Nearpeer Press Pack MAY 2020 PDF

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Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack January 2020

Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack January 2020 2
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

How to use this document?

T his document was compiled by the CSS wing of Nearpeer to help CSS aspirants by
providing them with all the important articles of last month from local as well as
international newspapers.

This will serve as an important guide in preparation as well as revision of not only current
affairs but many other compulsory and optional subjects such as Islamic Studies, Pakistan
Affairs, Sociology, Gender Studies, International Relations and Political Science.

This issue is designed to help the you in the following ways:

1- It will help you with catching up with all the happenings of the last month
2- It contains analyses of various issues of importance. Analyses is as important as knowing
the content of news
3- A diverse range of articles are selected from among local as well as international newspapers
and journals, so now you know you do not have to go through old archives of old newspapers
4- This will also serve as a quick revision guide for aspirants just before the exams
5- Candidates can use this issue in order to brush up their analytical as well as comprehension
6- Additionally, they can also use it to improve their vocabulary and its usage

All the Best! 3
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020



(ARAB NEWS) .................................................................................................................... 6
(DAILY TIMES) .................................................................................................................. 9
MR. MARKET’S VERDICT (DAILY TIMES EDITORIAL) ............................................. 11
AFFAIRS) .......................................................................................................................... 14
GENDER CRISIS AMID COVID-19 BY: ZILE HUMA (DAILY TIMES) ........................ 17
ARUNDHATI ROY: THE PANDEMIC IS A PORTAL ..................................................... 20
HAQ (THE NEWS) ............................................................................................................ 25
AYYUB (THE WASHINGTON POST) ............................................................................. 29
WHY SOFT POWER IS PIVOTAL BY: MALEEHA LODHI (DAWN) ............................ 31
ONLINE LEARNING BY: FAISAL BARI (DAWN) ........................................................ 34
YORKER MAGAZINE) ..................................................................................................... 36
BY: TOM HUSSAIN (AL-JAZEERA) ............................................................................... 42
ANCIENT PLAGUES BY: IRFAN HUSSAIN (DAWN) ................................................... 44
TABISH FAROUGH (AL-JAZEERA) ............................................................................... 46
FORCED CONVERSIONS BY: SULEMA JAHANGIR (DAWN) ..................................... 47
WHERE ARE THE EXPERTS BY: ANJUM ALTAF (DAWN) ......................................... 50
TIMES)............................................................................................................................... 62
WHY POLITICIANS IGNORE DISASTER PREDICTIONS ............................................. 64 4
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020


(THE NEW YORK TIMES) ............................................................................................... 66 5
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

THE ECONOMIC STORM Unsurprisingly, intraregional trade volume is

far below that of most other regions.
BREWING IN SOUTH ASIA Additionally, South Asia’s main mechanism
BY: MICHAEL KUGLEMAN (ARAB for regional cooperation, the South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation
NEWS) (SAARC), is ineffective — in large part
because of the toxic relationship between key

s it takes stock of the anticipated members India and Pakistan.
effects of the coronavirus pandemic, The specter of these shattered economies in
the World Bank has published an South Asia should not be taken lightly. To
economic outlook with strikingly gloomy put it simply, South Asia matters. According
predictions for South Asia. to a recent International Monetary Fund
The bank’s analysts warn that the region study, the region is home to more than one-
might record its worst economic fifth of the world’s population and, under
performance in 40 years, and at least half of ordinary circumstances, contributes more
it could experience a “serious recession.” than 15 percent of global economic growth.
Regional growth is expected to plummet to It occupies a central and strategically
between 1.8 and 2.8 percent in 2020, a major important geographic location, linking the
drop from the 6.3 percent forecast six months Middle East to East Asia and sitting astride
ago. the Indian Ocean region. It is a major
In the Maldives, GDP might decline by up to epicenter for Chinese investment and
13 percent. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri influence, mainly through Beijing’s Belt and
Lanka could find GDP growth “in negative Road Initiative.
territory.” In the worst-case scenario, the It is also a highly volatile region; it is
entire region might experience contraction of vulnerable to threats ranging from terrorism
GDP. to climate change, it is the scene of a long-
The bank bases this assessment on the running war, and it is home to to two bitter
confluence of many problematic factors: A rivals who happen to be nuclear-armed
decline in tourism, disruption of supply neighbors.
chains, reduced demand for garments, the Accordingly, what happens to the economies
withdrawal of international capital, and of South Asia — and, to be sure, the ultimate
decreases in remittance inflows. trajectory of the region’s economic
Keep in mind that these gloomy forecasts are performance for the foreseeable future will
for a region that was already experiencing be tied to the severity of the pandemic and
economic distress long before the pandemic. the nature and quality of government
India, for example, has suffered through one responses — will have repercussions not
of its worst slowdowns in years, with only for the region, but for the entire world.
problems in all key sectors, including India, which is a leading world economy and
manufacturing and telecommunications. — thanks in great part to its large, young
Unemployment is also higher than it has been population and its middle class — an
for quite some time. Pakistan, meanwhile, attractive global market, will struggle
was enduring a prolonged debt crisis that its mightily to kick start its sputtering economy.
government had eased but not eliminated. Bangladesh, one of the region’s major
Furthermore, South Asia suffers from economic success stories in recent years, will
structural constraints that hobble economic confront the reality of a severely weakened
growth even in the best of times. Thanks in garment industry that has been one of the
no small part to poor infrastructure, including most dynamic not only in Asia, but the world.
substandard roads and poorly functioning Core growth sectors in many South Asian
electricity grids, the region is badly countries — such as textiles in Pakistan and
integrated and lacks connectivity. Bangladesh, and tourism in Sri Lanka and the 6
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

Maldives — are likely to suffer severe

coronavirus-induced shocks, thereby
exacerbating the vulnerabilities of nations
with no other immediate options to which
they might turn to generate growth.

Economic distress will strengthen the forces

of hard-line nationalism, which were already
strong in the region — and the world — prior
to the pandemic. In India, for example, the
government is likely to double down on its
Hindu nationalist agenda in an attempt to
appease and distract a support base worried
about the worsening economic stress. A more
aggressive pursuit of this agenda, taking an
increasingly hard-line position on Pakistan,
would suggest India-Pakistan tensions are
unlikely to ease. HEC: SEIZE THE CORONA
On the whole, the region — again, like the
wider world — will increasingly look
inward, focusing on economic recovery. At BY: DR. PERVEZ HOODBHOY
least initially, it will accord less policy space (DAWN)
to foreign policy.
If there is one possible development with
encouraging implications for regional
economic recovery, it is the potential for a
resuscitation of SAARC. Several weeks ago,
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
T HIS essay concerns those Pakistani
colleges and universities currently
operating under the regimen of online
learning. I suggest that professors and vice
chancellors not read it else the hard truths
convened a video conference during which
might enrage some. My goal is to open a
association members discussed regional
discussion with those who actually care
responses to the coronavirus crisis. This
about the future of this country and its higher
resulted in the creation of an emergency fund
education system. This particularly includes
and commitments to share supplies.
the rare professor who actually deserves
Greater regional cooperation such as this
being professor.
strengthens the prospects for regional
growth. However, enduring tensions
The world — and Pakistan — is in lockdown
between India and Pakistan will preclude any
mode with all education institutions
lasting forward movement on this front.
shuttered down. What happens when they
We hear so much about the deleterious
reopen? Shall it be life as usual? Most likely,
economic effects of the pandemic on the US,
yes. But from the heap of social disruption
China, Europe and the Middle East; it is
and economic ruination one can hope for
important that we include South Asia in this
some betterment. For this we shall need
sobering conversation as well.
ruthless self-examination.

Fact one: The global marketplace assesses

degree holders from Pakistani universities as
possessing distinctly inferior problem-
solving skills and knowledge. Whether in
Europe or the US, few Pakistanis work in 7
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

high-tech fields such as engineering, tuition centres nearly empty of moonlighting

computer science, machine learning, university professors?
biotechnology, genetic research, etc.
Western academia — both in liberal arts as The answer: although ‘O’- and ‘A’- level
well as sciences — has many Indians but few questions are straightforward tests of subject
Pakistanis. While Pakistani doctors in the US comprehension, they still demand some
and UK form a large wealthy group, they critical reasoning. But their PhDs
simply practise medicine and only rarely notwithstanding, many of those weaned upon
innovate. blind memorisation never learned to study
otherwise. Hence science exams meant for
Fact two: College and university graduates, British high schools are too tricky for them.
as well as professors, seriously lack the
ability to reason and analyse. Few can With this in the backdrop, enter Mr Corona.
express themselves in either grammatically After he walked on stage, online learning
correct Urdu or English without suddenly became the sole option. Their incomes
and arbitrarily switching languages. Book endangered, private universities jumped
reading is close to extinction. quickly into the act. Some contacted a
majority of their students and declared
This is a deeply dismal situation. Forget for success. Elsewhere little has happened.
now some five to six high end private, high- Based upon the spotty information sent by
priced universities. All else is a dull grey sea colleagues and my former students across
of mediocrity where the level of academic Pakistan — just a fraction of some 250-plus
incompetence is mind-boggling. For universities (and a still smaller number of
example, just walk through education 2,000-plus colleges) have gone online. Other
marketplaces in Karachi, Lahore and universities are preparing; yet others are
Islamabad. Here, coaching centres for ‘O’- clueless.
and ‘A’-level schools abound. Middle-rich,
rich and super-rich parents desperately Limited internet access is a valid reason for
search out tutors who reputedly produce top slowness, but this is readily fixable. Imagine
exam grades, needed for sending off their cutting the defence budget by one per cent.
progeny to some overseas university. They The $90 million thus released could quickly
pay whatever the market demands. cover every part of Pakistan with fast 4G
internet — and even leave some spare change
The highest prices are fetched by well- to start the development of 5G.
reputed teachers of science subjects — math,
physics, chemistry and computer science. But the truly Herculean challenge is to ensure
Some rake in Rs10 lakh monthly; one that I that Pakistan’s online teaching standards —
met in early January this year said he made both pedagogy and assessment — match
four times that. Some ‘super coaches’ accept international ones. Glancing through
only dollar payments, demanding that these materials sent confidentially by colleagues
be wads of crisp new $100 notes. and students from five different institutions I
see just how difficult this will be. Here’s the
With such astronomical earnings, you might evidence — still fragmentary — gleaned
expect coaching centres to be largely staffed over six weeks:
by university professors. They not only hold
science PhD degrees but also have their Roughly 15pc to 20pc of materials received
names on dozens of so-called ‘research range from good to fair with some professors
papers’ that supposedly make them masters taking extraordinary pains to create coherent,
of their respective subjects. So why are self-contained video lectures supplemented
with free online resources such as those of 8
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

the well-reputed Khan Academy. The disgrace. To become a part of the modern
remaining 80pc from local professors world, a complete reorientation is needed.
deserves the rubbish bin. Some have simply Online education, if done right, offers a way
used smartphones to photograph their barely out.
legible and yellowed student-day lecture
notes. Others have posted trivial quiz
questions whose answers are just a mouse-
The solution to better teaching quality URBANIZATION
doesn’t lie in creating more rules or making BY: BUSHRA ZEHRA ASKARI
some centralised monitoring bureaucratic
apparatus whether at the level of government (DAILY TIMES)
or of individual universities. While some
small benefits might accrue, the very purpose
of a university — creative ways of teaching,
academic freedom and encouragement of
critical reasoning — could be endangered.
F or centuries, man has been trying to
reach the skies. From Stone Age to the
modern era, man struggled and he is
still struggling to make his life better. Man is
in a constant flux. He wants to move on. It
In Pakistan’s peculiar circumstances, the best seems he will never look back. What he
that can be presently done is to require leaves behind is never bothered about. He
complete and total transparency. With 21st- constantly battles with Mother Nature. He
century technology, this is perfectly possible. broke the laws of nature because he is
So let there be a freely accessible central believes himself the supreme in the universe.
repository where every professor is required But in his never-ending journey, he forgets
to deposit all his/her recorded lectures, that there must be some limitations and there
videos, notes, research papers and seminars. are rules which he bounds to follow.

Transparency is admittedly not a panacea but With time, we all are becoming victims of
it will have the salutary effect of contrasting urban sprawl. Vast areas of lands in major
good teaching practices with bad ones and cities are grabbed illegally. We all witness
setting a realistic scale for assessing teacher the emergence of unplanned high-rise in the
performance. Still more importantly, one will centre of cities. Water shortage, sewage
be able to see how well or badly students problems, traffic rush, and illegal electricity
respond to particular modes of instruction. connections are all the gift of urbanization.
More and more vehicles can be seen
This is exactly where the Higher Education increasing in numbers, on the road. This is
Commission needs to step in. Apart from the main factor leading to air pollution. It
forcing every university to archive its seems there is no check and balance.
teaching materials and make them freely
accessible, it should also monitor that this We all are facing challenges due to
policy is adhered to. The professor coronavirus. Major part of the world is under
community is sure to resist this tooth and lockdown. We are witnessing the best part of
nail. Can the HEC risk provoking their ire? If the world environment. The world is now
it can, then our future can be brighter. pollution free. As there is no traffic on the
road, trees are much greener, wind is
Seven decades later, those who sharpened smoother and fresh flowers are blooming.
Pakistan’s education into an ideological The mighty sun is shining very bright. It
weapon need to be shrugged off. This has seems the mother earth is rejuvenating, itself.
brought us nothing but ruination and 9
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

Sky is much clearer and birds are chirping lockdown ends. Are we moving in the right
merrily, every day. direction? So do we need all these luxuries?
I recently saw a post which said “world
Coronavirus challenge has, no doubt, economy has fallen, and is constantly falling
impacted the mankind in numerous ways. down because we are buying the only
Man is bound to think that he is not the only necessities”.
one who is habitat of this earth. Recently,
CNN aired that in America wild animals can What we need is a simple way of living. No
be seen roaming on roads freely because junk food, no gyms, no branded clothes, no
there are no human species around. Now we latest gadgets. What we need is good
are all in lockdown and now it is the turn of relationships, healthy and pollution free
species other than human to walk freely. So environment, fewer clothing, nutritious food
where do we stand now as human being? It is and clean water. After decades man is
time to contemplate what we did to the understood that we need minimum items for
Mother Nature. survival and not the so called luxuries. In the
pursuit of luxuries, man lost his sanity, his
There were times when people were own peace of mind.
spending life in villages amidst beautiful and
serene surroundings. Small house made of Inner peace is a blessing. When we are at
mud or clay with surrounded by huge peace with ourselves, we are happy with our
courtyards would have chorpais orderly environment and surroundings too. Man
placed. It seems that man is now yearning earns for his physical needs but deep down
again for his lost tradition. he needs spiritual satisfaction. This
tranquility can come through simplicity and
Due to urbanization, man is contemplating serendipity. The time has come that we start
what he has lost in the pursuit of focusing on our lost dynamics. We built huge
modernization. Cities and even towns have empire in cities but it seems that we now
become jungle of concrete. For the want to go back in the golden era where our
successful and speedy life, he left his forefathers spent their lives with best of
ancestral place. It seems now the modern health and vigour.
man is missing the poise and serenity of rural
life. Yes, man has earned all the privileges of Modern man is yearning to go back to the
modern life, but he has lost his independence golden era of traditional values. He wants to
and peace of mind. Due to fast paced life, he go back to his roots again. Because
has no time for his family. Even he does not urbanization has stolen his true self. He
have time to see his own children for days. Is wants again to listen to melodies of chirping
this a real prosperity? When his family needs birds, sound of falling brooks and to taste its
him the most, he is not around. sweet water. This is the ultimate truth of real
rural life. So are we on the brink of counter
After so many years, the mankind has got a urbanization? This is the question we need to
chance to sit home and contemplate. This is ask ourselves in this hour of self-quarantine
blessing in disguise for today’s modern man. isolation and contemplation.
We are all locked in our homes. The
environment outside of our home is now
clean and pollution free. The animal
kingdom, excluding us, is astonished to see
the changes on the planet earth. Ironically,
the coronavirus pandemic has cleaned the
earth’s atmosphere. Now, this is the real
change. We need to introspect, before the 10
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

initiatives. If rallies are sustained the

market’s bullish sentiments will reflect
public and industry optimism. And, of
course, the market will tank without missing
a heartbeat if this phase does not go as hoped.

Needless to say, of course, that this is going

to be a very crucial phase. If all goes well
more controls can be lifted and yet more
people can be allowed to resume their jobs.
But there is also a pretty good chance, as
always, of problems along the way. The
worst case scenario is no doubt the virus
spreading at a faster rate as more people
move about. That is the point when the
market foretells gloom very quickly;
indicating much pain and trauma ahead. So
MR. MARKET’S VERDICT far, though, the market agrees with the
(DAILY TIMES EDITORIAL) government’s tactic of a slow-opening. This
is definitely a chance worth taking; even
more so because there really is no other

T he fight against the coronavirus has

entered a very important phase in a
number of countries including
Pakistan. Unable to afford the lockdown any
longer, an attempt is underway to slowly
option. It shouldn’t be forgotten that since the
market reflects the collective will of a very
large number of human participants, who
express human behaviour, it reacts as much
to fact as sentiment. And the sentiments over
open up economies to generate income and
the last few days of the previous week did
employment and, most importantly, keep the
much to lift the market; not just in Pakistan.
lowest income groups from literally starving
And in this way important capital is also
to death. Asian markets, PSX (Pakistan Stock
generated that keeps the market solvent.
Exchange) specially, took the news rather
While we struggle to manage the fact, it is
well and ended the week with a stellar rally
important to keep in control of sentiment.
on Friday after the government extended the
lockdown but allowed a number of industries
to reopen. There will be much activity
beginning with the new week today, and a
near-paralysed economy will begin to inch its POST CRISIS GLOBAL
way forward once again. REALITIES
Yet not all international financial market BY: MALEEHA LODHI (DAWN)
activity was indicative of an easy ride going
forward. Stock markets rallied yet the
traditional safe havens in currency and
commodity markets continued to attract
inflows and ended the week net positive. The
T HE future holds much uncertainty
with an unfolding health crisis
convulsing the world. But the reality
that will continue to shape the post-pandemic
world is this. While unprecedented global
optimism, therefore, comes with a lot of
caution. All eyes will, quite understandably, cooperation and a collective response will be
be on financial markets as the new week needed to negotiate multiple challenges —
takes off. It is Mr Market, after all, that threats to public health, economic recovery,
delivers the final verdict on all sorts of food security, looming recession and 11
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

unemployment — many countries will tend that served to underline how geopolitics, not
to turn inwards and act on their own. This solidarity, remained the overarching reality.
paradox did not emerge during the pandemic.
It has been evident in recent years but thrown The latest tussle came against the backdrop
into sharper relief by the Covid-19 crisis. of intense trade and political tensions
between the two countries. The trigger was
The world is in fact passing through one of President Donald Trump’s persistent
history’s most unsettled periods with a description of the coronavirus as the
number of trends reconfiguring the ‘Chinese virus’, alluding to where the
international landscape: retreat from outbreak started, and criticism of China’s
multilateralism at a time of multipolarity, management of the outbreak. China’s retort
anti-globalisation sentiment, erosion of a was to cast such comments as racist and issue
rules-based international order, trade and stern warnings while ‘unofficial’ Chinese
technology wars between big powers and the sources purveyed conspiracy theories about
rise of populist leaders who reject who planted the virus. It took a phone call
internationalism, pursue ultra-nationalist from Chinese President Xi Jinping to Trump,
policies and act unilaterally. calling for cooperation, to calm down the
This backdrop hardly prepared the world for
what was to come when the deadly virus Despite China’s call for unity, this episode
defied national boundaries and crossed underlined the volatile relationship between
continents in its remorseless spread. The the two economically interdependent but
ongoing crisis showed how interconnected strategic competitors, who will nonetheless
and interdependent the world is and that no need each other’s cooperation to restart their
country can deal with the challenge on its economies and steer global recovery in the
own. But it also exposed the deep divisions post-pandemic world. Unfortunately,
between and within countries as they though, China-bashing by American leaders
struggled to confront the havoc wrought by has continued.
an unforgiving enemy.
This, of course, isn’t the only development
Logic and pragmatism dictated international during the pandemic to illustrate the limits to
cooperation. As UN Secretary General ‘solidarity’ and how the world presents a
António Guterres put it: “To prevail against spectacle where it is mostly every country for
the pandemic today, we will need heightened itself.
solidarity.” But is this what we are
witnessing? The short answer is, not really, Expectations that the G20 video summit in
because more disharmony than ‘solidarity’ late March would produce a meaningful
has been on display. global response did not materialise. As
several commentators have pointed out, this
Obviously, countries had, first and foremost, was very different from the decisive G20
to focus on their own health emergency. But action taken in response to the 2008 global
their efforts to contain Covid-19 would have financial crisis.
benefited from collaboration on travel and
trade restrictions, border closures and sharing Europe too hardly exhibited unity. The
of virus data and information. European Commission President, Ursula von
der Leyen, acknowledged: “When Europe
It was the unseemly row that broke out really needed an all-for-one spirit, too many
during the pandemic between the two global initially gave an only-for-me response.” A
powers, the US and China — who have the former Danish prime minister put it starkly:
world’s most consequential relationship — The EU has “not passed the test of 12
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

solidarity”. French President Emmanuel Despite these entreaties before and during the
Macron warned of the EU’s collapse if it pandemic, international cooperation has
didn’t evolve a common response to stricken remained in short supply. Indeed, weakened
European economies. commitment to multilateralism continues to
be an unedifying feature of the global
By far, the most extraordinary development environment today. From the resurgence of
at the height of the pandemic was President geopolitical competition between the big
Trump’s stinging attack on the World Health powers, declining respect for global rules and
Organisation, the multilateral agency dealing go-it-alone strategies of populist leaders,
with the coronavirus crisis, and his decision who fan xenophobia for political gain, the
to suspend funding for it. He accused the picture that emerges is of an increasingly
agency of mismanaging the outbreak and atomised international system.
being “China-centric”. Trump’s earlier
criticism prompted the head of the global This is not likely to change in the post-
health body, Tedros Adhanom, to warn pandemic world. It is far from certain what
against politicising the virus to score political kind of international order will evolve from
points. the present Hobbesian-like melee. The US
presidential election later this year will be
The UN agency was arguably slow in critical for its global impact. Its outcome may
declaring the Covid-19 outbreak a global not overturn the trends already in play but it
health emergency and may not have moved could have a major influence on the future of
as swiftly as the escalating crisis warranted. a fraying multilateralism system. For now,
But such gratuitous action by Trump at a the outlook is not promising even at a
critical moment was only the latest example watershed moment when global cooperation
of his contempt for multinational is most needed for the imposing challenges
organisations, which have constantly been that lie ahead.
assailed by him.

