GRE Similar Name Meanings

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“ GRE ”

impudent adj. adj. very rude
imprudent adj. adj. not wise or sensible: not prudent

insolent adj. adj. rude or impolite

indolent adj. adj. not liking to work or be active

redolent adj. adj. having a strong smell : full of a fragrance or odor

insolvent adj. adj. unable to pay debts owed

witty adj. adj. funny and clever

witting adj. adj. cognizant or aware of something; conscious

discernible adj. adj. able to be identified as separate and distinct

adj. able to see and understand people, things, or situations
discerning adj.
clearly and intelligently
aver v. v. to say (something) in a very strong and definite way

avert v. v. to prevent (something bad) from happening

averse adj. adj. having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste

avow v. v. to acknowledge or declare openly and unashamedly

advent n. n. a coming into being or use

advert n. n. announcement; notification

feckless adj. adj. weak or ineffective

adj. not showing proper concern about the possible bad results
reckless adj.
of your actions
adj. adj. lacking distinction or eminence : humble

mean adj. adj. penurious, stingy

adj. adj. characterized by petty selfishness or malice

mien n. n. a person's appearance or facial expression

humdrum adj. adj. not interesting or dull

conundrum n. n. a confusing or difficult problem
adj. not capable of being affected by a disease
adj. adj. not influenced or affected by something
immure v. v. imprison

inure v. v. to habituate to something undesirable;

enjoin v. v. to prevent someone from doing something

v. (of a building, room, area of land, etc.): to be next to or joined
adjoin v. …
with something

11 v. v. to reject (something) formally
v. v. to urge or command (someone) to do something

adjourn v. v. to break off with the intention of resuming it later

bypass v. v. to go around or avoid (a place or area)

surpass v. v. to be better or greater than (someone or something)

impasse n. n. a situation in which no progress seems possible

impassive adj. adj. not showing emotion

v. v. enter someone's land or property without permission

v. v. commit an offense against (a person or a set of rules)

pertinacious adj. adj. stubbornly tenacious

tenacious adj. adj. very determined to do something
v. to cause (someone or something) to be in a dangerous place
endanger v.
or situation
engender v. v. to cause to exist or to develop

adj. adj. of or relating to the ability to think in a logical way

adj. adj. of a person : smart and enjoying serious study and thought
intelligible adj. adj. able to be understood
adj. having or showing the ability to easily learn or understand
intelligent adj.
things or to deal with new or difficult situations : having or
upper adj. adj. located at or near the top

utter adj. adj. complete, absolute or entire

usher v. v. to cause to enter; to introduce ....

usurp v. v. to seize and hold in possession by force without right

passionate adj. adj. having, showing, or expressing strong emotions or beliefs

dispassionate adj. adj. not influenced or affected by emotions
n. the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of
precocity n.
an adult at an unusually early age
preciosity n. n. fastidious refinement

apprehend v. v. to arrest or seize

reprehend v. v. to voice disapproval of : censure

v. to understand (something, such as a difficult or complex
v. to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or
hearten v. v. to cause (someone) to feel more cheerful or hopeful
hearken v. v. listen; to give respectful attention
v. to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being
enchant v.
interesting, pretty, etc.
v. to say (a word or phrase) many times in a rhythmic way
chant v.
usually loudly and with other people

rant v. v. to speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner

21 cant v. v. tilt

scant adj. adj. inadequately supplied

dent v. v. to make (something) weaker

slant v. v. to present in a way that favors a particular group, opinion

pithy adj. adj. forceful and brief

filthy adj. adj. very dirty; very evil
v. to make (someone) do something or get (something) by using
coerce v.
force or threats
coarse adj. adj. having a rough quality

liberal adj. adj. tending to give freely; generous

literal adj. adj. completely true and accurate: not exaggerate
adj. not very large, expensive, important, etc.; not talking much
modest adj. …
about your abilities or possessions
adj. avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing
moderate adj.
reasonable limits
anomaly n. n. something that is unusual or unexpected
n. a comparison of two things based on their being alike in
analogy n.
some way
lucid adj. adj. very clear and easy to understand

27 lurid adj. adj. causing shock or disgust

pellucid adj. adj. very clear

n. someone or something that is difficult to understand or
enigma n.
n. a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or
stigma n.
group of people have about something
n. a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a
dogma n.
group without being questioned or doubted
anathema n. n.someone or something that is very strongly disliked
n. a document which shows that a person has finished a course
diploma n.
of study or has graduated from a school
dilemma n. n. a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice

censure n. n. official strong criticism

v. to examine books, movies, letters, etc., in order to remove
censor v.
things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to
n. the official process of counting the number of people in a
census n.
country, city, or town and collecting information about them
consensus n. n. a general agreement about something

mount v. v. to increase in amount

surmount v. v. to prevail over

paramount adj. adj. very important : of highest rank or importance

v. v. to reach a total : add up
v. v. to be equivalent

tantamount adj. adj. equal to something in value, meaning, or effect

defy v. v. to refuse to obey ,

31 defer v. v. put off, delay

deter v. v. to prevent (something) from happening

spur v. v. to incite or stimulate

v. to refuse to accept (something or someone that you do not
spurn v.
think deserves your respect, attention, etc.)
spurious adj. adj. not genuine sincere, or authentic

spurt v. v. to gush forth

disparate adj. adj. different from each other

v. to describe (someone or something) as unimportant, weak,
disparage v.
bad, etc.
aesthetic adj. adj. of or relating to art or beauty

aseptic adj. adj. free from germs that cause disease

adj. relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that
ascetic adj.
avoids physical pleasure
anesthetic adj. adj. lacking awareness or sensitivity
adj. seeming or said to be true or real but very possibly not true
ostensible adj.
or real
adj.   marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and
ostentatious adj.
sometimes pretentious display
perspicuous adj. adj. clear, apparent
adj. having or showing an ability to notice and understand
perspicacious adj.
things that are difficult or not obvious
adj. refusing to change your ideas or opinions or to stop doing
willful adj.
37 willed adj. adj. deliberate

willing adj adj. refusing to change your idea or opinion; done deliberately
v. to choose not to do (something that you could do) : to avoid
forbear v.
doing or saying (something)
forebear n. n. a member of your family in the past

38 foreboding n. n. a feeling that something bad is going to happen

adj. often trying to control the behavior of other people in an
overbearing adj.
annoying or unwanted way
bear out v. v. confirm, verify

rife adj. adj. prevalent especially to an increasing degree

n. very angry or violent disagreement between two or more
39 strife n.
people or groups
stifle v. v. to not allow yourself to do or express (something)
v. to change the way things are done in order to spend less
retrench v.
entrench v. v. to establish firmly or solidly
adj. having negative connotations, tending to disparage or
pejorative adj.
prerogative n. n. a right or privilege

patent adj. adj. obvious or clear
latent adj. adj. present but not visible or active

salient adj. adj. very important or noticeable

valiant adj. adj. having or showing courage : very brave or courageous

imminent adj. adj. happening very soon

preeminent adj. adj. better than others

prominent adj. adj. important and well-known

eminent adj. adj. successful, well-known and respected

loutish adj. adj. resembling or befitting a lout

outlandish adj. adj. very strange or unusual

sprout v. v. start to grow

spout v. v. to shoot out (a liquid) with force

flout v. v. to treat with contemptuous disregard

v. to push out your lips to show that you are angry or annoyed
46 pout v.
or to look sexually attractive
tout v. v. to promote or praise energetically

clout n. n. power and influence

v. to show (something) in a very open way so that other people
flaunt v.
will notice
apt adj. adj. exactly suitable

opt v. v. to make a choice

adept adj. adj. very good at doing something hard

v. to change (something) so that it functions better or is better
adapt v.
suited for a purpose
v. v. to begin to use or have (a different manner, method, etc.)
v. v. to take a child of other parents legally as your own child

swift adj. adj. happening or done quickly or immediately

sift v. v. to separate or remove

n. a situation in which two people, groups, etc., no longer have
rift n.
a friendly relationship
drift v. v. to move slowly on water, wind, etc.

thrift n. n. careful use of money so that it is not wasted

n. a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in the sacrament
49 shrift n.
of reconciliation
spendthrift n. n. a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way
adj. marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness
wary adj.
especially in detecting and escaping danger
chary adj. adj. cautious about doing something

50 awry adj. adj. away from the correct course

weary adj. adj. exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness

wiry adj. adj. very thin but strong and muscular

ignoble adj. adj. characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness

ignorable adj.
ignominous adj. adj. causing disgrace or shame

ignorant adj. adj. destitute of knowledge or education

glib adj. adj. performed with a natural, offhand ease

glide v. v. to move in a smooth way

gild v. v. to cover (something) with a thin layer of gold

goad v. v. to urge or force (someone) to do something

voracious adj. adj. excessively eager

veracious adj. adj. marked by truth
adj. having or showing the innocence, trust, and honesty that
ingenuous adj.
young people often have
ingenious adj. adj. very smart or clever
indigent adj. adj. lacking money : very poor
adj. produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region
indigenous adj.
or environment
n. the feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone
else's trouble, grief, misfortune, etc. : a sympathetic feeling
n. n. a feeling of support for something
n. the feeling of not having much emotion or interest : an
apathy n.
apathetic state
antipathy n. n. a strong feeling of dislike

pathetic adj. adj. causing feelings of sadness and sympathy

bathetic adj. adj. marked by exceptional commonplaceness

don v. v. to put on

doff v. v. to take off or remove (a hat or a piece of clothing)

dour adj. adj. gloomy, sullen

dole n. n. grief, sorrow

impervious adj. adj. not bothered or affected by something

adj. having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of
imperious adj.
someone who gives orders and expects other people to obey
58 impetuous adj. adj. acting or done quickly and without thought

imperil v. v. to put (something or someone) in a dangerous situation

imperative adj. adj. very important

v. to get (something, such as a reward) as a result of something
reap v.
that you have done
59 heap v. v. to put (something) in a large pile

leap v. v. to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another

blandish v. v. to coax with flattery

brandish v. v. to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner

60 bland adj. adj. dull or insipid

n. a category of products that are all made by a particular
brand n.
company and all have a particular name
blend v. v. to mix (things) thoroughly and usually with good results

vanish v. v. to disappear entirely without a clear explanation

varnish v. v. adorn, embellish

61 garnish v. v. to put something on as a decoration

garish adj. adj. too bright or colorful

tarnish v. v. to damage or ruin the good quality of

veto v. v. to reject (a proposed law) officialy

vote v. v. to express one's views in response to a poll

viscid adj. adj. having an adhesive quality

viscous adj. adj. thick or sticky : not flowing easily

63 vicious adj. adj. very violent and cruel

adj. experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading
vicarious adj.
about someone else rather than by doing something yourself
adj. of a picture, memory, etc. : seeming like real life because it
vivid adj.
is very clear, bright, or detailed
prodigal adj. adj. characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure
prodigious adj. adj. amazing or wonderful, very impressive

seethe v. v. to suffer violent internal excitement

soothe v. v. to cause (someone) to be calmer, less angry, etc.

