Reflection On The Life of St. John Baptist de La Salle
Reflection On The Life of St. John Baptist de La Salle
Reflection On The Life of St. John Baptist de La Salle
“Real Wealth is the ability to think and feel, not
being possessed by possessions, to give, to
receive, to reason, to share.”
- St. John Baptist de La Salle
In a community with a complacent educational system that
only caters the privileged sector, Fr. La Salle had become a
lead reformer which revolutionized the educational system in
France. This initiative soon reached many countries across
the globe. He introduced new practices providing free
education to the poor and needy, adapting a classroom-type
of teaching instead of one-on-one tutoring, pioneering training
for school teachers, and establishing more schools for the
expansion of new education engagement.
“You can do more with the grace of God than you think.”
- St. John Baptist de La Salle
When Fr. La Salle led his ‘Brothers’ in their
vision of creating a society with an educational
opportunity for the poor, he showed selfless
leadership taking into account their vision
without compromising the sentiments of
his ‘Brothers’. He simply led by example when
he renounced his canonry; when he risked all
his wealthy possessions to start-up a school;
when he showed empathy and understood the
outcry of his ‘Brothers’ as he continues to serve
the poor even to the point that there’s already
nothing being left for them; and when he
instilled in the Brotherhood the commitment to
serve ‘together and by association’ with
obedience and the grace of the Lord.
“Inspire and lead others by encouraging
them.” - St. John Baptist de La Salle
With his vision to educate the poor, Fr. La Salle initiated
a ripple effect of mentorship. He transformed a group of
men who were first deemed not fit into a group of fined
educators and spiritual men. This first step soon created
ripples and as a result, they were able to establish
schools and reach hundreds of children. He opened the
eyes and minds of both the teachers and the students as
he taught the value of education and its correlation with
the salvation of the needy through learning.
“Preach by example and practice before the eyes of the
young what you wish them to accept." - St. John Baptist
de La Salle
Risk Taker. Innovator. Servant Leader. Mentor.
These are the four traits associated with the life of St. John Baptist de La Salle but I think
these all rooted from his core belief, the one he held so dearly from beginning to the end,
his FAITH in God.
JAS as an Innovator
Unlike St. La Salle, who revolutionized the entire
education system and of which influence remained
in today’s practice, I, on the other hand, couldn’t do
much as of this time as I’ve only been working for 3
years. But I believe all significant innovations began
from small initiatives. In my current role, I handle
the oversight of our Bank’s subsidiaries. Before
transferring to a government bank, I worked as a
financial analyst in a multinational US-based bank.
With this transition, I was able to apply some of my
technical knowledge I learned in private practice to
my current role for me to perform my functions
efficiently and effectively. Presently, we all know that we live in a technology-dependent
world and it’s very important for each of us to take the first step in improving ourselves
(career or personal-wise) and hope that it would also create impact to others and the
society as well - like St. La Salle.
JAS as a Mentor
Unlike St. La Salle, who dedicated his life to
teaching the value of education and
salvation to the teachers and the students,
I, on the other hand, only teach myself. I am
the type of person who’s willing to share my
knowledge with others only if an opportunity
to share comes or if someone would
explicitly ask me. Since I’m a young
professional, most of the time I am the one
who needs to be taught on. I realize that I
shouldn’t be passively waiting for me to
create an impact. In my little way, I could affect the lives of those younger than me by
sharing my learnings or experiences. You will never know the extent of what you can do
unless you start and try doing it - like St. La Salle.
To sum-up, it can be inferred that my present life is way far different from St. La Salle’s
life. I am uncertain of my purpose. I am not as firm nor as confident as him. I have miles
to go before I live the same path he lived.
BUT - I can conclude that after knowing him, he reminded me to keep my FAITH alive
and burning. He inspired me to be better, to be a blessing to others, and to be a channel
of God’s grace for His glory.
We shouldn’t worry about our shortcomings because God does not call the qualified but
He qualifies the called. I declare that He is my great provider, Lord, and personal savior!