Pe Final Ex SS 2010-2011

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Philadelphia University Student Name:

Faculty of Engineering Student Number:

Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Final Exam, Second Semester: 2010/2011
Course Title: Power Electronics and drives Date: 6/6/2011
&Power electronics
Courses No: (640324)+(610581) Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed .T. Lazim No. of Pages: 3

Question 1: (10 Marks)

Objectives: Understanding the principles of 3-phase AC-DC converter.

The converter shown in Fig.1 consists of six ideal thyristors connected in a bridge
configuration. The supply to the converter is a 3-phase Y- connected with 480V RMS
line-to-line voltage.
(a) What is the name of the converter used?
(b) If the converter supplies a resistive load with R = 10, calculate the average value
of output voltage vL and output current iL for α = 60°.
(c) The above converter is used to control the speed of a 100 kW, 600 V, 1800 rpm,
separately excited d.c. motor with rated armature current of 165 A. The motor
parameters are:
Ra = 0.0874Ω La = 6.5 mH , Ke Φ = 0.33 V/rpm
(i) Find the no – load speed at firing angles α = 30° assuming that, at no load, the
armature current is 16.5A.
(ii) Find the firing angle to obtain the rated speed of 1800 rpm at rated motor current.


Question 2: (10 Mark)
Objectives: Understanding the principles of DC-DC converter.
A class-A chopper circuit shown in Fig.2 supplied with power from an ideal battery of
terminal voltage 120 V .The load voltage waveforms consists of rectangular pulses of
durations ton = 1 ms and T= 2.5 ms.
(a) Calculate the duty cycle γ and the average value of the load voltage Vo.
(b) With RL load, calculate the output power and the ripple factor RF if R = 10 Ω and
L = 30 mH.
(c) Calculate the values of Imin and Imax, sketch the load current.
(d) The above dc chopper is used to control the speed of a small 100V permanent
magnet DC motor which has an armature resistance of 0.5 Ω and negligible
inductance. The motor is driving a torque that requires an armature current of 20 A,
find the speed of the motor, given that the machine constant KeΦ = 0.05
V/rpm.Sketch the chopper circuit with dc motor load.


Question 3: (10 Marks)

Objectives: Understanding the principles of AC-AC converter.
A pair of thyristors connected in inverse-parallel, Fig. 3, is used to supply adjustable
voltage to a resistive load of R = 10 Ω. If the supply voltage is vi = √2 x220 sin ωt and
the thyristors are each triggered at an angle α after their respective anode voltage
(a) Sketch the load voltage waveform for α = 45° .
(b) Prove that the r.m.s. value Vo of the load voltage is given by

(c) Calculate the value of Vo for α = 45 °.

(d) Calculate the r.m.s. value Io of the load current and the power delivered to the
(e) If thyristor Th2 fails to an open circuit, what will be the value of the output


Question 4: (10 Marks)
Objectives: Understanding the principles of DC-AC converter.
For the circuit shown in Fig. 4, we have Vs=200V, load resistance R = 20 Ω and
output voltage frequency f=50Hz. The control logic for power MOSFET devices is:
when Q1 &Q2 ON Q3&Q4 OFF and vice versa.


(a) What is the circuit name?.

(b) Draw the output voltage and load current waveforms for the case of resistive load.
(c) Determine the value of the r.m.s output voltage V orms and the output power Po.
(d) Estimate r.m.s value of the fundamental frequency component voltage V1rms .
(e) What is the peak value of the third harmonic component voltage?

Question 5: (10 Marks)

Objectives: Understanding the principles of power electronics converters.
Mark the correct answer for the following:
1. In a single-phase fully controlled full converter working in continuous current
mode with supply voltage vs = 325 sin ωt, if output voltage has an average
value of 133 V, then the firing angle is :
(a) 40° (b) 140° (c) 50° (d) 130°
2. In a single-phase semiconverter with supply voltage vs = 325 sin ωt, if output
voltage has an average value of 133 V, then the firing angle is:
(a) 40° (b) 140.5° (c) 73.5° (d) 80.9°.
3. Each diode of a 3-phase, 6-pulse bridge diode rectifier conducts for:
(a) 60° (b) 120° (c) 180° (d) 90°.
4. In a 3-phase half-wave uncontrolled diode rectifier, if per phase input voltage is
200 V, then the average output voltage is
(a) 234.0 V (b) 116.95 V
(c) 202.56 V (d) 101.28 V.

5. A dc chopper is fed from 100 V dc. Its load voltage consists of rectangular pulses
of d u r a t io n1 msec in an overall cycle t ime of 3msec. The average output voltage
and ripple factor for this chopper are respectively
(a) 25 V, 1.223 (b) 50 V, 1 (c) 33.33V, 1.414 (d) 66.66V, 1.8.


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