Operations Planning & Control: SR - No Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 A
Operations Planning & Control: SR - No Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 A
Operations Planning & Control: SR - No Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 A
maintenance Determining the
on a regular, best time to
maintenance predictable perform
Predictive maintenance involves activities in a None of these
schedule so preventive
workers know maintenance on
predictable manner.
when to expect equipment.
A2 2
Total Productive maintenance (TPM) approach has the potential of providing Production and Quality and Production and
almost a seamless integration between Quality Maintenance Maintenance All of the above
A3 3
Problem– Problem – Problem–
Problem – Cause –
.A systematic approach for maintenance is Diagnosis – Measure – Diagnosis –
Diagnosis –
Cause – Diagnosis – Measure –
Rectification Rectification Rectification Rectification
A4 1
Replace of Repair of Service of
Maintenance consist of the following action(s) All of the above
A5 component component component 4
The time elapsed from the point the machine fails to perform its function to the Break Down
point it is repaired and brought into operating condition is known as Down time time Both (A) and (B) Idle time
A6 3
Effectiveness of
Maintenance Frequency of None of the
(Down time in hours / Available hours) = maintenance
effectiveness breakdown above
A7 1
Increase in None of the
Total productive maintenance aims at Less idle time Zero down time
A8 productivity above 3
Breakdown cost and preventive maintenance costs are inversely related. 1 2 3 4
A9 1
Effectiveness of
Maintenance Frequency of None of the
(Number of breakdowns / Available machine hours) = maintenance
effectiveness breakdown above
A10 2
Which quality management program is related to the maintenance of plants and Environmental Fault tree Failure mode Total productive
equipments? management systems analysis effect analysis maintenance
A11 4
Which type of maintenance is not directly included in the total maintenance
Preventive Breakdown Predictive None of these.
A12 cost, but might be a component of total cost? 4
The role by which an organization intends to serve its stakeholders is included in Mission
B1 the___ Strategic Intent Business Policy Statement Vision 3
B2 Goals should be SMART. In this T stands for Time-based Tactics Truthful Tenable 1
_____ includes defining the corporate mission, specifying achievable objectives, Strategy
B3 developing strategy & setting policy guidelines Strategic Intent Business Policy Formulation Business Plan 2
Low level management staff is asked to prepare the objectives and send them
downwards for consideration, suggestion and alteration. This is called as ___ Bottom Up Top Down Autocratic
B11 Centralised approach Approach Approach approach 2
___ gives a picture about what an organization must get into immediately in
B12 order to use the opportunity Strategic intent Budget Business Policy Business Plan
underlying Short range
Which of the following is not true for forecasting? casual system Forecast for forecasts are
will remain group of items less accurate
Forecasts are rarely same in the is accurate than than long
C1 perfect future individual item range forecasts 4
C2 Which of the following is not a forecasting technique? Judgemental Time series Time horizon Associative 1
Keeping available time per day constant, if the desired production rate per day is
C3 to be doubled ,cycle time will be reduced by :- 0.2 0.75 0.5 1 3
Operations generated forecasts often not to do with Inventory Resource Time
C4 requirements needs requirements Sales 4
_______ is the sum of set up time and run time. Manufacturin
C5 Lead time g time 3 4 2
Master schedule is prepared for Single product Multi product product Single product
continuous batch continuous batch
C6 production production production production 3
C7 .A linear trend equation has the form F=a-bt F=a+bt F=2a-bt F=2a+bt 2
The transit time consist of consumed in
Time taken by raw moving the Time taken by a
material from work between worker to
machine to various machine a None of the
C10 machine departments component above 2
If efficiency is more, the manufacturing time required for completion of job
C11 would be generally :- More Less 3 4 2
The effectiveness of sequencing model technique ________ if the company has Complaints
backlog of Cancellation of from
C12 Decreases Increases orders customers 1
Inspection of
Procurement cycle time is time consumed for Inspection of purchased
Receiving of raw various raw components All of the
C13 material materials parts above 4
Work measurement is responsibility of :- Material Industrial Production
C14 PPC department engineering department 3
C15 Centralized and decentralized are the types of Routing Dispatching Scheduling Follow up 3
The aggregate planning strategies of (1) varying inventory level or (2) back It is difficult to
ordering during periods of high demand have which of the following Customers exactly match
disadvantages in common? Quality of output may go supply with
D1 may suffer. elsewhere. holding costs demand. 3
planning a
Disaggregating the aggregate relates to chase master short-range
D2 yield management approach scheduling planning 3
the number of
The transportation method of aggregate planning requires that rows be
ending beginning greater than
cost factors be inventory be inventory be the number of
D3 linear and positive. zero. zero. columns. 1
Sales and operations planning is intermediate-range decisions to balance supply
and demand, integrating financial and operations planning.
