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Luray Ii National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Toledo City
Luray II, Toledo City

Instructional Plan In TLE_ICT

VII Component
Grade Level TLE-Technical Drafting Quarter IV
IPlan No. Duration 1 Hour
Learning Competency
Analyze, signs symbols and data
Lesson No./Title Lesson 1: Alphabet of lines in Technical Drawing
Key Understanding to
Interpret plans, diagrams, and working drawings.
be developed
The fact or condition of
knowing something with
Analyse orthographic views of an object
familiarity gained through
experience or
The ability and capacity
acquired through
deliberate, systematic,
and sustained effort to
smoothly and adaptively
Learning Objectives Visualize and project orthographic views of an object
carryout complex
activities or the ability,
coming from one's
knowledge, practice,
aptitude, etc., to do
A settled way of thinking
or feeling about someone Formulate orthographic projection of an object in
or something, typically drawing exercises.
one that is reflected in a
person’s behavior:
A. References
K-12 Technology and Livelihood Education
Information and Communication-Technical Drafting
Curriculum Guide & Learning Module
Resources Needed
Drafting Volume 1 By. German M. Manaois
B. Materials
Architectural Drawings, Visual Aids

Elements of the Plan

Preliminary Activity I.a.Prayer

This part introduces the
b.Checking of attendance
lesson content. Although at
times optional, it is usually c.Sitting of classroom standard
included to serve as a - When the class in going on, what will you
warm-up activity to give the do?
Preparations learners zest for the - When the class is going on you will not
incoming lesson and an
idea about what it to follow.
allow using your cell phones or gadgets.
One principle in learning is - If you want to answer, raise your right hand.
that learning occurs when d Review
it is conducted in a - What have you learned with our previous
pleasurable and topic in this subject?
comfortable atmosphere.
(____ minutes) m

Presentation Present to the class a Projection box.
Activity Ask the students
This is an interactive -What will be the shape of the top view if it will be
strategy to elicit learner’s projected into orthographic drawings?
prior learning experience. It
serves as a springboard for
new learning. It illustrates
the principle that learning
starts where the learners
are. Carefully structured
activities such as individual
or group reflective
exercises, group
discussion, self-or group
assessment, dyadic or
triadic interactions,
puzzles, simulations or
role-play, cybernetics
exercise, gallery walk, and
the like may be created.
Clear instructions should
be considered in this part
of the lesson.
(____ minutes)

Essential questions are
included to serve as a
guide for the teacher in
clarifying key
understandings about the
topic at hand. Critical
points are organized to
structure the discussions Ask the students
allowing the learners to -What will be the shape of the views if it will be
maximize interactions and projected into orthographic drawings.
sharing of ideas and
opinions about expected
issues. Affective questions
are included to elicit the
feelings of the learners
about the activity or the
topic. The last questions or
points taken should lead
the learners to understand
the new concepts or skills
that are to be presented in
the next part of the lesson.
(____ minutes)

This outlines the key
concepts, important skills
that should be enhanced,
and the proper attitude that
should be emphasized.
This is organized as a
lecturer that summarizes
the learning emphasized
from the activity, analysis
and new inputs in this part
of the lesson.
(____ minutes)
Application (Group Activity)
Practice This part is structured to (Chalk & Illustration Board Game)
ensure the commitment of Direction: Sketch the three orthographic views of
the learners to do
something to apply their each of the following training blocks. Proportion
new learning in their own your views to the size of each given pictorial
environment. drawing.
(____ minutes) Raise your board for checking.
Direction: Sketch the three orthographic views of
each of the following training block.

(on-going forms of
Evaluation assessment closely linked
to the learning process)
(____ minutes)

Enriching the day’s lesson

Bring bond paper and drawing implements for the
Enhancing the day’s
Assignment lesson
drawing exercise tomorrow as regards on
construction of isometric and orthographic views.
Preparing for the new
(____ minutes) This is
usually a brief but affective
closing activity such as a
strong quotation, a short
Concluding Activity song, an anecdote, parable An anecdote of teachers life.
or a letter that inspires the
learners to do something to
practice their new learning.


Reflection A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?

What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared By

Group Activity:
The following chart shows technical drawing lines that describe a piece of machinery with a swinging arm.
Identify the alphabet of lines used in the drawing.

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