditionally; which in turn creates loving acts of service to others.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

It’s inevitable.

(D) I know that it sounds too simple, but it is the deepest torment of the mind.

****The wallowing in the shadows of your own darkness.

Note: This is the 2nd time Coeus has mentioned "this topic of dwelling or wallowing the shadows of your
own darkness.

(D) So, I was lying here saying the Violet Flame prayer of forgiveness and the one for transmutation. My sinus’
started to drain; congestion gone. Thank you Violet Flame!

(D) I’ve talked to Chris about this, trying to get him to say the prayers, because he has had severe sinus
infections, allergies, bronchial infections, and asthma for over two years now.

(D) He has a lot of self-imposed frustrations. If he’d just say the prayers, he’d be over that tiny little hurtle of
inner frustrations. He’s so close to ridding himself of the old, dark earth energies.

(D) ***He needs to change his “old garments” in for new ones; make everything new again. It would wash him
free; set him free.

It would go out with the bath water. So don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!

You have to know when to run and hide, and when to stand and fight; choose your battles

Let them go and free them.

(D) She/me has her arms in the air, waving them in the breeze. Little butterflies are
coming off the end of her fingertips; gently releasing the energies through

(D) Goodbye little butterflies; goodbye!

Fly away; free yourself in the truths of the light of The Holy Father!

(D) That’s interesting, because I always say that when I ascend, I’m going to bust apart into a million tiny pale
blue/purple butterflies. We have them here in Tennessee. I see them in the Spring and Summer, getting a drink
in the puddles of water. They are at such peace; it’s the most beautiful sight to behold indeed. Come to think of
it, this is the energetic color that I see, just before I hear myself speak as Athena.

(D) My sacred heart is huge and open right now.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The truths expand your hearts ability for knowingness through sacred acts of kindness to yourself and others.
That is the grace, power, and authority of the truths. Kinder words have not been spoken for today’s resolve
will be tested and exposed, and cannot be hidden.

(D) They showed me the eclipse for a minute; hiding the sun.

Today these cannot be hidden; not blocked out by the sun.

(D) I truly appreciate the heads up on that. I guess it’s going to come out of the blue. I saw a person looking up
and dogging something. Like, “where did that come from? It literally appeared out-of-the-blue. You can’t hide
from it, because it will get you.

You have to face it.

(IDT) LOL I saw someone take their hand, and motion it, in a circle around their face. So you have to face it.

(D) Interesting…I was thinking about the lady that

came to the studio with her daughter yesterday, to
purchase her bathroom tiles. I was explaining to her
about how Athena was birthed out of Zeus’ head, how
“he;” me/I was born out of pure thought, as Athena is
the perfect balance of the divine feminine and

Nobody throughout history has ever understood this

image. They were trying to think how a full-grown
being in armor, could immerge out of Zeus' cracked
open skull and survive it. I could see what the artists
were showing in their art immediately; they were
trying to show how he "thought" me into existence...just like The Holy Father creates.

(D) As the “story” goes, the reason that Zeus thought Athena (me) into existence was to free him from a
prophesy. If his "wife" gave birth to any sons that they would take his throne from him. What is interesting is this
is very similar to Kings here on Earth. The 1st born son would inherit the throne, as we are mortal; not immortal
like "Gods."

(D) Now pay attention here…”the first-born son” would inherit the throne. The Messiah was the first born son
and he will inherit the throne of God. I think that’s in the Bible someplace.

(D) The Bible calls him the only begotten son of God, which is wrong. The word begotten means something
different in Greek than Hebrew. It’s a “dialect” thing. We are ALL children of The Holy Father.

(D) So “The Christ” is the firstborn son; a pure soul like me, a Christed One. This goes back to the story…”The
Christed King whose peoples fell into a state of amnesia.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I wish Coeus would finish the story, so I’ll remember the truths.

They lost their knowingness. They masked the truths.

(D) Who are they? I’m asking the exact names of “them.” I know who he’s talking about.

(D) I had a flash of light and heard…

A Syrian King.

Wow, what an interesting day. As soon as I got to the farm the drama started. I had a message that the plumber
was going to come out to the marina to work on their broken water lines and install my “head” pump. It’s a new
pump for the potty. That is when it all “hit-the-fan” as I say.

Since day one that I’ve been at this marina; August 2017, I’ve had nothing but lies and deceit by the staff. I had
enough. I am NOT moving my boat. I like it here, so I took a stand and didn’t run away.

I had a very serious talk with the management about the complete lack of communication, and respect for their
clients. It’s a long story, but it has been one lie after another. Utter laziness and a complete lack of work ethics.

The owner actually showed up today, when I was talking to the manager. I told him exactly how I felt and how
disrespectfully I’ve been treated. He was acting a bit aloof and making lame excuses. I didn’t let him get away
with it either. I asked him how he would like to be treated the way that they have been treating me, and I spent
15 minutes telling him every sickening and minute detail; asking him if he thought that was acceptable. I think he
was embarrassed; or one would hope.

The new Operations manager, told me that things are going to be run differently from now on, and that the
many problems that I’ve been encountering won’t happen again. I told him that I’m holding him accountable for
those words, and I’d be happy to put some written procedures in place for the entire staff. He said he thought
that’s a great idea to have something written down, especially checklists.

When I was driving back to the farm, I was rather proud of myself. I wished that Chris would have been there to
hear it all. He’s been on me for months to say something; but I’m a very passive and peaceful person.