D4 1 2 3 4 1
The term available-to-promise is most closely associated with rough-cut disaggregating master
sales and capacity the aggregate production
D5 operations planning planning plan scheduling 2
Which of the following is NOT a mathematical approach to aggregate planning? management graphical and
transportation coefficients charting linear decision
D6 method model methods rule (LDR) 3
.Capacity requirements can be more difficult to predict for services than for
D7 manufacturing. 1 2 3 4 1
D8 Supply options include pricing and using part-time workers. 1 2 3 4 1
The scheduling stage to specify various options for a product is called: Final assembly Input/output production Rough-cut
D9 scheduling planning scheduling planning 4
Which one is unrelated to the master scheduling process? capacity available-to-
D10 yield management planning time fences. promise 3
attempting to
In the service sector, aggregate planning for the production of high-volume Planning for manage
intangible output is directed toward human demand to
resource keep
Finding the size of requirements smoothing the equipment and
the workforce to be and managing production employees
D11 employed. demand. rate. working. 4
Use of
Which one is not considered a capacity option? Use of Use of temporary
D12 Use of backorders. overtime. subcontractors. workers 1
Aggregate planning is intermediate range planning for goods and services.
D13 1 2 3 4 1
Which of the following aggregate planning strategies requires employing back-ordering production
relatively unskilled personnel to be most effective? during high- rates through
demand using part-time overtime or
D14 subcontracting periods workers idle time 1
Marginal or incremental costs in production planning are only those unique costs
D15 that differ from one aggregate plan to another. 1 2 3 4 1
The queue time is intended to compensate for the time for which the job has Lie after its
to :- completion till is
Wait near the Wait until picked up and Spend extra
machines for its turn inspection and moved to next time due to
until other jobs ahead storage is machine/work emergent
E1 of it are completed. completed. center. situations 2
There is direct
Which of the following is not a principle of work-center scheduling? Schedule jobs as equivalence
Once started, a job strings, with between work
should not be Reschedule process steps flow and cash
E2 interrupted every day back to back flow 4
Standard time accounts for :- Contingency Job splitting Operator's Tool change
E3 allowance time rating/efficiency time 4
E4 Curve fitting method of statistical forecasting uses curve line approach. 1 2 3 4 1
Important considerations in scheduling are :- Degree of Relative job
E5 centralization Sales forecast priority Load chart 4
E6 Fluctuation due to changes in season are called cyclical fluctuation. 1 2 3 4 1
Lack of
One of the causes of inability to meet delivery date originally promised :- availability of Load balancing
Lack of availability of supervisor in Lack of staff in not done
E7 material in time time shift properly 4
E8 Overlapping of operations helps in compressing manufacturing time. 1 2 3 4 1
increased job
Employee empowerment in general means increased job autonomy for decreased job
autonomy for the the autonomy for None of the
E9 superiors subordinates the subordinates above 2
________ is a production line made up of operations that form or change the
E10 physical or sometimes chemical characteristics of a product. Fabrication line Assembly line 3 4 1
A _________ approach actually schedules in detail each resource using the setup Forward Backward
E11 and runtime required for each order. Infinite loading Finite loading scheduling scheduling 2
The main characteristics of mass and flow production are :- Continuous flow of High skilled Low skilled
E12 material labour labour Easy supervision 3
Stock of finished goods are based on :-
E13 Marketing forecast Sales forecast 3 4 2
Labour efficiency depends upon ________ Training and
E14 Training Experience Split up experience 4
The ROI of the company can be increased by :- Increasing profit &
investment/sales decreasing
E15 ratio inventory 3 4 2
A sky lounge for 1st class passengers represents a variant element for an airline.
F1 1 2 3 4 1
Bar coding and checkout scanner technology have created a wealth of
consumer-buying information that can be used to target customers with Progressive Micro
F2 precision. This process is an example of: Marketing Marketing Digital Marketing 4 2
An arrangement of servers in parallel is an insurance against breakdown of the
service in case of absenteeism or equipment failure. It, thus, adds to flexibility at
F3 the expense of capacity utilization. 1 2 3 4 1
A machine that can produce operations from memory that was originally
executed under human control is classified as intelligent automation.
F8 1 2 3 4 1
A customer who is interested in the self-service option would find which of the Service provider's Customer's
following dimensions of service most important? control of the control of the None of the
F12 situation situation above 4 2
A firm facing serious competition for the first time is in the journeyman stage of
F13 a service firm’s competitiveness. 1 2 3 4 1
A bank is an example of a service provider with a single-level bi-directional
F14 service supply relationship. 1 2 3 4 2
A service blueprint with a large number of process steps is considered to have a: high degree of high degree of
F15 ----- complexity simplicity 3 4 2
Cost of spares
The ____ goes on increasing with the increase in degree of maintenance efforts. and Labour and
G1 Cost of down time maintenance Overhead Cost All of the above 3