Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
A. Background of study
for the students in the school from the elementary school untill university.
English as a national language. Teacher must master and understand what the
method and the technique that suitable to be used in English teaching and
learning process. Learning English with suitable method and technique can
Reading is one of the four language skills. It categorized into the area of a
the written language”.1 It means that reading have purpose to get information.
How to get the information that relation with the written language. English
get information in their reading activities. Many problems that faced by reader
when they want to achieve a purpose of reading. Those problems are about
reading habit, reading technique, eyes work, motivation and reading interest.
Sanggam Siahaan, Issues in Linguistics, Yogyakarta,Graha Ilmu, ,2008,p.106
readers do not have motivation to read, they think that reading is something
bore. To read well, the students must have good reading capabilities too. In
teaching reading, there are kinds of paragraphs; one of them is about narrative
paragraph tells about. To motivate them, the teacher should find out some
method that can attract the students’ interest. In teaching learning process,
method is very urgent to decide all plans in learning process. Method can help
the teacher in way to explain or to teach the material in order to their students
language when they were introduced into school, first as an optional and then
students lack vocabularies and the method which are used in the learning
process are boring. The research was conducted in the SMA N 1 Sekampung.
G.V Rogova, Methods of Teaching English, 1975, p.11.
That one education institutions in Sekampung then the research was conducted
Table I
narrative paragraph,
Source : The English Teacher’ test at the tenth grade, on October 17 , 2011
B. Problem Identification
Based on the background above, the writer would like to identify the
problems as follow:
2. The students are difficulties to explain the main idea and to find
C. Problem Limitation
There are many problems relate to reading ability, but the researcher
will only focus on the low student’s narrative reading ability. Based on the
problem above, the writer limits this problem that is the influence of using
D. Problem Formulation
Based on the problem above, the writer would like to identify the
problems as follows:
year of 2012/2013?
ability .
3) The students can explain the main idea and to find specific
learning reading.
1) The headmaster can convey the teachers that they should know
learning process
F. Benefit of Study
reading ability.
2. The students will get easy way to read narrative text by using
learning process.