Engineering Academy: Power Systems
Engineering Academy: Power Systems
Engineering Academy: Power Systems
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Power Systems
Classroom Practice Questions
∼ ∼ G1 ∼ ∼ G2
Bus 1 Bus 2
G1 G2
Choose 25 kV as the base voltage at the 02. A generator is connected through a 20
generator G1, and 200 MVA as the MVA MVA, 13.8/138 kV step up transformer, to a
base. The impedance diagram is transmission line. At the receiving end of the
j0.27 j0.42 j0.27 line a load is supplied through a step down
transformer of 10 MVA, 138/69 kV rating.
j0.18 j0.18 A 0.72 p.u. load, evaluated, on load side
transformer ratings as base values of 10 MVA
G1 ∼ ∼ G2
and 69 kV in load circuit, the value of the load
(in per unit) in generator circuit will be
(a) 36 (b) 1.44
(c) 0.72 (d) 0.18
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
2 Power Systems
03. A 100 MVA, 33 kV, 3-phase generator has 05. A ∆ connected balanced resistive load is
a sub-transient reactance of 15%. The connected across an unbalanced 3-φ supply.
generator is connected to the motors Find the positive sequence symmetrical
through transmission line and transformers as components of line ‘a’
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
3 Objective Practice Questions
08. Two synchronous generators having identical the alternator neutral with respect to ground
rating are connected to a common bus during the fault is
bar. The rating of each generator is 50 MVA, (a) 513.8 V (b) 889.9 V
6.6 kV, 3-phase 50 Hz. Sequence reactance (c) 1112.0 V (d) 642.2 V
are X1=X2 = 0.1 pu and X0 = 0.05 pu. A line to
ground fault taking place at the busbar. 11. Synchronous generator is rated as 20 MVA,
(i) Voltage of neutral with respect to ground 6.6 kV, 3-phase 50Hz. Sequence reactance
in volts when both neutrals of generators are X 1
=X2 = 0.1 pu, line to line fault taking
are grounded by reactance of 0.05 pu place at generator terminal with a fault
(ii) Voltages of neutral with respect to reactance is 0.05 pu. Positive sequence sub-
ground in volts when one of the neutral transient current in kA _____
is grounded by a reactance of 0.05 pu
and other neutral of generator is isolated 12. A-3 phase generator is rated 25 MVA, 13.2
from ground. kV and xd’’ = 0.20 pu; X2 = 0.30 pu and X0 =
0.1 pu the neutral is solidly grounded. A line
09. Two 11 kV, 20 MVA, three phase, star to line fault occurs on phases B and C of the
connected generators operates in parallel. generator calculate VAB is _______
The +ve, –ve and zero sequence reactances
of each being respectively. 0.18 pu, 0.15 13. 50 Hz, 13.2 kV, 15 MVA, alternator X1 = X2
pu, 0.10 p.u. The star point of one of the =20%, Xgo = 8% and its neutral is grounded
generators is isolated and that of the other is through a reactance of a 0.05 p.u. Determine
earthed through a 0.5 ohm resistor. A single symmetrical r.m.s current in the ground in kA
line-to-ground fault occurs at the terminals of of a double line to ground fault occurring on
one of the generators. Then the fault current phase B & C. The generator is operating at
(in pu)is _______ terminal voltage of 13.9 kV before the fault
taking place.
10. A 20-MVA, 6.6-kV, 3-phase alternator is
connected to a 3-phase transmission line. 14. Two identical generators are connected to a
The per unit positive-sequence, negative- common bus bar. The rating each generators
sequence and zero-sequence impedance is 20 MVA, 6.6 kV, 3-phase. The sequence
of the alternator are j0.1 pu, j0.1 pu and j0.04 reactance are X1 =X2 = 0.12 pu and X0 = 0.05
pu respectively. The neutral of the alternator pu. One of the generator neutral is grounded
is connected to ground through an inductive by reactance of 0.05 pu and other neutral is
reactor of j0.05 p.u. The per unit positive-, isolated from ground. Power is transmitted by
negative- and zero-sequence impedances 6.6 kV line. The sequence reactance of a line
of the transmission line are j0.1 pu, j0.1 pu are X1 = X2 = 0.1 pu and X0 = 0.3 pu. A double
and j0.3 pu, respectively. All per unit values line to ground fault is taking place at the end
are based on the machine ratings. A solid of the line. Positive sequence sub-transient in
ground fault occurs at one phase of the far kA ________
end of the transmission line. The voltage of
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
4 Power Systems
15. The following figure shows the single When a three phase fault occurs on the high
line diagram of a power system with all voltage side of the transformer, what are the
reactance marked in per unit (pu) on the values of sub transient current in generators
same base: G1and G2 respectively?
