World Class Manufacturing: SR - No Description Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 A

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Labour Machine Capital

Preventive maintenance improves Material productivity
productivity productivity productivity
A1 3

Productivity is the ____ of production system. Measurement Efficiency Both (A) and (B) None of them
A10 3
Operation is a ________ process designed to convert input in to a valuable Frank B.
Conversion Transition Production
A11 Product or Service Gilbreth 2
In a Process Strategy, High Variety & Low Volume should focus on ____________
Processes Product Both a & b None of them
A12 ? 3
In a Process Strategy, Low Variety & High Volume should focus on ____________ Processes Product Both a & b None of them
A13 1
A manufacturing set up of a reputed group is established to produce 110 units of
bicycles per month, that are"strictly tailormade" to everyorder's requirements. Processoriente Continuousprod
Mass production Job production
The organization is in this business for a long time and is specialised in made-to- dproduction uction
order products.In your opinion, the type of production here is:-
A14 4
Vertical integration or outsourcing to manage with Operations & Supply is a Backward Make or Buy Outsourcing
Expansion of Business
A15 decision also called as_____ Integration Decision Decision 4
Basic work Basic work Basic work
Basic work content +
Total work content = content – content + content –
Excess time
Excess time Ineffective time Ineffective time
A2 3
Materials, Machines, Methods,
Materials, Machines,
The resources utilized for production are Methods, Manpower, Machine,
A3 Machines Methods Manpower 1
While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered. Customer need Supplier need Worker need
A4 need 1
Capability maturity Capability Capability
CMM stands for monitoring
model measuring model matching model
A5 model 1
Similar products or services are manufactured repeatedly using intermittent flow Continuous Job Shop Project
Batch Production
A6 is called as….. Production Production Production 1
A7 When Volume of Production is _______ then Process Layout is Feasible High Medium Low Average 1
When Volume of Production is High (Mass Production) then ___________ is Fixed Product
Process layout Product Layout Flexible Layout
A8 Feasible. Layout Layout 3
A9 Which of the following are the Determinants of Process Characteristics Volume Variety Flow All of them 2
& are the principal methods for achieving faster throughput of
agementpractic Planning,Schedu
B1 Production,Quality es Cost,Quality ling 2
In a small company,aproduct undergoes limited no.of operations.Operators check
the parts after the process and only good parts are sent forward for next
operation.There is no time loss due to inspection and there is no rejection from
customer.Those parts which are not ok are either reworked or scrapped.The
owner of the company feels that there is no need for spending time and money
for identification of process deviations or errors since only good out put is
delivered to the customer and customer is also happy with the quality and
delivery in this situation.
B10 TRUE False 3 4 2
Both in control
and is
In terms of statistical process control (SPC), which of the following statement
It is predictable predictable
holds true with reference to the variation within a stable system?
within a range of within a range of It is
B11 values. It is in control. values. controllable. 3
What important objective be considered in a competitive Indian environment
B12 Mix flexibility All of these flexibility design flexibility 2

The purchasing lead time can be reduced by avoiding inspection of incoming By making BuyerplacestheIn Byself-
material at buyer's premises.This call short-term spectorforinspec certificationofq
forimprovingthequalitystandardsandensuring:- Bypayinghigherprices purchasingagre tingthemateriala ualitybysupplier
B13 tosuppliers ements tseller'spremises s 4
Which probability distribution uses discrete data having only two possible
B2 outcomes? Poisson Chi-square Normal Binomial 4
Greatermanufa Componentandc
The Supply Management is required to implement strategic activities except:- cturingcompeti Managementinfo ommoditystrate
B3 Supplybasestrategy tiveness rmationsystem gies 2
means involving employees to take preventive and corrective actions without
Employee Employee's
management approval.
B4 TQ empowerment involvement CWQC 3

Assessment of
the company’s
What is the first step in the planning process for WCM?
current Examining the
Setting up the manufacturing Assessing the Strategic
B5 Planning Team capabilities Competition Position 2
Correctivemaintenan Predictivemain Totalproductive Noneoftheabov
An approach to detect failures using sensitive instruments is referred to as:-
B6 ce tenance maintenance e 2