The challenge to multilateralism and its

institutions in recent years has not just come
from Trump’s America but other nations and
regional powers too, who have acted
unilaterally in defiance of established
international norms. Therefore, the wrangle
between Trump and the WHO only shone
another light on how multilateral institutions
are under profound stress in the
contemporary international milieu.

A frustrated UN secretary general has had to

frequently remind a fractured international
community about the value of multilateral
cooperation for the common good. In
response to President Trump’s move against
the WHO he again called for unity,
describing Covid-19 as “one of the most
dangerous challenges the world has faced in
our lifetime”. 13
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

THE PANDEMIC WON’T MAKE China’s initial propaganda offensive was

stunningly aggressive, but it now appears
CHINA THE WORLD’S LEADER clumsy and unlikely to work. The Chinese
(FOREIGN AFFAIRS) Communist Party’s narrative is limited by the
simple fact that too many people know about
the outbreak’s origins in Wuhan and

E arly this year, as the novel

coronavirus began to spread in China,
the predictions were immediate and
stark: the outbreak was China’s “Chernobyl
moment,” perhaps even “the beginning of the
Beijing’s bungled initial response—in
particular, its efforts to suppress information
and silence many of the doctors who first
warned of the emergence of a dangerous new
end” for the Chinese Communist Party, with virus. In the face of calls for greater
geopolitical consequences that, at a time of transparency, Beijing ejected American
growing U.S.-Chinese tension, would play to journalists working for The New York Times,
Washington’s considerable advantage. But The Washington Post, and The Wall Street
then, almost as quickly, the predictions went Journal. On Twitter, a spokesperson for
into reverse. As China appeared to contain China’s foreign ministry accused the U.S.
the spread of the coronavirus while the military of bringing the coronavirus to
United States and Western Europe suffered Wuhan. Although Beijing has backed away
large outbreaks of their own, the pandemic from this reprehensible claim in recent
and the resulting global recession were said weeks, its approach has a whiff of
to mark a geopolitical reordering that would desperation, which hints at Beijing’s own
leave China as the victor. Beijing certainly insecurity about the mishandling of the
saw such an opportunity, launching an outbreak.
international campaign stressing the failures
of democratic governance and casting itself In-depth analysis delivered weekly
as the leader of the global pandemic
response. Global skepticism extends, with good reason,
to China’s coronavirus statistics. Indeed,
But it is doubtful that Beijing’s gambit will while China’s official tally of new COVID-
succeed in turning a pandemic that likely 19 cases indicates effective containment (by
started in a Chinese city into a major step in March 19, the number of new local infections
China’s rise. There are real limits to China’s had fallen to near zero), some in China fear
capacity to take advantage of the current that the central government has simply
crisis—whether through disingenuous stopped reporting all the test results in order
propaganda or ineffective global action. And to keep its official count low and to maintain
just as the potential for China to benefit from the narrative that it has won the war against
the coronavirus is too easily overstated, the the virus; it wouldn’t be the first time Beijing
ability of the United States to show global has suppressed unfavorable data.
leadership even after its initial missteps is too
easily discounted. As deeply flawed as Some leaders, of course, are embracing
Washington’s response to the pandemic has Beijing’s narrative and applauding its
been so far, the United States’ power— methods in combating the outbreak—
distinct from any particular president—rests including officials in Cambodia, Iran,
on an enduring combination of material Pakistan, and Serbia. But few of these
capabilities and political legitimacy, and governments have been newly persuaded by
there are few signs that the pandemic is recent Chinese messaging; they have a long
causing power to shift rapidly and record of accepting Chinese political
permanently to China’s side of the ledger. narratives and economic assistance, often at
the service of their own power at home.
Indeed, some early recipients in Europe of 14
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

Chinese-made testing kits and protective pandemics. Citizens and governments

equipment rejected them as substandard. Just looking for models are more likely to choose
this week, Finland’s prime minister fired the those democratic successes than China’s
head of the country's emergency supply vaunted authoritarian alternative and
agency for spending millions of euros on draconian containment efforts—the real
defective Chinese facemasks. costs of which remain unknown.

Amid calls for greater transparency, Beijing Moreover, China’s economy can’t ride to the
silenced doctors and ejected American rescue as it did during the global financial
journalists. crisis. Although there is a partial uptick on
the supply side as Chinese factories reopen,
Meanwhile, other leaders are already pushing the demand side drivers for China’s growth
back against China’s attempt to rewrite the are in real trouble. China’s economy is too
global narrative about its COVID-19 dependent on external demand from the
response. European Union High United States and Europe to become the sole
Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep savior of the global economy. The 12
Borrell openly criticized Chinese efforts as countries hardest hit by the virus today
“a struggle for influence through spinning account for about 40 percent of China’s
and the ‘politics of generosity.’” Leaders in exports. Many of these countries are also
Brazil and India, who are facing challenges China’s top suppliers of intermediate goods.
at home, have quickly turned to criticizing China’s economy will not be able to return to
China and eschewing its aid. In Africa, its prior growth trajectory of some five to six
public attention has been riveted by stories of percent annually until the economies of the
widespread racism against African expats in United States and the European Union
southern China. And even before the recover, as well. Chinese policymakers will
pandemic started, Beijing faced a large trust have to hold back some of their domestic
deficit among its Asian neighbors. A survey stimulus efforts until that happens, knowing
of public opinion in six Asian countries, such stimulus will have a limited impact if
conducted by the Pew Research Center global demand is down. Funding another
between May and October 2019, and credit-fueled stimulus as the Chinese did in
published in late February, found 2008–9 is off the table due to China’s high
significantly higher percentages of people overall debt levels and the real risk of
held favorable views of the United States triggering a collapse of its financial system.
when compared with China. In this crisis, the American and Chinese
economies must sink or swim together.
In pushing its narrative of triumph against the
coronavirus, Beijing’s approach will be In the middle of a global crisis, the pressures
compared not only to that of the United to forecast the long-term, strategic
States but also to the impressive actions of implications of the emergency are legion.
many Asian countries, including several The problem with drawing early conclusions
democracies. Beijing failed badly at first— is that they are often wrong: analysts focus
due to a striking and predictable lack of on the immediate consequences of recent
transparency—and Washington is failing events and discount the structural features of
now. But democratic South Korea and global order.
Taiwan have performed better than both.
South Korea’s impressive testing and To be sure, there has been a catastrophic
contact-tracing regime and Taiwan’s early failure of U.S. political and diplomatic
detection and containment efforts reflect leadership in the current crisis that could cost
both their governance choices and their the United States dearly in lives and
ability to learn from past experience with international influence over the coming 15
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months. But to argue that this may portend a essential that the United States reestablish
“Suez moment” for the United States, as Kurt competent leadership on this pandemic at all
M. Campbell and Rush Doshi recently did in levels. The world clearly needs a global
Foreign Affairs, goes too far. It is worth system of surveillance, detection testing, and
examining the Suez analogy more closely. pharmacological response. So far, China’s
The British intervention in the Suez in 1956 rhetoric and diplomacy have generated
was the last gasp of an empire that had long limited gains, but the United States and its
since lost the power and legitimacy to impose allies must remain vigilant lest Beijing
its will on its former colonial states. The further expand its role in global governance
United States had surpassed the United and institutional design at a time when
Kingdom on every diplomatic, economic, Washington is stepping back.
and military metric a generation before the
Suez crisis. China’s rising military and Previous global and regional crises dating
technological power today is impressive, but back to the 1950s offer important lessons for
China’s currency does not approach the restoring U.S. leadership. Indeed, many
hegemony that the dollar enjoyed in 1956 or enduring patterns of cooperation and
that it enjoys today. Indeed, the United institutional development have grown out of
Kingdom’s share of global GDP at that time moments of great duress: the United States’
was only a fraction of the United States’ security treaties with Australia, Japan, and
today. As the Chinese Leninists would say, others were signed at the height of the
the international correlation of forces in 1956 Korean War; the Quad framework with
were decidedly not in the United Kingdom’s Australia, India, and Japan was organized in
favor. less than 72 hours in response to the 2004
tsunami; the G-20 leaders gathered for the
That is not the case today for the United first time in November 2008, in the midst of
States. Even as the United States stumbles in the 2008 financial crisis. Even after the
the current crisis, Beijing faces internal and 1997–98 financial crisis, when the United
external challenges that stem from its choices States and the International Monetary Fund
about economic and political governance at demanded tough conditions that alienated
home and global governance abroad. There is much of Asia as Beijing won points for not
scant evidence that China’s authoritarian devaluing its currency, the long-term result
model today has more attraction than the was more resilient and market-based
democratic norms embraced by many of economies in the region, not a shift to
China’s neighbors. The twenty-first century Chinese-style state capitalism.
is hardly certain to be “the Chinese century,”
no matter what the United States does. If the United States is in strategic
Rather, it is more likely to be an Asian one competition with China, then effective U.S.
given the effective and efficient governance leadership should be at the service of
demonstrated in recent weeks, in addition to building something positive out of the crisis
the region’s substantial and growing rather than trying to use it to isolate and
contributions to global innovation, alienate Beijing. The failure of the G-7
productivity, and growth. foreign ministers to reach agreement on a
joint statement (because the U.S. delegation
Although China’s position of global insisted on calling the novel coronavirus the
leadership is hardly assured, the United “Wuhan virus,” going against the guidelines
States should not be complacent—far from it. of the World Health Organization and the
There may not be a shift of power to China, positions of Washington’s closest allies)
but there is an ongoing crisis of American hardly constitutes an example of effective
leadership, as Campbell and Doshi rightly leadership. For decades, the United States
note in their piece in Foreign Affairs. It is has maintained power, credibility, and 16
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influence not only by virtue of its size and their children whole day. Similarly, men
capabilities but also by attracting other consider themselves responsible for bread
nations to its vision for security and and butter of the family. While staying at
prosperity. A United States that is churlish home, they do not consider sharing
and defensive about China right now is not a responsibility with females in domestic
United States that will earn respect among its work. The lockdown has boosted cases of
friends and allies. A United States that learns domestic violence and abuse, negatively
from the experiences of Germany, South impacting women all around the world. The
Korea, Taiwan and others in pandemic daily wagers have lost their jobs, creating
management; that embraces practical and financial problems for the families which are
meaningful cooperation with China; and that leading towards a cruel atmosphere for
engages with global organizations, such as women. Such issues are fueling
the WHO, to help them reform is a United psychological problems like stress and
States that can use the pandemic as an tensions for women, disturbing overall
opportunity to remind the world of what family environment.
American leadership looks like.
Coronavirus is also affecting women
GENDER CRISIS AMID COVID- disproportionately in health sector. The
accelerating burden of house chores and
19 domestic issues are impacting physical
BY: ZILE HUMA (DAILY TIMES) health of women gravely. Furthermore, all
national governments are diverting their
health resources to fight coronavirus. The

ny natural disasters or emergency
situation leaves the women and girls hospitals and budgetary means are diverted
the most vulnerable, impacting them to fight this global emergency. The hospitals
indiscriminately. The global health have been converted into isolation wards and
emergency of COVID-19 is also hitting normal patients are being refused to be
women and girls badly. According United admitted. This situation is affecting severely
Nations Population Fund, “Pandemics make the health of pregnant women in case of any
existing gender inequalities for women and emergency. According to World Economic
girls worse, and can impact how they receive Forum, “women comprise the majority of
treatment and care.” health and social care workers, and are on the
front lines of the fight against COVID-19”.
There are number of areas where the risks for This is also a big danger for health of female
women and girls have increased due to this population all around the world.
global epidemic of coronavirus. The female
population makes 48%of population of Moreover, women used to earn through some
Pakistan, according to census held in 2017. employment opportunities at home like
The countries like Pakistan which are a stitching, embroidery, carpet weaving etc.
patriarchal society, women are considered The lockdown has closed markets and
responsible for the most of the house chores. reduced demand of such products which is
The lockdown, social distancing and impacting adversely the financial means of
quarantine situation have increased burden of women. Women also contribute as labour in
women with workload at homes. The agriculture and industrial sector but social
educational institutions have been closed, distancing and curfew have snatched these
ensuring kids and young people stay at home. opportunities from them. All these issues are
This is an additional responsibility on parents unseen and needs to be addressed in a serious
especially mothers, who are traditionally manner.
considered to shoulder the responsibility of 17
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Pakistani female population is also WHAT IS MISSING FROM

vulnerable to such issues. Ministry of Human
Rights, Government of Pakistan has taken an AFGHAN PEACE TALKS
initiative to provide a helpline 1099 and (THE NEW YORK TIMES)
WhatsApp number 03339085709 where
women and children facing any domestic

fter four decades of conflict,
violence or abuse during the lockdown or Afghanistan seems poised to
quarantine, can report there. Such complaints embrace superficial peace. The
will be addressed and provided legal support. negotiations between the United States and
Ministry of Human Rights with the support the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, culminated in a
of United Nations Women has prepared a peace agreement between the two sides. The
policy brief exploring the gendered impacts agreement paved the way for a national peace
of Corona with some useful dialogue between the Taliban and a
recommendations. National Disaster conglomerate of Afghan political factions
Management Authority of Pakistan also has and figures led by the government of
a dedicated “Gender and Child Cell” to Afghanistan.
support the most vulnerable faction of
population during emergency situations. All The people of Afghanistan, who have
national governments should take into suffered for decades, are investing great
account gender parity while fighting against hopes in these talks to settle the differences
Coronavirus. There should be mental and between the warring sides and achieve a
legal support for women, provided by permanent peace acceptable to all.
government. The law enforcing agencies
should be more vigilant to respond to any The most salient question begging for
indiscriminately behaviour against women attention during the talks — expected to start
during such emergency situations. They soon — is understanding and resolving the
should also initiate public awareness key structural obstacles to the establishment
campaigns to sensitize public on gender of a lasting peace and just political order in
issues during such crisis situation and postwar Afghanistan. Informal reports from
availability of any possible support in form Doha suggest that the Taliban, who are yet to
of legal and mental health. show good faith in negotiations, have already
declared their support for a highly centralized
state system.

For a lasting peace and just political order to

be established in Afghanistan, significant
structural changes need to be made to our
highly centralized political and
administrative system that concentrates
power and financial resources in the office of
the president with little accountability.

The lack of an institutional power-sharing

arrangement between Kabul and the
provinces, and the winner-takes-all system in
the central government drive a zealous
competition for the presidency. 18
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The current political structures were My father, Ahmad Shah Massoud, the
established by the Constitution of national hero of Afghanistan, was one of the
Afghanistan adopted in 2004, which is a few leaders in our history who was able to
revised version of the Constitution adopted in unite the ethnic groups under one banner. He
1964 when the country was ruled by a brought together important Pashtun, Tajik,
monarchy. The 2004 Constitution may have Uzbek and Hazara leaders.
assuaged the former monarchy’s
beneficiaries, but it completely ignored the Two days before the Sept. 11 attacks, two Al
fundamental political transformation of the Qaeda suicide bombers posing as journalists
country through the upheavals of the past assassinated my father. The two events were
four decades. It has largely remained intertwined and forever changed the fate of
irrelevant to practical politics in Afghanistan. both Afghans and Americans. In the 19 years
since his killing, Afghanistan has lost that
The 2004 Constitution confers on the sense of solidarity among its ethnic groups
president the right to appoint and dismiss that he was able to forge.
governors of the country’s 34 provinces,
mayors, police chiefs, district governors, Last year, after realizing that Afghanistan is
senators and other officials across the on the verge of disintegration again and
political system. The people they rule over might experience a brutal internal war, I
have no democratic means of holding local decided to enter politics to continue my
authorities accountable, and this has created father’s path of bringing genuine peace to
an environment of pervasive corruption. this country and to revive the unity and
solidarity that he achieved.
Further, the centralized control over finances
lies to an absurd extent with the presidency. Commander Massoud had proposed
For example, if a school in a remote village decentralization of political power and
needs renovation, local and provincial wealth based on the Swiss model, which
leaders have to negotiate a maze of red tape would have saved political competition from
and cumbersome procedures through the being a zero-sum game. He believed that
Kabul bureaucracy to obtain the president’s through devolution of power and resources to
approval for budgetary allocation and the provinces, social justice, equality and
rebuilding. national unity can be established and the
conflicts over power can be ended. He saw
More dangerously, in a multiethnic society, that as a building block to national unity in
the centralized unitary-presidential system this war-torn country.
has fanned the flames of internal conflict.
The problem is exacerbated when a particular Afghanistan’s national unity government
person or group holding the presidency from 2014 to 2020 had an opportunity to
resorts to divisive and ethnocentric policies make progress on better power-sharing and
in a country that is made of ethnic minorities. accountability. The agreement that
Such policies by the Afghan state has underpinned the formation of the unity
sharpened ethnic identity and nationalism government bound President Ashraf Ghani
among all ethnic groups. and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah to
amend the Constitution to create a new
The patronage of a particular group by the system where many of the powers of the
head of state has created a major cleavage in president are reduced and transferred to an
our society and nourished a sense of empowered prime minister. It was to be
disenfranchisement among all ethnic groups, followed up by devolving power at the local
constituting a major source of conflict in the governance level.
country for decades. 19
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But the political leadership invested in ARUNDHATI ROY: THE

maintaining the status quo thwarted any
meaningful reform. As a result, Kabul is PANDEMIC IS A PORTAL
experiencing a political crisis yet again; after
ho can use the term “gone viral”
the presidential election held in September
both Mr. Ghani and Mr. Abdullah claimed to
have won the presidency and have been
unwilling to compromise. If they had brought
W now without shuddering a little?
Who can look at anything any
more — a door handle, a cardboard carton, a
about constitutional reform and taken steps bag of vegetables — without imagining it
toward decentralization, this crisis would swarming with those unseeable, undead,
have been avoided. unliving blobs dotted with suction pads
waiting to fasten themselves on to our lungs?
Afghanistan needs to empower its people by
allowing them to elect provincial and local Who can think of kissing a stranger, jumping
authorities and minimize undue reliance on on to a bus or sending their child to school
the central government. Locally elected without feeling real fear? Who can think of
authorities enjoy a higher degree of public ordinary pleasure and not assess its risk?
trust and more efficiency because they have Who among us is not a quack epidemiologist,
a better understanding of problems and virologist, statistician and prophet? Which
complexities. scientist or doctor is not secretly praying for
a miracle? Which priest is not — secretly, at
Kabul has failed to spend its development least — submitting to science?
budget over the past 18 years. The provinces
need to be allowed to keep a percentage of And even while the virus proliferates, who
their revenues and play a direct role in could not be thrilled by the swell of birdsong
economic development and the welfare of in cities, peacocks dancing at traffic
their inhabitants. crossings and the silence in the skies?