F (a) 5 kA, 3.33 kA (b) 3.94 kA, 2.62 kA
j 0.2pu (c) 2.27 kA, 1.51 kA (d) 0.47 kA, 0.31kA
Z 'G' = j 0.1 pu T1 T2 Z 'm' = j 0.1 pu
j 0.08pu j 0.08pu 18. For the configuration shown in figure, the
breaker connecting a large system to bus 2 is
initially open. The system 3-phase fault level at
The system is on at-load when a 3-phase fault
bus 3 under this condition is not known. After
occurs at ‘F’ on the high voltage side of the
closing the system breaker, the 3-phase fault
transformer T2, the fault current will be
level at bus 1 was found to be 5.0 p.u. What
(a) –j 0.8187 pu (b) +j 0.8187 pu
will be the new 3-phase fault level at system
(c) –j 8.1871 pu (d) +j 8.1871 pu
bus 3 after the interconnection. All per unit
values are on common bases. Prefault load
16. Assuming base rating equal to that of G1. The
currents are neglected and Prefault voltages
short circuit capacity of a three phase fault
are assumed to be 1.0 p.u. at all buses.
taking place on the terminal of G1 is
G1 T1
CB 1000 MVA G2 Generator (4) (1) (2) (3)
X = 0.1
∼ 1000 MVA ∼
1000 MVA X = 0.1 800 MVA
X = 0.2 X = 0.16
Eg 1= .0 pu, X t 0.2 pu, X line = 0.3 pu
Xdm = 0.2 pu
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
5 Objective Practice Questions
20. A sustained three phase fault occurs in 22. Three phase to ground fault takes place at
the power system shown in the figure. The locations F1and F2 in the system shown in the
current and voltage phasors during the fault figure.
(on a common reference), after the natural IF1 IF2
transients have died down, are also shown. B
F1 A F2
Where is the fault located?
EA∠δ EB∠0
V s1 VF1 VF2
I1 I3 Vs2
Transmission line
P R If the fault takes place at location F1, then
Q Transmission line the voltage and the current at bus A are VF1
I2 I4
and IF1 respectively. If the fault takes place
V1 at location F2, then the voltage and the
V2 current at bus A are VF2 and IF2 respectively.
I2 The correct statement about voltages and
currents during at F1 and F2 is
(a) VF1 leads IF1 and VF2 leads IF2
(a) Location P (b) Location Q (b) VF1 leads IF1 and VF2 lags IF2
(c) Location R (d) Location S (c) VF1 lags IF1 and VF2 leads IF2
(d) VF1 lags IF1 and VF2 lags IF2
21. The positive, negative and zero sequence
impedances of a three phase generator
Power System Dynamics & Stability
are Z1, Z2 and Z0 respectively. For a line-to-
line fault with fault impedance Zf, the fault
01. A, 50Hz, 4 pole turbo alternator 20 MVA, 13.2
current is If1 = kIf, where If is the
kV has a inertia constant of H equal to 9 kW
fault current with zero fault impedance. The
– sec/kVA. Find the K.E stored in the rotor at
relation between Zf and k is
synchronous speed. Find the accelerating
^Z1 Z2h]1 kg Torque. If the shaft input less the rotational
(a) Z f losses is 26800 metric HP & Electrical power
^Z1 Z2h]1 kg developed is 16000 kW. Angular acceleration
(b) Z f in deg/sec2 is _______.
^Z1 Z2h k
(c) Z f
1k 02. A two-pole, 50 Hz, 11 kV turbo-generators has
^ Z1 Z 2 h k a rating of 60 MW, power factor 0.85 lagging.
