Impact of Mid-Day Meal Scheme On The Nutritional Status of Primary School Children in Kanpur District

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Plant Archives Vol. 16 No. 2, 2016 pp.

751-754 ISSN 0972-5210



Nidhee Sachan* and Rashmi Singh

Department of Food Science & Nutrition, C.S.A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur-208 002 (U.P.), India

Children are the most vulnerable group that suffers from malnutrition and nutritional deficiency. Under nutrition during any
period of childhood, even for relatively short term episodes, can have negative effects on the cognitive development thus
leads to poor school performance among children. The research question is- does the mid-day meal scheme have an impact
on the nutritional status of school children (6-12 years) in Kanpur District? This was a cross-sectional study conducted at
three government primary schools Mid Day Meal (MDM) in urban areas and three primary schools in rural areas in Kanpur
district. Simple random sampling was used for selection of children. Study variables taken were height, weight and general
physical examination. Results of the study indicated that the nutritional status of MDM children. The reason for poor result
for schools providing Mid Day Meals could be irregular attendance of children in school, less amount of Mid Day Meal, poor
quality of food items in Mid Day Meals, combined teaching of different standard, lack of class room etc. All these parameters
need to be further studied and evaluated for these impacts on academic achievement.
Key words : Nutrition, Mid-Day Meal (MDM), Kanpur.

Introduction in government run schools, there are no other efforts for

The midday meal scheme is the largest school lunch children in age group 5-14 years (Alim et al., 2012).
programme in the nation. It has been reported that mid- Nutrition plays an important role in promotion of health
day meal has catered to the nutritional needs of school and prevention of disease, food in the chief source of
children in both rural and urban areas (Mehta et al., essential materials, which the body needs for its well-
2013). Children contribute to the vital human potential being. Good nutrition is a basic component of health.
and impart strength to the national economy and Nutritional support to primary education is considered as
development. Nutrition is the most important basic need, a means to achieve the objective of providing free and
being a major determinant of health, labour productivity compulsory universal primary education of satisfactory
and mental development. Better the nutritional status of quality to all the children below the age of 14 years by
the children, higher will be the nation’s growth (Yadav giving a boost to universalization of primary education
and Kumar, 2012). Health and nutritional status of 6 to through increased enrolment, improved school attendance
12yrs children are very important because development and retention and promoting nutritional status of primary
in any country, 6-12 years age is a period of learning, school children (Afridi and Farzana, 2007).
maturation and physical developments (Kulshrestha and Malnutrition continues to be a primary cause of ill
Sharma, 2011). Primary school age is a dynamic period health and mortality among children in developing
of physical growth and mental development of the child. countries. It is a major public health problem and accounts
Research strongly suggests that health problem due to for about half of all child deaths worldwide. Since, its
malnutrition among primary school (Cynthia, 2015). The establishment mid day meal has been providing meals to
main nutritional problems facing the school children thousands of schools in almost every state of India and
include growth retardation, stunting, underweight, anemia around 8.41 crore of children are covered under this
and vitamin A deficiency. Apart for mid day meal scheme.
programme which is being run by the government of India
Materials and Methods
*Author for correspondence: E-mail: To assess the impact of program a set of three schools
752 Nidhee Sachan and Rashmi Singh

Table 1 : Comparison of mean height for MDM girl’s urban and rural area with ICMR standards on the basis of age.
Age ICMR Height standard Urban area Rural area
(Years) (cm) N Girls Difference value N Girls Difference value
Mean height Mean height
(cm) (cm)
6 114.6 7 110.8 3.8 9 104.1 10.5
7 120.6 16 116.1 4.5 14 115.6 5.0
8 126.4 6 120.3 6.1 9 118.0 8.4
9 132.2 10 124.6 7.6 8 121.7 10.5
10 138.3 7 128.7 9.6 10 122.4 15.9
11 142.0 5 130.4 11.6 5 128.8 13.2
12 148.0 4 139.6 8.4 5 133.2 14.8
Total 55 60

Table 2 : Comparison of mean height for MDM boy’s urban and rural area with ICMR standards on the basis of age.
Age ICMR Height standard Urban area Rural area
(Years) (cm) N Boys Difference value N Boys Difference value
Mean height Mean height
(cm) (cm)
6 116.1 8 107.7 8.4 6 105.6 10.5
7 121.7 8 119.6 2.1 5 118.0 3.7
8 127.0 7 122.5 4.5 7 124.4 2.6
9 132.2 4 126.2 6 6 127.0 5.2
10 137.5 8 131.5 6 5 126.0 11.5
11 140.0 5 137.8 2.2 8 134.0 6
12 147.0 5 141.6 5.4 3 139.6 7.4
Total 45 40

primary school in urban areas and three primary school across all ages. The maximum difference was found in
in rural areas. The study was carried out among 200 age group of 11 years. In case of rural areas girls the
primary school children belonging to the rural and urban difference ranges from 5.0 cm to 15.9 cm from 6 to 12
areas were selected from Kanpur 200 sample years. The maximum difference was found in age group
respondents were selected through the purposive random of 10 years. Data indicated that the rural areas girls were
sampling. also found shorter than ICMR standard at all ages.
In every school, boys and girls were randomly Table 2 indicated that the distribution of height of
selected from each class for anthropometry, clinical boys indicated that the urban areas boys were found
examination and academic achievement. The nutritional shorter than boys of ICMR standards by 2.1 cm to 8.4
status of children was assessed by anthropometry (height across all ages. The maximum difference was found in
and weight) and clinical examination. age group of 6 years. In case of rural areas boys the
difference ranges from 2.6 cm to 11.5 cm from 6 to 12
Results years. The maximum difference was found in age group
The objective was to determine the impact of mid of 10 years. Data indicated that the urban areas boys
day meal scheme on the nutritional status of primary were also found shorter than ICMR standard at all ages.
school children (6-12 years) in Kanpur district. Table 3 indicated that the weight of urban and rural
Table 1 indicated that the distribution of height of girls increased with in age from 6 to 12 years. The weight
girls indicated that the urban areas girls were found in the age group 6 to 12 years ranged from 20.1 kg to
shorter than girls of ICMR standards by 3.8 cm to 11.6 30.0 kg in urban girls. In rural areas, the weight in the
Impact of Mid-day Meal Scheme on the Nutrition Status of Primary School Children 753