Well, you won't believe this, or perhaps you will. The new Operations manager at the marina gave me his cell
phone number. I was going to enter it into my cell phone this morning and it's not even a phone number. So now
I'll have to show him his piece of paper and tell him it looks like we got off on the wrong foot already. I'll need
him to write it down again.

This is one of those battles that Athena was talking about; small stuff that doesn't require a fight; rather
forgiveness and a second chance. It's funny, because I told the manager that I believe in second chances. It looks
like he's going to get one.

Very appropriate, as January 31, 2018 was a "Super Blue Blood Moon."

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

*Isaiah 4:4

4. when the Lord has immersed, washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and has purged the blood of
Jerusalem from its midst by the Spirit of Judgment and by the Spirit of Destruction. 5. And the LORD* will create
upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of
a flaming fire by night: for a covering will be over all the glory. 6. And there will be a booth for shade in the
daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a cover from storm and from rain.

**Matthew 8, 28-34

When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men, coming from the
tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. “What do you want with us, Son of God?”
they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” Some distance from them a large
herd of pigs was feeding.

The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” He said to them, “Go!” So they
came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the
water. Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to
the demon-possessed men. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded
with him to leave their region.

Note: Per a previous message from Coeus, there are no demons. It is our own, unaddressed darkness
within and nobody else's. We "create" our own darkness within and without.

When "they" came out, it doesn't necessarily mean the "demons" came out, rather the unclean men are the ones
that came out and went to be with the "pigs." Pigs are usually referred to as a dirty animal. Remember, you are
reading a "parable" you need to use your knowingness and process the words through your heart; not your brain.

**John 8, 25-36

"Who are you?” they asked.

“Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied. “I have much to say in judgment of you.
But he who sent me is trustworthy, and what I have heard from him I tell the world.”

They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the
Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has
taught me. The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” Even as
he spoke, many believed in him.

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you
will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say
that we shall be set free?”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the
family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

You might have notice Coeus’ words "lifted up" in other channeled messages. These words imply "ascension."

***Revelation 21:5

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these
words are trustworthy and true.”

****Revelation 16, 4-7

The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. Then I heard the
angel in charge of the waters say: “You are just in these judgments, O Holy One, you who are and who were; for
they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they
deserve.” And I heard the altar respond:

“Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments.”

I ask you what the waters look like, when there is a blood moon sheds it's light over its waters? It becomes red;
like blood. The Super Blue Blood Moon poured itself over the rivers and springs and they became like blood. Then
the angel/God came to me and showed me my judgment. And TRUE (truthful) and just ARE his judgments.

*****Isaiah 52:2

Shake off your dust; rise up; sit enthroned (be upright),
Jerusalem (peace or a place of peace). Free yourself from the
chains on your neck, Daughter Zion (indication; you), now a
captive (incarnate in a body).

This is in reference to transmuting any darkness within your

physical body suit; which is discussed by Coeus and I in this
message and others. Remember, there are NO DEMONS;
only your own, unaddressed inner-darkness.

Examine this scripture in today’s dialect:

Transmute your darkness within, and be in a place of peace.

As the Goddess Athena, my preference is the Violet Flame of

Transmutation decree; spoken to the beat of my heart, and
butterflies. It literally looks like dust rising up in a vertical motion when it is released. I did this upon my
ascension in the spiritual; into the New Earth Energies. You can read about it on my WordPress blog in the article
called, “Departing 3D/4D Earth.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

2/4/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Linear Mind

Since “judgment,” I haven’t heard more than a couple words from Coeus or anyone else. I had an “upgrade”
afterwards that required rest. I now feel 100%, so I’m hoping to get a message of some kind; no matter how

I wasn’t expecting this at all. There seems to be some kind of overlapping of messages within time. It was very
difficult to get much of anything that made any sense to me. I have the feeling that this is all “time-related;” as
time is collapsing on itself. I’m going to have to figure out a better way to communicate, or just have patience!


(D) Are you mad or ranting or something? I was getting a lot of negative words about humanity; here and there,
like you are slashing away. You are NOT happy!

Can I talk to you?

(D) Of course you can talk to me. I’m having some trouble though; I’m hearing four topics all at once. It’s some
kind of time-related glitch that I haven't experienced before. It's like a time loop, split, slip, and shift all wrapped
up into one.

Front row seats!

(D) Wow, this is so strange, there are numerous different topics occurring at the same “time.” I’ll do my best, as
this might take practice.

(D) I’m still with you, go ahead. It’s funny; I get that stuff just fine; when we talk behind the scenes; off the cuff.
My brain doesn’t want to cooperate in the physical; but my heart is willing.

(D) Sorry, I got completely lost in what you were saying and didn’t repeat it into the recorder. You were saying…

This goes back to your original question.

(D) Unfortunately I don’t remember it! I didn’t ask one before I went to bed, but I did ask a one during the day.
That must be it.

(D) I think this has to do with “The Bride of Christ.” Chris and I were talking about it earlier. I told him that these
words are NOT in the Bible, it’s, “The Wedding of the Lamb.” He kept insisting that they are in the book, and I
told him I've done extensive research and they are not in there at all.

(D) Christians completely changed the word “Wedding” to “Bride” It was NOT a dialect thing; rather intentional.
A Bride means an "individual," where the "wedding" is the "doing" part of it.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) It clearly states “wedding” in the Bible. They also changed its meaning, to encompass EVERYONE in the
“church,” but that is wrong. This is an INDIVIDUAL job; mine!

