Cyanomicon II
Cyanomicon II
Cyanomicon II
Mike Ware
Table of Contents
Warning and Disclaimer ............................................................................................ 6
Preface .............................................................................................................................. 7
1 Introduction in Monochrome ............................................................................. 8
1.1 The legacy of John Herschel ........................................................... 9
1.2 Equivocal blue images ................................................................. 11
1.3 Acceptance of blue photographs.................................................. 14
1.4 Commercial use of blueprint ........................................................ 16
1.5 Artistic renaissance of cyanotype ................................................. 18
1.6 A rare colour in nature ................................................................. 18
1.7 Symbolic blue in art and religion.................................................. 22
1.8 Liberation from blue preciousness ............................................... 26
1.9 Colour language and coordinates ................................................ 29
2 The Invention of Cyanotype............................................................................. 33
2.1 A brief history of Prussian blue .................................................... 33
2.2 Light-sensitivity of iron salts ....................................................... 36
2.3 The first silver photographs on paper .......................................... 39
2.4 Herschel’s research records ......................................................... 40
2.5 Anthotype and phytotype............................................................. 42
2.6 Discovery of cyanotype ................................................................ 43
2.7 Invention of siderotype ................................................................ 47
2.8 Publication of siderotype ............................................................. 51
2.9 Misapprehension of Herschel’s processes .................................... 55
2.10 An unaccountable omission ....................................................... 58
2.11 Pursuit of photographic permanence ......................................... 61
2.12 Misappropriation of cyanotype................................................... 62
3 The Molecular Basis of Blueprinting ............................................................ 67
3.1 Chemistry of Prussian blue .......................................................... 67
3.2 Molecular structure of Prussian blue ............................................ 71
3.3 Prussian blue for ion exchange .................................................... 72
3.4 Prussian blue for electrochromic displays .................................... 75
3.5 Chemical history of siderotype..................................................... 75
3.6 Photochemical principles ............................................................. 76
3.7 Chemistry of blueprinting ............................................................ 78
4 Historical Variations on Cyanotype .............................................................. 80
4.1 Herschel’s formulae ..................................................................... 80
4.1.1 Proto-cyanotype .................................................................... 80
4.1.2 Negative-working cyanotype ................................................. 82
4.1.3 Hydrargyro-cyanotype ........................................................... 84
4.1.4 Positive-working cyanotype ................................................... 84
4.1.5 Anachronistic ‘Herschelotype’................................................ 85
4.1.6 Light-bleaching of Prussian blue ........................................... 86
4.2 Pellet’s process ............................................................................ 87
4.3 Survey of negative-working formulae .......................................... 90
4.4 Modifications of the cyanotype sensitizer .................................... 93
4.4.1 Robert Hunt’s ‘chromo-cyanotype’ ........................................ 93
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My first monograph on Cyanotype was published by the Science Museum
of London in 1999, but has long been totally out of print. My book was
devoted to the study of photographic printing in Prussian blue, engaging
with its history, aesthetics, practice, conservation and chemistry. Now, in
response to kind requests, I have substantially restructured this text in an
updated, extended, and illustrated edition that is made freely available as
a ~50 MB pdf download from the World Wide Web:
With 800 references to the literature and the WWW, I hope it may serve
occasionally as a useful resource for historians, curators and conservators
of photographs, and students of siderotype - iron-based analogue
photographic printing - should any of these good folk ever find
themselves as castaways upon the strange blue shores of cyanotype.
For those other shipwrecked mariners - photographic artists exploring
cyanotype printmaking as an expressive medium - I have included full
practical instruction in the modern process.
Mike Ware
January 2016
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1 Introduction in Monochrome
"Blue, darkly, deeply, beautifully blue"
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet Laureate
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Over the years since his death in 1871, Sir John Herschel’s original
writings, unpublished personal memoranda, experimental notes and
specimen images have become somewhat dispersed globally; but the
following chapters will attempt to re-unite those fragments of his
scientific legacy that are concerned with the cyanotype process, and to
interpret them in the light of a modern understanding of the properties
of the image substance, Prussian blue. The reader will find that every text
on ‘alternative’ photographic processes quotes a formula for the
cyanotype which is claimed to be ‘Herschel’s original’, but references are
never cited in support, because his publications are not explicit on the
exact formula. I have now resolved this issue by reference to Herschel’s
own experimental notes of 1842 (from the manuscript archive at the
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center of the University of Texas, at
Austin) which reveal how he explored at least fifteen chemically distinct
ways of making images in Prussian blue. It will become clear that
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Even R Child Bayley expressed his disdain for the process in this
sardonic observation from The Complete Photographer :
“…as to printing methods, there is the simple “blue print”, which
survives, as the Darwinians tell us some of the lower forms of life
survive, from the extreme simplicity of its structure. The blue print
needs nothing but a good washing in water to reveal its full vigour
(such as it is). … There are certain subjects which the colour is said
to suit, and I live in the hope that one day I may see such a
subject.” 10
As late as 1922, the prevailing view that cyanotype was fit only for
proofing negatives was reflected in E J Wall’s dismissal:
“One rarely wants to print from an ordinary negative in the vivid
blue of cyanotype, for the color is not suitable for ordinary views,
except possibly ice and glacier scenes, and these can be much
more effectively dealt with by the cyanotype toning of a bromide or
development print.” 11
But one writer who did not join the general chorus of condemnation in
Britain was the noted professional photographer, Frank Sutcliffe:
“An amateur of my acquaintance prints everything he does in
cyanotype blue, and I must confess that looking through his prints
from time to time gives me more pleasure than I get from looking
at any other workers prints. They never give me neuralgia in the
eyes.” 12
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But there was one North American photographer who did apparently
find the process unacceptable: the young Alvin Langdon Coburn.
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Living creatures often display the dark tones of the pigment melanin
in hair and hide (Greek: μελας = black), which contrasts with the crimson
of myoglobin and haemoglobin, showing through in the pink and red of
flesh and blood.28 The reader can savour the rarity of blue among all
these familiar colours of nature, by contemplating, for a moment, the
unnatural prospect of a plateful of blue food.29 Blue dye is used to mark
condemned meat and hopefully ensure its non-consumption. It may also
be significant in this context that blue was the colour conventionally
chosen for the glass of ribbed poison bottles in Victorian times.
There is only one obvious source of blueness in the world which
accustoms us to our everyday familiarity with the colour: the light that
comes from the vast hemisphere of a clear sky. The presence of this
ubiquitous blue source does not contradict the rarity of blue as a pigment
because the colour of the sky is not due to absorption, but to a selective
scattering of light, an optical phenomenon first elucidated by John
Tyndall in 1869, and quantified mathematically by Lord Rayleigh in
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1871.30 Expanses of water often reflect the blue of the sky; and if the
optical path length through water is very long, transmitted light does
appear blue owing to a very weak absorption band in the red end of the
visible spectrum of water.31
Fig. 1.7 Cyanometer for measuring the blueness of the sky ca. 1789
(Collection of Bibliothèque de Genève)
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The one important exception that ‘proves’ the rule of rarity is the
occurrence of blue organic pigments - certain members of the family of
anthocyanine dyes - in some common flowers such as bluebells and
cornflowers. These we particularly admire for the vivid chromatic accents
that they bring to contrasts in the natural landscape. It is possible that
this botanical coloration has evolved as an adaptive characteristic,
endowing the plants with survival advantages by attracting pollinating
insects, which see them standing out against a common green
background. Bees, for example, are blind to red light but can see into the
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which was mined only in Afghanistan, and therefore came from ‘over the
sea’, hence ultra mare. The Ancient Egyptians also used ultramarine to
decorate the death mask of King Tutankamun.
Blue was a prized pigment for the decoration of fine ceramics, as
exemplified by the blue and white porcelain adopted in China, traded by
Marco Polo, with some specimens dated 1351 finally ending up in the
British Museum collection as the celebrated ‘David Vases’, Fig. 1.9.
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In Byzantine art, the haloes of the principal figures are golden if they
are mere mortal emperors and prophets, but sky-blue is used for the
haloes of the spiritual beings. Blue is also the predominant colour used to
decorate the churches of the Greek Orthodox tradition. In Indian religious
painting, Krishna, one of the incarnations of Vishnu the Preserver, is
always represented with blue skin, Fig. 1.11:
“Since the infinite empty space appears as deep blue in colour, it is
but proper that Vishnu, the all-pervading cosmic power, be
depicted as blue in colour.” 47
He points out that there is not one perception of blue, but many.
There is also an antithesis here between darkness and light: ‘Blue is
darkness made visible.’ Cirlot reminds us that colour symbolism derives
from several sources, and we should distinguish the mystical and esoteric
from those associations forged by primitive logic and intuition, on which
modern psychology would put more weight. The diurnal life of early
humankind was dictated by the cycle of night and day; and night was
when action had to cease. According to Lüscher, the dark blue of the
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Fig. 1.12 Pieter van der Werff, Entombment of Christ, 1709 (earliest
painting known with Prussian blue). Picture Gallery, Sanssouci, Potsdam.
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But the real advance came when the marchand de couleur replaced the
traditional binder of rabbit glue, which dulled the vibrancy of the colour,
with a polyvinyl acetate resin called Rhodopas M, from manufacturing
chemists, Rhône-Poulenc. Mixed with ultramarine, Rhodopas allows the
powdered ultramarine to retain its granular look, its matt depth. In 1960,
Klein patented the new pigment under the number 63471 and the name,
International Klein Blue.
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23A7 Cyan (azure blue), 23C7 Cerulean blue, 23D7 Sapphire blue
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whose name derives from its colour.94 Thereafter, a rational basis for the
chemistry of cyanides began to emerge, and in 1814 Gay-Lussac isolated
the parent of them all, the gas cyanogen, having the simple formula
(CN)2. With the understanding that the fundamental unit in all this
chemistry was just a simple radical consisting of carbon bonded to
nitrogen,95 the possibility was recognised of synthesising cyanides from
purely inorganic materials, thereby making the use of organic animal
residues unnecessary - most mercifully, in view of the ‘foetid vapours’ to
which they gave rise. As a mark of approval for this achievement, the
Society of Arts in 1837 conferred a medal upon Lewis Thompson for
introducing a method of making potassium ferrocyanide by roasting
charcoal with potash and iron filings at red heat, exposed to the
atmosphere which provided the nitrogen.96 Prussian blue could then be
prepared from this product by reacting it with inorganic salts of iron.
By the 1780's Prussian blue was being widely manufactured in several
places in Europe, including in Glasgow by the firm of Turnbull & Ramsay,
Chemists,97 consequently the pigment also came to be known as
Turnbull's blue. Another Scottish user was raincoat inventor, Charles
Macintosh, who established a manufactury in the alum-works at
Lennoxtown in 1808 for dyeing wool, silk, and cotton with Prussian
blue.98 By the beginning of the nineteenth century, Prussian blue had
become a popular artists’ pigment; it was also then widely used in
European papermaking as an alternative to indigo for the colouring agent
in the popular blue-toned papers,99 and it was a constituent of that
everyday blue commodity, Stephen’s Ink. In the USA it was used as a
laundry whitener – ‘Mrs Stewart’s Blue’. The Newcastle firm of T. Bramwell
& Co., were awarded a Council Medal at the 1851 Great Exhibition - the
highest award – for their production, among other chemicals, of Prussian
blue, which was exported to China for colouring green tea.100 In a curious
later inversion of this use, it is now green tea that is used for toning
cyanotypes – see §8.3.
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has been unfolded with clarity and scholarship by Dr Larry Schaaf in his
beautiful volume, Out of the Shadows, which provides a complete
historical background to this episode, and is essential reading for anyone
with an interest in the history of photography.115 I will therefore confine
this account chiefly to the discovery of the cyanotype process, and to
those aspects of it which have not already been described in detail.
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The most important conclusion that Herschel was able to draw from his
observations was that a dye tends to be selectively bleached by the light
of its complementary colour, which was further evidence for the
Grotthuss law of photochemical absorption (§3.6).
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enabling the discoveries that were to follow was first brought to our
attention by Larry Schaaf.128
Smee was well-grounded in chemistry, and his interests at the time lay
in the exciting new sub-science of electrochemistry, which was then
enjoying its golden era, following the invention in 1800 of the electric
battery by Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), and the thrilling use made of it
in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829), who harnessed its electric
power to “tear their elements asunder” and isolate the amazingly reactive
alkali metals, potassium and sodium.
By 1840, the Experimental Researches on Electricity by Michael
Faraday (1791-1867), Davy’s assistant and successor at the Royal
Institution, had established the quantitative basis for this new branch of
science. The design of powerful batteries had been improving steadily at
the hands of Wollaston, Daniell, and Grove; and Smee himself had
introduced a further improvement in the construction of a large battery
for his own electrochemical researches.129 The electrodeposition of
metals, then called electrotyping, was becoming a craft industry,
producing such curios as the copper-plated cucumber prepared by Smee,
which was shown to Queen Victoria - whose enquiring finger promptly
poked a hole in it. Like photography, electrotyping could enable the
duplication of art works - though from moulds rather than negatives - so
it was referred to at the time as ‘the sister art of heliography’.130
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was already well aware that Prussian blue would result from the action of
light on potassium ferricyanide, especially when mixed with a ferric salt:
“Allow me to return you my thanks for your beautiful and
interesting photograph which I presume was executed with the red
salt in conjunction with a persalt of iron as that compound
invariably deposits Prussian Blue under the combined action of air
and light.
I trust that by variety of the manipulation you will be enabled to
adopt it to the camera.” 143
(italics in original)
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other processes besides, but simply thought that the ‘dark solutions’
might lend themselves to bleaching by light. Although they were not
difficult to prepare, the ‘Ammonio Citrate and Ammonio Tartrate of Iron’
were quite new substances on the chemical scene. Interest in them had
been stimulated by the well-appreciated pharmaceutical benefits of iron
tonics, dating back to Bestuscheff’s ‘tincture’ (§2.2).
It is evident from his reply to Smee, that Herschel had had no prior
knowledge of these salts, which is not surprising since they do not
feature in the pharmacopoeias until after 1841.146 Then they were
promoted by druggists as ‘chalybeate remedies’147 and, indeed, they are
still valued as iron tonics today.148
Finding the chemical ‘ammonio citrate of iron’ already on the
pharmacy shelves, Herschel soon followed Smee’s recommendation to try
it - photographically, rather than medicinally149 - and immediately
discovered that it was highly sensitive to light. He successfully sun-
printed with it in a variety of ways, but his tests of the substances that he
abbreviated as ‘ACI’ and ‘ATI’ are of uncertain date, because his
Memoranda relating to these experiments appear to have been written-
up retrospectively. This was an uncharacteristic lapse for such an
impeccable keeper of scientific records. Is it possible that the excitement
of the discovery was so great as to distract him from a lifetime’s
discipline of systematic note-keeping? Herschel’s letters to Smee are
lost,150 but fortunately he made an approximate copy of his reply,
‘Substance of letter to Smee’ on 15 June 1842, which clearly displays his
excitement and pleasure at the richness and variety of processes that his
discovery of light-sensitivity in ‘ACI’ had made possible:
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“I cannot help thanking you for your mention in one of your late
notes to me of the Ammonio citrate and Ammonio tartrate of Iron
as highly coloured salts. The former of these salts I have procured
and examined, and it has furnished me with an infinity of beautiful
photographic processes, both in conjunction with your
Ferrosesquicyanate and with other ingredients. I take the liberty to
enclose you a specimen or two, to appreciate which they should be
wetted, laid on white paper and examined with a pretty strong
magnifier. This process if you should happen to attend next
Thursday’s meeting of the R.S. you will hear described under a
name I have invented to give it in imitation of Mr. Talbot’s Calotype
- viz. - Chrysotype - from the use of Gold as a stimulant to bring
about the dormant picture which the action of light produces on
paper prepared with this salt. It is one of the most striking and
magical effects which has yet turned up in photography, the
Calotype and Argyrotype (Daguerreotype) themselves not
excepted.” 151 [Underlining in original]
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Lest the reader should feel tempted by this eulogy to cast this book
aside in favour of a search for mercury salts, it would be prudent to take
note of Herschel’s next sentence:
“Most unfortunately, they cannot be preserved.” 170
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From the observations in the 1842 Paper together with the notes in
the Memoranda, we can distinguish no less than fifteen methods that
Herschel had devised for making images in Prussian blue. Some of these
will be considered more closely in §4.1.
Smee provides an illuminating postscript to this highly innovative
episode in a letter dated 29th September 1842, which was evidently his
reply to a letter from Herschel which is lost:
“The salts of iron to which you allude are neither children of mine
by birth nor by adoption and the only circumstance which induced
me to recommend them to your notice was their deep colour as
perhaps you may recollect that a long time since you asked for
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This same procedure is the only one described for cyanotype by W.H.
Thornthwaite in his Photographic Manipulation of 1843.176 Robert Hunt,
in the 5th edition of his Manual of Photography of 1857 likewise confines
his description of cyanotype to the positive-working process using
potassium ferrocyanide,177 whereas in the 3rd and 4th editions of 1853
and 1854 he had quoted all of Herschel’s writings in extenso. The
Practical Manual of Photography of 1845 by “a practical chemist and
photographist” does mention the negative process, but then goes on to
complicate it by the process of bleaching with mercury salts, as in the
curious ‘hydrargyrocyanotype’, § As late as 1852, in his widely-
referenced work, Photogenic Manipulation, Robert J. Bingham
foregrounds only the positive cyanotype process.179 The second edition in
1867 of the authoritative Dictionary of Photography by Thomas Sutton
and George Dawson only describes three of the more fallible cyanotype
processes: the very slow ‘proto-cyanotype’; the unreliable positive
process; and the so-called ‘hydrargyrocyanotype’ using a mercury salt
bleach.180 Significant publications from the USA erred in a similar way:
Henry Hunt Snelling’s well-known History and Practice of Photography of
1845 only mentions the positive process,181 and S.D. Humphrey’s System
of Photography of 1849 gives precedence to it over the other,182 while
John Towler’s Silver Sunbeam of 1864 surprisingly prescribes ferric
chloride as the sensitizer for negative-working cyanotype.183 These many
unfortunate instances of misdirected practical instruction may well be
responsible for the notable lack of take-up of Herschel’s best cyanotype
process – the neglected negative-working one - over the three decades
following his discovery.
