What Are You Doing?: Useful Information
What Are You Doing?: Useful Information
What Are You Doing?: Useful Information
Name: _________________________________
Date: __________________________________
You are learning They are watching TV.
English now.
You are not
swimming now.
He is reading a book.
I am learning
She is cooking.
You are learning
He/She/It is
We are learning
You are learning They are dancing.
They are learning
He is playing videogames.
NEGATIVE 2. Read the text, then correct the
I am not (I’m not)
You are not My name is Dorji, I am from Bhutan and today I’ll tell
(aren’t)learning you about my school. I love going to school because it has
a big playground where we can have fun every day. Today,
He/She/It is not we are having a long break and we are playing different
We are not games; for example, Tenzin and Yeshey are laughing
(aren’t)learning because Chimi is chasing them, my best friend Thai is
You are not looking at the mountains and there are dogs running
(aren’t)learning everywhere. I really love my school and its beautiful
They are not playground, I’m leaving now because I can’t wait to play
(aren’t)learning with them. See you later, Bye.
Am I
learning? Yes, I am
/ No, I’m not
Are you
learning? Yes, I am
/ No, I’m not
Yes, he is / No,
he isn’t
We are have a long break and we are play
Yes, she is / No, _____different games.
she isn’t
Yes, it is / No,
Tenzin and Yeshey running.
it isn’t
Are we
Chimi is watching them.
learning? _________________________________________________
Yes, we are / No, we The dogs are sleeping.
2 aren’t _________________________________________________
I leave now.
3. Get in groups of three, choose three
countries from the map and write two sentences per
Some verbs change their country describing what people might be doing at
spelling when "ing" is this current time. Don’t write where. Consider the
added to them. time zones.
4. She ________ (put) the ball in the basket every time she ________ (get) it.