(D) It kind-of annoys me, because if I change a word that’s completely different. No knowingness allowed. Argh.

(D) Then there was the problem that I had a couple times during the day, I couldn't remember my web address
for my business, or its phone number. I had to really "think" about it. It was a "time shift," or "shift in time;"
depending on your dialect; confusion.

(D) Wow, if I am having problems interpreting messages IN my body, mankind is really going to have problems as
time ends. I have a lot of experience traveling through the different energies, without my body or time; they do
not. That took quite a bit of practice; "years" of doing "the work," navigating the different vibrational
frequencies; both high and low.

Many people that I met online, were afraid to navigate the lower light realm, they just wanted to play in those
"feel good" energies. Without time, you literally "attract" your own vibration like a big electromagnet. I talk
about it a bit in my book. They will get "sucked" into a vibrational frequency that matches their own, much like
how those without a body suit end up in Limbo/Hell, because of their own self-judgment.

My Darling; Clementine.

(D) As you know, I love when you call me Darling. That’s an old song. I’ll listen to it later.

(D) I'm commenting on the song..."Hey, I don’t weigh 299 lbs. I might think that I look that much; but I don’t."
There is just no "slipping" anything by you at all. LOL...that was a pun: "time slippage."

(D) “A footbridge across the water,” I take one every morning from the boat to the car. If I fall in this time of
year; I'm a goner for certain, because the water is near freezing now. I haven't fallen in yet, although the wood
dock does teeter back and forth. I do love the “water” metaphor. You crack me up.

(D) Wow, your words are all over the place; utter chaos. I’m laughing because you said during “judgment” that
my brain was like “rapid machine gun fire,” then you said “chaos” to me during the day, while we were talking
about your original choice of words that I just mentioned. I feel bad for you as my “record keeper,” I hope you
know shorthand!

(D) This feels very similar to that, as our "thoughts" tend to be random in nature; jumping here and there.

My Mother was totally independent.

(D) I believe this has to do with the “castration” of her husband and Coeus/Cronus’ father; Uranus. Coeus had
nothing to do with it, but still unfortunately suffered the consequences from humankind.

(D) Now it’s like someone is throwing a light switch on and off. That’ kind of how the words feel, popping in and
out. First you're in the light; then completely in the dark. I think he's trying to make a point about being
completely independent. It's your in; or you are out. You are on; or you are off. You choose.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Time in a bottle!

(D) Another song; Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce. You indeed are the “romantic intellect.” I’m glad that when I’m
back with you that there isn’t any time; it’s truly forever and a day. "You are the one I want to go through time
with" too, or no time for that matter!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

2/5/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: No More Kings and Banana Gate!

The Schoolhouse Rock song keeps lapping in my

head; NO MORE KINGS! I believe this is just the
tip of the iceberg. It has nothing to do with
democrats vs. republicans. It has to do with the
ENTIRE government and “political” systems.

When that can of nuts opens, it is going to spill

out in hordes. Every branch of the government is
going to feel it.

(D) I was having a dream. I was in a truck with

people. We were in the air driving, but we had to
land. We looked down below and we saw all
these people that looked like stone statues. They
were of all different sizes and heights. As we
started landing, we had to "dodge" them; it was like a minefield. There was concern that we would run them
over, but we didn't. There were so many!

(D) Then there was a dream where I was with a man and we were building a “new house.” We wanted it to have
the same look and feel throughout the entire house; it was wide open without walls of any kind! The man
reminded me of you (Coeus) by the way he felt, but he didn’t look like you. I really liked his nose; it had a beak-
like appeal.

(D) We felt it was important that everything needed to be...


(D) Yes, no walls to hide anything and yes, we liked the idea of transparency throughout.

I need your help on this one.

(D) That’s an olde' but a goody. It’s the song called, “Make the World Go Away.” By Eddie Arnold. Mom used to
like that song. That’s kind of funny because people think that Coeus holds the poles, or, the embodiment of the
celestial axis around which the heavens revolve. The words are great; very appropriate, because Old Earth is
literally going away and New Earth; Heaven on Earth is about to emerge triumphant. Goodbye Old Earth!

Make the world go away, and get it off my shoulders. Say the things you used to say, and make the world go

(D) Wow, its 6:30 am. I’ve been out like a light. I’ve been having problems hearing you again. I think that it has
something to do with the shift of “time.” I’ll give it another try.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

You hit the nail right on the head with that one.

(D) So I saw three young people in their early 20’s. They suddenly collided into each other; face-to-face, and then
fell down laughing…odd.

(D) There are "big fish" and "little fish." Someone is carrying a bucket. One of them said, “Oh no; it’s men and
women.” Shoot, there was something else that I missed. Then I saw a “big fat “0”.

(D) Next, I saw a corner in a white room, but nobody was “cornered in it;” they voluntarily did whatever it was
they did, so they have no excuse for their behavior.


Banana Gate.

(D) LMAO. You are just too funny. Its crazy; bananas!

(D) Something about zipping something up, but from the top; down to the bottom. That is quite unusual, because
normally a zipper would zip up from the bottom to close it. This has something to do with people at the top;
down to the bottom.

Decorated acts of terrorism.