Even that dignified periodical, The Athenæum, in presenting a
synopsis of Herschel’s paper, had erred by describing the process as one
of separate development, and went on to make confusion worse
confounded by conflating both his cyanotype and chrysotype
processes.184 This called forth a lengthy corrective letter from Herschel
himself a fortnight later,185 but it seems to little avail. Remarkably similar
misinterpretations of his 1842 paper persist even today: in 2007, the RPS
journal The Photohistorian published a re-examination of Herschel’s
experiments, which states that his preferred modus operandi for his
negative-working cyanotype process consisted in coating the paper with
ammonium ferric citrate solution alone, exposing it, then subsequently
‘developing’ the image with a solution of potassium ferricyanide.186
To support this claim for ‘separate development’, the last sentence only
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This issue has been further obfuscated by authors citing the fact that
Herschel adopted the procedure of separate exposure of ammonium
ferric citrate alone, followed by "development", in the cases of his
positive-working cyanotype process and his chrysotype process. The
former, which was never entirely successful, required development with
potassium ferrocyanide solution; the latter with neutralised gold chloride
(sodium tetrachloroaurate), which was very costly. In both these cases,
pre-mixing the two chemicals was ruled out by the speedy
decomposition of the mixed sensitizer before the paper could be coated
and exposed. These processes should not be conflated with the negative-
working cyanotype, which became the commercially successful blueprint
process, and the version of cyanotype still popular today.
A proper study of all Herschel's photographic writings - rather than a
single, misleading and selective quotation – brings one inevitably to the
unsurprising conclusion that the negative-working cyanotype procedure
which he personally preferred was the same as that used ever since by
almost everyone, including his own son Alexander. There is no case here
for attempting to re-write this episode of photographic history, but
regrettably this misrepresentation of what is now misleadingly being
called ‘the Herschel process’ is becoming a ‘folk myth’ embedded in
some of the recent popular beginners’ literature on cyanotype.188
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free to choose the most permanent pigments for the substance of the
image, such as those known to painters for a millennium. One of these,
lampblack, bestowed its identity on this carbon process, as it was called.
Following further refinement by Swan in 1864, it is still practised today.
The process is labour-intensive and demands considerable skill in
manipulating and transferring the pigmented gelatin tissues, but it still
provides the only means for making truly permanent photographs in
An alternative route to permanent monochrome prints lies in seeking
for the image a metal more ‘noble’ - that is to say, more chemically
resistant to attack - than silver. Gold and platinum share the metallic
summit of the hierarchy of elemental chemical stability. Gold was tried
with some success by Herschel, as has already been described, but his
beautiful chrysotype process of 1842 proved too expensive and
uncontrollable for general practice.204 Platinum printing remained
intractable chemically until 1873, when William Willis began to work
towards his goal of a viable platinotype process. With further refinement
over the next twenty years, this was to become the premier medium for
‘fine-art photography’. By 1900, the walls of the photographic salons
exhibited more platinotypes than any other process.205
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And resuscitated they were - but in a new guise: out of the rich legacy
of unpatented processes left by Herschel, the cyanotype was seized upon
commercially by Marion and Company of Paris. This company launched
the so-called ‘Marion’s Ferro-prussiate Paper’ on the market in 1872.208
No doubt for proprietory business reasons they chose to re-brand the
cyanotype, and the publicity heralding the appearance of this product
made no hint of an acknowledgement to Herschel, nor intimated that
there might have been any ‘prior art’.209 Unsurprisingly, no patent was
granted, nor apparently even applied for; instead, the formula was kept a
secret which appears never to have been disclosed, so it is still
impossible to tell if “the ferro-prussiate method of M. Marion” actually
contributed anything by way of an improvement on Herschel’s original
formula. This commercial usurpation of an invention of thirty years
standing, one that had originally been given freely to the world by its
creator, excited indignation at the time in at least one commentator, the
editor of The Photographic News. His remarks in the issue of 24 August
1877 merit quotation as a polemic which is still full of relevance today for
those who practice ‘re-inventing’ the processes due to others:
“The Cyanotype Process.
It is not unusual, as every photographer knows, for a process to
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remain perdu for some years, and then to get made known again
with some mystery and circumstance. We see old friends revived in
this way from time to time, and, like somebody whom we meet for
the first time in a quaintly shaped hat or a different-coloured coat
than usual, we fail to recognise him at the first moment of our
rencontre. But it is only for an instant that the deception holds
good, and the well known features are as apparent as ever as soon
as we get on close terms again. The cyanotype process, as Sir John
Herschel used to call it, is the latest attempt at “fraudulent
enlistment,” and the circumstance that we have here to do with a
genuine article, and not a spurious one, does not make the
deception the less barefaced. The cyanotype process as practiced
by Sir John Herschel is a very simple affair, and one that is found
extremely useful for copying outline sketches or multiplying
tracings, instead of using tracing-paper. Sir John Herschel
employed it, as does Professor Herschel, of Newcastle, to the
present day, for making copies of their calculations of astronomical
tables, the characters or figures being produced in white upon a
blue ground. The paper, ready prepared for use by draughtsmen or
others, is to be purchased in Paris; and also, we believe, in this
country, of Messrs. Marion, of Soho Square; but those who desire
to make it for themselves can easily do so. Good, smooth paper is
treated with
Citrate of iron (or ammonio-citrate) … 140 grains
Red prussiate of potash …………………120 grains
Dissolved together in two fluid ounces of water.” 210
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The compounds of the Prussian blue family all have a similar structure
in which there are two different types of environment for the iron atoms;
one of them is distinguished by cyanide groups strongly-bound through
their carbon atoms. Since there are also two possible oxidation states for
the iron in each type of environment, we therefore have a total of four
possibilities when combining ferric or ferrous salts with a ferricyanide or
a ferrocyanide, and the properties of the resulting substances are
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summarised in Table 3.1.219 Note how the other three compounds are all
readily transformed into Prussian blue, which is by far the most stable
product of the four.
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The formula recently found for Turnbull’s blue implies that in its
lattice one third of the ferrocyanide groups are missing, and replaced by
water molecules and anions. This is nominally, at least, the form of
Prussian blue formed in the cyanotype process; it will be seen later that
the possibility of a defect lattice which can act as host to anions is of
great significance to its light-stability.
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our brief excursion into the chemical formulae, we will take the last-
named as our example: ferric oxalate, which contains iron(III), Fe , and
oxalate, C2O4 , chemically bound together. Under the influence of ultra-
violet light, this salt undergoes the reaction first observed by Döbereiner
in 1831, as described in §2.2. Iron(III) reacts with oxalate ions to form
iron(II) and carbon dioxide gas - a process which is expressed
symbolically by the following chemical equation (the only equation, I
promise, that readers will encounter, unless they venture into the depths
of Appendices II and III):
UV light + 2Fe3+ + C2O42- ® 2Fe2+ + 2CO2
UV light + ferric ions + oxalate ions ® ferrous ions + carbon dioxide
Note how two negative charges (which are carried by electrons) have
been transferred from oxalate to two ferric ions, reducing them to ferrous
This light-induced change occurs in the dry, solid ferric oxalate, and
in related compounds such as ammonium ferric oxalate and ammonium
ferric citrate; but it is only accompanied by a slight colour change from
pale yellow-green to pale yellow-brown; moreover this change is
temporary, because the iron(II) is slowly re-oxidised back to iron(III) by
oxygen in the air. In order to make a permanent photograph, the iron(II)
which is formed by the action of light must be immediately reacted to
produce a more visible and enduring substance for the image.
Chemically, iron(II) is a reducing agent, because it readily gives up an
electron and reverts to iron(III); so one option is to use it to reduce the
compounds of a ‘noble’ metal, such as platinum, palladium, silver or
gold, to the metallic state:
ferrous ions + platinum salts ® ferric ions + platinum black
Reactions of this type provide the basis for the well-known
platinotype, palladiotype, argyrotype and chrysotype processes.246
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It is clear from his 1842 paper that Herschel had a correct chemical
understanding of the cause of his ‘solarisation’; a footnote to §207 reads:
“The whitening is very obviously due to the deoxidation of the
precipitated Prussian blue and the formation of the proto-
ferrocyanuret of iron; the resumption of colour in the shade, to the
re-oxidisement of the compound, which is well known to absorb
oxygen from the air with avidity. Simple Prussian blue, however, is
not whitened by the violet rays. Its state must be peculiar.” 265
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The result is a very black ink, which, washed over paper, gives it a
deep violet-purple colour, and is remarkably sensitive to light -
whitening rapidly, and giving positive pictures - the only defect of
which (and it is a fatal one for use) is their want of durability, as
they fade with darkness in a few hours. And what is very singular,
the same paper is again and again susceptible of receiving another
and another picture, which die away in like manner without any
possibility, so far as I have yet discovered, of arresting them.” 273
(italics in original)
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Pellet is said to have received much benefit and distinction from his
process at the time,280 but his commercial paper met with varying
approbation because the processing was quite complicated and not a
little uncertain in its outcome. In addition to Lietze, other contemporary
authors have reported on its unsatisfactory performance.281 By 1943, the
process was deemed to be defunct.282
In contrast to Pellet’s obfuscated patent specification, two clearly-
formulated, but slightly different, versions of Herschel’s positive-working
process were subsequently published in many manuals.283 It should be
noted that these recipes are given according to the ‘old fashioned’
method for making up solutions (see Appendix III), but are here
converted into metric units.
The first was published by Giuseppe Pizzighelli and Ludwig von
Itterheim in 1881. Three stock solutions are required:
A. Gum Arabic: 20 g in 100 cc of water
B. Ammonium ferric citrate: 50 g in 100 cc of water
C. Ferric chloride: 50 g in 100 cc of water.
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The sources of the green salt were limited at first to a few chemical
manufacturers in Germany,293 but it soon became available in the USA,
and after 1900 the majority of cyanotypes were probably made by its
means. The chemical implications of this discovery are examined in more
detail in Appendix III.5. Most 20th century formulations of cyanotype
recommend the green form of the salt in preference to the brown.294
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I have compared the formulae in about sixty published recipes for the
cyanotype process,295 by converting the various archaic expressions for
solution strengths into a single system of units: the concentrations of
potassium ferricyanide and ammonium ferric citrate are expressed as
‘weight per cent volume’ (% w/v - see Appendix IV) in the final, mixed
sensitizer solution, thereby avoiding the problem of comparing recipes
where the two stock solutions are not mixed in equal amounts.296 The
results of this survey take account of the introduction of green
ammonium ferric citrate in 1897, and are conveniently displayed in
graphical form in the scatter chart, Figure 4.1, which conveys some
impression of the range of different proportions that have been
recommended overCyanotype
150 years. Formulae -- Brown Green
K3Fe(CN)6 % w/v
Ammonium ferricAmfecit
Amfecit % w/v %✳ w/v
(green) green salt; • brown salt
Fig 4.1 Composition of cyanotype sensitizers
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Apart from three wild ‘outliers’, the recipes using brown ammonium
ferric citrate are grouped around average final concentrations of 10% for
the brown ammonium ferric citrate and 8% for the potassium ferricyanide.
The recipes using the green salt are clustered around final averages of
13% for the green ammonium ferric citrate and 6% for the potassium
As can be seen from the range of concentrations in the chart, the
process appears to work satisfactorily almost regardless of the
proportions chosen; presumably there is little difference to the visible
outcome - at least so far as these many practitioners were able to judge.
This is not particularly surprising when it is realised what a small
proportion of the sensitizer originally applied to the paper actually
remains as Prussian blue in the final image (see Appendix III).
The flexibility in the formulae using the brown ammonium ferric
citrate is born out by the report of Channing Whitaker in 1883, who
tested sensitizer solutions with a wide range of compositions, having the
concentration ratio of ammonium ferric citrate to potassium ferricyanide
varying from 2% : 20% to 20% : 2%, respectively. On the basis of his
results, Whitaker settled on an optimum ratio of 15% : 10%. He remarks
that ‘the same blue results with any good proportions of the chemicals
named.’297 According to Whitaker, excess of the citrate speeds printing
but shortens the storage life of the coated paper; excess of the
ferricyanide provides a finer quality but greatly lengthens the exposure
time (due, as we now know, to the ‘internal filter effect’).
Anyone wishing to make use of this method today will find it
convenient to mix equal volumes of the two stock solutions; the
recommended average concentrations of these should therefore be made
up approximately to the following:
20% w/v for brown ammonium ferric citrate, and
16% w/v for potassium ferricyanide;
26% w/v for green ammonium ferric citrate, and
12% w/v for potassium ferricyanide.
Further practical details are given in §7.1. The differing ratios of the
two components reflect the different iron contents of brown and green
forms of ammonium ferric citrate, which are further discussed in
Appendix III.4.
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two in the dark ... It was not found possible to avoid this drawback
by addition of oxidising substances to the sensitizer.” 317
The likelihood is that the quality of paper at that time may well have
been inferior, and impurities may have been responsible for the reported
rapid degradation. In view of this possibility, this novel photosensitive
salt, and the cyanotypes that it furnishes, would seem to deserve re-
The use of ferric oxalate as a cyanotype sensitizer has already been
mentioned in §4.4.2, and will arise again in §4.4.5, but this salt is highly
variable in its properties and composition, and is troublesome to obtain;
a much better alternative is the well-characterised substance, ammonium
ferric oxalate, which can be widely purchased and does offer some real
advantages over the traditional citrate, as will be described separately in
§7.5. The use of ammonium ferric oxalate for ‘pictorial’ quality cyanotype
sensitizers has been proposed in the past (§2.9), but when mixed with
potassium ferricyanide, the sparingly soluble salt, potassium ferric
oxalate, tends to crystallise out, ruining the coat of sensitizer. The only
procedure suggested to counter this was the wasteful one in which the
‘potential’ image was formed in ammonium ferric oxalate by itself, and
then after exposure developed in a separate bath of potassium
ferricyanide solution. Hermann Halleur in The Art of Photography of 1854
described this negative-working cyanotype, and recommended exposing
“oxalate of sesqui-oxide of iron and ammonia” (i.e. ammonium ferric
oxalate) alone, then developing it by brushing over a solution of
potassium ferricyanide.318 Matthew Carey Lea used this method of
making cyanotypes to avoid the crystallization problem, and described it
to the Annual Meeting of the British Association in 1863.319 Although this
method was also advocated with enthusiasm in an annual editorial review
by Traill-Taylor in 1889,320 it never passed into general practice,
probably because the development bath rapidly becomes contaminated in
use with excess sensitizer and precipitated Prussian blue, which will stain
the print - this is clearly uneconomic in view of the price of potassium
ferricyanide. In 1921 the claims of a German patent that ammonium ferric
oxalate could be employed in the sensitizer in place of the citrate were
tested experimentally by Valenta, who came to the conclusion that the
claims were unjustified and it was inferior because of the crystallization
problem.321 However, it will be shown in §7.3 how ammonium ferric
oxalate can be used in a modern improved cyanotype process.
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it transpires that they are being economical with the truth. They do not
make it clear that these times refer to contact exposures, which require
roughly a hundredth of the in-camera exposure time – see §4.6. Contact
exposures of a minute agree with the theoretical calculations of §3.6, and
with the experience of anyone who has made a new cyanotype (§7), which
takes about one or two minute’s exposure to the sun for a photogram (in
contrast to the traditional sensitizer formula, which may take 10-20
minutes). In-camera exposure of the new cyanotype sensitizer is found to
take a few hours at f/3.5 to produce a negative having a realistic density
range, according to the tests shown below in §4.6.333
King’s publication in the BJP does not disclose the camera exposure of
his 10x8 inch test negative, but it is believed to have been in the order of
an hour at maximum lens aperture, which suggests that there is actually
little point in trying to produce cyanotype negatives in the camera. An
hour is hardly a useful exposure duration for portraiture, living people, or
subjects in any state of motion, so the claim that these processes are
“viable in-camera technologies” that will “revolutionise photography” is
an absurd exaggeration. The only evidence adduced to support
Maunder’s optimistic assertion that:
“In camera exposures of around a minute appear achievable.” 334
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The rich red colour and relative stability of uranyl ferrocyanide have
also suggested the use of this substance as a toner of silver-gelatin
materials,343 and of platinotypes, where the action is catalytic.344 By
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treating an uncleared platinum print, which still contains iron(III), with this
toner, the two pigments, uranyl ferrocyanide and Prussian blue, one red
and one blue, are formed simultaneously, and the mixtures of them can
therefore produce a whole gamut of unattractive false colours
superimposed upon the long-suffering platinum image.345
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Pillow Company of New Hampshire, which offered for sale several cushion
covers illustrated with cyanotype scenes of natural beauty or national and
patriotic significance. The catalogue proudly declares that:
“There is no happier combination of ornamentation and usefulness
for the Home Beautiful, than a Blue Print Sofa Pillow Top.” 364
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The Nashua Pillow Company also offered a service for transferring the
customer’s own negatives into cyanotype prints on prepared fabric. The
assertion is made in this catalogue that, in terms of brilliance and
permanence, the cyanotype prints on cloth were superior to those on
paper, although it is hard to understand the basis of this claim. A fine
specimen of this genre, which is probably one of the Nashua Pillow
Company’s products, can be seen in the collection of the National Gallery
of Canada: a cushion cover bearing twelve cyanotypes of unidentified
coastal landscapes.365 The rediscovery of other specimens of the Nashua
Pillow Company’s products has been recently reported. The company also
offered its sensitized blueprint cloth for sale in 1900, under the
registered trade mark of ‘Silkdown’, at 75 cents per square yard.