trenchant adj. adj. caustic

n. a strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave
penchant n.
in a certain way
v. to have authority and control over (a group of people, such
command v.
as soldiers)
v. to praise (someone or something) in a serious and often
commend v.
public way
n. a spoken or written statement that expresses an opinion
67 comment n.
about someone or something
commence v. v. to begin
n. activities that relate to the buying and selling of goods and
commerce n.
accent v. v. to pronounce with accent

ascent n. n. an advance in social status or reputation : progress

v. to rise to a higher or more powerful position in a government,
ascend v.
company, etc.
scent n. n. effluvia from a substance that affect the sense of smell

daft adj. adj. crazy or foolish

69 deft adj. adj. able to do something quickly and accurately

v. to run or move quickly or suddenly in a particular direction or
dart v.
to a particular place
woo v. v. to try to attract
woe n. n. —used to express grief, regret, or distress

curb v. v. to check, restrain, or control

curt adj. adj. sparing of words

avid adj. adj. desirous to the point of greed

v. to prevent the occurrence of (something bad, unpleasant,
avoid v.
quip n. n. a clever, witty remark
pique v. v. to make someone annoyed or angry

savvy adj. adj. well informed and perceptive

savor v. v. to enjoy (something) for a long time

brink n. n. the point at which something is likely to begin ( )

brisk adj. adj. active and energetic

glean v. v. to gather or collect in a gradual way

76 glisten v. v. to shine with light reflected off a wet surface

gleam n. n. a small, bright light

toxic adj. adj. containing poisonous substances

tonic adj. adj. restorative or stimulating to health or well-being

girth n. n. size
mirth n. n. happiness and laughter

hazard n. n. a source of danger

haphazard adj. adj. having no plan, order, or direction
adj. more interested in reading books and studying than doing
bookish adj.
more physical activities (such as sports)
boorish adj. adj. resembling or befitting a boor (as in crude insensitivity)

sage adj. adj. very wise

saga n. n. a long and complicated story with many details

whim n. n. a sudden wish, desire, decision, etc.

82 rim n. n. the outer edge of a usually round object

brim v. v. to be completely filled with something

flit v. v. to move quickly from one condition or location to another

flip v. v. to cause (something) to turn or turn over quickly

fleet adj. adj. very fast
flee v. v. to run away from danger

lull v. v. to cause to sleep or rest

85 gull v. v. to fool or trick (someone)

dull adj. adj. not exciting or interesting

adj. done or made quickly and without thought about what will
rash adj.
happen as a result
v. to bring forth again in another form without significant
rehash v. )
grin v. v. to smile widely
n. a feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or
chagrin n.
voluble adj. adj. talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way
voluminous adj. adj. very large

virtue n. n. a good and moral quality

89 virtual adj. adj. of, relating to, or existing within a virtual reality

virus n. n. the causative agent of an infectious disease

paean n. n. a work that praises or honors its subject

90 panache n. n. dash or flamboyance in style and action

panacea n. n. a remedy for all ills or difficulties

n. a proposition antecedently supposed or proved as a basis of
premise n.
argument or inference
91 surmise v. v. a thought or idea based on scanty evidence : conjecture

demise n. n. / die ,

employ v. v. to use (something) for a particular purpose or to do something

v. to organize and send out (people or things) to be used for a
92 deploy v.
particular purpose
n. a clever trick or plan that is used to get someone to do
ploy n.
something or to gain an advantage over someone
apposite adj. adj. highly pertinent or appropriate
opposite adj. adj. completely different

object v. v. to present a dissenting or opposing argument

n. a reason for disagreeing with or opposing something : a
objection n.
reason for objecting
adj. dealing with facts without allowing personal feelings to
objective adj.
confuse them
objectivity n. fairness

covet v. v. to want (something that you do not have) very much

95 covert adj. adj. secret or hidden

overt adj. adj. open to view

adj. not moving : staying in one place or position
stationary adj.

n. materials (such as paper, pens, and ink) that are used for
stationery n.
writing or typing
supple adj. adj. readily adaptable or responsive to new situations

supplement v. v. to add something to (something) in order to make it complete

supplicate v. v. to make a humble entreaty
v. to take the place of (someone or something that is old or no
supplant v.
longer used or accepted)
binge n. n. a short period of time when you do too much of something

hinge n. n. a determining point

unhinged adj. adj. mentally deranged
adj. something that is marginal, additional, or secondary to
fringe adj.
some activity, process, or subject
thorough adj. adj. including every possible part or detail

99 through prep. prep. from one side or end to another side or end of (something)

though conj. conj. in spite of the fact that : while

staple adj. adj. used, needed, our enjoyed constantly by many people
adj. in a good state or condition that is not easily changed or
stable adj.
likely to change
v. to decide not to think about or consider (something or
dismiss v.
remiss adj. adj. not showing enough care and attention

contend v. v. to argue or state (something) in a strong and definite way

n. agreement about an opinion or about something that will
consent n.
happen or be done
adj. happening all the time or very often over a period of time
constant adj.
content adj. adj. desiring no more than what one has
n. a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any
contempt n.
respect or approval
contemplate v. v. to think deeply or carefully about
n. a belief or idea about something (especially a future event)
hunch n.
that is not based on facts or evidence
n. a group of things of the same kind that are held or tied
103 bunch n.
together or that grow together
crunch v. v. to make the loud sound of something being crushed
adj. having or showing a lack of awareness about the proper
gauche adj.
way to behave : socially awkward
104 gaudy adj. adj. too bright and heavily decorated

gauge v. v. to evaluate or estimate

meritorious adj. adj. deserving honor or praise

meretricious adj. adj. attractive in a cheap or false way

meteoric adj. adj. very sudden or fast

moratorium n. n. a time when a particular activity is not allowed

blithe adj. adj. of a happy lighthearted character or disposition ,


lithe adj. adj. moving in an easy and graceful way

enclose v. v. to surround (something)

disclose v. v. to make (something) known to the public
n. a remark that says something good about someone or
compliment n.
v. to complete something else or make it better
complement v.

austere adj. adj. simple or unadorned

adj. having or showing an ability to notice and understand
109 astute adj.
things clearly
acute adj. adj. important or critical
adj. having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who
pretentious adj.
want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or
adj. strongly favoring a particular point of view in a way that may
110 tendentious adj.
cause argument
contentious adj. adj. likely to cause people to argue or disagree

causal adj. adj. making something happen : causing something

caustic adj. adj. very harsh and critical

n. care taken to avoid danger or risk : a careful attitude or way
caution n.
of behaving
adj. making something happen or exist : causing something
causative adj.
adj. very small in degree or amount
slight adj.

blight v. v. to impair the quality or effect of

plight v. v. to put or give the pledge
v. to make (someone) very happy : to give (someone) great
delight v.
pleasure or satisfaction
fret v. v. to cause to suffer emotional strain : vex
adj. having a smooth, level, or even surface : not having curves
113 flat adj.
or bumps
flag v. v. to lose vigor or strength; weaken or diminish

daunt v. v. to make (someone) afraid or less confident

haunt v. v. to visit or inhabit as a ghost

v. to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments :
vaunt v.
v. to show (something) in a very open way so that other people
114 flaunt v.
will notice
saunter v. v. to walk along in a slow and relaxed manner

gaunt adj. adj. plain and unpleasant in appearance : desolate and gloomy
adj. lively in manner or appearance : having or suggesting a
jaunty adj.
lively and confident quality
morbid adj. adj. not healthy or normal

115 moribund adj. adj. approaching death

mordant adj. adj. expressing harsh criticism especially in a way that is funny

tepid adj. adj. not energetic or excited

adj. having or showing very little energy or movement : not
torpid adj.
adj. having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or
turbid adj.
116 turgid adj. adj. very complicated and difficult to understand

timid adj. adj. feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence

intrepid adj. adj. feeling no fear : very bold or brave

tumid adj. adj. bombastic,turgid

proliferate v. v. to increase in number or amount quickly

prolific adj. adj. producing a large amount of something

prolix adj. adj. using too many words

profligate adj. adj. carelessly and foolishly wasting money, materials

doubtable adj.
redoubtable adj. adj. causing or deserving great fear or respect

impair v. v. to make (something) weaker or worse

v. to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn
repair v.
or broken : fix
v. to force or impose (as oneself or one's ideas) without warrant
obtrude v.
or request
obtuse adj. adj. stupid or unintelligent

substantiate v. v. to prove the truth of (something)