(d) Z f
1k Its rotor has a moment of inertia of 8800
kgm2. The inertia constant in MJ per MVA
and its momentum in MJ-s/electrical degree
respectively are
(a) 8.5149, 0.1447 (b) 7.2376,0.04825
(c) 6.152, 0.04825 (d) 6.152, 0.1447
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
6 Power Systems
03. A power station consists of two synchronous phase fault at the receiving end of one line,
generators A & B of ratings 250 MVA and calculate the rotor angle at the end of first
500 MVA with inertia constant 1.6 p.u. and time step of 0.05 seconds. Assume the voltage
1.0 p.u., respectively on their own base MVA behind transient reactance for the generator
ratings. The equivalent p.u. inertia constant as 1.1 p.u. and infinite bus voltage as 1.0 p.u.
for the system on 100 MVA common base is
(a) 2.6 (b) 0.615 07. A synchronous generator is connected to an
(c) 1.625 (d) 9.0
infinite bus through a lossless double circuit
04. A 50 Hz synchronous generator is connected transmission line. The generator is delivering 1.0
to an infinite bus through a line. The p.u. per unit power at a load angle of 30°, when a
reactance’s of the generator and the line sudden fault occurs which reduces the peak
are j 0.3 p.u. and j 0.2 p.u. respectively. The power that can be transmitted to 0.5 per unit.
generator no load voltage is 1.1 p.u. and After clearance of fault, the peak power that
that of the infinite Bus is 1.0 p.u. The inertia can be transmitted becomes 1.5 per unit. the
constant of the generator is 3 MW-sec/ critical clearing angle is __________
MVA. If the generator is loaded to 60% of
its maximum power transfer capacity and a 08. The power system network is characterized
small perturbation is given, calculate resulting by PS = 1.0pu, Pm1 = 1.8 pu X1eq = 0.72pu X2eq
natural frequency of oscillations. = 3.0 p.u, X3eq = 1.0 p.u. The critical clearing
angle of the system will be _________
05. A 3-phase, 2-pole, 50 Hz, synchronous
generator has a rating of 250 MVA, 0.8 pf 09. Synchronous generators is connected to an
lagging. The kinetic energy of the machine at infinite bus by a loss less double circuit line.
synchronous speed is 1000 MJ. The machine The generator is delivery 1.0 pu to an infinite
is running steadily at synchronous speed and bus. The power transfer equation Pe = 2.2 sinδ.
delivering 60 MW power at a power angle of A 3-phase fault is taking place in one of the
10 electrical degrees. If the load is suddenly line at a double circuit near to busbar. The
removed, assuming the acceleration is electrical output is zero. The fault is cleared
constant for 10 cycles, the value of the power by CB so that faulty line the maximum power
angle after 5 cycles is _________electrical transfer is 75% of before fault. The critical
degrees. clearing angle in electrical degree is _______
06. A synchronous generator, having a reactance 10. Synchronous generator is connected to an
of 0.15 p.u., is connected to an infinite bus infinite bus by a loss less double circuit line.
through two identical parallel transmission The power delivery by generator to an infinite
lines having reactance of 0.3 p.u. each. In bus is 1.0 pu. The power transfer equation is
steady state, the generator is delivering 1 Pe=2.2 sinδ. A 3-phase fault is taking place
p.u. power to the infinite bus. For a three at the bus-bar of synchronous generator so
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
7 Objective Practice Questions
that the electrical output is zero. The fault is system is 6.25 p.u. If one of the double-
cleared by CB. The CB is reclosed so that the circuit is tripped, then resulting steady state
original system is restored. The critical clearing stability power limit in p.u. will be
angle in electrical degrees is ________
① ② ③
11. Synchronous generator is connected to
an infinite bus by a double circuit line. The
power delivered is 1.0 p.u at an angle at 30°. (a) 12.5 p.u. (b) 3.125 p.u.
A 3-phase fault is taking place on one of the (c) 10.0 p.u. (d) 5.0 p.u.
double circuit line near to bus bar and the
14. A generator feeds power to an infinite bus
fault cleared by CB. The critical clearing angle
through a double circuit transmission line. A
is 68.5°. The Inertia constant is 5 MJ/MVA. The
3-phase fault occurs at the middle point
critical clearing time in sec is ___________.
of one of the lines. The infinite bus voltage
is 1 pu, the transient internal voltage of the
12. A three-phase power system consists of a generator is 1.1 pu and the equivalent
synchronous machine connected through a transfer admittance during fault is 0.8 pu. The
lossless double circuit transmission line to an 100 MVA generator has an inertia constant of
infinite bus-bar. During pre-fault condition and 5 MJ/MVA and it was delivering 1.0 pu power
immediately prior to the instant of the fault, prior of the fault with rotor power angle of
the power transfer is 2.5 p.u and the maximum 30°. The system frequency is 50 Hz. The initial
power transfer to this system is 5.0 p.u. A three accelerating power (in pu) will be
phase fault takes place in one of the double (a) 1.0 (b) 0.6
circuit line. The power angle curves during (c) 0.56 (d) 0.4
the fault and post-fault conditions have
peak values of 2 p.u. and 4 p.u. respectively.