The tradition of fabric printing in cyanotype was continued in the USA
by Barbara Hewitt, a specialist supplier of sensitized textiles who founded
with her husband, John Basye, the Californian company of Blueprints-
Printables in 1983, and published an attractive craft handbook on the
subject of Blueprints on Fabric.366 On their retirement, the company was
carried on by Linda Stemer of Vashon Island WA, as Blueprints on Fabric
and it continues to supply this market in the USA today.367 In the UK,
Ruth Brown was also inspired by Barbara Hewitt’s artistic enterprise with
textiles, and founded her own cyanotype fabric printing business, Stone
Creek Textiles, at Sunk Island, Yorkshire,368 publishing her own useful
contemporary handbook on the subject.369 The history of the application
of cyanotype to fabrics has recently been reviewed in the Journal of the
Surface Design Association.370 The modern use of cyanotype for
illustrated quilt-making has been reviewed by Dr. Cathy Corbishley
Michel at a recent seminar of the British Quilt Study Group.371 In addition
to historic examples, and her own work on depicting the historical record
photographs of polar exploration, Michel highlights the work of several
contemporay quilters and textile artists using the medium, including Tafi
Brown and Barbara Hewitt in the USA, and Ruth Brown, Pauline Burbidge,
Linda Barlow, and Dorothy Stapleton in the UK.
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re-patented it in the USA.374 The explanation for its alternative name ‘the
true-to-scale process’ is that no wet-baths were involved in processing
the reprographic image, so there was no dimensional change in the paper
substrate, and copies of exactly the original size were obtained - a
characteristic of great importance for the accurate reproduction of scale
drawings, without the necessity to annotate them with dimensions.
Shrinkage of prints during wet processing had previously been one of the
chief difficulties besetting the photo-printer.
Gel lithography was also variously known in its hey-day by several
proprietory names: Lithoprint, Ferro-gelatine, Fotol, Ordoverax,
Velograph or Fulgur printing. The method took an over-exposed, but
unprocessed negative blueprint image as its source, which was lightly
squeegeed into contact with a matrix of moist gelatine, known as a
“graph”, containing a ferrous salt. Diffusion of excess potassium
ferricyanide out of the lightly-exposed and unexposed regions of the
cyanotype (the image shadows) formed Prussian blue in the gelatin
matrix, with the effect of hardening it locally (see §4.1.1), where it
became receptive to a greasy lithographers’ ink, which was still repelled
by the moisture in the unhardened regions of the gelatin. After a minute
or so, the cyanotype was peeled off and the jelly surface inked with a
roller. About 25 positive copies of the original image could be ‘pulled’,
using little pressure, from the jelly, which was re-inked between each.375
There are a number of fine points of detail to observe in formulating the
gelatine mass and the cyanotype paper if best results are to be
obtained.376 This first successful ‘dry copying’ process became the
preferred method for reproducing engineering drawings and it was a
major reprographic process until the 1950s,377 but then rendered
obsolete by the advent of diazo and electrostatic reprographic methods.
As it was originally formulated, the process is only suitable for line
drawings and cannot adequately reproduce the continuous tonal
gradation of a photograph, in the way the collotype process, for example,
can. However, a number of modifications were introduced, using a half-
tone screen to enable pictorial matter to be reproduced by either
positive- or negative-working processes,378 and most recently Roger
Farnham of Glasgow has created very effective halftone gel-lithographic
prints by adding a grain screen to the image in Photoshop.379
A similar principle of colloid hardening by the diffusion of ferric salts
underlies the ‘Iron-Ozobrome Process’, which also takes a cyanotype as
its starting point.380 This is first hydrolysed by a dilute sodium hydroxide
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The ‘blue layer’ types of paper were favoured for copying pencil and
ink originals, or thick and thin lines, to register which a lower contrast
was desirable. A paper of this type, the Huey Company’s No. 347-6, was
adopted by Heron as a medium suitable for printing continuous tone
photographic negatives.395 It provided an excellent rich blue with a very
high Dmax and a well-separated tonal scale similar to a Grade 1 silver-
gelatin paper.396
Commercial manufacture of blueprint paper ceased in the UK in the
1960s, but production continued in the USA, where there had been much
more widespread investment in commercial processing machines. In
1964, the Andrews Paper and Chemical Company, the principal suppliers
of the raw materials and chemicals to the coating industry, listed 30 US
companies as manufacturing blueprint paper.397 But by the early 1970s
the annual output figures had been showing a steady decline for several
years, and 1972 was the last year that blueprint paper featured separately
in the annual statistics of the reprographic industry products in the USA,
at which time there were still 18 firms coating and marketing the
product.398 Surprisingly, a relatively small amount continues to be
manufactured in the USA today,399 and there is at least one retail supplier
of ready-made blueprint paper and sensitized fabrics for recreational and
educational purposes.400
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Solution 2:
In 34 ml water dissolve 26 g ammonium ferric oxalate trihydrate
Solution 3:
In 48 ml water disssolve:
10.1 g potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate (0.4M)
2.1 g potassium ferricyanide (0.1M)
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The first cyanotypes in 1842 were not derived from camera negatives in
any way – they were Herschel’s cyanotype copies, sun-printed from paper
prints of steel engravings. The next cyanotype oeuvre historically was the
archive of botanical photograms by Anna Atkins. It was not until the
1870s that cyanotype began to find employment for printing images that
were fully photographic in origin, in the sense that they were made from
silver negatives that had been obtained in a camera. This chapter will
trace an outline history of the documentary and artistic uses of the
process, from its beginnings up to the present day.
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In his 1840 paper, Herschel set out the criteria that must be observed
for achieving a good result in this respect; foremost among them was the
application of sufficient pressure to ensure extremely close contact of the
sensitized paper with the original, but the quality of the paper itself was
also important, and he found that a double negative, carefully aligned,
resulted in a better print.411
The alternative to this procedure of ‘re-transfer’ was to devise direct
positive-working processes, but these had the disadvantage of producing
a spatially reversed, positive image, unless the chirality were corrected by
printing through the verso of the original. From a paper diaphane this
results in such a severe loss of definition that it was generally
unacceptable. The use of engravings as source images may also have
imposed some limitations on Herschel’s technical assessment of his
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process’s quality, which he did not fully appreciate in those early days of
photography.412 It is true that ‘line’ originals provide a good test of
spatial resolution but, having effectively only two densities, of ‘black’ and
‘white’, they are not capable of disclosing the ability of a process to
reproduce continuous tonal gradation, because they lack the subtly-
modulated optical densities of a photographic negative. A well-printed
steel engraving provides a suitable source for making striking and
attractive photographic copies, even via processes of very high contrast
with no capability for rendering intermediate tones. This may be one
reason why the cyanotype process, as developed by Herschel, later
acquired a reputation for rather poor tonal separation, and was not highly
regarded by most photographers as a satisfactory pictorial medium.
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and it was after a friendship of 31 years’ duration that the high task
of giving his portrait to the nation was allotted to me. He had
corresponded with me when the art was in its first infancy in the
days of Talbot-type and autotype. I was then residing in Calcutta,
and scientific discoveries sent to that then benighted land were
water to the parched lips of the starved, to say nothing of the
blessing of friendship so faithfully evinced.” 428
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The fact that no. 8, which is also of type (a), is listed as a positive,
presents no problem, however, because the latter could well have been
printed from a negative of the original image - what Herschel referred to
as a ‘re-transfer’. In support of this hypothesis, in the Oxford archive
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derived from mercury), but others are obviously surviving cyanotype and
chrysotype images. The specimens are numbered and can be correlated
exactly with Herschel’s lists of specimens sent to the Royal Society in
1842, of which the contents of the fourth, fifth, and sixth sheets are
transcribed in Table 5.4. Examples may be identified among them of
negative-working cyanotypes (Nos 22, 24, 26) and positive working
cyanotypes (Nos 20, 25, 27, 28, 30) as listed in the HRHRC photography
collections database.435
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to find. The Herschel archive at the National Media Museum has 16 from
one sheet, which all bear the annotation of ‘prepared paper number’ 724,
which consisted of a coating of ammonium ferric citrate alone. After
exposure, these must have been treated with potassium ferrocyanide
solution, and many of them bear Herschel’s rather cryptic annotation
‘yop’ or possibly ‘yoss’, which could refer to this substance - ‘yellow
prussiate of potash’.
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Anna Children was born in 1799 in Tonbridge, Kent, the only child of
Hester Anne and John George Children (1777-1852), a distinguished
scientist who was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1807 and
later became its Secretary. Anna’s mother died within a year of the
childbirth, and perhaps partly to compensate for her loss, the bond
between father and daughter was always close. Their relationship also
encompassed a publishing collaboration when Anna’s considerable talent
for draughtsmanship enabled her to undertake the illustration of her
father’s translation of a seminal work on the taxonomy of seashells.439
Thus Anna was, as Schaaf describes:
“...brought into touch with most of the tight-knit British scientific
community of the early part of the nineteenth century.” 440
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photography, and he had been in the chair at the meeting of the Society
in February 1839 to which Talbot disclosed his method for making
photogenic drawings. From the outset, Anna showed great interest in this
innovation - to the extent that in 1841 she was presented by her father
with an early Ross camera, although no camera photographs by her are
presently known. Anna’s husband was also a friend of Talbot, sharing a
common interest in transport engineering, so she could not have failed to
be aware of the early use of Talbot’s photogenic drawing process for
making botanical photograms, such as that illustrated in facsimile in the
popular periodical The Mirror of 1839.441
In 1840 the Herschel family also moved residence to Kent, taking a
house in Hawkhurst, only about 30 miles away from the Atkins; the
Herschel daughters were friendly towards Anna, whom they regarded as
an aunt. When Sir John’s 1842 paper was published, containing details of
his cyanotype processes, a copy was sent directly to John Children, but it
is likely that Anna, as a frequent visitor to the Herschel household, also
acquired experience of the process by more direct and less formal
means. Anna must have quickly realised that cyanotype offered a method
for botanical illustration by photography which was altogether more
expeditious and inexpensive than Talbot’s silver halide processes; she
was not then to know that it would also prove more permanent.
No evidence has yet come to light to tell us precisely the method or
formula that Anna adopted to make her cyanotypes, but from their
appearance (the colour is usually in the range 21E7-22D7) and the
productivity of her work (as we shall see, her edition of British Algae
alone demanded the hand-printing of over 5000 cyanotypes), it seems
likely that she used Herschel’s rapid, standard negative-working Method
(a). The means to carry out this process would not, for her, have been
hard to come by: her father had constructed several powerful galvanic
batteries for the purposes of electrochemical research, with which he
could have prepared the necessary potassium ferricyanide from readily
available potassium ferrocyanide, using Smee’s electrolytic method.
Ammonium ferric citrate was growing in popularity as a pharmaceutical
preparation by then, and was available at most druggist’s. A suitable fine
paper, Whatman’s Turkey Mill, which had already been used extensively
by Talbot for silver images, was widely marketed as a superior writing
paper; and, of course, the processing of the cyanotypes needed nothing
more than pure water, which the well at Halstead could supply in
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feathers, and lace as diaphanes. One of the fruits of their joint endeavour
was an album, nominally authored by Anna, entitled Cyanotypes of British
and Foreign Flowering Plants and Ferns which she presented to Anne
Dixon in 1854 as a token of gratitude for her dear friend’s support
during her mourning the loss of her father. The binding was simply
stamped ‘A.A. to A.D. 1854’. This unique and beautiful work survived
until 1981 when, immediately following its sale at auction, it was broken
by dealers in an act of collaborative philistinism.
In 1853, probably with Anna’s help, Anne Dixon herself completed
two very similar presentation albums entitled Cyanotypes of British and
Foreign Ferns. One was dedicated ‘A.D. to H.D.’; the recipient is known to
have been Henry Dixon, her young nephew, who became a noted
photographer of India. This album is preserved in the collection of the J
Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. The other album by Anne Dixon was
previously unrecorded until its existence, in private hands, was first
brought to light in 1988 by John Wilson.456
It carries the dedication ‘A.D. to C.S.A.’ and it is now in the collection
of the National Media Museum (previously the National Museum of
Photography, Film & Television) at Bradford, England. The researches of
Wilson into the history of cyanotype have included a careful comparison
of these two albums.457 He found that both were printed from the same
set of 98 botanical diaphanes, some of which were also used by Anna
Atkins, but in a substantial number of the images the specimens are
reversed or have other differences in positioning between the two
albums. The identity of the recipient bearing the initials ‘C.S.A.’ remains
something of a mystery. Wilson has reviewed the rather slender evidence,
in particular the suggestion put forward by Fred Woodward of the name
of Miss Catherine Allardyce (1802-1886) of Cromarty, a known collector
of algae. Although Wilson has found no reference to her in the
contemporary botanical literature, I have come across an obscure
acknowledgement to her in Johnstone and Croall’s Nature-Printed British
Seaweeds, as one of the contributors of specimens.458
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Fig. 5.7 Anna Atkins and Anne Dixon, Cyanotypes of British and
Foreign Ferns (1853)
The first volume of this elegant four volume set of nature prints was
reviewed in The Athenaeum in 1859. The very name of Miss C. Allardyce
evidently fired the imagination, if not the heart, of the reviewer, whose
fantasy waxed quite rhapsodical:
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The versos of all the cyanotypes carry rather faint pencil annotations,
most of them legibly inscribed as ‘Herschel formula cyanotype
impression’ and variously dated during March and April 1843. Many of
the annotations also specify the exposure, which was generally between
one and two hours, and two notes refer to ‘very hot sun’ and ‘bright sun’.
Such references to the weather in the months of March and April are
hardly consistent with the meteorological record for typical locations in
the British Isles (although, on occasion the record described conditions as
‘fine’),465 which suggests that these cyanotypes may not have been
printed in Europe - or even in the Northern Hemisphere. It may also be
significant that an analytical investigation of the album by X-ray
fluorescence spectrometry has revealed that its pages are heavily
contaminated with arsenic,466 which was possibly applied in the form of
arsenious oxide, as an insecticide used especially for the protection of
organic specimens in tropical environments.
The handwriting on the versos of these cyanotypes is not that of Anna
Atkins or Anne Dixon; it even appears to differ from the handwriting on
the labels of the botanical specimens in the same album.467 The colour of
the images is a consistent, slightly greenish-blue (around 23D8 -
‘sapphire blue’), unlike the cyanotypes of Anna Atkins (which are typically
21D7, and which correspond with that of cyanotypes made by Herschel’s
standard method (a)). The greenish-blue colour 23D8 is obtained when
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The work was published by R. Barrett and Sons of London, but the
author chose, like Anna Atkins, to remain anonymous; in 1870 Julia’s
second edition carried the shorter title Handbook of Greek Lace
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The renowned American artist and teacher, Arthur Wesley Dow (1857-
1922), used cyanotype around 1899 to make a poetic study of his
hometown of Ipswich in New England; he compiled 41 prints into a
personal album dedicated to his friend, the poet Everett Stanley Hubbard.
Fig. 5.11 Arthur Wesley Dow, “Little Venice” from Ipswich Days, 1899
(Collection of John T. and Susan H. Moran)
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are represented, Nootka, Piegan and Arapaho; the hunting scenes are
particularly striking and the medium seems sympathetically well-suited
to the subject-matter, moreover, cyanotype enabled him to proof some
of his negatives in the field – which numbered 40,000 in total!
The Photographic History Collection of the Smithsonian Institution has
an extensive archive of the chronophotographic work by Eadward
Muybridge, proofed in cyanotype as strips from his Animal Locomotion
There are 850 of these strips, which are believed to be contact proofs
of the original glass-plate camera negatives, whose whereabouts are now
unknown. A comprehensive public resource site now makes most of
these cyanotype proof strips available online.493 Many of these images are
particularly important because they reveal background details of
Muybridge’s photographic modus operandi which were cropped out of
the collotype prints in the published versions of his work. The unedited
pictures reveal the setup at his outdoor studio, with its corrugated rubber
track, the backdrop, props and cameras. In the animal series, a trainer
can often be seen to lead the animal or urge it along the track.494
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The recent book by Michael Gray and Angelo Maggi describes the
achievement of the photographer:
"The building of the Forth Bridge was marked and controlled
through photography; the official photographer: Evelyn George
Carey, a young engineer and personal assistant to the designer,
Benjamin Baker worked on the project over a period of eight years
between 1882 to 1890. His pictures capture, clearly and lyrically,
the scale, tensions and inherent dangers of such a project." 499
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Both Neuzil and Johnson have observed that the paper used by Bosse in
at least two of his albums is watermarked Aloe's Satino Johannot et Cie
Annonay,508 and a fine example can be viewed online, courtesy of the J.
Paul Getty Museum, together with a description of this watermark.509
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Fig. 5.15 Advertisements for Blue print papers in the USA, 1894
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while his wife was away, because many of his images were also blue in
the more pejorative sense. In 2002 an exhibition entitled Public Artist,
Private Passions, conveyed something of the voyeuristic nature of his
image archive.519
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information and research, representing more than 400 artists, over half
of whom have contributed to Fabbri’s published anthology of alternative
work in many processes, including cyanotype.528
In the USA, the artist John Dugdale of New York is celebrated for his
body of sensitive personal work in cyanotype, carried out in spite of his
serious visual impairment.529 Robert A. Schaefer Jr., has been a
distinguished practitioner and noted exhibitor of the cyanotype process
since the 1970s, and explains it thus:
“My favorite 19th century process is cyanotype because it enhances
the light surreal quality of my photography.” 530
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and Peter Nappi 535 are also noted practitioners with interesting websites
showing cyanotypes.
Jesseca Ferguson's cyanotype still-lives made from pin-hole
photographs collaged into book objects convey a museum-like ethos that
engages thoughtful examination.536
Possibly the most significant proof that cyanotype has finally achieved
an improved status of acceptance in contemporary artistic practice was
signalled by the curation in 2016 of an exhibition devoted solely to the
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The angular diameter of the sun viewed from the the earth’s surface is
nearly 1/100 radian, or ca. 0.5°.561 The sun’s disc is therefore not exactly
a point source of light, as usually assumed by sciography, and any
shadow that it casts displays two distinct regions: the umbra and the
penumbra (figure 6.1).562
angle = 1/100 radian
shadow plane
Fig 6.1 The structure of a solar shadow (not to scale).
