Assignment 6: Due Date: January 4, 2017
Assignment 6: Due Date: January 4, 2017
Assignment 6: Due Date: January 4, 2017
Problem 2:
The waveform shown on the right is
typical line current in a three-phase I0=10A
diode rectifier bridge. -p p
-p/3 +p/3 2p
Problem 3:
Problem 4:
It is desired to provide 12Vdc power to a 480W load from an input of 300Vdc.
1. Draw exact and detailed circuit for an isolated forward converter that will do the job.
Component values are not required, however transformer turns ratios must be provided.
What is the maximum voltage seen by the transistor?
2. Describe how the flux in the transformer core changes during switching?
3. Now repeat the solution using an isolated flyback converter topology. Component values
are not required, however transformer turns ratios must be provided. What is the
maximum voltage seen by the transistor?
Problem 5:
The boost converter shown in attached figure has input ranging from 15 to 40V and powers a
fixed load of 1kW at 100Vdc. While operating in CCM, the inductor current ripple is to be kept
below ±25% under all input voltage conditions.
a) Determine the min switching frequency for the component values shown.
b) Also determine the output voltage ripple while operating at 50kHz frequency.
c) If the switching frequency is fixed at 30kHz, determine the min inductance value that will
keep the converter in CCM with the same load and input voltage conditions.
Problem 6:
You are to design a single-phase full-wave PWM rectifier circuit with a dc output voltage of
24V±1%. The input is 50Hz, 12Vrms AC from a transformer. The load is equivalent of a 12
resistor. The PWM rectifier will consist of a diode bridge followed by a boost converter.
1. Draw the schematic of the PWM rectifier.
2. Determine the dc output filter capacitance value required to keep the ripple within
specified range.
3. Plot the inductor and switch current for fsw = 10kHz.
Problem 7:
In the following boost converter, assume all components to be ideal and let the switching
frequency be 100 kHz. Assume the following parameters;
Vd = 12 V
L = 330 µH
Vo = 25 V
Problem 8:
Consider a single phase bridge rectifier with input voltage and a 100µF
capacitor connected in parallel
with resistive load R = 50Ω.
a) Compute the average value
D1 D3
of the output voltage.
b) Find the peak-to-peak + 50ohm
ripple in the output voltage. vs(t)
c) Draw approximate
waveforms to show the line D2 D4
voltage, input line current
and the dc output voltage
showing ripple.
Problem 9:
For a three-phase full-bridge rectifier using six thyristors, the input voltages are specified as
va = 100cost , vb = 100cos t + 120 and va = 100cos t 120
100 mH
2 ohm
Vb Vo
Problem 10:
The input to the bridge rectifier 50μH
shown is a balanced 3-phase 50 Hz,
50kV l-l rms voltage. The goal is to
store energy in the 100uF capacitor Vb(t) 100μF
connected at the output. Vc(t)
a. Derive equation for the average output voltage Vo = ‹vo(t)› as a function of the firing delay
angle ‘α’ of the thyristors.
b. Plot the firing pulses for T1, T2 and T3 with respect to the input sinusoidal voltage.
c. Plot the output voltage vo(t) for a firing delay angle of α= 45o.
d. Plot the voltage across thyristor T1 for the conditions in ‘c’ above.
e. What is the maximum voltage seen by any of the thyristors?
f. Plot the current through thyristor T1 for the conditions in ‘c’ above.
g. Determine the average current in thyristor T1.
h. What is the maximum current experienced by any of the thyristors?
i. Determine the power drawn from the AC source if Io = 10A.
j. Determine the input power factor for the conditions in ‘c’ above.
Problem 12:
Consider a full-bridge inverter, powered from 100V dc, used to generate 100 kHz AC. The load
is pure 100μH inductor. The transistors are operated with 50% duty cycle producing a square-
wave output.
a) Determine and plot the current in the
load assuming 2.5A initial value in the S1 S3
Problem 14:
A single-phase, voltage sourced, full-bridge PWM inverter shown in the figure is used to
produce sinusoidal voltage in a UPS. An L-C low-pass filter is used at the output to filter out
unwanted harmonics and hence produce a clean 50Hz voltage. The switching frequency is 20
Problem 15: