Nursing Care Plan: Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

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Subjective: Acute Pain After 8 hours of nursing Independent: After 8 hours of nursing
“Sumasakit lagi ang intervention, patient will Determine pain history. Information provides baseline data to evaluate intervention, patient
likod ko” as verbalized verbalized minimize or effectiveness of interventions. verbalized minimize or
by the patient. control feeling of pain. controlled pain.
Determine timing or precipitants of Pain may occur near the end of the dose Goal met.
Objective: “breakthrough” pain when using around- interval, indicating need for higher dose or
- Facial Grimace the-clock agents, whether oral, IV, or patch shorter dose interval. Pain may be
- Anxiety medications. precipitated by identifiable triggers, or occur
spontaneously, requiring use of short half-life
agents for rescue or supplemental doses.

Evaluate and be aware of painful effects of A wide range of discomforts are common
particular therapies (surgery, radiation, (incisional pain, burning skin, low back pain,
chemotherapy, and biotherapy). Provide headaches), depending on the procedure and
information to patient about what to agent being used. Pain is also associated with
expect. invasive procedures to diagnose or treat

Provide nonpharmacological comfort Promotes relaxation and helps refocus

measures (massage, repositioning, attention.
backrub) and diversional activities (music,

Encourage use of stress management skills Enables patient to participate actively in

or complementary therapies (relaxation nondrug treatment of pain and enhances
techniques, visualization, guided imagery, sense of control. Pain produces stress and, in
biofeedback, laughter, music, conjunction with muscle tension and internal
aromatherapy, and therapeutic touch). stressors, increases patient’s focus on self,
which in turn increases the level of pain.

Provide cutaneous stimulation (heat or May decrease inflammation, muscle spasms,

cold, massage). reducing associated pain.

Dependent: To manage pain.

Administer analgesics as indicated.

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