Warm-Up: Pronunciation Review and Needs Analysis Results: T-Ss Ss-Ss

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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Ruey-Ying Liu and Andras Molnar

Level: I6 Date/Time: Thursday 5/29, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Goal: Today’s focus is on listening, writing, and reading. Students should develop a
grasp of writing with spatial organization in mind.

Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To…
1. Express purpose by completing samples using (in order) to + so (that)
2. Demonstrate understanding of predictions by doing global and focused listening
exercises on ghost stories
3. Display understanding of spatial organization by recognizing the pattern in a text,
verbally us it to describe pictures.
4. Develop brainstorming skills by analyzing paragraphs and guided practice
4. Write a descriptive paragraph using spatial organization.

Theme: Home Sweet Home

Extensions: Students can do writing practice at home with extra prompts; Students given
extra youtube clip if they want to do extra listening practice.

Stage/Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure Interaction Time


Warm-up: Pronunciation We will begin class with a T-SS 6

Review and Needs Analysis pyramid pronunciation game. T SS-SS
Results will read off words (different
minimal pairs), students follow
Andras down the pyramid and reach a
number. Students will also be
invited to try too.
Transition to #1: Now that
we have done a warm-up,
we can get to work on
todays lesson. Let’s review
the HW first.

Activity 1: Workbook 1.1 Pre-Stage: SS 1

Review 1. Ss will take out their homework
from the previous evening and
get into groups.
1.2. During Stage: SS-SS 5
2. Students will check each other’s
homework and peer correct.
3. T will show answers on a ppt. T-SS 2

Transition to #2: Let’s begin

today’s lesson. Now we are 1.3 Post-Stage: T-SS 2
going to do a bit more 4. Ss can ask T any questions they
grammar about expressing have about the HW
2.1 Pre-Stage: T-SS
Activity 2: Expressing 1. T asks Ss a why question 3
Purpose requesting reasons for doing
something. T elicits responses
from Ss and writes the answers
on the whiteboard.
2. T introduces in order to and so 3
Ruey-Ying that with ppt. Focus on the
difference of the forms. T asks
Ss to use these structures to
make sentences of their earlier

2.2. During Stage: SS-SS 5

3. T shows a before/after picture of
remodeled kitchen on ppt. Ss
will work in pairs to find out
what has been improved and
what the purpose is of each item.
Ss will write down sentences
describing the purposes by using
in order to or so that.
4. Ss share their sentences with the 4

2.3 Post-Stage: T-SS

5. T asks Ss to think about their 5
own apartment. Use the same
sentence structure to describe
what kinds of improvements
Transition to #3:Now that they have made or they would
we have created sentences, like to make. SS-SS
let’s do some listening 6. Ss share their answers with their
practice. partners. (10:06)

3.1 Pre-Stage: T-SS 2

Activity 3: Listening and 1. T introduces the listening
Speaking strategy.
2. Ss will read the instructions of
practice 2 on p. 90 and make
predictions of the conversation.
3.2. During Stage: T-SS 4
3. T reminds Ss to listen for the
information that is relevant to
their prediction and plays the
sound file. After listening to the
talk, Ss will check their 5
4. T asks Ss to read the questions
of practice 3 and plays the sound SS-SS 2
file for the second time.
5. Ss will work in pairs and
compare their answers. T shows
the answers on ppt.
Transition to #4 or Wrap- 3.3 Post-Stage:
up: Now that we done 6. T asks discussion questions
listening practice, let’s focus about spirits communicating
on another skill: reading. with people. Ss will discuss in
pairs. T invites Ss to share their
answers with the class. (10:23)

4.1 Pre-Stage: SS-SS

Activity 4: Reading and 1. Ss will work in pairs and talk 3
Spatial Organization about their favorite toy. Some
Introduction guiding questions will be posted
on ppt.
2. T asks Ss to share about their 5
partners’ toys with the class.
4.2. During Stage: T-SS
3. T introduces spatial 3
organization. Ask Ss to pay
attention to how the article is
organized. Also, T asks Ss to
underline the grammar structure
of have/ get/ make someone (to)
do something and have/ get
something done as they read the
article. Ss can also underline
vocabulary they want to learn. SS-SS
4. Ss will read the article on p.92- 10
93 individually.
5. When they finish, they will work 10
in pairs and find out answers for
practice 2 and 3.