For a successful supplier involvement in Global Manufacturting,various policies of
rehousestoacc Useofsmall,sidel
supplier network were introduced except:-
Useofstandardizedco ommodateallsu oadedtrucksands Becomeadedica
B7 ntainers ppliersmaterial hipmixedloads tedsupplier 2
What is the usually accepted OEE score for manufacturers without TPM and/or
B8 leanprograms? 4 0.5 5 0.8 2
The world class Supply Management philosophy reflects those actions and values
responsible for continuous improvement of the design,development and
management processes of an organisation supply system with the objective of
improving its profitability and ensuring its survival as well as profitability and
Burt,Doblerand Richard
survival of its customers and suppliers has been written by:-
B9 EdwardM.KnodJr. Starling DerekL.Waller J.Schonberger 2
Decision None of the
Diamond represents ________ while plotting flow chart.
C1 Step in activity making Direction of flow above 2
Apply the 5 G’s principles is a best practice to be followed during the problem Establish GENGITSU –
solving exercise. Which one is not a “G” applicable here: GENBUTSU – Examine rigorous Check facts and GENRI – Refer
C10 physically the object measures figures to the Theory 4

Is the usage of
any resource
during the
Process, which is
not recognized
by the Customer
Is part of a as increasing the Cannot be seen
Is part of a Process Process and value they on the shop
C11 and always inevitable always evitable receive floor 3
Top level Middle level Frontline
Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?
C12 management management management All of them 1
monitor the
The role of management is to effectiveness of
C13 provide Resources define EMS the system All of them 4

What is a typical semi value added activity (activity needed, but not providing
Rework to Training to bring
directly value for the Customer)?
Check to ensure correct employee to Searching
C14 compliance mistakes desired standard documents 3
Among the tools of TQM, the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the
sequence of events through which a product travels is a
C15 Pareto chart Flow chart check sheet Taguchi map 2
Plan-Do- Proceed-Do- Proceed-Do-
P-D-C-A stands for
C2 Plan-Do-check-Act correct-Act check-Act correct-Act 1

Run the Execute direct

In a LEAN environment, operators are responsible for:
Maximizing the Meet customer processes requests to the
C3 output requirements assigned supervisor 2
While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.
C4 Material quality Customer need Market demand All of them 2
A map of the
A consensus Current Status
Value Stream Mapping exercise begins with: about how the (process and
Customer process should information Best Practices
C5 Specifications be executed flow) implementation 3

Perform the
An employee with time available should: next operation
Anticipate his on the Value
C6 Be punished Be rewarded work stream 4
C7 ISO emphasis on Prevention Inspection Rejection All of them 1
The main focus of any Continuous Improvement Project should be the elimination Organizational
C8 of... FTEs Flexibility Waste levels 3

Six Sigma
LEAN arose as a evolved as a Both
Choose the statement that is not correct: LEAN and Six Sigma Method to quality initiative methodologies
are both Process optimize auto to reduce are focused in
Improvement manufacturing variance in how to optimize
C9 Methodologies (Toyota); Motorola the Process flow 4
The Japanese term “Jidoka” means ____________?
D1 Manual Correction Automation Autonomation Improvement 2
Lean principles
Lean principles have been
Which of the following statements is true of LEAN? Lean principles focus are separate developed over a Lean principles
on advanced body of lengthy period of include reducing
D10 statistical methods knowledge time. waste. 4
D11 Which word is not directly related to Six Sigma: Variability Precision Flow Accuracy 3
What name is often given to the Japanese “total quality approach‟ to removing Lean Continous
D12 anything that does not add value to the final product? Jobbing processes production Batch production Production 2
D13 Which term connotes waste and inefficiency? muda kaizen poka-yoke Kanban 1
a foolproof Just-in-time a fishbone continuous
"Kaizen" is a Japanese term meaning
D14 mechanism (JIT) diagram improvement 4
Design of Experiments is a tool used during the Improve phase to understand the
D15 key variables that influence a result. True FALSE 3 4 1

Investigate the
The first step in developing a project charterin Six sigma is to
root causes of Identify the Calculate the
Identify the solutions the problem opportunity for final project
D2 to be tested being analyzed improvement benefits 3
As we calibrate our Measurement System to assure accurate data we frequently
encounter Bias which is the [ ] of a measured value from the [ ] value. Which of
Deviation, hoped Spread, Mean of
the following terms can be inserted in the blanks to create a true statement?
D3 Deviation, true Spread, idea for the population 1