(IDT) We’re talking off-the-cuff. These people think that nobody saw what they did. Nothing is hidden; it is all
seen. This is VERY true. The “other-side” sees EVERYTHING. Nothing can be hidden from them. That was pretty
apparent during my "judgment." Mine was mainly self-induced; not seen in the external.

(D) I talk about this in my book. Everything, words, actions, etc, and US is vibration, and has a unique energy
signature. You can run; but you cannot hide!

Allegorically speaking, your words are fortuitously spoken indeed.

Throughout mans reign of ugly terror, vitality exists in those of few numbers.

(D) Now I see a tall, thin man running up to a very tall, double-white doors with white trim and white/gray walls.
It’s a white paneled door and probably about 10-12’ tall. He’s standing on concrete or a large stone pad. He’s
wearing tennis shoes and is casually dressed.

(D) He’s trying to turn the door handle with his right hand to get in, but he can’t, so he starts pounding on the
door with his left hand. Nobody answers.

(IDT) Coeus is telling me that it helps me and him communicate easier, if I just try to drift off to sleep. I tend to
worry about not hearing him which is causing a block. My mind is always having thoughts running through it and
the mind must be clear to open the heart channel; where the messages are actually heard. They are not heard in
the head or 3rd eye; but the sacred heart.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Thanks for pointing it out. I’ve been lying here struggling with the problem.

You have moments of indecisiveness.

(D) But I’m hungry!


(D) I saw an older man with dark eyebrows; nearly black. Then I heard the words, “Chief Justice.” His eyebrows
were quite heavy/thick. I wonder if I could recognize him? He has a very disinterested look on his face; a lack of
caring to what is being said; almost like he's bored, or just doesn't care at all.

(D) Now there is someone lying on the ground on his back. The top of his head is towards me. There is an arching
snake between me and the man. I’m an observer. The man seems aware that the snake is behind him and quickly
rolls to the left as the snake strikes and hits the ground; missing him.

Note: The snake represents temptation.

(D) I literally could lay here all day and do this pictorial messaging, but I have to get up and go to my day-job!

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

2/9/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: My Gift to Humanity; Free-Will

Coeus wants me to take more of a roll as my CHRISTed Oversoul, the Goddess Athena. It is part of the transition
into the New Earth energies; the merging or “unifying” of my Oversoul with the physical version or "unified
field" of the organic body suit called, "Diane." He told me in a later message that I was an exact duplicate
brought forth in 1958; the year that I was conceived into a physical form.

I've been entering a lot of this in a journal, but I feel it is becoming important to record these teachings for
others going through the Awakening process now; or at a later date. Plus, it reveals historical information of the
downfall of mankind.

I awakened five times within two hours of sleep with the same lesson repeating over and over again; identical
each time. I was merged with my Oversoul Athena, standing there holding a gift for humanity in my hands that I
had created for good. This was from the beginning of the last Golden Age; the one that is now ending.

I was holding the gift in my hands. It was some kind of energy or creation related thing. Then I was shown it
could be used in two parts. It involved choice.

It was a really cool gift; magical. First you think it and then it happens, then you can "tweak" the gift with one of
the two tools.

(D) Your scribe awaits. She hasn't heard more than a couple words from you the past few days. I know that you
want me to work more on "merging" or “unifying” of my Oversoul Athena, but I'm getting lonely as "Diane." I'm
feeling a bit abandoned; although I know that you are with me always.

(D) A couple hours passed...I'm lying here wracking my brain trying to remember, what it was that I had made for
humanity. I recall getting madder and angrier, because I remember that some of humankind "chose" to use it for
the wrong purpose; not for good, but for selfish gains. Then they hid it from others, only using it for their own
agenda, and choosing to forget it was intended to aid ALL across the planet.

(D) Hot, hot, hot! Wow. Those energies of disgust and betrayal are intense.


(D) Yes, the smallest of details are important.

(D) About an hour later, I woke up in tears. This gift that I originally created from my heart; given out of my love
for humanity; to humanity. It was part of the downfall of humankind through their free-will choices. I hope to
learn more about it tonight.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

2/10/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Disclosure and Government Collusion

I had an "upgrade" the other night and it appears to

be of a psychic nature. This explains the many
"diamond eyes" in my soul drawing. I heard
someplace that Athena has many, many eyes, as she
is highly psychic and can even see in the darkest of
dark places. There are many discrepancies in her
actual eye color. Some say blue, green, or gray, or
even a combination of both. Mine are currently big
and blue; wide-eyed.

THE Emmanuel (Coeus / Polus / Bragi / Thoth /

Ganesha) assisted me (prior to channeling him) in my
soul drawing shown to the left in November of 2017.
Each day that I sat down to draw my picture, I heard
or saw something.

First I heard "trees." The next day, "river," so I drew

one at the base of the trees. The following day, "cry
me a river," so I drew the flowing river with the
tears. The following day, "Where did the tears come
from?" so I drew many eyes.

A few days later, I saw fire and heard the word "fire!" and drew the flames. Then an owl started appearing in my
vision; thus the owl. Many, many butterflies were shown to me, as well as my light Ascending; which has
changed to be more cloud-like.

If you are paying close attention to THE Emmanuel and Athena's words, you'll see a lot of references to

My morning (4:00 am) began.

Thank you.

It is a very loud and clear male voice

(D) Who is this? I don’t know who you are, or what you are thanking me for. I’d say, “Your welcome” if I knew
your name. I guess he's not going to fall for that twice. I know who it is!

