Crack ElementMismatch Abaqus PDF
Crack ElementMismatch Abaqus PDF
Crack ElementMismatch Abaqus PDF
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2 authors, including:
Feizal Yusof
Universiti Sains Malaysia
The purpose of this paper is to propose and investigate the feasibility of using multiple element types in a single model,
termed element mismatch, for a three-dimensional semi-elliptical crack problem. The purpose behind the exploration of
this method is to ease the meshing process in complex models. Multiple semi-elliptical surface crack in tension models
were created with single element mesh and multi-element meshes with different mesh densities. It was found that the
element mismatch models developed a consistent stress intensity factor for all the applied loading and geometries. When
compared to the single element type models, the computation times were found to be significantly lower for the element
mismatch models and the results were largely independent of mesh density.
INTRODUCTION ABAQUS has limited the region around the crack front to
The optimum use of computational resources for only certain types of elements, specifically quadrilateral
a finite element numerical analysis is an important issue in elements in two-dimensional models and hexahedral brick
computational fracture mechanics [1]. As the accuracy of elements in three-dimensional models [11]. Due to this
crack-tip deformation problem becomes critical, the crack limitation, fracture mechanics models typically used a
tip mesh nodal and elemental configurations will usually single type of element for the entire model. However, [12]
be increased, which will directly increase the time to has undertaken work to model the crack front using non-
complete the analysis due to large degrees of freedom. brick elements.
However this approach may not give an accurate outcome.
For structural problems, the sizing of the elements using Using ABAQUS/CAE, the regions outside of the
the h method [2] or p method [3] to revise finite element crack front can be meshed using other than the brick type
meshes to obtain the necessary accuracy by using as many of element. A quadratic brick element has 20 nodes while
degrees of freedom as necessary, also called adaptive a quadratic tetrahedral element has 10 nodes and a
meshing, has been introduced. However problems with quadratic wedge element has 15 nodes. The use of
geometrical discontinuities, such as cracks, may not elements with fewer nodes, and thus fewer degrees of
developed convergence of solution appropriately. freedom (DOF), in the regions outside of the crack front
would allow for models to be solved with shorter
Three-dimensional elastic-plastic crack tip computing times. Furthermore, meshing of complex
problems have evolved over 40 years from the defining bodies is relatively difficult using brick elements as
work of [4]. The development of formulation for three- meshing requires careful partitioning of the model. In
dimensional elastic-plastic crack tip problems gained fracture mechanics, one such model is the semi-elliptical
momentum after efficient finite element formulation was surface crack which requires partitioning before structured
combined with the computing capability to handle meshing using brick elements was allowed by ABAQUS,
problems with a large number of degrees of freedom in the as shown in Figure 1 below.
eighties [5, 6]. However, the results were partially
inconclusive with respect to their original hypothesis of a
plane stress field at the region where the crack front
approached the free surface. A widely accepted three-
dimensional elastic crack tip formulation breakthrough
came through the work of [7]. However, the three-
dimensional elastic-plastic crack tip formulation [8] was
not able to capture the sensitivity of the corner field effect
due to mesh inadequacy at the free surface. Three- Figure 1: Partitioning of a semi-elliptical surface crack
dimensional elliptical surface crack was discussed by [9] quarter model
but was limited in the crack configuration and material
response, while recent work by [10] was also limited to Element mismatch, henceforth EM, refers to the
unvarying crack configurations due to complexity of the condition where a mesh comprises of multiple element
problem. . types. Two types of meshes incorporating EM can be
created using ABAQUS. The first type of mesh creates a
Presently, commercially available FEA codes, single continuous mesh using different elements, while the
such as ABAQUS[11], are widely used to elucidate the second type of mesh creates separate meshes for each of
nature of crack tip stress strain behaviour quite the element types. In a continuous mesh, interface nodes
successfully. ABAQUS incorporates fracture mechanics in are shared by the neighbouring elements, as shown in
its library of functions and analysis tools. However, Figure 2, where Triangular elements share nodes with
Quadrilateral elements. The limitation to this method is
that the elements must have compatible edge and surface
node configurations. For example, the Quadrilateral and
Triangular elements in Figure 2 have compatible edge
node configurations; both elements have two nodes per
edge. Thus they can be meshed as a continuous mesh.
Computation time
Referring to Table 3, the number of DOF for the
Figure 10: SIF of M1-M4 EM models was fewer than their counterpart brick element
models. As the meshes around the crack front compared
Benchmarking were the same, the reduction in number of DOF was a
Referring to Figures 9 and 10, K of the models result of the mesh outside of the crack front. This is due to
were generally in good agreement with the work by [14]. the ease in which wedge elements are able to transition
The percentage differences for all models when compared from a dense mesh to a course mesh when compared to
to [14] were found to remain below 3% between the 20º to brick elements, as previously shown in Figure 8. Despite
90º range. However, the percentage difference increased the fewer DOF, the results were not adversely affected, as
below the 20º angle. The percentage difference reached a previously discussed.
maximum of 15% at the 0º angle for the B1 and M1
models. A comparison of the computation times shown in
Table 4 confirms that the analysis of the EM models
It should be noted that the meshing density required less time when compared to the brick element
around the crack tip appears to have affected the results of models. In the most accurate of the models, the B4 and
the analysis. The maximum percentage difference, M4 models, the reduction of computation time from the
occurring at the 0º angle in all cases, showed a marked B4 model to the M4 model was 37%. This reduction
decrease with increasing crack tip mesh density. The corresponds to a 42.5% reduction in the number of DOF.
models with the densest mesh at the crack front were B4 This was to be expected as the computation time is linked
and M4. Both exhibited a percentage difference of 5.6%. to the number of degrees of freedom. This is a good
Thus, the higher percentage difference at the 0º angle can indication that computing times for fracture mechanics
be reduced via a finer mesh around the crack front. In both models can be significantly reduced via the
the brick element and EM models, more accurate K values implementation of EM, at least within the elastic
were achieved with increasing mesh density around the paradigm.
crack front.
Table-4. Computation Time Comparison
Referring to Table 3, the number of DOF for M4 Brick CPU EM CPU Time %
was much lower than the number of DOF for B3. It must Model Time Model Reduction
be noted that the values in Table 3 refer to the DOF of the of CPU
entire model. Although experience suggests that a denser time
mesh would return more accurate results, the K values for B1 51.2 M1 25.9 49.4
M4 are more accurate than B3 at the 0º angle. This further B2 129.4 M2 36.4 71.9
proves that the mesh around the crack front is more crucial B3 1363.8 M3 264.1 80.6
to the accuracy of the results than the mesh in other B4 1291.8 M4 813.6 37