Course Name: Dam Engineering Course Code:CENG 6032: Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle
Course Name: Dam Engineering Course Code:CENG 6032: Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle
Course Name: Dam Engineering Course Code:CENG 6032: Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle
Disrupt the culture and sources of livelihood of local communities and deplete and degrade
environmental resources.
Conflicts over dams are more than conflicts over water. They are conflicts over human development
1.2. Development and Dams
River basins are renowned as the cradles of civilization and cultural
Ancient and modern communities alike have depend on rivers for
livelihood, commerce, habitat and the sustaining ecological
functions they provide.
The earliest evidence of river engineering is the ruins of irrigation
canals over eight thousand years old in Mesopotamia.
Remains of water storage dams found in Jordan, Egypt and other parts of
the Middle East date back to at least 3000 BC.
Historical records suggest that the use of dams for irrigation and water
supply became more widespread about a thousand years later. At that time,
dams were built in the Mediterranean region, China and Meso America.
Remains of earth embankment dams built for diverting water to large
community reservoirs can still be found in Sri Lanka and Israel.
The Dujiang irrigation project, which supplied 800000 hectares in China, is
2200 years old.
Dams and aqueducts built by the Romans to supply drinking water and sewer
systems for towns still exist today.
1.3. Dams in the 20th century
The last century saw a rapid increase in large dam building. By 1949 about
By the end of the 20th century, there were over 45000 large dams
The period of economic growth following the Second World War saw a
phenomenal rise in the global dam construction rate, lasting well into the
1970s and 1980s.
At its peak, nearly 5000 large dams were built worldwide in the period
The decline in the pace of dam building over the past two decades has
China alone has built around 22000 large dams, or close to half the world’s
Other countries among the top five dam building nations include the United
States with over 6390 large dams; India with over 4000; and Spain and Japan
There are numerous types of dams and they are classified in various ways.
Multi purpose Classification Based on Hydraulic Design
Overflow Dams
Non-overflow Dams
Composite Dams
B) Concrete Dams They are constructed of mass concrete. Face slopes are
dissimilar, general steep downstream and near vertical upstream slopes.
These dams have relatively slender profile depending on the specific types.
They are of relatively (compared with concrete dams) soft and elastic
The unit costs of earth fill and rock fill have risen much more slowly in real terms
than those for mass concrete.
The relative disadvantages of the Embankment dam are few.
Loads are transmitted through the dam body and to the foundation.
➢ The characteristics of concrete dams are outlined below with respect to major types. All
or most types of concrete dams share certain characteristics; many are, however,
specific to particular variants
With the exception of arch and cupola, concrete dams are suitable to wide or narrow valleys;
All concrete dams can accommodate a crest spillway, i.e. can be constructed as an overflow
section – reduction in cost for separate spillway;
Outlet pipe works, valves and other ancillary works can be safely provided within the body of
the dam;
Construction can take place irrespective of the weather condition.
Relatively demanding with respect to foundation conditions, requiring sound rock;
Require processed natural materials of suitable quality and quantity for aggregate,
and the importation to the site and storage of bulk cement and other materials;
discontinuous, and requires certain skills, e.g. for formwork, concreting, etc;
Completed unit cost for mass concrete are very much higher than for embankment
fills. This is seldom counterbalanced by the much lower volumes of concrete required
in a dam of given height.
1.6.1. Gravity Dams
Concrete gravity dam is designed so that its stability is entirely maintained by its own mass.
Its profile is essentially triangular, to ensure stability and to avoid overstressing of the dam
or its foundation.
Concrete gravity dams could be straight or curved in plan.
downstream buttresses.
Concrete saving relative to the corresponding gravity dam is 30 – 60%, but it needs more
It is structurally more efficient than the gravity or buttress dam, greatly reducing
the volume of concrete required. A particular derivative of the simple arch dam is
the cupola or double-curvature arch dam, which is the most sophisticated of
concrete dams, and is extremely economical in concrete.
1.6.4. Other Concrete Dams
The less common variants of the major types of concrete dams include hollow
gravity, decked buttress, flat slab (ambursen) buttress, multiple arches, and
multiple cupola dams
1.7. Site Investigation and Selection of Dam Types
A dam and reservoir site must satisfy certain functional and technical requirements.
Whether these requirements are satisfied can be found out through site investigations and
technical evaluations.