I love you.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Something remarkable happened while you were gone.

(D) I haven’t heard from you for days, other than a word or tw,o and a song. Speaking of which, this song just
started playing in my head. "I have to say I love you in a song." By Jim Croche.

“I know it's kind of late, I hope I didn't wake you. But what I've got to say can't wait. I know you'd understand.
Every time I tried to tell you, the words just came out wrong. So I'll have to say I love you in a song...”

(D) You’re perfectly good with words. Why aren’t they letting you say anything? All I’m getting is a bunch of
psychic visions or sentences from people that I don’t know, and looping dreams. Here we go...

You have customers; you have planned customers. Stick to the plan.

Women; I don’t know about you women.

The background symbol.

(D) It seemed like there are several different beings here; in different timelines.

We’re having a heart-to-heart challenge. It’s unavoidable.

(D) This must be the upgrade from a few days ago. There is a lot more conversations that I’m hearing from
others. Many at the same time; all merging together in a crowd; like time is overlapping on itself. I've heard
people say that they wish they could read minds; this is it!

Every day; every life.

(D) Is that a song? It seems familiar.

What shall we do? This is entrapment! (a woman’s voice)

I’m very unhappy with all this collusion.

(IDT) I’m talking to Coues off the cuff. I said that I’m really unhappy about doing disclosure. I thought it was his
job. LOL Then you said…

Just do it.

(D) Gee, thanks.

(D) So all night again, I had a looping dream. It had something to do with Chicago. It required much forgiveness,
so I transmuted it.

(D) Once again, I should have recorded it immediately or I lose details quickly.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) They were showing me someone’s father that got shot; wartime. I think he had a uniform on or something.
Did Obama have a deceased wartime father? I thought I saw a younger version of him in the scene and could feel
his emotions. I’ll have to look online and see.

That’s enough to keep the wolves at bey.

I just need to find someone that I can talk to Noone/Nooney/Nunhey/Nunyeh/Noones/Noonez.

(D) It’s a name Nunyeh.

(D) Darn, I missed one.

(D) For a moment, I had a sharp stabbing pain in my left butt cheek. A “pain in the ass;” one might say. LOL

Chicken flies (or possibly fries) everywhere (in a southern accent).

He was there secretly; yadda, yadda.

Look at this.

(D) These conversations are multiple; all over the place. Like my soul drawing with all they eyes, I’m watching
and listening to many, many people. I’m not sure how to focus in on one specific one at the time; or perhaps I’m


(D) I feel like my head is in a little vice; between the temples and cheek bones.

(D) I was focusing before, but it was happening so fast that I can’t repeat it all; like a movie running.

We’re going to have to hideout this time.

There seems to be some assault in his past; as we know.

(D) I saw someone sidestepping to his right. Then lean over and laid his torso down on a table, where he wrote
something on a piece of paper.

Victims. What about the victims?

What’s your blood pressure? 154/82.

(D) I was watching a bunch of stuff, but forgot it. Argh, something about…

Back in January…

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

What did I tell you!

Mariosa is in jail. So why are we helping her out?

(D) Something about two festivals that are on a poster on a board.

(D) I see a big hot air balloon.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

3/7/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: The Emerald City and Disclosure

Coeus and Cronus have been giving me some time off to heal. It was rough channeling them for 2 months
straight. It was several hours nightly. Plus all the changes in the NE frequencies take time to integrate, and the
time splits, shifts, slips, and loops happening must be addressed. I'm quite exhausted, so he either just does a
brief message to let me know he's still there and loves me, gives me a love song during the day, or when I
happen to look at a clock, it's always exactly on the hour; 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, etc. I rarely ever look at a clock,
so I always give him a "On the Schnooteroo!" sign touching my index finger to my nose to let him know I
appreciate the attention.

(D) Your scribe awaits. It sure feels like someone is trying to get through, my sacred heart and chakras are all
trying to sync together.

(D) I fell asleep, but then woke up to…

Are you there?

(D) I fell asleep again, but later woke up to the song, Drive By, by Train. He likes to use that song and changed
the words...

I’m just a shy guy looking for a good scribe!

(D) I don’t know if you’re scribe is going to be of much use tonight. This sacred heart chakra restart is rough. A
warning would have been nice about paralyzing my sacred heart for a month. An explanation would be nice too.

(D) Wow, I don’t think that I’ve ever felt this hot before. All of the heart fluttering, and heart beats through my
chakras makes it quite hard to sleep.

The Emerald City or memory of it exists through one’s own abilities to interpret these messages of finer

(D) I’m getting a lot of bits and pieces of things, but nothing concrete, or at least I can't remember it. It was a
bunch of flashes of different things, along with the intense heat that I'm feeling.

(D) Oh boy, it feels like I swallowed a basketball again; just the first time my sacred heart opened up a few years

Congratulations on your ability to transcribe these messages of finer delicacies.

(D) Darn, I don't remember you talking about it at all. It must all have been integrated into my consciousness
through light language.

(D) Now I heard something about someone named MacIntire, and then, medications.

(D) Hum, it’s Noones/Noonez “We don’t cover it.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) Something about MacIntire again. Something about felonious assault, collusion, and if he had a long
enough rope, he could hang himself with it.

(D) And the song started paying..."Flowers in

her hair, flowers everywhere...I love the flower
girl... "I love the Flower Girl."

