I E B A A B D C Wcdma: S A R
I E B A A B D C Wcdma: S A R
I E B A A B D C Wcdma: S A R
Abstract— Optimizing the beamtilt and a measured radiation patterns. Finally, in section V
proper choice of azimuth and elevation beam- a short discussion and a summary of the results
widths are shown to be key factors in are given.
improving system downlink capacity in reuse-
one mobile telephony systems such as II. S Y S T E M S I M U L ATO R
WCDMA. The system simulator used here comprises an,
Several antennas with remotely controlled in principal, infinite number of sites. Some of the
electrical beamtilt with 90° azimuth most important characteristics are:
beamwidth are currently in production.
Measurements show radiation characteristics • UEs uniformly distributed over
with excellent front-to-back ratio, sidelobe the system;
suppression and low cross-polarization. • all traffic modeled as speech;
• identical antennas in all cells;
• identical beamtilt applied to all
Beam-tilt, either mechanical or electrical or a cells;
combination thereof, is frequently used in 2nd • handover margin –3dB with max
generation mobile telephony system installations size of active set = 3;
such as GSM. The purposes are in principal • path loss exponent 3.5;
twofold; one is to adopt the direction of the • angular spread in elevation,
antenna beam to the sector terrain to improve σ = 0.6°;
coverage; the other is to reduce transmission into • shadow fading not included;
other cells thereby reducing interference spread
• common channels not modeled.
and as a consequence increasing system capacity.
In this paper we show that beamtilt is an
The antenna patterns used in this analysis are of
efficient way of improving system capacity also
outmost importance. Six different patterns are
in reuse one systems, such as WCDMA, although
used in the study, see Table 1. Figure 1 shows
there are fundamental differences in the
azimuth cuts and Figure 2 elevation cuts of the
interference situations between GSM and
antenna patterns.
WCDMA. In downlink, for example, the desired
Two types of systems are studied. One is the
user and a user being interfered can be located
so-called Ericsson plan that is characterized by
fairly close to each other, e.g. at each side of the
each beam pointing directly to the closest site.
cell border.
The other is the Bell plan in which beams from
The outline of this paper, which is focused
three neighboring sites are directed towards the
entirely on downlink, is as follows. In section II
symmetry point in between these sites. An
the system simulator used for performance
example of an Ericsson cell plan (cell shape
evaluation is presented. In section III simulation
depends on pattern parameters) and the Bell cell
results for the system performances downlink
plan are shown in Figure 3. The 65° and 90°
capacity and downlink power consumption are
patterns are evaluated in the Ericsson cell plan
given. In section IV realizations of antennas with
while the 90° and 120° patterns are evaluated in
90° azimuth beamwidth and remotely controlled
the Bell cell plan.
electrical beamtilt are presented, together with
and the arrows indicate the antenna directions.
4 1.4
2 1.2
Downlink pole capacity
−180 −135 −90 −45 0 45 90 135 180 1
Azimuth angle (degrees)
Figure 1. Antenna patterns, azimuth cut.
20 65 Full 65 Full, Ericsson
65 Half 90 Full, Ericsson
18 90 Full 0.2 90 Full, Bell
90 Half 120 Full, Bell
120 Full 0
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
14 120 Half Downtilt (degrees)
Gain (dBi)
Figure 4. Pole capacity in downlink as a function
of tilt angle for full-size antennas.
2 1.4
0 1.2
Downlink pole capacity
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Elevation angle (degrees)
Figure 2. Antenna patterns, elevation cut. The 0.8
beamtilt angle set to 0 °.
III. S I M U L AT I O N R E S U LT S 65 Half, Ericsson
90 Half, Ericsson
0.2 90 Half, Bell
Two different types of performance are 0
120 Half, Bell
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to reduce variations in illumination of the cell
(i.e. path gain), since these variations are of 0
65 Half, Ericsson
90 Half, Ericsson
outmost importance for the pole capacity. Note 90 Half, Bell
5 angles.
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The antenna patterns exhibit a front-to-back 0
power ratio of >21dB, low sidelobes in elevation co−pol
and low cross-polarization, see Figure 8-Figure
11. −10
0 −20
−5 x−pol −25
−10 −30
relative amplitude (dB)
−15 −35
−20 −40
−90 −60 −30 0 30 60 90
elevation (deg)
Figure 11. Elevation pattern at 2045Mhz and 9°
tilt for a full-size 90° antenna.
−180 −135 −90 −45 0 45 90 135 180
B. Control System
azimuth (deg)
The optimal tilt angle for a certain type of
Figure 8. Azimuth pattern at 2045MHz for a full- antenna is site- and load-dependent. For efficient
size 90° antenna.
use of the radio access network, the antenna
beam tilt is possible to control from an operation
center, so called remote electrical tilt (RET).
The purpose of the control system is to perform
the antenna beam tilt setting, as requested from
relative amplitude (dB)
Electrical beamtilt, azimuth and elevation
beamwidths are shown to be key factors for
improving downlink performance in a reuse-one
mobile telephony system. To achieve the
relative amplitude (dB)
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