Decentralization will assuage the The number of cases worldwide this week
communities that believe their wealth has crept over a million. More than 50,000
been diverted by Kabul to its favored regions. people have died already. Projections
It can diffuse tensions among ethnic groups, suggest that number will swell to hundreds of
which can lead to a partition of the country thousands, perhaps more. The virus has
and help to solve our identity crisis. moved freely along the pathways of trade and
international capital, and the terrible illness it
Commander Massoud pointed us toward a has brought in its wake has locked humans
lasting peace and a just political order that down in their countries, their cities and their
emphasized decentralization and an homes.
equitable distribution of resources among the
people of Afghanistan. I hope to work to But unlike the flow of capital, this virus seeks
fulfill his dream. proliferation, not profit, and has, therefore,
inadvertently, to some extent, reversed the
As Afghans are about to gather soon for the direction of the flow. It has mocked
talks, it is imperative that all sections of immigration controls, biometrics, digital
Afghan society are represented, that the surveillance and every other kind of data
question of decentralization is debated and analytics, and struck hardest — thus far — in
that a consensus for subsequently amending the richest, most powerful nations of the
the Constitution is built. We owe the people world, bringing the engine of capitalism to a
of Afghanistan a just and lasting peace. juddering halt. Temporarily perhaps, but at
least long enough for us to examine its parts, 20
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make an assessment and decide whether we And what of my country, my poor-rich

want to help fix it, or look for a better engine. country, India, suspended somewhere
between feudalism and religious
The mandarins who are managing this fundamentalism, caste and capitalism, ruled
pandemic are fond of speaking of war. They by far-right Hindu nationalists?
don’t even use war as a metaphor, they use it
literally. But if it really were a war, then who In December, while China was fighting the
would be better prepared than the US? If it outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, the
were not masks and gloves that its frontline government of India was dealing with a mass
soldiers needed, but guns, smart bombs, uprising by hundreds of thousands of its
bunker busters, submarines, fighter jets and citizens protesting against the brazenly
nuclear bombs, would there be a shortage? discriminatory anti-Muslim citizenship law
it had just passed in parliament.
Night after night, from halfway across the
world, some of us watch the New York The first case of Covid-19 was reported in
governor’s press briefings with a fascination India on January 30, only days after the
that is hard to explain. We follow the honourable chief guest of our Republic Day
statistics, and hear the stories of Parade, Amazon forest-eater and Covid-
overwhelmed hospitals in the US, of denier Jair Bolsonaro, had left Delhi. But
underpaid, overworked nurses having to there was too much to do in February for the
make masks out of garbage bin liners and old virus to be accommodated in the ruling
raincoats, risking everything to bring succour party’s timetable. There was the official visit
to the sick. About states being forced to bid of President Donald Trump scheduled for the
against each other for ventilators, about last week of the month. He had been lured by
doctors’ dilemmas over which patient should the promise of an audience of 1m people in a
get one and which left to die. And we think sports stadium in the state of Gujarat. All that
to ourselves, “My God! This is America!” took money, and a great deal of time.

The tragedy is immediate, real, epic and Then there were the Delhi Assembly
unfolding before our eyes. But it isn’t new. It elections that the Bharatiya Janata Party was
is the wreckage of a train that has been slated to lose unless it upped its game, which
careening down the track for years. Who it did, unleashing a vicious, no-holds-barred
doesn’t remember the videos of “patient Hindu nationalist campaign, replete with
dumping” — sick people, still in their threats of physical violence and the shooting
hospital gowns, butt naked, being of “traitors”.
surreptitiously dumped on street corners?
Hospital doors have too often been closed to It lost anyway. So then there was punishment
the less fortunate citizens of the US. It hasn’t to be meted out to Delhi’s Muslims, who
mattered how sick they’ve been, or how were blamed for the humiliation. Armed
much they’ve suffered. mobs of Hindu vigilantes, backed by the
police, attacked Muslims in the working-
At least not until now — because now, in the class neighbourhoods of north-east Delhi.
era of the virus, a poor person’s sickness can Houses, shops, mosques and schools were
affect a wealthy society’s health. And yet, burnt. Muslims who had been expecting the
even now, Bernie Sanders, the senator who attack fought back. More than 50 people,
has relentlessly campaigned for healthcare Muslims and some Hindus, were killed.
for all, is considered an outlier in his bid for
the White House, even by his own party. Thousands moved into refugee camps in
local graveyards. Mutilated bodies were still
being pulled out of the network of filthy, 21
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

stinking drains when government officials the answer to the virus and called for the
had their first meeting about Covid-19 and faithful to gather in mosques in numbers.
most Indians first began to hear about the
existence of something called hand sanitiser. On March 24, at 8pm, Modi appeared on
TV again to announce that, from midnight
Women bang pots and pans to show their onwards, all of India would be
support for the emergency services dealing under lockdown. Markets would be closed.
with the coronavirus outbreak © Atul All transport, public as well as private, would
Loke/Panos Pictures be disallowed.

March was busy too. The first two weeks He said he was taking this decision not just
were devoted to toppling the Congress as a prime minister, but as our family elder.
government in the central Indian state of Who else can decide, without consulting the
Madhya Pradesh and installing a BJP state governments that would have to deal
government in its place. On March 11 the with the fallout of this decision, that a nation
World Health Organization declared that of 1.38bn people should be locked down with
Covid-19 was a pandemic. Two days later, zero preparation and with four hours’ notice?
on March 13, the health ministry said that His methods definitely give the impression
corona “is not a health emergency”. that India’s prime minister thinks of citizens
as a hostile force that needs to be ambushed,
Finally, on March 19, the Indian prime taken by surprise, but never trusted.
minister addressed the nation. He hadn’t
done much homework. He borrowed the Locked down we were. Many health
playbook from France and Italy. He told us professionals and epidemiologists have
of the need for “social distancing” (easy to applauded this move. Perhaps they are right
understand for a society so steeped in the in theory. But surely none of them can
practice of caste) and called for a day of support the calamitous lack of planning or
“people’s curfew” on March 22. He said preparedness that turned the world’s biggest,
nothing about what his government was most punitive lockdown into the exact
going to do in the crisis, but he asked people opposite of what it was meant to achieve.
to come out on their balconies, and ring bells
and bang their pots and pans to salute health The man who loves spectacles created the
workers. mother of all spectacles.

He didn’t mention that, until that very As an appalled world watched, India
moment, India had been exporting protective revealed herself in all her shame — her
gear and respiratory equipment, instead of brutal, structural, social and economic
keeping it for Indian health workers and inequality, her callous indifference to
hospitals. suffering.

Not surprisingly, Narendra Modi’s request The lockdown worked like a chemical
was met with great enthusiasm. There were experiment that suddenly illuminated hidden
pot-banging marches, community dances and things. As shops, restaurants, factories and
processions. Not much social distancing. In the construction industry shut down, as the
the days that followed, men jumped into wealthy and the middle classes enclosed
barrels of sacred cow dung, and BJP themselves in gated colonies, our towns and
supporters threw cow-urine drinking parties. megacities began to extrude their working-
Not to be outdone, many Muslim class citizens — their migrant workers —
organisations declared that the Almighty was like so much unwanted accrual. 22
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Many driven out by their employers and affairs minister Amit Shah remained absent
landlords, millions of impoverished, hungry, from public view.
thirsty people, young and old, men, women,
children, sick people, blind people, disabled When the walking began in Delhi, I used a
people, with nowhere else to go, with no press pass from a magazine I frequently write
public transport in sight, began a long march for to drive to Ghazipur, on the border
home to their villages. They walked for days, between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.
towards Badaun, Agra, Azamgarh, Aligarh,
Lucknow, Gorakhpur — hundreds of The scene was biblical. Or perhaps not. The
kilometres away. Some died on the way. Bible could not have known numbers such as
these. The lockdown to enforce physical
They knew they were going home potentially distancing had resulted in the opposite —
to slow starvation. Perhaps they even knew physical compression on an unthinkable
they could be carrying the virus with them, scale. This is true even within India’s towns
and would infect their families, their parents and cities. The main roads might be empty,
and grandparents back home, but they but the poor are sealed into cramped quarters
desperately needed a shred of familiarity, in slums and shanties.
shelter and dignity, as well as food, if not
love. Every one of the walking people I spoke to
was worried about the virus. But it was less
As they walked, some were beaten brutally real, less present in their lives than looming
and humiliated by the police, who were unemployment, starvation and the violence
charged with strictly enforcing the curfew. of the police. Of all the people I spoke to that
Young men were made to crouch and frog day, including a group of Muslim tailors who
jump down the highway. Outside the town of had only weeks ago survived the anti-Muslim
Bareilly, one group was herded together and attacks, one man’s words especially troubled
hosed down with chemical spray. me. He was a carpenter called Ramjeet, who
planned to walk all the way to Gorakhpur
A few days later, worried that the fleeing near the Nepal border.
population would spread the virus to villages,
the government sealed state borders even for “Maybe when Modiji decided to do this,
walkers. People who had been walking for nobody told him about us. Maybe he doesn’t
days were stopped and forced to return to know about us”, he said.
camps in the cities they had just been forced
to leave. “Us” means approximately 460m people.

Among older people it evoked memories of State governments in India (as in the US)
the population transfer of 1947, when India have showed more heart and understanding
was divided and Pakistan was born. Except in the crisis. Trade unions, private citizens
that this current exodus was driven by class and other collectives are distributing food
divisions, not religion. Even still, these were and emergency rations. The central
not India’s poorest people. These were government has been slow to respond to their
people who had (at least until now) work in desperate appeals for funds. It turns out that
the city and homes to return to. The jobless, the prime minister’s National Relief Fund
the homeless and the despairing remained has no ready cash available. Instead, money
where they were, in the cities as well as the from well-wishers is pouring into the
countryside, where deep distress was somewhat mysterious new PM-CARES
growing long before this tragedy occurred. fund. Pre-packaged meals with Modi’s face
All through these horrible days, the home on them have begun to appear. 23
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In addition to this, the prime minister has even when it hits us. All we know is that the
shared his yoga nidra videos, in which a run on hospitals has not yet begun.
morphed, animated Modi with a dream body
demonstrates yoga asanas to help people deal India’s public hospitals and clinics — which
with the stress of self-isolation. are unable to cope with the almost 1m
children who die of diarrhoea, malnutrition
The narcissism is deeply troubling. Perhaps and other health issues every year, with the
one of the asanas could be a request-asana in hundreds of thousands of tuberculosis
which Modi requests the French prime patients (a quarter of the world’s cases), with
minister to allow us to renege on the very a vast anaemic and malnourished population
troublesome Rafale fighter jet deal and use vulnerable to any number of minor illnesses
that €7.8bn for desperately needed that prove fatal for them — will not be able
emergency measures to support a few million to cope with a crisis that is like what Europe
hungry people. Surely the French will and the US are dealing with now.
All healthcare is more or less on hold as
As the lockdown enters its second hospitals have been turned over to the service
week, supply chains have broken, medicines of the virus. The trauma centre of the
and essential supplies are running low. legendary All India Institute of Medical
Thousands of truck drivers are still marooned Sciences in Delhi is closed, the hundreds of
on the highways, with little food and water. cancer patients known as cancer refugees
Standing crops, ready to be harvested, are who live on the roads outside that huge
slowly rotting. hospital driven away like cattle.

The economic crisis is here. The political People will fall sick and die at home. We may
crisis is ongoing. The mainstream media has never know their stories. They may not even
incorporated the Covid story into its 24/7 become statistics. We can only hope that the
toxic anti-Muslim campaign. An studies that say the virus likes cold weather
organisation called the Tablighi Jamaat, are correct (though other researchers have
which held a meeting in Delhi before the cast doubt on this). Never have a people
lockdown was announced, has turned out to longed so irrationally and so much for a
be a “super spreader”. That is being used to burning, punishing Indian summer.
stigmatise and demonise Muslims. The
overall tone suggests that Muslims invented What is this thing that has happened to us?
the virus and have deliberately spread it as a It’s a virus, yes. In and of itself it holds no
form of jihad. moral brief. But it is definitely more than a
virus. Some believe it’s God’s way of
The Covid crisis is still to come. Or not. We bringing us to our senses. Others that it’s a
don’t know. If and when it does, we can be Chinese conspiracy to take over the world.
sure it will be dealt with, with all the
prevailing prejudices of religion, caste and Whatever it is, coronavirus has made the
class completely in place. mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt
like nothing else could. Our minds are still
Today (April 2) in India, there are almost racing back and forth, longing for a return to
2,000 confirmed cases and 58 deaths. These “normality”, trying to stitch our future to our
are surely unreliable numbers, based on past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture.
woefully few tests. Expert opinion varies But the rupture exists. And in the midst of
wildly. Some predict millions of cases. this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to
Others think the toll will be far less. We may rethink the doomsday machine we have built
never know the real contours of the crisis, 24
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

for ourselves. Nothing could be worse than a Matthew Parker, in his book The Sugar
return to normality. Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and
War in the West Indies, used the rise and fall
Historically, pandemics have forced humans of the sugar dynasties of the West Indies as a
to break with the past and imagine their framework for the intertwined histories of
world anew. This one is no different. It is a sugar, slavery, industrial revolution, and
portal, a gateway between one world and the Britain’s American colonies.
The story narrated by him portrays a
We can choose to walk through it, dragging horrifying situation and the period of worst
the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our exploitation during the colonial period.
avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our Unfortunately, glimpses of similar conduct
dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can still be seen in post-colonial era in many
can walk through lightly, with little luggage, countries, including Pakistan. The only
ready to imagine another world. And ready to difference is that colonial masters have now
fight for it. been replaced by sugar barons, many of
whom, in our case, are famous politicians.

For businessmen-turned politicians and

landed aristocracy spending millions to win
elections has been a rewarding investment —
as conceded by Imran Khan in 2018: “We
need electables to come into power”. This
class knows everything about protecting and
expanding their business interests once they
capture the state apparatus. This conflict of
interests is an ugly facet of our politics —
holding public office to make policies for
promoting personal business empires.

According to a report titled PM, DG FIA

Being Threatened By Sugar Mafia, (The
News, March 5, 2020), “the sugar mafia has
threatened Prime Minister Imran Khan as
DISMANTLING ‘SWEET’ well as FIA Director General and Chairman
CARTELS of the Inquiry Commission Wajid Zia to
immediately stop the probe into the sugar
BY: HUZAIMA BUKHARI AND scam. Otherwise, the country will see a
DR. IKRAM UL HAQ (THE severe shortage of the commodity and its
price may hit Rs 110 a kilogram”.

This report highlights a laudable effort by the
It is unprecedented in the country’s prime minister as under: “In a rare but bold
history for preliminary reports into move, Prime Minister Imran Khan…. made
sudden price hike of these commodities the report on wheat and sugar scandals
to be released without an alteration. Action public. There are strong indications that
will be taken against those responsible for some major administrative actions may
sugar and wheat price hike after receiving follow in the coming days. Informed sources
detailed forensic reports on April 25, 2020” said that not only will heads will from within
—Prime Minister, Imran Khan the bureaucracy but Prime Minister Imran 25
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

Khan is also considering removing some of The Commission has also indicated “overall
his key ministers from the cabinet besides collusion of sugar mills and wholesale
expelling Jehangir Tareen from the PTI.” dealers behind this scam”. Total subsidy
given to sugar mills over the last five years
It is not for the first time that abuse of power came to Rs 25 billion. Out of this R s 3 billion
and market manipulation by producers of was given in 2019. According to
‘white gold’ have surfaced. The phenomenon consolidated data, “RYK group is the single
has been highlighted in many judicial largest beneficiary with total subsidy of Rs 4
decisions in recent years, most notably in the billion, JDW over Rs 3 billion, Hunza Group
Lahore High Court judgment of in the JDW at Rs 2.8 billion, Fatima Group at Rs 2.3
Sugar Mills Ltd etc versus Province of billion, Sharif Group at Rs 1.4 billion and
Punjab etc (2017 PLD Lahore 68). [Details Omni at Rs 901 million”.
can be seen in our article, White gold’ wars,
TNS, Political Economy, October 23, 2016.] The inquiry report says that despite clear
calculations of the stock position after
It may be recalled that after a sudden raise in deducting the strategic reserves, Sugar
the prices of sugar and wheat flour, the prime Advisory Board in its meeting of June 2019
minister had constituted two high-powered did not ban the export of sugar and hinted at
committees headed by the FIA DG. An clear signs of “cartelisation” and
officer each was also included from the “manipulation” as “the ex-mill sugar price
Intelligence Bureau and the Directorate determination formula was also unfair”. A
General of the Anti-Corruption forensic audit recommended in the report is
Establishment, Punjab. currently under way.

In its 32-page report, the committee on sugar One aspect not highlighted in the media is the
price-hike has described the decision of the finding that the sugar mills allegedly
PTI government to allow export of sugar as purchased sugarcane off the books. Thus
the main cause for a 30 percent increase in its sugar production was also kept off the books
price. In the light of recommendations of the to evade sales tax. The committee observed
committee, a Sugar Inquiry Commission has that it was the responsibility of the Cane
been established under Commission of Commissioner to record full sugarcane
Inquiry Act of 2017 to file a report by April production and the Federal Board of Revenue
25, for appropriate action against the culprits. (FBR) was responsible for monitoring sugar
The Commission has already started production.
checking the ledgers, bank reports, export
details, markets sales etc of the sugar mills. When a few months back, businessmen
asked the prime minister that the FBR, and
The News report also says that the number not the NAB, should probe their tax affairs,
one beneficiary of export subsidy and price he accepted their demand. So now it is the
hike was “JDW Group (mainly owned by FBR which should take action for tax
Jahangir Khan Tareen) by availing 22 evasion/fraud, retrieval of tax evaded along
percent of total subsidy (Rs 561 million). The with default surcharge and penalty as well as
second beneficiary was RYK Group run by register FIRs and prosecute the tax cheats
Makhdoom Omer Sheheryar Khan (brother through a special judge as required under the
of Khusro Bakhtiar, (including ownership by law. They need not wait for the approval of
Chaudhry Munir and Moonis Elahi) availing the PM or for April 25. The auditors’
18 percent of subsidy (Rs452 million) and subservience to sugar barons is well-
the third highest beneficiary was Shamim established as a leading audit firm, whose
Ahmed Khan (Al Moiz Group) availing 16 chief also became an FBR Chairman, was the
percent (Rs 406 million). auditor for the JWD. 26
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

The nation has now been asked to wait until clouts of businessmen in power through
April 25. This goes against the PM’s own fundamental reform.
complaint that those in power get the chance
to influence inquiries. At the time of writing these lines, the price of
sugar in international market is just Rs 47 per
In the case of public officeholders, the NAB kg whereas the poorest of the poor hit by
should proceed under its own law. It did Covid-19 pandemic lockout are buying it for
against citizens like Mir Shakil even in the Rs 70 per kg at Utility Stores, where
absence of concrete evidence (for which it available, and at Rs 80-90 in the open market.
has been repeatedly reprimanded by superior
courts). When big names in power corridors Despite the setting of a support price,
are involved, why should the NAB wait for a growers of sugarcane are being exploited by
forensic report? The premier keeps on the mill owners who do not pay in time and
reiterating, “I believe in the rule of law!” It is routinely under-weigh their sugarcane.
a great test for him now to let the relevant Tragically, the shift to growing more
institutions proceed as per law. sugarcane has led to excess production
giving an excuse to mill owners to export and
It is a matter of record that sugar barons have receive more subsidy. On the other hand,
been pocketing unprecedented profits, both reduction in cotton production forced the
through domestic and international markets. textile industry, our major exporter, to import
Way back in 2010, according to a report, the six million bales this year.
Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP)
in an order levied a penalty of Rs 75 million Successive governments have never thought
or 10 percent of the annual turnover, of giving even a tenth of the subsidy given to
“whichever is higher”, after holding that the sugar barons to farmers as incentive to
members of Pakistan Sugar Mills produce high quality cotton.
Association (PSMA) had made a three-tier
cartel in the industry. However, the CCP LEADING IN A PANDEMIC
could not make its order public as the PSMA
obtained a stay order from the Sindh High CRISIS
In March 2016, they managed to secure an
extension in the deadline for exporting
500,000 tonnes of sugar and received a
subsidy at the cost of taxpayers to the tune of
Rs 13 per kg. The Economic Coordination
N O government in the world had a
primer to deal with
unprecedented pandemic which

plunged countries into unmapped territory.