How do automotive companies mainly sell their new products? Through retail Via a trade Directly to
D4 Over the internet distributers magazine customers 4
Suppliers supplying working in Engineers Everyone
Edward Deming says, Quality is the responsibility of…
raw materials (inputs) Operations designing quality working for the
D5 O Department Design Organization 4
Define precisely the Understand the Identify the root Implement
What is the main goal in the Measure phase ix Sigma ?
D6 Project Charter Problem causes actions 1
D7 Which term refers to a signaling device? muda kaizen poka-yoke kanban 4
Which of the following is used to create a model of the effect on an output by the Correlation Linear Multiple
D8 variation in two or more of the inputs? Coefficient X-Y Diagram Regression Regression 4
Cause and effect Design of
Which tool is not applicable in the Analyze phase of Six Sigma
D9 Pareto Histogram diagram experiments 4
Reducing unnecessary motion in operations can significantly improve throughput.
E1 Making these improvements is known as ____________? Eco-motion Ergonomics Economics Empowerment 1

Six Sigma
LEAN arose as a evolved as a Both
Choose the statement that is not correct: LEAN and Six Sigma Method to quality initiative methodologies
are both Process optimize auto to reduce are focused in
Improvement manufacturing variance in how to optimize
E10 Methodologies (Toyota); Motorola the Process flow 2
Lean systems use a "push" approach to operations to quickly get output to their
E11 customers. TRUE False 3 4 2
E12 Using small lot sizes reduces the flexibility of a system. TRUE False 3 4 2
Lowering inventory levels is a tactic to expose quality problems in a lean system.
E13 True FALSE 3 4 1

Run the Execute direct

In a LEAN environment, operators are responsible for:
Maximizing the Meet customer processes requests to the
E14 output requirements assigned supervisor 1
What name is often given to the Japanese 'total approach‟ to removing anything
production Continuous
that does not add value to the final product?
E15 Jobbing processes processes processes. Batch processes 2

Lean production involves Improvement of Elimination of Elimination of all Improvement of

E2 quality only cost only types of waste speed only 3
E3 JIT II is associated with vendor-managed inventory. True FALSE 3 4 1
Lean production relies on a specific throughput rate of the whole operation. This throughput
E4 is known as _____________? Output time time Kanban time Takt time 4
The ultimate objective in JIT objective is to minimize the amount of inventory on
E5 hand. TRUE False 3 4 2
Lean systems typically use layouts that: are based on a job enable moving somewhat
shop in order to parts in large dissimilar
E6 handle variety lot sizes products all of them 1
Elimination of
Lean production involves Elimination of cost Improvement Improvement of all types of
E7 only of quality only speed only waste 4
Lean systems rely on worker specialization to achieve high productivity.
E8 True FALSE 3 4 1

Single Motion Simple Motion

One of the tools of lean production is SMED. What does this stand for?
Single Minute Engineering and Exchange of SingleMinute
E9 Engineering Design ? Design Die Exchange of Die 4
MRP is different from JIT in terms of
F1 Inventory Quality orientation All of them 1
JIT does not believe in
F10 Quality production Human relations All of them 2
F11 Just-in-Time was successfully implemented by Toyota Honda Suzuki Volkswagen 1
F12 In Just-In-Time the vendor is to be viewed by the company as a Manager Worker Partner None of them 3
MRP is different from JIT in terms of
F13 Inventory Quality orientation All of them 4

In Just-In-Time system Conveyance There is unequal

times are production at
F14 There is no delay balanced Both (A) and (B) different places 3
Which one is not a building block of JIT? Akanban and small nizational
F15 lot sizes issues product design process design 2
Big lot size
Just-In-Time is
F2 Single unit production production Both (A) and (B) None of them 4
POK stands for Product ordering Ordering Production Plan Ordering
F3 Kanban Kanban Ordering Kanban Kanban 3

The following is (are) the prerequisite(s) for JIT. Vendor should Worker should
produce defect be empowered
F4 Multi skilled workers free his own decision All of them 4

Batch Job order

Just-In-Time (JIT) combines the benefits of
Job order production production and production and
F5 and Line production Line production Batch production None of them 1
The term that relates to matching the output rate with customer demand in a JIT
system is:
F6 fill rate takt time closed-loop JIT exchange of die 2
Just-in-time/SCM purchasing requires the following condition:
Short-term purchasing and Continuous
F7 Many suppliers contracts suppliers competitive 3

match demand
The ultimate objective in a JIT system is:
maintain low produce high with a balanced
F8 inventory quality minimize waste flow 4
Big lot size
Just-In-Time is
F9 Single unit production production Both (A) and (B) None of them 4

The process of
Performance measurement is:
The process of Competition The process of
G1 quantifying action. performance Industry action None of them 1
Lack of
G10 communication Survey Analysis None of them 3
Priorities for future
Improvement efforts are determined by:
G11 output. Competition Industry All of them 4

