Suggested Proposal For Biden's Cabinet Picks: Democrat Independent, Third Party or Unknown Republican
Suggested Proposal For Biden's Cabinet Picks: Democrat Independent, Third Party or Unknown Republican
Suggested Proposal For Biden's Cabinet Picks: Democrat Independent, Third Party or Unknown Republican
_Independent, Third Party or Unknown_
Order: Most-to-Least Beneficial. To the point as I say. (There is an exception when it
comes to the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development)
The following list can be taken seriously at one’s leisure and discretion. The purpose is to
demonstrate a possible extension of cooperation with the formation of a cabinet before the
election of the President. The choices can be differed from the one’s mentioned. What ultimately
matters are the representation of diversity of possible voters to guarantee a huge turnout and a
solid coalition that can remain visible after the election. It is unorthodox and unprecedented, but
it is a good practice at heart to promote inclusion and a broader basis of support to draw out
voters who normally won’t vote because the selection of candidates do not reflect one’s personal
beliefs and values. Mr. Biden may certainly be able to win with a majority of support, but it
would serve better for one’s legacy to be a momentous event in United States history that extends
as far as possible to bring the support and unity of as much of the nation of the United States of
Americas as possible. I believe Mr. Biden will see much benefit and positive consequences with
this revision in the process of choosing one’s cabinet prior to one’s election to office. It will not
just benefit the turnout, but also the procession of one’s term in office in which more solidarity
can be seen throughout the greatest extent of diversity possible for the United States of America.
In addition, I am fully aware that this list is provided online. Do not be discouraged by that
practice. I have a hard time getting noticed even when I do something serious that should be
All the individuals have a weblink connected to their names to guarantee you can acquire
information about the specific individual. If you do enjoy this suggestive document, then I would
insist that you take the time to interview each individual and decide at your own discretion and
leisure. However, having your team together before the election, especially by September will
guarantee use of such people during the campaign trail to guarantee greater voter turnout, which
is a necessity given what crooked games Trump might play at certain voting booths.
_Tulsi Gabbard_
_Elizabeth Warren_
_Bernie Sanders_
_Michael Bloomberg_
_Amy Klobuchar_
_Andrew Yang_
_Deval Patrick_
_Pete Buttigieg_
_Tom Steyer_
_Michael Bennet_
You should always choose a running mate who has seen considerable screen time nationwide.
Your best pick is another Democratic Contender. It worked for Obama when he picked you as his
running mate and it should work for you just the same. Never chance/fix what is not broken as
they say. I provided 10 choices, because there are ten other noteworthy individuals who were
serious about winning the nomination that you now have. This will not satisfy unifying the
Democratic party with its diversity and outreaching to independents and Non-Trump
Republicans (which are mostly Former Republicans at this point).
_David Scott_
_Abigail Spanberger_
_Vicente Gonzalez_
_Kyrsten Sinema_
_Joe Manchin_
_Henry Cuellar_
_Doug Jones_
_Andy Beshear_
_Loretta Sanchez_
Conservative Democrats have the best appeal on the international stage, the only reason why
Hillary Clinton had suffered was due to prior bad history tied to her name prior to the 2008
election as you are aware of and Benghazi, which is really a Republican problem. Not having
enough funding will lead to disaster and the amount of money requested by Hillary was not
received in its full amount from the Republican-controlled congress. However, Hillary was
blamed. You must be honest of where the blame lies in at and if you want to make sure you
sound responsible then you make sure it sounds that way at the same time. As an example: “I am
indeed responsible for what happened at Benghazi as the leading executive appointed official in
charge of managing all U.S. embassies across the globe. However, it was unfortunate we were
unable to receive the funding we needed for Congress at the requested amount necessary to
guarantee adequate security. I blame myself for this disgrace and I hope you’ll accept my humble
apology for this tragedy.” Own it, but spin at the same time. You should be aware that
Republicans will try to smear your administration just as they did to Obama’s. Therefore, this
play will be crucial to show how you can maintain the trust or regain the trust of American voters
while making Republicans feel uncomfortable about their choices, which is a win for your
_Dianne Feinstein_
_Debbie Stabenow_
_Maria Cantwell_
_Norma Torres_
_Bill Nelson_
_Ann Kirkpatrick_
_Debbie Wasserman Schultz_
_Don Beyer_
_Jim Cooper_
Moderate Democrats would ideally fit in the category of temperance which is a necessity for
flexibility in case you need more spending or less spending to help the United States if needed.