Transition to # 5: Now that 4.3 Post-Stage: T-SS

we have read about spatial 6. T fields questions and asks Ss to 3
organization, let’s try to find out the answers for the
describe it to each other in vocabulary they underlined by (10:57)
real time.. themselves after class.

Activity 5: Spatial 5.1 Pre-Stage:

Organization Through 1. This activity will continue the
Verbal Picture Description theme of spatial organization,
and will have students utilize
what they just learned to
describe a room verbally. The
last activity was priming for this
Andras task.
2. T will explain activity: Students T-SS 3
should pick a place in the room
to start, then describe objects in a
sequential order moving in a
specific direction for clarity.
3. Ss will work in pairs; together SS-SS 4
they will both look at a picture
on the ppt and describe it

5.2. During Stage:

4. S1 will face the ppt, S2 will S1 4
have their back to the ppt. S1
will have exactly 4 mins to
describe the picture to S2. S2
will not speak, only draw.
5. S2 will compare their picture SS-SS 1
with the ppt. Give the Ss time
to ask questions and negotiate
and inaccuracies.
6. S1 and S2 role will switch. S2 S2 4
Transition #6: Now that we describes, S1 draws.
have practiced how to talk 7. S1 can compare picture and SS-SS 1
about a room, lets look at talk with S2
another think about how to
write about one in a 5.3 Post-Stage T-SS 2
paragraph 8. T can discuss any difficulties. (11:16)

Activity 6: Spatial 6.1 Pre-Stage: T-SS 1

Organization and Writing a 1. T explains that you can use the
Paragraph spatial organization skill when
writing descriptive paragraphs.
2. Ss read paragraph on p 94. And SS 6
Andras answer the questions.
3. Go over questions together, T T-SS 3
places answers on appropriate
spot on brainstorm chart (b) (c).

6.2. During Stage:

4. Based on the example above, Ss SS-SS 4
prompted to brainstorm Times
Square. What kind of place is it?
Ss will be called to the board to
note take.
5. Based on brainstorm, what are T-SS 2
some possible topic sentences of
themes? Look back at the sample
paragraph. (3)
- (It is safe to say, TS is one of
the most exciting places in
- (TS is definitely a place that
nobody should miss if they
visit NY)
6. Students should spell check T-SS 2
anything on the board, then
write down ideas from board
on paper.

6.3 Post-Stage
7. Teacher comment: A POINT to T-SS 2
work on is adding detail to
your sentences and supporting
Transition to Wrap-Up: Ok! you ideas. Try to use many
Great job. Let’s take a look adjectives (especially in the
at the homework. Don’t body of the paragraph) to add
forget to use the description to your writing.
brainstorming idea on the Also, think about looking up a
HW. word or two you don’t know
and experimenting (trying it).
Since this is HW, it is best to (11:36)
try new things.

Wrap-up Homework: T-SS 3

1. Structure Log
2. Review for test
a. Review the other two
grammar points for test
b. Review pronunciation.
Both leave vs live, also
#6 on p 91.
3. WB practice 8
4. Check your knowledge
5. WB practice 12
- IMPORTANT! Please turn in
the writing (and PLEASE
brainstorm) by Sunday at 5 pm
if you want feedback by
- ****extra practice on the
- have a great weekend!
SS 4
Lesson Evaluation Procedures:
Exit tickets: SS write down 2 things they
have learned in class today and 1
question that they still have.

- copies of brainstorming map
- exit ticket and HWcopies
- ppt
- Structure Log Copies
- Minimal pairs pyramid

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

- If we have leftover time in the session, then we can do more writing practice.

Post-Lesson Reflections:
I thought that the spatial organization exercise using the different pictures went
particularly well. The students seemed very engaged.
In the future, I need to be more concise with my direction giving. I should put simple
directions on the powerpoint and have students read them rather than me explaining

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