The umbra is defined as the region of ‘totality’ where the sun’s disc
(or other light source) is completely obscured by the shadowing object,563
and it is the dominant feature of most shadows. The penumbra is the
region at the edges of the umbra where the illumination is partial, the
tones graduating from full shade to full light as a greater portion of the
sun’s disc appears uncovered; so the penumbra confers a blurred or
‘fuzzy’ edge to any shadow cast by a light source of finite size. Any solar
penumbra subtends an angle of 1/100 radian at the edge of the object
casting it; i.e. the width of a penumbra is approximately 1/100th the
distance of the object from its shadow. The apparent diurnal motion of
the sun is, thanks to the earth’s rotation about its axis, a full orbit of
360° over 24 hours; that is, an angular displacement of 15°/hour, as any
sundial will attest. Therefore, the sun travels through an arc in the sky
equal to its own apparent diameter in a time interval of about 2 minutes.
From these observations, four ‘Laws of Skiagraphy’ may be posited:
I. Sun-cast shadows appear blurred, with a penumbra, when viewed
from less than ten times the distance of the object casting them.
II. Solar exposure of a photogram of two minutes duration causes
shadow edges to blur additionally in the direction of travel by an amount
approximately equal to the limiting value in Law I.
III. The umbra of a narrow object of width, w, at distance, d, will be
completely displaced by penumbra within a solar photographic exposure
of duration ca. 4w/d hours.564
IV. The light scattered from a clear sky can ‘fill-in’ an umbra to the
maximum extent of ca. 3 stops less exposure than the direct illuminance
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Fig. 6.2 Mike Ware, photograms of apples and sea urchins made with
New Cyanotype exposures of ca. 1 minute to the Aegean sun.570
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dry states to reduce porosity and to create the desired surface. The
surface is lightly textured due to the impact of the felt mark
derived from the woven woollen felts which are used."574
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but the margins also facilitate handling and protect the image. Mark
the sheet of paper very lightly in pencil to locate the corners of the
area to be coated. Time and trouble may be saved by devising a card
template to guide this marking-up for standard formats. The
dimensions of the coated area should be 1 to 2 cm larger than the
negative to allow for irregularities and to make positioning easy. Avoid
including any watermark within the picture area.
2 Tape or clip the sheet lightly to a very flat level surface: a heavy glass
plate is ideal. Check with a spirit level that the paper is horizontal; this
is critical, so adjust it if necessary. Dust off the surface with a blower
3 First choose a syringe of appropriate size and ensure its plunger is fully
depressed, then, keeping the nozzle below the liquid surface, draw up
the mixed sensitizer into the syringe, some way above the volume
required. By carefully expelling sensitizer back into the bottle, adjust it
to the required volume: ignore the small air bubble in the syringe and
take the volume reading from the bottom of the plunger. A 10”x8”
print will require about 1.5 cc, or slightly less, and other sizes in
proportion to their area. Try to ‘fine tune’ this volume with experience
of a particular paper, so as to avoid excess sensitizer which may
puddle and crystallise.
4 Expel the liquid slowly and gently from the syringe (use two hands) as
you move it steadily from one side to the other across the width of the
coating area between the pencil marks at the top of the paper; reverse
and go back again if all the liquid is not expelled. For steadiness, touch
the paper lightly with the syringe nozzle and try to form an unbroken
strip of sensitizer, but do not be too slow or fussy - irregularities will
even out in the coating.
5 Take up the spreading rod with one end in each hand, place the
straight central portion onto the paper parallel to, and a little above,
the strip of sensitizer. Then, with slight pressure draw the spreading
rod down into the strip of solution. Pause briefly (a couple of seconds)
while the liquid distributes itself uniformly along the length of the rod,
then steadily draw the strip of solution down the paper, like a tiny tidal
wave running in front of the rod. The rod is not rotated, and very little
pressure need be applied. When you reach the pencil marks at the
bottom of the coated area, hop the rod over the strip of solution and
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push it back to the top of the coating; then hop over the sensitizer
strip once more and draw it down to repeat the spreading. Just five
passes over the paper will suffice for its surface layer to become
saturated with a uniform coating of sensitizer. The first two passes
should be made quite rapidly (3 or 4 seconds each) to ensure complete
wetting of the surface, and the last three as slowly as possible (10 to
15 seconds each) to allow maximum absorption. At the end of the fifth
pass, drag the spreader well below the picture area, with its excess
sensitizer (when you have fine-tuned the exact volume to use with
your chosen paper, there should be very little waste).
6 Gently lift off the spreader, and soak up any residual liquid left at the
bottom of the coating with the edge of a clean strip of blotting paper,
otherwise crystals may be formed which can damage the negative.
Rinse the spreading rod immediately under the tap.
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the reflective sheen of the surface to disappear. The sheet may then be
hung up to dry in the dark for about an hour before use or left on a
screen. Alternatively some heat may be used - a uniform stream of warm
air at 40 °C for 10 minutes is adequate, and makes little difference to the
final result, provided that heat-dried paper is allowed to ‘rest’ for a half,
to one hour before exposure, otherwise a slight loss of density and
increase of contrast (§7.4.11) may occur. Heating directly, e.g. with a
hairdrier, tends to produce uneven results. The prevailing relative
humidity has very little effect on the results of printing in cyanotype, but
it can profoundly affect some of the other iron-based processes.
6.4.3 Contact-printing frames
With the exception of special cases described in §6.2, some form of
contact-printing frame is usually essential for applying enough pressure
to maintain the close contact between negative and paper that is
desirable with most UV light sources. The simplest option is a sheet of
plate glass (4 mm thick - not 2 mm picture glass, which may bend or
crack under pressure) and a flat baseboard covered with a felt blanket or
sheet of porous plastic to absorb the outgassing (see below) and take up
any surface unevenness. This sandwich is held together by strong clips.
The cyanotype processes give a print-out which is to some extent
solarized - that is, a fully detailed image is formed during the exposure
with reversed shadow tones; but subsequent processing modifies the
appearance of this. It is therefore a great advantage to be able to inspect
the progress of the printing (away from the UV source!) without
destroying the registration between negative and print. This can be
achieved with a hinged-back contact-printing frame of the traditional
design common in the nineteenth-century, when printing-out was the
standard practice. These can still be bought and are often of high
craftsmanship (and cost), but it is easy to construct one from a strong
picture frame of extruded aluminium with a deep rebate, and a hinged
backplate of heavy duty plywood which can be secured under pressure. It
is important that the sensitized paper should be directly backed in the
printing frame with a single loose sheet of felt, not divided and attached
to the backplate, for the following reason.
In all the siderotype processes, including cyanotype, one of the by-
products of the photochemical reaction is carbon dioxide gas (Appendix
III). It is important to the print quality that this gas should have a pathway
for escape by diffusing out from the sensitized surface through the back
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print is properly cleared and the highlights are totally undegraded (see
§7.4.12). These are the disadvantages of ‘showing the brushmarks’ to
prove it’s a handmade print. Connoisseurs should be able to tell that fact
anyway, without it being so obviously displayed in a manner that distracts
from the picture content.
6.4.4 Ultra-violet light sources
Any light source with a substantial ultra-violet content will serve for
printing the iron-based processes. However, sources like 'sun-guns' and
quartz-halogen lamps also emit infra-red radiation, which has the
undesirable effect of heating the paper as the exposure proceeds. The
best sources are fluorescent-coated mercury-discharge tubes, emitting
mostly the so-called ‘long-wave ultra-violet’ (or UVA, with a wavelength
range of 320-400 nm) with a maximum output around a wavelength of
365 nm. Lamps with a peak output around 410 nm are not effective for
cyanotype, because this wavelength corresponds to an absorption
maximum in the spectrum of ferricyanide, which acts as an ‘internal
filter’. There is no advantage, and much additional risk, in employing the
more dangerous ‘short-wave’ ultraviolet mercury lamps which rapidly
damage eyes and living tissue.575 Long-wave UVA lamps are marketed for
graphic arts purposes as well as for domestic sun-tanning.
The geometry of the light source can affect the image acutance in
contact printing: if gaps are formed between negative and sensitized
surface, they may be wide enough to blur the acutance or resolution of
the image, to an extent that depends on the geometry of the light source.
The blur is the width of the penumbra (fuzzy zone) between light and full
shadow at any edge within the image, and depends on the ratio of size to
distance of the light source. If the largest linear dimension of the light
source is w, and its distance from the print is d, then w/d is the aspect
value of the light source. By the geometry of similar triangles:
blur = gap x aspect value
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The human eye at its near-point (ca. 250 mm) can resolve ~0.1 mm,
but 0.25 mm is taken to be acceptably 'sharp' in calculating the 'depth of
field' of lenses. Take 0.3 mm of blur as the onset of a 'fuzzy' or 'soft'
image. So the CO2 mentioned above is only likely to cause a visible
problem with 'light bed' sources, and blurring will be most conspicuous
where the local contrast is high.
The following UV sources are listed in ascending order of cost:
1 The sun. This is free, but an uncertain and variable source in many
locations. The sun is nearly a point source giving high acutance
because it subtends a 0.5 degree angle only. However, it also moves
through an arc of 0.5 degrees in 2 minutes, so exposure duration is a
consideration (see §6.2). In intensity the sun is about four times faster
than a small UV source like no. 4. There is a considerable heating
effect which may discolour the highlights in lengthy exposures.
The north summer sky is a diffuse source with a wide aspect like a
‘light bed’, no. 4. Its intensity is about 3 stops (8x) less than direct sun
with about half the speed of no. 4.
2 Small domestic sunlamps such as the Pifco 300 watt UV lamp No. 1012.
These should be used at a distance of about 30 to 50 cm from the
printing frame, providing about half the speed of no. 4.
3 Mercury discharge reprographic lamps, such as the Philips HPR 125W,
used at a distance of about 30 cm from the frame.
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4 Examine the test print carefully when it is dry. The lowest part will
appear dense and ‘blocked up’ with no resolution of the sequential
steps. Compare each step with the lighter one immediately above it -
i.e. the one resulting from 10% less transmittance in the negative
(=10% more opacity, corresponding to a density difference of ~0.05, or
1/6th of a 'stop'). Try to locate the first step, starting from the bottom,
that is just perceptibly resolved in tone from the one above it; this
lower step gives the transmittance in this negative needed to produce
your effective maximum print density. Call this transmittance P %.
5 Calculate your Standard Printing Exposure (SPE) by taking P % of E, the
exposure for the test print made in 3:
SPE = E x P/100
The SPE should apply approximately for all prints made in the chosen
process, with your digital negatives, provided that the light-source and
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then be scaled proportionally. Setting the Layer Opacity to less than 100%
makes the tonal separation a bit coarser in principle, because the tonal
scale of the image will be resolved across fewer than the full 256 levels. If
the printer driver settings result in a white value close to 100%, it’s
unlikely the eye will notice this, so this adjustment in the following
Workflow should be no more than ‘fine-tuning’.
6.6.4 The 'gamma slider' for tonal correction
There usually is a need to redistribute the levels of a digital image file
before it can provide a useful negative. If this is not done, a print made
with the SPE will usually appear too dark in overall tonality, even though
the black and white end-points print correctly. In effect, what is needed
is a transformation of the linear scale of Relative Opacity %, used for
digital files, into the logarithmic scale of Optical Density needed for a
negative to yield a visually acceptable print by any analogue photographic
process having a typical (D/logH) characteristic response.
If we are prepared to accept an approximate transformation, it
becomes unnecessary to use experimentally-derived curves, with all their
burdensome and inaccurate measuring of many experimental points,
because essentially the same result comes from re-setting one parameter
in Photoshop: this parameter is the middle slider in the Levels Histogram
window, which controls the gamma (or contrast) value shown in the
central box, and which always has a default value of 1.0 when the window
is opened. The gamma needs to be increased to a value in the region of
1.8 to 2.2 in the positive image, which – be warned! – will then appear
horribly overexposed in the digital sense, or ‘blown out’ on-screen. This
adjustment usually suffices to re-map the relative distribution of levels
from most positive digital image files to provide, on inversion, a
negative with sufficient density to be printable by analogue processes.
This one simple adjustment with the gamma slider effectively applies a
built-in ‘generic curve’ for transforming all digital negatives to analogue
status. In practice, it is found to agree with individually-derived personal
correction curves for platinum-palladium, which have been scrupulously
plotted by expert workers from point-by-point reflectance density
measurements of their actual step-tablet test prints.
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Fig 6.3 100-step: Gamma = 2.2 on left; default Gamma = 1.0 on right
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22) Set Printer Driver & Maximum Ink Density & Output the Negative
zaltP File>Print with Preview…Check page settings:- Check centred image
Colour Management: Document; Profile: Same as Source
Click Print… button to access Print Settings window:-
Printer: Check printer choice correct
Presets: Use saved Printer Driver settings file:
Print Settings>Media Type: Appropriate paper choice (photo or matte)
Colour: Colour ON
Advanced Mode: Premium Photo Quality: highest resoln dpi
High speed OFF; Mirror image OFF
Colour Management: Mode: Epson Standard sRGB
Colour Controls: All sliders centred; gamma = 2.2
Advanced B&W mode: Neutral & ‘Normal’ tone
Adjust maximum ink density to give White~99%
Extensions: Normal paper (not thick)
Paper Configuration: Colour density & head drying time – defaults
Click Print button to print the negative on transparency film
Don't 'Save Changes' on closing file
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which uses oxalate entirely. This sensitizer should not be placed in the
hands of children.
Sensitizer chemicals needed (GPR Grade (98-99%) is adequate)
Ammonium iron(III) citrate (green variety) 27 g
Potassium ferricyanide K3[Fe(CN)6] 9 g
Oxalic acid (COOH)2.2H2O 1 g
Ammonium dichromate (NH4)2Cr2O7 0.2 g
Distilled water 200 cc
Preparation of sensitizer
Solution A:
Dissolve 25 g of the solid ammonium iron(III) citrate in ca. 70 cc of
distilled water at room temperature; add 0.5 g oxalic acid, stir well to
dissolve, and make up with distilled water to a final volume of 100 cc.
Solution B:
Dissolve 9 g of the solid potassium ferricyanide in ca. 80 cc of distilled
water, add 0.5 g of oxalic acid and 0.2 g of ammonium dichromate, stir
well to dissolve and make up to 100 cc with distilled water.
These solutions must be stored in brown bottles in a dark box.
Mix equal volumes of solutions A and B just before use.
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7 Because there is little or no image loss the exposure scale of the new
process is around 2.2 – an excellent match for negatives of long
density range, also intended for salt printing, platino-palladiotype,
argyrotype or chrysotype. One negative can serve all processes.
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It is true that ammonium ferric oxalate was used in all the formulae
for the later commercial blueprint papers, as described above in §4.10,
but this was only made possible by keeping them sufficiently dilute in
potassium ferricyanide, 5% or less, to avoid this crystallization; so they
only yielded a maximum density rather too low for pictorial purposes.
In theory, there is an obvious answer to this crystallization problem: to
use ammonium ferricyanide instead of potassium ferricyanide; but the
former is not commercially available, is described as a “rare chemical”
and is rather troublesome to make.584 In 1994, I developed a new, simple
procedure for preparing an ammonium salt cyanotype sensitizer that
overcomes all the drawbacks besetting the traditional method.
The desired ammonium ferricyanide is prepared in situ by the simple
expedient of using the low solubility of potassium ferric oxalate to
eliminate most of the potassium ions from the solution. This is achieved
by mixing very concentrated, hot solutions of ammonium ferric oxalate
and potassium ferricyanide. When the mixture cools, the sparingly
soluble potassium ferric oxalate crystallises out, is filtered off and
rejected, leaving a solution of ammonium ferric oxalate and ammonium
ferricyanide, in the necessary proportions for making Prussian blue when
the former is photoreduced. Of course the separation of potassium from
ammonium cations is not 100%: some K+ remains in the solution and a
little NH4+ will be in the crystalline product, so the conditions of time and
temperature adopted for the crystallization in the following recipe must
represent a compromise.
The appropriate molar quantities are calculated as follows: what little
evidence we have (IR spectra – see Appendix II.7) suggests that the
cyanotype product Prussian blue may be closer to the "insoluble" form
Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 i.e. it contains a 4 : 3 molar ratio of Fe(III) : Fe(II), rather than
the 1 : 1 molar ratio of Fe(III) : Fe(II) which assumes that the form of
Prussian Blue precipitated is (NH4)[FeFe(CN)6]. What follows makes that
assumption, but the relative proportions are not critical.
Precipitation of most of the potassium ions requires a molar ratio of
1 : 1 for the two components, so in the former case the overall molar
ratio of ammonium ferric oxalate to potassium ferricyanide needed for
both precipitation and for the photochemistry would be 7 : 3. Taking the
relative molecular masses of the two components, this molar ratio
corresponds to a weight ratio of:
7 x 428.07 : 3 x 329.26 = 2996.49 : 987.78 = 3.034 : 1
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4. Add 2 to 1
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3 2 1
–log(relative exposure)
Fig. 7.1 Characteristic curve for New Cyanotype without dichromate.
1% acid developed (left) and water developed (right)
The reversed shadow tones usually begin to regain their values quite
rapidly during the wet processing (nitric acid particularly assists this), and
they will fully recover during drying for about 24 hours in the air.
However, if you are anxious to see the final result immediately, then
immerse the print in a bath of 0.3% hydrogen peroxide for no more than
half a minute before transferring to the final wash. This solution of
hydrogen peroxide is made up freshly by diluting 50 cc of the commonly
available 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide (the so-called ‘20 volume’
solution) to 1 litre of water. This treatment makes no ultimate difference
to the print densities in the final outcome. Under no circumstances
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3 2 1
–log(relative exposure)
Fig. 7.2 Characteristic curve for New Cyanotype with 0.1% dichromate
1% acid developed (right) and water developed (left) 4x exposure
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1 2 3 4
Fig 7.3 Effects of heat drying sensitizer and ‘darktime’ exposure
I concluded that leaving the exposed print in the dark before wet
processing lengthened the exposure scale by about one stop, from 2.3 to
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2.6, but weakened the Dmax perceptibly, flattened the shadow tones
slightly, and caused some edge fog, with a rim at the tideline. It seems
only to be worth resorting to this darktime treatment if essential
highlight detail would otherwise be lost.