Load Flow Analysis
Determine the permissible increase in the
angular displacement, between the voltages
at the two ends of the system beyond which 01. The bus admittance matrix of a power system
the circuit breakers could not clear the fault in is given as
SRS− j50 j10 V
j5 WWW
time for the system to remain in synchronism. SS
SS j10 − j30 j10 WWW
13. A generator with constant 1.0 p.u. terminal S j5 j10 − j25WW
voltage supplies power through a step-up The impedance of line between bus 2 and 3
transformer of 0.12 p.u. reactance and a will be equal to
double circuit line to an infinite bus bar as (a) j 0.1 (b) -j 0.1
shown in the figure. The infinite bus voltage (c) j 0.2 (d) -j 0.2
is maintained at 1.0 p.u. Neglecting the
resistance and susceptances of the system,
the steady state stability power limit of the
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
8 Power Systems
02. A single line diagram of a power system 05. The YBus of a 3-Bus, 3- transmission line is
is shown in the given figure. The per unit SS− 14.4 10 5 WWW
reactance are specified. The diagonal YBus = j SS 10 − 11.5 2.5 WW
elements of the YBUS matrix is S 5 2.5 − 6.3WW
Each transmission line is represented by
1 2
π–network. The Shunt susceptance of the
j 0.5 transmission line between buses 1 and 3 is
j0.2 pu j0.25 pu
06. In a three bus system, series impedance of
3 transmission line is j0.001/km pu and shunt
admittance is j 0.0016/km pu bus admittance
(a) j 0.7, j 0.75, j 0.45 pu
matrix is___________ .
(b) -j 0.7, -j 0.75, - j 0.45 pu
(c) -j 7.0, -j 6.0, -j 9.0 pu
1 2
(d) j 7.0, -j 6.0, j 9.0 pu
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
9 Objective Practice Questions
09. A 1000 × 1000 bus admittance matrix for an (d) the number of unknown voltage angles
electric power system has 8000 non-zero remains unchanged and the number
elements. The minimum number of branches of unknown voltage magnitudes
(transmission lines and transformers) in this decreases by two
system are ________ (up to 2 decimal places).
12. A 183-bus power system has 150PQ buses and
10. A 10 bus power system consists of four 32 PV buses. In the general case, to obtain
generator buses indexed as G1, G2, G3, G4 the load flow solution using Newton-Raphson
and six load buses indexed as L1, L2, L3, L4, method in Polar coordinates, the minimum
L5, L6. The generator-bus G1 is considered as number of simultaneous equations to be
slack bus, and the load buses L3 and L4 are solved is _______.
voltage controlled buses. The generator at
bus G2 cannot supply the required reactive 13. The per-unit power output of salient-pole
power demand, and hence it is operating generator which is connected to an infinite
at its maximum reactive power limit. The bus, is given by the expression, P = 1.4 sinδ +
number of non-linear equations required for 0.15 sin 2δ, where δ is the load angle. Newton-
solving the load flow problem using Newton- Raphson method is used to calculate the
Raphson method in polar form is _____. value of δ for P = 0.8 pu. If the initial guess is
30°, then its value (in degree) at the end of
11. In a 100 bus power system, there are 10 the first iteration is
generators. In a particular iteration of
Newton Raphson load flow technique (in (a) 15° (b) 28.48°
polar coordinates), two of the PV buses are (c) 28.74° (d) 31.20°
converted to PQ type. In this iteration.