However, several months into the global
Committee on March 29, 2016, granted health emergency, lessons have emerged
permission till March 31, 2016, for which from across the world to show what worked
there was no justification as the prices were to mitigate and contain Covid-19 — and
escalating in the international market. what did not. It is never too late for a
government to change course even in the
Besides punishing the culprit in accordance midst of an uncharted and evolving crisis,
with due process of law, we need free, fair especially as more evidence emerges about
and well-regulated open-markets, and end to how best to tackle it.
protectionism. Let the consumers benefit
from lower prices in local or international By now, the most obvious and instructive
markets. We can dismantle lesson is that it is “rapid, decisive and
monopolies/cartels and get rid of political collective action that can prevent the spread” 27
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— as an influential report from London’s mid-January, how did they act on this? How
Imperial College put it. was an under-resourced healthcare system
enabled to deal with the remorseless onset of
And this advice from the World Health cases? Did “rapid, decisive action” follow
Organisation remains imperative to fight the after the first infection was confirmed on Feb
virus: “Countries must continue to find, test, 26?
isolate and treat every case and trace every
contact”. And “If countries rush to lift Missteps exacerbated the situation. Much has
restrictions too quickly, the virus could already been said about how zaireen
resurge and the economic impact could be (pilgrims) returning from Iran through the
even more severe and prolonged”. border crossing at Taftan were managed and
cluster allowed into the mainland, which
Informed by this perspective, the prime accelerated the spread of the virus.
minister might consider taking the following According to the latest official figures, over
five steps: 1) send clear, coherent and 30 per cent of current Covid-19 cases in
consistent messages to the public; 2) act Pakistan came via this route.
decisively; 3) lead a unified, multilayered,
national effort with close coordination with The centre’s unwillingness to move early to
all provinces; 4) stay a firm course on social suspend air travel and restrict religious
distancing; and above all 5) be guided by the congregations had a similar deleterious
evolving medical science on the pandemic by effect, with scores of tableeghi members
giving a lead role to medical specialists who spreading the virus across Punjab and
understand this, not generalist bureaucrats. beyond. Official figures show almost 20pc of
confirmed cases in the country today can be
Why urge these steps? To answer this, traced to the latter. Another 24pc have been
consider what has happened so far. First, on tracked to people travelling back from
messaging, the early weeks saw mixed countries other than Iran.
signals, which did not convey the urgency or
severity of the unfolding threat. Public The federal government also did not take the
communication veered between saying this lead on a lockdown, with officials debating
was little more than a flu virus that would its economic fallout rather than act. True,
afflict the elderly to asserting that the virus governments across the world struggled to
had not hit the country as hard as other find a balance between restrictive measures
nations. If the aim was to calm and not panic and economic activity. But as many
the public, the (unintended) result was to international experts have pointed out, this is
underplay the threat when people needed to a false choice, because saving lives is
be persuaded to stay home to prevent the necessary to save livelihoods. While the
virus from spreading. government’s economic packages and
enhanced Ehsaas handouts are welcome
As the number of cases rose, the prime steps to mitigate the economic fallout, the
minister’s tone changed. But procrastination perpetual focus on this has fed the perception
over measures aimed at social distancing that the crisis is not being viewed through the
continued to send conflicting messages. prism of a public health emergency, but its
Getting mired in a prolonged public economic repercussions.
argument about lockdown vs no lockdown
conveyed an impression of indecisiveness. While the federal government vacillated, the
Sindh government led the way and
That brings up the second step — act implemented a lockdown, obliging Punjab to
decisively. If, as government leaders claim, follow suit. Its effective communication
they first “reviewed” the looming threat in 28
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

campaign also offered a contrast to the media Like other countries, Pakistan has to navigate
strategy pursued by Islamabad. a crisis that will test its leadership. The prime
minister has used the metaphor of war to
The third step is centre-province describe the challenge of fighting Covid-19.
coordination. This was found wanting weeks He has a chance to emerge as an effective
into the crisis. The prime minister’s ‘wartime’ chief executive. Now is the time
reluctance to reach out and consult provincial for him to live up to that challenge.
leaderships, especially of Sindh, prevented a
unified policy from emerging. Provinces
went their own way until a National
Coordination Committee and a Command
and Operations Centre were established in
mid-March and early April respectively. But
provincial approaches — for example, on a
lockdown — are still not harmonised. This
prompted a Supreme Court judge to urge the
centre during a recent hearing to improve
coordination with provincial governments.

Four, as the federal government mulls

relaxing restrictions on economic activity, it
remains important to meet clearly articulated
health milestones, especially enhanced
testing capability, before easing the
lockdown. According to the government’s
own projections, infections may reach ISLAMOPHOBIA TAINTS
70,000 by end-April, as reportedly revealed INDIA’S RESPONSE TO THE
to a cabinet meeting last week. If this
projection is based on an assumption about a CORONAVIRUS
degree of compliance with social distancing, BY: RANA AYYUB (THE
then that estimate can change if restrictions
are relaxed early. WASHINGTON POST)
t didn’t take long before India’s response
Last but not least, the determination of when
to ease restrictions should be made on the
advice of health professionals. Their counsel
should guide the overall policy response to
to the coronavirus was tainted by the kind
of discrimination and Islamophobia that
characterized the nationalist
administration of Prime Minister Narendra
Covid-19. They should be represented in the
top policy bodies established to address the Modi. The hashtags #CoronaJihad and
crisis, not just subsidiary committees. #BioJihad have inundated Twitter recently. It
Membership of these bodies should be all stems from cases of covid-19 reported at
dictated by the nature of the crisis, not a Muslim event.
ministerial status. Expertise is needed to
interpret the evolving response of the global On Sunday, the Indian government linked
medical community. This critical gap should more than a thousand cases to the Tablighi
be filled as the NDMA is designed to deal Jamaat, a Muslim missionary group that held
with natural disasters and other aspects of the its annual meeting in a community center in
ongoing crisis, not a health emergency. Nizamuddin from March 8-10, days before
India declared a health emergency and called
for a national lockdown. While most people, 29
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

including Muslims, agree that holding the majority had been tolerating the prayer call
annual meeting was irresponsible and from the mosques for a lot longer.
endangered many lives, the event has faced a
disproportional amount of criticism while India’s leading news channel, India Today,
generating a cascade of vitriol. published a graphic that showed a skull cap
and a face mask with a bold red virus over it,
Virtually overnight, Muslims became the claiming Muslims contributed to a majority
sole culprits responsible for the spread of the of coronavirus cases in India. Madhu Trehan,
coronavirus in India. a leading editor in India who headed a
prominent website called Newslaundry, also
Never mind that various religious groups falsely said the Muslim congregation was
held temple gatherings across India during responsible for 60 percent of cases in the
the same period of time, putting many lives country and mocked Muslims, saying “you
at risk. In the northern state of Madhya can have your virgins.”
Pradesh, more than 25,000 people have been
placed in quarantine after a man who traveled The toxic display of Islamophobia soon
from Dubai performed Hindu rituals with found its way into court orders. The high
1,200 people on March 20. court of the western state of Gujarat on April
3 cited the Muslim congregation as the
According to Time magazine, tweets with the reason for the exponential growth of the
hashtag #CoronaJihad appeared nearly pandemic in the country.
300,000 times and were potentially seen by
165 million people. Other hashtags included The hate peddled on our news channels and
#BioJihad. our social media has real consequences. A
newborn child delivered in an ambulance
Then the hate found official support when reportedly died after a hospital refused to
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, the union minority admit the family for being Muslim. The
affairs minister in Modi’s cabinet, called the husband, Irfan Khan, told a newspaper, “My
gathering by the Tablighi Jamaat a “Talibani pregnant wife had to deliver a child. She was
crime.” referred from Sikri to the Janana Hospital in
the district headquarter but the doctors here
Sign up for our Coronavirus Updates mentioned that we should go to Jaipur
newsletter to track the outbreak. All stories because we are Muslim.”
linked in the newsletter are free to access.
On April 3, a Muslim man committed suicide
The attack line was enough fodder for many after members of his village socially
news channels. Fake stories started boycotted him for allegedly being in touch
circulating of Muslims spitting on people to with members of the Muslim congregation in
spread the virus. Muslims were said to be Delhi who had tested positive.
flashing their naked bodies at the female staff
in hospitals. By the time the stories were Of course, Islamophobia isn’t new. Just in
debunked, they were already shared by February, New Delhi exploded in anti-
millions of people. Muslim riots that left more than 50 people
dead. While our neighbor China battled the
In my own building, a neighbor wrote on the epidemic, India was in international
community WhatsApp group that Muslims headlines for the carnage flamed in part by
objecting to Modi’s call to bang and applaud hate speech given by leaders of Modi’s ruling
from balconies to mark the end of the day- party. Not a single culprit has been arrested.
long curfew must know that the Hindu But it took just one day for the Indian police 30
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

to slap the draconian National Security Act WHY SOFT POWER IS PIVOTAL
on members of the Muslim congregation.
On March 15, I wrote on my Twitter: “What

is left for a virus to kill in a morally corrupt HY write about soft power at a
nation.” I was expressing despair and time of the Covid-19 crisis?
frustration at the hatred being peddled by
members of the ruling party who had Because the global health emergency helps to
instigated the Delhi pogrom, at the culture of illustrate its significance and impact. It also
impunity that was all pervasive. The makes sense to evaluate the importance of
immediate provocation for the anger was soft power for Pakistan’s diplomacy in the
miscarriage of justice against a human rights post-pandemic world.
activist. The anger was directed at those in
positions of power, those who had a public If soft power is understood as a country’s
voice but chose to remain silent in the face of attributes or behaviour that appeals to others
injustice. Liberals and right-wingers alike and creates positive perceptions, then
hauled me over the coals for calling the Delhi consider the case of China in the midst of the
riots an anti-Muslim pogrom. A television ongoing coronavirus crisis. China’s
anchor taunted me: “For once behave like an remarkably successful fight to contain the
Indian and not a Muslim.” virus and then extend help to over 80
countries set an example admired the world
I fear for all my fellow citizens, but I know over, notwithstanding the stigmatising
many don’t feel the same way about me and rhetoric from its detractors.
my community.
What does that mean?
In the past 10 days I have been reporting from
the slums of India, where social distancing is It means that by its example and subsequent
a privilege many cannot afford. The threat of actions for the collective good, China created
starvation, agony, the structural a soft power effect. In other words, by
discrimination against the poor in the face of earning respect from its conduct, China
the pandemic is the need of the hour, a story managed to elevate its global position. This
that India and the world needs to hear and act underlines how soft power can be
on. instrumental in enhancing a country’s
influence and international standing.
But now almost two weeks into a lockdown
that threatens the life of every Indian, Turning now to consideration of the utility of
irrespective of faith, class, gender, I am being soft power, the evidence is overwhelming.
forced to write on prejudice and When soft power is deployed as a pivotal part
majoritarianism yet again, a subject I have of a country’s diplomatic strategy it pays rich
raised consistently in this column. dividends, enabling that country to build trust
and influence and thus more effectively
It is unfortunate that during this global crisis, promote its foreign policy goals.
when we should be putting all hate aside, my
country and its leaders force me to focus on We have long known that perceptions are
prejudice yet again, revealing an acute and consequential to a country’s standing in
disturbing crisis of morality. global affairs. Soft power can be an
indispensable, cost-effective tool to shape
perceptions that can encourage cooperation
from the international community. 31
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

As others have also pointed out, the influence. It is based on responses to these of
international standing of a country today over 55,000 people from around 100
depends as much on perceptions of it and its countries. The seven pillars are business and
reputation as its military and economic trade, governance, international relations,
power. The growing shift in recent decades culture and heritage, media and
from hard power to the importance of soft communication, education and science,
power means that being ‘liked’ helps nations people and values.
to increase their clout in international affairs.
Western countries are among the top five in
The term soft power is used rather the ranking index, with Japan and China at
imprecisely in Pakistan. It is conceived in a four and five. Pakistan figures among the
limited way by policymakers and often bottom 10, at 53 out of 60. India at 27 is
misinterpreted in popular discourse. described as underperforming. Singapore is
the top Southeast Asian nation at 20, drawing
The term and notion are owed of course to soft power from its perception as a leader in
the American scholar Joseph Nye, who in a education and science. One can debate the
seminal work in 1990 described soft power measures used and question the methodology
as the ability to shape the preferences of of such surveys, but there is much to learn
others and secure outcomes through from them.
“attraction rather than coercion or
payments”. He counterposed soft power, “the I experienced firsthand the critical role soft
power of persuasion and co-option”, to the power can play in achieving a specific
“power of coercion” represented by the hard diplomatic goal when I served as Pakistan’s
power of military and economic strength. envoy at the UN in New York. With 193
And he identified culture, political values countries represented at the UN, it is an ideal
and foreign policy as the principal sources of global platform to execute soft power
soft power. Subsequent literature expanded strategies. Many countries do that on a
on the concept. A prolific debate ensued on sustained basis.
the diverse sources, dimensions and
measures by which to assess soft power. In Pakistan’s case, we had to win election to
Much of this remained West-centric, but a key UN body two years ago. Competition
there were lessons for the ‘rest’ to draw on. was tough. So was the challenge, as the
electorate was the 193-member General
A Soft Power Summit, organised recently by Assembly. In Africa and Latin America, we
Brand Finance in London, where I was also have few diplomatic missions and little or no
invited to speak, attracted participants from representation in the 38 Small Island Deve-
100 countries, reflecting the wide interest the loping States (SIDS). All have a vote and
subject attracts. The keynote from former every vote counts.
UN secretary general Ban-Ki Moon set the
tone: “Soft power is an essential ingredient in What did we do in addition to traditional
international diplomacy now more important lobbying and making reciprocal
than ever.” arrangements? We deployed soft power
resources in two ways. We undertook intense
Speakers generated a rich debate especially cultural diplomacy by hosting events that
around the Global Soft Power Index 2020 showcased our rich heritage and we projected
report launched by Brand Finance. This Pakistan’s international role as a force for
identifies seven Soft Power Pillars and ranks good by our contribution to UN
60 countries according to measures that Peacekeeping (critical for Africa). Cultural
include performance on these pillars, diplomacy involved a packed concert in the
reputation, awareness, familiarity and overall prestigious General Assembly hall, a 32
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

Pakistani ‘street food’ event, and a colourful PAKISTAN’S GDP GROWTH

(first-ever) celebration of Eid at the UN. Our
peacekeeping role was showcased in EXPECTATIONS
different ways including a photo exhibition (DAILY TIMES EDITORIAL)
at the UN. All this aimed to appeal to ‘voters’
by projection of the soft power of our culture t’s no surprise that practically all
and our policies that contribute to global
peace and security. Pakistan won the
election, polling 151 votes — much more
than were needed. Soft power efforts had
I countries are revising their annual GDP
growth rates downwards in light of the
heavy economic and financial impact of the
coronavirus. And Pakistan is no exception of
played a key role in this outcome. course. In fact, our economy was so brittle
even before the outbreak that a $6 billion
Looking ahead, Pakistan needs to step up its IMF bailout program barely enabled it to
diplomatic game and act strategically. There avoid what would surely have been a default,
seems to be a reluctance to change how we or a default-like at best, scenario. Now the
conduct our diplomacy when a government has had to spin together a
hyperconnected and multipolar world offers roughly $8 billion relief package just to keep
unprecedented opportunities to influence the entire economic structure from collapsing
multiple actors across the globe. Today, as the pandemic brings all economic activity
‘nation branding’ is essential. Policymakers to a near-halt.
should identify and imaginatively
incorporate our soft power resources into our Quite rightly, then, our growth rate is also
foreign policy, engaging more vigorously in being compromised. Moody’s, which had
public diplomacy to shape the narrative just last fortnight downgraded Pakistan’s
abroad. There is no reason why Pakistan growth expectation from 2.9 percent to 2.5
should remain at the bottom of the Global percent, has now brought it lower still to
Soft Power League. around just two percent. While some analysts
are even more conservative in their
estimates, it is clear that these strange times
will leave a big mark on our economy. The
state bank’s policy easing has been
appreciated, but primarily because it will
help protect credit profiles of the country’s
top five banks. The time when a liberal
interest rate regime could have sparked
production, consumption and, most
importantly, export went just as the virus
came. Now, with international trade reduced
to a trickle, there’s no telling when old times
will return. Besides, why did SBP need to
slash the rate twice? Surely it communicated
a degree of hesitation to the market, not the
mention the feeling that it was somehow
pushed by somebody to do a little more after
the initial, disappointing cut.

Pakistan still has it much better than much of

the world, where health and economic
systems are collapsing. Perhaps it’s too soon 33
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

to tell just yet, but there does seem to be a The point is well taken. Internet access needs
limited impact of the virus in these parts; at to be ensured for all students. As the HEC has
least in terms of the number of dead. So, standards for onsite teaching, they will also
while the economy is clearly taking a have to develop online teaching standards to
battering, the health system has so far been ensure a certain level of access to the internet
spared the worst case scenario. That is why and other technologies before online
timely action is very important. And while teaching can become the default mode. But
there’s little the government can do about these will take some time.
GDP growth right now, it can at least make
sure that everybody — provincial Due to the lockdown and distancing rules, the
governments and the centre — is completely burden on the internet in Pakistan and across
on the same page. That way the virus can be the world is also increasing rapidly. Internet
contained and the damage kept to the speeds are starting to slow down. We will
minimum possible degree. also have to keep an eye on this.
Infrastructure will need to be upgraded to
ONLINE LEARNING take into account the additional expected and
unexpected traffic.
But this does not mean universities should

NIVERSITIES, which were in the not start experiments in online teaching. It
middle of the spring semester when means we have to start looking for,
the orders for closure were developing and deploying solutions. It will
announced, have been told to remain shut take some time for all universities to get there
until May 31. It has raised significant and for all students to have access of a
questions for universities to consider. sufficient quality, but the work has to start
now. And universities, given their situations,
If universities can continue the semester will traverse this distance at varying speeds.
online, should they? The Higher Education The HEC should be ready to invest in
Commission initially asked all universities to infrastructure, material development and
go online. But, a few weeks later, realising trainings. It has already announced some
that a lot of universities do not have the committees on these issues, but it remains to
infrastructure necessary to make the be seen what resources are invested in this
transition quickly, the HEC seems to be pursuit and what the results are.
saying that those universities that can should
move online, while others can take time Access, the issue being agitated on right now
(until the end of May) to develop and is, in fact, the most straightforward of issues
implement the necessary infrastructure, to address. There are several other, more
materials and trainings. complex problems to contend with. Online
teaching does not simply mean putting
There has been a fair bit of pushback from reading materials online and expecting
students on the issue of online classes. The students to read, understand and/or
main points made, to the best of my regurgitate them. It does not mean that if you
knowledge, are about access to the internet, change onsite examinations to open-book
bandwidth and internet stability issues. There online examinations, there is nothing more
are areas in Pakistan that do not have good that needs to be adapted for online teaching.
internet connectivity, and students who, for
one reason or another, do not have access to Learning and teaching objectives of every
a stable, high-speed internet connection. course will have to be rethought. Teachers
have to carefully consider each instrument
they use for getting material across to 34
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

students once again. Are synchronous and Do bear in mind these things are important as
live classes needed? If so, since students are it might not be just for a semester that we
not sitting together in one room, how are have to move online. Nobody knows how
these to be conducted? Do online platforms long the situation with distancing and partial
like Zoom or Microsoft Teams offer the same lockdowns is going to continue. Even when
environment that a classroom does and how? the first wave of infections is through, it
How do you structure class participation in might still not be possible to go back to the
synchronous classes? Or could all teaching way things were and have crowded
be done online without synchronous dormitories, classes and/or cafeterias. Some
teaching? The teacher posts readings and universities in other countries have started to
questions. The students can submit their plan for the next 18-odd months in totally
questions, if they have any, through email or online mode or in hybrid mode at the very
in chat groups. Teachers and peers can least.
respond to each other that way. Will learning
this way be even better than in face-to-face Clearly, a lot of research and
classes? experimentation is needed here. The HEC’s
insistence to do this quickly will have issues.
Technology could offer distinct advantages Internet access might come quickly, but the
as well. We can do a lot of small group and/or larger and deeper issues need a lot more
individual teaching too. If lectures could be work. This is a difficult time to organise new
recorded and made available to students to things as a lot of people are worried, and
view whenever it suits them individually, and rightly so, about their and their families’
teachers then schedule small group or even well-being. Rather than worry too much
one-on-one interactions (tutorials), learning about this semester, the HEC should really
in some subjects that require a lot of set up incentives for the medium term so that
discussion (such as philosophy) could we can get closer to long-term answers for
become even better than running large face- the deeper questions.
to-face classes.

A lot of thought needs to go into designing

assessments. When faculty cannot conduct
in-class quizzes, tests and examinations, and
are potentially restricted to open-book and
not necessarily strictly time-bound
assessments, what sort of instruments can be
created? For example, live multiple-choice
tests will not be easy if students do not have
sufficient bandwidth and internet stability.
What could be a substitute for these? How do
we ensure new instruments get to the right
level, how do we validate them, and when do
we move towards standardisation?

And it is not just teaching that needs to go

online. A lot of administrative work of
universities also needs to shift to online
platforms. Some of them, for some
universities, will take a lot of time. 35
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IMAGINING A JUSTICE BASED I recently spoke with Prah Ruger by phone.

