Analytical Exposition Kelas X Semester Ganjil
Analytical Exposition Kelas X Semester Ganjil
Analytical Exposition Kelas X Semester Ganjil
Kelas X
Task 1
Analyze the text , then determine the text structue, social function, and languange
feature from the analytical exposition text below!
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body
and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the
fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with
no petrol!
Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential
carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have
shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also
make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels
and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a
lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals
per day, and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.
Task 2
Arrange the following paragraphs to be a correct paragraph arrangement!
We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional. However,
many parents worry about what their kids do in front of the computer; whether they are
1 doing homework or even just playing games. Or spending all time to surf internet which
is the materials do not fit with his age.
The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very necessary.
Installation of software monitor such as key logger which has function to watch and note
2 all activities relating to keyboard usage is helpful but not enough to protect children from
potential harms. Children tend to hide what they have done in front of the computer to
their parent. They see that all of they have done are their privacy and no one may know.
There is a tendency, especially teenagers, want to become acquainted with many
strangers out side. The lack parental supervision of children’s activities is likely to pose a
3 potential danger to them. So parental monitor against the use of computers needs to be
done from time to time.
Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. Information about health and safe
usage of computer and Internet, especially for children, should be owned by each family.
4 Computer connected to internet is powerful way to socialize with others. It can be good
but also bad effect. Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantage of social
networking sites but we often see the news about the disadvantage of it for children.
Healthy and safety of computer and Internet usage should continue to be campaigned.
Key Answer:
Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. Information about health and safe
usage of computer and Internet, especially for children, should be owned by each family.
Computer connected to internet is powerful way to socialize with others. It can be good but
also bad effect. Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantage of social networking
sites but we often see the news about the disadvantage of it for children. Healthy and safety
of computer and Internet usage should continue to be campaigned.
The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very necessary.
Installation of software monitor such as key logger which has function to watch and note all
activities relating to keyboard usage is helpful but not enough to protect children from
potential harms. Children tend to hide what they have done in front of the computer to their
parent. They see that all of they have done are their privacy and no one may know.
We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional. However,
many parents worry about what their kids do in front of the computer; whether they are doing
homework or even just playing games. Or spending all time to surf internet which is the
materials do not fit with his age.
There is a tendency, especially teenagers, want to become acquainted with many strangers
out side. The lack parental supervision of children’s activities is likely to pose a potential
danger to them. So parental monitor against the use of computers needs to be done from time
to time.
Komputer dan internet sangat berguna sekaligus bertenaga. Informasi tentang kesehatan dan
penggunaan komputer dan internet yang aman, terutama untuk anak-anak, harus dimiliki oleh
masing-masing keluarga. Komputer yang terhubung ke internet adalah cara ampuh untuk
bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Bisa bagus tapi juga berpengaruh buruk. Baru-baru ini kita
mendengar banyak anak mendapatkan keuntungan dari situs jejaring sosial namun kita sering
melihat berita tentang kerugiannya untuk anak-anak. Sehat dan amannya penggunaan
komputer dan internet harus terus dikampanyekan.
Peran orang tua dalam membantu dan mengarahkan anak dalam menggunakan komputer
sangat diperlukan. Pemasangan monitor perangkat lunak seperti keylogger yang berfungsi
untuk melihat dan mencatat semua aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan keyboard
sangat membantu namun tidak cukup untuk melindungi anak-anak dari bahaya potensial.
Anak-anak cenderung menyembunyikan apa yang telah mereka lakukan di depan komputer
ke orang tua mereka. Mereka melihat bahwa semua yang telah mereka lakukan adalah privasi
mereka dan tidak ada yang tahu.
Kita tidak bisa mencegah anak menggunakan komputer karena multifungsi. Namun, banyak
orang tua khawatir tentang apa yang anak-anak mereka lakukan di depan komputer; apakah
mereka mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah atau bahkan sekedar bermain game. Atau
menghabiskan sepanjang waktu untuk berselancar internet yang bahannya tidak sesuai
usianya. Ada kecenderungan, terutama remaja, ingin berkenalan dengan banyak orang asing
di luar. Kurangnya pengawasan orangtua terhadap aktivitas anak cenderung menimbulkan
bahaya bagi mereka. Jadi monitor orang tua terhadap penggunaan komputer perlu dilakukan
dari waktu ke waktu.
Makes analytical exposition text based on the following picture by using the correct
structure text and language feature elements!