(a) the number of unknown voltage angles
increases by two and the number of
unknown voltage magnitudes increases
by two
(b) the number of unknown voltage angles
remains unchanged and the number of
unknown voltage magnitudes increases
by two
(c) the number of unknown voltage angles
increases by two and the number
of unknown voltage magnitudes
decreases by two
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
10 Power Systems
KEY for Per unit Quantites, Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Fault analysis
0.09pu 0.4132pu
01. (b) 02. (a) 0.15pu 04. (d) 05. (7.637∠-79.1° A)
0.4958pu 0.7438
0.297 pu
∼ 1∠00
0.909 p.u. M1 M2 M3 0.909 p.u.
0.909 p.u.
06. (b) 07. (b) 08. (i) 1429 V (ii)1905 V 09. (8.268 ∠-46.92° A)
10. (d) 11. (7.0) 12. (13.71 kV) 13. (4.786 pu)
14. (6.22 kA) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (11.43 pu)
02. If a fixed amount of power is to be transmitted 04. A 1-φ, two wire system has inductance of
over certain length with fixed power loss, it each wire as 1.10 mH/km. If the inductance
can be said that volume of conductor is value was increased by 5%, by increasing
(a) Inversely proportional to magnitude of the spacing between conductors, where the
the voltage and that of power factor of radius of conductors kept as constant. The
the load increment in distance is _______ %.
(b) Inversely proportional to square of the
voltage and square of power factor of 05. Two arrangements of conductors are
the load. proposed for a 3-phase transmission line: one
(c) Proportional to square of voltage and with equilateral spacing of 4 m and the other,
that of power factor of the load. a flat with 4m between the conductors as
(d) Proportional to magnitude of the shown in the given figure.
voltage only
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
11 Objective Practice Questions
07. Evaluate Lx, inductance of conductor (x)
in H/m for the single phase two-conductor
line shown in the figure below. Where radius
of sub conductors 1,2 & 3 is rx = 0.03 m and
radius of sub conductors 1′& 2′ is ry = 0.04 m.
0.5 m 1.5 m 2m 0.3 m
1 2 3 1′ 2′
rx rx rx ry ry
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
12 Power Systems
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13 Objective Practice Questions
15+j5 20+j10
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
14 Power Systems
06. A short length of cable is connected between the sending end voltage. The ohmic value of
will decrease, when voltage wave is entering (c) 1000 Ω (d) 500 Ω
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
15 Objective Practice Questions
02. In small industrial plant there exists three (a) –18.18 MVAR, 9.09 MVAR
induction motors each operates at 0.8 lagging (b) –18.18 MVAR, –9.09 MVAR
power factor and draws 1000kW individually. (c) 18.18 MVAR, 9.09 MVAR
One among the induction motors is replaced (d) 18.18 MVAR, –9.09 MVAR
with synchronous motor which draws same
real power but operates at 0.707 leading 06. A shunt reactor of 100 MVAR is operated at
power factor. The overall power factor of the an increased voltage by 10% of its rated
The transmission line is loaded by a 150 MW 3-phase capacitor is used to improve the
UPF load, the voltage profile at each end power factor to unity. The capacitance per-
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
16 Power Systems
10. Which of the following apparatus will inject 03. In a 3-core cable capacitance between any
leading VArs into the system? two cores is 0.5 µF and capacitance between
1. Induction generator any one of the core to sheath is 0.3 µF. What
2. Under excited synchronous generator is capacitance measured between any two
3. Under excited synchronous motor cores connected together and third core
4. Over excited synchronous generator (a) 1.3 µF (b) 1.2 µF
5. Induction motor (c) 1.1 µF (d) none
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (b) 1, 3, 4
(c) 1, 2, 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, 5 04. The per phase charging kVAr of a 40 km 3 –
core ground cable is 12.77 kVAr/km and the
power factor of cable dielectric material is
Under Ground Cables
0.025 lead at a frequency of 50 Hz. The total
dielectric power loss is _________ kW.
01. A 1-φ concentric cable 5 km long has a
capacitance of 0.2 µF / km, The relative 05. Consider a three-core, three phase, 50 Hz,
permittivity of insulating material is 3.5. The 11 kV cable whose conductors are denoted
diameter of inner conductor is 1.5. The cable as R, Y and B in the figure. The inter-phase
is operated at 66kV, 50Hz. capacitance (C1) between each pair of
(a) Calculate the inner diameter of outer conductors is 0.2 µF and the capacitance
conductor. between each line conductor and the sheath
(b) Find the r.m.s voltage gradient at the is 0.4 . The per-phase charging current is
surface of the inner conductor.