During our conversation, which has been
HEALTH SYSTEM edited for length and clarity, we discussed
BY: ISAAC CHOTINER (THE how different types of health systems have
responded to the current crisis, the area
NEW YORKER MAGAZINE) where the U.S. shines in keeping its
population safe and healthy, and whether

ennifer Prah Ruger, the director of the health care should be understood as a
Health Equity and Policy Lab at the universal human right.
University of Pennsylvania, studies
national and international public-health What have you been thinking about for
policies through a moral lens, examining the the last couple of weeks, as this thing has
ways in which world leaders can insure more spread, and how does the coronavirus fit
just health outcomes for their fellow-citizens, into what you study and write about?
as well as for citizens of other nations—and
how those two things necessarily intersect. The first thing I’ve been thinking about is the
Prah Ruger’s work is influenced by her underlying principles of justice and equity
former teacher Amartya Sen, whose that we’ve been working on in our approach
“capabilities approach” to economics— and in our lab. In the recent book that we just
developed with the philosopher Martha published, the underlying philosophy of
Nussbaum—envisions a broad definition of human flourishing and the attempt to create
human flourishing, one that transcends the global and domestic conditions for people
indicators like G.D.P. to have the ability to flourish is very relevant
for the current situation. Flourishing is about
Prah Ruger’s most recent book, “Global enabling people to do and be what they want
Health Justice and Governance,” published to do and be, and health is an instrumental
in 2018, examines international crisis and an essential part of that. So global public
responses to past epidemics, such as the health that protects people’s ability to
Ebola outbreak of 2014. “Public health and flourish is an essential part of a just society—
health care systems capacity and governance a global society and a domestic society.
vary considerably across the globe,” Prah
Ruger writes. “Like rapidly spreading And so what I’ve been looking for and trying
contagions and global inequalities, this to understand better, as you look globally but
arbitrary patchwork of health systems is also domestically and in our own country, is
morally troubling.” That work is especially how are we going about effectuating that or
relevant today, with the coronavirus not. So I’ve been advancing a particular
pandemic straining health systems around approach to that called provincial globalism,
the world, from China to Italy and the United in which we look at the intersection or the
States. In the U.S.—a country that is commonalities between provincial or state or
infamous for the unequal outcomes of its nation or local-based norms and values about
health system—hospitals find themselves equity in public health, and global foci on
overwhelmed with patients and short on health and equity. Are those intersecting? Do
medical equipment. we have a sense that, globally, we’re really
trying to work together, coöperate on the
common good to insure people all over the
world are able to be healthy, and protecting
The New Yorker’s coronavirus news them and working collaboratively in
coverage and analysis are free for all readers. coöperating? Or are we advancing the status
quo in terms of a rational-actor model of
global health governance, which has 36
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different nations and different countries and the principles of justice that apply to the
different interests advancing their own health sector and health-care sector? And so
interests, rather than working together we advanced an approach that looks at
toward the common good of equity and advancing a public-goods or common-goods
health. approach to the health sector and health
policy, as opposed to a private-goods or
You’re talking about flourishing, and one private-sector, market-based approach to
of the things related to that is something health and health policy.
called the “health capability paradigm.”
What is that, and how does it fit into the We have seen a lot of countries already
broader idea of a “capabilities approach” ravaged by this pandemic. Some have
to economics? health care that is at least relatively
equitable—at least compared to most
Well, the health-capability paradigm is a countries on earth—such as Italy, and
theoretical framework for justice and health, others, like the United States, do not. Are
and that is at the domestic level. So, if you there things that you’re noticing from this
think about it in terms of an alternative to a pandemic about why it’s so important to
free market, the free market is focussed on build as much equity into the system as
allocating goods and services in the economy possible?
at the domestic level based on people’s
preferences, or their desires for things. So, Yes, I am noticing some real differences.
whether we’re buying computers or phones What we have here is we have a set of natural
or chairs or picture frames or whatever it is, experiments unfolding before us, right? You
we’re advancing our interests in terms of our have a very good display of different kinds of
preferences for those goods and services approaches to public health domestically.
through the free market. And we’re And it’s within the context of a global public-
regulating the market, to a certain extent, to health system, or lack of a system. So, for
protect consumers. example, we have the contrast between what
we would call two typologies. The first is a
Alternatives to the free market are looking at more centralized public-health policy that
a role for other institutions in promoting has more of a focus on equity and health, and
different goods that we have reason to value looking across the population, as opposed to
in society. The health-capability paradigm a more decentralized public-health policy.
puts forward a framework that what we have
reason to value—and what we have an There are real differences between the two,
interest in, societally and collectively—is generally speaking. Centralized public-
people’s ability to flourish and their ability to health policy is more planned. It’s more
be healthy. So are the conditions in place? deliberate. It’s more intentional. There are
Are there public-health systems and several steps along the way. Centralized
structures that are in place that enable that? governance and authority tends to be
Is there a health-care system in place that federally located in terms of decisional
enables that? Do we have the social latitude and authoritative standards with
conditions, and do people have enough national guidelines and triggers. The
income, and is that income distributed in an decentralized public-health policy tends to be
equitable way so that people have this very ad hoc, more patchwork, unscripted. It
opportunity? Are people educated, and do tends to be spontaneous and reactive, and
they have jobs? there tends to be a lot of voluntary actors in
the mix. And we’re seeing in general a
All of these conditions are necessary for difference in, for example, the United States
people to be able to be healthy. And what are approach, which tends to be very 37
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decentralized, and countries like Taiwan or the current state of knowledge that we have.
Singapore, which tend to be more And we have in the United States highly
centralized. Other differences are that under regulated guidelines for the sale of different
a centralized public-health policy you tend to meat products in our food supply. And so we
have more uniform standards and uniformity have an experience in the United States, over
in policies and practices. time, where we learned that the regulatory
process is very effective. And it has been.
So we had this huge variation in the We’ve had some outbreaks in the U.S. We’ve
decentralized standards with respect to had E. coli, and we’ve had some salmonella
testing, for example. In a decentralized and things like that. But for the most part we
approach, we have a lot of variations, have been able to regulate our food supply in
considerable disorder, more disarray. It’s a ways that have been effective for the public
little bit messier. And so these are very health.
different approaches to the way we look at
public-health policies at the domestic level. So you’re saying that we don’t have the
egalitarianism of care, or whatever the
How have these approaches played out phrase might be, but we do have a certain
during different epidemics? amount of regulatory structure. Are there
some countries that have both?
A good example of that is what we see on the
part of a more centralized public-health Sure. We are finding that in the European
policy, which is the case of Taiwan. The countries we haven’t seen the major
Taiwanese learned their lessons from SARS, outbreaks that are stemming from this lack of
from the prior major outbreak that we had, regulation, in markets or other kinds of
and, as a result of learning from that, their supply chains. But we also have a more
approach tends to be much quicker. They’re egalitarian set of health systems and public-
much more alert, and they’ve been much health policies there, as well. Of course,
more proactive to this current threat. In fact, different European countries are different,
they introduced a series of measures right but, more or less, in the European Union, you
away when they learned early about the do find countries that have a steep basis of
severity of the respiratory illness that was solidarity and reciprocity and, some would
coming out of the situation in China, and they even say, rights with regard to health care
started immediately inspecting passengers. and health insurance in those countries. And
They started some quarantine measures. they do have a greater effectuation of equity
They sent a team of experts, with permission and equity principles in the health sector and
from the Chinese, to fact-find and understand health policy.
what was going on a little bit better. There
was much more of a command, and a Your book also talks about places that are
controlled set of actions that were not as rich, specifically the Ebola epidemic
introduced, and things were done very, very in Liberia. What did Ebola teach you
quickly. They also used technology, using about these issues that you’re writing
mobile phones to assess people’s locations, about, and specifically about health
and tracking people, and also to report travel disparities?
We’ve learned a number of lessons from the
On the other side, you see the United States, Ebola epidemic. One that I think is very
and some advantages to what we would call important is the recognition of the
regulatory approach. So we are now learning importance of public health and health-care
that some of the origins of the coronavirus systems. We know that, for example, in the
came from wet markets in China. And that’s United States, we actually did have cases of 38
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Ebola, but we didn’t have the extent of the emphasis in the sustainable-development
cases, and we also were able to treat the cases goals on universal health coverage and
effectively. We do have high-quality health universal health insurance. Again, that’s
care in the United States when you have the across the entire health system. It’s not just
ability to purchase it, or if you have a very for a particular disease.
expensive health-insurance plan through
your employer, or other kinds of What is your ultimate vision? It seems like
mechanisms, but mostly employer-related it would be some global health system or
health insurance. set of rights, along the lines of the way a lot
of people talk about universal human
And so having high-quality care is good, and rights, which would be enforced with some
we want that, but we want that for everybody sort of international legal system. What
on an equity-based or justice-based system, would be that vision, and what have you
so we’re able to get people diagnosed and seen so far? Because, obviously, we do
information is shared in a transparent and have the World Health Organization.
factual way.
The World Health Organization is an
We’ve learned that there are a lot of important institution. It’s our main United
misinformation campaigns there. Certainly, Nations-based organization focussed on
there was misinformation being spread in the health. It is a state-based organization, so it
Ebola epidemic, about the way it was spread, gets its authority from the states around the
and what would happen, and who people world. It’s an international organization, and
could and couldn’t be around, and things like so states provide their interests and support
that. through the World Health Assembly and that
kind of a governance structure.
Another set of lessons is in terms of
development assistance for health. We know Unfortunately, the World Health
that there has been a rapid increase over Organization, however, is funded through
decades in the investments in health internal support that is based on particular
worldwide. There has been a lot of money donors and interests, and seventy-five per
going into global health, and going from cent or so is not based on the multilateral
donor countries, either multilaterally or pooling system. So, in other words, the
bilaterally, to countries that have weaker ability to make decisions collectively and to
health systems. The question is: How put resources toward those decisions
effective is that investment? Where is it collectively is about twenty-five per cent of
going? And is it locally owned? Are what the World Health Organization is able
countries able to develop their health systems to do. That severely compromises the
and a horizontal capacity? Not just disease- institution. And what we see is other vested
specific, so not just for tuberculosis, or AIDS, interests and other groups having a lot of
or malaria. Are they able to develop their power and influence through the
health systems and their health policy in a organization in a way that is inconsistent
horizontal capacity, so that they can adjust with global health equity. So an alternative
the resources that they have for any particular approach is looking at global health equity
epidemic that confronts them? That is a very from the perspective of all individuals on the
important part of what we’re learning and planet, over the whole entire seven billion
understanding, and certainly what the book people on the planet, and trying to figure out
addresses. what kind of a structure, privileges, and
conditions that individuals live in, regardless
The last part is the importance of the security of where they are.
piece of it. That’s why we see now a greater 39
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And we advanced two different COVID, CLIMATE & PAKISTAN

infrastructures for that. We advanced the
Global Health Constitution, which is a moral BY: ASHRAF JEHANGIR QAZI
constitution, which is a set of principles of (DAWN)
justice and health that sits above the World
Health Organization. It’s a coördinating
mechanism. It sets global standards and
moral standards for the world, and it puts the
World Health Organization in the context of
all the other different organizations, N.G.O.s,
T HE Covid-19 pandemic is much more
than a passing horror. Official
statistics, especially in developing
countries, are largely meaningless. The
pandemic will potentially kill millions
nation-states, individuals themselves, in this around the world through waves of
collective exercise toward global health. The succeeding pandemics and the secondary
second institution that we advanced is a effects on body and mind over years to come.
Global Institute of Health and Medicine. This Global warming, the greatest existential
institution is an independent organization threat, indirectly influences the emergence of
that is scientifically based, and the reason pandemics and renders “once in a century”
that we need an institution like that is exactly natural disasters much more frequent.
relevant for the current situation: we need a
global master plan of public health. We need Vijay Kolinjivadi, of the University of
to figure out what the major public-health Antwerp, says both Covid-19 and climate
threats are. And, by the way, emerging and emergencies “have their roots in the world’s
zoonotic diseases are some of the most recent current economic model — that of the pursuit
public-health threats. of infinite economic growth at the expense of
the environment”. According to him: “the
What have you made specifically of the insatiable greed of corporate capitalism for
W.H.O. response to the coronavirus? natural resources has forced humans to
encroach on various natural habitats and
I think that what we’ve seen is that there’s expose themselves to yet unknown
been a significant underinvestment globally pathogens”. The biologist, Rob Wallace, in
in what we have seen from the latest his book, Big Farms Make Big Flu, says:
emerging threats. They’re coming from “this created the perfect environment for the
animals. And we know that. We’ve got mutation and emergence of new diseases”.
SARS, coronavirus, Ebola. And yet we’re
underinvesting in the science toward Covid-19 and its succeeding pandemics are
understanding what diseases are prevalent in likely to occur with shorter and shorter
animals, the scientific basis for the intervals between them. This will fatally
development of treatments and vaccines, and distract and disable states and societies from
the coördination across different countries addressing the existential challenge of global
toward those endeavors. We do have some warming. Likewise, irreversible global
investment in it. We have some investment warming, which is on course to set in around
globally. We have some investments, for 2030 — unless a global revolution of peace
example, in the United States. We have a and cooperation intervenes — will similarly
whole unit on that at the C.D.C. But we need render states and societies incapable of
to recognize, now more than ever, given this addressing any serious challenge, including
latest pandemic, that this is a major area for further waves of Covid-19 or other global
investment going forward. pandemics.

Covid-19 and climate change may appear to

have contrary impacts on the environment. 40
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The pandemic could lead to economic and best bring about piecemeal improvements,
industrial collapse, thereby drastically but never the systemic structural change
reducing carbon emissions, which would required for survival.
temporarily allow the global environment to
slowly recover from its current trend towards Since the departure of Pakistan’s founding
irreversible disaster. Climate change, on the father, no government — whether
contrary, if not quickly and significantly constitutional or unconstitutional, civilian or
checked, will compel humankind to cope military, elected or unelected, predominantly
with ever-increasing global warming and its religious or secular, rhetorically progressive
several lethal consequences. Ordered human or conservative, headed by competent or
society will not survive much beyond the incompetent leadership — has been an
current century. exception to the elitist class warfare structure
of Pakistani governance. The powers that be
So, Covid-19 and ensuing pandemics on the are prisoners of their own class interests.
one hand, and climate change and its direct They are also morally challenged. They have
and indirect lethal derivatives on the other, neither the time or interest nor the courage of
are actually working in tandem to soon their stated convictions in order to listen,
destroy human civilisation. Unless, of engage, learn and improve.
course, we assume the current pandemic will
be effectively contained over the next year or Noam Chomsky rightly observes that
so; it will not be followed by secondary Corporate America supports both socialism
morbidity effects and succeeding waves of and the welfare state, but only for itself, not
pandemics; the fortuitously improved for the people. The US government’s
environment caused by industrial collapse massive coronavirus relief package for the
and dramatically decreased carbon emissions more vulnerable victims of the pandemic is
will be sustained during the economic in fact a multi-trillion dollar bailout for
recovery after Covid-19; and a global Corporate America. American working
political epiphany will guide the world classes who comprise most of the victims of
towards a comprehensive ‘green new deal’ the pandemic are expected to be “rugged
which would transform national policies, individualists” who need little or no help
including foreign policies. India-Pakistan from the government. Corporate America
relations, including a Kashmir settlement, and its minions around the world have
will need to fit the paradigm. Possible? systematically sought to dismantle, disable
or limit public healthcare systems. Biden’s
These are ‘heroic assumptions’ for which one victory over Sanders is emblematic of the
may pray and hope. But for the time being, near impossibility of economic and political
there is insufficient factual basis to make reform in the US.
them realistic expectations. This is because
of (a) the nature of the overt and covert Dependent elites in most countries, including
corporate/military dominance over Pakistan, follow similar paths, even when
governance in much of the world and (b) the their leaders proclaim themselves socialists
corporate capitalist economic model that or supporters of the welfare state and
prioritises the interests of not even 0.01 per champions of the poor. Bhutto’s cover was
cent of the world’s population. In Pakistan, Islamic socialism. Today we refer to Medina.
ruthless and unending high-level corruption The pattern of budgetary allocations remains
is on daily display, including the current unchanged.
sugar and wheat scandal. This is a classic
instance of elite governance through class Accordingly, the underclass will die in
warfare. In such circumstances, merely proportionately larger numbers than the
honest and well-intentioned leaders may at middle and upper classes from Covid-19. 41
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

The people of Pakistan are not in this THE CORONAVIRUS

pandemic together. They are in it as
unequally as they were before, and as they OUTBREAK MAY HURT IMRAN
will be afterwards. Climate catastrophe, KHAN’S POLITICAL FUTURE
being far more insidious and overwhelming,
will be more egalitarian in its human BY: TOM HUSSAIN (AL-
devastation. The only way out of this fatal JAZEERA)
morass is a comprehensive transformation of
state and society.

This cannot come about within the structures

that have governed Pakistan. Saving Pakistan
will require the dismantling of such
structures, which can only happen if there is
a family of people-based movements both
P opulous Pakistan has not yet made the
grim headlines spawned by the global
inside and beyond Pakistan. Otherwise, the
world will end, in the words of T.S. Eliot, coronavirus pandemic, despite reporting its
“not with a bang but a whimper”. first infections on February 26.

Antonio Gramsci stressed the need for civil Sadly, in the weeks to come, it will. The
society to be intellectually pessimistic, but number of infections is projected to spiral
with a will that is optimistic. Otherwise, as into the millions. And as the death toll
Thucydides would say: “the strong will mounts, the blame for the government's
continue to do what they can, and the weak failure to learn from the mass outbreaks in
shall continue to suffer what they must”. neighbouring China and Iran will fall
Until, at last, the curtain finally drops. squarely on the government and Prime
Minister Imran Khan, whose reluctance to
act decisively may cost him dearly.

Initially, its response to the brewing crisis

was lackadaisical. Responding to criticism in
his first televised speech on March 17, Khan
said his government had been monitoring the
pandemic since January, but did not begin
emergency consultations until the first
cluster of infections was identified on March

Notably, this discovery by the opposition-

controlled Sindh provincial government
exposed the failure of the federal authorities
to properly screen and quarantine thousands
of pilgrims returning from Iran.

Had Sindh's Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah

not taken the initiative to start testing
returnees upon learning of the first infections
in the provincial capital Karachi, the
metropolis of 18 million souls would have
become another Wuhan, and health 42
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authorities in other provinces would not have moves by the Sindh government to enforce a
been alerted to the infectiousness of the province-wide shutdown, thereby stymying
pilgrims. any matching measures in the other
provinces, where his Pakistan Tehreek-e-
However, when Khan addressed the subject, Insaf party and their allies hold power.
he was absurdly fatalistic. The spread of the
coronavirus was inevitable, he said, but there The resultant leadership vacuum was
was no need to panic because for the exploited by populist clerics, whose refusal
majority, the disease would feel like mild flu. to cancel congregational prayers last Friday
He ruled out a nationwide shutdown to and other religious gatherings planted viral
contain the virus, saying Pakistan's poor were time bombs which began to detonate across
dependent on daily incomes and would the country, setting Pakistan on the path to a
starve. massive outbreak.

This deprived the country of a clear sense of Again, Khan took to the airwaves on March
direction. The federal government and 31, amid expectations that he would finally
provincial authorities - even those ruled by grab the bull by the horns. Instead, the prime
Khan's PTI party - each reacted differently. minister insisted that Pakistan's youthful
Sindh moved steadily towards a shutdown, demographic would save it from the fate of
while others enacted piecemeal measures other infected countries, and questioned the
like school closures and shortened shopping effectiveness of a lockdown.
hours. There was no nationwide effort to
urgently equip hospitals and front-line The military had had enough. Another video
healthcare providers. There was not even a conference of federal and provincial leaders
clear, mass messaging campaign launched by was held on April 1 with army chief of staff
the authorities. General Qamar Javed Bajwa attending in
combat fatigues, rather than usual dress
Pakistan's powerful military was left with no uniform. In the official video of the event, he
option but to make its presence publicly felt. silently frowned at the federal cabinet.
On March 23, Pakistan's national day, chief
spokesman Major General Babar Iftikhar Afterwards, Planning Minister Asad Umar,
announced troops would be deployed across rather than Khan, announced that the varying
the country in response to calls for assistance restrictions on public movement introduced
from the provincial authorities. by the federal and provincial authorities in
the second half of March would be extended
This was a clear signal that the establishment until April 14, and the military announced
was losing patience with Khan's refusal to that Lieutenant General Hamood Khan will
provide responsible leadership when the be in charge of its command and control
country most needed it. At a press conference apparatus would oversee the state's response
on March 24, several TV anchors humiliated to the pandemic.
the prime minister.
The ramifications of the all-powerful
Instead of accepting the counsel of the military's intervention could be dire for
military, which helped usher his government Khan's administration, once Pakistan has
into power in August 2018, Khan responded overcome the pandemic. Tired of the
to criticism with obstinacy. government's poor governance, in particular
its mishandling of the economy, the military
Addressing a video conference of reportedly reached out to opposition party
parliamentary party leaders called by the leaders last autumn. An increasingly public
opposition on March 25, Khan opposed conversation among opposition politicians 43
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on how to go about removing Khan has Then, as now, globalisation was the main
ensued, fuelled by the subsequent release driver behind the spread of such pandemics.
from jail of ailing former Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif on medical grounds. In the third century AD, a terrible plague
went through the Roman Empire, like a hot
Since then, the Pakistani news media has knife through butter. According to
been rife with speculation about the contemporary accounts, the plague, akin to
longevity of Khan's administration. Until the Ebola, caused the bowels to melt; blood to
coronavirus spread from Iran, eminent ooze from the eyes; and feet to rot away.
analysts generally felt that Bajwa was Among this frightful carnage, the Roman
prepared to give Khan time to improve his Empire collapsed into anarchy.
government's performance.
Article continues after ad
That view has shifted markedly since the
military was forced by Khan's ineptitude to Once it had recovered and moved its capital
take control of Pakistan's emergency to Constantinople, it fell once more to
response to the pandemic. Veteran Urdu another epidemic that began its westward
language columnist Suhail Warraich, one of journey from China. In many iterations of the
a handful of analysts renowned for accurately bubonic plague, bacteria would hitch a ride
predicting the demise of governments, on with lice that rode on rats travelling on board
Monday wrote that Khan has until June to get ships sailing to the West.
his administration's act together and mend
fences with the opposition, failing which, Corpses would rot in the streets.
violent political change may follow.
In Alexandria, they would be filled with
That "message" should be viewed as a grain imported by Constantinople. Here, the
warning that the military is in no mood to cargo would be sold across Europe where the
shoulder the blame for Khan's shortcomings. bacteria would cause epidemics of plague
With Pakistan's very future at stake, the that killed hundreds of thousands. Corpses
trajectory of the pandemic and his political would rot in the streets, and aristocrats and
career may well prove inseparable.. peasants alike would be struck down.