Your treasurer needs to be someone who can be flexible and is willing to seek the middle
approach as an established norm to guarantee that the New Democratic Party is as inclusive as
possible given the extent of conservatives and former Republicans that are likely to become new
members of the Democratic Party. All the following candidates are key members of congress that
deal with budgeting or appropriations or people with considerable experience with budgeting or
_Lisa Disbrow_
_Richard V. Spencer_
_Jim Mattis_
_Kelly Ayotte_
_Mike Coffman_
_Joe Heck_
_Steve Knight_
_Frank LoBiondo_
_Tom Rooney_
I know it is an ambition of yours to unite the country as a whole and you want to appeal to a
broader base. The best department to be able to succeed will in getting conservative voters is
with the Department of Defense. I have arranged people who were dissatisfied with working
under Trump first and then individuals from Congress who are Republican and want nothing to
do with Trump. I had formerly stated that I think Richard V. Spencer would be your ideal pick,
but I have done a little bit more research and found Lisa Disbrow might be an even better choice
given she could be willing to seek reform in the military given it improves in capabilities which
is a necessity should conflict occur with the PRC. I have found that China is paper-thin with its
aggression meaning Lisa Disbrow’s choices could pan out well given they are utilized effectively
to intimidate China.
_Zoe Lofgren_
_Eleanor Holmes Norton_
_Hank Johnson_
_Hakeem Jeffries_
_Ted Lieu_
_Joe Kennedy III_
_Joe Neguse_
_Jamie Raskin_
_Katherine Clark_
The most important department for the concerns of Progressive Democrats is the Department of
Justice. Give one of their members from the Congressional Progressive Caucus will guarantee a
strong statement of support that will guarantee voter turnout and cement a strong unity within the
Democratic Party with Centrist and Moderate Democrats. Furthermore, there is a larger list of
possible contenders. I listed the ones that were first noted and were members of the Judiciary
Committee or had a diploma in law. In case none of these individuals fit your expectations as an
Attorney General, you may also turn to this website for further possible choices:
_Deb Haaland_
_Diane Humetewa_
_Kimberly Teehee_
_Sharice Davids_
_Travis Childers_
_Arvo Mikkanen_
_Keith Harper_
_Brad Carson _
_Ben Nighthorse Campbell_
The Department of the Interior oversees the Bureau of Indian Affairs and given it manages over
the administration with national parks, land management, and wildlife. It would promote the
interest within the Native American community that Native Americans or Amerindians (as some
prefer to use as an alternative identification) of being inclusive within the United States in issues
of common interest that are chiefly prominent for indigenous peoples in the country. I avoided
bring in any Republican individuals as you should be selective in your pursuits of inclusion to be
more effective in building a coalition of support. I made an exception with Ben Campbell as
former-Democrat if you would prefer bringing someone who was from the former-Democrat
segment of the voting population.
_Marianne Williamson_
_Cory Booker_
_Julian Castro_
_Steve Bullock_
_John Delaney_
_Joe Sestak_
_Edward Harwood_
_Robert Flannery_
_David Rosenberg_
Aeroponics is the best form of reforming agricultural practices for the future. The only drawback
is the high demand for electricity, but it is possible to get around said problem by making
improvements in energy. I believe you are listed foodtank as a proponent of combating climate
change through agricultural reforms. Aeroponics is the least costly in wastage of water (which is
very important in states such as California) and it can be utilized in urban areas allowing a
revolution of agriculture and business opportunities within urban areas, such as for the African
American community which tends to have a higher proportionally higher residence in urban
areas. Furthermore, growing more green leafy plants can guarantee a lower carbon emission in
urban areas which tend to suffer from heavy air pollution. This in turn will guarantee healthier
cities (both in respiration and nutrition). It can help guarantee a larger population with less
imprint on the environment, which is important for America’s role as a leader across the globe.
Think of it as inward expansion, which in turn provides an outward projection of hegemony of
American values.
_Melissa Harris-Perry_
_Shaun King_
_Paul Krugman_
_Henry Louis Gates Jr. _
_Amy Gutmann_
_Roberto Mangabeira Unger_
_Pamela S. Karlan_
_Harold Hongju Koh_
_Jeffrey Toobin_
There are very few people who could be regarded as liberal these days. The norm now for
Democrats is Progressive or Moderate/Centrist. Liberals are still an essential demographic of
people who tend to vote Democrat. Furthermore, commerce is the initial interest for most today’s
liberals and is ideal for advancing business into a future of emerging and diverse entrepreneurs.