It limits It limits It limits

It limits improvements improvements to improvements
Which of the following is regarded as a fundamental flaw in the whole concept of
improvements to to Industry competitor to International
currently accepted accepted accepted accepted
methods of methods of methods of methods of
G12 operating. operating. operating. operating 1
What approach is used to compare organization operations with those of other
Recommendatio Quality
G13 Benchmarking. target setting ns Standards 1
Benchmarking against external organisations that do not compete directly in the
External Practice Non-competitive Xerox
same markets is called:
G14 benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking 3
Performance relating to the five operations’ objectives can be plotted on which
G15 type of diagram? Quality Polar Scalar None of them 2
Competitor Target Industry International
Which kind of standards are those that are set arbitrarily to reflect some level of
performance performance performance performance
performance that is regarded as appropriate or reasonable?
G2 standards standards. standards. standards 2
The origins of benchmarking as it is used today go back to which company?
G3 Toyota Xerox Ford Maruti 2
Define and Detect and Demand and
What do the letter ‘D’ and ‘I’ stand for in Deming’s cycle of improvement?
G4 Design and improve improve improve improve 2
Importance Non-
What matrix positions each factor according to its performance and its
Performance performance Coreperformanc
G5 importance matrix matrix e matrix None of them 2
Scrapping any Scrapping any
process line process line over
The principles of the business process re-engineering (BPR) approach do NOT Scrapping any process over two years three years old
include: line over one years old and starting and starting
old and starting again again from again from
G6 from scratch. scratch. scratch. All them 2
A comparison between operations or parts of operations that are within the same
Internal Industry External Standards
total organisation is called:
G7 benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking 1

May not win

extra business
if the operation
improves its
Qualifying competitive factors are those which:
but can
certainly lose
business if
falls below a Directly win
Directly win business particular business for the
G8 for the operation. point. operation. None of them 2
Benchmarking against external organisations that do not compete directly in the
Practice competitive competitive Industry
same markets is called:
G9 benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking 3
Quality Quality
A quality criterion which can be measured is called a ___________?
H1 Quality variable component Quality attribute characteristic 3
A useful process improvement tool to search for the root cause of a problem is
H2 the ___________ process? 3 Whats 4 Whos 5 Whys 6 Wheres 3

Which of these is a quality variable for a motor car? Comfort of the Time to reach a Road holding Headlights are
H3 seating given speed ability working 1

The Theoretical
In a materials processing operation the design capacity is defined as Output in A
_____________? The Theoretical Given Time. The
The Aggregate Maximum Most Likely
The Minimum Output Annual Output. Output in A Output In A
H4 Per Given Time. Time. ? Given Time. Given 3
What additional factor does Overall Equipment Effectiveness take into account
H5 which makes it more meaningful than efficiency or utilization? Flexibility Speed Cost Quality 1
I1 In 1776 -Specialization of labor in manufacturing was introduced by Henry Ford Adam Smith Eli Whitney F W Taylor 2
Leveling of Continuous
The Japanese term “Kanban” means ____________? Visual Depicts Visual Cards
I10 Production Improvement 3
The origins of benchmarking as it is used today go back to which company? Toyota Xerox . Ford Motors Benz Motors
I11 2
There is a big difference between Problem fixing and problem solving. Fixing a
problem eliminates the symptoms, not necessary the root causes.
I12 1
A map of the
A consensus
Current Status
Customer about how the Best Practices
Value Stream Mapping exercise begins with: (process and
Specifications process should implementation
be executed
I13 flow) 3
What additional factor does Overall Equipment Effectiveness take into account
Flexibility Speed Cost Quality
I14 which makes it more meaningful than efficiency or utilization? 4
I15 What can be considered as Value for the Customer? Cost Delivery Reliability All of them 4
I16 Which of the following means ‘Ready-Set-Go’ Yo-i-don Ikko Nagare Taiichi ohno None of them 1
While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered. Customer need Supplier need Worker need
I17 need 1
Frank B.
In 1900- Scientific management time study and work study developed; Charles Babbage Adam Smith Eli Whitney
I2 Gilbreth 2
a worker is
a machine has broken a defect has parts are
A kanban card is used to signal that: falling behind
down occurred needed
and needs help.
I20 4
Fixed Product
A Layout designed to Group similar resources together is example of _______ a Process layout Product Layout Hybrid Layout
I21 Layout 1
A Layout designed to produce a specific product, or a small number of products Fixed Product
Process layout Product Layout Hybrid Layout
I22 efficiently is example of _______ Layout 2
Fixed Product
A Layout designed to Product which is too large to move is example of _______ Process layout Product Layout Hybrid Layout
I23 Layout 3
A lean system operates with fewer resources than traditional systems do. TRUE FALSE
I24 1
the cost of inspection,
the cost of scrap and
A quality loss function utilizes all of the following costs except customer warranty, and sales costs
dissatisfaction service costs
I26 4
Goal is to Supply
identify, as information Avoid to bring
Applicable to every
quick as about process useless
About Control Charts, the following statement is not correct: Process and useful at
possible, the capability and its adjustments to
any time
occurrence of stability with the Process
specific factors time
I27 1
After analyzing the data and determining the gap for benchmarking,it is required Goals should be Goals should Goals should be Goals must be
to set performance goals by keeping various factors in mind except:- definite be achievable highly stretched supported
I28 3