ANCIENT PLAGUES Millions suffered grievously from the

Justinian plague that visited Byzantium in the
BY: IRFAN HUSSAIN (DAWN) sixth and seventh centuries. Historians
speculate that the mass deaths that occurred

S we endure the coronavirus, with all in East Europe and the Middle East in that era
its suffering, discomfort and death, tilted the balance of power towards North
we would do well to reflect on other Europe when Slavic invasions into the
times, other plagues. Balkans and Greece, the Lombardic
incursions into Italy, and the Berber
In other words, there have been far worse invasions of Byzantium weakened the
pandemics over the centuries. Some of them existing world order.
devastated civilisations, and brought cities,
tribes and nations to their knees. In Arab lands, some 25,000 Muslim soldiers
died in the plague of ’Amwas. In a familiar
Just as Covid-19 recognises no social refrain, the suffering of the Muslims was
boundaries, so, too, did ancient plagues cross ascribed to moral laxity. According to the
physical and political borders with ease. clergy, the plague struck because people
there drank alcohol. Since before that period, 44
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man-made and natural disasters have been addition to the long list of diseases that keeps
blamed on similar human failings. To this doctors and researchers busy.
day, our clerics blame all kinds of
misfortunes on our deviation from holy laws. It is our response to Covid-19 that sets it
apart from other pandemics. The self-
And lest we think Covid-19 is the nastiest isolation and social distancing put into place
epidemic mankind has encountered, consider means that most people are cut off from jobs,
the Black Death that wreaked havoc across businesses and personal relationships. This is
Europe in the mid-14th century. Started by playing havoc with the economy and our
12 ships that docked in Sicily in 1347, it was society. In England, there are already
ultimately responsible for claiming 75m to rumblings of rebellion.
125m lives in Europe and North Africa. This
represented 30 per cent to 60pc of the There is also the larger question of how to put
population of 475m. It took 200 years to society and the economy together again after
recover these numbers. the pandemic is over. Modes of production
and communication have already undergone
So when we speak of some thousands of lives profound changes, and we do not yet know if
lost, the truth is that this number is peanuts they can be restored to their pre-coronavirus
when compared with the major plagues shape again.
mankind has lived through in the past. In the
19th century, a plague swept out of Yunnan As usual, it is the poor who are suffering the
in China (again!) that may have caused over most, especially in the Third World. Without
10m deaths. A million of these took place in clean water to wash their hands, they are
India, hitting the port cities of Mumbai, more prone to catch the virus, and less likely
Kolkata and Karachi. to get proper treatment. Covid-19 thus
exposes the deep fractures in society.
In those days, vaccines had just made a
tentative appearance. Crowded shanty towns
encouraged the rapid spread of the disease,
while the lack of sewage and basic hygiene
made large communities highly vulnerable.
And nor was ‘social distancing’ considered
feasible in densely packed neighbourhoods.

Today, despite the huge advances we have

made in medical science, we continue to get
hit by pandemics time and again (MERS,
Ebola, etc). In fact, influenza is a type of
virus-borne disease not unlike Covid-19. The
latter is more lethal, of course, but the former
takes over 2m lives a year. Both can lead to
pneumonia and death.

When AIDS first appeared on the scene in the

1980s, the godly decided that it was a disease
that usually struck gay men, and was thus
divine punishment aimed at homosexuals.
Now, after years of experimentation, a cure
has been found, and AIDS is just another 45
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AFGHANISTAN NEEDS A military withdrawal, and lead the intra-

Afghan dialogue with the Taliban.
RECONCILIATION That did not happen. Ghani's reelection
remains clouded in controversy, surrounded
BY: TABISH FAROUGH (AL- by doubts at the impartiality of the electoral
JAZEERA) commissions. The election conundrum
continues to undermine the peace process.

So what is the solution?

everal weeks after the historic United
States-Taliban agreement in Doha, the
The way to bring these two processes
situation in Afghanistan seems more together is to create a Government of
intractable than at any time in the last 19
National Reconciliation (GNR) with, ideally,
years. Contrary to the promises, the war Ghani responsible for governance and
continues while the hope for peace is
Abdullah for the peace and reconciliation
slimming. efforts. The GNR would be fundamentally
different from the National Unity
Disappointed in the Afghan leadership, US Government (NUG) which has run
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slashed Afghanistan for the past five years.
$1bn in aid to the country after he failed to
broker a power-sharing deal between Unlike the NUG, which had a reform agenda,
political rivals incumbent President Ashraf
the mandate of the GNR would be to focus
Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah on negotiations with the Taliban to reach
Abdullah. Both declared themselves
a political settlement on the modalities of the
president after presidential election results Taliban's participation in power and the type
were announced and simultaneously held
of future Afghan state. Its executive and
inauguration ceremonies on March 9. administrative scope would be
circumscribed, lessening the opportunities
In Washington, the opportunity to finally end for the president to abuse or centralise power.
the US's longest war outweighs any criticism
about the confusing parameters of the deal. This could be done by introducing an
In Kabul, some significant players, including
executive prime minister whose defined and
Ghani, are only reluctantly cooperating with meaningful set of authorities could provide
Zalmay Khalilzad, the US peace envoy, who
checks on the unrestrained king-style
is pushing to convene the intra-Afghan authorities of the office of president.
dialogue as soon as possible, now that the
agreement's March 10 deadline has passed.
The GNR's goal would essentially be to
negotiate itself out of existence, not serve
The initial political resistance to the Doha five years. The current parliament could
accords, including Ghani's decision not to continue to sit and debate, and this could
release 5,000 Taliban prisoners or to name a even be helpful if its members took their
negotiating team, indicates that reconciling representation role more seriously, but they
the conflicting interests of the Afghan would have little practical impact on the
players will not be easy. Optimistic work of the GNR beyond confirming
policymakers hoped that Afghanistan's ministers. This is not so different from their
September 2019 presidential election would current weak role.
deliver a legitimate president who could
unify the nation around peace, ease the US
The Afghan political class would likely resist
this reduction of their prerogatives, but in the 46
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end, the government is almost entirely focus on a future Afghanistan that involves
dependent on the international community, the reconcilable Taliban, but is not
which funds two-thirds of the budget. A dominated by them. As intra-Afghan
coordinated donor effort to only fund negotiations begin, the Taliban may even
essential functions of the government while consider joining the GNR.
negotiations proceed would reduce the
possibilities of corruption and force Afghan International impatience is driven by fatigue
government officials to focus on the peace but also by a sense of frustration that its
process. resources have been squandered on
subsidising the squabbles of Afghan elites.
The defence and interior ministries and the Their past corruption has paradoxically given
security agencies, still backed by Operation them a great deal to lose. The international
Resolute Support, as well as the finance community should not give them further
ministry, would need to continue, but if there opportunities for self-enrichment without
is a ceasefire even their role would become responsibility.
less important.
They must make way for the next generation
The GNR would have as its priority naming to negotiate a long-lasting political
a representative team, which would ideally settlement with the Taliban. The
be comprised of younger, more politically international community should use its
astute Afghans who have a stake in the power of incentives to ensure that this is the
political future of the country, to negotiate only way forward.
with the Taliban's existing team. It could also
name an authoritative national reconciliation FORCED CONVERSIONS
council to set the broad parameters of the
government's position. The president could BY: SULEMA JAHANGIR
be part of this council or even chair it, but his (DAWN)
role should be to shape consensus, not dictate
to it.

VER the years, the laws applicable to
the rights of religious minorities in
Within this broad structural conception, Pakistan have shifted from being
many details would have to be worked out. neutral to blatantly discriminatory — from
The record of Afghan elites in finding electoral laws, family laws, law on evidence,
consensus or even thinking of the long term Hudood laws, redistribution of income
is hardly positive. But this proposal would through Zakat and Ushr, trust and evacuee
structure incentives in a way that is more property laws, domicile and nationality, to
conducive to consensus than the questionable offences against religion.
election of a weak president who has divided
the political elite. Things have moved far The discrimination against women belonging
beyond the realm of ideal outcomes. Too to religious minority groups is worse; they
many opportunities have been squandered become victims of rape, abduction, forced
and we are now in the realm of last chances. marriage and forced conversion. That it is
largely underage girls who are ‘converting’
The growing desire of the international to Islam speaks volumes of the vulnerability
community to remove troops from of the converts, and the motivation of those
Afghanistan should focus minds. behind the conversion.
Diminishing the importance and rent value of
ministries and other executive positions Twice the Sindh government attempted to
should reduce infighting. The expected short outlaw forced conversions and marriages,
life of the government itself should sharpen 47
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including laying guidelines for the court subordinates to convert amounts to coercion,
process in the Protection of Minorities Bill, which should be outlawed. The fact that the
placing an age limit of 18 years upon default legal system in Pakistan is
conversions and enabling better due process. discriminatory, particularly towards women
In 2016, the bill was unanimously passed by from religious minorities, coupled with the
the Sindh Assembly, but religious parties clout and resources of those preying upon
objected to an age limit for conversions, and them, implies coercion and urgently requires
threatened to besiege the assembly if the bill positive legislation to safeguard vulnerable
received approval of the governor, who then citizens.
refused to sign the bill into law.
Further, once the women convert, there is no
In 2019, a revised version was introduced, going back, as apostasy would mean a death
but religious parties protested once again. A sentence. In many cases, women are also told
sit-in was organised by Pir Mian Abdul that their families are ‘kafirs’ and they cannot
Khaliq (Mian Mithu), a political and meet them. This impedes their access to
religious leader and a central character in justice as they remain in the clutches of
many cases of forced conversions of powerful men. No one hears from these
underage Hindu girls in Sindh. He and his women directly after they ‘elope’. Reena and
group claim the girls are not forced, but fall Raveena’s parents are right to question why
in love with Muslim men and convert they suddenly decided to marry men who
willingly. In March 2019, nearly 2,000 already had wives and children.
Hindus staged a sit-in to demand justice for
two sisters, Reena and Raveena, who they The Peoples Commission for Minorities’
claimed were forcibly converted and Rights and the Centre for Social Justice
married. The Islamabad High Court ruled the compiled the data of 156 incidents of forced
girls had willingly converted and married the conversions which took place between 2013
men. Herein lies the contention. While there and 2019. A vast majority of the girls are
are a large number of cases of forced minors, with numerous cases of girls as
conversions and marriages, there are also young as 12 years old. Religious groups
cases where vulnerable young women are oppose a minimum age for conversion or
preyed upon by influential men who entice marriage on the basis that this is not
them to convert and marry. To what extent sanctioned by Islam. Since Sindh has
can the law differentiate coercion from outlawed the marriage of girls under 18,
peaceful persuasion, and could enticement underage girls are taken to Punjab in some
without the threat of violence become cases, where they are married.
Sexual intercourse with a girl below the age
Pakistan is a signatory to the Universal of 16 is statutory rape and carries a death
Declaration of Human Rights which states sentence, or a minimum sentence of 10 years’
that the right to freedom of religion includes imprisonment. There is no defence. Yet in
the right to change one’s religion and that no some cases, the production of a conversion
one shall be subject to coercion to change certificate and a nikahnama influences law
their religion. The European Court of Human enforcement to pardon the abductors.
Rights has given some guidance regarding
the distinction between permissible religious Pakistan has failed to comply with its
persuasion, on the one hand, and coercion on international obligations to protect non-
the other. Muslim women and girls from exploitation
by powerful groups and criminal elements.
According to case law, exploiting a position Even worse is the psychological impact on
of power to entice vulnerable people or families of minorities who worry when their 48
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daughters venture out, and the culture of people’s investments will become collateral
intolerance that is promoted when leaders damage.
like Mian Mithu celebrate another
‘conversion’ and marriage as a victory for the Pakistan’s story is no different. Already a
Muslim faith in the local community. It sends very shaky equity market was running more
a chilling message to our most vulnerable on political news than market fundamentals
people — that their girls are not safe. when the coronavirus broke out. Now it’s
proving near impossible to slow the slide, so
to speak. And the uncertainty and necessity
of reducing rates have combined to kick a lot
of hot money out of the system as well;
making the reserves situation that much more
vulnerable just as the money was needed
more than ever. It doesn’t help at all that our
economy has now almost completely tanked
and will only stay afloat if we keep getting
exogenous injections of money for a long
time to come.

It is important to note that as long as

fundamentals remain strained, there’s even
more need to play up sentiment. Perhaps the
media can play a bigger role and try and at
least make sure that uncertainty and panic do
not spread as fast and far as the virus itself.
SECURING ALL IMPORTANT There is precious little news, all over the
FRONTS world, about efforts to develop vaccines and
just what sort of progress has been made. If,
(DAILY TIMES EDITORIAL) according to international bodies, a number
of vaccines are now being studied very
seriously, there could well be some hope in
the near future. Such change in sentiment is

s countries struggle to limit the
spread of the coronavirus physically, just what is needed to lift the mood of the
they are facing an even harder time market as well. Economies will have to
one securing the economic and financial function smoothly if the war against the
frontiers of the world. International financial coronavirus is to be won. Unless there is
markets have been falling since the virus enough liquidity for economies to survive
erupted a few months ago. And while the these extended lockdowns, the entire
market can ultimately deal even with the international system can come down like a
worst bits of news, it struggles to price in house of cards. And the virus would still be
uncertainty and panic, therefore it quickly spreading. All important fronts must be
heads south in times just like the present. safeguarded; the economy being very high up
Little surprise, then, that tens of trillions of the priority list.
dollars have virtually disappeared from
trading floors and platforms across the world.
There’s also the added problem that there’s
no way of predicting an end to the pandemic.
And the longer it lasts, the more uncertainty
will grip the global economy, and the more 49
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WHERE ARE THE EXPERTS Many literally sleep on the streets. How they
would respond is apparent from what
BY: ANJUM ALTAF happened in India, something policymakers
(DAWN) were either oblivious to or not bothered

H OW one wishes there was a team of

competent modellers in Pakistan
who could present the worst-case
(do-nothing) scenario, the most likely
response given the existing state of affairs,
Given all such unique conditions, what does
a lockdown, which can be leaky, yield? What
does social distancing mean when two-thirds
of the urban population lives in houses with
and the best-case outcome if appropriate six to eight persons per room? How does
measures were put in place. personal hygiene work when there are people
who cannot afford soap and do not have
I say this after the model run by London’s access to more than two cans of clean water?
Imperial College became decisive in The modellers would have to cater to all
drastically changing public policy in the UK. these peculiarities before they could give us
Unfortunately, it is not the case, one to which any sense of what to expect in Pakistan.
we are addicted, that a foreign model can be
imported and run here to determine our In addition, it is just not enough to run a
choice of public policies. Too many model once. It needs continuous recalibration
parameters are different and would need to based on cumulative data. Is April really
be normalised to our circumstances. going to be the cruellest month — Italy with
a lag — or is something actually going on
Take the most obvious one first. The degree that is different, with infections, however
of compliance with directives is much lower flawed their measurement, growing
here than in the UK — I walked past a exponentially, while deaths, much harder to
padlocked park where the ground staff were hide, showing a flatter trend?
huddled together under one canopy sharing a
cigarette. Citizens do not trust the Right now, we are not even clear about the
government for any number of reasons. If primary objective of our policy. Is it to
asked to be tested, their first tendency is to minimise the number of deaths at any cost —
run as far away as possible for fear of what in which case, a model made by
might be done to them. This trust deficit now epidemiologists, virologists and behavioral
runs so deep in our society that no one takes scientists might be enough? Or is it to
anything at face value. Add to that the many minimise the number of deaths at least cost,
who consider themselves answerable to an in which case, public health models need to
authority higher than that of the state and be complemented by ones that match each
wish to pray together at any cost. scenario with estimates of the accompanying
socioeconomic impact?
The age pyramids of the two populations are
entirely dissimilar, making a huge difference This trade-off is not as simple as it seems
in expected mortality risks. Then there is the because of complex interrelationships —
specificity of the labour force. There are saving the old from infection can mean
virtually no footloose workers in London; sacrificing the young to starvation. We have
there were many migrants in Wuhan, but they heard from the government that 25 per cent
were adequately housed and in no need to of households cannot afford two full meals a
flee home — in any case, they would not dare day. There are certainly just as many who can
disobey state directives. Here, millions work barely achieve that luxury, which
in cities, while their families are in villages. immediately raises the question: how long
can a lockdown be sustained in these 50
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circumstances before more people die from together — not just for this emergency, but
lack of food than from an infection? Already, for the continuous surveillance of all
there are reports of societal fracture with infectious diseases. And there are many that
people pushed to begging and stealing. still plague this country.

Once again, this suggests that a Wuhan-type The huge number of preventable deaths in
lockdown, no matter how desirable, might Pakistan at which no one bats an eyelid is a
not be the affordable choice for Lahore or damning disgrace for which our governments
Delhi, and better adapted solutions might be are accountable. The ongoing tragedy should
called for. Given that, unlike the flu, corona sensitise us that we cannot sustain much-
infections are concentrated in clusters, the needed lockdowns because of the conditions
experts might suggest selective lockdowns of in which the majority is condemned to live.
hotspots like Raiwind and Bara Kahu. The at- The injustice cannot be tolerated any longer.
risk elderly might, on request, be protected in
empty hostels, instead of crippling mobility
across entire cities. To mitigate the
incremental risk, the experts might stress
universal use, through free distribution, of
masks whose production can generate
employment while being decentralised.

In any case, a lockdown is not a solution

because the virus does not disappear. It only
buys time in which other necessary measures
need to be put in place. If they are not, the
virus would spread again once the lockdown
is relaxed and probably wreak worse havoc
on a desperately stressed and famished
population with depleted resistance. These
other measures include extensive free testing,
identifying hotspots, rigorous tracking,
isolation, and quarantine. Experts in GPS
techniques and information retrieval could
help in guiding these tasks. HOW TO SAVE GLOBAL
This is a truly unique situation in which no
one really has all the answers. The last thing (FOREIGN POLICY)
we need is for everyone to turn into an expert

and start doing what appeals to their guts. s new technologies integrate markets
Like gynaecology or oncology — in which across the world, making them more
no one would allow laypersons to interfere competitive and more demanding,
— public health and systems analysis also small manufacturing towns in industrial
have their own specialists. We owe it to the countries are bearing the brunt of the
people to get the best scientific advice resulting economic disruption. They have
possible and tackle this crisis in a way that been devastated as big employers move
makes sense in our country. factories overseas or automate operations
and reduce workforces. While this trend
There is no reason that local institutions with started decades ago, the volume and speed of
relevant expertise, like AKUH, Lums, ITU expansion of Chinese manufacturing and
and Nust, cannot put a team of experts 51
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exports in the past 20 years have significantly need 260,000 new immigrants per year to
accelerated the process. meet its labor needs.

Historically, markets have created new jobs Aging countries will also need to export
as they destroyed old ones. Unfortunately, goods and services to younger populations
the new jobs today are typically emerging in elsewhere as their domestic demand shrinks.
the service sectors of flourishing megacities Allowing trade relationships to deteriorate,
like London and New York, not in the small as some politicians advocate, is a form of
single-employer-dominated manufacturing self-harm whose effects will be even more
towns where job losses have been most acute. pronounced in the future. And imposing bans
And even among these jobs, the ones paying on foreign corporations will lead to the
good salaries require higher education or dismantling of global supply chains, making
cutting-edge skills. Naturally, those who products costlier everywhere.
have slipped from comfortable middle-class
employment into the ranks of the precariat Locals typically know far more about what
are angry, focusing their ire on an economic needs to be fixed—and they must be
system they think has pummeled them empowered to help their communities pull
unfairly. themselves up.

