1 Business Organisation and Environment: Key Term
1 Business Organisation and Environment: Key Term
1 Business Organisation and Environment: Key Term
More detailed discussion of each of these causes led to the ● A circle shows that a range of outcomes may result
factors laid out in the form of the ‘smaller bones’ of the fish. from a decision – a chance node.
Stages in the fishbone process include: ● Probabilities are shown alongside each of these
possible outcomes. These probabilities are the numer-
1 Agree on the problem statement and write this in the ical values of an event occurring – they measure the
centre of the whiteboard or screen. ‘chance’ of an outcome occurring.
2 Brainstorm the main categories of the causes of the ● The economic returns are the expected fi nancial gains
problem, or use the common generic ones (the 6Ms). or losses of a particular outcome – the ‘pay-offs’.
These become the six main bones of the fish.
Working out ‘expected values’
3 Brainstorm all of the detailed reasons why problems
might occur under each of these headings – the small KEY TERM
fish bones.
expected value the likely financial result of an outcome
4 Analyse the fi ndings of the group as shown on the
obtained by multiplying the probability of an event occurring
diagram. Investigate the most likely causes of the
by the forecast economic return if it does occur
problem – more research might now be necessary.
Therefore, the expected value of tossing a coin and
Once this process has been completed the business can
winning $5 if it comes down heads is 0.5 × $5 = $2.50.
put strategies in place to remove the most likely causes
In effect, the average return, if you repeated this a
of the problem, perhaps by adopting different quality
number of times, would be to win $2.50 – this is the
assurance systems.
expected value. The purpose of a decision tree is to
show that option which gives the most beneficial
expected value.
This is a technique that considers the value of the options
For example, the manager of an events-organising
available and the chances of them occurring.
business has to decide between holding a fund-raising
KEY TERM auction indoors or outdoors. The financial success of the
event depends not only on the weather, but also on the
decision tree a diagram that sets out the options connected
decision to hold it indoors or outdoors.
with a decision and the outcomes and economic returns that
Table 6.2 shows the expected net fi nancial returns
may result
or ‘economic returns’ from the event for each of these
different circumstances. From past weather records for
This technique is based on a diagram that is drawn to
August, there is a 60% chance of fine weather and a 40%
represent four main features of a business decision:
chance of it being poor. The indoor event will cost $2000
to arrange and the outdoor event will cost $3000.
● all of the options open to a manager
● the different possible outcomes resulting from these
options Weather Indoors Outdoors
● the chances of these outcomes occurring Fine $5 000 $10 000
● the economic returns from these outcomes.
Poor $7 000 $4 000
By comparing the likely fi nancial results from each Table 6.2 The possible economic returns from the alternative options
option, the manager can minimise the risks involved
and maximise the potential returns.
The decision tree of the event is shown in Figure 6.3. This
diagram demonstrates the main advantages of decision
Constructing decision trees trees:
The tree is a diagram, which has the following features:
● They force the decision-maker to consider all of the
● It is constructed from left to right. options and variables related to a decision.
● Each branch of the tree represents an option together ● They put these on an easy-to-follow diagram, which
with a range of consequences or outcomes and the allows for numerical considerations of risk and
chances of these occurring. economic returns to be included.
● Decision points are denoted by a square – these are ● The approach encourages logical thinking and discus-
decision nodes. sion among managers.