121 substantial adj. adj. large in amount, size, or number

n. a material of a particular kind
substance n.

rebuke v. v. to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone)

rebuff n. n. a blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal

scatter v. v. to separate and go in different directions

v. to cause drops of a liquid to be thrown forcefully in different
spatter v.
n. a rope or chain that is used to tie an animal to a post, wall,
tether n.
etc., so that it will stay in a particular area.
n. any one of the light growths that make up the outer covering
feather n.
of the body of a bird
v. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular
meander v.
n. a person's appearance and behavior : the way someone
demeanor n.
seems to be to other people
n. a condition of the eye that makes it difficult to see objects that
myopia n.
are far away
myriad adj. adj. both numerous and diverse

disposition n. n. the usual attitude or mood of a person or animal

predisposition n.

accede v. v. to agree to a request or a demand

v. to give control of (something) to another person, group,
cede v.
government, etc.

recede v. v. to move back or away : withdraw

access v. v. to be able to use, enter, or get near (something)

congenial adj. adj. very friendly

congenital adj. adj. existing since birth

genial adj. adj. marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness

genesis n. n. the beginning of something

n. something produced by the imagination : something that
figment n.
does not really exist
pigment n. n. a substance that gives color to something else
n. a group within a larger group that has different ideas and
faction n.
opinions than the rest of the group
fiction n. n. something that is not true

factitious adj. adj. produced by humans rather than by natural forces

fictitious adj. adj. not true or real

fractious adj. adj. irritable or peevish

fastidious adj. adj. very careful about how you do something

factious adj. adj. seditious

friction n. n. disagreement or tension between people or groups of people

calamity n. n. an event that causes great harm and suffering

n. an untrue statement that is made to damage someone's
calumny n.
team n. n. a group of people who work together
teem v. become filled to overflowing

callow adj. adj. lacking adult sophistication

adj. not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or
callous adj.
suffering of other people
contrite adj. adj. feeling or showing regret for bad behavior

135 contrive v. v. to make (something) happen in a clever way or with difficulty

connive v. v. to secretly help someone do something dishonest or illegal

discrete adj. adj. separate and different from each other

adj. careful and prudent in one's speech or actions, especially in
discreet adj.
order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment
adj. deserving attention, admiration, or respect : making a good
impressive adj.
impressionable adj. adj. easy to influence

legal adj. adj. conforming to or permitted by law or established rules

138 lethal adj. adj. causing or able to cause death

regal adj. adj. of relating to, or suitable for a king or queen

n. beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong
morality n.

n. the quality or state of being a person or thing that is alive and
mortality n.
therefore certain to die : the quality or state of being mortal
strident adj. adj. sounding harsh and unpleasant
stringent adj. adj. very strict or severe

rigor n. n. the fact of being strict and severe

vigor n. n. strength, energy, or determination

rigid adj. adj. not flexible

rigorous adj. adj. very strict and demanding

hubris n. n. exaggerated pride or self-confidence

n. an animal or plant that is producted from two animals or
hybrid n.
plants of different kinds
empahtic adj. adj. said or done in a forceful or definite way
empathetic adj. adj. involving, characterized by, or based on empathy

tangible adj. adj. able to be touched or felt

tangential adj. adj. easily seen or recognized
adj. believing in the value of established and traditional
conservative adj.
practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting
converse adj. adj. opposite or reverse
n. a small, very thin object that is used in sewing and that has a
needle n.
sharp point at one end and a hole for thread
146 doole v. v. to draw something without thinking about what you are doing
v. to sell something usually in small amounts and often by
peddle v.
traveling to different places
fiddle n. n. a dishonest way of getting money
n. a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a
riddle n.
problem to be solved or guessed
quash v. v. to annul or put an end to
v. to press something so that it becomes soft, damaged or flat,
squash v. … …
or changes shape
148 quench v. v. to stop a fire from burning

squelch v. v. to stop some from continuing by doing or saying something

quell v. v. to end or stop (something) usually by using force

obviate v. v. to make (something) no longer necessary

obliterate v. v. to destroy (something) completely so that nothing is left ...

v. to make do something because the law requires it or because
149 obligate v.
it is the right thing to do
oblivious adj. adj. not conscious or aware of someone or something

obvious adj. adj. easy for the mind to understand or recognize

mortify v. v. to cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed and foolish ...

v. to strenthen a place by building military defense or to make
fortify v.
bumble v. v. to move clumsily

crumble v. v. to break down completely : to stop functioning
adj. not pround, not thinking of yourself as better than other
humble adj.
v. to say something quietly in an unclear way that makes it
151 mumble v.
difficult for people to know what you said
bungle v. v. to not do (something) well or successfully

fumble v. v. to handle something in an awkward or clumsy way

grumble v. v. to complain about something

imperial adj. adj. of or relating to an empire or an emperor

imperceptible adj. adj. impossible to see or notice

adj. not allowing something (such as water or light) to enter or
152 impervious adj.
impetuous adj. adj. acting or done quickly and without thought
adj. having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of
imperious adj.
amuse v. v. to cause laugher …
v. to cause (someone) to be confused and often also somewhat
bemuse v. ...
savage adj. adj. uncivilized; fierce;extremely cruel, violent, and uncontrolled.

salvage v. v. to save or help

154 sage adj. adj. very wise

saga n. n. a long story about past heroes from Norway and Iceland
adj. having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas
sagacious adj.
and situations and to make good decisions
requisite adj. adj. needed for a particular purpose
n. something that you officially must have or do before you can
155 prerequisite n.
have or do something else.
v. to give or do something in return for something that another
requite v.
replete adj. adj. having much or plenty of something

156 deplete v. v. to use most or all of

complete adj. adj. not lacking anything;not limited in any way

detest v. v. to dislike very strongly

157 detect v. v. to discover or notice the presence of something

attest v. v. to show or state that something is true or real

err v. v. to make a mistake

adj. acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected
erratic adj.
or usual
errant adj. adj. behaving wrongly

erroneous adj. adj. not correct

mold n. n. distinctive nature or character : type

molder v. v. to decay slowly

perpetrate v. v. to do something that is illegal or wrong
v. to cause (something that should be stopped, such as a
perpetuate v. ...
mistaken idea or a bad situation) to continue
staunch adj. adj. very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause

161 stench n. n. a very bad smell

stance n. n. a publicly stated opinion

crunch v. v. to make the loud sound of something being crushed

crutch n. n. something that a person uses too much for help or support

conversant adj. adj. having knowledge or experience

adj. believing in the value of established and traditional
conservative adj.
practices in
n. an informal talk involving two people or a small group of
conversation n.
people : the act of talking in an informal way
v. v. to have a conversation
163 converse
adj. adj. opposite or reverse

converge v. v. to move toward one point and join together

v. to keep safe from being damaged or destroyed; to use
conserve v.
carefully in
v. to make (someone) worried : to cause concern for (someone)
concern v.

unimpeachable adj. adj. not able to be doubted or questioned

impeccable adj. adj. having no flaws

adj. adj. close in time or place

adv. almost or nearly
night adj. happening at night
n. a soldier in the past who had a high social rank and who
knight n.
fought while riding a horse and usually wearing armor
epidemic adj. adj. excessively prevalent; contagious
adj. prevalent in or limited to a particular locality, region, or
166 endemic adj.
adj. occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an
pandemic adj.
exceptionally high proportion of the population
underplay v. v. to make (something) seem less important than it actually is

downplay v. v. to make (something) seem smaller or less important

v. the ways in which two or more things,groups,etc., affect each
interplay v.
other when they happen or exist together.
foreplay n. n. action or behavior that precedes an event
v. to make (a person or animal) unable to move or feel all or part
paralyze v. ...
of the body
adj. extending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant,
parallel adj.
and not meeting; very similar and often happening at the same
ravel v. v. to make a situation or problem more complicated
n. a person or thing that tries to defeat or be more successful
rival n.
than another
v. to cause the separate threads of something to come apart; (of
unravel v.
a system, plan, relationship,etc.) to start to fail or no longer stay

unrivaled adj. adj. better than anyone or anything else

annul v. v. to say officially that something is no longer valid …

annual adj. adj. happening once a year

profuse adj. adj. very plentiful, abundant

171 peruse v. v. read, typically in a thorough or careful way

n. a liquid substance that you put on your body in small
perfume n.
amounts in order to smell pleasant
brittle adj. adj. easily broken or cracked
bristle v. v. to become angry

halcyon adj. adj. very happy and successful

n. something that seems real but does not really exist and that
173 hallucination n.
is usually caused by mental illness or the effect of a drug
hale adj. adj. healthy and stron

apocryphal adj. adj. well-known but probably not true

174 apocalyptic adj. adj. of,relating to, or involving terrible damage and destruction

apoplectic adj. adj. very angry and excited

adj. not married and not having sex, especially for religious
celibate adj.
v. to do something special or enjoyable for an important event,
celebrate v.
occasion, holiday, etc.
v. to adjust or mark so that it can be used in an accurate and
calibrate v.
exact way; to measure in a exact and precise way
celery n. n. a vegetable that is grown for its long light green stems

celebrity n. n. a person who is famous

celestial adj. adj. of or in the sky or universe

chaste adj. adj. not having sex

176 chasten v. v. to make someone feel sorry for something they have done

chastise v. v. to criticize (someone) harshly for doing something wrong

v. to remove (nutritive or harmful elements) from soil by
leach v.
bleach v. v. to make something whiter or lighter in color
breach v. v. to break or violate
v. to make a speech about religion in a church or other public
preach v.
pecuniary adj. adj. relating to or in the form of money