Table 3 : Comparison of mean weight for MDM girl’s urban and rural area with ICMR standards on the basis of age.
Age ICMR Weight standard Urban area Rural area
(Years) (kg) N Girls Difference value N Girls Difference value
Mean weight Mean weight
(kg) (kg)
6 19.5 7 20.1 -0.6 9 17.5 2
7 21.8 16 20.6 1.2 14 18.7 3.1
8 24.8 6 24.0 0.8 9 22.8 2
9 28.5 10 27.3 1.2 8 23.3 5.2
10 32.5 7 28.6 3.9 10 22.2 10.3
11 33.7 5 29.6 4.1 5 27.6 6.1
12 38.7 4 30.0 8.7 5 28.1 10.6
Total 55 60

Table 4 : Comparison of mean weight for MDM boy’s urban and rural area with ICMR standards on the basis of age.
Age ICMR Weight standard Urban area Rural area
(Years) (kg) N Boys Difference value N Boys Difference value
Mean weight Mean weight
(kg) (kg)
6 20.7 8 20.0 0.7 6 18.0 2.7
7 22.9 8 26.2 -3.3 5 19.4 3.5
8 25.3 7 25.8 0.98 7 22.0 3.3
9 28.1 4 26.7 1.7 6 24.3 3.8
10 31.4 8 30.6 0.8 5 26.9 4.5
11 32.2 5 29.7 2.5 8 27.0 5.2
12 37.0 5 33.4 3.6 3 29.6 7.4
Total 45 40

age group 6 to 12 years ranged from 17.5 kg to 28.1 kg in was found in age group of 10 years. Data indicated that
rural girls. In both urban and rural girls the weight was the rural areas girls were also found shorter than ICMR
found lower than the ICMR standard across all ages. standard at all age. Distribution of height of boys indicated
Table 4 indicated that the weight of urban and rural that the urban areas boys were found shorter than boys
boys increased with in age from 6 to 12 years. The weight of ICMR standards by 2.1 cm to 8.4 across all ages. The
in the age group 6 to 12 years ranged from 20.0 kg to maximum difference was found in age group of 6 years.
33.0 kg in urban boys. In rural areas, the weight in the In case of rural areas boys the difference ranges from
age group 6 to 12 years ranged from 18.0 kg to 29.6 kg in 2.6 cm to 11.5 cm from 6 to 12 years. The maximum
rural boys. In both urban and rural boys the weight was difference was found in age group of 10 years. The
found lower than the ICMR standard across all ages. weight of urban and rural girls increased with in age from
6 to 12 years. The weight in the age group 6 to 12 years
Discussion ranged from 20.1 kg to 30.0 kg in urban girls. In rural
The observations of the present study suggest that areas, the weight ranged from 17.5 kg to 28.1 kg in rural
the distribution of height of girls indicated that the urban girls. The weight of urban and rural boys increased with
areas girls were found shorter than girls of ICMR in age from 6 to 12 years. The weight in the age group 6
standards by 3.8 cm to 11.6 across all ages. The maximum to 12 years ranged from 20.0 kg to 33.0 kg in urban boys.
difference was found in age group of 11 years. In case In rural areas, the weight ranged from 18.0 kg to 29.6 kg
of rural areas girls, the difference ranges from 5.0 cm to in rural boys. In both urban and rural boys and girls, the
15.9 cm from 6 to 12 years. The maximum difference weight was found lower than the ICMR standard across
754 Nidhee Sachan and Rashmi Singh

all ages. Afridi and Farzana (2007). The impact of school meals on school
participation in rural India. Working paper, (under review,
Alim et al. (2012) reported that the girls of MDM
available at www.maxwell.syr.educ).
schools were shorter than the ICMR well to do Indian
girls at all ages except at age of 6 and 12 years (higher Cynthia, Shubhaprada, S. (2015). Nutritional status of
government primary school children in an urban Kurnool,
by 1.7cm and 1.6 cm, respectively) the maximum
Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Current
difference was found in age group of 9 years. Results on Medical and Applied Sciences, 6(3) : 167-170.
the height of boys indicated that the MDM boys were
ICMR (2014). Nutrient requirements and recommended dietary
found shorter than boys of ICMR standard by 0.1 cm to
allowances for Indians. National Institute of Nutrition,
8.7 cm across all ages. The maximum difference was Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India
found in age group of 12 years. (2014).
Conclusion Kulshrestha, Kanchan and Pragya Sharma (2011). A study of
mid day meal scheme and its impact on health of primary
Statistically the mean height and weight of MDM classes (6 to 11 yrs.) in Meerut region (Uttar Pradesh).
school girls and boys in the present study are lower than Food Science Research Journal, 2(2) : 122-124.
that of ICMR (2010) standards. Mehta, Bhawna, Kiran Grover and Ravinder Kaur (2013).
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Alim, F., S. Khalil, I. Mirza and Z. Khan (2012). Impact of mid of Nutrition Food Science, 3(1) : 1-183.
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