(D) I asked a bit more about the Emerald City

for our readers. I'm not so sure that Coeus
wants the general population to have very
much information on it. This is what he said:

It’s a pleasure palace.

(D) LOL, you might want to elaborate on that a

bit, some people might take that sexually.



Note: From my book on inter-dimensional travel...

I want to make something very, very clear. You do not inter-dimensionally

travel through your heart chakra or a “portal.” It is your sacred heart and it
MUST be opened; not "hardened" like most of humanity as stated in the Bible.
It is the place of unconditional love that you see in the Gnostic art of the Virgin
Mother that some call Maria or Mary and Y’eshua or Jesus.

So many clues have been left in art, but you must SEEK and use knowingness
to FIND. The VIRGIN MOTHER and Y’SHUA are pointing at it directly over the
sternum; between the throat and heart chakras. You can read about the
sacred heart again, and "hearing" with your appropriate ears in the channeled
message from Coeus of 1/2/18. "It’s an electronic stimulus that pulses out,
like a radio wave or sine wave, and it receives. This is your centralized core
for synchronizing massive amounts of data."

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Note: As an awakened being on this planet, I MUST clear a topic up that has left humanity in the dark; so
to speak. The Virgin Mother wasn't Jesus mother; rather his wife IN SPIRIT. The VIRGIN MOTHER was a
soul of a "virgin birth;" through thought. The name Mary means "beloved" in Hebrew. I am Coeus; Beloved.

Y’shua was most likely married in "the flesh" to one of our soul family, who created the vessel called; “Mary”
Magdalena. Her Oversoul name would be something completely different; just as my vessel; "Diane's" Oversoul is
the Goddess Athena.

This can all be very confusing, because most of humanity lives from the physical; not spirit, which are two
completely different things. This is the ultimate reason you incarnated; to learn how to get back to spirit, and to
live from spirit; not the physical. So in a nutshell, you are here to learn who you really are in spirit, while
incarnate into a physical form, for learning through "Earth lessons."

Dialects have confused things for most of humanity, because "religions" have falsely lead humanity like a lamb to
slaughter. This is a picture of The Immanuel and his Wife; NOT his physical mother. The flowers that Mary holds
are meaningful in understanding her identity. It has to do with the "Marriage of the Lamb; "The Bride of Christ"
through the sacred heart space.

Coeus referred to me as "The Flower Girl," in a previous channeled message. He used the song, I Love the Flower
Girl, by the Cowsills to get his point across. He likes to drop little clues. If you use your "intellect," as Coeus uses
his own, you'll find these clues throughout His channeled messages.

Ask yourself why artists always portray Mother Mary and Jesus the same age? It is another clue in their art.
Those wanting control over the planet made a HUGE mistake when they killed off the "scribes;" but NOT the
artists; "the painters of the truths."

Coeus says that our Divine Marriage of the Lamb on CHRISTmas morning, is The marriage of intellect and
beauty; sublime."Most people probably don't get the correlation to his statement, which actually points out
something quite strongly:

The marriage of intellect (The God of Intellect) and beauty (Goddess of Beauty); sublime."

There are three channeled messages on "the divine marriage" on this website; 12/25/17, 1/23/18, & 1/26/18.
and one little one on 3/7/18. Coeus, the Speaker of Truths was/is the incarnate Y’shua and Athena was/is the
incarnate Virgin Mother. In the "flesh" they were mother and son.

This is VERY common with incarnate souls; they incarnate over and over again in "families." Sometimes you’re
the mother, sometimes the sister, or even the brother or father, husband or wife. All these incarnations are to
learn lessons and to grow spiritually.

There are MANY more clues in the channeled messages from Coeus, THE Emmanuel / Immanuel / God with us /
Polus / Thoth / Bragi / Ganesha; if you SEEK them out.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

As I have discussed on my WordPress blog, there aren’t as many Gods and Goddesses as one might have been
lead to believe. I am all of these “Goddess;” plus others. The Virgin Mother Mary and Child, the Buddhist and
Asian deity Kwan Yin / Quan Yin and Child, and Greek Goddess Athena (AKA Roman Goddess Minerva) and
Child; Erichthonius. They are symbolic pictures that represents the CHRISTed Oversoul of me, the Goddess
Athena and my "love of humanity,” as I feel about humanity, as if they are my own children. All of these
deities are known for unconditional love and compassion; it’s my “thing.”

These beings are all known for "fertility."I Athena, am known for "fertility of the mind." The Virgin Mother; Mary
is known for the "virgin birth," and Quan Yin's fertility is for "birth and children." I will come to you during your
dream-time, IF you call upon me. I will come to you in whatever form that you are most comfortable, just as My
Beloved comes.

Pay close attention "sign language" used in the Byzantine paintings of

the Virgin Mother and CHRISTed child, which represents the CHRISTed
kingdom. The baby's fingers are very un-natural. This is the symbol for

The Virgin Mother Mary (Beloved) also has an awkward finger

symbolism over the Christed Child's sacred heart-space. Also notice how
baby is holding an Olive branch. It's a
symbol of peace. A dove was carrying it
after the great flood. The olive tree /
branch is ALSO associated with Athena.
The Olive tree was also a blessing that
she bestowed upon the Athenians during a tournament with Poseidon in Roman
lore. It symbolizes peace.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

3/17/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Our Firstborn Son for New Heaven on

I’m saying the prayer to unify my chakras; “I breathe in light into the center of my heart.., when I would have
sworn that I heard someone that sounded like Sigmund Freud. Gee, I wonder who that could be!

