U.P. Housing & Development Board: E-Tender Document Volume-Ii Financial Bid
U.P. Housing & Development Board: E-Tender Document Volume-Ii Financial Bid
U.P. Housing & Development Board: E-Tender Document Volume-Ii Financial Bid
Sl. Pages
Particulars Remarks
No. From To
4 Payment Schedule
5. General Conditions
6. Special Conditions
7. Specifications
8. Form of Agreement
Tenderer’s are advised to check the documents in this cover as per check list.
Description Submitted Remarks
Executive Engineer
1. Material shall be issued to the contractor at the place of delivery mentioned above. The
material shall be issued during working hours on working days. The contractors should
satisfy himself about the availability in the store before arranging for its cartage. The
cartage from place of delivery to site of work will be done by contractor at his own cost.
3. The Parishad shall not be responsible for loss due to late supply of any of material
mentioned above and no claim whatever will be entertained on this account. However,
suitable extension of time may be considered.
4. All incidental charges for carriage, storage and safe custody of material issued shall be
borne by the contractor.
5. Contractor shall construct suitable godown at site of work for stacking of the material
issued to him and safety against damage by sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc. He will
also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the purpose. A proper daily
account of cement shall be maintained by the contractor as per direction of E/I and the
material and the account shall remain opened for inspection and checking on demand.
6. Material issued by the department if damaged by the contractor after taking delivery
will be charged at the issue rate plus10% thereof.
7. Material shall be issued as and where available in the stores but no guarantee for the
supply of the same can be given. In case of non-availability of the materials in Parishad
stores at Lucknow, the contractor will have to arrange for such material himself after
8. Any other items not provided in Schedule –C above if required by the contractor may
be issued to him from Parishad Godown at stock issue rate prevalent at time of issue
or market rate, which is higher with express authority of Executive Engineer.
10. All receipts given by the contractor or his authorised representative shall be conclusive
proof of the delivery of material to the contractor.
11. The contractor should see that only the required quantity of material is got issued. Any
material issued in excess of benefited requirements is calculated on the basis of
UPPWD. Yardsticks or other benefited use of work indirectly connected with it shall
have to be returned to Parishad in good condition failing which recovery @ 100%
above the issue rate shall be made. The contractor shall not be entitles for cartage and
incidental charges for returning surplus material to store.
12. The calculation for issue of any consumption of material on different items of work shall
be done as per UPPWD yardsticks.
Executive Engineer
Signature of Tenderar
This contract provides for the Supply of all materials, delivery and execution on
all item of works, the finishing in all respect and the maintenance for a period of 18
months (including one rainy season) after completion of all works required in
connection with the contract hereto annexed and as described below and provided
under the condition of contract and as described in following pages and laid down in
The said work is intended mainly to provide STP at Lohramau Yojna , Sultanpur,
The contract shall be deemed to be completed when all work described in these
specification and let out in schedule have been successfully completed, including one
rainy season, and handing over to the department, during the maintenance he shall
also be responsible to watch and ward of community center. The contractor shall have
to repair/replace at his own cost any damage arising during maintenance period.
The Engineer will establish the necessary bench marks and levels but the contractor
must set out the work and he shall be held responsible for its correctness & it shall be
incumbent on him to dismantle, remove and rebuild at his own expense any work not
correctly set out.
Further before arrangement of any material the contractor shall decide from his
own conclusions the actual amount of materials required at site, as payment will only
be made on the ‘NET’ measurement of the work actually completed.
As materials are collected and the construction of each stage of the work is
completed it will be checked over by the E/I or his authorized representative and the
contractor shall acutuin from the E/I time to time, the parts or portions, he wishes to
check over and pass. But such approval shall in on way relieve the contractor or any of
his responsibilities, which shall not end until the contract has completed.
During the progress of the work and the period of maintenance the contractor shall
carry out such test as in the opinion of the E/I or his authorized representative
necessary to compare the work with the specifications. The test carried out shall be as
in schedule ‘A’ or as instructed by the E/I.
The Engineer-in-Charge how ever reserves the right to include any further tests he
considers necessary. The rates in Abstract of Cost shall inclusive of all such tests.
As the work progress the contractor shall submit detail dimensioned drawing of
the completed portion of the work which he is supplying for approval as may be
required by the E/I. These drawings shall be submitted for approval in duplicate and
after having been approved and further reasonable number of copies for the use of
UPHDB or representative of the Executive Engineer shall be supplied by the
Contractor so that rest part of the work shall be done as per approved drawings.
As the work proceeds, the contractor shall submit samples for approval as may
be required by the Executive Engineer and all deliveries at the site shall not be below
the standard of the samples.
The department may alter or modify the specefication in accordance with GPW-
9 attached herewith.
The contractor must fill the rate in English or Hindi in percetage above or
percentage below on the prescribed Proforma.Rates shall be given both in words and
figures. Extra items of work shall be paid in accordance with GPW Form - 9.
The contractor must read carefully the conditions, specifications and terms of
contract and also examine the drawing before tendering and in case of any additional
information, obscurity, he should apply to the E/l for its clarification as no execuse, for
want of knowledge for non compliance with any part or portion of the specification or
terms of contract, shall be considered. He is also advised to see the site of work before
tendering to make himself familiar with the conditions therein.
