Key Term: Activity 7.2

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Backward vertical integration –
internal growth expansion of a business by means of opening same industry, towards supplier
new branches, shops or factories (also known as organic

An example of internal growth would be a retailing busi-

ness opening more shops in towns and cities where it
previously had none.
integration – same
EXTERNAL GROWTH industry and same
Conglomerate stage of production
KEY TERM diversification –
external growth business expansion achieved by means of
industry Forward vertical integration –
merging with or taking over another business, from either
same industry, towards
the same or a different industry customer

The different forms of external growth are shown in

Figure 7.3 Forms of external growth
Figure 7.3.


Starbucks confirms rapid growth strategy

Howard Schultz, the chairman of Starbucks, confirmed
growth plans for the world’s largest chain of coffee shops.
The business will open at least 10 000 new cafes over the
next four years by using internal growth. Schultz said that he
planned to double the size of the business in five years. At
the end of 2009, there were over 16 600 stores worldwide.
China will be the main focus of this growth strategy. The
US giant opened its first Chinese branch in 1999 and now has
over 200 branches. ‘No market potentially has the opportu-
nities for us as China hopefully will,’ said Schultz. Like many
western retailers, Starbucks sees China as its key growth
area due to its fast-growing economy, lack of strong local
competitors and sheer size of population. The business is also
30 marks, 52 minutes
expanding its network of branches in Russia and Brazil.
There are plans to increase sales of non-coffee products to
1 Why would you describe Starbuck’s growth strategy
reduce reliance on hot drinks. It has expanded its sale of audio
as being an example of ‘internal growth’? [2]
books and music, and Sir Paul McCartney will be the first artist
to release an album on Starbucks’ ‘Hear Music’ label. 2 Suggest two reasons why Starbucks has adopted
This rapid internal expansion has not been without a rapid expansion strategy. [6]
problems. Consumer Reports magazine recently ranked
3 Analyse the possible advantages of focusing growth
McDonald’s coffee ahead of Starbucks saying it tasted
in China. [8]
better and costs less. This could be due to the time-saving
equipment that has been added to new Starbucks branches 4 Explain why Starbucks is planning to reduce its
that use automatic espresso machines instead of extracting reliance on just selling coffee. [4]
espresso shots in the traditional way. The chairman has
5 Discuss the potential economies and diseconomies
also criticised the time-saving policy of designing stores
of scale that Starbucks might experience from
uniformly rather than with some local decoration.
further expansion. [10]
Source: and


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