Surgery NCP Case Study 6

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S: Pain is due STO: Diagnostic: STO:

 “Masakit ang suso to malignant Within 8 hours 1. Assess pain In order to determine After 8 hours of
nya” as verbalized tumor as the of nursing characteristics what pain management nursing
patient interventions (position, quality, strategies to be done interventions the
by watcher
diagnosed the patient rate, site and patient was able to
 Pain scale can’t time) Some people deny the
rated due to with breast will be able 2. Observe or Monitor experience of pain
rest, no pian is
unconversant. cancer. The to: s/s of associated when it is present. noted
enlarged Have adequate with pain such as Attention to
O: tissue relief of pain BP, HR, temp, color associated signs may LTO:
willaffect and moisture of help in evaluating After 3-4 days of
all the LTO: skin, restlessness nursing
 With guarding
tissues Within 3-4 days and ability to interventions the
behaviour focus.
specially of nursing patient is able to
protecting the Therapeutic: Pain may become
the nerves interventions experience relief
affected site 1. Provide rest exaggerated as the
that sense the patient of absence of pain
 Grimacing noted pain. will be able periods and result of fatigue
without the ned of
 unable to perform ability to
to: facilitate
pharmacological and
ADL with assistance Experience non-pharmacological
comfort, sleep and
complete relief relaxation. Uses of imaged events pain management,
of absence of 2. Cognitive involves use of 5 has absence of
NURSING DIAGNOSIS: pain without behavioural senses to distract on complications and
 Acute pain related the need of strategies: self from pain is able to perform
to disease process pharmacological a. Guided imagery stimuli activities of daily
and non- living without the
pharmacological Decreases one’s help of others
pain management awareness of which is fully met.
experiences of pain
Absence of
b. Distraction
complications techniques
Able to perform Is to reduce tension,
ADLs without subsequently reducing

help of others c. Relaxation pain

music therapy
Knowledge of what to
3. Provide expect may help the
anticipatory patient develop
instructions of effective coping
pain causes, strategies for pain
appropriate management
prevention and
relief measure Promotes relaxation
Educative: and reduces tension
1. Encourage deep
breathing Pain relief
exercises strategies can be
modified to promote
2. Instruct to report satisfactory comfort
pain levels

Patient needs to
learn to use pain
3. Teach the patient relief strategies to
the effective minimize the pain
timing of the experience
medication dose in
relation to
activities and
prevention of peak

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