Vern Action Plan2014-2015
Vern Action Plan2014-2015
Vern Action Plan2014-2015
S.Y. 2014- 2015
1. Student Development
-Skills and knowledge in AUTOMOTIVE -Teach the concepts, knowledge and June 2014 Students
TECHNOLOGY achieved to the maximum develop the skills among the to and
degree of proficiency based, using the Automotive students using the March 2015 Teachers
Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) CBC/CLM as one of the area of
and Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) of specializations in TVE.7&8
the Strengthened Technical Vocational
Education- Competency-Based
- To attend Competitions Division, -Develop students to join and June 2014 Students
Regional Technolympics and National participate into the competition to to and
Skills Development Competition. become globally competitive. March 2015 Teachers
-To integrate values development to the -Develop among the students the sense Students
maximum level of acceptability. of respect, honesty, cleanliness, coming Year Round
to school regularly, dedication and love Teachers
of work.
-Organize the AUTOMOTIVE Club. Maintain the achievement of the club, Year Round and
hold activities in-line with the Teachers
B. Teacher Development
and Competencies
1. Professional Growth -To attend seminars, trainings, To attend mentioned activities upon the Year Round
workshops and conferences in line with recommendation of the principal with Teachers
the area of specialization. due respect.
-To accept extra-curricular activities as To perform and discharge assigned work Year Round
the chairman or member to working with commitment.
committee, chairperson, emcee etc.
2. Community Allied Services -Establish a harmonious and productive Maintain the harmonious relationship. Year Round Teacher
relationship with the people in the
Strengthen the relationship of the PTA Strengthen the relationship. Year Round Teacher
and Alumni Association of the School.
4.Conflict and Management -To manage and solve the problems of the Solve issues and conflicts in the Year Round Teacher
students in the classroom with the help of classroom with the help of the Guidance
the Guidance Counselor. Counselor.
8. Socio-Cultural Skills and Sports -To develop, encourage, join and attend in Attend/join and encourage to participate Year Round
Development sports development. in the Sports Meet, Foundation Day,
Recognition and Graduation day.