Benchmarking against external organisations that do not compete directly in the Practice competitive competitive Industry
same markets is called: benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking benchmarking
I30 3
customer market
Company whose strategies are based on idea of delivering superior brand value to competitor centered profit centered
centered centered
its targeted segment is classified as company company
I32 company company 2
Costs of dissatisfaction, repair costs, and warranty costs are elements of cost in ISO 9000 Quality
Taguchi Loss Function Pareto Chart Process Chart
the Cost Calculator
I33 1
Current quality concept is i. Increase in production ii. Continual improvement iii. None of the
i & ii i & iii ii & iii
I34 Prevention of defect above 3
Suppliers supplying Engineers Everyone
working in
Edward Deming says, Quality is the responsibility of… raw materials (inputs) designing quality working for the
O Design Organization
I35 Department 3
In 1832 -Division of labor by skill; assignment of jobs by skill; basics of time study
Charles Babbage Adam Smith Eli Whitney F W Taylor
I36 was introduced by 1
Between the end Both towards
Towards the end Towards the
In the automotive supply chain information flows in which direction? user and the the end user
user only supplier only
operation only and the supplier
I38 4
In the Control Phase of a LeanSix Sigma project a Belt will identify key metrics that
can be monitored and analyzed to give an indication that a process may be Poisson Statistical
Inferential Statistics Kanban Analysis
moving towards an out of spec condition. When he applies this approach he is Derivatives Process Control
I39 using which of the following? 3

I40 In the Japanese term “Kaizen”, “Kai” means _________? Performance Change Improvement Standards 2
Materials for Materials as
In Visual Management, the Orange Colour marking on the floor indicates… WIP Materials Finished Goods
I41 Inspection Scrap 1
Materials for Materials as
In Visual Management, the Red Colour marking on the floor indicates… WIP Materials Finished Goods
I42 Inspection Scrap 2
I43 Inventory is considered a waste in a lean system. TRUE FALSE 1
ISO – 14001 gives stress on Plan – Do -check -Act rather than All of them
I44 detection 4
Just-In-Time aimed at Zero inventories Over production All of them
I45 manpower 1
I46 Kaizen relates to continuous improvement. TRUE FALSE 1
Kanban is a visual system for controlling production. TRUE FALSE PREVIOUS NEXT
I47 1
Kind of advantage gained by offering greater value to customers as compared to competitive corporate branding premium
I48 competitors is classified as advantage advantage advantage advantage 1
An efficiency An Profit
A Method for About shorten
Lean is... improvement improvement
reducing labor cost the Lead Time
I49 technique technique 2
Materials for Materials as
In Visual Management, the Green Colour marking on the floor indicates… WIP Materials Finished Goods
I5 Inspection Scrap 3

Lean purchasing requires frequent bidding by multiple sources to ensure

I51 competitive prices. 2
Modular design and standard parts are two elements of product design in lean
I52 systems. 1
outline organize errors,
identify inspection show material
Pareto charts are used to production problems or
points in a process flow
schedules defects
I54 3
Labour Machine Capital
Preventive maintenance improves Material productivity
I55 productivity productivity productivity 3
Multiple backlogs to
Backup equipment to
suppliers to assure workers Production
Process design supporting lean production would include: guard against
assure parts have enough flexibility.
equipment failure.
availability. work to keep
I56 them busy. 4
By increasing the By reducing the
Productivity can be increased by output from the same input for the Both (A) and (B) None of them
input same output
I58 3
Capital and Land
Productivity can be measured in which of the following input resource(s) Material input Labour input All of them
I59 Input 4

