CH 115
CH 115
CH 115
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ABSTRACT: Mat foundation is reinforced or posttensioned concrete slab on grade encompassing all the
columns and shear-walls within the structure. It has the advantage of reducing differential settlements as the
concrete slab resists differential movements between loading positions. Such a structure is considered a soil-
structure interaction problem. Therefore, the structural behavior of mat foundation is complex in nature and often
requires the use of computer modeling, such as finite element or finite difference technique. In order to model
a mat, the engineer needs to understand the importance of the design variables on the response. The objective
of this study is to investigate the effect of mat thickness, soil modulus of subgrade, and mat plan geometry on
the soil bearing pressure, bending moment, and shear forces within the mat. To do so, linearly-elastic finite
element analysis is used to model the mat with shell elements on elastic springs. The results of the study showed
that the concrete modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio have negligible effect on the soil bearing pressure,
bending moment and shear. On the other hand, both the mat thickness and the span length have significant effect
on the considered load effects. With regard to the effect of the soil’s subgrade modulus, a change in the parameter
shows moderate effect on the maximum soil pressure and bending moment, but slight impact on the shear.
increased to 2 times the observed value. Tabsh and
Al-Shawa (2005) used the finite element approach to
investigate the flexibility of shallow foundations and
their effect on the soil pressure distribution, shear and
moment within the foundation. The study showed that
maximum shear forces within a spread footing are less
sensitive to changes in the stiffness of a footing than
bending moments. A rigidity factor that governs the
structural behavior of the foundation was also devel-
oped. Recently, Thangaraj and Ilamparuthi (2007)
performed an interaction analysis of space frame-raft-
soil system under static load to study the influence of
stiffness of raft on space frame. These analyses were
carried out for both linear and nonlinear conditions
of soil. The influence of interaction between a space
frame, raft and soil was considered in terms of relative
stiffness of superstructure and relative stiffness of raft.
More recently, research on the subject of modulus of Figure 1. Raft foundation used in the parametric study.
subgrade reaction for soil-structure interaction have
Table 1. Parameters investigated in the study.
been carried out by Colasanti and Horvath (2010) and
Horvath and Colasanti (2010). Design Parameter Magnitudes
Current approaches for structural design of mats
assume the foundation to be infinitely rigid. Prelim- Concrete Modulus of 20 × 106 25 × 106 25 × 106
inary studies by the authors show that this approach Elasticity, Ec (kN/m2 )
often over-estimates the critical shear and moment in Modulus of Subgrade 25,000 50,000 100,000
the mat, but under-estimates the maximum soil pres- reaction, K (kN/m3 )
sure beneath the mat. This could lead to a mat thickness Concrete Poisson’s 0.1 0.2 0.4
larger than required and an amount of steel reinforce- Ratio, µc
ment more than needed; thus resulting in an unneces- Clear Span lengths, Lx 3.0 6.0 12.0
sary cost increase in the foundation. Underestimation and Ly (m)
of the soil pressure can also result in a lower factor of Mat Thickness, t (m) 0.5 1.0 2.0
safety against bearing capacity failure and may cause
excessive settlement of the structure beyond the allow-
able limits. Based on the above, there is a need to of 0.5 m × 0.5 m was found suitable for all the consid-
investigate the accuracy of currently used procedures ered cases. Figure 1 shows the raft geometry, whereas
and propose a method for sizing mat foundations for Figure 2 shows the typical bending moments and shear
a given set of loads, soil type and material properties. forces for the reference raft.
3.1 Soil pressure
In this research, the commercially available software
SAFE (CSI 2011) is utilized to determine the criti- Figure 3 shows the effect of various engineering
cal moments and shears within the concrete mat, as parameters on the vertical soil stress that is bearing
well as the soil pressure values and distribution under against the underside of the raft. The results indicate
the foundation. The behavior and sensitivity analysis that the concrete modulus of elasticity and Poisson
parts of the study are based on a 3bays-by-3bays mat ratio have negligible effect on the soil bearing pressure.
foundation subjected to loads coming from 16 columns On the other hand, both the concrete mat thickness
located along a symmetrical grid, as shown in Figure 1. and the span length have significant effect on the con-
Only axial loads are applied since bending moments sidered parameter. As expected, as the slab thickness
are negligibly small at the support of high-rise build- increases, it makes the raft more rigid; thus, it curves
ings subjected to gravity loads. Table 1 shows the range less, and consequently leads to near-uniform bearing
of the material and geometric variables considered in pressure by the soil. However, the results show that the
the analyses. effect of raft thickness on the soil pressure distribution
The mat foundation is modeled in SAFE software diminishes after a threshold value, in this case 2 m.
as a 2-dimensional slab on discrete elastic spring sup- An opposite pattern is noticed with regard to the effect
ports that are defined by the modulus of subgrade of the span length on the soil bearing pressure. This
reaction of the soil. The mat is subdivided into thick is because an increase in the span length reduces the
plate finite elements with bending and shear deforma- stiffness of the raft, and consequently it curves more.
tion capabilities. The size of the elements was decided With regard to the effect of the soil’s subgrade mod-
upon after a thorough mesh size trials. A mesh size ulus, which reflects the stiffness of the supporting
Figure 2. Typical results from SAFE software for a raft
Figure 4. Typical pressure distribution under the raft.
the mat, and bending moment and shear in the
2. Both the mat thickness and the span length between
the columns have significant effect on the consid-
ered load effects on the mat surface and internally
within the mat.
3. The soil’s subgrade modulus has a moderate effect
on the maximum soil pressure under the mat and
bending moment within the mat. However, the sub-
grade modulus of the soil has a slight impact on the
shear within the foundation.
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