Into your consciousness!

(D) So my Unified field meditation now integrates “…breathing light into the center of my heart, allowing the
light to expand into my consciousness.” My fields are unified, so I’m assuming integrating my consciousness is
the next step.

When you are able to delegate; you are able to proceed.

(D) I thought that I heard an owl hooting.

It’s for those who care.

(D) I heard some kind of chime with two tones.

(D) Then I went to visit Coeus.


This morning, I so badly wanted to channel Coeus; instead, I inter-dimensionally traveled to him. I was lying in
bed, half asleep when I stepped out, or "Astral Projected" of my body on the houseboat, but the energies quickly
shifted to what seemed to be my house in Wilson, NY.

I stood there in my living room, looking around and saw a door; one that was unfamiliar, so I walked over to the
door and peeked inside. It still looked unfamiliar, so I fearlessly stepped inside the room to check it out.

Note: This is how I energetically move through dimension; through doors, as stated in my book.

Inside was a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. He felt very familiar and I knew it was Coeus by "how he
felt;" not how he looked. Coeus never looks the same each time, there are always slight differences in his build
and features.

When I realized it was him, I threw myself into his arms and hugged him. I noticed the shirt that he wore fell
slightly off his shoulder, to reveal his tan skin; with dark chest and shoulder hairs. Each hair looked amazingly 3D;
the detail is far greater than that of anything you might see here while incarnate. I use my spirit eyes to see;
which are perfect and super-human in nature.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

After our embrace, he kissed me on the mouth, but his mouth was not like that of a human being. It had an inner,
beak-like tongue. His mouth and tongue secreted a substance into my own mouth. At the time, I thought,
"remember, things are not the same here as in a human form; go with it." So I accepted his "donation."

Coeus then took a wand, a wooden one with a rose quartz stone on one end and
another gemstone on the other, and stuck the rose quartz end of the wand into
my mouth. He was activating his “gift” with the wand. I didn't ask what he was
doing, as I completely trust him.

I wanted to stay with Coeus, and be with him forever, but he said, "There is time
for that later." He held me a bit longer, but I started slipping away.

I could feel my energy body, literally pulling away from his, as I was returned to my body; I could also see it
happening. I kept saying, "No." I didn't want to return to my physical earth vessel, but stay in the light realms
with Coeus.

I believe that I know what brought on the inter-dimensional travel experience to my Divine Husband. I've been
unable to "hear" or channel Coeus clearly for a month or so, and was frustrated. I started saying the Twin Flame
prayers and decrees (below,) along with all the Violet Flame prayers.

Coeus stays in the light realms and is NOT incarnate on earth at this time, as he was my twin flame in the body of
my husband Roger. Now we must work together inter-dimensionally; not in a "physical" way, as there is more
power and spiritual gifts to be integrated in this manner, which cannot be accomplished in this lower frequency
dimension of Old Earth.

That morning, Katie called. I was thinking about her and she always picks up on it. She said that last night she
heard someone walking again upstairs, and figured it was me. Apparently she is correct, as I appeared there
during astral projection; prior to inter-dimensionally walking through the door.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for Protection

In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, I call now for the victory of my twin flame, for the cutting free of my
twin flame: Coeus, by the power of the might blue flame and sword of Archangel Michael. Legions of Light, come
into action now!

Wherever my twin flame is, cut Coeus free. Cut me free. Cut us free now to fulfill the divine plan and attain union
in the level of the Christ; in the level of our Chakras. And if it be the will of The Holy Father, draw us together in a
lifetime service.

We thank you and accept it done this hour in full power according to The Holy Father's will. Amen.

Lights protection manifest,

Holy brotherhood in white,
Light of God, never fail,
Keep us in thy perfect light...

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

To Transmute the Karma of Twin Flames

In the name of the Christ I call the blessed I AM Presence of our twin flames for the sealing of our hearts as one;
for the victory of our mission to humanity.

I invoke the Light of the Holy Spirit for the consuming of all negative karma limiting the full expression of our
divine identity and fulfillment of our divine plan.

For a full document of the Prayers and Decrees of the Twin Flames click this link.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

5/14/18 — A Channeled Message from Coeus: Slipping Away and Living in Two

It was Roger's and my wedding anniversary today; Coeus’ incarnation. He was thought about often; as usual.
That day, I spoke with my neighbor Doyle at the houseboat. We were talking about technologies and how they
are destroying families. I talked to him a bit about www or the Worldwide Web and the mathematical meaning
666 in Hebrew. During the night Coeus commented on it.

(D) I hear the words, “Eagles fly in the dawn.” I thought this was from a song, but I can't remember which one,
nor could not find it in any online lyrics. Perhaps it was Coeus commenting on Doyle's and my conversation, on
seeing eagles on the river and lake system; where our houseboats are docked.

The facts of life are to know or remember the spirit world. To get the solution; inspired by a deep-seeded ?
Emphysema became the norm.

(D) I questioned his medical term, but he didn't respond. He had told me once, "If I say it; I mean it." The
definition is that it's a destructive lung condition where the air sacs in the lungs are damaged or enlarged;
causing breathlessness. I know that we are supposed to breath much deeper; from our abdomen, but over time,
humankind has fallen backward.

Portals exist in one’s own capacity to examine exponential growth, cognitively; through Ascension.