May not win

extra business
if the operation
improves its
Directly win
Directly win business but can
Qualifying competitive factors are those which: business for the None of them
for the operation. certainly lose
business if
falls below a
I60 2
ichinputsaretra Creatinggoodpro JustInTimeprocu
Quality management programmes today are reviewed by many companies as:- improvementprogra
nsformedintoo ductionsystems rement
I61 utput 1
Proper choice of Reuse of
Raw material productivity can be increased by Scrap control All of them
I62 design material 4
Rectangle represents ________ While plotting flow chart. Step in activity Direction of flow No Activity
I63 making 1

One touch None of the

Such setups which have single digit (in minutes) setup times are called Single setups Minute setups
I65 setups above 1
The concept of “Interchangeable Parts” was applied by Henry Ford Eli Whitney F W Taylor
I66 Babbage 3
The Leveling of Continuous
The Japanese term “Hiejunka” means ____________? The Overburden
I68 Unevenness Production Improvement 3
The Leveling of Continuous
The Japanese term “Mura” means ____________? The Overburden
I69 Unevenness Production Improvement 2
Big lot size
Just-In-Time is Single unit production Both (A) and (B) None of them
I7 production 1
The Leveling of Continuous
The Japanese term “Muri” means ____________? The Overburden
Unevenness Production Improvement ?
I70 1
Employee Skill Environmental
The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is Customer satisfaction
I71 satisfaction enhancement issues 1
The origins of benchmarking as it is used today go back to which company? Toyota Xerox Ford Maruti
I72 2
There is a big difference between Problem fixing and problem solving. Fixing a
problem eliminates the symptoms, not necessary the root causes.
I74 1
Toyota Production System (TPS) developed by _______ & _______ Eiji Toyoda Taiichi Ohno Genchi Genbutsu a & b
I75 4
A map of the
A consensus
Current Status
Customer about how the Best Practices
Value Stream Mapping exercise begins with: (process and
Specifications process should implementation
be executed
I76 flow) 3
I77 What can be considered as Value for the Customer? Cost Response Reliability All of them 4
MRP is different from JIT in terms of Inventory Quality All of them
I8 orientation 4
I81 Which if the following is not one of the seven wastes? Inventory Movement Inventiveness Waiting 3
Excessive product Lack of
Which of the following adds idle time due to short runs? Both (A) and (B) Design changes
variety Standardization
I83 3
It is involved in
It puts
maintaining and It relies on
It puts emphasis on emphasis on
improving the buffers against
Which of the following is not true about a lean production system? quality, flexibility, and reducing a
system with unforeseen
time reduction. company's
lower amounts occurrences
labor force.
of inventory.
I84 4
I85 Which one of these is a system for reducing changeover time? VMI JIT II takt time SMED 4
Cause and effect D. Design of
Which tool is not applicable in the Analyze phase 5 Why's Histogram
I87 diagram experiments 4

Frank B.
dividing planning and doing of work was introduced by Charles Babbage Adam Smith F W TAYLOR
Gilbreth 3
Production of Automobiles, Electronic Appliances, Personal Computers & Toys like Batch
Continuous Flow Job Shop Flow Batch Flow
I57 products are manufactured using __________ Production
The goal The project Defining the
Which part of the project charter defines the boundaries of the projectSix Sigma? The business case
I86 statement scope team roles

Rework to Training to bring

What is a typical semi value added activity (activity needed, but not providing Check to ensure Searching
correct employee to
directly value for the Customer)? compliance documents.
mistakes desired standard
Choice of the right
Project with clear Definition of Team
What is important to have a successful Continuous Improvement Project Problem statement, roles and involvement and All of them
scope and suitable responsibilities availability
I79 KPI 4
High Degree of
Matching Volume to High Degree of Job Repetition &
The project process requires a _________ Job
Variety Flexibility Rotation ?
Allow for
Identify issues
Out of the following choices, which one is not a reason for piloting a solution in verification
Reduce risk Assist in buy in before
Six Sigma? before
To segregate the
To measure the To determine
To calculate vital few causes
What is the use of the pareto chart? variability in the the process
the sample size from the trivial
process capability
a decrease in a correction of
an improvement in
Statistically, an improvement in a system is defined as the system an assignable a and b.
the mean outcome.
I64 variability. cause. 4
The Critical to Quality Characteristic's definition includes which of the following? Baseline Sigma Value (Target and Control Limits Both a and b
I67 limits) 4

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