178 penurious adj. adj. very poor

adj. causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not
pernicious adj.
easily seen or noticed
capitulate v. v. to admit an enemy or opponent has won

recapitulate v. v. to give a brief summary of something

adj. marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults
captious adj.
and raise objections

v. to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being
captivate v.
interesting, pretty, etc.
capricious adj. adj. changing often and quickly
adj. forced to watch or listen to something because you cannot
captive adj.
unobjectionable adj. adj. of an idea, etc. that you can accept
objectionable adj. adj. causing people to be offended

precede v. v. to happen, go, or come before (something or someone) ……

proceed v. v. to continue to do something

circumscribe v. v. to limit the size or amount of (something)

182 circumvent v. v. to avoid being stopped by (something, such as a law or rule)

adj. thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or
circumspect adj.
saying something
dissemble v. v. to hide your true feelings, opinions, etc.

ensemble n. n. a group of people or things that make up a complete unit

resemble v. v. to be like or similar to ...

assemble v. v. to collect things or gather people into one place or group

exclaim v. v. to say something in an enthusiastic or forceful way

v. to praise (someone or something) in a very strong and
acclaim v.
enthusiastic way
reclaim v. v. to get back something that was lost or taken away
proclaim v. v. to say or state (something) in a public, official, or definite way

declaim v. v. to say something in usually a loud and formal way

v. to say that something is true when some people may say it is
claim v.
not true
perilous adj. adj. full of danger
peculiar adj. adj. not usual or normal
n. a person who is guided by materialism and is usually
philistine n.
disdainful of intellectual or artistic values
philippic n. n. a discourse or declamation full of bitter condemnation
n. something (such as a word, an object, or an event) that is
anachronism n.
mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong in a story,
anarchism n. n. a belief that government and laws are not necessary

legitimate adj. adj. being in compliance with the law

v. to cause a case, an issue, etc. to be decided and settled in a
188 litigate v.
court of law
mitigate v. v. to make less severe or intense
v. to criticize (a person's character, intentions, etc.) by
impugn v.
suggesting that someone is not honest and should not to be
repugnant adj. adj. causing a strong feeling of dislike or disgust
redundant adj. adj. exceeding what is necessary or normal : superfluous

pugnacious adj. adj. showing a readiness or desire to fight or argue

v. to mention or provide (something, such as a fact or example)
adduce v. …
as evidence or proof to support an argument
190 induce v. v. to cause (something) to happen or exist

traduce v. v. to tell lies about someone

delegate n. n. a person who is chosen or elected to vote or act for others

relegate v. v. to assign to a place of insignificance or of oblivion

petrify v. v. to make someone very afraid

192 putrefy v. v. to rot

stupefy v. v. to shock or surprise very much

astringent adj. adj. very critical in a sharp and often clever way

193 stringent adj. adj. very strict or severe

adj. depending on something else that might or might not
contingent adj.
adj. marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied
complacent adj.
by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies
194 compliant adj. adj.ready and willing to comply

complaint n. n. expression of grief, pain, or dissatisfaction

v. to gradually go from an advanced state to a less advanced
devolve v.
195 delve v. v. to search deeply and laboriously

dive v. v. to jump into water with your arms and head going in first

invertebrate adj. adj. lacking in strength or vitality

196 inveterate adj. adj. always or often happening or existing

reveberate v. v. to continue in a series of echoes, resound

modicum n. n. a small amount

mediocre adj. adj. of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance

contemptuous adj. adj. feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval

compunction n. n. a feeling of guilt or regret
n. an internal tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or
excise n.
consumption of a commodity
n. physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and
exercise n.
n. someone who tends to criticize, reject, or ignore people who
snob n.
come from a lower social class, have less education, etc
snub v. v. to ignore (someone) in a deliberate and insulting way
snug v. v. to cause to fit closely

snag n. n. an unexpected problem or difficulty

fragrance n. n. the quality or state of having a sweet odor

flagrance n. n. very bad fame

puissant adj. adj. very powerful


pusillanimous adj. adj. lacking courage and resolution

insurrection n. n. a usually violent attempt to take control of a government

n. the act of causing something that had ended or been
resurrection n.
forgotten or
progenitor n. n. precursor, originator
n. a person who comes from a particular parent or family : the
progeny n.
child or descendant of someone
adj. used to describe things that touch each other or are
contiguous adj.
immediately next to each other
contagious adj. adj. communicable by contact

brook v. v. to stand for : tolerate

creek n. n. a small stream

crook v. v. bend

creep v. v. to move slowly with the body close to the ground

elaborate adj. adj. planned or carried out with great care

evaporate v. v. to dissipate or draw off in vapor or fumes
adj. showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity,
relentless adj.
strength, or pace
unrelenting adj. adj. not softening or yielding in determination

clamant adj. adj. noisy; urgent

clement adj. adj. inclined to be merciful

clamorous adj. adj. noisily insistent

glamorous adj. adj. very exciting and attractive

compunction n. n. a feeling of guilt or regret

adj. relating to, caused by psychological compulsion or
211 adj.
adj. adj. having power to compel

contemptuous adj. adj. feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval

contemporary adj. adj. happening or beginning now or in recent times
n. a sudden change or disturbance that affects a country,
convulsion n.
organization, etc.
n. a final decision or judgment : an opinion or decision that is
213 conclusion n.
formed after a period of thought or research
convolution n. n. a twist or curve

grate v. v. to rub or rasp noisily

n. n. any of several sandstones

214 grit
n. n. firmness of mind or spirit

grip v. v. to get and hold the interest or attention of (someone)

keen adj. adj. very excited about and interested in something ...

v. v. to dress or smooth oneself up


215 v. v. to pride or congratulate oneself an an achievement

n. n. feelings of anger
n. an organ located near your stomach that destroys worn-out
red blood cells and produces white blood cells
n. liberty to enter,or pass to and from a place or to approach or
communicate with a person or thing
216 v. v. to be able to use, enter, or get near something …

assess v. v. to determine the importance, size, or value of

accent v. v. to pronounce with accent

ascent n. n. the act of rising or mounting upward

ascend v. v. to move upward

accede v. v. to agree to a request or a demand

renounce v. v. to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration

218 denounce v. v. to criticize (someone or something) harshly and publicly

pronounce v. v. to declare officially or ceremoniously

n. a protracted speech usually marked by harshly censorious
tirade n.
n. a group of people that includes many families and relatives
tribe n.
who have the same language, customs, and beliefs
n. something done, said, or given to show respect, gratitude, or
tribute n.
n. an angry and usually long speech or piece of writing that
diatribe n.
strongly criticizes someone or something
cornerstone n. n. an indispensable and fundamental basis

limestone n. n. a type of white stone that is commonly used in building

220 milestone n. n. a significant point in development

stonewall v. v. to refuse to comply or cooperate with

n. something that is used to make judgments about the quality
touchstone n.
of other things
backhanded adj. adj. oblique or indirect

heavy-handed adj. adj. clumsy

offhanded adj. adj. without pervious thought or preparation

short-handed adj. adj. having fewer than the usual number of people available

221 evenhanded adj. adj. not favoring one side or group over another
adj. not original : taken from someone who was not directly
secondhand adj.
hand-wringing n. n. an overwrought expression of concern or guilt

underhanded adj. adj. in a clandestine manner

openhanded adj. adj. having or showing the quality of being very generous

clearheaded adj. adj. having or showing an ability to think clearly

headlong adj. adj. lacking in calmness or restraint


levelheaded adj. having or showing sound judgement

wrongheaded adj. adj. stubborn in adherence to wrong opinions or principles

apprehend v. v. to arrest or seize

223 reprehend v. v. to voice disapproval of

comprehend v. v. to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of

pugnacious adj. adj. showing a readiness or desire to fight or argue

v. to criticize (a person's character, intentions, etc.) by
224 impugn v.
suggesting that someone is not honest and should not to be
repugnant adj. adj. causing a strong feeling of dislike or disgust

exempt adj. adj. not required to do something that others are required to do

preempt v. v. to prevent (something) from happening

225 contempt n. n. the act of despising

unkempt adj. adj. not neat or orderly

tempt v. v. to entice to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain ( )

v. to feel a strong desire or wish for something or to do

yearn v.
n. a unit of time that is equal to 12 months or 365 or sometimes
226 year n.
366 days
yen n. n. a strong desire or propensity

rational adj. adj. based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings
rationale adj. adj. the reason or explanation for something

urban adj. adj. of or relating to cities and the people who live in them
urbane adj. adj. polite and confident

local adj. adj. located or living nearby

locale n. n. the place where something happens
adj. coming at the end : being the last in a series, process, or
final adj.
n. the last part of something (such as a musical performance,
finale n.
play, etc.)
adj. considered right and good by most people : agreeing with
moral adj.
a standard of right behavior
n. the feelings of enthusiasm and loyalty that a person or group
morale n.
has about a task or job
human adj. adj. typical of people
humane adj. adj. kind or gentle to people or animals

facile adj. adj. too simple and not showing enough thought or effort

n. n. the front of a building

233 facade
n. n. a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect

facetious adj. adj. meant to be humorous or funny

fickle adj. adj. changing opinions often

v. to touch (as a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface
nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter
v. v. to excite or stir up agreeably
v. v. to flow in a thin gentle stream
v. v. to move or go one by one or little by little

ticklish adj. adj. difficult to deal with

upbeat adj. adj. positive and cheerful

uproot v. v. to destroy or remove completely

upbraid v. v. to criticize severely

upshot n. n. the final result

upend v. v. to cause to be upside down

n. an occurrence in which one thing is replaced by something
235 upgrade n.
better, newer, etc.
n. a major change or period of change that causes a lot of
upheaval n.
conflict, confusion, anger, etc.
uphold v. v. to give support to