Since heat-drying the coated paper shortens the exposure scale by
one stop, then a combination of both heat-drying the coating and giving
darktime gets one back to the original exposure range of ~2.3, but with a
loss of Dmax, so it is best to do nothing!
7.4.12 Diagnosis of fogged highlights
A common fault observed in many handmade prints is highlight fogging –
the appearance of tone due to image substance (Prussian blue) being
deposited where there should be none. There are at least six possible
causes of this fog:
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Compare a border region of the sensitized area – coated, but masked
during exposure – with the margin of uncoated paper, and answer the
following questions YES/NO :-
pop refers to printout processes, dev to development processes.
It is important to distinguish Fog (unwanted residual image substance)
from Stain (unwanted other residual chemicals, especially ferric salts).
These are usually distinguishable by different colours – the former grey,
the latter yellow.
Fault (4) can be detected by including a small area of high UV blocking –
'Rubylith' – for comparison with the maximum density of the negative.
Table 7.1 An algorithm for the six most probable causes of fogging
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Ammonium dichromate
RMM = 252.07
CAS 7789-09-5
Aldrich #22,481-2; Alfa #13444
Hazard Rating
Health 4 extreme (cancer causing)
Flammability 1 slight (involatile, but solid is combustible)
Reactivity 3 severe (oxidizer)
Contact 3 severe (corrosive)
Harmful if dust is inhaled, contact may cause burns or external ulcers.
Strong oxidizer, contact with other materials may cause fire.
Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Unfortunately, this substance has a hazard rating of 4 on the health scale,
because it is a known human carcinogen: external contact can cause
ulcers and dermatitis. In spite of this hazard, ammonium dichromate (or
the corresponding potassium or sodium salts) has long been used on a
large commercial scale in the printing industry, and for tanning of
leather, occasionally giving rise to documented cases of occupational
illness. It is also employed in large amounts for the Gum Bichromate and
Carbon printing processes. The very small quantity used in the
sensitizers described above does not represent a serious risk if the
chemical is handled sensibly and proper precautions taken, but if the
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Like all soluble oxalates (see oxalic acid, below), it should be regarded as
highly toxic, i.e. capable of causing death or permanent injury (especially
kidney damage) if taken by mouth. However, several grams would have to
be ingested to cause such extreme damage. The chemical takes the form
of non-volatile crystals, so there is little risk of inhalation, but it is an
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Hazard Rating
Health 3
Flammability 0
Reactivity 2
Contact 3
Concentrated acids cause severe burns; may be fatal if swallowed or
inhaled. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Keep in tightly closed
container. Loosen closure cautiously. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash
thoroughly after handling. In case of spill, neutralize with soda ash or
lime and place in dry container. Causes damage to respiratory system
(lungs): inhalation of vapours may cause pulmonary edema, circulatory
system collapse, coughing and difficult breathing.
Emergency and first aid procedures: call a physician. If swallowed, do not
induce vomiting; if conscious, give water, milk, or milk of magnesia. If
inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. In
case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at
least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing.
to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
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inhaled, remove to fresh air. Rinse mouth or gargle repeatedly with cold
water. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of
water for at least 15 minutes.
Potassium ferricyanide
RMM = 329.26
CAS 13746-66-2
Aldrich #24,402-3; Alfa #33357
Also known as: potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), red prussiate of
Hazard Rating
Health 1 slight
Flammability 0 none
Reactivity 1 slight
Contact 1 slight
This substance is classified as a low toxic hazard, but may act as a skin,
eye and lung irritant. It is incompatible with concentrated acids, which
may release deadly hydrogen cyanide gas. Used correctly there is no risk.
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Jay House Ltd
Fiveways House
Westwells Road
SN13 9RG
Tel: +44 (0)1225 810 596
Fax: +44 (0)1225 811 801
Silverprint Ltd
12 Valentine Place
Tel: +44 (0)171 620 0844
Fax: +44 (0)171 620 0129
Peter Loffler GmbH
Gewerbehof 1
26209 Hatten
Tel: +49 04481 1534
Fax: +49 04481 1895
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indicative of toning with tannic acid, and they share the same album
pages with conventional blue cyanotypes.605
The toning processes which are acknowledged to be the most reliable,
and least impermanent, appear to fall into five categories, most of which
have a commonality in commencing with the hydrolysis of the Prussian
blue to iron oxide/hydroxide before further treatment.
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8.6.4 Copper
This method of converting the image colour to a purplish-brown derives
from a U.S. patent of 1889.629 The stock reagent is a deep blue solution
of tetraamminocopper(II) nitrate, made by dissolving 1 part of copper
nitrate in 4 parts of water and treating the solution with one part by
volume of 30% (S.G. 0.90) aqueous ammonia solution, sufficient just to
re-dissolve the blue precipitate of copper hydroxide. The toning bath is
made by diluting this blue stock solution sixteen times with water and
adding up to one further part of 30% ammonia, depending on the colour
desired, which is described as a “Bartolozzi red”, and is believed to
contain some copper(II) ferrocyanide.
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brown ammonium ferric citrate (§2.12); Valenta, for the usual 19th
century recipe using green ammonium ferric citrate; and Ware, for the
new cyanotype using ammonium ferric oxalate (see Table 9.2).
The paper generally used for coating in the comparative tests was
Atlantis Silversafe Photostore, of weight 120 grams/square meter. This is
a pure cotton conservation paper, of high purity, sized with Aquapel™
which is a neutral-curing alkyl ketene dimer. It contains no added buffer,
filler, or other agent that might interfere with the photochemisty.647 Such
a pure paper differs rather from the papers of the 19th century, so
comparative tests were also performed on gelatin-sized papers, both
contemporary (Fabriano 5 HP) and of the type used 150 years ago
(Whatman’s Turkey Mill 1840 and J. Whatman 1849, made by
Hollingworth and Balston, respectively).648 Coating was carried out by a
glass rod, and the volumes of sensitizer used were closely controlled to
give comparable coatings. The sensitized paper specimens were all dried
at room temperature in the dark.
The samples to be tested were made by conventional cyanotype
printing and direct sunlight, using a glazed printing-out frame with a
hinged-back, mimicking as accurately as possible the manner of
exposure that would have been employed in the 19th century. Only the
Ware formulation was printed by means of an artificial ultraviolet light
source, which is now universally used, employing four Phillips
TLADK30/05 coated fluorescent tubes (having a maximum emission at
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II246
360 nm) at a distance of 8 cm. The test prints were made through a
calibrated Kodak No.3 step tablet, which produced a maximum of 21
steps of density in half stop intervals of exposure, which were large
enough to be accurately densitometered. Exposures were usually
sufficient to make the first two steps indistinguishable, so ensuring that
the maximum density of which the sensitizer was capable had been
reached. A direct comparison was made for the Herschel formula to see
if the sunprinting employed in the nineteenth century produced any
qualitative differences from the artificial UV source. The heating effect of
the sun exposures was notable, and it was found that prolonged
exposures to the sun resulted in a purple veiling of the highlights which,
however, usually disappeared in the wet processing. Processing was
appropriate to the sensitizer in use, usually by means only of gently
running tapwater, and the specimens were dried in the dark.
Smaller control specimens were printed through Stouffer Graphic Arts
T2115 step tablets649 at the same time as the main K3 test piece, and
were retained in a light-proof box, that had access to the atmosphere of
the same environment through a set of baffles. These could be checked
for any long term changes not due to illumination and were also useful
for sacrificial experiments.
9.1.2 Experimental: fading apparatus and measurements
The light source used to induce fading was a commercial luminaire
fitting, equipped with four 20 watt standard artificial daylight fluorescent
tubes, of length 60 cm, General Electric type F20W/AD. This formed the
lid of an enclosed box fitted with two fans to ensure a gentle constant
stream of air to cool the lamps and maintain the samples in a constant
environment. The temperature during exposure was maintained at 19 ±
1°C and the relative humidity at 50 ± 5 %. The fluorescent tubes were run
initially for a period of time before testing to ensure constant emissivity.
The illuminance at the plane of the samples was measured with a Weston
Master V exposure meter fitted with an ‘Invercone’ attachment in its
incident light mode, and checked with a spotmeter V and standard grey
card. Both readings corresponded to an illuminance of approximately 4
The optical densities of the specimens were measured to a precision
of 0.002 by means of an X-Rite model 310 densitometer in diffuse
reflectance mode, which was checked by reference to a standard density
plaque, and recalibrated when necessary to absolute density readings
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with an accuracy of ± 0.01 over the range 0.06 to 1.74, before and after
each set of experiments. All densities recorded refer to the ‘red’ channel
of the reflectance colour head, which corresponds to the waveband where
the absorption by Prussian blue has its maximum value.
9.1.3 Results: characteristic curves and the ‘fade’
The characteristic (or D/logH) curves of the typical negative-working
cyanotype sensitizers are shown in Figures 9.1a-9.1f, in which the diffuse
reflectance density is plotted vertically against the logarithm of the
relative exposure horizontally. In each case the characteristic curve was
remeasured after an exposure to artificial daylight of ca 2 kilolux hours,
and this is also plotted on the graph. It can be seen that all types of
sensitizer have suffered a loss of density in consequence of the light
exposure, amounting to about 0.1 to 0.2 density units.
If Di represents the initial optical reflectance density of any step of the
pigment layer in a step-tablet test, and Df is the measured density of the
same step immediately following a fading exposure, the extent of fading
is denoted by the change DD = Di – Df. The measured values of DD have
probable confidence limits of ±0.01 units of density, and they are
generally less than 1, so it will be convenient, both typographically and
with regard to numerical precision, to discuss the fading henceforth in
terms of a whole-number parameter, which I shall call the ‘fade’, which is
defined as 100DD. We will find it convenient to have a single parameter to
express the measured susceptibility of a particular Prussian blue layer to
fading. The maximum value of the fade for a given exposure is the
parameter we seek, since it represents the greatest loss of image density
within the entire tonal scale, and therefore the greatest loss of picture
When Di = 1, the value of the fade is also the value of the % relative
fade, 100DD/Di , but it is not appropriate to make general use of the
relative fade as the parameter to discuss the results for two reasons:
psychometric experiments show that the JND is approximately constant
over a wide range of densities; and the consequence of division by the
very small density values in the highlights is to put a numerical bias on
the results because it gives undue prominence to small changes.
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II248
Smee Herschel
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
3 2 1 3 2 1
–log(relative exposure) –log(relative exposure)
Herschel on gelatin-sized paper Lietze
Reflectance Density (red)
Reflectance Density (red)
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
3 2 1 3 2 1
–log(relative exposure) –log(relative exposure)
Valenta Ware
Reflectance Density (red)
Reflectance Density (red)
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
3 2 1 3 2 1
–log(relative exposure) –log(relative exposure)
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Smee Herschel
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
Initial Density Initial Density
Herschel on gelatin-sized paper Lietze
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
Initial Density Initial Density
Valenta Ware
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
14 21
13 19
10 15
9 13
6 9
5 7
2 3
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
Initial Density Initial Density
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The fact that the maximum fade of a cyanotype tends to occur in the
middle tones may also account for some of the disparities in the
anecdotal evidence that has been reported concerning the fading of
cyanotypes and blueprints. If the original image has a high contrast, with
little or no intermediate tone, then the visible fading effect will be
confined to the extremes of the tonal scale where it is minimal. This is
particularly the case with ‘line’ images, such as contact prints from
engravings, or photograms of opaque objects, where the image has only
two densities in the limiting case: the density of the paper base plus fog,
and the maximum density of which the sensitizer is capable. As can be
seen from Table 9.3 the extent of fading varies little with sensitizer
composition, except the sensitizer prepared from ammonium ferric
oxalate, Ware type, which shows a deeper initial fade. As will become
apparent, this is not in fact a disadvantage.
9.1.5 Results: variation of fade with exposure time
To ascertain how the fade varies with fading exposure time, test strips
were exposed in the artificial daylight source and monitored at regular
time intervals; only 4 of the 21 steps were selected for density
measurement so that the time taken to perform this did not significantly
detract from the exposure times. When the densities did not undergo any
further decrease with exposure, the samples were removed to dark
storage at ambient temperature and humidity (in the range 18 ± 2 ºC and
50 ± 10 %RH), with full access to the atmosphere, and their densities
remeasured periodically.
The results are shown in Figure 9.3a-9.3f for one step only (that
giving rise to the maximum fade) of the five sensitizers, in which the
maximum fade is plotted vertically against time along the horizontal axis.
It may be seen that the fade quickly reaches a maximum value (i.e. a
minimum in the measured density) after only about a half to one hour’s
exposure to 4 kilolux. Following this it tends to decrease slightly but
steadily with continuing exposure up to 24 hours, when the exposure
was terminated. In one case the decrease in the fade (i.e. the regain of
density during the fading exposure) was quite marked, as illustrated in
Figure 9.3f. The knowledge that the maximum fade was reached within
one hour’s exposure at this illuminance greatly simplified subsequent
monitoring of repeated fading tests. The regain of density in the dark was
also monitored in these samples and found to be effectively complete
(final densities ≥99% of the initial densities) within five days.
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Herschel Lietze
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D) 23
14 21
13 19
10 15
9 13
6 9
5 7
2 3
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time/minutes Time/minutes
Valenta Ware - water developed
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
14 21
13 19
10 15
9 13
6 9
5 7
2 3
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time/minutes Time/minutes
Ware - citric acid developed Ware - HCl developed
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
27 33
25 31
23 29
19 23
17 21
15 19
11 13
9 11
7 9
1 1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time/minutes Time/minutes
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Herschel Lietze
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
12 18
8 12
4 6
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Number of fade cycle Number of fade cycle
Valenta Ware - water developed
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
10 20
8 16
6 12
4 8
2 4
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Number of fade cycle Number of fade cycle
Ware - citric acid developed Ware - HCl developed
Fade (100∆D)
Fade (100∆D)
28 34
26 32
24 30
18 22
16 20
14 18
10 12
8 10
6 8
2 2
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Number of fade cycle Number of fade cycle
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Conservators Jennifer Koerner and Karen Potje at the CCA have tested
a variety of 22 blueprints to a 36 klux light source, and found that all
samples reacted similarly, showing a perceptible fading within 5 minutes
exposure – a light dose of 3 kilolux hours.651
To demonstrate the important influence of the air on the outcome of
fading, J. Dunbar performed an experiment in which cyanotype
specimens were enclosed in an anoxic environment (a Marvelseal™ packet
containing Ageless™ oxygen scavenger) and given a 24 hour fading
exposure, which caused them to turn totally white. When opened and
exposed to the air, they regained their full blue colour.
To determine the effect of very high illuminance on the fade, samples
(of the Herschel and Smee sensitizer types) were given the same fading
exposure as above, but to direct sunlight, i.e. ca 100 kilolux for one or
two hours, which was found rapidly to cause a deep fade, as much as 40
or so, before a steady state was reached. Thus the same exposure of 100
kilolux hours, but delivered at three widely differing levels of illuminance,
has three quite different outcomes in the degree of fading.
9.1.7 Results: effect of conditions on fading
To see if the fading of Prussian blue in cyanotypes was wavelength-
sensitive, gel filters were placed around fresh specimens of Ware new
cyanotype (which are the most sensitive) in the light exposure box, while
still allowing access to the atmosphere; identical test strips were exposed
side-by-side under red and blue filters, and compared with a strip
exposed without filter.
The results are summarised in Table 13, where it may be seen that
there is no significant difference between the fading experienced by the
test strips exposed to red and blue light, indicating little or no
wavelength dependence of the effect over the visible spectrum. Since
Prussian blue has absorption bands in both the red and blue regions of
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serious drawback with this pigment, and there have been many
endeavours to diminish it.
An extensive investigation of the effect of alkali on Prussian blues has
been conducted by Holtzman,660 who has also sought treatments to
protect the pigment from this type of deterioration. He found that a
buffer at pH 9.4 completely decolourises (i.e. destroys by irreversible
hydrolysis) Prussian blue in 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the precise
method of preparation.661 This is not a highly alkaline pH, and is the
same, for example, as that of a saturated solution of calcium carbonate,
the buffer commonly incorporated in archival papers and boards. A
stronger alkali is a solution of sodium carbonate of strength 0.25 molar,
which has a pH of ca 10.7; this is high enough to destroy the Prussian
blue of a cyanotype in less than half a minute.
Holtzman especially recommended the incorporation of nickel ions
into the Prussian blue as a means of improving its resistance to alkaline
environments.This is best done at the time the blue is prepared, by
forming it in the presence of nickel salts, but it can also be incorporated
retrospectively in high proportion by soaking the Prussian blue in a bath
of a nickel(II) salt. Holtzman found that Prussian blue so treated was
‘stable indefinitely’ at pH 9.4 (or, at least, for 4 months - the duration of
the experiment), and could even withstand the pH 10.7 solution of
sodium carbonate for 4 to 5 hours.
I tested the nickel treatment on Herschel and Ware cyanotypes in case
it could offer a possible conservation procedure for improving the
stability of cyanotypes towards alkaline hydrolysis. The process of
soaking a cyanotype test strip in a solution of 10 % w/v nickel(II) sulphate
for one hour caused a perceptible shift in the hue towards a more
greenish-blue: from 21D8 to 23D8 in the Herschel specimen, and from
20E8 to 21E7 in the Ware specimen (see also §8.6.3 on toning).