(c) Find r.m.s value of the charging current.
02. A one kilometer long 11 kV 3-core three-phase R
C1 C1
metal sheathed cable gave the following test
results: B Y
(i) Connect any 2 cores to sheath and C2
measured capacitance between the C2
remaining 3rd core to the sheath is 0.6 µF.
(ii) Capacitance between all the three
Outer sheath
conductors bunched together and
sheath: 0.96 µF
The effective capacitance of each core to (a) 2.0 A (b) 2.4 A
neutral is (c) 2.7 A (d) 3.5 A
(a) 0.12µF
(b) 0.74 µF
(c) 0.16 µF
(d) 0.32 µF
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
17 Objective Practice Questions
04. Consider a three-phase, 50 Hz, 11kV 02. A distribution feeder of 1 km length having
distribution system. Each of the conductors is resistance, but negligible reactance, is fed
suspended by an insulator string having two from both the ends by 400 V, 50 Hz balanced
identical sources. Both voltage sources S1 and S2 are
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
18 Power Systems
in phase. The feeder supplies concentrated (a) 72.95 mH in phase C & 139.02 µF in Phase
loads of unity power factor as shown in B
figure. (b) 72.95 mH in Phase B & 139.02 µF in Phase C
(c) 42.12 mH in Phase C & 240.79 µF in Phase B
S1 S2
400m 200m200m 200m (d) 42.12 mH in Phase b & 240.79 µF in Phase
∼ P
400V C
50Hz 200A 100A 200A 50Hz
HVDC Transmission
The contributions of S1 and S2 in 100 A current
supplied at location P respectively, are
(a) 75 A and 25A (b) 50A and 50A 01. Which one of the following is the correct
(c) 25 A to 75 A (d) 0A and 100A statement?
In HVDC systems the converter station and
03. A single-phase distributor has loop resistance inverter stations are under
of 0.3Ω and a reactance of 0.4Ω. The far end (a) constant current control individually
of the distributor has a load current of 80A and (b) constant extinction angle control
power factor of 0.8 lagging at 220V. The mid- individually
point M of the distributor has a load current (c) constant extinction angle control and
of 50A at power factor of 0.707 lagging constant current control respectively
with reference to voltage M. Calculate the (d) constant current control and constant
sending end voltage and power factor. extinction angle control respectively
S ISM M IMF F 02. The given figure shows the schematic diagram
ZS ZM of a dc switch (oscillatory) discharge type)
for interrupting current (Id) in HVDC lines M, A
and B are contactors, C, a capacitor, L an
50A 80A inductor and; R, a high value resistor.
0.707 lag 0.8 lag
M and B are normally closed contacts, while
A is normally open. For interruption of Id
04. 230 V (Phase) 50 Hz, three-phase, 4-wire, first B opens and A closes and immediately
system has a sequence ABC. A unity power- thereafter contact M opens. (IAS-96)
factor load of 4 kW is connected between M
phase A and neutral N. It is desired to achieve Id
zero neutral current through the use of a pure
inductor and pure capacitor in the other two
phases. The Value of inductor and capacitor
is R
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
19 Objective Practice Questions
Basic Concepts & Transmission Line Constants
01. n2 02. (b) 03. (b) 04. 31.6% 05. (b) 06. (b) 07. (a) 08. 2.49 09. 3.251 10. 1.85 to 1.95
Steady State Performance of Transmission Lines
01. (c) 02. (c) 03. (c) 04. 79kW, 82kW 05. (b) 06. 0.936 lag 07. (a) 08. (b) 09.(c)
Transient Analysis & Wave Travelling
01. (c) 02. (c) 03. (c) 04. (b) 05. (b) 06. (d) 07.(2.8kV-3.0kV) 08. (d)
Voltage Control
01.(a) 02. (d) 03. (a) 04. (c) 05. (d) 06. (d) 07. (c) 08. (b) 09. (c) 10.(d)
Underground Cables
01. D = 3.971 cm, Er = 90.4 kV/cm (rms), IC = 20.735A 02. (b) 03. (b) 04. 37.5kW-39.kW 05. (a)
HVDC Transmission
01. (d) 02. (c) 03. (b)
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
20 Power Systems
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad