Inventory & Purchase Management: SR.N O Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 A
Inventory & Purchase Management: SR.N O Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 A
Inventory & Purchase Management: SR.N O Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 A
The system which have four distinct function input, coversion process, output and Materials Production Quality Marketing
Purchase System
A1 control is known as System System System System 3
If economic order quantity for one year is 30000 packages and demand in units for None of the
100 10 12 11
one year are 3000 units, how much deliveries are require in a year above
B4 2
The buying activities are became specialized and a professionalized staff function, Reactive Distructing Proactive Managable Stimulative
B5 the purchasing department function is viewed as Function Functions Function Functions Functions 3
It is the scientific way of determining the requirements of raw materials, Economic
Materials Inventory Quality None of the
components, spare and other items that go into meeting the production needds Order
Planning Control Mangement above
B6 within economic investment policies is known as Quantity 1
Bill of Bill of Bill of
It refer retrieval techniques traces the direct or indirect uses of a part on higher Bill of Materials None of the
Materials Materials Materials
level assemblies is called as Fusion above
B7 Implosion Organized Explosion 2
This method is use when materials are carried out when the production Allocation Delegation Retrival Discriptancy Perpetual
B8 programme are originated Method Method Method Method Method 1
It refer to the retrieval process which divided a products or assembly into its Bill of Bill of Bill of
Bill of Materials None of the
immediate components or low level components through their sub assemblies is Materials Materials Materials
Fusion above
B9 called as Implosion Organized Explosion 4
Business Demand for All of the
Factors influencing materials planning consider Import Policy Credit Policy
B10 Cycle items above 5
The factors which affect materials planning are price trends, business cycle, Irrelavant Micro Dependent Independent
Macro Factors
B11 import policy of government, credit policy is called as Factors Factors Factors Factors 1
Component Component Finish All of the
Materials are classified into the group into classes Work in Process
B12 Parts Parts Product above 5
The factors affecting on materials planning including seasonality, firm objectives, Dependent Macro Crucial Independent
Micro Factors
B13 delegation of authority and communication is known as Factors Factors Factors Factors 5
A document which shows for a particular product or item, list of materials storage Materials Production Bill of Materials
Materials Details
B14 code and consumption pattern is known as Discription Scheule Materials Planning 4
Materials Purchase Estimate Materials All of the
Materials budget includes the
Estimates Timing Purchase Qty Price above
B15 5
It is generally responsible for working with suppliers to make sure the required Distribution Vendor Purchase Quality
inward flow of materials and services Management Management Management Manager
C1 5
It is normally responsible for the outward flow of finish products from Vendor Materials None of the
Distribution Purchasing
organization to the customers Management Management above
C2 1
The coordination is achieved by placing all functional areas involved with moving Inventory Purchase Materials Quality None of the
materials into and through the plant under one organization head is called as Manager Manager Manager Manager above
C3 2
Organization Organization Organization
Materials management department is structure on the basis of functions such as based on None of the
based on based on a based on
store, transport, inventory control, purchase is called as Matrials above
Commodities Function Location
C4 Planning 2
It is responsible for determining production quantities and scheduling the Distribution Purchase Vendor Purchase Distribution
resources directly responsible for the production of items or services or goods Control Control Control Control Control
C5 4
Organization has several plants or locations or division at different geographical Decentralize vendor
Centralized Both A and B Both A and C
areas the organising for materials management will be___________ d Management
C6 4
It can be defined as organizational aproach which brings under the one
organizational components the responsibility for determining the production Purchase Vendor Quality Materials None of the
requirements, scheduling the production process, prcuring, stroring and Management Management Management Management above
C7 disbursing materials at cost economy 4
Systematic flow of goods, services and information from buying process to material Finish goods manufacturin None of the
supply chain
