A Wimax Payload For High Altitude Platform Experimental Trials
A Wimax Payload For High Altitude Platform Experimental Trials
A Wimax Payload For High Altitude Platform Experimental Trials
5 219
3 authors, including:
Tim Tozer
The University of York
All content following this page was uploaded by Tim Tozer on 16 September 2014.
Research Article
A WiMAX Payload for High Altitude Platform
Experimental Trials
The Swiss-based “StratXX” project during 2006-2007 has been developing a stratospheric lighter-than-air platform for deployment
of telecommunications and environmental monitoring services. In support of a first round of experimental trials, a WiMAX
communications subsystem, including platform payload and ground stations, has been developed. The communications system
design and results of terrestrial pretrials are reported.
Copyright © 2008 John Thornton et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
3. PAYLOAD HIGH LEVEL SYSTEM DESIGN The need otherwise for a gimballed (steerable) payload spot
beam antenna was considered at some length before adopting
Any HAP communications payload is liable to constraints in a compromise configuration which allows switching between
terms of mass, volume, and available power, some of which relatively wide and narrow beams.
John Thornton et al. 3
4. WiMAX SUBSYSTEM and made ready for terrestrial field trials for purposes of
evaluating the WiMAX equipment prior to full HAP payload
Early in the design life cycle we carried out a survey of build. The antennas used at this stage were standard Alvarion
available WiMAX equipment and of suitable spectrum. The items, namely, a 14 dBi sector antenna and an 18 dBi CPE
remit was for use of bands close to 3.5 GHz for short- antenna, these being linear polarised and thus unsuitable for
term trials in Switzerland. Following a short evaluation the final HAP trial due to the polarisation misalignment that
phase, we chose Alvarion’s BreezeMAX micro-base station is likely to occur with changes in platform yaw angle.
and associated CPE equipment. The radio specifications for A temporary nonoperational radio license was obtained
these are summarised in Table 1. from Ofcom in the UK for operating the uplink at 3.485 GHz
Further specifications associated with the eight adaptive and downlink at 3.585 GHz. For this, the license application
modulation levels (also called “rates”) are shown in Table 2. detailed a number of sites in North Yorkshire, UK, from
These are specific to a 3.5 MHz bandwidth radio channel which a line-of-sight (LOS) to the University of York was
and quoted for a typical packet error rate of 1%. We should available (since the eventual HAP trial was for LOS, our
add that the BS can operate in frequency division duplexing interest lays in investigating the limit of performance for
(FDD) and time division duplexing (TDD) when working long range LOS links rather than non-LOS, high multipath
with more than one CPE, while each CPE can operate in conditions). A series of such trials was performed during the
TDD only. period March to August 2007. A typical mobile test arrange-
In hardware terms, the minimum BreezeMAX working ment is shown in Figure 3 where the WiMAX subpayload was
configuration comprises one BS, one BS outdoor unit (ODU, driven to the remote site in a van. The CPE was retained at
see Figure 2), BS antenna, one CPE outdoor (RF) unit, and the University of York. This arrangement allowed internet
CPE antenna. Ethernet ports at the CPE ODU and at the BS browsing at rates up to about 8 Mbps from remote sites at
provide network connectivity. At the CPE, a separate indoor distances of 30 km and beyond.
power supply provides −48 V DC to the ODU via power over During the trials the WiMAX system was driven by
ethernet cables. applications software so as to stimulate either the uplink
or the downlink to run at maximum possible data rates,
4.1. Terrestrial WiMAX evaluation for example, by demanding large file transfers of up to
70 MBytes. In parallel, various outputs from the operating
Hardware was procured for the above BreezeMAX config- system were recorded, chief among these are received signal
uration, along with operating system (OS) and computer strength (RSS), signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), and “code rate”
servers. These were configured with applications software (at level 1 to 8, being, resp., the lowest and highest order
4 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
is straightforward to derive optimum antenna beamwidth as that is, we solve for the maximum directivity D(θ) as a
follows. function of θHPBW at θ = (1/2)θt . (The approach is analogous
The HAP is intended to be on station at height h to that of optimising cell-edge directivity in [10].) From
directly over one of the ground terminals. Figure 4 shows this simple recipe we choose θHPBW = 32.6◦ (D = 15.8 dBi).