upmost adj. adj. highest in position or importance

upraise v. v. to raise or lift up

upsurge n. n. a rapid or sudden increase or rise

downturn n. n. a decline in business and economic activity

adj. of, relating to, or located in the lower part or business
downtown adj.
center of a city
downsize v. v. to reduce in size

downgrade v. v. to lower in quality, value, status, or extent

adj. in a good state or condition that is not easily changed or
stable adj.
likely to change
237 staple adj. adj. used, needed, our enjoyed constantly by many people

stale adj. adj. having an unpleasant taste or smell

winnow v. v. to narrow or reduce

n. an opening in a wall, door, etc., that usually contains a sheet
238 window n.
of glass
n. a woman who has lost her husband by death and usually
widow n.
has not remarried
insidious adj. adj. causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed
invidious adj. adj. unpleasant and likely to cause bad feelings in other people

incisive adj. adj. impressively direct and decisive

decisive adj. adj. resolute or determined

adj. adj. tending to spread

240 invasive
adj. adj. relating to, or characterized by military aggression
adj. causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing
divisive adj.
them to separate into different groups

derisive adj. adj. expressing or causing derision

deprive v. v. to take something away from

v. v. to take or get something from something else

241 v. v. to have or take origin

deride v. v. to laugh at contemptuously

deprave v. v. to corrupt morally

repulsive adj. adj. arousing aversion or disgust

adj. doing things or tending to do things suddenly and without
impulsive adj.
careful thought
bane n. n. a source of harm or ruin

243 n. n. great evil

n. n. a large bundle of goods
adj. very upset : so upset that you are not able to think clearly or
distraught adj.
behave normally
adj. adj. causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension
244 fraught
adj. adj. full of accompanied by something specified

overwrought adj. adj. very excited or upset

flounder v. v. to struggle to move or obtain footing

founder v. v. to fail utterly; collapse

v. to steal things from (a place, such as a city or town)
plunder v.
especially by force
asunder adj. adj. into parts

negligible adj. adj. very small or unimportant

neligent adj. adj. marked by or given to neglect especially habitually

comprehensible adj. adj. able to be understood

comprehensive adj. adj. covering completely or broadly
v. to emphasize (something) or show the importance of
underscore v.
v. v. to put emphasis on
v. v. to mark (as a word) with a line underneath

v. v. insure on life or property …

v. v. to guarantee financial support of

undergird v. v. to make secure underneath

248 underpin v. v. to strengthen or support something from below …

underplay v. v. to make (something) seem less important than it actually is

undermine v. v. to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective

undercut v. v. to make (something) weaker or less effective

v. to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or
underestimate v.
understate v. v. to represent as less than is the case

underavlue v. v. to value, rate, or estimate below the real worth …

v. to oppose or challenge (someone) especially in a direct and
confront v.
forceful way
affront v. v. to insult especially to the face by behavior or language
n. the farthermost limits of knowledge or achievement in a
n. n. a border between two countries

palatial adj. adj. of, relating to, or being a palace

250 palatable adj. adj. having a pleasant or agreeable taste

placate v. v. to cause (someone) to feel less angry about something

momentous adj. adj. very important

momentary adj. adj. lasting a very short time

famous adj. adj. known or recognized by very many people : having fame
infamous adj. adj. having a reputation of the worst kind

valuable adj. adj. worth a lot of money

invaluable adj. adj. extremely valuable or useful

impassioned adj. adj. showing or feeling very strong emotions

adj. adj. showing or expressing strong emotions or beliefs

254 passionate
adj. adj. easily aroused to anger
adj. feeling or showing concern for someone who is sick, hurt,
compassionate adj.
poor, etc.
niche n. n. a special area of demand for a product or service
n.a hidden problem that makes something more complicated or
255 hitch n.
difficult to do
glitch n. n. a usually minor malfunction

adj. adj. having a strong, sharp taste or smell

adj. having a strong effect on the mind because of being clever
256 adj.
poingant adj. adj. painfully affecting the feelings

furtile adj. adj. completely ineffective

fertile adj. adj. producing a large amount of something

coarse adj. adj. having a rough quality

coerce v. v. to compel to an act or choice

lambaste v. v. to criticize (someone or something) very harshly

bombast n. n. pretentious inflated speech or writing

didactic adj. adj. designed or intended to teach people something ,


adj. used to describe a person who tries to control other people
dictatorial adj.
in a forceful and unfair way
appropriate adj. adj. suitable or compatible
approximate adj. adj. located close together

compound v. v. to form by combining separate things

262 propound v. v. to offer for discussion or consideration …

expound v. v. to explain by setting forth in careful and often elaborate detail

adj. adj. very close to being something without actually being it

263 adj. adj. existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet

virtue n. n. morally good behavior or character

petty adj. adj. not very important or serious

n. a strong feeling of sadness or sympathy for someone or
264 pity n.
pretty adj. adj. attractive to look at usually in a simple or delicate way

privation n. n. lack of what is needed for existence

privacy n. n. freedom from unauthorized intrusion

primacy n. n. the state of being first (as in importance, order, or rank)

primary adj. adj. most important; most basic or essential

germane adj. adj. relating to a subject in an appropriate way

266 germinate v. v. to begin to grow

adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of Germany, the Germans,
German adj.
or German
restive adj. adj. stubbornly resisting control

267 restless adj. adj. not relaxed or calm

unrest n. n. a disturbed or uneasy state

v. to do something as a way to show that you are sorry about
expiate v.
expatriate v. v. to banish

expatiate v. v. to speak or write at length or in detail

268 expedite v. v. to cause (something) to happen faster

extirpate v. v. to destroy or remove completely

mandate v. v. to officially demand or require something

mendacious adj. adj. not honest

manacle v. v. to restrain from movement, progress, or action

menace v. v. to threaten harm to (someone or something)
adj. seeming to care about the feelings or problems of other
decent adj.
v. v. to go down
270 descend

270 descend
v. v. to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source

descent n. n. the fact or process of originating from an ancestral stock

malediction n. n. an inclination downward

271 valediction n. n. an act of bidding farewell

benediction n. n. the invocation of a blessing

rend v. v. to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence

v. to cause (someone or something) to be in a specified
272 render v. ...
v. to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting, etc., because you
surrender v.
know that you will not win or succeed
vitiate v. v. to ruin or spoil something
vitriolic adj. adj. expressing harsh and angry words

swerve v. v. to cause to turn aside or deviate

severe adj. adj. very harsh

n. the main computer in a network which provides files and
server n.
services that are used by the other computers
v. v. to state something very strongly and sincerely
v. v. to use offensive words when you speak

sever v. v. to divide into parts

laconic adj. adj. using few words in speech or writing

draconian adj. adj. exceedingly harsh or very severe

allay v. v. to make something less severe or strong

alley n. n. a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes

ally v. v. to join with another in order to get or give support

n. a metal made by melting and mixing two or more metals or a
276 n.
metal and another material together
v. v. to impair or debbase by admixture

valley n. n. an area of low land between hills or mountains

rally v. v. to come together again to renew an effort

adj. presenting only an appearance without substance or
superficial adj.
adj. concerning only with what is obvious or apparent not
superficilious adj.
thorough or complete
superb adj. adj. excellent or brilliant in a very noticeable way

adj. adj. of higher rank, quality, or importance

278 adj. adj. better than other people

supernatural adj. adj. unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature

n. a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the
supersition n.
unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of
v. to take the place of (someone or something that is old, no
supersede v.
longer useful, etc.)

279 supreme adj. adj. highest in rank or authority

superfluous adj. adj. exceeding what is sufficient or necessary

heinous adj. adj. hatefully or shockingly evil

hedonic adj. adj. relating to, or characterized by pleasure

grin v. v. to smile widely

n. a feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or
chagrin n.
demolish v. v. to forcefully tear down or take apart (a structure)
demonic adj. adj. of, relating to, or suggestive of a demon

demoralize v. v. to weaken the morale of (a person or group) ...

demonize v. v. to cause someone to lose hope, courage, or confidence

gratuitous adj. adj. not necessary or appropriate

284 gratitude n. n. the state of being grateful

v. to gain favor or approval for (yourself) by doing or saying
ingratiate v.
things that people like
equable adj. adj. tending to remain calm

285 equitable adj. adj. just or fair

equanimous adj. adj. being calm when dealing with problems or pressure
v. to cause (someone) to feel angry or irritated especially for a
rankle v. ...
long time
ankle n. n. the joint where the foot joins the leg

gall v. v. to make (someone) feel annoyed or angry ...