delivery process of product to customers is known as chain chain g flow chain above
C8 1
Organization are divided the responsibility for materials management in three
Intergrated Material Organization Differential Segment
different departments like production and planning, purchasing and distribution
Structure Structure Structure Structure Structure
C9 this traditional structure is known as 5
quality which
suits the
Right quality means _________________ under needs
over specifying specifying without
the quality the quality buying incurring
standards for for standard extra cost to Non of the
D7 purchasers purchasing items the company above 4
Number of purchase orders for each year is multiplied to relevant ordering cost Irrelevant annual Annual
for each purchase order to calculate Annual relevant annual cost carrying irrelevant All of the
D8 Ordering Costs of ordering costs carrying costs above 1
Purchase Budget has affect on _______________________
Budget of Profitability
D13 Bill of materials the company of firm All of these 5 4
To protect To protect
To effective against against
The aim of forward purchasing is
utilization of interruption increase in All of a,b and None of a,b
D14 storage space in supply price C and C 2
Finished goods are manufactured on basis of forecasted demand, is known as requirement in-time on-time pull strategy None of the
D15 planning production production of production above 1
Return on total Fund flow All of the
The finacial parameters in vendor rating includes
E1 asset Current Ratio Quick Ratio analysis above 5
In purchasing, ______________ refer to the reliability of an item for its intended None of the
E2 purpose Durability Quality Cost Usability above 2
____________ of supplier can have impact on shipping time, response time, Technical
E3 transportation cost, meet rush orders. Price Location cost Process Cpabilities 2
A firm consider the factors like quality, price, supplier reputation in market,
Vendor Vendor Vendor None of the
experience in business and after sales service with supplier is known as
E8 Vendor Analysis Selection Appraisal Capability above 1
Which one is the part of vendor evaluation and vendor rating Technical After Sales All of the
E9 Availability Capabilities
Sales Service Service above 5
Manpower Plant All of the
Factor consider for vendor rating is___________
E10 Quality Warrenty Skills Capacity above 5
Problem All of the
Vendor motivation approach consider the_________
E11 Reward Punishment Solving Training above 5
It is the system where inspection system developed, improved and maintained Production Assurance Process Product None of the
E12 System Sysem System System above 2
Supplier Supplier Supplier None of the
____________ is a details examination of the polcies and capabilities of a supplier
E13 Certification Supllier Audit Partnership Training above 1
_________ means not only the total amount required but also the time schedule
sccording to which the goods are suupplied to meet buyer requrement
E14 Price Performance Cost Usability Quantity 5
Vendor Vendor Vendor Vendor None of the
Vendor evaluation is also known as
E15 Monitoring Selection Appraisal Capability above 1
The properties, features and qualities which cause us to yearn to possess it, Exchange None of the
F1 causing the item to be sold is called as Esteem Value Use Value Value Cost Value above 1
Information General Function Evaluation All of the
The steps involves in value analysis__________
F2 Phase Phase Phase Phase above 5
The total of material, labour and other costs that have to be incurred to produce Exchange None of the
F3 an item is called as Esteem Value Use Value Value Cost Value above 4
The properties, features and qualities which accomplish the use or work or service Exchange None of the
F4 causing the item to perform or serve end is called as Esteem Value Use Value Value Cost Value above 2
It involves study of the functions of manufactured parts, purchase items, parts and
components to check whether specifications can be change or modified to reduce
Vendor Vendor Value Value None of the
the cost without compromising the quality is known as
F5 Management Rating Analysis corelation above 3
__________ is a process in which members of value analysis team throw an idea Profit Brain None of the
F6 as they occurs during group session Price Analysis Negotiation Analysis Storming above 4
Selection criterio for value analysis are
Large Purchase Non Stadards High Scrap Requirement All of the
F7 items Parts Costs s above 5
The properties or qualities which enables us to exchange an item for something Exchange None of the
F8 else we want is called as Esteem Value Use Value Value Cost Value above
Which step is not a part of value analysis process Purchasing Investigation Recommenda None of the
F10 Evaluation Phase Phase Phase tion Phase above 2
of Change
Value analysis is achieved through techniques Like__________
Elimination of Manufacturi Variety source of All of the
