Clasa A V-A Plan de Lectie

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DATE: December 17th, 2020

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială „Iraclie Porumbescu” Frătăuții Vechi
TEACHER: Alina-Bianca Covașă
CLASS : 5th grade
TIME: 50 minutes- ONLINE lesson
COURSEBOOK: Limba modernă 1. Engleză. Clasa a V-a, autori:
UNIT: Progress check 1/ Revision Modules 1–2
LESSON: Grammar: prepositions of place
TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of consolidation
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: youtube video, word document, digital coursebook, powerpoint presentation,
1.1. Identificarea sensului global al unor mesaje și dialoguri uzuale, clar articulate
1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale și clar articulate, în situaţia în care
interlocutorul oferă ajutor pentru a facilita înţelegerea
2.4. Manifestarea disponibilitatii pentru partiticiparea la dialog
3.2. Extragerea informaţiilor dintr-un text scurt, însoţit de ilustraţii
4.1 redactarea de mesaje simple si scurte
1. to activate previously acquired vocabulary and grammar structures
2. to aquire new grammar and vocabulary: prepositions of place
3. to use these structures in communication.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to:
● O1: to use correctly :this, that, these, those, there is, there are.
● O2: to form sentences using images and prepositions of place:in, on, under, above, in front of, behind,
near, opposite, below.
● O3: to write a short post describing their room.

Anticipated problems: I anticipate that the following may cause problems: poor internet connection and
the microphones or the web-cams may not work.
Stages Timing Interactio Activities Obs.
Teacher Students
1. Warm up 4’ T-Ss The T welcomes the Ss answer and read
Ss asks about how their homework
are they feeling and and correct the
cheks the mistakes.
homework, corrects
where necessary.
2. Lead-in 5’ T-SS The T plays a song The Ss listen
to revise there is, carefully and
there are and then perform the task.
asks the Ss look at
an image to make
some sentences
using the structures.
3. Activity 1 5’ T-Ss The T shares a The Ss solve the
worksheet on worksheet using
demonstrative the correct
pronouns and asks demonstrative
the Ss to solve it pronoun.
4. Activity 2 10’ T-Ss The T shares a The Ss pay
powerpoint attention to the
presentation about explanation and
prepositions of place write in their
and asks the Ss to notebooks.
pay attention and
write down in their
5. Activity 3 5’ T-SS The T shares an Ss perform the task
image with a text using the right
where the Ss have to words.
fill in the blank

spaces with the right
6. Feedback 3’ T-Ss The T tells the Ss The Ss answer the
they have a short questions and
quiz on classroom . submit the quiz for
They have to choose verification.
the right answer.
7. Homework 2’ T-Ss The T assigns as a The Ss write down
homework exercise their homework
7, page 55. They and listen tot the
have to write a short instructions.s
post describing their
room, using there
is/are and
preopositions of

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