287 n. n. any of numerous long-winged web-footed aquatic birds

v. v. to fool or trick (someone)

coax v. v. to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering

hoax v. v. to deceive or cheat
v. to produce a pattern or design on a hard material by using a
etch v.
powerful liquid to cut the surface of metal or glass
v. an uneasy irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin
itch v.
that makes you want to scratch
meld v. v. merge, blend

molder v. v. to decay slowly

mold n. n. distinctive nature or character : type

modulate v. v. to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion

imitate v. v. to do the same thing as

intimate adj. adj. characterized by close personal acquaintance or familiarity

presumptuous adj. adj. too confident especially in a way that is rude

sumptutous adj. adj. extremely costly, rich, luxurious

volition n. n. the power to make your own choices or decisions
violation n. n. the act of violating

seminal adj. adj. very important and influential

n. a meeting in which you receive information on and training in
smeniar n.
purlieu n. n. the area surrounding a palace
adj. silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of
295 puerile adj.
seriousness or good judgment
purloin v. v. to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust

vitriolic adj. adj. expressing harsh and angry words

virile adj. adj. having the nature, properties, or qualities of an adult male

trite adj. adj. not evoking interest because of overuse or repetition

297 rite n. n. a ceremonial act or action

trait n. n. a distinguishing quality (as of personal character)

adj. very careful about behaving properly and doing things in a
punctilious adj. ( )
correct and accurate way
punctual adj. adj. being on time
adj. adj. marking or dividing (written matter) with punctuation marks
adj. adj. breaking into or interrupting at intervals
v. to cause the growth or development of something bad or
foment v.
v. to go through a chemical change that results in the production
ferment v.
of alcohol
fervent adj. adj. exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling

torment v. v. to cause to feel extreme physical or mental pain

sate v. v. to cloy with overabundance …

n. a large number of things that appear or happen in a short
spate n.
period of time
300 slate n. n. a type of hard rock that splits easily into thin layers

v. v. to kill violently or in great numbers

v. v. to delight or amuse very much

proscribe v. v. to not allow

v. to officially tell someone to use (a medicine, therapy, diet,
prescribe v.
etc.) as a remedy or treatment
n. the mass of the people as distinguished from those of a
laity n.
particular profession or those specially skilled
302 levity n. n. a lack of seriousness
v. an amount of money that must be paid and that is collected
levy v.
by a government or other authority
adj. adj. roughness of surface
adj. adj. roughness of manner or of temper
n. a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's
aspersion n.

exasperation n. n. the state of being very annoyed or upset

dismay v. v. to cause to lose courage or resolution

304 dismal adj. adj. showing or causing gloom or depression

dismissal adj. adj. the act of dismissing

hermetic adj. adj. closed tightly so that no air can go in or out

adj. of, relating to, or characterized by departure from accepted
pert 305 heretical adj.
beliefs or standards
adj. passing from a person who has died to that person's child
hereditary adj.
or younger relative
mute adj. adj. unable or willing to speak
v. to change and cause an unusual characteristic to develop in a
mutate v.
plant or animal
saturnine adj. adj. cold and steady in mood

v. v. to make something very wet

307 saturate
v. v. to fill something completely with something

satiate v. v. to satisfy fully

pillory v. v. to publicly criticize (someone) in a very harsh way

n. a bag filled with soft material that is used as a cushion
308 pillow n.
usually for the head of a person who is lying down
pillar n. n. a basic fact, idea, or principle of something

extant adj. adj. currently or actually existing

309 extend v. v. to become longer or to be able to become longer

extent n. n. the point or limit to which something extends or reaches

expand v. v. to increase in size, range, or amount

310 v. v. to use or spend something

v. v. to use (time, energy, etc.) for a particular purpose …

hapless adj. adj. having no luck

mishap n. n. an unfortunate accident

crave v. v. to ask for earnestly

ravenous adj. adj. very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification

312 craven adj. adj. lacking the least bit of courage

v. v. to speak out wildly

v. to talk or write about someone or something in an excited or
enthusiastic way
n. a high ecclesiastical official of the Roman Catholic Church
who ranks next below the pope
313 adj. adj. basic or most important

cordial adj. adj. politely pleasant and friendly

verdant adj. adj. unripe in experience or judgment

n. the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in
314 verdict n.
vertical adj. adj. going straight up

apprise v. v. to give notice to

315 appraise v. v. to evaluate the worth, significance, or status of

v. to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying
appease v.
something desired
labile adj. adj. readily open to change
v. to write and publish a false statement that causes people to
316 libel v.
have a bad opinion of (someone)
n. a word or phrase that describes or identifies something or
label n.
n. a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one
euphemism n.
that is unpleasant or offensive
317 euphonious adj. adj. pleasing to the ear

euphoria n. n. a feeling of great happiness and excitement

n. n. heavy and deep mud

318 v. v. to hamper or hold back as if by mire

dire adj. adj. very bad : causing great fear or worry

tacit adj. adj. expressed or understood without being directly stated

taciturn adj. adj. tending to be quiet

pertain v. v. to relate to ...

320 protean adj. adj. displaying great diversity or variety

n. a substance found in foods (such as meat, milk, eggs, and
protein n.
beans) that is an important part of the human diet
repine v. v. to feel or express dejection or discontent

opine v. v. to express opinions

321 adj. adj. lying flat on your back

adj. not willing to act or disagree with someone because you are
lazy or
v. to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something
pine v.
adulation n. n. excessive or slavish admiration or flattery
v. to make (something, such as a food or drink) impure or
adulterate v.
weaker by adding something of poor quality
decrepitutde n. n. the state of being old and in bad condition or poor health
discrepant adj. adj. being at variance

v. v. to cause to become knotted and intertwined

324 v. v. to speak in an angry or bad-tempered way
v. to smile or laugh with facial expression that shows scorn or
sneer v.
spell n. n. a short, indefinite period of time
v. to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond
swell v.
a normal

specious adj. adj. falsely appearing to be right
n. a particular group of things or people that belong together or
species n.
dampen v. v. to check or diminish the activity or vigor of
v. to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or
hamper v.
v. v. to move ponderously
327 n. n. timber or logs especially when dressed for use

v. v. to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse

v. v. to try foolish or dangerous experiments

temper v. v. to make (something) less severe or extreme

tar n. n. a sticky substance that is formed by burning tobacco

328 jarring adj. adj. harsh

v. to ruin the beauty or perfection of (something) : to hurt or
mar v.
damage the good condition of (something)
remunerate v. v. to pay an equivalent to for a service, loss, or expense
enumerate v. v. to specify one after another

preserve v. v. to keep (something) in its original state or in good condition

adj. wrong or different in a way that others feel is strange or
330 perverse adj.
v. to continue doing something or trying to do something even
persevere v.
though it is difficult
n. n. a strong belief or opinion
n. the act of proving that a person is guilty of a crime in a court
331 n.
of law
convince v. v. to overcome by argument
v. to disturb, distress, or exhaust by repeated demands or
harry v.
parry v. v, to evade or turn aside something

hoard v. v. to collect and hide a large amount of

hoary adj. adj. extremely old

havoc n. n. wide and general destruction

halo n. n. a bright circle seen around the sun or the moon
n. a final section or speech after the main part of a book,
epilogue n.
play,or musical composition
n. a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a
epigram n.
single thought
epigraph n. n. an engraved inscription

epiphany n. n. an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being

n. one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food
335 epicure n.
or wine
epic n. n. a long poem that tells the story of a hero’s adventures

adj. adj. excessively prevalent


adj. adj. contagious
n. an offensive word or name that is used as a way of abusing
epithet n.
or insulting someone
rebut v. v. to prove (something) is false by using arguments or evidence

336 rebuff n. n. a blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal

rebuke v. v. to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone)

exacerbate v. v. to make (a bad situation, a problem, etc.) worse ...

exasperate v. v. to make (someone) very angry or annoyed ...

deprecate v. v. to criticize or express disapproval of (someone or something)

338 v. v. to lower in estimation or esteem

v. v. to lower the price or estimated value of

credulous adj. adj. too ready to believe things

339 credible adj. adj. offering reasonable grounds for being believed

cr credential n. n. something that gives a title to credit or confidence

n. n. a large area of flat land without trees

plain adj. adj. lacking ornament

adj. adj. easy to see and understand

plaintive adj. adj. expressing suffering or sadness

v. to repeat something you have already said in order to
reiterate v.
reinstate v. v. to restore to a previous effective state

comely adj. adj. having a pleasing appearance

adj. adj. not pretty or handsome

adj. adj. plain and simple in an appealing or pleasant way
seemly adj. adj. good-looking and handsome

timely adv. adv. in time

stately adj. adj. very impressive in appearance, manner or size

hostility n. n. unfriendly or hostile state,attitude or action

hospitality n. n. generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests

v. v. to make a deep and loud sound

v. v, of a business or industry to grow or expand suddenly
n. a frame or machine for interlacing at right angles two or more
sets of threads or yarns to form a cloth
v. v. to appear in an impressively large or great form
v. v. to look, feel, or act sullen or despondent
n. n. partial or total darkness

v. v. to move quickly
v. v. to increase suddenly

petulant adj. adj. insolent or rude in speech or behavior

penitent adj. adj. feeling or expressing humble or regretful

biography n. n. a usually written history of a person's life

n. a list of books, organizes, articles, etc., that are mentioned in
bibliography n.
v. to suggest (something, such as an idea or theory) especially
posit v.
in order to start a discussion
poise v. v. to hold (something) in a balanced and steady position

loose adj. adj. not tightly fastened, attached or held

lose v. v. to fail to win (a game, contest, etc.)

abhor v. v. to dislike very much

v. to end a pregnancy deliberately by causing the death of the
349 abort
v. to stop something before it is completed because of
problems or danger.
abominate v. v. to feel great hatred for someone or something
n. a rule against doing or saying something in a particular
taboo n.
culture or religion
n. an indelible mark or figure fixed upon the body by insertion of
tattoo n.
pigment under the skin or by production of scars
v. v. to spread or swarm in or over in a troublesome manner
v. v. to live in or on as a parasite

351 ingest v. v. to swallow

incest n. n. sexual intercourse between persons so closely related

n. a small animal that has six legs and a body formed of three
insect n.
parts and that may have wings
literate adj. adj. able to read and write

adj. adj. giving the meaning of each individual word

352 literal
adj, adj. not exaggerate

literary adj. adj. of or relating to literature

n. n. a piece of written criticism of a set of ideas, a work of art,etc.