F11 Parts ng Process reduction supply above 5
_________ is the customer subjective evaluation, cost adjustment of how well a Purchasing Performance None of the
F12 product meets or fulfill expectations Value Vendor Functions Functions above 1
________ express value as a comparison of what aproduct can do for the Mass Value All of the
F13 customer against what it costs to him Risk Production Equation Time above 3
Costs associated with storage of finished goods such as obsolescence, spoilage purchasing stock-out ordering All of the
F14 and insurance of goods are classified as carrying costs costs costs costs above 1
___________ is a document accompanies bill of exchange drawn under letter of Certificate of Letter of None of the
G1 credit Invoice Bill of Lading Origin Credit above 2
___________ is the documents normally prepared by an independent agency
other than the exporter to certify the conditions, quality of goods shipped as per Certificate of Inspection None of the
G2 the requirements of importer Letter of Credit Origin Packing List Certificate above 4
_________ is a document issued by a government authorities for authorising the Import Proforma None of the
G3 export of a specific consignment Export License License Invoice Packing List above 1
The cost of insurance and taxes are included in Inventory Cost of All of the
G4 Cost of ordering Set up cost carrying cost shortages above 3
level)*2 + (Reorder
Reorder level – (Nornal (order level + level +
The minimum stock level is calculated as
(Nornal consumption Normal Normal
consumption x x Normal consumption consumption)
Normal delivery delivery ) x 2*Normal / Normal None of the
H1 time) time) delivery time delivery time above 1
The Minimum
stock level
‘Buffer stock’ means
below which
Maximum actual stock
1/3 of the actual ½ of the stock in should not All of the
H2 stock actual stock inventory fall above 4
___________ is generally attach with sales department or shipping department Finish Goods Raw Material Semi Finish Centralized None of the
H8 Store Store Goods Store Store above 1
This type of store is storing production materials such as oils, fixtures etc. is called Production Stationary Finish Goods
H9 as Salvage Store Store Store Bonded Store Store 2
high, high,
highest, medium moderate medium and high, medium
In inventory management HML means
and low value and low least valueand low value None of the
H10 items value items items items above 4
All of the
Physical store consider_____
H11 Central Store Transit Store Inward Store Holding Store above 5
Work in
This is the storage place where semi processed parts are stored for some time
Production Stationary Progress None of the
before they are move to next stage of processing is known as
H12 Salvage Store Store Store Store above 4
This type of store where raw materials are use for production are store is called as Production Stationary Raw Material
H15 Salvage Store Store Store Store Sub Store 4
Which of the following factor is not consider in inventory decisions Ordering Cost of Machining Inventory Cost of None of the
I1 Materials cost Carrying cost shortages above 2
All of the
Inventory are classified as
Semi Finish Consumable Maintenance above Correct
I11 Raw Materials Goods Goods Spare Parts Answe 5
Receivable Reorder Receptable Recurring None of the
ROL stands for
I12 Order Level Order Level Order Level Order Level above 2
Inventories are maintain the reserve stock to meet the unexpected fluctuation of
FluctuationPipe Line Finish Good None of the
demand over a period which can not be precisely predicted is known as
I15 Cycle Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory above 2
_________ items are those which have been drawn from store at least once in Regular None of the
J1 two years Slow Moving Non Moving Moving Fast Moving Above 4
Spare parts which are required for replacement of old parts due to break down by
Overhauling Insurance Maintenance None of the
wear and tear are called as__________
J13 Rotable Spare Spare Spare Spaer Parts above 4
Integrated Materials Planning includes Integrated Materials Planning includes Inventory Stock Vendor All of the
K1 FSN Analysis Levels Verification Rating above 5
Goods Goods
GIGO stands for
Goods In, Goods Garbage In, Inspection, Inspected, None of the
K3 Out Garbage Out Goods Out Goods Order above 2
Material Material
MRN stands for Material Material Relocation Receiving None of the
K4 Rejection Note Related Note Note Note above 4
Delivery All of the
Vendor evaluation consider
K5 Suppliers history rating Price rating Quality rating above 5
Tools In, Tools Trash In, Trach In, Trade In, None of the
TITO stands for
K6 Out Trash Out Track Out Trade Out above 2
Master Mean Merchant Managing
Estimation of finish products to be produced for time period such as quarter or
Production Production Production Production None of the
month or week
K7 Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule above 1