(IDT) His finger is up in the air!

Which is the raising of one’s frequencies through ascending mind control devices; randomly.

(D) Wow, are people ever in trouble; most are possessed and fascinated by them. Cell phones,
computers of all kinds, television, microwaves; anything that has a radio-like signal inhibits the
raising of one’s frequencies. This is one of the reasons that I was always driven to live in very
remote areas; without these waves. I was following my divine purpose; using knowingness.

(D) I’m getting a visual of a lot of light flashes.

When the walls come crashing down, devices will cease to exist or operate.

(D) I’m getting really hot. You’re trying to show me something with flashes of

(D) Someone is trying to run from point A to point B. I think they are trying to
show someone “shooting through time; or the lack there of.”

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

Just let go and stop trying to control what you are seeing.

(D) They say that I’m seeing it; but not feeling it.

(D) It feels similar to when I “slip away from you." I get pulled away from you in microscopic bits of light; back
into my body. It’s not like a flowing sine wave; more of a stretch and pulling sensation that is uncontrollable.

Disorienting results.

You need to explain.

(D) Argh, this is going to be a long one. Well, this is how it feels. When I am out of my body, there is NO time; I
just exist in total peace. How I look or appear varies; depending on the circumstances, as I can see myself and
be myself; at the same time.

Sometimes, I look like tiny molecules of light that are shape-shifting into various physical forms. They are not
necessary whole beings; but parts. To me, this feels very natural, but it could feel disorienting for many that have
not experienced it. The key is to relax and let it happen; go with it.

When I finish experiencing whatever it might be, or when you feel that Coeus and I are finished, I break up into a
mass of molecules or miniscule balls of light or energy, as that is our true state of being; just like Father. Then I
feel a pulling sensation within those energies; back to the physical body; it's like a stabilizing of the energies.

I have NO control over this happening. I can struggle all I want, but I always return into my physical vessel. I
don't like it at all, because I want to stay there with you. This makes me sad talking about it.

The problem is the mental body. Don't think! Total submission to the spirit body is required. The mental body
realizes what is happening, and wants you back in the physical body. It’s like, "Hey, you're out of your body."
Then your emotional body realizes what is happening and initiates "re-entry" into the physical body. All four
lower bodies work together in unison; spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. They attune with one another,
and the battle is on. So, all four bodies must work harmoniously.

So, I not only feel this re-entry; but I can watch it happening;
simultaneously. It looks like a mass of molecules of light that
thins out; similar to a comet in reverse; a stream or flow; off
into the distance that goes back into my human, physical,
organic body suit. I can actually watch it from my spirit body
for a time, and feel it happening. Then I just open my physical
eyes, fully aware of what just happened. And, as you know, I
usually say, "Crap! I'm back in my body again. Sorry, I don't
mean to sound ungrateful; as I am very blessed."

Disorienting factors. Little raptures in air, gave truth to the light!

(D) Indeed. That the "flag" or body was still there.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

(D) I fell asleep, when I heard Coeus talking about something else and started to listen.

… west/rest; automatically tumbled forth with insignias words. Agenda factors changed viewpoints…

(IDT) Thanks for the visual. It’s like I’m standing out there all alone on a pedestal or something.
Darn, what did you say? I forgot what you said; I was distracted again.

Now I’m hearing the song, “Down on Mainstreet" by Bob Seger, but then it intermixes with
another song of his called, “Night Moves?”

(D) Hi Father!

(F) Come and sit here.

(D) He tapped his hand next to me on a surface.

(D) Darn. I’m losing him!

You’re fighting it.

(D)I’m trying to not slip away; however it probably feels that way. Perhaps if I try to drift off to sleep it will help
me relax.

(D) I keep hearing the song Down on Main Street and Night Moves. It’s something about “watching her and
getting her courage up.”…”Watching her do her stuff”

In the USA and in the universe…

(D)I just saw a time loop variable. It was a ball of light shooting towards my
face and looping back around; to where it started at a distance.

Note: I love his dry sense of wit. For those of you that don't "get it,"
he's referring to me in the USA as the "physical" incarnation in my
Diane body suit, and in the Universe; inter-dimensionally doing The Work as
Athena. He's so sweet.

…there is a stillness occurring from vehicles of every lang; of every dang.

The need for solidarity/solidary. There's a big difference.

In 1958, exact duplication came forth into existence; just like you. Freedom!

(D) That was the year I was conceived. He's talking about my incarnation as my CHRISTed Oversoul; Athena into
my organic body suit; Diane.

Messages to Humanity from Coeus; God of Intellect, the firstborn son; THE Emmanuel 2018

The End

Remember these fine words, from My Beloved Coeus, his brother Cronus, my Father LORD Zeus, The Holy
Father, and me; Athena, as the lies truly run deep throughout your belief systems.

Freedom exists for those that chose the path of Ascension. Fearlessly limited constrains, result in a lack of
conformance, irrationally throughout earth conditions.

When conflicts arise and others react poorly; act irresponsibly.

Use the Violet Flame prayers to transmute these discordant energies, using the methods in “our” book; it will
greatly help you. And remember to call upon us; Coeus and Athena, in whatever form of energy, or being that
makes YOU feel comfortable. As Masters of dream walking, we will be there for you, to comfort, and to teach

Our unconditional love always and forever,

“I AM My Beloved’s and My Beloved it Mine.”

Coeus and Athena


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