Warm-Up: Pronunciation Review and Needs Analysis Results: T-Ss Ss-Ss
Warm-Up: Pronunciation Review and Needs Analysis Results: T-Ss Ss-Ss
Warm-Up: Pronunciation Review and Needs Analysis Results: T-Ss Ss-Ss
Goal: Today’s focus is on listening, writing, and reading. Students should develop a
grasp of writing with spatial organization in mind.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To…
1. Express purpose by completing samples using (in order) to + so (that)
2. Demonstrate understanding of predictions by doing global and focused listening
exercises on ghost stories
3. Display understanding of spatial organization by recognizing the pattern in a text,
verbally us it to describe pictures.
4. Develop brainstorming skills by analyzing paragraphs and guided practice
4. Write a descriptive paragraph using spatial organization.
Extensions: Students can do writing practice at home with extra prompts; Students given
extra youtube clip if they want to do extra listening practice.
6.3 Post-Stage
7. Teacher comment: A POINT to T-SS 2
work on is adding detail to
your sentences and supporting
Transition to Wrap-Up: Ok! you ideas. Try to use many
Great job. Let’s take a look adjectives (especially in the
at the homework. Don’t body of the paragraph) to add
forget to use the description to your writing.
brainstorming idea on the Also, think about looking up a
HW. word or two you don’t know
and experimenting (trying it).
Since this is HW, it is best to (11:36)
try new things.
- copies of brainstorming map
- exit ticket and HWcopies
- ppt
- Structure Log Copies
- Minimal pairs pyramid
Post-Lesson Reflections:
I thought that the spatial organization exercise using the different pictures went
particularly well. The students seemed very engaged.
In the future, I need to be more concise with my direction giving. I should put simple
directions on the powerpoint and have students read them rather than me explaining