the geometry, where angle θsub is subtended by the position This represents the optimum HAP payload antenna HPBW
sphere. To this we add the range of pitch and roll change 2θ p given the above input data on station keeping. A narrower
to derive the effective total change in angle θt which must be beam will improve the link budget so long as the HAP is on
accommodated by the HAP antenna: station, but will degrade the link budget should the antenna
r pointing error meet the above limits. A similar treatment
θt = θsub + 2θ p = arcsin circ + 2θ p . (1) for the ground antenna, assumed fixed and so not subject
to pitch and roll error, yields an optimum beamwidth of
From which we derive θt = 39◦ . While a simple approach 24◦ (D = 18.5 dBi). For the purpose of procuring antennas,
might be to set the antenna half power beam width which tend to be specified in terms of gain, we have assumed
(HPBW) to this figure, we prefer to choose a slightly smaller an efficiency of 50% (this being quite reasonable for printed
beamwidth and one which maximises the gain at the angle of circuit array types which are commercially available), that is,
maximum displacement, that is, at θ = (1/2)θt . This may be G(dBi) = D(dBi) − 3 dBi. As a mitigation strategy against
expressed as the value of HPBW which satisfies the HAP station keeping error being excessive, a second
∂ antenna of lower directivity was added to the payload,
D(θ)θ=(1/2)θt = 0, (2) a gain of 7 dBi being here chosen. Circular polarisation
6 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Transmitter (CPE)
Power per carrier (dBm) 20.0
Antenna gain (dBi) 15.0
Antenna feed loss (dB) 1.0
EIRP (dBm) 34.0
Receiver (HAP)
The Boltzmann Constant (dBJ/K) −228.6
Noise Temperature (K) 300.0
Thermal noise density (dBm/Hz) −173.8
Receiver noise figure (dB) 3.0
Receiver noise density (dBm/Hz) −170.8
Antenna gain (dBi) 13.0
Cable loss at ground station 1.0
Modulation Scheme 64QAM 64QAM 16QAM 16QAM QPSK QPSK BPSK BPSK
Required Eb/No 16.5 16 12 11 9 7.8 8.2 8
Bit/symbol 6 6 4 4 2 2 1 1
Bandwidth (MHz) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Code Rate 0.75 0.67 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50
Data Rate (Mbit/s) (25% rolloff) 12.6 11.2 8.4 5.6 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4
Data Rate (dBbit/s) 71.0 70.5 69.2 67.5 66.2 64.5 63.2 61.5
Required C/(Io+No) (dBHz) 87.5 86.5 81.2 78.5 75.2 72.3 71.4 69.5
Alvarion sensitivity (dBm) −82 −83.0 −88.0 −91 −94 −97 −98.0 −100.0
margin derived from sensitivity −2.6 −1.6 3.4 6.4 9.4 12.4 13.4 15.4
was specified. The two payload antennas are just visible in function of lateral displacement. This is shown in Figure 5 for
Figure 3(a) and also in Figure 9. The RF switch used is of h = 20 km and where we assume the ground station antenna
a coaxial electromechanical type and its measured loss does can be pointed (either manually or under electro-mechanical
not exceed 0.1 dB. The switching operation is controlled via control) to mitigate against occurrence of a further loss term
the telecommand system. here.
For the two payload antennas (13 dBi and 7 dBi) we then In Figure 5, the effect of the wider payload antenna beam
compute power rolloff due to pointing loss, using a simple is evident in allowing a link should the HAP drift beyond
curve-fit approximation [10], as a function of platform intended limits such as might occur during a launch phase. In
displacement. This loss can then be used in the link budget dimensioning the WiMAX link budget we have concentrated
calculator to derive expected modulation level (or “rate”) as a on the UL, since the CPE has available 8 dB less output power
John Thornton et al. 7
6 Upper bulkhead
Upper pressure cover
DC power GPS
Modulation level
3 Base station
Central frame
RF switch RF unit
RF cables
(Rate 0 = no link) Lower
0 pressure cover
5 10 15 20 25 Camera &
HAP lateral distance (km)
HAP payload antenna: WiMAX WiMAX
G = 7 dBi antenna 1 antenna 2
G = 13 dBi Optical
Figure 5: Derived UL modulation level (“rate”) versus HAP
displacement for G = 15 dBi ground antenna. Figure 6: Schematic of payload physical layout.
The authors thank Steve Jones and the nonoperational
license team at Ofcom in the UK. They also thank Technical
Central Switzerland
Support Services at Department of Electronics, University of
20 km
Altdorf York.
Flight 1 Flight 2
[1] N. J. Colella, J. N. Martin, and I. F. Akyildiz, “The HALO
Operational Operational
networkTM ,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 38, no. 6,
Non-operational Non-operational
pp. 142–148, 2000.
Figure 11: Helicopter flight plan. [2] T. C. Tozer and D. Grace, “High-altitude platforms for wireless
communications,” Electronics and Communication Engineering
Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 127–137, 2001.
[3] J. Thornton, D. Grace, C. Spillard, T. Konefal, and T. C.
Tozer, “Broadband communications from a high-altitude
Flight 1 Flight 2 platform: the European HeliNet programme,” Electronics and
40 8
Altitude (1000 ft)/distance (km)
Preliminaryȱcallȱforȱpapers OrganizingȱCommittee
The 2011 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCOȬ2011) is the MiguelȱA.ȱLagunasȱ(CTTC)
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in the best student paper competition. JinhongȱYuanȱ(UNSWȬAustralia)
ImportantȱDeadlines: RicardoȱL.ȱdeȱQueirozȱȱ(UNBȬBrazil)
l f i l i 15 D 2010
Proposalsȱforȱtutorials 18ȱFeb 2011
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Notificationȱofȱacceptance 23ȱMay 2011
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