In response, politicians across the political Even as countries turn inward, the ongoing
spectrum have proposed barriers to coronavirus pandemic and the very visible
immigration, trade, and even doing business signs that climate change has arrived suggest
with certain foreign companies. A clamor for the world will require global cooperation to a
deglobalization seems to have begun. And as degree it has never seen before. The further
a result, the world is becoming less open. Yet closing of the world would make this kind of
none of these responses will help against the cooperation virtually impossible.
inexorable march of automation. Fortunately, there are ways to restore faith in
the liberal open market system that has
Indeed, technologies already exist to replace brought the world so much prosperity—and
even the low-skill service jobs that have many of the answers lie in reviving the very
emerged in urban areas, such as driving for communities that have suffered under
Uber or putting together packages for modern globalization.
Amazon with an earpiece telling you which
shelf to go to next. Border walls do little Left-behind communities face a Catch-22.
when they are being undermined from the New jobs do not come to these areas because
inside. people do not have the required skills—and
there is widespread poverty, substance abuse,
Moreover, aging industrial countries will and sometimes crime. Continuing economic
need immigrants to supplement the shrinking devastation means these areas lack good
workforce and to help pay for retiree local schools and training institutions that
entitlements. At present, there are three could help people get skills. These
workers in Germany for every person over communities therefore need to work on a
the age of 65. By 2035, the ratio will be 1-to- variety of fronts to revive themselves. Top-
1, according to a 2018 study by the down solutions devised in remote capitals do
Bertelsmann Foundation. Without reforms, little, however, to tackle the impediments to
spending on older people will push the economic and social recovery. Locals
country’s public debt to over 200 percent of typically know far more about what needs to
GDP by 2060. The foundation also found in be fixed—and they must be empowered to
a separate study in 2019 that Germany will help their communities pull themselves up. 52
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Technological change is disruptive, not just necessity if new jobs are to be attracted to the
because it has destroyed old jobs but because community or if the workers are to find jobs
it alters significantly the capabilities needed elsewhere.
for new ones. A high school diploma is no
longer enough for a good job. Advanced A declining community is unable to support
training in science, technology, engineering, local institutions like schools and community
math, or highly developed interpersonal colleges. This is not just because of a
skills have become necessary to succeed in shrinking tax base but because parents in
today’s world. stressed families cannot provide their
children with a good learning environment at
In her book Janesville: An American Story, home, let alone help out in school activities,
Amy Goldstein describes how some of the while the few distressed firms left in the
workers laid off when the General Motors community have little ability to provide
plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, closed in 2009 mentorship, financial support, or
did not even know how to use computers. apprenticeships to students attending
These workers clearly needed an enormous community colleges.
amount of retraining to get similarly
compensated jobs elsewhere. Older As institutions deteriorate in quality, they
unemployed workers, held back by their cannot help unemployed workers retool—a
more dated knowledge and tied down by necessity if new jobs are to be attracted to the
family obligations, have always found it community or if the workers are to find jobs
difficult to retool. Even younger workers find elsewhere. Worse, without good schools,
it difficult to upskill when the entire basis of children have bleak prospects in a world
economic activity disappears from their where education has become so important.
communities. Local institutions that can People who have the means to go leave for
impart these skills are also dragged down as thriving areas elsewhere, taking their
a community experiences job losses: children with them. This secession of the
Unemployment is just the beginning of a successful leaves the rest further mired in
vicious cycle of decline. poverty and unemployment.

In a 2017 study of areas in the United States A similar exodus has occurred in northern
that suffered large trade-related England, eastern Germany, and parts of
unemployment, primarily in states in the Spain—places that once had an industrial
Midwest and Southeast, the economists base centered on small towns.
David Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon
Hanson found that as economic opportunity Workers in stressed communities could, in
declines, social disintegration increases. theory,
Unemployed workers are unattractive long- move to richer cities to retrain and get good
term partners; consequently, there are fewer jobs. The reason many do not is because
marriages, more divorces, and more single- those places are expensive to live in and
parent families. Broken families, congestion is making them costlier (and
hopelessness, loneliness, and the associated environmentally less viable). Going back to
despair often lead to alcoholism and drugs school is challenging in the best of
and sometimes crime. The opioid crisis was environments. In addition, if a worker has to
not caused solely by greedy doctors eager to move for a few years to an expensive city to
overprescribe; economic decline contributed, get that schooling, earning no income while
too. supporting a family, it becomes more
daunting still. So, many workers seem to
As institutions deteriorate in quality, they cling on to nearby and progressively less
cannot help unemployed workers retool—a well-paid manufacturing jobs as long as they 53
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can. And when there are no jobs available, communities more directly. However, such
they drop out of the labor force entirely. centrally determined proposals can flounder
on the hard-to-map shoals of local
In the past, the United States was famous for conditions.
easy mobility. “Go west, young man,” the
New-York Tribune editor Horace Greeley Amazon’s decision to build a second
supposedly exhorted when the West was still headquarters across the river from midtown
unsettled. Later, the Great Migration of Manhattan in Long Island City, Queens,
African Americans out of the South between promising 25,000 jobs paying an annual
the 1910s and 1960s, and its more moderate average salary of at least $150,000, seemed
reversal after the civil rights movement, the ideal outcome of such tax incentives. Yet
attested to the continuing importance of local politicians rejected it. Too few in the
mobility in improving the lives of community may have had the skills to get the
Americans. Most recently, mobility has been jobs, and the influx of skilled outsiders could
in decline. Census data suggests that even as have raised rents and property taxes, pushing
late as 2000, 1 in 10 Americans made a out longtime residents. Clearly, a proposal
significant move (out of their county) over better tailored to the community’s needs
the previous five years. By 2010, only 1 in 15 could have persuaded it, but because the
were doing so. decision was negotiated by high-ranking
company and city officials without really
Ambitious progressive solutions—for taking the community into confidence, these
example, free college education for all—are alternatives were left unexplored.
expensive and largely ineffective in helping Community leaders could only protest
people in these left-behind places. How do against the decision, not shape it.
you get into college when you are competing
with middle-class kids who went to good At one level, this is not surprising. As
public schools in prosperous cities? And markets have integrated, first spanning
even if you are accepted, how do you benefit regions, then countries, and then the world,
from college when your schooling has been the power to make decisions has also moved
grossly inadequate? Even today, far too steadily away from local political entities and
many students drop out of college, not just toward national and international structures.
because of the high fees but because they are Take, for instance, support for the
unprepared for it. unemployed. In many industrial countries in
the 19th century, this used to be provided by
In a world with limited mobility, policies the local parish. Community solidarity,
ought to be directed at reversing these coupled with local knowledge and
vicious cycles, resurrecting communities information, made it work—the community
wherever possible so that there are more jobs helped families that had fallen on hard times.
there and capability-
creating institutions like schools and However, as markets became more
community colleges thrive again. integrated and recessions became deeper and
Fortunately, technological change, which more long-lasting, communities were
created the imbalances in the first place, can overwhelmed. Only regional or national
be instrumental in the resurrection, helping to governments had the resources to provide
build a more sustainable capitalism. support. Naturally, if they were called on to
provide support periodically, they wanted the
Location-based policies such as the U.S. power to set the rules and even take over the
government’s “opportunity zone” tax entire function. Today, across the industrial
incentives for job-creating investment world, unemployment insurance is typically
attempt to address the problem of stressed provided by the central or regional 54
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government, with local community-based entire globe, arguing that there would
support, including from churches and otherwise be a regulatory race to the bottom.
charities, kicking in only when official
support is exhausted. The recently negotiated United States-
Mexico-Canada Agreement (the successor to
Similarly, as interregional trade increased the North American Free Trade Agreement)
within a country, firms pressed for seamless mandates that Mexico ensure internet
regional borders and common national companies are not liable for content their
regulation and taxation—after all, a financial users post even though this is still being
firm will find it harder to manage if each democratically debated in the United States.
locality it operates in regulates Top-down imposition is even more common
compensation, liquidity, and minimum within countries. If a regional or national
capital differently, while an automaker government supplements a community’s
would want common nationwide emission resources, its administrators want to impose
requirements. standards so that their support is not wasted.
Yet these often leave little agency for
Through much of the 20th century, the community members and are insensitive to
governments of industrial countries community views or needs. The desire to
centralized power. Emerging markets are constrain localities is especially strong in
now doing so too, with India recently countries where administrators believe that
enacting a national goods and services tax left to their own devices, communities will
that eliminates the discretion of invariably become corrupt, sectarian, or
municipalities and regional governments in reactionary.
setting indirect taxes.
The net effect has been a steady
In turn, as globalization has accelerated in disempowerment of local, and even national,
recent decades, national governments across government. And with local governments
the world have given up some of their powers disempowered, it is hardly surprising that
to international bodies and treaties. For voters have directed their anger at distant
example, the European Commission limits authorities and embraced populists closer to
the regulatory discretion of individual home. The Brexit slogan that resonated in the
member states so that firms face similar small devastated towns of northern England
harmonized regulatory environments across was “Take back control!”—not just from
the union. Brussels but also from London. It was a clear
indication that people wanted more
While some harmonization is beneficial, democratic control over their futures as they
centralization—indeed globalization—of reacted to the market forces pummeling
governance has obtained a momentum of its them.
The desire to constrain localities is especially
While some harmonization is beneficial, strong in countries where administrators
centralization—indeed globalization—of believe that left to their own devices,
governance has obtained a momentum of its communities will invariably become corrupt,
own. National and international sectarian, or reactionary.
administrators, egged on by powerful large
firms that want seamless borders, find If governments want to preserve the global
restraint difficult. Bank regulators meet in integration of markets, they may have to give
Basel, Switzerland, to set capital up the hyperintegration of governance. They
requirements and other regulations for the must be much more
careful about new international agreements 55
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that bind countries unnecessarily, especially regulation, local infrastructure, and funding
if they go way beyond low tariffs. The goal is critical to community revival.
should be to bring more powers back to the
country level, provided global markets If smaller towns and semiurban areas depend
remain open. only on local demand, there won’t be many
new jobs. However, if the menu includes
Yet the devolution of power cannot stop at national or global demand, there are plenty of
the national level. Capitals must devolve possibilities. Technology helps connect the
power and funding further to the local level local to national and international markets;
so that communities can reinstill a sense of online platforms allow small enterprises to
engagement and identity in their members. advertise niche products across the world, as
This is, of course, not to say that global Adam Davidson points out in his book The
climate change should be tackled only at the Passion Economy: The New Rules for
community level (though communities can Thriving in the Twenty-First Century,
do their bit) or that countries should pass on enabling specialized potential buyers to find
building national infrastructure. them. For instance, the Wengerds, an Amish
family in Ohio, have built a flourishing
Delegation should be guided by the principle business selling high-tech horse-drawn farm
of subsidiarity, which requires decisions to equipment—a niche market if ever there was
be taken by the lowest level capable of taking one. The buyers? Other Amish farms across
them effectively. So, for instance, the United States, of course.
communities will clearly not decide their
own auto emission standards. That should be Such enterprises need continued easy access
a national decision. But what businesses will to national or global networks. Online
be licensed to operate locally and choices platforms like Amazon and Alibaba provide
over minimum wages, qualifications, such access today but are also gaining in
operating hours, and benefits (obviously all market power. Clearly, small entrepreneurs
above the national minimums) should be a can share some of their profits with the
community decision. platform, but when platforms quickly
replicate a successful seller’s products and
Switzerland is a small country with extreme sell them under their own brand, while
population diversity. (It has four national charging high fees off of others, they make it
languages, and 25 percent of the population much less attractive for such enterprises to
is foreign.) However, it functions efficiently start up. To make the platform space more
precisely because so many decisions are competitive and friendly to small
decentralized to its 26 cantons and further to entrepreneurs, antitrust authorities should be
the thousands of municipalities. Subsidiarity vigilant. Instead of using old-style remedies
guides education decisions; the federal like breaking up platforms, which will reduce
government is responsible for institutes of access to global markets, they should instead
technology, the cantons for high schools, and preserve these networks but make access
the municipalities for primary schools and easier, both for clients and for competitors.
For instance, mandating interoperability
Devolution of powers will not be easy, across networks—in the same way as a
especially since strong interests— phone on a T-Mobile network can reach a
international bureaucracies, administrators customer on the AT&T network—will allow
and politicians in the national capital, and top small networks to challenge large ones,
management in large firms—prefer keeping them competitive. Faced with
centralization. However, sensible devolution breakup or interoperability, giants like
on issues such as education, business Amazon might well choose the latter. 56
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Allowing clients to own their data and to found in underdeveloped countries, but they
share them with other platforms—as the have an important advantage. They are
European Union is in the process of doing in located in rich countries, which already have
financial services—will also keep clients thriving economies and strong legal,
from getting tied to a provider. regulatory, and business institutions. The
easiest way to generate economic activity is
Successful small enterprises can help lift a to restore community links to the thriving
sinking community, not just by providing national and global economies so they can
jobs and an example but because they belong piggyback on broader growth. While there is
fully within the community and can help no magic formula, four elements that appear
support its activities. In the past, large repeatedly in successful revival efforts are
corporations also provided such help. They leadership, engagement, infrastructure, and
found it hard to manage far-flung outposts, funding.
so local management was given substantial
autonomy, and they worked with community Finding effective leaders is difficult because
leadership on issues of mutual interest. existing leadership is often paralyzed and
However, as improvements in many capable people have left. Indeed, one
communications technology have allowed of the main arguments against devolving
headquarters today to respond quickly to power is that the available local decision-
local developments, more staff resources makers are incompetent and corrupt.
have moved to the headquarters in the big
cities, where they can service corporate units Yet, even in seemingly hopeless situations,
all across the country more efficiently. Each local leadership can emerge. Chicago’s
local unit is left with far less autonomy. Pilsen neighborhood was a war zone in the
late 1980s; 21 different gangs fought each
Even a firm like Walmart, often accused of other on a 2-mile stretch of the main
eroding a community’s economic basis, is thoroughfare, with horrific death rates. Pilsen
starting to push local engagement. needed to bring crime down to have any hope
of revival. In Pilsen, new leadership emerged
Rather than using antitrust law to keep firms from desperation. When a young man was
small, which could be a disservice to shot across the street from a local church and
consumers given the significant scale of the pastor asked his congregation how long
production today, it would be better if large they could see it as someone else’s problem,
corporations decentralized their corporate a group of young community members
social responsibility activities. These should stepped up. They chose one of their own,
be more focused in left-behind communities Raul Raymundo, to lead the suitably named
where they have a significant presence and Resurrection Project, and three decades later,
can aid community revival. Even a firm like he is still there, having attracted hundreds of
Walmart, often accused of eroding a millions of dollars of investment from
community’s economic basis, is starting to government, business, and philanthropic
push local engagement through (still small) interests into his community.
initiatives like Walmart Rise, which gives
each Walmart store a small amount to spend Such communities need creative ways to
on community engagement. draw able people back and increase the talent
pool from which such leaders can emerge.
Community revival, of course, requires more Taxes could be reduced for those who live in
than decentralization of the relevant stressed communities; the college loans of
government and corporate activities. Left- those who return to stressed communities for
behind communities in industrial countries a number of years could be partly forgiven so
face similar challenges to those historically that college becomes a route to training 57
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locals, not just a means of escape for the downtown, an accessible waterfront, or
talented; and capable immigrants could be inviting new trails, can make a community
given residence visas if they agree to stay in attractive to businesses and young skilled
communities that need them. workers. Physical connectivity to economic
hot spots helps. The Conservative
Pilsen’s leaders engaged the community to government in the United Kingdom plans to
lobby the city licensing authorities to close spend billions of dollars to link hollowed-out
down seedy bars where criminals towns through road and rail with flourishing
congregated. They involved local businesses regional centers like Manchester. This shows
in creating training opportunities for youth as that not every decision needs to be local but
an alternative to crime. They encouraged that taking local needs into account when
locals to report criminal incidents to the reconfiguring infrastructure is vital and can
police collectively so that gangs could not be economically transformative.
target individual informants and to come out
on the streets after criminal incidents. As For instance, a 2018 study by the Federal
Pilsen crowded out crime, businesses started Reserve Bank of Philadelphia found that in
crowding in. While Pilsen is far from rich northeastern Pennsylvania, 88 percent of
today, many residents have decent low-income worker commutes took over an
livelihoods, the community is much safer, its hour, even though 73 percent of suitable jobs
schools are better, and its children have a were within a 15-minute walk of a bus stop.
future. Why? Because most regional transit systems
first take you to a central hub and then back
Leaders can draw communities into focal to where you need to go. More appropriate
projects, such as reducing crime in Pilsen. bus routes linking job-heavy locations
They can create focal meeting points. A directly with worker-heavy residential areas
vacant plot of land can become a communal would help low-income workers get to work
garden, a volleyball court, or in Tulsa, quickly, which is key to their dealing with
Oklahoma, a public park such as the recurring personal emergencies and retaining
Gathering Place, which has done much to jobs.
enliven the local community and attract
tourist interest with landscapes of fantasy and Local financial infrastructure is also crucial.
play. For instance, in 2013 Pilsen’s main
community bank was at risk of failing. At the
An engaged community can use information time, nearly 30 percent of the bank’s
technology to monitor its officials, thus mortgages were delinquent, and many local
curtailing corruption and laziness. borrowers would have faced eviction if the
bank had closed down or been sold.
New technologies like social media help hold Vacancies would have pushed house prices
leaders accountable. An engaged community down and brought crime back. Together with
can use information technology to monitor its philanthropic support, the community
officials, thus curtailing corruption and rescued the bank. Its delinquencies are now
laziness. For instance, the SeeClickFix app down to 4 percent of its mortgage portfolio
allows residents in Chicago to photograph because it worked with its borrowers and
and upload the location of a pothole, graffiti, nursed bad loans back to health.
or an abandoned car to the municipality
website. It stays there until an official fixes Digital infrastructure is critical for economic
the problem. inclusion. Many areas in wealthy countries
like Germany and the United States still do
Infrastructure is also important. New not have access to digital broadband.
physical infrastructure, such as a refurbished 58
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Finally, digital infrastructure is critical for further. The value obtained from such
economic inclusion. Many areas in wealthy community-owned assets can also be used to
countries like Germany and the United States help community residents who do not own
still do not have access to digital broadband. property but are in danger of being pushed
This has to be remedied if economic activity out by the rise in local rents.
is going to be better distributed
geographically than it is today. Better virtual Many of these policies can also help
connectivity will also be environmentally residents of historically disadvantaged
friendlier because not everyone will need to communities, usually minorities, in urban
move to megacities. areas. Healthy local communities are not just
necessary to help individuals get good jobs;
Funding is also important. Communities in they can also help mitigate conflict as people
economic decline may not have much ability from different cultures come together in
to raise new taxes. The problem is that much increasingly ethnically mixed industrialized
financial support from the regional or countries. Populist nationalists inflame
national government, or from bodies like the majority groups with fears that their culture
EU or the World Bank, comes with will be diluted. They want the majority
significant strings attached on how it must be culture to be imposed throughout the nation,
used. To facilitate local input into spending even while immigration is restricted severely
decisions, it is better that money come in the so that their culture is not diluted.
form of government grants without strings
attached—also known as block grants—or There is an alternative embraced by countries
from private philanthropies free from like Canada: to celebrate culture within
spending constraints. community rather than attempting an
impossible national homogeneity. Some
The community can still be held to communities will choose monoculture, while
performance standards—again, technology others will choose multicultural lifestyles.
can be used to monitor performance—but it Any choice should be respected so long as
should have operational freedom to decide everyone is united by shared national values
what to spend on. The current U.S. and no one is deliberately excluded. The
administration’s proposal for tax- national government can help, preventing
incentivized investments into “opportunity rejuvenated communities from becoming
zones” could work if investments are segregated by enforcing laws against
designed in cooperation with community discrimination.
leadership to address actual needs. Without
any community involvement, however, they Ideally, the community should have
may just be an ineffective tax windfall to the boundaries, giving its people a sense of
wealthy. empowerment and belonging, but keep them
porous enough that goods, services, and
A far-sighted community will take people can flow freely across them. An
ownership of local assets at the outset when inclusive localism may, somewhat
they are cheap so it can then obtain greater paradoxically, be the best answer to the
funding resources as the community revives challenges from technological change and
and local assets become more valuable. In the globalization.
1990s, Copenhagen’s city government sold
land to private developers and used the Sustainable capitalism is not just about
proceeds to build out a metro system. This competitive markets. It is also about the
increased the value of the land the municipal societal underpinnings that allow most
government still owned near the new metro people to benefit from them and give the
line, which was then sold to expand the metro markets their democratic support. Rather 59
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than closing borders and abandoning bring down the Western World. Let’s stop
capitalism, the leaders of the industrialized their funding. Something, anything, to
world must fix capitalism—by starting with placate the bruised American ego.
the communities it has left behind.
But nowhere has the national fabric of a
THE DEATH OF SECULAR nation crumbled more, during the
coronavirus epidemic, than it has in India.
INDIA Modi’s Hindutva government, which was
BY: SAAD RASOOL (THE already at war with almost half of its
(moderate and minority) population, has
NATION) made this virus a communal issue, and
completely slipped into a downwards spiral

T he coronavirus epidemic, and its

continuing spread across the globe,
has exposed the brittle fabric of our
modern society. As health systems and
governance structures collapse throughout
of intolerance and self-immolation. A spiral
that is all too identifiable for Pakistanis, who
have only broken its yoke after three decades
of pain and violence.