Functional: the balance between its natural physical characteristics and the purpose of the
dam/reservoir governs the functional suitability of a site.
The catchment hydrology, available head and storage volume, etc, must be matched by the
operational parameters needed of the project.
Technical: Technical suitability is associated with the presence or absence of suitable site
for a dam, material of construction, and integrity of reservoir basin with respect to leakage.
Hydrological, geological/geotechnical characteristics of the catchment and the site are
the principal determinants establishing the technical suitability of a reservoir site.
Terminal structure
The following are major considerations:
1. Major design inputs: geotechnical, structural, hydraulic, hydrologic, and environmental
derived from the above inputs with economic factors including construction constraints;
3. As 2 (above) implies, there are frequently several alternative solutions, which are of equal
technical, but of different economic validity. Note that, both relative economic validity and to a
lesser extent technical validity are subject to change as technology develops;
4. Each and every dam is quite unique solution to the problems of the site in question, in terms
Constructability reviews to see whether design assumptions and construction procedures are
Refinement of the preliminary structure configuration to reflect the results of detailed site
explorations, material availability studies, laboratory testing, and numerical analysis;
Cofferdam and diversion layout, design and sequencing requirements; Size and type of outlet
works and spillways; Modification to the structure configuration during construction due to
unexpected variations in the foundation conditions.
1.8. Collection of data
1.8.1. Physical and Topographic Data
Selection of dam and reservoir sites requires presence of suitable topography.
The topographic information can be obtained through site visit and from large-
➢ The criteria for the choice of the site include investigation of:
Slope: upstream of the dam site, the possible small slope and downstream of the dam site the
possible large slope (by hydropower scheme).
➢ In the collection of relevant topographic information, the following may be followed:
General Plan:
Obtain a general plan of the catchment and project area from relevant sources (e.g. EMA),
Carry out limited survey to include additional information in this plan (aerial reconnaissance,
physical surveys, walkovers),
It must include: the dam site, irrigable area/power house site, catchment area of the stream,
locality to be supplied with potable water, if any. Scale may vary from 1:1000 to 1:10,000.
➢ The following features should also be included:
1:1000 with contours as close as possible. These plans should show: Over banks,
Location and elevation of all features such as buildings, roads, etc., Location and
numbering of test pits and borings.
and physical characteristics of the dam foundation and reservoir area are needed.
As a basis for the investigation, if there is no accurately describing geological map, such
maps are produced on large scale for the dam site and on small scale for reservoir site.
Dam and Spillway Site:
➢ Subsurface investigation should be carried out by experienced geologist to obtain
the following information based Geological section of the selected dam site:
material of overburden and of the dam material, Quantity and quality of the
overburden material for construction purposes,
Presence of joint planes, caverns, solution channels, Quality of the rock if concrete
dam is to be built, Depth to which rock is weathered, Presence and extent of seams
and joint planes (and orientations) Strength of the rock (hardness and durability),
Availability of aggregate.
❖Reservoir Site
Check the existence of cracks which are potential leakage sources,
Earthquake Information on seismic activity of the area should be obtained. Here it is assumed that
adequate knowledge of the relevant engineering geology, soil mechanics and geotechnical
parameters are acquired.
• Discharge; daily/monthly volume of flow in the stream and peaks of stream flow at or near dam site;
Sediment carried by the stream;
Soil structure;
Recreational value,
Flood spillway,
Cost (economy).
It is necessary to make open the possible alternative solutions until an optimum
solution is found with respect to cost, construction program and available resource.
Novak, et al.
consider four cardinally important points in selection of dam type as:
I. Hydraulic Gradient: the nominal value of hydraulic gradient i for seepage under,
around or through the dam vary by at least one order of magnitude according to type.
The ability of softer and weaker or more erodible foundations to resist high hydraulic
gradients safely is very limited. Notional values of gradient range from about 0.5 for a
homogeneous embankment to 10 or more for a buttress or cupola dam,
I. Foundation Stress: nominal stresses transmitted to the foundation vary
greatly with dam type. The notional foundation stress values for 100m
high dam, for instance, varies from 1.8 MN/m² for embankment to 10
MN/m² for arch dams (see Table 1.4),
II. Foundation Deformability: certain types of dams are better able to
accommodate significant foundation deformation and/or settlement
without serious damage,
III.Foundation Excavation: economic considerations dictate that the
excavation volume and foundation preparation should be minimized.
Figure : Buttress Dam