_Constance N. Johnson_
_Rashida Tlaib_
_Joe Crowley_
_Mike Connolly_
_Sara Innamorato_
_Lee J. Carter_
_Kaniela Ing_
_Summer Lee_
_Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez_
Democratic Socialists are another heavy segment of the Democratic Voting Population and many
of them avoid voting which in turn is part of the reason for low voter turnout. It has been a long,
long time since America had the slightest tolerance for actual leftism in the United States. If Left
is Socialism and Right is Capitalism, then anything that is Socialism is Leftism. Labor issues is
the cornerstone of authentic socialism and Democratic Socialism is the farthest right or closest to
the center between Socialism and Capitalism within Socialism. Furthermore, they can work with
Democrats as noted from Ocasio-Cortez’s record. Some of these individuals are below the
required age to be president. I suspect they’ll be treated the same as individuals who are
ineligible due to being born in another country, such as Alexander Hamilton who was the first
Secretary of the Treasury and was born in the British colony of the British Leeward Islands.
The Only Social Democrat that I know of is Bernie Sanders (even though he is
an Independent); therefore, it would be best to ask him for the position or
someone in mind he would prefer being the secretary for this department in
the U.S. government.
Social Democracy is the economic model promoted by Bernie Sanders that derives from
Northern European countries even though it can be universally observed in the health services in
virtually all European countries (minus Russia). It will be necessary to guarantee a decline in
Corona cases and promote success for the Biden Coalition of a unified United States of America.
_Jared Polis_
_Robert A. Levy_
_Ron Wyden_
_Russ Feingold_
_Tim Penny_
_Camille Paglia_
_Kirsten Gillibrand_
_Amanda Bouldin_
_Joseph Stallcop_
Libertarian values are best exhibited with where people live. However, there aren’t really that
many Libertarian Democrats in office or known in public discourse. Therefore, the list stems
from up to down in political competency while down to up in content competency. A 2015
Reuters poll found that 22% of Democratic voters identified themselves as "libertarian," more
than the percentage of Republicans but less than the percentage of independents.
_Jill Stein_
_Cheri Honkala_
_Jesse Ventura_
_Kent Mesplay_
_Cam Gordon_
_Ross Mirkarimi_
_Rebecca Rotzler_
_Gayle McLaughlin_
_Jason West_
The primary interest of the Green party is environmental regulations. Alternative energy methods
will be necessary for the interest promoting greater overall health in American society as well as
generating more power for the use of aeroponic farming.
There is insufficient data concerning who would be best suited for the
position. However, it would be ideal to pick someone with former or current
experience pertaining to be a University Professor in Education or Special
Education as well as clinical experience in the classroom as a teacher.
However, if I had to nominate someone, I would choose either Jonna Bobzien
or CJ Butler of Old Dominion University as they both share clinical
experience and post-graduate educational practice. There could be better
choices, but you need someone with both prerequisites to be effective in the
capacity of being a national leader for education.
People who have not spent any time in a classroom have no reason to be the head of Department
of Education as anything they profess is inadequate concerning the actual processes of the field
and its many concerns. Clinical experience is direct knowledge, while post-graduate educational
practice is knowledge of working directly with teaching in the capacity to improve performance
and expertise in the classroom.
I suspect that given the prolific case of the Corona Virus, there won’t be much
available time nor energy that can be spent on any major reforms or
innovations in transportation nor in Veterans Affairs besides medical coverage
that is likely available universally through a Social Democratic Choice in the
Department of Health and Human Services.
I also believe you probably would have a better choice in mind for Transportation and Veterans
Affairs and wouldn’t need any advice or choices offered to you. It is likely your choices would
already be adequate.
_Justin Amash_
_Evan McMullin_
_Joe Scarborough_
_George Will_
_Max Boot_
_Richard Painter_
_Steve Schmidt_
_Jennifer Rubin_
_Bill Kristol_
In comparison to the Department of Defense, you can gain more support from Former
Republicans or Non-Trump Republicans through your selection of possible contenders for the
Secretary of Homeland Security. Justin Amash is the most practical minded individual who
could work with Democrats.