Unfortunately the treatment is also accompanied by a distinct loss of
density from the mid-tones, presumably due to peptisation of the
pigment: using the same units (100∆D) as for the fade, the loss was 10
from the Herschel specimen after one hour, and 15 after a 25 hour soak
at room temperature; the corresponding losses from the Ware specimen
were somewhat greater: 16 and 21, respectively. These specimens were
densitometered then tested for their resistance to alkali by immersing
them in a buffer solution at pH 9.4 for 10 minutes, in comparison with
control specimens of the major processes that had not been treated.662
The test strips were briefly (5 minutes) rinsed in tap water and then dried
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and re-measured. The losses (100∆D) are shown in Table 14 for shadow-
tone regions, from which it may be seen that the nickel(II) treatment is
quite efficacious in protecting the Prussian blue from alkaline
degradation at this pH by about an order of magnitude.
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only 200 lux hours, which may seem alarmingly small, being comparable
with the threshold exposure values calculated, and observed, for
photogenic drawings, which are deemed too light-sensitive for exhibition
under any conditions. However, the behaviour of photogenic drawings is
quite different from that of cyanotypes because the fogging of a
photogenic drawing is irreversible, cumulative and permanent, but the
fading of a cyanotype is reversible by air re-oxidation. As has already
been explained in §9.1.6, the failure of the reciprocity law in the case of
cyanotypes means that the duration of exposure at an illuminance of 50
lux needed to fade them by even one JND may be very long indeed, if not
indefinite, and it is quite safe to exhibit them at, or near, this low level of
illumination. Even after a cyanotype has been faded by moderate daylight
exposure, the evidence is that recovery of image density will usually be
effectively complete.
There is one potentially deleterious factor that should be borne in
mind, however, when subjecting cyanotypes to repeated cycles of fading
by light exposure and regain by aerial oxidation, namely: the build-up of
alkalinity in the print. The chemistry of the re-oxidation of Prussian white
by air necessarily entails the generation of hydroxide ion (see Appendix
II.9), which has the capacity to permanently destroy Prussian blue by
hydrolysis (see §9.2). It is therefore desirable that cyanotypes should be
maintained in a mildly acidic condition, pH 4-5, to counter this hydrolytic
tendency, and exhibition protocols should minimise repeated showings.
9.4.3 Safe copying techniques
The safe copying and exposure of photographs, and other objects
potentially sensitive to light, is assisted by the knowledge of the
following two parameters:
(a) the total light exposure inflicted on the object by the copying process,
(b) the object’s sensitivity to light, measured by its threshold exposure.
A comparison of these two figures (expressed in the same units) provides
a risk-assessment of the ‘potential damage’ to the object, i.e. the
notional ‘cost’ of making one copy, and thus can inform curatorial
decision-making in a semi-quantitative manner. These factors will now
be quantified as far as current knowledge allows.
(a) The total dose of light to the object
This is the exposure sustained by the object during the entire process
of acquiring a copy image, or digital image file, by a specified procedure
– whether by analogue or digital photography with appropriate external
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*Note: 3 seconds is about the minimum total time for the lights to be
switched on and become thermally stable, and for the camera exposure,
which is generally in the order of one second, to be made.
Some of the figures in Table 9.7 remain highly machine-dependent,
and are likely to change with advancing technology, so these guidelines
for scanners and photocopiers, which were typical of the 1990s, may
require updating and re-calculating. For comparability these calculations
all assume a common, nominal camera exposure setting. If the film speed
is not 100 ISO (ASA) or the lens aperture number A differs from f/11, the
figure should be adjusted accordingly. With flash, the light exposure of
the object is just sufficient for the correct exposure of the camera film, so
it depends only on the camera parameters, and not on the model of
flashgun, which is assumed to be set correctly by the photographer.
It will be noted from Table 9.7 that the light dose to the object can be
minimised by employing photo-flash illumination. The flash exposure for
a given distance, as expressed in the Guide Number of the photo-flash
unit, determines the camera parameters that must be set by the
photographer: an effective arithmetic speed, S, in ISO (ASA), and a lens
aperture setting expressed as an f/stop number, A. These two
parameters are all that is needed to calculate the light dose to the object:
illumination, L, in lux multiplied by time, t, in seconds, Lt, a formula for
which has been derived elsewhere:673
Lt = 0.189(1+m)2 A2/S
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any excess acid from the environment or the imposed image, and to
protect the cellulose molecules of paper objects against acid hydrolysis,
which shortens the chain length with consequent embrittlement of the
sheet. The use of buffered materials has become standard conservation
practice in caring for all works of art on paper, and some types of
Increased awareness of the need for conservation of paper documents
and works of art has led to the formulation by the International Standards
Organization of specifications ISO 9706:1994 for Permanent Paper, and
ISO 11108:1996 for Archival paper, whose content is summarised as
"Permanent paper (ISO 9706 : 1994)
shall have a pH value between 7.5 and 10.0
shall have an alkali reserve at least corresponding to 0.4 moles acid
[H+] per kilogram of paper (corresponding to at least 2% w/w
calcium carbonate)
shall have tearing resistance of at least 350 mN
shall have a Kappa number less than 5, which means that the paper
may contain only a small amount of easily oxidized material (e.g.
Archival paper (ISO 11108 : 1996)
shall be made from cotton, cotton linters, hemp or flax, but may
contain a minor fraction of fully bleached chemical wood pulp
shall have a folding endurance of at least 2.18 (MIT-, Köhler Molin-
or Lhomargy-instruments) or 2.42 (Schopper instrument)
Archival paper shall meet the requirements for permanent paper.
The archival paper is stronger than the permanent paper and can
withstand considerably more handling."
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II276
hydrolyse the Fe(III). There is clearly great potential for damage to the
sensitizer chemistry if only a fraction of the alkali in the sheet can contact
the iron(III) salt, area for area, in the wet state, although the chalk buffer
is quite involatile and unlikely to migrate through dry paper.
This accounts quantitatively for the fact that, over the last few
decades, it has become increasingly difficult for the printer to find papers
which work well for the iron-based processes: the high quality cotton
papers manufactured for the fine-art market of watercolorists, sketchers
and printmakers and the archival document market, all presumably
conform to the above ISO standards. Such papers now always boast that
they are "acid free" – implying that they probably contain an additive of
chalk filler which, unfortunately, will rapidly cause the decomposition of
any iron(III) sensitizer. Most contemporary practitioners have been driven
to the last resort of soaking their chalk-buffered papers in dilute acid in
order to destroy the calcium carbonate before coating them with iron(III)
sensitizer. Unfortunately many practitioners think that oxalic acid is also
suitable for this purpose, but calcium oxalate is just as insoluble as
calcium carbonate. Hydrochloric acid can be used, but recently it has
been found very convenient and effective to employ 10% sulphamic acid
for this purpose.677 Nonetheless, it is a tedious and unnecessary
procedure that tends to degrade the paper surface and strength.
A further caveat when mounting cyanotypes is to avoid applying any
adhesive to the verso of the sheet, within the picture area. Many
adhesives are alkaline and OH– ions can migrate through plain paper,
causing discoloration of the image.
9.4.6 Storage enclosures
In conservation practice, it is now generally advised that cyanotypes
should not be mounted on, or wrapped in buffered materials, in case they
suffer alkaline deterioration. A saturated solution of calcium carbonate is
said to have a pH of 9.4,678 and we have seen that solutions of this pH
can rapidly destroy Prussian blue. To test the extent of the danger from
chalk buffers, processed cyanotype tests of all five sensitizers were
partially coated with a paste of calcium carbonate powder and distilled
water, leaving a ‘control’ area for comparison, and housed in a high
humidity environment (RH ≥ 95%) at room temperature to keep the paste
moist, in a simulation of the ‘worst case scenario’. Within 48 hours, there
was a serious density loss (100∆D ≈ 40 to 60) in the coated areas of all
the sensitizers, compared with the adjacent ‘control’ areas. Calcium
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This variability often precludes Prussian blue from lending itself to the
rigorous minuteness of structural analysis that is customarily employed
in modern physico-chemical investigations.
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product of ca. 10–41, but the so-called ‘soluble’ form (Ks = 3 x 10-41),
which contains K+ cations is, in fact, most readily peptized - i.e.
dispersed as a blue colloidal suspension in water (a hydrosol) - thus
giving the illusion of a true solution. This tendency to peptization of
Prussian blue is of great importance to the blueprint process, where its
occurrence during the wet treatment is most undesirable.
Evidence from Mössbauer spectroscopy,688, 689 and photoelectron
spectroscopy,690 leaves no doubt that all forms of Prussian blue and
Turnbull’s blue are, essentially in terms of oxidation states, iron(III)
hexacyanoferrate(II). The octahedrally-coordinated iron(II) is in the
diamagnetic low-spin (t2g6) configuration, as would be expected for the
very high ligand field of C-coordinated cyanide, while the octahedral
iron(III) is in the high spin configuration (t2g3eg2), expected for the weak
ligand field of the nitrogen donor atoms of the cyanide ligands, which is
comparable with that of water in the spectrochemical series. These
configurations account for the measured effective magnetic moment at
room temperature, which corresponds to five unpaired electrons per two
iron atoms.691
Most recently, the compositions, structures, and spectral properties of
several Prussian blue pigments have been determined in samples
obtained by various methods of synthesis, by Louise Samain and her co-
workers. To quote the authors' abstract:
"Several Prussian blue pigments have been prepared by different
methods and characterized by thermogravimetric analyses, high-
energy powder X-ray diffraction, atomic absorption and flame
emission, UV−visible, iron-57 Mössbauer, iron K-edge X-ray
absorption, and Raman spectroscopy. The type of synthesis
influences the hue, tinting strength, and hiding power properties of
the Prussian blue pigments. Two major features appear to be
strongly dependent on the preparative methods, the particle size
and the local disorder. Both a nitrogen atmosphere and an
intermediate aging step of the Berlin white, FeII2[FeII(CN)6], during
the synthesis are required to obtain a highly colored pigment
through the optimization of particle size, minimization in the
perturbations to the FeII−CN−FeIII intervalence electron transfer
pathway, and the minimization of disordered vacancies." 692
Each variety of Prussian blue will now be considered in more detail.
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suggests that it may enter the lattice as the singly-charged cation PbOH+,
which is known to be present in the hydrolytic equilibria for lead(II).
This ability of Prussian blue, which also has a considerable affinity for
the singly-charged cation, Tl+, has been exploited to provide a sensitive
analytical electrode for determining thallium(I) ions in solution.703
Reference has already been made in §3.3 to the effective use of Prussian
blue as an antidote for absorbing toxic or dangerous cations such as
thallium(I) or radiocaesium;704 it has the benefit that no toxic effects of
administering Prussian blue have been found either in animals or
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where the star denotes an excited state. The transition is allowed because
it involves transfer of an electron from a t2g orbital on one centre to a
similar orbital on the other, with no change in net spin.
There is also a weaker absorption band at 400 nm (25,000 cm–1) in
Prussian blue, corresponding to the transition arising from the
configuration change:
{FeIII(t2g3eg2) FeII(t2g6)} ® {FeII(t2g3eg3) FeIII(t2g5)}*
Here the electron is transferred from a t2g orbital on one centre to an
eg orbital on the other, which is forbidden by local orthogonality. The
difference in energy between the two bands can be seen to be equal to
the ligand field splitting (10,500 cm ) for an FeIIN6 moiety, which is
further evidence for the correct assignment of the iron oxidation states.
More precisely expressed,725 the permitted absorption corresponds to a
transition from the totally symmetric ground state, 6A1g, to two near-
degenerate excited states of 6T1u symmetry.
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such re-oxidations are best carried out under acidic conditions. The
electrochemical reduction of Prussian blue by cyclic voltammetry (see
below) shows that the process is fully reversible provided an adequate
supply of suitable cations is available to diffuse in and out of the lattice
to maintain charge neutrality.
The structure of Prussian white has not been fully determined, due to
lack of single crystals, but Keggin and Miles reported observing a cubic
X-ray diffraction pattern for the powder, similar to that of Prussian blue
itself, and with a slightly larger lattice parameter, for which a value of
1036 pm has been proposed.734 It is generally supposed, therefore, that
the structure is regular face-centred cubic, like that proposed for
‘soluble’ Prussian blue, but with all the octant cube centres, which have a
slightly larger radius of 192 pm, occupied by cations, usually K+ or NH4+,
although H3O+ is also a possibility. The absence of colour in the
substance is obviously due to the lack of any facile transition involving
inter-valence electron charge transfer.
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the radical formed in the primary process can then reduce an unexcited
complex, leading to the formation of the final products with a theoretical
quantum yield (in terms of Fe2+) of f = 2.0, but f is generally observed to
be lower than this owing to competition from the reverse dark reaction.
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I = irradiance in W/m2
t = exposure time in s
m = number of moles of substance transformed by light
N = Avogadro’s number = 6.023 x 1023 mol-1
h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J s
c = speed of light = 2.998 x 108 m/s
A = area of normal surface irradiated in m2
l = wavelength of radiation in m (assumed monochromatic)
f = quantum efficiency of the photoactive species at wavelength l
f = fraction of the incident radiation absorbed by the photoactive
substance at wavelength l (f is assumed, for simplicity, to be
independent of the exposure - an assumption that will only be good for
small changes).757
f = (1-10–D )eP CP d /D
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D = (eP CP + eF CF ) d
where d is the layer thickness in cm, but cancels out in the expression
for f. In cyanotype sensitized layers, f is strongly wavelength-dependent
owing to the intense absorption spectrum of the hexacyanoferrate(III)
anion, which acts as an ‘internal filter’. Knowing the absorption spectra of
the two components, figs. III.2 & III.3 P (trisoxalatoferrate) and F
(hexacyanoferrate) and the coating weight of the sensitizer, f can be
calculated at various wavelengths. At 365 nm, for a typical cyanotype
coating, f = 0.65, but this falls off rapidly towards longer wavelengths as
the absorption of hexacyanoferrate increases and that of
trisoxalatoferrate decreases, so that at 420 nm, f = 0.03.
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W = 5 x 10-4 mol/m2
but we cannot identify this with the coating weight, m/A, of the
photoproduct because the reaction forming Prussian blue from the iron(II)
oxalato complex may be less than 100% efficient. (We will assume the
RMM for 'soluble' Prussian blue, requiring one mole of Fe(II) photoproduct
per mole of SPB.
For a UVA source delivering 50 W/m2, the time required in practice for
a full exposure of such a cyanotype sensitizer is found to be about two
minutes, corresponding to an exposure It = 6000 J/m2. This would be
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E(AuCl4–/Au) = +1.00 V
Photographic images have been printed by this means in platinum,
palladium, silver, mercury and gold. In principle, complexes of
ruthenium, rhodium, rhenium, osmium, and iridium are also reducible,
but their use for imaging is inhibited by kinetic factors in some cases,
and by sheer expense in others.
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Formula FW Fe % FW Mole
w/w per Fe Fe:cit
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acid suggests that these two species are present in equilibrium. It is likely
that they play an important role in the complex biochemistry of iron
transport within living cells.
The initial photochemical reaction product of citratoferrate(III) has
been identified as acetone dicarboxylic acid, but the nature of the iron(II)
photoproduct remains unknown:782
hn + [Fe2(C6H4O7)2(OH2)2]2– ® 2[FeII ]+ CO(CH2COOH)2 + CO2
The acetone dicarboxylic acid may suffer further decarboxylation to yield
acetone finally:
CO(CH2COOH)2 ® CO(CH3)2 + 2CO2
The quantum yield of 0.45 at 365 nm drops to a value of 0.28 at 436
nm. Photolysis by sunlight of iron(III) polycarboxylates occurring naturally
in surface waters has important effects on the complex speciation of iron,
with consequences for its availability in numerous biogeochemical
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It has also been shown that the free cyanide ion released in the
photoaquation is photo-oxidised by iron(III) species:785
hn + 2[Fe(CN)6]3– + CN– + H2O ® 2[Fe(CN)6]4– + OCN– + 2H+
The resulting hexacyanoferrate(II) is then available to form Prussian blue
with any liberated iron(III). Quantum yields are very low for all these
photolysis reactions of hexacyanoferrate(III); reported values for the
aquation and reduction reactions are in the order of ϕ = 0.01, which
explains why Herschel’s first method, the ‘proto-cyanotype’, using
hexacyanoferrate(III) by itself, is very ‘slow’ compared with the method
employing ferricitrate, where the quantum yield is around ϕ = 0.4.
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E([FeIII(C2O4)3]3–/[FeII(C2O4)2]2–) = +0.02 V
The production of more iron(II) during the on-going exposure then
provides the material to form the pigment after the attendant ligands are
removed. Iron(II) does not bind oxalate very strongly, as may be seen
from the overall dissociation constant:
[FeII(C2O4)2]2– = Fe2+ + 2C2O42– b2 = 4 x 10–7
Removal of oxalate will be promoted by the presence of hydrogen
ions, which compete with the metal to form undissociated oxalic acid, for
which the overall equilibrium constant is:
C2O42– + 2H+ = H2C2O4 Ka = 3.24 x 105
Accordingly, the equilibrium:
[FeII (C2O4)2]2– + 4H+ = Fe2+(aq) + 2H2C2O4
lies to the right hand side, with K = Ka2β2 = 4.2 x 104.
The development of the image from such a sensitizer is strongly
promoted by initial treatment in a bath of dilute acid, rather than water,
as may be seen from the D/logH curves in Figs 7.1 and 7.2 in §7.2.8.
Dissociation of the iron(II) oxalato complex thus releases ferrous ions,
which will be competed for by both hexacyanoferrate(III) and
hexacyanoferrate(II), to form both Prussian blue and Prussian white:
Fe2+(aq) + [FeIII(CN)6]3– ® FeIII[FeII(CN)6]–
Fe2+(aq) + [FeII(CN)6]4– ® FeII[FeII(CN)6]2–
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M = 10 C/R moles/litre
R is found by summing the atomic weights of the component elements in
the molecular formula.