Though the departmental rates given in Bill of Quantity are the present
estimated rate but they shall in no case be increased. The quoted percentage shall
also in no case be changed during the contract period or extended limit.This offer shall
remain open for acceptance for a period of 3 calendar months from the date they are
The contractor shall be responsible for fencing barricading in good and sufficient
manner all excution work and materials so as to prevent accidents by night as well as
during day. He shall also be responsible for lighting up in a proper and sufficient
manner at night portion of the work which is open or under construction and he shall
always engage sufficient watchman on duty when his workers are not actual on work
and shall make his rates sufficiently comprehensive to allow for these duties. The
contractor shall be fully responsible and indemnify Govt. or any other person or
persons in case of accidents caused by the neglect of such precautions.
[Type text] Page 10
The contractor shall remove from the works all spoil and rubbish found on the
alignment of work as per direction by E/I.
All measurements connected with the work shall be taken geometrically or ‘NET’
and the dimensions given in Bill of Quantity shall mean the finished sizes of the
respective items of the works.
The quantities given in the Bill of Quantity are approximate and may vary on
either side. The payment will be made on actual ‘NET’ measurement taken during
construction and after completion of work. It is therefore important that the contractor
orders the exact quantities of material required after working out his own quantities as
he will not be paid for any material ordered but not used on works.
The contractor shall submit to the Executive Engineer in writing once in every
month on account giving full & detailed particulars of all claims for any additional
expenses to which the contractor may consider himself entitled and of all extra and
additional works and ordered and executed during the preceding months. No claim of
payment for any such work shall be considered which has not been included in such
Any verbal instructions issued by officers from time to TIME in connection with
change in design or specifications which the contractor thinks entitle him for extra
payment shall be got confirmed in writing by the contractor failing to which will not
entitle him for any extra payment.
The Engineer-in-charge have full powers to ask the contractor to remove any
person employed by the contractor, immediately from the work , if any employee on the
execution of the work in the opinion of the Engineer miss-conducts themselves or
The contractor will be required to see that the usual hours of work are adhered
to. No work shall be done in the night without the prior permission of Engineer-in-
charge except when it is absolutely necessary for the saving of life or property or for
the safety of work in which case the contractor shall immediately seek the permission
of E/I.
The contractor must allow sufficient margin in his rates to cover the cost of
photographs that may be necessary either during the progress of work or before it, so
safe guard against possible claim.
Executive Engineer
1- Concrete mixer shall be used for cement concrete, work hand compaction and hand
mixing shall not be allowed. Compaction of cement concrete shall be done by Vibrator
2- The contractor shall have to get all the materials used by him, tested in Parishad
Laboratory. The test, which is not carried by Parishad Lab, shall have to be tested at
other approved lab at the cost of contractor.
3- Payment for the work done shall be made only after getting the satisfectory test report.
4- Hamirpur/Banda sand of FM 2.2 to 3.6 shall only be allowed to be stacked at the site for
PCC work. Any sand having FM less than 2.2 shall not be allowed under any
circumstances at the site of work.
5- Any sand (Hamirpur/Banda) of FM less that 1.5 if found at the site of work and the work
done with such sand shall be considered below specification and whole work shall be
rejected for which no claim shall be entertained under any circumstances.
6- Defective work done on account of contractor's fault shall be dismantled at his own cost
and the cost of materials and labours (As per UP PWD norms) shall be recovered from
his bill.
7- The Engineer In charge has full power to employ Bhisti or any other arrangement on the
work without any notice to the contactor if the curing is inadequate. The cost of curing
shall be recovered from the bill of contractor.
8- The Quantities may very on either side hence no claim of cotractar shall be entertained.
9- The material concerning Road metals should be stacked properly as per direction of
Engineer In Charge.
10- The tender rate includes cost of making arrangement for water and labour required for
the proper completion of work. The rate shall also include cost of arrangement of water
and necessary platform for mixing of matarils etc. for works and general clearance of
11- Samples of any materials at any time from the site can be taken for testing.
12- Contractor will have to make one or more sample as per direction of E/I with latest
modifications within specified period/time of completion will be decided by E/I.
13- The work shall be executed strictly as per latest UP Avas Evam Vikas Parishad/ UP
PWD specifications and as per directions of E/I.
14- The rate includes the cost of all materials, labour, curing and T & P etc required for
proper completion of work as per direction and to the satisfaction of E/I.
15- Only overall Item rates in BOQ shall be quoted.
16- GPW form-9 shall be the part of Agreement.
17- The Contractor shall have no objection to the testing of material brought by him to the
site for which samples shall be taken by JE/AE/Project Manager/ Officer's of Central
Quality Control Cell/T.P.I.M. and other Officer's of parishad as and when required.
18- Payment for work done by contractor against contract bond is subjected to receipt of
fund from headquarter to divisional office and no claim of contractor shall be entertained
regarding delay in payment.
Executive Engineer
Construction Division-31
U.P. Housing and Development Board LKO
Declaration by Contractor : I/We have carefully read all the conditions mentioned in
this tender set and I/we shall abide by all of them under all circumstances.