v. v. to express your opinion about the good and bad part
n. one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter
critic n.
especially involving a judgment of its value, truth,
n. n. the act of criticizing someone or something
353 criticism
n. the activity of making careful judgements about the good and
bad qualities of books, movies,etc.
adj. adj. of, relating to, a turning point or specially important juncture

critical adj, adj. expressing criticism or disapproval

adj. using or involving careful judgment about the good and bad
parts of something

vaccinate v. v. to administer a vaccine to usually by injection

354 vacillate v. v. to repeatedly change your opinions or desires

venerate v. v. to feel or show deep respect for

inopportune adj. adj. not suitable or right for a particular situation

importunate adj. adj. asking for things many times in a way that is annoying

auspicious adj. adj. showing or suggesting that future success is likely

audacious adj. adj. intrepidly daring

dwindle v. v. to gradually become smaller

v. to take money or property from someone by using lies or
357 swindle v.
kindle v. v. to ignite

n. n. a feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to relax

358 v. v. to tighten to a desired or appropriate degree
n. an amount of money that a company or the government pays
pension n.
to a person who is old or sick and no longer works
paltry n. n. very small or too small in amount
palter v. v. to act insincerely or deceitfully

decimate v. v. to destroy a large number of (plants, animals, people, etc.)

desiccate v. v. to dry up
dissipate v. v. to cause (something) to spread out and disappear ...

desecrate v. v. to treat as not sacred

adj. adj. not relating to the main or most important part

adj. of or relating to the area that is to the side of the area you
361 adj.
are looking at
peripatetic adj. adj. itinerant

avid adj. adj. desirous to the point of greed

amid prep. prep. in or into the middle of (something) ……

arid adj. adj. very dry : having very little rain or water
acrid adj, adj. deeply or violently bitter
v. to do better than (someone or something) : to be more
outdo v.
successful than (someone or something)
v. in a manner that exceeds or surpasses and sometimes
outperform v. …
overpowers or defeat
v. to be or become better, greater, or larger than (someone or
outstrip v.
… … …
outweigh v. v. to exceed in weight, value,or importance

364 outlandish adj. adj. very strange or unusual

adj. adj. going away

adj. adj. openly friendly and responsive

outrage v. v. to make (someone) very angry ...

outwit v. v. to defeat or trick by being more intelligent or clever (outsmart)

impertinent adj. adj. rude and showing a lack of respect

impermanent adj. adj. not lasting forever
n. an area of moving water that is raised above the main
surface of an ocean, a lake, etc.
v. to move your hand or something held in your hand usually in
a repeated motion in order to signal or greet someone
v. to officially say that you will not use or require something that
waive v.
you are allowed to have or that is usually required
v. to become unsteady because of weakness, emotion,
waver v.
tiredness, etc.
propitious adj. adj. likely to have or produce good results
v. to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying
propitiate v.
something desired
v. to make arrangements so that you will be able to use at a
later time
v. v. to keep something for a special or future use

adj. adj. opposite to what is usual or stated

368 reverse
v. v. to change to an opposite state or condition

reverberate v. v. opposite to what is usual or stated

revere v. v. to have great respect for (someone or something)

onerous adj. adj. difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with

sonorous adj. adj. having a sound that is deep, loud, and pleasant

corroborate v. v. to support with evidence or authority

v. to work with another person or group in order to achieve or
collaborate v.
do something
adj. starting, stopping, and starting again : not constant or
intermittent adj.
371 interminable adj. adj. continuing for a very long time

intermediary n. n. / adj. acting as a mediator

nettle v. v. to make (someone) angry ...

v. to upset (someone) especially to the point of loss of poise and
rattle v.
adj. careful about planning for the future and saving money for
provident adj.
the future
373 providential adj. adj. happening at a good time because of luck

provincial adj. adj. limited in outlook

v. to ask or beg for (something) in a very serious or emotional
implore v.
374 v. v. to feel or express grief for
v. v. to strongly disapprove of something

sober adj. adj. having or showing a very serious attitude or quality

375 somber adj. adj. very sad and serious

solemn adj. adj. very serious or formal in manner, behavior, or expression

subordinate adj. adj. placed in or occupying a lower class, rank, or position

insubordinate adj. adj. not obeying authority

subside v. v, to become less strong or intense

v. to help someone or something pay for the costs of
377 subsidize v.
n. a grant by a government to a private person or company to
subsidy n.
assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public
judicious adj. adj. having or showing good judgment
judicial adj. adj. of relating to courts of law or judges

adj. adj. different in a way that you can see, hear, smell,etc.
adj. adj. strong and definite

distinctive adj. adj. different in a way that is easy to notice

n. n. the separation of people or things into different groups

379 distinction
n. n. importance, excellence, or achievement

stint v. v. to use or give something in limited amounts

stingy adj. adj. not generous

stink v. v. to have a very bad smell

v. to do something that you think you should not have to do
deign v.
because you are too important
380 defiy v. v. to treat someone or something like a god or goddess …

deity n. n. a god or goddess

countermand v. v. to cancel (an order) especially by giving a new order

v. to cause something so have less of an effect or to have no
counteract v.
effect at all
counterbalance v. v. to balance something by being opposite …
counterproductive adj. adj. tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal

counter adj. adj. making the thing you want to happen less likely to happen

counternance v. v. to sanction

serene adj. adj. calm and peaceful

adj. having or showing true feelings that are expressed in an
382 sincere adj.
honest way
n. the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable
serendipity n.
things not sought for
v. v. to rise and fall or toss about in or with waves

welter v. v. to become deeply sunk, soaked, or involved

n. n. a state of wild disorder

swelter v. v. to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat

caviler n. n. someone who complains about things that are not important

adj. marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful
cavalier adj.
dismissal of important matters
oval adj. adj. something that has the shape of an egg
oral adj. adj. spoken other than written

adj. adj. very brave

adj. adj. large and impressive
gall v. v. to make (someone) feel annoyed or angry ...

gallop v. v. to run very fast

adj. adj. actually existing or happening : not imaginary

n. a real thing; especially : a mathematically real quantity
387 n.

realm n. n. an area of activity, interest, or knowledge

v. to cause (someone or something) to come : to attract
draw v.
(someone or something)
drawl v. v. to speak slowly with vowel sounds that are longer than usual

drive v. v. to direct the movement of (a car, truck, bus, etc.)

drivel v. v. to talk in a very foolish or silly way
n. the way something appears when it is first seen or thought
face n.
farce n. n. an exaggerated comedy

stand v. v. to endure the presence or personality of

strand v. v. to run, drive, or cause to drift from the water onto land
n. a tall, thick stone or dirt wall that is built around a castle,
rampart n.
town, etc.. to protect it from attacks
rampant adj. adj. profusely widespread

divulge v. v. to make known (something private or secret)

deluge n. n. an overflowing of the land by water

thrive v. v. to grow or develop successful

strive v. v. to try very hard to do or achieve something

treaty n. n. the action of treating and especially of negotiating

n. a book, article,etc., that discusses a subject carefully and
395 treatise n.
n. the way that you deal with or discuss a subject
treatment n.

far-reaching adj. adj. having a wide range or effect

396 far-fetched adj. adj. not likely to happen or be true

farsighted adj. adj. able to predict what will or might happen in the future

stride v. v. to walk with long steps

strident adj. adj. sounding harsh and unpleasant

v. v. to turn or twist out of or as if out of shape


v. v. to cause to judge, choose, or act wrongly or abnormally

398 wrap v. v. to cover especially by winding or folding

carp v. v. to find fault or complain querulously

crap n. n. nonsense or rubbish

choleric adj. adj. easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger

399 chronic adj. adj. marked by long duration or frequent recurrence

chorale n. n. relating to a choir or chorus

allure v. v. to entice by charm or attraction

allude v. v. to make indirect reference
adj. having a shy or sweetly innocent quality that is often
coy adj.
intended to be attractive or to get attention
decoy v. v. to entice
decay v. v. to decline in health, strength, or vigor
v. to say publicly and forcefully that you regard (something) as
decry v.
bad, wrong, etc.
n. n. a crack or break in something
402 v. v. to part by violence

rapture n. n. a state or feeling of great happiness, pleasure, or love

dilute v. v. to lessen the strength of (something)

dilate v. v. to become larger or wider
v. to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of
detract v.
v. v. to speak ill of
distract v. v. to take away

v. v. to divert
v. to go along a way that is different from and usually longer
detour v.
than the usual or planned way
v. v. to eat up greedily
devour v. v. to use up or destory

v. v. to prey upon

emollient adj. adj. making soft or supple; making less intense or harsh
ebullient adj. adj. lively and enthusiastic

extol v. v. to praise highly

exalt v. v. to praise, or honor

elate v. v. to fill with joy or pride

n. the people who have the most wealth and status in a
408 elite n.
society : the most successful or powerful group of people
v. to avoid or escape (someone or something) by being quick,
elude v.
skillful, or clever

exodus n. n. a mass departure
exude v. v. to flow out slowly

inexorable adj. adj. not able to be stopped or changed

410 excoriate v. v. to censure scathingly

exorcise v. v. to force an evil spirit to leave

v. v. to take place afterward or as a result

411 v. v. to pursue

ensure v. v. to make sure

effect v. v. to bring about; make happen

effete adj. adj. lacking strength, courage, or spirit

forge v. v. to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud

forage v. v. to search for something (such as food or supplies)

413 n. n. throat; stomach,belly

v. v. to eat large amounts of food

disgorge v. v. to empty whatever is in the stomach through the mouth

flaccid adj. adj. lacking strength or force

414 flappy adj. adj. flapping or tending to flap

flippant adj. adj. lacking proper respect or seriousness ,

v. to plow, harrow, and break up (land) without seeding to
fallow v.
destroy weeds and conserve soil moisture
hallow v. v. to respect greatly

415 hollow adj. adj. having nothing inside

callow adj. adj. lacking adult sophistication

harrow v. v. to torment or vex ...

v. v. to thrust a pointed instrument into

416 v. v. to urge someone on

plod v. v. to work laboriously and monotonously

v. v. to cause to be foolish
417 v. v. to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration

infuriate v. v. to make (someone) very angry ...