the most powerful countries, the hubris of the But truth be told, India’s existential suicide
Western World is having trouble grappling didn’t start with blaming the Muslims for
with the magnitude of this new reality. With coronavirus. It has merely matured to this
almost 90,000 deaths (till date) across point through concerted efforts of Hindutva
Europe and the United States, leaders of the racism over the course of the past several
‘free world’ are unable to find an enemy to years.
pin the blame. Who should the United States
bomb this time? Can’t blame the spread of Let’s pause to examine this claim.
this virus on some obscure dictator in the
Middle East. What about Al-Qaida, or At the turn of the century, a tolerant and
Hizbullah, or the Palestinians, or ‘radical burgeoning Indian society was poised to
Islamic terrorism’? No (darn it!). For a become the next big thing in Asia. We
moment, the United States tried blaming watched, enviously from across the border,
China by dubbing COVID-19 as the ‘Wuhan as India’s facade of an inclusive democracy
Virus’. But no one was willing to buy that for won allies across the world. Just as Pakistan
too long. was getting swallowed by the menace of
intolerance, extremism, and in-fighting
In the absence of a tangible enemy, Western amidst different sections of the society, India
societies have turned on themselves. Italy, was accosting the world to its many
the worst affected of all the European opportunities. Kashmir had been all but
nations, has threatened to end their inclusion forgotten. Even the Muslims of mainland
in the European Union. And why not? What India had turned a blind eye to the atrocities
good is the EU if it will merely close its in the Valley, choosing instead to participate
borders to the Italians in their darkest hour. in the Indian dream. The policy of projecting
The Americans, didn’t have an EU to blame. Pakistan as a haven for terrorism and
As a result, they have turned on institutions intolerance was working. And the new
of global governance: The World Health America-India strategic partnership was
Organisation (WHO) and the United bearing geopolitical fruits.
Nations. Why do we even need the WHO and
the UN? Why did the WHO not predict the
spread of this epidemic sooner? Why has the
WHO refused to call it the ‘Wuhan Virus’?
They must be conspiring with the Chinese, to 60
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In walks Modi. Once known as the butcher largest group of internally displaced people
of Gujrat, Modi had rebranded himself as a in Asia. India’s sham secularism stood
mascot for ‘Incredible India’. But, in reality exposed in all its shame.
it was just that: branding. Simmering under
the carefully constructed veneer of Modi had not yet recovered from this, when
democratic ideology, Modi’s Hindutva coronavirus arrived to the shores of India.
ideology was waiting for an appropriate And suddenly, India’s soft underbelly in
moment to strike. And then, during his re- terms of poverty, displacement,
election campaign, the moment presented unemployment and a weak social security
itself. Under the false flag pretext of structure was visible for everyone to see. And
Pulwama attack, Modi decided to attack making matters worse, a large chunk of
Pakistan in February of 2019. It was just the India’s population (some 500 million
‘first drop of the ocean’ he would say later. minority people) saw Modi’s government
Nothing short of ‘Akhund Bharat’ was the has their enemy.
aim. His energised right-wing Hindu base
loved the idea, giving him overwhelming Amidst this chaos, Modi’s government made
majority in the May 2019 elections. its next big mistake: of shutting down India
with a mere 4-hour notice. What followed
This victory gave the Hindutva goons to take was a mass exodus of the working class.
even bolder steps to entrench their ideology Millions of families, left without food or
of hate. Next came the long-promised goal of shelter, who decided to walk (literally)
revoking Kashmir’s autonomous status, in hundreds of miles across the span of India.
August of 2019. And with it, the wheels Videos from this exodus show a cesspool, in
started to come off Modi’s Hindutva wagon. which coronavirus would spread like
India’s right-wing fascist ideology was at wildfire. The world watched aghast, in
display for the entire world to see. Even horror, as Modi ensured that coronavirus is
within India, the saner voices started to carried throughout the poor segments of
question Modi publicly. Muslims, Christians, India’s diaspora.
even lesser caste Hindus, started to view their
own State as enemy of the people. Facing the inevitable spread of coronavirus
across India, Modi’s racist regime turned to
But the fascist Modi did not stop here. the tactics it knows best: blaming the
Muslims for their problem. Singling out one
Next came the even more controversial gathering of (foolish) Muslims in Delhi, the
Citizenship Amendment Act – a law that Tablighi Jamaat, where several participants
revokes citizenship of Muslim immigrants of tested positive for coronavirus, Modi’s
India. As millions of people gathered on the Hindutva government decided to turn the
streets to protest this move, across India, epidemic into a purely communal issue.
Modi doubled-down on his bet. He allowed Phrases such as ‘Corona Jihad’ and ‘Tablighi
his right-wing party goons to terrorise and Jamaat Virus’, were used by Modi’s
torture Muslims. Saner people within India, ministers. The abominable right-wing Indian
and across the world, started to recognise that media was all too happy to jump on this
Kashmir was not a one-off thing. Modi was bandwagon. And overnight, in India,
racist, anti-Muslim, and anti-minorities. The coronavirus became another weapon at the
resulting clashes across India, especially in hands of Modi’s fascist regime, to turn
and around Delhi, displaced hundreds of peaceful Indians against one another.
thousands of minority individuals (mostly
Muslims) from their homes, which had been The news and narrative coming out of India
burnt to the ground by Hindutva goons. over the past few months, is scarcely
Overnight, these minorities became the believable. When Modi was elected to power 61
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for the second term, everyone had expected ROBBER BARONS, OLIGARCHY
that he will implement right-wing policies;
however, no one could expect that he would AND OPPRESSED
bring India to the edge of intolerant fascism, BY: DR. IKRAM UL HAQ (DAILY
and then jump off the cliff.
The project of undoing Indian secularism,
which was formally kicked-off through
revocation of Article 370 of the Indian
Constitution in August of 2019, seems to
have reached its fruition. Modi’s fascism has
T he economic misery of millions of
Pakistanis in the wake of Covid-19
pandemic, monopoly of State
oligarchy on resources and abuse of robber
barons of their position in power to fleece the
dispensed with all notions of democracy,
constitutionalism and equality. In the words masses and get extraordinary benefits have
of India’s BJP Senator Subramanian Swamy, once again exposed the cruel elitist structure
during his interview to an international news of a land claimed to be secured in the name
organisation “all people are not equal”. of Islam. The reality is that Pakistan is a
Minorities are not equal citizens of India. classic example of a State where successive
“There are no such thing as equal rights. governments have been protecting and
[Minorities] are not in an equal category.” strengthening the exploitative system but
And they would “do well to stay away from even bothered to provide basic necessities,
India”. what to speak of a comprehensive social
security system, for the weaker segments of
And that, for all intents and purposes, is the the society.
demise of a secular shining India.
Since State is controlled by elites-military-
However, no one could expect that he would judicial-civil complex, businessmen-turned-
bring India to the edge of intolerant fascism, politicians and landed aristocrats-its
and then jump off the cliff. economic system is pro-rich. Even in the
present difficult times when millions are
becoming jobless due to closure of
businesses, the ultra-rich are behaving as
usual. The government, failed in providing
the citizens basic amenities like safe drinking
water, health, education, transport and
housing, is now demanding kudos for giving
Rs. 15,000 per family to a certain segment of
society. Authorities are scrutinizing millions
of claims-they never bothered to
collect/update the data to reach out
immediately to them without their asking. In
the midst of this sorry state of affairs, making
public of two inquiry reports on sugar and
wheat shortages, diverted debates about
legality or otherwise of subsidy given to
sugar mills. They appeared in media and
claimed nothing was wrong, subsidy, selling
wheat flour, ghee, sugar and other eatables at
exorbitant prices, due to demand-supply
conditions. This, according to them, is 62
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permissible in tijarat (trade), per fatwas Secretary by Premier on the ground that like
(edicts) of muftis & fuqaha (religious jurists). Nawaz Sharif who selected Fawad Hassan
showing favourtism, Imran Khan did the
Politicians posing as champions of the cause same ignoring merit-cum-competence
of the poor during election campaigns make criterion.
tall claims to improve their conditions, but as
soon as they capture power, totally alienate Tareen till recently never raised any
themselves from masses. The usual objection and/or allegation against Azam
scapegoats for this loathsome behaviour are Khan. Why did he start finding faults with
bureaucrats! This is recently alleged by Azam Khan, after an inquiry accusing him as
Jahangir Khan Tareen, once considered one of main “beneficiaries” in the sugar-
Imran Khan’s right-hand man. Many allege subsidy-scam? By targeting Azam Khan, Mr.
that with money power, he hijacked Pakistan Tareen, in fact, implies that the Prime
Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI). Resultantly, many Minister is helpless/captive in the hands of
visionary, old-guards of PTI working with his Principal Secretary! But Mr. Tareen did
dedication, were either ousted or pushed not justify how after being disqualified by the
back. Supreme Court, he had asked to establish a
“strategic resource unit” under his command
In a TV interview, Mr. Tareen said: “I to run the country!!
developed differences with PM’s Principal
Secretary Azam Khan nearly six months Had the sugar and wheat inquiry reports been
ago”. He claimed that his advice to the released in any other country then by now the
Premier “to establish a “strategic resource ruling party would have distanced itself from
unit” to “transform the country”, with the those, who profited influencing the
bureaucracy’s role must be reduced to government policies. However, there were
“execution of policies” was opposed by only cosmetic changes, some adjustments in
Azam Khan who allegedly said, “We run the the Cabinet and team of advisers. This proves
government and there cannot be an alternate the existence of an unholy anti-people
system”. Mr. Tareen said that the Prime alliance in Pakistan of law-makers, law-
Minister “tried his best but his Principal keepers and law-breakers that is the root
Secretary did not budge”. cause of failure of democracy and dominance
of State Oligarchy. Now, the nation is asked
It may be recalled that the role of robber to wait till April 25, 2020 for “suitable
barons in winning elections and then action” against the culprits after forensic
influencing government policies for self- audit. We have heard the same kind of
aggarndisement and creating monopolies promise in the case of a real estate tycoon,
was discussed in detail in ‘Politics and sugar who later not only escaped punishment but
wars’, Daily Times, September 17, 2017. It was allowed to pay proceeds of crimes in
was reconfirmed by Mr. Tareen in interview: easy instalments. This is the reality of much-
“After losing 2013 elections…I told Imran trumpeted accountability process in the Land
Khan that we would have to bring in our fold of Pure.
‘electables’ as 60% members in the Punjab
Assembly belonging this class”. He took The common people are now highly
credit of win of PTI in 2018 through frustrated due to apathy of elites in the face
‘electables’, whereas the Opposition calls of lockdown after coronavirus outbreak, lack
him “selected Prime Minister”! of socio-economic justice and inability to
meet the rising cost of life. In days of harsh
On August 18, 2018, in a tweet by me and economic days, indomitable State Oligarchy
later in a TV programme, objection was is still enjoying unprecedented tax-free
raised on appointing Azam Khan as Principal perquisites at the expense of taxpayers. The 63
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powerful in the Land of Pure live in palatial WHY POLITICIANS IGNORE

homes with free utilities, servants, subsidized
facilities of golf and clubs, rest houses etc- DISASTER PREDICTIONS
just to mention a few. While they are living
lavishly at the expense of taxpayers’ money,
the sufferings of the poor are increasing with
every passing day (about 60 million lack
even basic facilities like clean drinking
isasters are often painted as events
that come out of nowhere. But most
disasters are predicted—at least by
Disaster managers
researchers know what the biggest risks are
water, sewerage etc.) and out of 8.5 million
migrant workers, some 3.78 million to face and can imagine how they will play out. In
immediate lay-offs. part this is because many people, as you may
have noticed, are really good at imagining
The powerful members of higher judiciary bad things happening in excruciating detail.
who daily criticise the government for not But more importantly, there are also large
doing enough to fight coronavirus outbreak, numbers of people who study seismology,
are getting unprecedented perks, including epidemiology, meteorology, sociology, and
superior judicial allowance, all exempt under other fields that deal with risk and disaster.
clause (56), Part I, Second Schedule to the
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. And it shows. Very often, a disaster has been
imagined and modeled with striking
Even, the so-called powerful media cannot accuracy long before it appears. Take the
dare to expose the predatory elites-militro- example of Hurricane Pam, a simulation
judicial-civil complex, businessmen-turned- exercise carried out in New Orleans almost
politicians etc-for fear of retaliation. The exactly a year before Hurricane Katrina,
unholy alliance between State Oligarchy and which included most of the issues that the
politicians and unscrupulous businessmen is real storm would cause. Or this 2016 project
the root cause of our many ills-undue by the Texas Tribune and ProPublica
subsidies, politically-motivated loan write- predicting the devastation that would be
offs, tax evasions and then amnesties etc. caused by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Or the
Billions are lost annually due to this unholy 2018 Palu earthquake.
alliance and now in this testing time, they are
asking common people to give “donations” It’s true for pandemics, too. Scientists have
in relief fund. At the same time, the rich and known for at least a century, since the 1918
mighty after getting two amnesties in 2018 Spanish flu pandemic, about the risks of
and 2019 are again extended another one, disease in a globalized world where a virus
that is invest in real estate/construction by can leap from a village market to a
December 31, 2020 and no question would metropolis on the other side of the world in
be asked about the source. However, the rich days. The SARS and swine flu outbreaks
developers/contractors are not made bound reminded governments, nongovernmental
to provide social security/health insurance to organizations, and corporations to update
the workers as quid pro quo of extraordinary their planning for managing and surviving
benefits. The people voted for PTI as it epidemics. The U.S. Department of Health
promised to take the powerful, greedy and Human Services had a series of exercises
predatory elites and rent-seekers to task. on a pandemic scenario earlier in 2019.
Now they are disillusioned and wondering,
why Imran Khan, contrary to his tall claims, So if we know what to worry about, why are
is succumbing to money power. so many countries seemingly so poorly
prepared to deal with disasters? 64
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The first important answer is that many of destructive fire in the wake of the 2011
these predictions do help— especially in the tsunami, told me that not only had his
countries that take them seriously. The jurisdiction ignored this risk, oil tanks
experience learned from SARS, MERS, and continued to line the coast of Japan. Knowing
the swine flu left East Asian countries in how dangerous it was, the government was
general more capable of dealing with the still reluctant to restrict that economic
coronavirus. The Hurricane Pam simulation activity.
demonstrated an awareness of what a
hurricane would do to New Orleans, but it This is nowhere more obvious than in that
also highlighted problem areas that officials epitome of predicted disasters, climate
hadn’t considered, such as the difficulty of change. We know what we need to do, or
evacuating people who didn’t own cars. stop doing, to address the threat, and yet we
These weren’t completely ignored; the keep pretending that it’s not our problem,
Senate report on Katrina found that although that it can be left for later, that someone
the plans being developed from the else—whether in another country or another
Hurricane Pam exercise weren’t finished in generation—can make those necessary
time for Katrina, “some officials took the changes and pay the costs, in dollars and in
initiative to use concepts developed in the discomfort. One study shows that $1 spent on
drafts, with mixed success.” The problem is preparedness mitigates an average of $15
not in knowing what to do, it’s in doing it— worth of damage later — but that voters will
and in the willingness to pay for it before it’s reward spending on disaster mitigation, but
too late. not disaster preparedness.

Mostly, as the Hurricane Katrina example That’s happened with wave after wave of the
shows, it’s doing it in a timely fashion. COVID-19 pandemic: Even after seeing it
Because while we know quite a lot about happening elsewhere, even with the rational
probable disasters—where they will happen, understanding that countries needed to act
what they will do, whom they will affect the before they felt the impact, there were still
most—what we don’t know is when. We delays and reluctance.
predict disasters in poorly understood
probabilities or vague ranges on the order of Our reluctance to believe in disasters is
decades or even centuries, such as the “500- worsened by the way we treat each one, after
year flood.” That uncertainty has led the fact, as the only disaster. Government
decision-makers to postpone disaster reports and media accounts alike are studded
preparedness, which studies have shown to with words like unprecedented and
have a significant return on investment in unimaginable. Those reports supposedly
saved time and money during responses. have the purpose of learning from mistakes
Leaders can somewhat rationally hope that a (and, more rarely, successes) to ensure that
predicted disaster will hit during someone future disasters are handled more effectively.
else’s tenure and put their budgets toward But, like simulation exercises and
more visible objectives. probabilities, those carefully documented
lessons are rarely given the funding or
It’s not just money, however. For many political attention to be put into practice.
disasters, effectively preparing means After a disaster people are more likely to
making unpopular decisions: telling people heave a sigh of relief and slide back into
they can’t build or live in flood plains or on normalcy, forgetting those whose lives
the coast, prioritizing wetlands over industry, continue to be affected by the aftermath. And
restricting travel. An emergency manager yet, the United Nations Office for Disaster
from Kesennuma, Japan, where oil from fuel Risk Reduction has found that “general
tanks at the port caused an immensely acceptance for disaster risk reduction and 65
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recovery planning peaks after the disaster.” is yet to start. And part of the horror is that
That is the brief window when we are many poorer countries won’t have the means
convinced that devastating upheaval is to do much about it. Nor, given the
possible and could happen to us. international community’s lack of
organization and leadership in the face of a
We know that disasters will happen. We even global crisis, can they count on richer nations
know how and where. Let’s demand that our to help them.
political leaders start putting that knowledge
to good use. With the exception of Iran, the countries
hardest hit up till now are among those with
the world’s most advanced economies,
scientific establishments and medical
services — and even Iran has a relatively
functional medical system. What probably
lies ahead is the spread of the coronavirus
through countries ravaged by conflict,
through packed refugee camps and detention
centers in places like Syria or Bangladesh,
through teeming cities like Mumbai, Rio de
Janeiro or Monrovia, where social distancing
is impossible and government is not trusted,
through countries without the fiscal capacity
or health services to mount a viable response.

That would be disastrous not only for them

but also for the rest of the world as supplies
of raw materials are disrupted, fragile
THE GLOBAL CORONAVIRUS economies collapse, strongmen grow
CRISIS IS POISED TO GET stronger and the virus doubles back to
reinfect northern regions.
(THE NEW YORK TIMES) So far, the most vulnerable regions have
reported comparatively few cases — one in
Yemen, a smattering across Africa and the

hat happens when the pandemic
strikes nations of millions of Middle East. But that may be partly a
people that have only a half-dozen function of unreliable reporting or deliberate
ventilators? denial. The numbers are growing, and as the
world has learned, they are likely to swell
radically and swiftly.
The editorial board is a group of opinion
journalists whose views are informed by
expertise, research, debate and certain A survey by the International Crisis Group
longstanding values. It is separate from the said the full impact is hard to anticipate, but,
newsroom. “If the disease spreads in densely packed
urban centers in fragile states, it may be
virtually impossible to control. The dramatic
In some places in the United States and other
economic slowdown already underway will
developed countries hit hard by Covid-19,
disrupt trade flows and create unemployment
the question is when might it become
possible to start getting back to work. For that will do damage at levels that are hard to
forecast and grim to contemplate.”
much of the rest of the world, the nightmare 66
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For a sense of the scale of the plight of some younger. In the United States, that share is 19
developing nations, consider one of the most percent.
critical pieces of medical equipment used in
treatment: the ventilator. The United States The U.N. secretary general, Antonio
has some 160,000 ventilators, according to Guterres, and Pope Francis have both called
one estimate. Sierra Leone has 13. South for a cessation of all global conflicts to focus
Sudan has four. Central African Republic has on what Mr. Guterres called “the true fight of
three. In Venezuela, where 90 percent of the our lives.” Last week Saudi Arabia
hospitals already face shortages, there are announced a cease-fire in its war against
only 84 intensive care unit beds for a Houthi rebels in Yemen, and armed groups
population of 32 million, according to a have indicated a desire to stop fighting in
report from the International Rescue Colombia, Cameroon and the Philippines.
Committee. The Afghan government and the Taliban
have both begun efforts to stem the spread of
“The lesson of the crisis is that the weakest the virus. And Russia may find the burden of
links in the global health chain are a threat to supporting Syrian troops or secessionists in
health everywhere,” said David Miliband, eastern Ukraine excessive if Covid-19 begins
the organization’s president. “We cannot to take a heavy toll on the economy.
afford these weak links, and must strengthen
the efforts in war-torn countries and But the Islamic State has called on its
communities to lift their life chances.” followers to ramp up their efforts. The
Houthis have not reciprocated Saudi
In the United States and Europe, Arabia’s cease-fire, and fighting has
governments and businesses have been able escalated in parts of sub-Saharan Africa.
to pay many furloughed workers at least part
of their salaries, and others are eligible for It is understandable that governments of rich
unemployment benefits. But billions of nations have focused first and foremost on
people in Africa, Latin America and South the crisis within their own borders. Nothing
Asia have no safety net and no savings. The like the coronavirus has ever overwhelmed
United Nations has warned that income loss so much of the world in such short order, or
in developing countries could exceed $220 with such cataclysmic force. Yet it is
billion. dismaying that a danger that confronts the
entire world, that is likely to hurt the entire
The impact will not be uniform. The global economy, has led to so little global
International Monetary Fund and the World cooperation and has been met with so little
Bank have moved quickly to offer billions in global leadership.
emergency loans to poorer countries, though
they’ve warned this will not be enough. This is a crisis in which the United States
Countries with relatively stable could have emerged as the leader. The
governments, like Peru, have been quick to country still may do so. But on top of the
mount countermeasures, while battered widely chronicled failures at home, the
nations like Haiti and Venezuela have few Trump administration has provided little
defenses available. Some dictatorships, like inspiration for the world. The response in
Egypt, have used the outbreak to tighten their Europe has also been marked by confusion
grip. Across the Southern Hemisphere, the and disunity: The president of the European
pandemic’s effects may be cushioned by Union’s main science organization resigned
young populations. In such African countries last week in protest of the bloc's handling of
as Niger, Angola, Chad, Mali, Uganda and the crisis. The World Health Organization,
Somalia, nearly half the population is 15 or meanwhile, is under heavy fire from critics 67
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack May 2020

who say its complicated relationship with

China may have undermined its mission.

That is not likely to change, especially while

the disease continues to ravage the United
States, Italy, Spain and many other countries
in the Northern Hemisphere, and most
especially in an American presidential
election year, when the struggle against
Covid-19 is likely to become only more

But the weakness of Washington should not

prevent the brain trust of the developed world
— the think tanks, news media, universities
and nongovernmental organizations — from
focusing on a strategy for the next and
possibly most brutal front in the struggle
against the scourge of the coronavirus. Many
organizations have already begun to do so,
recognizing that this may be the defining
struggle of our era, and that if ever the world
demanded a global response, this is it. 68
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