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possible to derive a factor, called f, for any substance, which may then be
used to make an approximate conversion between C and Cw for any value
of the concentration. This assumption is that the ‘effective volume’
occupied by unit mass of dissolved solute is independent of the
concentration. Given this, it can be shown that:
1/C = 1/Cw - f
and this formula can be used to find a value for C, given Cw, where the
incremental factor f is conveniently defined by either:
f = (Dsat - 1)/Csat
f = 1/Cwsat - 1/Csat
in which Dsat , Cwsat , and Csat are the density and concentrations of the
saturated solution, at the same temperature. The factor, f, for a variety of
chemicals important to alternative photography, has been calculated from
the Merck Tables as shown in Table 21
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Troy weight has the same basis as Apothecaries measure, the grain, and
was always used for weighing precious materials such as gold and silver
1 grain Troy = 1 grain Apothecaries = 0.0648 g
1 pennyweight = 24 grains = 1.555 g
1 ounce = 20 pennyweight (480 grains)= 31.104 g
1 pound = 12 ounces (5760 grains) = 373.242 g
Avoirdupois measure was the common system for weighing and selling
solids; it was adopted by the British Pharmacopoeia in 1864:
1 grain = 1 grain Troy = 0.0648 g
1 ounce = 437.5 grains = 28.35 g
1 pound = 16 ounces (7000 grains) = 453.59 g
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B = m(1 - 1/D)
where the parameter, m, has been assigned various values between
144 and 147 on slightly differing definitions of the scale, but may be
taken approximately as m = 145 for nineteenth century measurements at
Twaddell’s Hydrometer Scale.
If T represents the reading on the Twaddell scale, the specific gravity D is
given by:
D = 1 + 0.005 T
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Library, London.
4 Our awareness of this aspect of early photography has been greatly
7 Talbot, W H F, ‘On Photography without the Use of Silver’, The British
1922), p682
12 Sutcliffe, Francis Madingly, The Photogram, (1901), pii
14 Roberts, P, The Royal Photographic Society Collection, (Bath: The Royal
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29 For readers in the USA, the blueberry is, of course, the exception that
proves the rule.
30 The intensity of the Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the
fourth power of the wavelength. Thus, blue light with its smaller
wavelength is scattered most by the atmosphere. This is also
responsible for the yellowness of direct sunlight; our sun is actually
a blue-white star. The effect is most marked at sunset, when the
path length of light through the atmosphere is greatest.
31 Lynch, David K and Livingston, William, Color and Light in Nature,
(Cambridge: University Press, 1995); see also: Chemistry in Britain,
36, 12 (December 2000), pp37-39; ibid., 37, 3 (March 2001), p18
32 de Saussure, H-B, ‘Description d'un cyanomètre ou d'un appareil
destiné à mesurer la transparence de l'air’, Mem. Acad. Roy. Turin, 4,
(1788-89), pp409
33 Sella, Andrea, ‘Classic Kit: Saussure’s Cyanometer’, Chemistry World,
7:10, (October 2010)
34 Gen. A. J. Pleasanton, The Influence of the Blue Ray of the Sunlight and
of the Blue Colour of the Sky in developing animal and vegetable life,
in arresting disease and in restoring health in acute and chronic
disorders to human and domestic animals, as illustrated by the
experiments of Gen. A. J. Pleasonton, and others, between the years
1861 and 1876. Addresed to the Philadelphia Society for Promoting
Agriculture, (Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, & Haffelfinger,
publishers, 1877).
35 ‘Structural’ coloration is due to optical effects such as diffraction,
scattering or interference, in which a selective reflection of some
wavelengths of light occurs through a re-direction of the energy
without loss by absorption.
36 New Scientist, 162, 2192 (26 June 1999), pp34-37
37 Nassau, K, ‘The Fifteen Causes of Color: The Physics and Chemistry of
Color’, Color Research and Application, 12, 1 (February 1987), pp4-
26; idem, The Physics and Chemistry of Color, (New York: Wiley,
38 It might be noted that neither the Indigofera plant nor the woad plant
(Isatis) are blue: they contain the dye in a colourless or leuco
molecular form, which only acquires colour upon chemical oxidation.
39 The chromatic shift is explained by its modified chemical composition
as dibromo-indigo.
40 Michael, R H and McGovern, P E, Archeomaterials, 1 (1987), p135.
41 Eigen, Edward, “On Purple and the Genesis of Photography, or the
Natural History of an Exposure”, Carol Armstrong and Catherine de
Zegher (eds.), Ocean Flowers: Impressions from Nature, (New York:
The Drawing Center & Princeton University Press, 2004), pp270-288
42 Pastoureau, Michel, Blue: The History of a Colour’ Marcus I. Cruse
(trans.), (Princeton: University Press, 2001)
43 Jung, C G, Psychology and Alchemy, Hull, R F C (trans.), (London:
Routledge, 1980), p213
44 Jacobi, J de, The Psychology of C G Jung, (London: 1951)
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60 Theroux, Alexander, “Rhapsody in Blue”, Art & Antiques, (April 1990),
61 Gage, John, Into the Blue, Exhibition catalogue “Blue”, The New Art
67 The scientific system for the measurement of colour is based in the
pigment at the time. (The fact that the only dyestuff to be named
after him should be brown, can be considered an ‘irony’.)
72 Kirby, J, ‘Fading and Colour Change of Prussian Blue: Occurrences and
Early Reports’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 14 (1993), pp63-
73 Roscoe, H E, and Schorlemmer, C, A Treatise on Chemistry (London:
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II331
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as ‘dephlogisticated air’.
92 Gay-Lussac, Annales de Chimie, 77 (18??), p128; 95 (18??), p136
93 In Homeric Greek there is evidence that kyanos did not in fact mean
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Green & Co., 1886). I am indebted to Owain Davies for bringing this
quotation to my attention, and to the late Harry Milligan for first
acquainting me in 1984 with Mercer’s researches. Although ferric
nitrate is not an organic salt of iron, it was doubtless the cellulose of
the cloth that provided the oxidisable material.
112 His later contributions are summarised in Parnell, op cit, and in Dr
wetted with common mur. acid, & then with Pruss. Potash, turns blue
owing to the presence of iron in the acid.’
I am indebted to Michael Gray, curator of the Fox Talbot Museum,
Lacock, for this transcription from Talbot’s notes.
115 Schaaf, L J, Out of the Shadows: Herschel, Talbot and the Invention of
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II334
120 In the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, and at the Harry
Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin.
121 Somerville, Mary, 'On the Action of the Rays of the Spectrum on
Vegetable Juices. Extract of a Letter from Mrs. M. Somerville to Sir
J.F.W. Herschel, Bart. dated Rome, September 20, 1845.
Communicated by Sir J. Herschel', Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society, vol. 136, 1846, pp. 111-120.
122 Fabbri, Malin, Anthotypes (Stockholm:,
123 Herschel, Sir J F W, MS Notebook, vol. III, Science Museum Library,
124 The sun was, of course, the only practicable light source available to
the early pioneers in photography, and all experiments were at the
mercy of the vagaries of the weather.
125 Letter, Herschel to Talbot, 21 April 1842. NMPFT 1937-4900. See
Schaaf, L J (ed.), Selected correspondence of William Henry Fox
Talbot 1823-1874, (London: Science Museum and National Museum
of Photography, Film & Television, 1994), p36, and Schaaf, op. cit.,
126 ‘Letter from Sir John F W Herschel, dated July 31, 1841’, Report of the
Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science,
Transactions of the Sections (Plymouth: 1841), p40
127 Herschel, Sir J F W, ‘On the Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on
Vegetable Colours, and on some new Photographic Processes’,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, (1842), pp181-215
128 Schaaf, op cit, p127
129 Smee, A, Elements of Electro-metallurgy, see also: Smee, A, ‘The
Principle, Construction and Use of Smee’s Battery’ (transcribed from
a paper read at the Society of Arts, 1 June 1840), Appendix V in
Smee-Odling, E M, Memoir of the Late Alfred Smee, FRS, (London:
George Bell and Sons, 1878)
130 Gore, G, ‘Electro-Metallurgy’ in The Circle of the Sciences, VII,
Practical Chemistry, (London: Griffin, Bohn, and Co., 1856), pp4, 7-
131 See note 15. The ‘sesqui-’ prefix in the first of these names arose
through a misconception at the time of the chemical formulation of
this salt.
132 The name, ‘potassium ferricyanide’ does not conform to the most
recent international (IUPAC) recommendations for chemical
nomenclature, but it probably has wider currency than the approved
form ‘potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)’. It also trips more easily off
the tongue. It is regrettable that the important difference between
this substance and potassium ferrocyanide should reside entirely in
a single vowel. The IUPAC nomenclature is no better, because the
latter becomes potassium hexacyanoferrate(II). Numerous errors
have resulted from misreading this fine distinction. Caveat lector!
133 Smee, A, ‘On the Ferrosesquicyanuret of Potassium’, Philosophical
Magazine, series 3, 17, 109 (September 1840), pp193-201
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of Photography, vol. 21, no. 4, Winter 1997, pp. 261-9. See also:
160 Herschel, Sir John F W, ‘On the Action of the Rays of the Solar
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see also:
189 Döbereiner, J W, ‘Chemische Thätigkeit des Lichts und Erzeugung des
(neutralen) Humboldtits auf Chemischem Wege’, Schweigger’s
Jahrbuch, 62 (1831), p86, pp90-96.
An abstract of this paper was published in Pharmaceutisches Central
Blatt, 2 (August 1831), pp383-5. It was subsequently translated into
French as ‘Influence chimique de la lumière et formation de la
humboldtite neutre par un moyen photomètrique’ [sic], Journal de
Pharmacie et des Sciences Accessoires, 18, 3 (March, 1832), pp117-
190 Herschel, Sir J F W, The Photographic News, 8, 278 (12 February
1864), p82
191 Hunt, R, Researches on Light, (London: Longman, Brown, Green and
Longmans, 1844), p147
192 Most importantly, it formed the basis for Willis’s Platinotype (1873)
and Nicol’s Kallitype (1889) processes.
193 The circumstances of this discovery and its future significance have
been described by Schaaf. The substance is now more correctly
described as calcium hexahydroxyplatinate(IV).
194 Herschel saw a copy of Döbereiner’s paper while he was visiting
Hamburg; it stimulated him to write on 12 June 1832 to Daubeny,
who agreed to read Herschel’s paper on the photosensitivity of
platinum(IV) chloride in solution to the Oxford meeting of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science on 22 June 1832. This
was subsequently published as: Herschel, Sir J F W, ‘On the Action of
Light in determining the Precipitation of Muriate of Platinum by
Lime-water’, London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical
Magazine, 1 (July, 1832), pp58-60
195 Herschel’s paper, op. cit., was translated and published in German:
Herschel, John F W, ‘Ueber die Wirkung des Lichts als Ursache der
Präcipitation des salzauren Platins durch Kalkwasser’, Annalen der
Pharmacie, 3, 3 (1832), pp337-341.
This transcript carries a long editorial footnote (signed only ‘Br.’)
referring to Döbereiner’s work, part of which can be translated from
the German thus: ‘Following this communication from Döbereiner we
further note that we have repeated Herschel’s experiment and found
it to be confirmed...Thus a compound of platinum oxide with
calcium oxide has been formed through the action of light. We have
not made any analysis of this compound, however, in order not to
anticipate Herr Herschel, and content ourselves by confirming the
196 Döbereiner, J W, ‘Chemische Eigenschaften und physische Natur des
auf nassem Wege reducirten Platins’, Annalen der Pharmacie, 14
(1835), pp10-21
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Prussian blue is wrong. This piece of evidence was more than enough for me to
stick to scientific method and protocol and not use modern historians'
223 Chadwick, B M, and Sharpe, A G, Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and
Radiochemistry, 8 (1966), p119; Sharpe, A G, The Chemistry of
Cyano Complexes of the Transition Metals, (Academic Press, 1976),
224 Some idea of the difficulties that this topic presented to nineteenth-
century chemists can be obtained from: Williamson, A W, ‘On the
Blue Compounds of Cyanogen and Iron’, Chemical Society Memoirs,
3 (1846), pp125-140; and Williams, H E, Cyanogen Compounds,
(London: Edward Arnold, 1948), pp191-200, 226-228
225 Formula Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3.15H2O.
226 Formula KFe[Fe(CN)6].H2O.
227 Buser, H J, Schwarzenbach, D, Petter, W, and Ludi, A, ‘The Crystal
Structure of Prussian Blue: Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3.xH2O’, Inorganic Chemistry,
16 (1977), p2704 and references cited therein.
228 The etymology of peptise, from the Greek ‘to digest’, is appropriate.
229 The technical definition of a colloid is determined by the size of its
particles, which lie within a range intermediate between molecular
dimensions and the crystals of a normal solid. The usual criterion is
that the particles should be smaller than the wavelengths of visible
light, so that they cannot be discerned under a normal optical
microscope. The name ‘nanoparticles’ is now preferred to colloid
because the latter no longer necessarily implies (as its Greek root
might suggest) that the material is ‘gluey’ - although substances
such as gum and gelatin do indeed constitute another class of
colloid, different in physical properties from colloids such as
Prussian blue.
230 Having the formula NH4Fe[Fe(CN)6].H2O.
231 Holtzman, H, ‘Alkali Resistance of the Iron Blues’, Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry, 37 (1945), p855
232 The cations of caesium and thallium, Cs+ and Tl+, are both singly-
charged, and of similar size to potassium, K+.
233 Pearce, J, ‘Studies of any Toxicological Effects of Prussian-Blue
Compounds in Mammals - A Review’, Food and Chemical
Toxicology, 32, 6 (1994), pp577-582
234 Brewer, K, New Scientist, 138 (1993), p10
235 International Atomic Energy Authority.
237 BBC News.
University of Texas, Sociology Department.
238 Giese, W, ‘The use of ammonium-ferric(III)-cyano-ferrate(II) in pigs
fed with radiocesium contaminated whey powder’, Wiener
Tierarztliche Monatsschrift, 82, 10 (1995), pp310-315
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II343
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II344
253 Review of 5th Exhibition of the 'Photographic Society',The Athenæum,
262 Herschel Memoranda, HRHRC, Austin, Texas.
263 This represents yet another enduring contribution by Herschel to the
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II345
265 Herschel, Sir J F W, ‘On the Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on
Vegetable Colours, and on some new Photographic Processes’,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, (1842), pp203-4
266 Prof. Alexander Herschel’s account of his father’s recipe (according to
the “London Photo News”) is cited by Ernst Lietze, Modern
Heliographic Processes, (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1888), p56
267 This problem is fully discussed in: Ware, M, Mechanisms of Image
Deterioration in Early Photographs, (London: Science Museum and
National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, 1994)
268 Hunt, R, Researches on Light, (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and
Longmans, 1844) pp139-144. The ‘hydrargyrocyanotype’ is one of
the seven cyanotype processes that Hunt lists as ‘the most
interesting of this class’. It is remarkable that he does not list, in its
own right, Herschel’s standard negative-working method (a), except
as a preliminary to this process. The making of negative images may
have seemed less important to him.
269 Mercury(I) nitrate, Hg2(NO3)2.
270 ‘Corrosive sublimate’ is the alchemical name for mercuric chloride, or
mercury(II) chloride, HgCl2; it is an extremely toxic salt: ingestion of
only 0.05 g can be fatal.
271 Herschel, Sir J F W, ‘On Certain Improvements on Photographic
Processes described in a Former Communication and on the
Parathermic Rays of the Solar Spectrum’, Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society, (1843)
272 Maunder, M, 'Herschel's Genius', Ag 41, (Autumn 2005), p62, and
'Testing Herschel', The PhotoHistorian, 149 (January, 2007) pp14-21
273 Herschel, Sir John, ‘On Certain Photographic Effects’, Letter dated 10
August 1842 to The Athenæum, 773, (20 August 1842), p748. I am
indebted to Roger Taylor for bringing this letter to my attention.
274 Pellet, H, British Patent no. 4632, (6 December 1877)
275 Pellet, H, French Patent, (23 November, 1877)
276 Henri Pellet, assigned to Clarisse Zoe Joltrain, US Patent no. 241713
(17 May 1881)
277 Eder, J M, ‘Modern Cyanotype Printing’, The Photographic News, 25,
1181 (22 April 1881), p186
278 Pellet, H, US Patent no 241713, (17 May 1881), as quoted in Lietze, E,
Modern Heliographic Processes, (New York: van Nostrand, 1888)
279 Lietze, E, Modern Heliographic Processes, (New York: van Nostrand,
1888), p69
280 Nadeau, L, Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic, and
Photomechanical Processes, (Fredericton: Atelier Luis Nadeau, 1990),
281 Duchochois, P C, Photographic Reproduction Processes, (London:
Hampton Judd, 1892) p33: ‘We have used Pellet’s paper imported
from Paris, which it was impossible to work satisfactorily …’
282 Tritton, F J, ‘Photography in the Drawing Office’, The Photographic
Journal, (September 1943), p329
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II346
283 See Eder, loc cit; Lietze, loc cit; Duchochois, loc cit; Brown, op cit,
284 Obtained by diluting the concentrated acid 10 times: always adding
100 cc of the acid to 1 litre of water, not vice versa.
285 Waterhouse, Col. J, ‘The Positive Cyanotype Process’, The
Photographic News, 32, 1566 (7 September 1888), pp562-566;
idem., General Report on the Operations of the Survey of India
Department during 1887-1888, (Calcutta: Government Printing
Office, 1889), pp18-21
286 Fisch, A, La Photocopie, ou Procédés de reproductions Industrielles
par la lumière, (Paris: Michelet, 1886)
287 Duchochois, op cit, p29
288 This is a solution of 45° Baumé = SG 1.453 = 50% FeCl3 w/w - see
Appendix IV.
289 I am grateful to John Falconer, Keeper of the Oriental and India Office
Collections of the British Library for providing information
concerning Waterhouse.
290 Price, Lois Alcott, Line, Shade and Shadow: The Fabriction and
Preservation of Architectural Drawings, (Wilmington DE: Oak Knoll
Press, 2010)
291 Valenta, E, Photographisches Correspondenz (1897), p74
292 Eder, J M, Jahrbuch für Photographie, (1898), p448
293 J Merk in Darmstadt, and Dr. Theodor Schuchardt, Chemische Fabrik,
in Goerlitz.
