Year of Completion: Design Traffic (ESAL)
Year of Completion: Design Traffic (ESAL)
Year of Completion: Design Traffic (ESAL)
Yes NO
Whether road deteriorated due non maintenance
6. Estimated Cost Rs :
Normal Area
Cost sharing pattern for this road Special Area (90:10)
Cost due to higher specification such as carriage way width, Higher Axle
8.25 0.59
load , Hard shoulders, Shifting of Utilities
Road Road Name Trace Map Rank
Road 1
Component RR(VR)L1
Sikajorre to Halma (1406501) 50
Road 2 13
a) If yes, what are the Trace map rankings of the components of the
cnadidate road?
Component RR(VR)
Khamarmunda to Sikajore Via Kinjirikela (1508898) 2
Road 3 MRL-01
Road 4
Halma 695
c) Names of benefitted habitations
Khamarimunda 429
Kinjirikela 2268
Sikajore 1053
Katijore 607
Kupatangar 1119
Orampara 232
Deobhubanpur 4460
Gurdihi 291
Oriyapada 254
Total weight
g) Average PCI of the road to which proposed TR or MRL will be connected 5.00
b) Indicate the actual widths of the following for the proposed road In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area (m)
c) Indicate the proposed widths of the following for the proposed road In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area (m)
H- Habitation
F-Facilities name
9 Name of Road :
Cross Section details
Exising BT Surface 3.75 Mtr Item Thickness
WBM Gr-II 75
GSB 150
WBM GR-IiI-75 mm
WBM GR-II-75 mm
GSB-175 mm
Item Thickness
WBM Gr-II 75
GSB 175
WBM GR-IiI-75 mm
WBM GR-II-75 mm
GSB-175 mm
10 Base year traffic volume
Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count =
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
3 days traffic cound is required in case design is done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018
Passenger car unit( PCU) 1919
a Traffic Details in case degisn is done as per SP IRC 72:2015
ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 2280
Growth rate adopted (%) = 6% Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 2542
Design Life = 10 Years
Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2
Traffic Category = T 6
b Traffic Details in case degisn is done as per IRC 37-2001 /IRC 37 :2012
A= Intitial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commericial vehicles per day 160.06
D= Lane distribution factor 0.75
F= Vehicle damage factor 3.9
n= Design life in years 10
r= growth rate adopted % 0.06
N= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of msa .=say 5 msa
CVPD 151.00
11. Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections ) =
Chainage 0/000-1/000 1/000-2/000 2/0-3/000 3/0-4/0 4/0-5/0 5/0-6/0 6/0-7/0 7/0-8/0
5.90 6.10 5.70 5.49 6.15 6.12 5.89 6.16
Cost/ km
Description of layer Thickness in mm Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs.
BM /DBM ( if designed using IRC 37-2018, DBM is applicable) 0.05 0.00 5747.85 0.00 0
OGPC /SDBC/BC ( SDBC / BC if designed using IRC 37-2018) 0.025 79310.00 128.83 10217829.01 729844.93
Surface Dressing
Total cost of Flexible pavement 61985584.92 4427541.8
Cement Concrete Road
C. Protection works
Average cost /
From To Length( m) Cost in Rs
Retaining wall 8/450 & 4/160 1000 6679620.60 477115.76
Breast wall 0
Toe wall 8/610 to 8/850 785 5096771.60 364055.11
Pitching / turfing for slopes
Total cost of protection works 11776392.20 841170.87
Yes NO
14. Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual RRM / Latest Circulars of NRIDA.
Yes No
15.Whether / Protection works are provided as per RRM / Latest Circulars of NRIDA/ Respective Codes of IRC.
Vetted at NRIDA
16.Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase
Yes No
17. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under
Material Source Distance Material Source Lead Distance
Earth Cement Rajgangpur 130
Murrum Local 7 Emulsion HALADIA 620
Aggregate Gotidhara 130 Bitumen HALADIA 620
Sand Ichha River 19 Steel Rourkela 129
M-Sand Ichha River 19
NOTE -: Certified that this road is connecting to Block Head quarter ,main link roads,important direct indirect habitation , therfore more than T4 traffic is proposed.
Prepared By
Technical Scrutiny at STA
(Name) Checked By
done by:
Counter Signatures of
Co-ordinator STA :
To be filled by State Technical Agency
Name of the STA: Rourkela
Name of Road : Khamarimunda TO to Halma via Kinjrikela Sikajore Yes / NO to be filled by STA in own handwriting
Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMAS under PMGSY III proposal module:
(Data entries to be verified by STA before Clicking the Propopsal)
a. Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of DRRP Yes
Are you satisfied that the proposed road is significantly more beneficial to the public than the roads with higher
trace maps rank in the same block?
b. Soil/ Material Investigation ( CBR, Density, LL, PI, Gradation to be verified) Yes / No
c. Whether Traffic Surveys / count has been done by third party Yes / No
Hydraulic Studies.
d. Yes / No
( Catchment for structures with more than 2 Vents to be verified from topo sheet. Location and requirement of all
CD structures to be verified from L section )
In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 7 Category and road designed using IRC 37 are you satisfied with the
a. Yes / No
reason given by PIU
Whether 3rd party Traffic verification / Axle load Surveys carried out on such roads designed with more than 1
b. Yes (Axle Load Survey data Not Enclosed)
MSA traffic and carriageway width of 5.5 m
a. In case, sub grade CBR is less than 5; has Soil Stabilisation etc. been proposed NA
Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manul / Circulars of NRIDA:
Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72- 2015 and design of Rigid Pavement as per IRC SP:62-
a. Yes / No
2014 .
b. Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC 37 2018 and design of Rigid Pavement as per IRC SP:58- 2011. NA
a. Are you satisfied with the Road safety provisions made in the DPR Yes / No
b. Whether Road Safety Audit certificate attached in case of the proposed length is more than 5 Km Yes / No
Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the data and SSR provided by PIU Engineers . The Proposal after final Correction is entered on the
OMMAS.The Propasal may be considered for clearance.