lapse v. v. to go out of existence

v. v. to become ill again after a period of improvement in health

418 relapse
v. v. to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, etc.

collapse v. v. to break apart and fall down suddenly

lull v. v. to cause to sleep or rest
loll v. v. to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner
v. to wait in a secret or hidden place especially in order to do
lurk v.
something wrong or harmful
lurch v. v. to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or sideways

laudatory adj. adj. expressing or containing praise

adulatory adj. adj. excessive or slavish admiration or flattery
n. a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to
machination n.
accomplish some usually evil end
422 mechanism n. n. a process, technique, or system for achieving a result

mechanic n. n. of or relating to manual work or skill

crutch v. v. to support on crutches

n. n. a slit made to serve as a record

423 notch
v. v. to achieve or get something

stitch v. v. to join something with stitches

oblique adj. adj. not straightforward

424 n. n. harsh or critical statements about someone

v. the condition of someone who lost the respect of other
prone adj. adj. having a tendency or inclination
v. to reduce something by removing parts that are not
prune v.
necessary or wanted
civility n. n. polite, reasonable, and respectful behavior
proclivity n. n. a strong natural liking for something

purvey v. v. to supply usually as a matter of business

n. an area within which someone or something has authority,
purview n.
influence, or knowledge
stunt v. v. to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of …

428 adj. adj. very surprising or shocking

adj. adj. very beautiful or pleasing

slur n. n. an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo

blur v. v. to make (something) unclear or difficult to see or remember ...

spur v. v. to incite or stimulate
v. to disagree politely with another person’s statement or
demur v.
scrupulous adj. adj. very careful about doing something correctly
scurrilous adj. adj. using or given to coarse language

slake v. v. to subside

431 adj. adj. not stretched or held in a tight position


adj. doing something poorly because you are not putting
enough care or effort into it
grudge v. v. to be unwilling to give or admit

trudge v. v. to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously

drudge v. v. to force to do hard, menial, or monotonous work

v. v. to touch or push gently

nudge v. v. to encourage someone to do something

v. v. to give a nudge

trivial adj. adj. not important

travail v. v. to labor hard
adj. (of a sin or mistake)not serious and therefore able to be
venial adj.
434 venal adj. adj. open to bribery
adj. used to describe boring or unpleasant work that does not
menial adj.
require special skill and usually does not pay much money
terse adj. adj. brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly
n. writing in which words are arranged in a rhythmic pattern
verse n.
v. to make (someone or something) more attractive by adding
adorn v.
something beautiful
v. to enhance the appearance of especially with beautiful
adore v.
adj. adj. wonderful and marvelous
437 adj. adj. not real, told about in a story

nebulous adj. adj. not clear

n. the last small part that remains of something that existed
vestige n. ,
n. a feeling of dizziness caused especially by being in a very
vertigo n.
high place
disguise v. v. to obscure the existence or true state or character of
v. to cause to have a strong feeling of dislike for something
disgust v.
especially because it has a very unpleasant appearance, taste,
v. to choose not to use a vote,either in favor of or against
v. to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial
from an action or practice
v. v. to officially prevent from leaving a place
440 detain
v. v. to restrain especially from proceeding

obtain v. v. to gain or get something usually by effort

retain v. v. to keep (someone) in a position, job, etc.

antidote n. n. a substance that stops the harmful effects of a poison

anecdote n. n. A short account of an interesting or humorous incident

fluster v. v. to make (someone) nervous and confused ...

442 cluster v. v. to come together to form a group

bluster v. v. to speak in a loud and aggressive or threatening way
v. to look at someone or something secretly especially from a
hidden place
n. n. a brief look
peak n. n. the highest level or greatest degree

peevish adj. adj. feeling or showing irritation

adj. adj. required or expected to happen

adj. adj. owed or owing as a debt
v. to get control of (a violent or dangerous person or group) by
444 subdue v.
using force, punishment, etc.
undue adj. adj. exceeding what is appropriate or normal
v. to cause to be deeply affected by a feeling or to have a
imbue v.
certain quality
emphatic adj. adj. said or done in a forceful or definite way
empathetic adj. adj. involving, eliciting, characterized by, or based on empathy

annex v. v. to add to something earlier, larger, or more important

apex n. n. the highest point or the highest level

atrophy v. v. decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue

atrocious adj. adj. extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel

n. n. the act of preventing the spread of something

448 n. n. the act, process, or means of containing

contaminate v. v. to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association

attrition n. n. the act of wearing or grinding down by friction

449 n. n. an inherent characteristic

v. v. to regard as a characteristic of a person or thing …

inimical adj. adj. likely to cause damage or have a bad effect

iniquitous adj. adj. very unfair or evil

abut v. v. to touch along an edge

451 abet v. v. to help, encourage, or support someone in a criminal act

abide v. v. to accept or bear

exhale v. v. to breathe out

v. v. to breathe in

inhale v. v. to stay or live somewhere

452 v. v. to remain or continue

adj. adj. healthy and strong

hale v. v. haul, pull

v. v. to compel to go

morose adj. adj. very serious, unhappy, and quiet

n. a flower with a sweet smell that is usually white, yellow, red,
453 rose n.
or pink and that grows on a bush which has thorns on the stems
adj. having or producing hope for success or happiness in the
rosy adj.
inedible adj. adj. not fit to be
indelible adj. adj. impossible to remove or forget
adj. able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minor
adj. adj. irresponsibly playful

455 adj. adj. consisting of diverse things or members

miscellaneous adj. adj. having various traits

adj. adj. including many things of different kinds

adj. adj. very unpleasant to taste or smell

adj. adj. very evil
n. a person who lacks good sense or judgment : a stupid or silly
v. to make (someone) believe something that is not true : to trick
horrific adj. adj. causing horror or shock
honorific adj. adj. giving or expressing honor or respect

v. v. to free from impurity or corruption

458 v. v. to pass solid waste from the body

defect n. n. something that causes weakness or failure

impunity n. n. freedom from punishment, harm, or loss

v. to criticize (a person's character, intentions, etc.) by
impugn v.
suggesting that someone is not honest and should not to be
embroider v. v. to sew a design on a piece of cloth

460 ambrosial adj. adj. something extremely pleasing to taste or smell

embroil v. v. to involve in conflict or difficulties

n. the abandonment without consent or legal justification of a
desertion n.
person, post, or
dissertation n. n. an extended usually written treatment of a subject

snare n. n. a position or situation from which it is difficult to escape

462 snarl v. v. to cause to become knotted and intertwined

v. to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or
sneer v.
sublime v. v. to convert (something inferior) into something of higher worth

463 adj. adj. inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception

adj. existing or functioning below the threshold of

improve v. v. to make something better
improvise v. v. to speak or perform without preparation
n. a state or situation in which you are alone usually because
solitude n.
you want to be
v. to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people,
solicit v.
companies, etc
solitary adj. adj. not involving or including anyone or anything else
n. unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on
solidarity n.
community of interests, objectives, and standards
n. a school in the U.S. that you go to after high school : a school
college n.
that offers courses leading to a degree (such as a bachelor's
466 colleague n. n. a fellow worker
n. a work of art that is made by attaching pieces of different
collage n.
materials(such as paper, cloth, or wood) to a flat surface
quirky adj. adj. unusual especially in an interesting way
murky adj. adj. dark or dim

crash v. v. to damage by causing it to hit something

clash v. v. to be in a situation in which you are fighting or disagreeing

adj. done or made quickly and without thought about what will
rash adj.
happen as a result
splash v. v. to cause water or liquid to move in a noisy way or messy way

ornate adj. adj. covered with fancy patterns and shapes

n. a person who makes speeches and is very good at making
orator n.
adj. willing to do what someone tells you to do or follow a law,
obedient adj.
rule, etc.
n. a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and
obesity n.
storage of fat in the body
n. a line of light coming from a source(such as the sun or
n. a long and heavy piece of wood or metal that is used as a
support in a building or ship
v. v. to smile happily

471 v. v. to send out beams of light or energy

seam v. v. to join by sewing

n. n. a large quantity of writing

v. v. to treat someone unfairly or cheat them

n. n. the top edge of a glass or a similar container

v. v. to be completely filled with something

adj. adj. causing feelings of sadness or worry

472 grim
adj. adj. looking or sounding very serious

v. v. to remove something by cutting

v. v. to make the size, amount, or extent of something smaller
n. the way that a person behaves, stands, and moves especially
deportment n.
in a formal

n. the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is
deportation n.
unlawful or prejudicial
dreary adj. adj. causing unhappiness or sad feelings
dreadful adj. adj. very bad or unpleasant

confound v. v. to cause to become confused or perplexed

compound v. v. to form by combining separate things

authoritative adj. adj. clearly accurate or knowledgeable

authoritarian adj. adj. expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws

refuge n. n. a place that provides shelter or protection

refute v. v. to prove that (something) is not true

forge v. v. to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud

forgo v. v. to give up the use or enjoyment of (something)
n. behavior that is accepted as socially or morally correct and
propriety n.
n. n. something that is owned by a person, business, etc.
479 property
n. n. a special quality or characteristic of something.

proprietary adj. adj. kept private by an owner

v. v. to come at a later time

480 v. v. to strive to attain

ensure v. v. to make something sure, certain, or safe

v. to cause (something or someone) to move or go with great
hurtle v.
speed and force
481 hurdle n. n. something that makes an achievement difficult
v. to deal with (a problem or difficulty) successfully
hurdle v.
v. to stop and take someone or something that is going from
intercept v.
one place to another place before that person or thing gets
intersect v. v. to meet and cross at one or more points
inception n. n. the time at which something begins
n. a small animal that has six legs and a body formed of three
insect n.
parts and that may have wings


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