294 It is an oversimplification to suggest that there are just two varieties
of this substance. In fact, ammonium ferric citrate is an ‘ill-
characterised’ compound whose composition depends on the
method of preparation, and it may vary in iron content from 14% to
28%, corresponding to a colour shift from green to brown.
295 The main bibliographic sources of the cyanotype formulations in this
survey were:
Brothers, A, A Manual of Photography, (London: Charles Griffin and
Co, 1899)
Brown, G E, Ferric and Heliographic Processes, (London: Dawbarn
and Ward, 1902)
Burbank, Rev W H, Photographic Printing Methods, (New York: Scovill
and Adams Co, 1891)
Burton, W K, Practical Guide to Photographic and Photo-mechanical
Printing Processes, (London: Marion & Co, 1892)
Clerc, L P, Photography, Theory and Practice, (London: Sir Isaac
Pitman and Sons, 1954)
Duchochois, P C, Photographic Reproduction Processes, (London:
Hampton Judd, 1892)
Eder, J M, Die Lichtpausverfahren, from Ausführliches Handbuch der
Photographie, (Halle: Wilhelm Knapp, 1899)
Jones B E, (ed.), Cassell's Cyclopaedia of Photography, (London:
Cassell and Co, 1911)
Kosar, J, Light Sensitive Systems, (New York: John Wiley and Sons,
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II347
Lietze, E, Modern Heliographic Processes, (New York: Van Nostrand,
Neblette, C B, Photography: its Materials and Processes, (London:
Macmillan and Co, 1952)
Tennant, J A, (ed.), The Photominiature, 1, (10) (London: Dawbarn
and Ward, 1900)
Wall, E J, Dictionary of Photography, (London: Hazell, Watson and
Viney, 1895)
Wall, E J, and Jordan, F I, Photographic Facts and Formulas, (Boston:
American Photographic Publishing Co, 1947)
Ward, H S, Figures, Facts and Formulae of Photography, (London:
Dawbarn and Ward, 1903)
Watts, W A, The Photographic Reference Book, (London: Iliffe and
Son, 1896)
296 A concentration of X % w/v (read as ‘X weight per cent volume’) means
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II348
nitrosylpentacyanoferrate, Na2Fe(NO)(CN)5
313 “Description of Mr. Burnett’s Pictures in the Photographic Exhibition,
305 King, Terry, ‘The Cyanotype Rex: a Hands-On Pictures manual:
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II349
336 Brown, George E., Ferric & Heliographic Processes: a Handbook for
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II350
351 Dunn, J.F., & Wakefield, G.L., Exposure Manual, (Watford: Fountain
Press, 1981) p212; Jacobson, R.E., The Manual of Photography,
(London: Focal Press, 1981) p97; James,Theory of the Photographic
352 Ware, Mike, ‘On Proto-photography and the Shroud of Turin’, History
359 Muspratt, S, Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical, as
369 Brown, Ruth, Cyanotypes on Fabric, (Sunk Island: SC Publications,
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II351
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II352
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II353
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II354
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II355
445 Hunt, R, ‘On the Application of Science to the Fine and Useful Arts.
Photography - second part.’ The Art-Union Monthly Journal, 10, (1
August 1848), pp237-8
446 Talbot, H F, ‘On Photography without the Use of Silver’, The British
448 Lang, W, ‘The Cyanotype Reproduction of Sea-Weeds’, The
451 The Anna Atkins Volumes, Auction Catalogue on CD-ROM (London:
the novelist); she married Henry Dixon, the vicar of Ferring, Sussex,
in 1837; the couples spent much time together, including botanising
on the Sussex seashores.
455 Atkins, A, Memoir of John George Children, Esq., Including Some
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II356
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II357
474 [Julia Herschel], A handbook for Greek and Roman lace making,
London: R. Barrett & Sons, 1869. A copy in the NYPL may be viewed
475 [Julia Herschel], A handbook of Greek lace making, London: R. Barrett
& Sons, 1870. A copy in the JPGM may be downloaded from:
476 Janis, E P, and Sartre, J, Henri Le Secq: Photograph de 1850 à 1860,
(Paris: Musée des Arts Décoratifs/Flammarion, 1986)
477 Jammes, A, and Janis, E P, The Art of the French Calotype, (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press), pp206-210
478 Le Secq’s negatives were made exclusively by the waxed paper
479 Janis, E P and Sartre, J, op. cit., p39
480 Musée d'Orsay, exhibition 1996-7: Paul B. Haviland (1880-1950): a
481 Heilbrun, F, and Bajac Q, Paul Burty Haviland (1880-1950),
photographe, (Paris: Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux,
1996), p84. I am indebted to Roger Wilson and Pamela Roberts for
first bringing this work to my attention.
482 Heilbrun, F, and Bajac Q, op cit., p66
483 I thank the owner of the album, John Moran and his family, for the
kind provision of information on this work.
484 Fairbrother, Trevor, Ipswich Days: Arthur Wesley Dow and his
hometown, (Andover: Addison Gallery of American Art, 2007).
487 http://www.luminous-
488 Jacobson, K, Études d’après Nature, (Petches Bridge: Ken & Jenny
Jacobson, 1996), pp135, 162
489 Many of the Rijksmuseum’s 611 cyanotypes may be viewed online:
I thank Photograph Conservator, Martin Jürgens for this information.
492 Braun, Marta, 'Muybridge's Animal Locomotion: The Director's Cut',
History of Photography, 24, 1, (Spring 2000), pp52-54
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II358
494 Information posted to the PhotoHistory List of the Internet by Debbie
Griggs Carter. One such strip was exhibited at the Cinema’s
Centennial Exhibition in 1995.
495 Bartholomew, E, Curator, Photographic & Film Collection, National
see also: Phyllis Lambert, Casabella, October 2000:
499 Gray, Michael, and Maggi, Angelo, Evelyn George Carey: Forth Bridge
this information.
502 Michael Conner, ‘Henry Bosse and Samuel Clemens as Mark Twain –
510 How to Paint: an Instruction Book, (St. Louis: A.S. Aloe Company,
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II359
512 http://www.luminous-
513 Goldblatt, R, ‘The Mafeking Blues’, The South African Philatelist,
(March 1978), pp62-79
514 The account is slightly obscured by the common error of transposing
ferrocyanide for ferricyanide.
515 Bensusan, A D, Silver Images: History of Photography in Africa, (Cape
Town: H Timmons, 1966)
516 The Dictionary of National Biography has his forename as “Edwin”.
517 I thank Julia Findlater, Curator of Leighton House, for showing me this
518 Roberts, M A, ‘Edward Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)’, History of
Photography, 17, 2 (1993), pp207-213; Rimmer, R W, ‘A Note on
Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)’, The Photohistorian, 110 (January
1996), pp13-15; Gent, M, The Cyanotype, Materials and Techniques
Essay, Royal College of Art MA course in conservation, 1992
519 Simon, Robin, (ed.), Public Artist, Private Passions, Exhibition
catalogue, (London: Kensington and Chelsea Libraries and Arts
Service, 2001); Grant, Lucille, “Salacious and Satirical”, Journal of the
Royal Photographic Society, (October 2001), pp376-7
527 Farnham, Roger, and Magee, Harry, (eds.), Blueprint : photography
and engineering, (Glasgow Print Studio, 2013)
528 Fabbri, Malin, Alternative Photography: Art and Artists, Edition I,
(Stockholm:, 2006); Fabbri, Malin, and
Fabbri, Gary, Blueprint to Cyanotypes: Exploring a historical
alternative photographic process, (Stockholm:, 2004)
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II360
533 Wood, John, “The Art of the Cyanotype and the Vandalous Dreams of
John Metoyer”, in The Photographic Arts, (Iowa: University of Iowa
Press, 1997)
537 Burns, Nancy Kathryn, and Wilson, Kristina (Eds.), Cyanotypes:
539 Crawford, W, The Keepers of Light, (New York: Morgan & Morgan,
1979); Farber, R, Historic Photographic Processes: A Guide to
Creating Handmade Photographic Images, (Allworth Press, 1998);
James, Christopher, Alternative Photographic Processes, (New York:
Delmar Cengage Learning, 2009); Enfield, Jill, Jill Enfield’s Guide to
Photographic Alternative Processes, (New York: Focal Press, 2013;
Anderson, Christina Z., Gum printing and other amazing Contact
Printing Processes, (2013).
540 An exception to this was the solar microscope, which harnessed the
sun’s rays to project an enlarged image with sufficient intensity to
be printable on the very insensitive papers of the time. A primitive
enlarger employing the sun’s light was also described by John
Stewart, the brother-in-law of Sir John Herschel, in the Journal of the
Photographic Society, 1, 8 (22 August 1853), pp101-3.
541 Herschel is generally acknowledged as the author of the word
543 Talbot originally named such images skiagraphs, which translates as
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II361
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II362
555 Vision under high illuminance, which is photopic rather than scotopic.
556 An angle is defined in radians as the ratio of the length of the
subtended arc of a circle to its radius. Since the circumference of a
circle is, by definition, 2p times its radius, it follows that the
conversion between the two systems of angular measurement is
given by: 360 degrees º 2p radians, whence 1 radian º 180/p =
57.296° (degrees of arc). When angles are small (in the order of 25°
or less), the length of the short arc of the circle’s circumference is
closely approximated (with a precision better than 1%) by the
(slightly shorter) straight line spanning the same arc (called in
geometry, the ‘chord’), and we shall make frequent use of this
approximation to determine small angular measures easily.
557 Pirenne, M H, Optics, Painting & Photography, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1970). The light sensitive receptors in the most
sensitive region of the retina, the fovea, are the cones, packed
together and each subtending an angle of 0.5 minutes of arc at the
pupil – i.e. the critical limit of angular resolution by the eye is twice
this: about 1 minute of arc or ca. 1/3420 radian.
558 The reader can easily test these figures personally, by viewing the
millimeter scale of a ruler (preferably one of white plastic with black
calibrations) in a good light, at distances measured with a tape, to
determine the distance (in mm) at which the mm calibrations just
become discernable; the reciprocal of this distance gives the angular
resolution of vision in radians.
559 Jacobson, Ralph E, (ed.), The Manual of Photography, (London: Focal
Press, 7th edition, 1978).
560 Or 1/100th of an inch at a distance of 10 inches.
561 The sun's diameter is about 864,000 miles (1,391,000 kilometers).
The Earth orbits the sun at an average distance of about 92,960,000
miles (149,600,000 kilometers).
The angular diameter is therefore 864,000/92,960,000 = 1/108 rad
or 0.533 degrees. Data from: Weast, R C, (ed.), CRC Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics, (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1980).
562 Lynch, David K, and Livingston, William, Color and Light in Nature,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
563 The umbra and penumbra are most conspicuous at the time of a solar
564 For details of this calculation see Ware, Mike, ‘Prolegomena…’, loc.cit.
565 Likewise, any diffusion of the sunlight by clouds would also have
blurred a projected image by increasing the effective size of the light
566 The new cyanotype process used for these photograms requires
shorter exposures: one minute suffices in the Aegean sun.
567 Is there a case for coining a neologism here – a tenebrogram?
568 See also: DiNoto, Andrea, and Winter, David, The Pressed Plant, (New
York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1999).
569 These conditions are often agreeably met with in a Mediterranean
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II363
571 Roberts, J C, The Chemistry of Paper, (Cambridge: The Royal Society of
Chemistry, 1996), pp109-110.
572 Sirdar Bilici, "Sulfamic acid for paper acidification": 2013
573 Ware, M, ‘A Handmade Paper for Alternative Processes’, Ag+
577 Fabbri, Malin, and Fabbri, Gary, Blueprint to cyanotypes: exploring a
(1906), pp432-7
581 One well-respected practitioner complained of having to reject three
at 15 °C.
584 If ammonium ferricyanide were available, making up the sensitizer
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II364
592 The Materials Safety Data Sheets can be found on the World Wide Web
593 Lucas, A D, ‘Health Hazards Associated with the Cyanotype Printing
Process’, Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and
Oncology, 11, 1 (1992), pp18-20
594 Dating from 1901, when Andrew Greig Barr of Glasgow adopted
ammonium ferric citrate as the essential active ingredient for
Scotland's other national drink: Irn-Bru. This beverage contains
0.002% ammonium ferric citrate - regrettably too dilute for making
602 See the texts cited in ref 15
603 Young, W Russell III, “Traditional Cyanotype”, in Barnier, John, (ed.),
Coming into Focus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Alternative
Photographic Printing Processes, (San Francisco: Chronicle Books,
604 Mrhar, Peter, Cyanotype: Historical and Alternative Photography,
Inspection of the works of the Cyanotype Group on Facebook:
suggests that about 50% of them are toned.
605 Gent, M, The Cyanotype, (Materials and Techniques Essay, MA Joint
Course in Conservation, RCA and V&A, November, 1992)
606 Hewitt, Barbara, Blueprints on Fabric: innovative uses for cyanotype,
(Loveland CO: Interweave Press, 1995), p64.
607 It is conjectured that this effect may be due to ammonia causing a
reversible deprotonation of water coordinated to Fe(III);
transformation of the ligands from OH2 to OH- would affect the
energy of the electron charge-transfer transition between Fe(III) and
Fe(II), and change the colour.
608 These deeply coloured iron complexes, when prepared directly from
iron salts and an infusion of oak-galls, have provided the basis for
iron-gall writing inks since medieval times.
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II365
613 I acknowledge the late Harry Milligan FRPS, former Curator of
1973), pp4-7, 12
622 Heron, Reginald, private communication to the author, 1998
623 Brown, George E., Ferric & Heliographic Processes, (London: Dawbarn
Watson & Viney, Ltd., 1907), pp53-58; Ward, H S, The Figures, Facts
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II366
638 See Eder, J M, History of Photography, Epstean, E, (trans.), (New York:
642 Reilly, J M, Care and Identification of 19th Century Photographic
650 Since exposure is defined as the product of illumination and time,
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II367
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II368
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II369
688 Duncan, J F, and Wigley, P W R, ‘The Electronic Structure of the Iron
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II370
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II371
708 The reader may find it helpful to be reminded of the formal oxidation
states of the iron atoms in the formulations of compounds of this
709 Wilde, R E, Ghosh, S N, and Marshall B J, ‘The Prussian Blues’,
Inorganic Chemistry, 9, 11 (1970), pp2512-6
710 Christensen, P A, Hamnett, A, and Higgins, S J, ‘A Study of
Electrochemically grown Prussian Blue Films using Fourier-transform
Infra-red Spectroscopy’, Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton
Transactions, (1990), pp2233-8
711 Ganguli, S, and Battacharya, M, ‘Studies of Different Hydrated Forms
of Prussian Blue’, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday
Transactions 1, 79 (1983), pp1513-1522; Bal, B, Ganguli, S, and
Battacharya, M, ‘Bonding of Water Molecules in Prussian Blue. A
Differential Thermal Analysis and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Study’, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 88 (1984), pp4575-7
712 Inoue, H, Nakazawa, T, Mitsuhashi, T, Shirai, T, Fluck, E,
‘Characterization of Prussian Blue and Its Thermal Decomposition
Products’, Hyperfine Interactions, 46 (1989), pp725-731
713 Kravzov, J, Rios, C, Altagracia, M, Monroynoyola, A, and Lopez, F,
‘Relationship between Physicochemical Properties of Prussian Blue
and its Efficacy as Antidote against Thallium Poisoning’, Journal of
Applied Toxicology, 13, 3 (1993), pp213-216
714 It has been determined by radio-isotope studies that this is the
mechanism, and not the cyanide ligands ‘switching’ their
coordination ends from one iron centre to the other.
715 Wilde et al, loc cit
716 Reguera, E, Fernández-Bertrán, J, Dago, A, and Díaz, C, ‘Mössbauer
Spectroscopic Study of Prussian Blue from Different Provenances’,
Hyperfine Interactions, 73 (1992), pp295-308
717 Dostal, A, Meyer, B, Scholtz, F, Schröder, U, Bond, A M, Marken, F, and
Shaw, S J, ‘Electrochemical Study of Microcrystalline Solid Prussian
Blue Particles Mechanically Attached to Graphite and Gold Electrodes:
Electrochemically Induced Lattice Reconstruction”, Journal of
Chemical Physics, 99 (1995), pp2096-2103; see also Lundgren and
Murray, loc cit
718 Robin, M B, and Day, P, ‘Mixed Valence Chemistry’, Advances in
Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry, 10 (1967), pp294-9
719 Mortimer, R J and Rosseinsky, D R, ‘Iron Hexacyanoferrate Films:
Spectroelectrochemical Distinction and Electrodeposition Sequence
of ‘Soluble’ (K+-containing) and ‘Insoluble’ (K+-free) Prussian Blue,
and Composition Changes in Polyelectrochromic Switching’, Journal
of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, (1984), pp2059-2061
720 Also now called the molar absorptivity.
721 Nobrega, J.A.; Lopes, G.S., Talanta 43 (1996), p971.
722 England, S J, Kathirgamanathan, P, and Rosseinsky, D R, ‘Perturbation
Calculation from the Charge-Transfer Spectrum Data of Intervalence
Site-Transfer D.C. Conductivity in Prussian Blue’, Chemical
Communications, (1980), pp840-1
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II372
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II373
3, (1997), pp147-156
746 Mortimer and Rosseinsky, loc cit
747 Christensen, P A, Hamnett, A, and Higgins, S J, ‘A Study of
1965), pp28-37
754 Jacobson, K, and Jacobson, R E, Imaging Systems, (London: Focal
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II374
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©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II376
799 Jahoda loc cit
800 ‘Pigment blue 27: C.I. 77510, 77520’ The Colour Index, (Society of
©Mike Ware 2017 Cyanomicon_II377
807 Though with the growth of digital imaging technology, this skill may
become rare.
808 Weast, R C (ed), Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, (Florida:
Chemical Rubber Company Press Inc, 1980), Tables D-227 to D-276
809 The Merck Index
810 Weast, op. cit., Tables F-3, F-4